Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 23, 1889, Image 7

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eo Pa. Offiein Garman House.
HARPE]JAttorney-at-Law, Bellefonte,
30 28
ILLTAM : SWOOPE, Attorney-at-Law.
W Furst hlding, Bellefonte, Pa. 8425 1y
F. FORNEY, Attorney-at-Law, Belle-
fonte, a. Office in Woodring’s pala.
. Je Court House.
ing, north of
M. KEJHLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle-
o fonte,”a. Office in Garman’s new
building. wit W. H. Blair. op 1040
OHN G LOVE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle-
fonte, 'a. Office in the rooms formerly
occupied hithe late W. P. Wilson. 24 2
D. RX, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa.
° a attention given to the collection
of claims Office on High street. 251
HRSHBARGER, (Successor to Yocum
Harshbarger,) Attorney - at - Law,
Bellefone, Pa. Office on High street. 28 15
ATINGS & REEDER, Attorneys-at-Law,
3ellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14 North Al-
legher street. 13
PANGLER & HEWES, Attorneys-at-Law,
S Jeltefonte, Pa. Consultation in English
or Geman. Office opp. Court House. 19 6
(HN KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte,
Pa. Office on second floor of Furst's new
bujding, north of Court House. Can be con-
suted in English or German. 29 31
OHN MILLS HALE, Attorney-at-Law,
Philipsburg, Pa. Collections and all other
pgal business in Centre and Clearfield coun-
fies attended to. 23 14
C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle-
o fonte, Pa. Office in Garman’s block,
opp. Court House. All professional business
wil receive prompt attention. 30 16
K. HOY, M. D, Oculist and Aurist, No.
e 4 South Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pa.
Office hours—7 to 9 a. m,1 to 2 and 7 to8
p. m. 32 18
D. McGIRK, M. D., Physician and Sur-
o geon, Philipsburg, Pa., offers his profes-
sional services to those in need. 20 21
HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
o offers his professional services to the
citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office 26
N. Allegheny street. 11 23
R. J. L. SEIBERT, Physician and Sur-
geon, offers his professional services to
the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office
on North High street, next door to Judge Or-
vig’ law office, opp. Court House. 29 20
R. R. LL, DARTT, Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon. Office in residence No. 61
North Allegheny street, next to Episcopal
church. Ofhico hours—8to 9a. m.,1to3 and 7
to 9 p. m. Telephone. 32 45
R. R. L. DARTT, of Bellefonte,
Pa., has the Brinkerhoff system of
Rectal treatment for the cure of Piles, Fis-
sures and other Rectal diseases. Information
furnished upon application. 30 14tf
Crider’s Stone Block, High street, Bellefonte,
Pa, 34 11
ractitioner of eighteen years, has loca-
ted on Main street, Rine Grove Mills, Centre
county, two doors east of hotel. Special atten-
tion given to extracting and making teeth.
All work guaranteed. 33 45 1y
F. REYNOLDS & CO., Bankers, Belle-
o fonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and
Notes Discounted ; Interest paid on special de-
posits, Exchange on Eastern cities. Deposits
received. 937
In consequence of the similarity of
the names of the Parker and Potter Hotels,
the proprietor of the Parker House has chang-
the name of his hotel to
He has also repapered, repainted and other-
wise improve it, and has fitted up a large and
tasty parlor and reception room on the first
floor. WM. PARKER,
33 17 Philipsburg, Pa.
E. A. HUTTON, Proprietor.
Nos. 111 and 123 North Broad Street, One
. Square from P. R. R. Depot,
Terms—§1 50 per day. a
{nan HOTEL,
A. A. KonLBECKER, Proprietor.
This new and commodious Hotel, located op-
osite the depot, Milesburg, Centre county,
as been entirely refitted, refurnished and re-
plenished throughout, and is now second to
none in the county in the character of accom-
nodations offered the public. Its table is sup-
fied with the best the market affords, its bar
ontains the purest and choicest liquors, its
sable has attentive hostlers, and every conve-
nence and comfort is extended its guests.
