= il Lr curse ee Dene Attorneys-at-Law. C. HARPER, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, e Pa. Office in Garman House. 30 28 ILLIAM 1. SWOOPE, Attorney-at-Law. Furst building, Bellefonte, Pa. 3425 | ly F. FORTNEY, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- fonte, Pa. Office in Woodring’s build- ing, north of the Court House. 14 2 M. KEICHLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- o fonte, Pa. Office in Garman’s new building. with W. H. Blane 19 40 OHN G. LOVE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- fonte, Pa. Office in the rooms formerly occupied by the late W. P. Wilson. 242 . RAY, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. ash attention given to the eolissiion 25 ot claims. Office on High street. HARSHBARGER, (Successor to Yocum eo & Harshbarger,) Attorney - at - Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office on High street, 2815 D. H. HASTINGS. Ww. F. REEDER. I [Ee & REEDER, Attorneys-at-Law, Office No. 14 North Al- lefonte, Pa. Bellefon ¢ as legheny street. C. P. HEWES. HEWES, Attorneys-at-Law, Consultation in Eagiish 9 6 J. L. SPANGLER. PANGLER & Bellefonte, Pa. or German. Oitice opp. Court House. N KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, or aa on second floor of "Furst 8 new building, north of Court House. Can be con- sulted in English or German. 29 31 OHN MILLS HALE, Attorney-at-Law, Philipsburg, Pa. Collections and all other legal business in Centre and Clearfield coun- ties attended to. 231 C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- o fonte, Pa. Office in Garman’s block, opp. Court House. All professional business will receive prompt attention. 30 16 . HOY, M. D., Qculist and Aurist, No. 1B South Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Office hours—7 to 9 a m,1 to 2 and 7 to8 p.m. 32 18 Physicians. D. McGIRK, M. D., Physician and Sur- o geon, Philipsburg, Pa., offers his profes- sional services to those in need. 20 21 HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, o offers his professional services to the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office 26 N. Allegheny street. 11 23 R. J. L. SEIBERT, Physician and Sur- eon, offers his professional services to the citizens of Bellefonte and wioinity Office on North High street, next door to udge Or- vis’ law office, opp. Court House. 29 20 a and Surgeon. Office in residence No. 61 rth Allegheny street, next to Episcopal church. Office hours—8 to9a. m.,1to3 and 7 to 9 p. m. Telephone. 32 45 D* R. L, DARTT, Homeopathic Physician 0! R. R. L. DARTT, of Bellefonte, Pa., has the Brinkerhoff system of Rectal treatment for the cure of Piles, Fis- sures and other Rectal diseases. Information furnished upon application. 30 14tf Dentists. E. WARD, GRADUATE OF BALTI- « MORE DENTAL COLLEGE. Officein Crider’s Stone Block, High street, Bellefonte, Pa 3411 R. H. B. LIVINGSTON, DENTIST, A D practitioner of eighteen years, has loca- fed on Main street, Pine Grove Mills, Centre county, two doors east of hotel. Special atten- tion given to extracting and making teeth. All work guaranteed. 33 45 ly Bankers, F. REYNOLDS & CO., Bankers, Belle- o fonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Notes Discounted ; Interest paid on special de- posits, Exchange on Eastern cities. Deposits received. qT He tels. 0 THE PUBLIC. In consequence of the similarity of the names of the Parker and Potter Hotels, the proprietor of the Parker House has chang- 4) name of his hotel to 0——COAL EXCHANGE HOTEL.—o He has also repapered, repainted and other- wise improve it, and has fitted up a large and tasty parlor and reception room on the first floor. WM. PARKER 33 17 Philipsburg, Pa. rye COLUMBIA HOUSE, E. A. HUTTON, Proprietor. Nog. 111 and 123 North Broad Street, One Square from P. R. R. Depot, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Terms—$1 50 per day. , Ziaay (ann HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA. A. A. KOHLBECKER, Proprietor. This new and commodious Hotel, located op- site the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, Por been entirely refitted, refurnished and re- plenished throughout, and is now second to none in the county in the character of accom- modations offered the public. Its table is sup- plied with the best the market affords, its bar contains the purest and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive hostlers, and every conve- nience and comfort is extended its guests. Ba-Through travelers on the railroad will find this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 min- utes. 24 24 re o——CUMMINGS HOUSE—o BELLEFONTE, PA. Having assumed the proprietorship of this finely located and well known hotel, I desire to inform the public that whilejit will have no bar, and be run strictly as a temperance hotel, 1t will furnish to its patrons all the comforts, conveniences and hospitalities offered by others. Its table will not be sur- passed oy any. Its rooms are large and comfortable. Its stabling is the best in town, and its prices to transient guests and regular boarders will be very reasonable. The citizens of the town will_find in the basement of my hotel a FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET at which all kinds of Meat can be pur- chased at the very lowest rates. I earnestly solicit a share of the public patronage. 33 13 GOTLEIB HAAG. | | | | 1 of the battle like a human being. Bellefonte, Pa., August 2, 1889. INTHE GARDEN. She's fairer than a lily, And she’s sweeter than a rose, And knocks the neighbors silly When she wields the garden hose. She lifts her skirts from danger With her lett hand, while her right Grasps the nozzle, and the stranger Gets a very pleasing sight. For she's always fresh and rosy, And she seems so sweet and fair, As she sprin'zles every posy With the most impartial care. The neighbors’ eyes all twinkle And their Interest daily grows, For they like to see her sprinkle, And ep ‘ike to see the hose. —Samerville Journal. Our Dangers from Aliens. In a calm review of history, have we not reason to ask ourselves, What of this second century ? Shall our children’s children see another centennial commem- oration of Washington and the Constitu- tion? I think every thoughtful man mus{ pronouncesuch a consummation im- probable in the extreme. It seems so to me. To make a truly great nation and to give perpetuity to its institutions,we are taught by history to demand(1) a ca- pable foundation of race, (2) an heredi- tary system of public morals, and (3) a spirit of fidelity to national traditions and of adhesion to tried and long-es- tablished institutions. The race that gave birth to American nationality is the only race in human history that has proved itself capable of self-government, or of creating and maintaining free institutions and laws that co-operate with freedom. But the reports from Castle Garden alone should be enough: to arouse the American spirit to demand a radical improvement of our naturalization laws. Every year,thous- ands who can neither write their names nor speak the language in which our Constitution and our laws are written, become voters. We endow these with almost immediate power to neutralize the votes of the native born, who must live four times as long under their own flag before they can exercise the fran- chise of electors. Why an American mother must submit to this diserimina- tion against her boysin favor of the vomit of vessels that give birth to voters four times as fast, if not already quite as nu- merous, seems worthy of statesmanlike inquiry: Is there national spirit left among us to assert that the time has come to gov- ern America by honest American voters, and to demand that no such prefix as Irish or German or Mormon shall be suffered to qualify the American name ? If not, free institutions and popular government must perish, even here, where they might flourish under the conditions I have indicated and not otherwise.——Bishop A. Cleveland Coxe in the August Forum. A —— / Horses +in Bat.le. When it comes to battle,a horse seems to know everything that isgoing on; but he dees his duty nobly, and seems to be in his element. He enters into the spirit He shows no fear of death.and it is singular that if his mate is not shot down he will turn to look at him and seemed pleased. A horse in my battery was once struck by a piece of shell, which split his skull, so that one side was loose. The driver turned him loose, but he walked up by the side of the gun and watched the fir- ing, and when a shot was fired would look away inthe direction of the enemy, as if to see the effect of the shot. When a shell would burst near by he would calmly turn and look at it. ‘When he saw his own team going back for ammu- nition he ran back to his own place