“Well, sir, just as the clock struck A Great Wolf Drive, Under a Lion’s Paw. Sales. FPhiladelphi Card. + Devan lac Bellefonte, Pa., August 23, 1889. A MATTER OF TASTE. Savs the peacock to the rabbit, “Who's your tailor? tell me, pray ; For, good sir, he's cut your coat-tail In a most old-fashioned way. Look at me, Would you see What a stylish tail should be!” Says the rabbit to the peacock, “Who's your barber ? tell me pray, For his shears have shorn your ears, sir, In a most old fashioned way. Look at me, Would you see What a stylish ear should he!” —Esther B. Tiffany, in St. Nicholas. — The Lumber Tariff. How It is Viewed by a New England Man-ufacturer. Arthur T. Lyman, Treasurer of the Lowell Manufacturing Company, an- swers in the following letter the lumber “question’” which was recently sent to him : Boston, July 29, 1889.—Samuel W. Mendum, Esq., Secretary of the United Question Club—Dear Sir: The ques- tions which I have received from vari- ous clubs as to the practical effect of protective duties on timber, boards, etc., imported from Canada, are so pertinent and suggestive that: thgy hardly need answers. The matter is of special inter- est not only to the carpenter but still more to every one who pays rent or who lives, or wishes to live, in a house of his own. ‘What did the tax mean? Charley, like most of the other tariff taxes, it was to pay for the expenses of the Government; and the existing tariff taxes were in very great degree established to pay the cost of the war of the rebellion. The present tatiff’ was originally established as a re- venue tariff. ‘What does the tax mean now when the revenue of the United States is very largely in excess of any necessary or rea- sonable expenses? It means not that the people wish to exclude the gifis of nugture, or to make the materials of their hiquses as scarce and costly as possible, but that some persons who own timber Jands do not wish to have their prices interfered with by timber on lands not their own. There is nothing specially wicked about this, but the funny thing is that the people should believe, or be asked to believe, that the effect of such & monopoly is for their benefit. IfI had a good wood lot in Roxbury, for in- stance, I can see how it would be worth 25 per cent. or 100 per cent. more to me if I could persuade the people of Rox- bury to order that no one in Roxbury should have any wood not grown in Roxbury unless he paid 25 per cent. ex- tra for it, but it would be a queer thing to try to persuade the folks in Roxbury that such a tax would be for their bene- fit, And yet this is the way in which tanff taxes are levied or maintained. As to lumber, the caseis perhaps worse for the people than in the case of many manufactured goods in the tex- tile and other industries. The lumber is heavy and the transportation expen- sive, and this helps to increase the price which the owners of timber land can get for their product, of which there is a limitod quantity. Manufactured goods are practically unlimited in possi- blequantity, and on most of them the cost of transportation constitutes but a small percentage of their cost. So we see mgny manufactured goods of the pro- tested industries made and sold at little or no profit to the manufacturer, though at a cost tothe consumer higher than that of the foreign goods. But the tax on lumber simply means a higher cost to the builder and owner and occupier of houses and other build- ings, and this higher cost represents the profit needlessly paid to the owner of the domestic lumber. TItis plain that the enhanced cost means higher cost for houses, for stores and for factories, and fot the goods made in factories. How our forests are being destroyed about the headwaters of our great rivers and elsewhere has been well stated lately in several articles in Garden and Fore est. I do not think that there is any good to us in the exclusion of Canada lumber or in the rejection of any of the good gifts of nature or man, but some people seem to think or wish to persuade others to think thatit is so. Last year I asked a zealous protectionist whether, if Eng- lagd would give him, without cost, all the various clothes and household sup- plies that he needed, he would accept theny; he answered “No.” This I held to be