¥3-Through travelers on the railroad will
finl this an excellent place to lunch or procure
a neal, as all trains stop there about 25 min-
ute: 24 24
27 22 ly
Hyving assumed the proprietorship
of ths finely located and well known
hote I desire to inform the public that
whillit will have no bar, and be run
stricty asa temperance hotel, 1t will
furnih to its patrons all the comforts,
convaiences and hospitalities offered
by othirs. Its table will not be sur-
passed py any. Its rooms are large
and confortable. Its stabling is the
best in own, and its prices to transient
guests nd regular boarders will be
very regonable.
The cizens of the town will find in
the baserent of my hotel a
at which 4 kinds of Meat can be pur-
chased at ¥e very lowest rates.
I earnest solicit a share of the
public patrqage.
Bellefonte, Pa., August 23, 1889.
Where is the spirit's home, where shine its
And has it ever yet been seen by mortals?
Where is that place called Heaven, where the
| Of bruised and bleeding hearts is ever turning?
Is there some grand arcadia unexplored
Where untold glories for the soul are stored?
Or have men sought in vain with straining
At last to view those wondrous scenes elysian?
Have they explored the realm of stars and sun,
Yet overlooked the simple words of One
Whose teachings are as clear as morning light
That rolls away the curtains of the night?
The Kingdom is within the souls of men;
There shall He dwell when He shall come
Within that shrine where dwells the con-
Where wails the power to curse, to love, to
There sits the New Jerusalem enshrined,
The holy place. Where {rom the inner mind,
All evil, false, and hate are cast away,
There, in their stead, are born in bright array
The fair beatitudes and love divine,
Whose glow doth f rom that city’s portals shine
Then know, oh, man! the New Jeruslem,
Whose walls are gold, whose every gate a gem,
Will not appear to thee with outward show;
Yet surely will its walls and temples grow
Ten thousand fold more fair than mortal hand
Has ever built, or mind has ever planned;
Upon the eternal hills of love and iruth divine.
If thou wilt but remove the evil world of thine.
Emile Pickhardt.
A Snake Around Her Neck.
Thrilling Adventure of Mrs. Stetson and
Her Plucky Daughter.
Mrs. Stetson and daughter, of near
New Csstle, Pa., were “berrying”’ in the
vicinity of Harbor Bridge when they
had a lively encounter with a snake.
Mrs. Stetson was making her way
through a thicket of small trees and
bushes, her daughter following at a dis-
tance of fifteen or twenty yards. Sud-
denly a long snake of a greenish brown
color swung from a small tree at Mrs,
Stetson’s side, and quick as a flash be-
gan coiling itself acound her neck and
Almost paralyzed with fright, the
woman stood rooted to the ground for
almost a minute. Then recovering her
senses ste screamed loudly for help.
Miss Stetscn rushed forward to ascertain
the cause of the outcry. She was hor-
rified upon reaching the spot to see her
mother in the coils of the reptile. The
poor woman had succeed in getting her
hands around its slimy body about six
inches from the head. Her hold wasa
firm one, but it required all her strength
to keep the snake from getting its head
close enough to do injury with its fangs,
which it kept thrusting at her face.
All this time it kept tightening its
grip around her neck and soon her face
began to assume a purplish hue, while
her tongue, swollen to twice its natural
size, hung from her mouth ard her eyes
bulged almost from their sockets.
Miss Stetson s a cool and nervy
young lady, and grasping a stick she
struck the snake a telling blow on the
head. This caused it to loosen its coil,
but not before the wom n had fainted.
Her daughter then attémpted to pull the
serpent away but found her mother’s fin-
gers deeply imbedded in its flesh and all
efforts to get them loose fa.led.
The young woman then proceeded to
carry and to drag by turns her now un-
conscious parent to a stream of water
about fifty yards from the place. A lib-
eral application of the cool liquid
brought Mrs. Stetson back to conscious-
She still grasped the snake in her
hands and it required no small effort, ac-
companied by pain, for her to straighten
them sufficiently to allow the snake to
drop from her grasp.