and galloped back to the caisson with the rest. When the lieutenant pushed him aside to put in another horse, he looked at the other ‘one sorrowfully while he was being harnessed up, and when he seemed to realize that there was no further use for him he lay down and died. The lieutenant strongly asserted that he died of a broken heart. At the time that Adams’, Jaekson’s and Preston's brigades charged me at Murfreesboro some officer was killed and the brigades were driven back. But the fallen officer’s horse had not been taught to retreat, and he did not. He just came at full speed through the battery, and I tell you he looked something grand. He was a large,fine animal, his nostrils were extended wide, his eyes fairly blazed, and he clutched the bit with his teeth as he came on. He came like the wind, and with his saddleflaps flying he looked as if he were flying himself instead of running. Everybody gave him a wide berth,and TI called to the infantry that I would give $100 to the man who would catch him, but no one tried it, and he is running yet for all Iknow.—San Fron- cisco Chronicle. NEw CONNECTION FOR BEDFORD SPRINGS VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD.—For the benefit of visitors to Bedford Springs, the Pennsylvania Rail- road Company announces that the Mail Express leaving Pittsburg at 1.00 P. M. will conneet through to Bedford on week days, reaching that point at an early hour of the evening. ‘L'his arrangement greatly improves the service to this very popular resort, as resider.ts of towns along the line of the road can leave home after dinner and arrive at Bedford for supper. ——A Elmer (Ore.) paper pullishes the following remarkable story: “BE. C. Stamper, a citizen of Elmer, has just ! completed working up a fir tree which grew on his place adjoining town. He received $12 for the bark: built a frame house 14x20, 8 feet high, with shed kitchen 8 feet wide and 20 feet long ; . built a wood shed 14x20 feet; made 330 fence rails 10 feet long; made 334 rail- i road ties and 500 boards 6 inches wide {and 2 feet long, and 15 cords of wood 4 ' feet wide and 8 feet long, all from one | tree, and has a part of the tree left.” | —The hottest weather ever known in the United States was felt at Phwnix, Ari., in June, 1883,when the thermome- ter marked 119°. adn Squeezing the Silk Girls. Philadelphia Record. A strike of about 600 factory girls has seriously affected the silk industry at i Paterson, N. J. The manufacturers, to whom the American people pay a bounty of 50 per cent,on their products, came to the conclusion that the wages of | the factory girls, ranging irom $4.50 to $5 a week, were too high, and ordered a reduction of 10 per cent. in the rates. | Though without organization, the poor ! girls took counsel with their despair and refused to work at the reduced wages. As their wages were already pinched to a starvation scale, they felt that their I condition could not be made much | worse by a strike. ‘What makes the prospect of success almost hopeless is. the fact that the Paterson manufacturers have established branch mills to do the work of these girls in the coal regions of Pennsylvania. These mills were not put up in the coal regions because they afford a favorable market for silk fabrics; but in these re- gions the protected manufacturers find a very cheap labor market. Labor that costs $4.50 or $5 a week in Paterson can be had among the coal mines for $3 to £3.50 a week, making no small saving to the protected employers of several hun- dreds of girls. Besides this, there is the consideration that the Pennsylvania laws in regard to the employment of children under age are very loosely en- forced. So if the Paterson girls should persist in their strike the whole of the work in which they have been employed may be transferred to the coal mining regions of Pennsylvania. The more the protective system is con- templated in its practical operation, the more its duplicities are revealed. While it enables a privileged few to despoil Am>rican consumers, it enables them at the same time to secure labor at the cheapest rates. Between the two pro- cesses they grow rich apace. It is not strange that the protectivesystem should have so many devotees and so many subsidized advocates, but it is passing strange that the working people of the country should put up with itas patient- ly as they have hitherto done. em mee His Faith § \attered. The small boy had only been a day or two at the kindergarten when he ap- proached his father, showing a great deal of indignation. «Papa, that isn't a good school. I don’t want to go to that school any more.”’ “Why, my boy ?” «Well, do you know what the boys at that school say ?¢’ “What ?”’ «Well, papa, they say they ain't any Santa Claus; that it’s not true; they ain’t any such thing. Papa, there isa Santa Claus, isn’t there?” The father thought a moment. Then he concluded he would tell the child the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So he took him on his knee and told him how it was a pretty fabri- cation made up by fathers and mothers who loved their children to make them happy, and the fathers and mothers were the real Santa Claus. The small boy listened in silence. This was a shock to him, because, I suppose, like older and more inexcusable people, he felt he had been making a painful exhibition of his ignorance. He slid down from his fath- er’s knee and walked across the room to the door. He opened it and stood holding the knob for a moment ina kind of deep thought. Then he turned and looked at his father. “Say, papa, have you been filling me up about the devil, too?’'—San Fran- cisco Chronicle. SLI RTE Hot Weather Maxims. Loose, comfortable clothing is no longer regarded a disgrace either to man or woman. Time was, to be sure, a good while ago, when men wore com- plete linin suits in summer and look- ad cool in them, and probably were cool. But immaculate white linen coat, waist coat and trousers have to be regarded as an eccentricity, and we passed through a period when a man’s summer attire was hardly to be distinguished from his winter garb; but now the epoch of light flannel, serge and cheviot, and of the in- offensive mohair and alpaca has come in. Devices for mitigating the effects of the hot weather are endless, and most of them useless. Here are three tried and truthworthy maxims for hot weath- er conduct, and outside of them there is no trick or device by means of which the dog star can be circumvented. These maxims are: ‘Wear as light and loose clothing as you dare. Take plenty of exercise, but in a calm way. Drink no alcoholic or effervescent baverages. In exercising the great point is not to be afraid of the heat, but not, at the same time, to choose violent diversions. As to beverages, of course, personal experiences always vary, and one man’s refreshment is another man’s bane; but as a general principle it is safe to shun about nine-tenths of all the summer drinks. Soda-water in any form is a de- lusion and a snare.— Boston Transcript. A CoMrorTING NigHT CAP.—It ain’t everybody I'd put to sleep in this room,” said old Mrs. Jinks to the fastid- ious and extremely nervous young minister who was spending the night in B. at her house. “This here room is full of sacred associations to me,” she went on; “my first husband died in that bed with his head on these very pillers, and poor Mr. Jinks died settin’ right in that corner. Sometimes when I come into the room in the dark I think I see him settin’ there still. “My own father died layin’ right on that lounge under the winder. Poor pa! he was a Speritualist, and he allus said he'd appear in this room again, af- ter he died, and sometimes I'm foolish enough to look for him. If you should see anything of him to-night you'd bet- ter not tell me, for it’d be a sign to me that there was something in Speeritual- ism, and I'd hate to think that. “My son by my first man fell dead of heart disease right where you stand. He was a doctor, and there’s two whole skeletons in thet closet that belonged to him, and a half dozen skulls in that lower drawer. “Well, good night; and pleasant dreams,”’— True Flag. —te There is a story told of a well known South Brooklyn contractor, says the Brooklyn Citizen, who has in his em- ploy an old and faithful hand named Flynn is sober, industrious, and for the past ten years has never missed a day’s work. But a few mornings ago he fail- ed to repcrt at the yard, and his employ- er, who needed his service,determined to ascertain the cause of his absence. The contractor had a vague idea that he tenanted one of the shanties which are to be found between Third and Fourth avenues near Sixth street. According- ly he set out, and after a prolonged and vain search for Flynn accosted a strap- ping Irish woman who stood at the door of a particularly ramshackle hut. The woman showed signs of rough handling. Her left arm was in a sling, both eyes were blackened, she had a gash on her left cheek, and her head was swathed in bandages. “Madam,” said the contractor, as he approached her, “can you tell me where a man named Flynn lives?" $01 ean.’ “Where ?"’ “Roight here.” “Then, I presume Mrs, Flynn ?”° “Roight yez are.” “Is Flynn sick.” “Indade he is. He's terrible sick.” “What is the trouble with him ?”’ “Well,” said the woman, as she read- justed one of the bandages on her head and wiped her left eye, ‘‘yez see, Flynn and Oi had a throifle av a dispute las’ noight, an’ he’s in bed as a resoolt av it.) “And, madam,’ said the contractor, eyeing the delapidated countenance of Mrs. Flynn, “I imagine, judging by your appearance, that you got the worst of the dispute.” “Whist |” said Mrs. Flynn, as a broad grin overspread what was left of her face,”’don’t yez say a wurred till yez see Flynn.” I'm addressing A Tough Yarn on General Neal Dow. The Federal and Confederate forces were preparing for a battle. The Feder- al commander and his staff, seated upon their horses, were consulting near the right of the line, drawn up in the edge of the woods. General Neal Dow was standing in front of his command, a very small man, with a tremendous big hat on his head and a monstrous sword dangling on the ground at his side—a picture such as one seldom sees outside the comic collections. An aid told General Dow (perhaps he was only Col- onel Dow then) that the commander wished to see him. General Dow strode down the line, the soldiers laughing at the sight. “General Dow,” said the commander, ‘you will march out into that opening yonder, take a position on that knoll, and hold it until further orders”’—some- thing to that effect. In sight of the entire right wing of the army General Dow went marching into the opening, his long, heavy sword clanking on the ground behind him, his big hat making him look likea grass- hopper under a toadstool. The com- mander heard the army laughing, and looked for the cause. “Who is that walking across tne opening?’ he asked. “That is General Dow,” body. An aid was sent to bring him back. “@eneral Dow,’ said the commander, “why did you go out therealone? Why did you not take your command with you?” “Dear me, General,” said Dow. “I beg a thousand pardons. Ididn’t know you mean’t for me to take anybody with me. You didn’t say so, you know.”’— Washington Post. said every- ‘Paralyzed. Many are the absurd transactions which take place in banks, some of them showing an over-cautiousness in the care of money, and others like the following, indicating an amusing ignorance of its value. A Georgia paper says that a negro. the fortunate possessor of a valuable house-lot, one day sold his property for ten thousand dollars. He was given a check for thatamount which was carried to a bank. The paying teller asked him how much of the money he wanted in cash. “I wants all dat ar paper calls fur,” replied the negro. “What! You don’t want ten thous- and dollars in cash ?”’ “Jesso, sah.” “All right,” answered the man, and in five minutes he began piling the mon- ey on the counter. As he laid the five hundred dollar packages on the coun‘er, the negroe’s eyes grew larger and larger. Finally, when twenty of the packages had been placed before him, he looked intently at them for a moment, and then, with a broad grin on his face, suid : “I’se jist paralyzed! Gimme a dollar 'n’ a half, an’ you kin keep de rest till I call agin.” A Chance for a Live Congressman to Be- nefit his Fellow Countrymen. Philadelphia Re~ord. In 1878, when the quinine manufac- turers had raised the cost of that valua- ble medicine upon thousands of fever- smitten people. Mr. Kenzie introduced a resolution for the immediate repeal of the .duty, accompanied by an elojuent protest against this ‘‘blood tax.” The effect of the speech was such that the House immediately passed the repeating resolution, and the Senate prudently acquiesced. ‘Who at the opening of the next House will move to repeal the tax on salt, and to so moderate the duties on other nec- essaries as to prevent tariff-fed monopoly from longer oppressing the American people? There will be crying need for such a friend of the people in the Fifty- first Congress. "Who shall it be? Events often outrun