consistency, but not good economy. We used to hear a good deal of infant industries, but I think they must have been sent to anasylum or the poor-house, as very little is now heard ¢f them. If the infants have not got beyond the need of protection they have atleast got their eye-teeth cut and know the way to Washington. But the American ax is a mative product, and the cutting of trees and the working of wood was nev- eran infant industry in this rich but wasteful country. E Yours truly, Artur T. Lyvax., ramen ae Why Sarah Was Sure. From the Preston (Minn.) Times. A farmer had some wheat stolen a fsw nights since, and he was so sure that he knew who the thief was that he came into town and secured a warrent fora certain young man living near him. When the case came up for trial the defendant said he could prove an alibi. In order to do this he had brought in “hisgirl I"—a buxom of 29, She took the stand and swore that he sed up with her from Tin the evening until broad daylight next morning. “People can be yery easily mistaken,” obwerved the plaintiff's lawyer. “I don’t care—I know he was there,” she replied. “What did you talk about 2” “Love,” she promptly answered. “What time did the old folks go to heady” : “I gave "em the wink about 10.” “Sure he was there at midnight, are you 2” “Yes, sir.” “Why are vou sure?" She blushed, looked over to her lover, laughed, and, getting a nod to go ahead, she said : 12 the old man jomped out of bed up- stairs and hollered down, ‘Sarah, yer mar wants some o', that catnip tea’, and we got such a start we broke the back of the rocking chair and went over backward kerplunk I” “Then the jury must understand that you were seated on Samuel's knee ?"’ “I object!” put in Samuel's lawyer, and his Honor remembered the days of his youth and sustained the objection. Effects of Smoking. According to Neal Dow It Dulls a Per- son's Moral Sense. General Dow is as strongly opposed to the use of tobacco as he is to liquor drinking and has carried on a life-long crusade against it. He always has claimed that tobacco dulls the moral sense. Many years ago, relates the Lewis- ton (Me.) Journal,betorethere were any railroads, a man traveling in a stage- coach with Dow one day lighted a ci- gar. : “I wish you would stop smoking, sir,” said Dow. “Is smoking offensive to you?” the man asked. : Yes, gir’ : “Well, I'll stop as soon as I have finished this cizar.” Without another word Dow suddenly reached forward, pulled the cigar from the man’s lips, and threw it into the road. The man fired up, looked at the well- knit figure of his fellow-passenger, re- garded the bright light in his eyes— and cooled off. “I recall an incident coming down the Rigi, while I was traveling in Eu- rope,” said the General. “European railroads did not provide a separate smoking-car then, and I don’t know as they do now. A passenger in our car was complacently smoking his cigar. “ “You're an Englishman, sir, aren’ you? I said to him. > # ‘Oh, no,” said he, briskly, ‘I'm an American.' “ ‘What! you an American and smoking in the presence of ladies ?’ “Ie stopped smoking, but with very poor grace; and he looked as if he would like to eat me. “He was of a difierent jtype from a man whom I met on a steamer in the English channel. I asked him to stop smoking, and he did so, with profuse apologies. I told him that I believed that tobacco dulls the moral sense, but he smiled at the idea. “ “You furnish a proof of my theory, sir,” said I. ‘You were smoking when you ought not to have been— and you acknowledged it as soon as I called your attention to it. Tobacco dulled your moral sense.’ A ——————————— He Makes His Own Gods. A Reading Man Who Worships Three Hundred Home- Made Idols. A most remarkable character has just been unearthed at Reading, Penn- sylvania, leis a thorough idolator, and daily bows down to Gods of his own manufacture within sound of the church-going -belis, as reverently and devoutly as the most pious Hindoo or Zulu. He has made a religion entire- ly his own, and has evolved out of it some 300 or more gods, who dwell in and speak through the same number of idols of clay. All of his gods are hollow aml are from time to time filled with such food as he thinks their peculiar nature de- mands. Among others he has a god of