She was then assisted to a farm house
half a mile distant whereshe was kindly
cared for, after which she was conveyed
to her home ia a carriage. The shock
was too much for her and Mrs. Stetson
is now lying at her home in a critical
A European Hair Mart,
The demand for false hair at the pres-
entday is very great. We can get
some idea of the magnitude of the traf-
fic from the fact that the hair merchants
of London alone import five tons of hair
annually, and that the Parisian dealers
harvest upward of 200,000 pounds of
haira year. It ismostly black hair, and
is collected in Brittany ard the south of
France. The market cannot be sup-
plied simply by chance clippings; there
must be more ample sources and regu-
lar seasons for obtaining the supply.
There are itinerant dealers who pur-
chase hair, paying for each head of hair
from one to five francs, according to its
weight and beauty, the weight ranging
from eleven to sixteen ounces. The
peasant girls are quite willing to part
with their hair, and will accept silks,
laces, cheap jewelry, ete., with which
the traffickers are well supplied. The
latter attend the fairs and merry-mak-
ings as the best place to ply their voca-
tion, and the girls bring their hair to
market just as they would peas, cab-
bages, ete.
The girls stand in a ring waiting to
be shorn, with their caps in their hands
and their long hair combed out and
hanging to their waists. The dealer,
whois often a man, but sometimes a
woman, ties up each crop of hair in a
wisp by itself and tosses 1t into a large
basket. The girls sacrifice some of their
vanity along with their hair, but it does
not worry them long. They want the
money, feel more comfortably, and the
close-fitting caps they wear hide the loss.
Then, too, will not the hair grow again?
The hair is dressed and sorted in the
wholesale houses, and sold to the hair
workers at ten francs a pound. The re-
i tail dealers, in turn, obtain a good pro-
| fit, knowing that if one} customer refuses
{to pay it another will readily buy.
Light hair is almost exclusively'a Ger-
man product. The dealers claim to be
able to distinguish the nationality of
hair,whether French or German, English
or Irish, Scotch or Welsh. Iiay, more,
| they assert that they can name the pro- |
vince in which the hair was gathered— |
even between two districts of Central |
France, though they may not be many |
miles apart. The difference so very |
i slight that the ordinary physiologist |
; would not be able to detect any.—De- |
troit I'ree Press.
Swift On The Wing.
The Fastest Railroad Train Slow Com
pared With the Wild Duck.
“The gadwale—but there, it isn’t
likely at all that you know what a gad-
wale is,” said an observant wild fowl
hunter. “The gadwale is a duck. Tt is
a wild duck that doesn’t get east very
often, but is a familiar fowl in the west.
I was just about to remark that the gad-
wale is a bird that can travel nearly a
100 miles while the fastest railroad train
is going fifty, and yet it is slow on the
wing compared with a canvass back
duck, the broadbill, or even the wild
“I have held my watch on about ev-
ery kind of wild fowl there is, and know
to a dotjust how much space any of them
can get over in an hour. The canvass-
back can distance the whole wild fowl
family, if it lays itself out to doit If
he has business somewhere, and has to
get there, he can put two miles behind
him every minute, and do it easy.
“The mallard duck is lazy. He sel-
dom cares to cover more than a mile a
minute, but he can if be wants to. His
ordinary, every-day style of getting
along over the country takes him from
place to place at about a 45-mile an hour
rate. The black duck can fly neck-and
neck with the mallard, and neither one
can give the other odds. If the pin-tail
widgeon and wood duck should start in
to race either a mallard or a black duck
it would besafe to bet on either one.
But if 4 redhead duck should enter the
race you can give big odds on him, for
he can spin off ninety miles an hour as
easy as you can walk around the block,
and can do it all day. He would be left
far behind, though, by the blue-wiuged
or the green-winged teal.
These two fowls can fly side by side for
100 miles and close the race in a dead
heat in an hour, and appear to make no
hard task of it. The broadbill duck is
the only fowl that flies that can push
the canvasback on the wing. Let a
broadbill and a canvasback each do his
best for an hour, and the broadbill will
only come out about ten miles behind.