the slow move- ments of politicians. Public opinion is the omnipotent legislator in this country and public opinion in favor of Tariff Reform has advanced with rapid strides since the brief check of last November. It would not be surprising, therefore, if a Republican Congress, in recognition of popular sentiment, should accomplish a reform which the late Democratic House did its level best to bring about. He Was Old But Lively. The Mistake the Shoemaker Made When He Tackled “Old Taylor.” ‘We were sitting in front of Davidson’s grocery one summer afternoon, #when some one observed that “Old Taylor” was coming. He was a dried-up, little, old man, who might have been any- where from 50 to 100 years old, and he had a voice to remind you of broken glass rattling in a tin pan. “Now, boys,” said the village shoe- maker, who was about 45 years old, and weighed 175 pounds. “I'll show you some fun. I'm going to scare old Tay- lor half to death.” The old man drove up before any ex- planations could be sought, and after hitching his old plug he stood for a min- ute to wipe the dust off his ancient plug hat with his eldow. The shoemaker took advantage of this to advance and say: “Uncle Taylor, it is over twenty years ago that I sold you a pair of boots on tick. They have never been paid for yet.” “They didn’t fit, and they never will be paid for!” hotly replied the old man. “I have waited and waited,” continu- ed the cobbler, “but ray patience is final- ly exhausted. You must now pay me or I'll take it out of your hide. ‘Goin’ to lick me, hey!” shouted Un- cle Taylor, as he drew back a step. “I'll have to,” answered the 'éreditor. “Then pitch right inl” “Will you pay?” “No, sir!” “Uncle Taylor, I hate to break you in two, but it you don’t pay that old debt I'll—" “Then come on!” squealed the old man, and with that he swung and caught the shoemaker on the jaw and laid him out. He followed it up by pil- ing on, and he kicked, bit, scratched and pounded so vigorously. that inside of | three minutes the cobbler was shouting to us to take him off. He was a licked man. Instead of having fun with the old man the old man had made a circus of him. ‘We hauled him into the shade of a sugar hogshead and fanned him with a hat, and after about ten minutes he faintly remarked: “Boys, was I licked ?"’ “Right from the mark,” we answered. “And by Old Taylor alone ?” “Yes. “Well, that shows how a man can be mistaken,” he sighed. “For over twen- ty years I have fondly figured that I could lick that old cuss with my eyes shut and both hands tied behind, and now he does me up in a fight of my own icking and with all my tackle clear! lease leave me alone for a while, boys. My head swims and my body aches, and I want to reason it out and find some ex- cuse for making a fool of myself.”’— New York Sun. ——At the funeral of a Chinaman in Philadelphia some queer ceremonies were observed The deceased was cloth- ed in garments of the lightest texture, so that he might not suffer from the heat in his new abode. He wore astiaw hat, and in one hand he held a fan. The corpse of a Chinaman is always provided with money to pay its ex- penses to the unknown country. One of the mourners dropped between Hong's teeth a 25-cent piece, and about a score of the others came forward with their quarter contributions. The undertaker could not get all of them in the dead Chinaman’s mouth, and half of the sil- ver pieces were placed in his pocket. The ceremonies finished, the coffin was closed, and over the top of it were plac- ed strips of red, white and black bunting, the colors of the Sing Ye Hong Society (Chinese Free Masons). of which the dead man had been a member. STATE oF OnIo, City or ToLEDO. Lucas CouNTty, S. S. Frank J. CHENEY makes oath that he is the senior pai ner of the firm of IF, J. CuexNEY & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- So and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DoLLARS for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. Frank J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me dnd subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A.D. '86 A. W. GLEASON. SEAL. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. TF. J.Curxky & Co., Toledo, O. g&5=Sold by Druggists. 