medicine. This is filled with pills and odd prescriptions, and whenever he feels unwell he prays to this divin- ity and always, he says, with beneficial results. He has a god of sewing ma- chines, which is filled with blank con- tracts for the purchase of machines on the instalment plan. He has one im- age which he calls the god of preachers and says it has a congregation of 300 in its stomach, He has one god which he says is inhabited by his own celestial spirit, and another which con- tains the spirit of his mother. He has these images set up on shelves in his cellar and his garret and worships them constantly according to his needs. His name is William Chris- toph Clemmer, and his house at 614 Locust, St., where he livesjwith his wife and six children. He is a brick-maker by trade and works regularly at one of the brick-yards of the city, occupying all of his spare time with his idols, which he fashions out of clay obtained at the brick-yard. He is a Pennsyl- ‘ania Dutchman and cannot speak inglish, is unlettered and can scarcely read. Ocean Cables. There are now ten cables across the At- lantic, and their location and condition are about as well known by those who have to do with themas though they were exposed to view for the entire dis- tance. It hasbeensaid of Capt. Lrott, the well known cable fisherman, that he knows the mountains ard valleys, lanes and avenues of the ocean as well as a cab- man knows the streets of London. Crossing the Atlantic on one occasion with his repair steamer, and realizing that he wasin the vicinity of the spot where a stretch of cable had been lost by another company’s steamer some time previous, the captain set to work, picked up the cable within an houror two, and delivered it toits owners on his arrival in port. There are now throughout the world over 116,000 miles of submarine cables, with nearly 125,000 miles of con- ductors. All cables are tested hefore leaving the factory. ‘When put on ship board, the ship's electrician is in constant communication with the shore through all the cable on the ship The slightest fault is detected just as soon as it goes into the water. Paying outis immedi- ately stopped, and the cable repaired. You could not see a pinhole in the insul- ation, but it can be lceated by the fine testing instruments, sometimes within a quarter of a mile, in the entire stretch of 2,000 miles.— Exchange. Hundreds of Stockmen and Cow-Boys Hunting Wolves and Coyote From the The Times. CHEYENE, August 16, A big wolf drive by several hundred stockmen, cow-boys and sportsmen took place in Southern Wyoming on Thurs- day. The drive resulted in the extermi- nation of all the coyotes and gray wolv- es in a large district and afforded unique sport for the participants in it. The district swept by the drive is watered by numerous cr:eks, along which are rich stock ranches. The country is hemmed in for its entire length by a range of limestone cliffs, known as Chalk Bluffs, in which are hundreds of small caves and dens. In these gray wolves and coyotes hide. During the present season their numb.rs have increased largely and the 1-sses of the stockmen from their constant preying upon young calves and colts have been excessive. At daylight, from every ranch between Cheyenne and the Nebraska line. thirty miles distant, stockmen and cow-boys took the field against the wolves. They were reinforced by 209 horsemen from Cheyenne and had as spectators a large delegation of business men and ladies, who drove to the starting point. At 7 o’clock the long line of riders under command of ten captains, moved for- ward. All the known haunts of the wolves were visited by men and dogs. Slinking coyotes and defiant wolves broke from cover and ran for the protect- ive caves of Chalk Bluffs, Occasionally the hounds turned a wolf toward the riders and brought him to bay. The expert cow-boys would throw their lariats around the wolf and drag him to death across the prairie. The drive lasted until noon.” At points of ren- dezvous in the valley skirted by the bluffs were barbecued steers and coffee for the hunters. The afternoon was de- voted to smoking out the wolf dens and killing their occupants. Where flames and smoke failed to driveout the woly charges of dynamite were exploded, tumbling down portions