One hundred and ten miles an hour can
be done by the broadbill, and he conse-
quently makes a mark for a shotgun
that a pretty good gunner wouldn't be
apt to hit once in a lifetime.
“The wild goose is an astonisher on
the fly. Tt has a big heavy body to
carry, and to see it waddling on the
ground you wouldn’t suppose it could
getaway from you very fast on the wing.
But it manages to glide from one feed-
ing place to another with a suddenness
that is aggravatingto the best of wing
shots. To see a flock of ‘honkers’ mov-
ing along, so high up that they seem to
be sweeping the cobwebs of the sky,
you probably wouldn’t dare to bet that
they were traveling at the rate of ninety
miles an hour, but that isjust what they
are doing, any hour in the day. The
wild goose never fools any time away.
His gait is always a business one.” —JN.
Y. Sun.
vr —
Noted Suicides in History.
The following are some of the more
noted suicides of which mention is made
in history. These do not savor much of
insanity, but rather of stoie philosophy.
Cato stabbed himself rather than live
under the despotic reign of Cesar.
Themistocles poisoned himself rather
than lead the Persians against his coun-
trymen; Zeno, when 98, hanged himself
because he had put his finger out of
joint, and Hannibal and Mithridates
poisoned themselves to escape being tak-
en prisoners. When we search Serip-
ture we find that Saul, rather than fall
into the hands of the Philistines, com-
manded his armor bearer to hold his
sword that he might plunge upon it;
Samson, for the sake of being revenged
upon his enemies, pulled down the house
in which they were revelling and “died
with them,” and Judas Iscariot, after
selling the Saviour for thirty pieces of
silver, was overcome by remorse ‘and
went and hanged himself. :
want to make a little fire they kindle
one with matches if they happen to have
any with them; if not, a rapid twirl, be-
tween the palms, of a hard, round stick
fitting with a circular holefin anohter
stick of softer fiibre, will bring fire in
from eight to forty-five seconds. The
two pieces of wood are called the drill
stick and the fire block. Any hard and
dry stick will do for the former, but the
latter must be an inflamable wood
with a medium softness and little grain.
The drill stick is round, pointed at the
end and brought to bear upon the fire
block with pressure; while it is rapidly
revolved by means of the hands or a
string passing around it. A little pow-
dered charcoal, which may be seraped
off the trees in almost any section where
forest fire have raged, sprinkled on the
fire block, will greatly -assist in the pro-
duction of the spark.” T have described
the practice of the Indians and the the-
ory of the whites; between the two I
never succeeded in raising anything but
blisters on my hands.— Colonel 4. G,
Tassin, in August Overland.
Be —
Whisky IN MELoNs.—A gentleman
who has tried it vouches for this story:
Taking a gallon jug of whisky he passed
a cord through its cork, which cord
i dropped to the bottom of the jug. The
twine was then introduced into a water-
melon vine permitted to produce only
two melons, When the melons were
matured they were served at a private
barbecue to six gentlemen. The effect
was astonishing, The gallon of whisky
got in its work. Nota drop of the
liquor remained in the jug when the
melons were ripe.—St. Louis Globe
Be —
Tae Webbie PreLUDE.—Little
Boy—‘‘Say, ma says you are going to
take sister off.”
Engaged Youth (soon to be married)
| —“Yes, ina fey weeks she's going to
my home, and my ma and pa will be
her ma and pa. See?”
“I see. Then she'll be your sister,
same as she was mine. Say, don't you
do anything she doesn’t like, forif you
do she'll bang you around awful when
your pa and ma ain't looking.” —New
York Weekly.
ere ————
——For all the news read the WATcH-
Sullivan's Dark Prospect.
Muldoon Thinks He Will Be Imprison -
ed for a Year and Fined $1,000.