75¢. —A few mornings ago the ground un- der an elm tree in Brazil, Ind., was covered with the dead bodies of English sparrows, numbering several hundred. These birds have been in the habit of congregating in immense flocks in this’ tree, and it is supposed that they were all killed at a single stroke of lightning during the morning's storm,as the bodies were entirely stripped of feathers. EEE ASOT Business Notices. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Cas- toria. 34 14 2y Rurrvre Cure Guananteep. Ease at once. No operation or business delay. Thousands | cured. For circular, Dr. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch street, Philadelphia. At Keystone Hotel, Reading, Pa., second Saturday of each month. 34 41y TO CONSUMPTIVES.—The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers wilt try hisRemedy, as it is invaluable. Those desir- ing the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing’ will please address, Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Williamsburg Kings County, New York. 33-48-1y. ———aa LL Pure Malt Whisky. - Pera E'S PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKY! DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, and all wasting diseases can be ENTIRELY CURED BY IT. Malaria is completel adi a DY y eradicated from he PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKY reyives the energies of those worn with exces- sive bodily or mental effort. Tt acts as a SAFE GUARD apaings exposure in the wet and rigo- rous weather. Take part of a wineglassful on your arrival home after the labors of the day a the hii quantity before your breakfast. ‘Being chemi- cally pure, it commends itself to the medical profession. i WATCH THE LABEL None genuine unless bearing ‘the signature of the firm on the label. . M. & J. 8. PERRINE, 37 N. Front St., Philadelphia. Watchmaking-- Jewelry. 3136 1y RANK P. BLAIR, 0—J KE WELER-—0 Brocksmory Brock, BELLEFONTE, PA —Dealer in— FINE JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, BRONZE ORNAMENTS, &C Agent for the AMERICAN WATCH of al makes, and sole agent of the celebrated ROCKFORD QUICK TRAIN ‘WATCHES, every one of which is fully guaranteed. DieHToN, Jan. 27, 1882. The Rockfora Watch purchased February 1879, has performed better than any watch Tr ever had. Have carried it every day and at no time has it been irregular, or in the'least unre- liable. I cheerfully recommend the Rockfor Watch. HORACE B. HORTON, at Dighton Furnace Co. TAvuNTON, Sept. 18 . The Rockford Wateh runs ea better than any watch I ever owned, and I have had one that cost $150. Can recommend the Rockford Watch to everybody who wishes a fine timekeeper. S. P. HUBBARD, M. D. This is to certify that the Rockford Watch bought Feb. 22, 1879, has run very well the past year. Have set it only twice during that time, its only variation being three minutes, It has run very much better than 1 anticipated. It was not adjusted and only cost $20. R. P. BRYANT At the Dean street flag station, Mans Mass. Feb, 21, 1880, © : so F C. RICHARD, ® o—JEWELER and OPTICIAN,—o And dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. Special attention given to the Maki Repairing of Watches, Bad IMPORTANT—If you cannot read this print distinetly by lamp or gaslight in the evening, at a distance of ten inches, your eyesight is failing, no matter what your age, and your eyes need help. Your sight’ can be improved and reserved if properly corrected, It is a wron, dea that spectacles should be dispensedzwits as long as possible, If they assist the vision use them. There is no danger of seeing too well, so long as the print is not magnified ; it should look natural size, but plain and dis- tinet. Don't fail to call and have Jongoyss tested by King’s New System, and fitted with Combination spectacles. They will correct and preserve the sight. For sale by : F.C. RICHARD, 2749 42 High St. opp. Arcade, Bellcfonte. Flour, Feed, &c. ( YEnpenicn, HALE & CO, "BELLEFONTE, PA.— = Manufacturers of -:- F-L-0-U-R and And Dealers in 0—ALL KINDS OF GRAIN.—o B~The highest market price paid for Hideaed WHEAT ........RYE.......; CORN ..ceeure 28 1 Book Bindery. UTTER’S BOOK BINDERY. [Established 1852.] Having the latest improved machinery I am prepared to BIND BOOKS AND MAGAZINES of all descriptions, or to rebind old books. Special attention given to the ruling of paper and manufacture of BLANK BOOKS Orders will be received at this office, or ad- dress F. L. HUTTER, Book Binder, Third and Market Streets, 25 18 Harrisburg, Pa.