of the cliffs and burying the wolves in the ruins. PE — All About the Blackbird. From the New York World. You all know the old “Sing a Song of Sixpence.” Have you ever read what it meant ? The four and twenty blackbirds repre- sent twenty-four hours. The bottom of the pie is the world, the top crust is the sky that overarches it. The opening of the pie is day dawn, when the birds be- gin to sing, and surely such a sight is a “dainty dish to set before the king.” The king who is represented as sitting in his parlor counting out his money, is the sun; while the gold pieces that slip through his fingers are golden sun- shine. The queen who sits in the dark kitchen, isthe moon, and the honey with which she regales herself is the moonlight. The industrious maid, who isin the garden at work before the king—the sun —has risen, is the day-dawn, and the clothes she hangs out are the clouds, while the bird which so tragically ends the song by “nipping off her nose” is the hour of sunset. So we have the whole day—in a pie. A Farmer Vietimized. Fleeced Out of $3,500 by the Thwee-Card Monte Trick. Easton, Aug. 12—Three-card monte men this morning secured $3,500 from William Shurts, a farmer living be- tweea Hampton and Washington, N. J. It is the old story. Shurts was met by one man and negotiations were made for the purchase of his farm. While in- specting it a confederate was met, cards were introduced, and Shurts later be- came interested in the game, went to a Washington bank, drew $3,500 and lost all. The same parties were in Bucks county the early part of last week, and on Thursday tackled Jeremiah Uhler who became suspicious, leaped from the. wind- ler’s carriage while on the way to the here this morning. The swindlers hired a rig in Philipsburg on Saturday and drove to New Village. One of them this morning wore a white high hat and duster, torn behind. The other man was neatly dressed and looked like a lawyer. Officers are now searching for them, Niagara Changing Its Shape. river, it is said, are changing in shape, through the eating away of the shale rock which underlies the hard rock that forms the bed of the rapids. It is al- most a misnomer now to speak of the Canadian portion of the great cataract as the “Horseshoe falls,” and within a week this designation has become more than ever misplaced in consequence of the fall of a large section of the bed of rock in the center of the falls. So much rock fell that an eddy below the falls on the Canadian side of the river has been narrowed more than half, and the little steamer Maid of the Mist has less difficulty than before in running into the curve of the falls. Do Sxaxks Hiss?--A Little Rock (Ark.) correspondent of the Globe-Dem- ocrat declares that within the last two years he has heard suakes hiss. He says: “Passing one day through wy little po- tato patch I approached very near to a stump overlapped. I heard a goose-like hiss, which IL supposed came from a goose somewhere near by; so I paid lit- tle attentioh to it. The next day, at the same spot, I heard the hiss apparently proceeding from the vines overhanging the little stump. TI struck down at the vines with the edge of the hoe, and in an instant a spreading adder, cut nearly in two, wriggled out, and I lifted it up on the hoe and threw it over the fence. The hiss was as loud as that of a goose. The second instance when I was walk- ing a little way from town, on the bank of a nearly dry bayou. A loud hiss at- tracted my attention, and looking acros I'saw a black looking snake lying on a ledge of rocks darting out its tongue, vibrating its tail and showing marks of great displeasure. The hiss was loud enough to attract my attention at a dis- tance of not less than thirty feet, and I had to turn my head to see the snake. farm, and fled. He reported the case Slowly the great falls of the Niagara While trapping lions in the Hotten- tot country, for the Hamburg animal house,” said Lawrence J. Raymond, a wild animal hunter, “I had opportun- ities for seeing the king of beasts at his best, and for making close observations of his character. No two lions are alike except in a few leading traits, any more than two men are alike. Every lion is supposed to roar at night when abroard after prey, but not half of them do so. ‘When you read of one charging into a camp you praise his courage; but for every one such cases I can show ten where the lion skulked about like a dog. You never find him twice alike. There are plenty of instances where men have been seized by lions and have lived to relate -the particulars, though no two agree as to the sensations. 