Rocuester, N. Y., Aug. 11—Wil-
liam Muldoon, the wrestler and the train-
er of Sullivan, passed through this city
on his way to his home in Belfast. In
an inteview Muldoon said that he did
not see any bright prospect of Sullivan
getting off easy. ‘You see,” he went
on, “Governor Lowry did not so much
care that the fight took place in his state,
but he smarted under the gibes of the
newspapers, and especially annoying to
him was the humorous rhymes that every-
where appeared in ridicule of him.
That made him mad, and he reloudled
his eneigy and determination to pun-
ish both Sullivan and Kilrain. We had
it all arranged to have the trial come
off’ before the county judge in the same
county where the fight took place, aud
it was understood this judge would only
impose a fine. But on the day fixed for
the trial thegovernor ard the state pro-
secuting attorney wen. to this judge’s
court and frightened him into sending
the case to another court in which Sulli-
van wll not fare so well.
“The trial comes up next Tuesday,
and if convicted he will probably be im-
prisoned a year and fined $1,000. 1don’t
believe they can get much evidence
against him unless it comes from some
who lost money on Kilrain. I was ad-
vised to get out of thestate and I got.
If we are both to be locked up I want
to go in when Sullivan does, so we can
both get out together. We want2d to
get the case postponed from time to
time until Lowry and some oth- s got
out of office, bat I g1 ess he will not al-
low that.”
the Kisser.”
From the Augusta News.
On upper Broad street, last night, sev-
eral young ladies, who for obvious rea-
sons do not want their names printed,
were accosted and badly frightened by a
young dudish-looking stranger, who un-
ceremoniously caught and kissed them
before they knew what he was about.
He offered no other violence, and it was
evident he had no intention of robbing
them in a single instance, for he at once
released his hold, and the girls ran away
screaming each time. :
Three different young ladies were ac-
costed thus at different times in the
neighborhood with impunity. When
search was made he had fled. He was
not known in the neighborhood by any-
body, and was dubbed “Jack, the Kis-
ser,” for want of a better title. He was
dressed in & light colored suit, with frock
coat, white straw hat, tan shoes and an
embroidered expanse of shirt front.
Each time he stepped out from behind
a tree box. Some boys frightened him
so bad that he lelt just before the police
went to get him. The girls will here-
after keep a lookout for “Jack, the
Grover’s Bites.
Philadelphia Record. an
Grover Cleveland is fishing, and
every timeany one in the boat reads
a'oud: “Another wool-house fails,” Gro-
ver says: “Whist! I've got a bite.”
Corp TrA.—The mistake that most
people make in preparing tea for a cold
drink is in leaving it stand too long on
the tea leaves, stand until cold. This
brings out all the bitter, indigestible
qualities of the tea leaf, which may be
somewhat disguised Ly the lemon and
sugar added, but remain to torment the
drinker. To get the full benefit of good
iced tea first heat the proper quantity on
a t°n pie plate, or any iron plate; let it
get thoroughly hot so thatit will crumble
to dust between finger and thumb. Then
scald out the teapot very hot, using an
earthen pot, which is the only teapot
that has no black deposit left on it from
other teamakings; add to this from the
kettle the first boil'ng of water out of
the freshly filled kettle, and let it draw
five minutes, and no more. Pour off to
cool, and when entirely cold add the
same quantity of good milk to your
pitcher. You will have not only a re-
freshing but a nourishing drink. Of
course, if lemon is called for you omit
the milk. Cold coffee is also more re-
freshing when milk is added.
STATE oF Ouio, Crry or ToLEDO. 1
Lucas County, S. S.
Frank J. CHENEY makes oath that
he is the senior partner of the firm of F.
J. CHENEY & Co., doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
of ONE HUNDRED DoLLARS for each and
every case of CATARRH that cannot be
cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH
Fraxk J. CueNey.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A.D. sh,
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure 1s taken internal-
ly and acts directly on the blood and
mucus surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials free. F. J, CHENEY & Co.,
Toledo, O. pgg=Sold by Druggists. 5c.
G-year-old girl while being prepared for
bed the other night expressed very de-
cided views r.garding the desirability of
angel habiliments. Her mother was im-
pressing upon her infantile mind the ne-
cessity of being good, that when she
died she might become an angel. This
provoked the question: “Don’t the an-
gels have wings?” «Yes, dear.” “Then
I don’t want to be an angel. I don’t
want to leave off all my pretty clothes
and wear fedders like a hen.” —(Cleve-
land Plain Dealer.
Ir ‘Was EXPLAINABLE.-—“Weigh
me, please?” said Briggs, as he stepped
on the grocer’s scales.
The man whomanipulated the weights
looked at him in astonishment. Briggs
looked as though he ought to weigh
about 120 pounds, but the beam balanc-
ed at 202. . id
“You must have something heavy
A LrrtLe TALE oF “Crick, CLICK,
GirLs.—There 1s in Washington a
young typewriter whose good looks and
charming manners justify thesentiments
which her employer feels toward her.
He is in the ‘habit of dictating his cor-
respondence while her expert fingers
transfix the words as he utters them.
The other morning he concluded to end
the uncertainty which had come into ex-
istence by asking her to marry him. She
was engaged on some copying when he
approached her and poured out hiszenti-
nents, and, notwithstanding the warmth
of his pleadings, kept right ahead with
the clickety, click click of the in-tru-
ment. In fact, she paid so little atten-
tion to him that he became discouraged
and left the room, intending to speak to
her when her mind was free from her
duties. He went to his lunch, and on
his return sat down to sign a lot of let-
ters that lay on his desk. There was a
large pile, and he went through it me-
chanically, until he stiuck a sheet near
the bottom. Jumping to his feet, he
simplyexclaimed : “Well, I'll be blow-
ed?” The cold, glaring typewritten
letter read:
Miss Susie: Maybe youll think I'm
an old jackass, but I ain’t. I mean busi-
ness. I know I don’t happen to be very
pretty, but I'd be good to a family. IT
was thinking that maybe you'd learn to
like me if you'd go to church with me—
and give the minister a few minutes’ em-
ployment. And this ain't to save any
salary either. It’s because I want you
for your——. Say, you ain't listening,
are you ? ‘Well, I'll come in later when
you ain’tsobusy.— Washington Capital.
The bees have literally taken pos-
session of Rufus Kinney’s residence at
Reno, Nev., transforming it into a vast
apiary and compelling the family to va-
cate portions of the house. Every ac-
cessible part of the house is filled with
bees; the walls are transformed into
hives. At least’ a dozen colonies have
lodged themselves under the building,
and the pugnacious little rascals dispute
with the owners every part of the house
from cellar to garret. And still from
every quarter new swarms are daily
coming ; some days as many as three or
four colonies arrive. and despite the fact
that Mr. Kinney has killed as many as
12 swarms already this season, they are
gaining rapidly on him, and he’is se-
riously contemplating the necessity of
moving out and leaving the bees in’ pos-
session of the premises. Reports from
other quarters show similar but not so
serious conditions.
Relief After 9 Years of Suffering.
“Think Hood’s Sarsaparilla has done won-
ders for me. For nearly nine years I was a
great sufferer. The greater part of the time I
was unable to attend to the most trifling house-
hold duties. Was receiving medical treat-
ment almost constantly from one physician or
another, without any material benefit. My
nervous system was completely shattered, and
no one can imagine my sufferings. Almost
continually I was suffering the most excrucia-
ting i
and my heart was never quite free from pain.
Indeed so severe was the pain at my heart that
for a long time I could not lie down in bed, but
was obliged to sit upright. Ialso suffered
from dropsy; my limbs were swollen as well as
my body. After becoming thoroughly dis-
couraged, I decided to take no more medicine.
But seeing the the constant advertisement
of Hood’s Sarsaparilla in the Philadelphia
Times, I concluded to give this medicine a
trial. After the first bottle I felt much better.
Therefore I continued using it for some time
until I had used six bottles. I am now free
from Doin, can lie down and sleep, seldom
have headache, and work more in one week
than I did in six months prior to my taking
Hood s Sarsaparilla. And if you ean find a
more ‘
I should like to meet either one. I have re-
commended Hood's Sarsaparilla to a number
of my friends who are using it with benefit.