1 had been out one afternoon with some of the na- tives to prepare a bait in u rocky ra- vine. We had built a stout pen of rocks and logs and placed a calf asa bait. The sun was nearly down as we started for- camp, and no one had the least sus- picion of the presence of danger until a lion, which had been crouched beside a bush, sprang out and knocked me down. “I can say without conceit that I was fairly cool. It had come so suddenly that I had not had time to get rattled.’ Had I moved my arm to get my pistol the beast would have lowered his head and seized my throat. So long as I lay quiet he would reason that 1 was dead and give his attention to the natives. “Allof a sudden I barked out like a dog, followed by a growl, and that beast jumped twenty feet in his surprise. He came down between me and the natives, and T turned enough to see that his tail was down and he was scared. I uttered more barks and growls, but without moving a hand, and after making a cir- cle clear around me the lion suddenly bolted and went off with a scare that would last hima week.”’—Cincinnati Enquirer. BE — Reliable Formulas, This prescription will be found inval- uable in many instances. Itis a fever mixture for children. Sweet spirits of nitre, a half ounce; camphor avater, six draechms; spirits of mindererus, a half ounce; simple syrup, an ounce. The dose is a teaspoonful every two or three hours for a child over the age of one year. This combination promptly relieves belching of wind and flatulence. To two drachms of the tincture nux vom- ica and two drachms of the aromatic spirits of ammonia, add three ounces of the syrup of ginger. Take a teaspoon- ful of this mixture in a tablesoonfnl of water an hour or two after each meal. This combination is only for adults. This formula makes an excellent do- mestic healing salve for ulcers, foul and running sores, and for all chronic erup- tions characterized by the appearance of watery matter. Take of honey, beeswax and lard, two ounces each by weight; add to these one ounce of carbolated cosmoline, and an ounce and a half of the ointment of the oxide of zine. Melt over a slow fire and stir well together. Apply three or four times a day as a salve. ——The story is told of ex-Congress- man Charles N. Shelly, whorepresented an Alabama district where the negroes form a large majority, that he once gain- ed his election by an arrangement with Forepaugh to exhibit his show at Selma on election day. Free excursion trains were run from all parts of the district to Selma, and all the negroes admitted to the performance without price. Seven thousand colored brethren availed them- selves of the glorious privilege and lost their votes thereby. Old Honesty ‘T'obacco. D° YOU CHEW ? THEN GET ~oTHE BEST ¢ WHICH IS FINZER'S OLD HONESTY. 2 Genuine has a Red H tin tag ‘ on every plug. OLD HONESTY is acknowledged to be the PUREST and MOST LASTING piece of STANDARD CHEWING TOBACCO on the market. Tryingit is a better test than any talk about it. Give it a fair trial, YOUR DEALER HAS IT. 34111¢ __ Fire-works. pe EWORKS ! A large stock just received at 0—DESCHNER'S——o GREAT CENTRAL GUN WORKS, Allegheny Street, BELLEFONTE, PA. 0—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.—o THEODORE DESCHNER, Great Central Gun Works, 31 48 1y BELLEFONTE, Pa OR SALE. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS AT STATE OLLEGE. The heirs of Robert Foster, deceased, offer at private sale a number of most desirable building lots, along the main road at State College, at prices less than half that asked for less desirable lots adjoining. Price, $150. Ad- dress, R. M. FOSTE 31 6 tf State College, Pa. HOICE BUILDING LOTS. Messrs. Shoemakar and Scott offer for sale seven building lots located on east side of Thomas street, 50x100 feet. Also, thirty-five lots located on east side of public road leading from Bellefonte to Belle- fonte Furnace, 50x175 feet. Also, sixty lots on Halfmoon Hill, 50x150 feet. For further information call on or address, R. H. BOAL, 34 4 tf Bellefonte, Pa. ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. —The subscriber offers at private sale his farm, located five miles east of Bellefonte, on the east side of Nittany Valley, - 0—CONTAINING 150 ACRES,—o about 110 of which are cleared and in the highest state of cultivation, the balance well covered with thrifty young timber. There are EXCELLENT FARM BUILDINGS of all kinds, an abundance of Fruit, two springs of good water and two large cisterns upon the premises. Schools, churches and markets handy. This farm is one of the most productive in the valley, is in excellent condi- tion, and will be sold on easy terms. Failure of health reason for selling. For further particulars address the subseri- on the premises. 34 28 3m#* GEORGE KAUFFMAN. ARM FOR SALE! In order to settle up their estate the heirs will offer at public sale the very desira- ble property, known as the R. M. FOSTER FARM, adjoining the State College, Centre county. The property consists of 140 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, won which is erecfed a good bank barn, dwelling house, and all necessary outbuildings, It has excellent cisterns, choice fruit, good Sones, and every foot of ground upon it is til- able. It adjoins the State College farm on the west, and is one of the most desirably located farms in Centre county. Terms will be made easy or to suit purchaser. For particulars address THOMAS FOSTER, 222 North Third street, Philadelphia, Pa. 34 3tf NN Apoanir REAL ESTATE SAT 0 PUBLIC SALE. 0 By virtue of an order issued out of the Or- phans’ Court of Centre county, there will be exposed to public sale upon the premises, near Linden Hall, Centre county, on THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1889, the following described valuable real estate, late the property of Henry Meyer, deceased : No. 1—Beginning at an elm tree, thence by Curtins’ lands north 1814 degrees west 17 6-10 perches to stones, thende by tract No. 2, herein described, north 71%4 degreas west 38 4-10 per- ches to walnut, thence by same north 6315 de- grees west 21 2:10 perches to post, thence by same north 4014 degrees west 89 3-10 perches to middle of bridge, thence south 76 degrees west 111 5-10 perches to middle of run, thence along same south 1-4 degree east 38 2-10 per- ches to post, thence by Curtin’ south 73 de- rees east 27 8-10 perches to white oak, thence y same south 65 degrees east 40 perches to stones, thence by same south 78 degrees east 11 perches to stones, thence hy same north 8914 degrees east 27 perches to the place of begin- ning, containing SEVENTERN (17) ACRES AND 122 PERCHES, thereon erected a GRIST MILL, STORE ROOM AND DWELLING HOUSE combined, blacksmith tenant house and stable, and mill house and stable. No. 2—Beginning at stones, thence by land of Curtins’ north 18% degrees west 36 9-10 perches to white oak, thence by same north 3814 degrees east 89 2-10 perehes to stones, thence by same north 21 degrees west 7 per- ches to post, thence by land of Daniel Hess south 58%; degrees west 53 perches to post, thence by same north 2114 degrees west 13 6-10 perches to post, thence by same south 60 de- grees west 34 4-20 perches to post, thence by same north 28 degrees west 17 ¥-10 perches to an elm, thence by same south 83 degrees west 23 perches to a post, thence by same south 67 degrees west 40 5-16 perches to a post, thence by same 28 degrees east 13 6-10 perches to post, thence by land of said decedent south 4014 de- grees east 39 3-10 perches to stones, thence by same south 6314 degrees east 21 2-10 perches to a walnut, thence by same south 7114 degrees cast 38 4-10 perches to the place of beginning, containing 36 ACRES and 15 PERCHES there- on erected a LARGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, tenant house, barn and other out- buildings. No. 3—Bounded on the north by lands of Ja- cob Sparrs’ estate, on the east by lands of Cy- rus Furst, on the south by lands of Eliza Cur- tin, and on the west by lands of Wm. McFar- lane, containing 200 ACRES, more or less, thereon erected a TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, bank barn and other outbuildings. No. 4—Beginning at stones, thence by lands of Wm. H. Groh south 34 degrees east 135 perches to stones, thence north 63 1-4 degrees east 93 2-10 perches to stones, thence by lands of Cyrus Furst north 1114 degrees west 99 8-10 perches to stones, thence along 1ands of John Kimport south 6727 degrees west 1814 perches, thence south 914 degrees east ¥ perches thence south 7 degrees west 26 perches, thence north 1834 degrees west 8 perches, thence north 58}, degrees west 26 perches to the place of beginning, containing 52 ACRES and 78 PERCHES and allowance. No. 5—Bounded on the north by lands of James Kimport, on the west by londs of Cyrus Furst, on the south by lands of John Wagner, and on the east by lands of Peter Hurst, con- taining 190 ACRES, more or less, thereon eree- ted a DWELLING HOUSE, bank barn and other outbuildings. No. 6—Bounded on the nod by lands of Peter Hurst, on the west by Ra of Cyrus Furst, on the south by Tussey Mountain, and on the east by lands of Peter Hurst, contain- ing 90 ACRES, more or less. All of the above properties ate in the best of condition. Tract No. L is one of the best busi- ness stands in the county, the mill, store and smith shop all having an ‘excellent run of cus- tom, and located in the heart of one of the richest and most productiva valleys in the State. No. 2 ist pleasant homestead, and Nos. 3and 5 are excellent farms. All are located near schools, churches, post office and railway station ; have plenty of fruit, water, &c. Sale to begin at 10 a. m. Refreshments will be served to those attending. Terms or Sare—One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash on confirmation of sale, one-third in one year and the balance in two years with interest, deferred payments to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premise: J. H. & C. C. MEYER, 34 27 Administrators. A MAA Insurance. == ——— W. WOODRING, No. 11 Bush Arcade, Agent for the best 0—FIRE, LIFE or ACCIDENT—o INSURANCE COMPANIES, All business in his line carefully and Promptly 349 attended to. EO. L. POTTER & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write poli- I eies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason- able rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Court House. 22 5 C. WFAVER, GENERAL INSURANCE J. Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written in Standard Cash Compgnies at lowest rates. Indemnity against Fire and Lightning. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman's Hotel. 3412 ly ber at either Bellefonte or Zion, or see him up- JCPWARD W. MiLLR, WITH WOOD, BROWN & 0., Dealers in HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHIT 00DS, &C. 429 Market Street PHILADEPHIA, PA. Railway Gui ENNSYLVANIA RA AND BRANCHES. Lixo AD i VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. | Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive t Tyrone, 6.55 a. m., at Altoona, 7.45 p. mat Pitts burg, 12.45 p. m. : Leave Bellefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive aT'yrone, 11.55 a. m., at Altoona, 1.45 p. m.at Pitts- burg, 6.50 p: m. : \ Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive atTyrone, 6.40, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburgit 11.55. VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD. i Leave Bellefonte, a. m., arrive at yrone, 6.55, at Harrisburg, 10.30 a. m., at Phladel- phia, 1.25 p. m. Leave Bellefonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. hn. at Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyone, 6.40 at Harrisburg at 10.45 p. m., at Fila delphia, 4.25 a. n.. \ VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock a- ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 8.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lek Haven, 11.00 a. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lok Haven at 10.10 p. m. \ VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASTWARD. \ Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock H. ven, 5.30. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.30 p. m., & Harrisburg, 1.10 a. m. \ Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha+ ven, 11.00, leave Williamsport, 12.20 p. m., at Harrisburg, 3.13 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.50 p, m. Leave Bellefonte, 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 10.10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.00 m., leave Harrisburg, 3.45 a. m., arrive at Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6.00 a. m., arrive at Lewis- burg at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m., Pit 3.15 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.30 p. m., arrive at Lewis- burg, 5.35, at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m., Phila- delphia at 4.25 a. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD. | { EASTWARD. vir | ls 181 F Elgsl gL Ma), | BE igelS FER = | 1889. IRS = IE | % | 8" & P.M. A.M. | A M. AIT. Lv. A.M. pup wm 6 40! 11 55/ 6 55|...Tyrone....| 810310 7 15 633 11 48, 6 48 ..E.Tyrone..! 8 17/3 17| 7 22 629 11 43] 6 44]...... Vail......| 8 20/3 20| 7 28 6 25 11 38) 6 40 Bald Eagle] 8 2513 24| 7 33 619] 11 32! 6 33/......Dix....., 8303 30| 739 615 11 29| 6 30... Fowler...| 8 32/3 33| 742 613 11 26) 6 28... Hannah... 8 3613 87) 7 46 6 06) 11 17| 6 21, Pt. Matilda.| 8 43/3 44] 7 55 559 11 09 6 13|...Martha....| 8 51/3 52 8 03 550 1059 6 05 ..Julian...| 859401] 815 5 41) 10 48) 5 55 .Unionville., 9 10/4 10, 8 25 533] 10 38) 5 48/...8.S. Int. 9 18/4 18] 8 35 330 10 35 5 Milesburg.| 9 22/4 20| 8 39 520110 25 5 35 .Bellefonte.| 9 324 30 § 49 5101 10 12| 5 25.Milesburg.| 9 47/4 40, 9 01 502 10 01) 5 18...Curtin...l 10 014 47) 9 11 4 55, 9 56] 5 14|.Mt. Eagle..| 10 06/4 55 9 17 449 948 4 07 ...Howard...| 6502 927 4400 9 37] 4 59 .Eagleville.| 10, 9 40 438 934 4 56 Beh. Creek. | 13) 945 4260 922 4 46 .Mill Hall...| 10 50/5 24| 10 01 4231 919 4 43 Flemin’ton.| 10 54/5 27| 10 05 4200 915 4 40 Lek. Haven 11 005 30, 10 10 P.M. A. M. | P. M. | | A. M. [P.M.| P. M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. BS ORIWARD, SOUTHWARD, ® | { | 28 2 | Mum, g 5:2 LES f. 2 1. 1s A BUEY DS g | 2 g |! : EB POL Pp. M. | A. M. |Lv. Ar.) wm A.M [P.M 725 3 15) 8 201... Tyrone... 6 50, 11 456 17 732 322 827.E. Tyrone. 643 1138/6 10 733 327 331...Vall.." 6 37 11 34/6 04 748 336 8 41|. Vanscoyoc. 6 27| 11 25/5 55 755 342) 8 45|.Gardners..| 6 25 11 21/5 52 8 02) 350 8 55/Mt.Pleasant| 6 16| 11 12/5 46 810 358 9 05|...Summit...| 6 09 11 05/5 40 8 14| 4 03 9 10 Sand.Ridge| 6 05 11 00/5 34 816/ 405 912... Retort....| 603] 10 555 31 819) 4 06) 9 15 .Powelton.., 6 01 10 ,2'5 30 8 25 414 9 24/..Osceola...| 5 52| 10 455 20 835 420 9 32..Boynton..| 5 46 10 39/5 14 8 40 4 24| 9 37|.Steiners...| 5 43 10 35/5 09 8 42) 4 30, 9 40/Philipshu’g| 5 41| 10 32/5 07 846 434 944..Graham..| 537 10 26/4 50 8 52/ 440 9 52 .Blue Ball.| 533 10 22/4 55 8 58) 4 49) 2 30 Wallaceton, 5 28 10 154 49 9 05) 457 10 07 ....Bigler....| 5 22! 10 07/4 41 9 12 5 02| 10 14 .Woodland..| 5 17| 10 00/4 36 9 19 5 08) 10 22|...Barrett....| 5 12| 9 52/4 30 923 512/10 27. Leonard... 509 9 484 25 9 30) 5 18) 10 34 .Clearfield..| 5 04 9 404 17 9381 520 10 44/..Riverview.| 4 58) 9 31/4 10 9 42 5 26| 10 49 Sus. Bridge| 4 54| 9 26/4 06 9 50) 5 35 10 55 Curwensv'e| 4 50 9 20/4 00 P.M.|P. M. | P. M. | A. M.A MPM. _ BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after s May 13, 1889. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday BELLEFONTE, NITTANY & LEMONT R.R To take effect May 13, 1889. EASTWARD. WISINARD Gs BANTWAR 111] 103] 14 | 112 ! | SrATIONS. i P. | 2 {sors Montandon., Lewisburg......".| 5 26 520 5 08 4 53 4 43 416 3 55 3 55 4 13 ..Rising Spring 3 35 4 28] ..Centre Hal 320 4 35 . 3 1% 4 43 6 36! 30; 4 48] .Oak Hall., 6 36] 30 4 52 ..Lemont.., 625 25 4 57) Dale Summit.. 6 20, 2350 5 06! Pleasant Gap......| 6 10{ 240 5 181 9 90]. 0..., Bellefonte.........| 6 00] 230 P.M | { | A.M «| P.M, Trains No. 111 and 103 connect at Montardon with Erie Mail West; 112 and 114 with Sea Shore Express East. i LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAI ROAD. _ Upper End. -..Marengo..| 36). Loveville ..| . 45 FurnaceRd| 4 50 Dungarvin. | 5 00/...W. Mark...| 5 15 Pennington | 9; 1 15 5 25...Stover... i + I Fd od pd fd pd od pk LD 1D 1D BS ELLEFONTE, BUFFALO RUN AND BALD EAGLE RAILROAD. a Holake effect Aug. 5, 188¢ EASTWARD. _— 6.2 STATIONS, PMA M| . 6 200 9 10 Ar....Bellefonte....Lv| 613] 9 03 Scales, od 6 08 8 5¢ Morris, a 6 03] 8 5d 559 8 557 8 5 33 8 4 547 8 543 8: 8 24 . 8 4 | 8 Red Bank....... ol 539 7¢ Scotia Crossing...| 524 72. Krumrine. | 52 7 Lv.State Coll ~~ Thos. A. 8