I felt it my duty to suffering humanity to
write this statement, I hope that many more
may likewise be benefited by it.” Ada V.
Smeltzer, Myerstown, Penn.
Sold by all druggist. $1; six for $5, Prepared
only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
C C.4.9. CT ORT A!
C A ST 6 n1 A |
Without Morphine.
32 14 2y nr
1 ramrseep 1824.
Superior Quality
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa,
Send stamp foreatalogue. Examination will
prove our instruments the most perfect and
durable made. They play selections from all
the Standard and Light Operas, and the most
Popular Music of the day ; also Hymns,
33 49 1y
mT y
a LANG,"
The full-blooded Guernsey Bull
about your clothes,” said the grocer.
“Oh, that's it,” rejoined Briggs; 41
[ bave my summer's ice bill in my pock- |
‘et."—New York Sun. :
will be found at the farm of Cameron Burn-
side, Esq., two miles east of town, on the
North Nittany Valley Road. Services reason-
able, 33 39
Pay E'S
and all wasting diseases can be
Malaria is completely eradicated from] he
Bystem by its use.
revives the energies of those worn with exces-
sive bodily or mental effort. It acts as a SAFE
GUARD against exposure in the wet and rigo-
Take part of a wineglassful on your arrival
home after the labors of the day and the same
quantity before your breakfast. Being chemi-
cally pure, it commends itself to the medical
None genuine unless
bearing the signature
of the firm on the label, z g
M. & J. 8. PERRINE,
3136 1y 37 N. Front St., Philadelphia.
r——— ren
Watchmaking-- Jewelry.
Emm A Eh,
Fass P. BLAIR,
Brockernorr Brock,
—Dealer in—
Agent for the AMERICAN WATCH of ‘al
makes, and sole agent of the celebrated
every one of which is fully guaranteed,
: Dicrron, Jan. 27, 1882.
The Rockford Watch purchased February
1879, has performed better than any watch I
ever had. Have carried it every day and at no
time has it been irregular, or in the least unre-
liable. I cheerfully recommend the Rockfor
at Dighton Furnace Co.
TauNTON, Sept. 18, 1881.
The Rockford Watch runs very aceurately
better than any watch I ever owned, and I
have had one that cost $150. Can recommend
the Rockford Watch to everybody who wishes
a fine tinfekeeper. S. P. HUBBARD, M. D.
This is to certify that the Rockford Watch
bought Feb. 22, 1879, has run very well the past
year. Have set it only twice during that time,
its only variation being three minutes. It has
run very much better than { anticipated. It
was not adjusted and only cost $20.
At the Dean street flag station, Mansfield
Mass., Feb, 21, 1880. 28 15
And dealer in
Special attention given to the Makin and
Repairing of Watches. g
IMPORTANT—If you cannot read this print
distinetly by lamp or gaslight in the evenin 4
at a distance of ten inches, your eyesight is
failing, no matter what your age, and your eyes
need help. Your sight can be improved and
preserved if properly corrected. It is a wron;
idea that spectacles ‘should be dispensedzwith
as long as possible. If they assist the vision
use them. There is no danger of seeing too
well, so long as the prints not magnified ; it
should look natural size, but plain and dis-
tinct. Don’t fail to call and have our eyes
tested by King's New System, and fitted with
Combination spectacles. They will correct and
preserve the sight. For sale by
2749 42 High St., opp.
Arcade, Bellcfonte.
Flour, Feed, &c.
= Manufacturers of -:-
ee F—E—E—D,......
100000 i
And Dealers in
B35~"The highest market price paid for
rasan WHEAT ........ CORN ...sw...
Book Bindery.
[Established 1852.]
Having the latest improved machinery Iam
prepared to
of all descriptions, or to rebind old books.
Special attention given to the ruling of paper
and manufacture of BLANK BOOKS,
Orders will he received at this oflice, or ad-
dress F. L. HUTTER,
Book Binder, Third and Market Streets,
25 18 Harrisburg, Pa.