Ink Slings. —In the harmonizing of the Virginia Republican factions RIDDLEBERGER may be kept in line as long as he can be kept sober. —Papa Harrison's congratulatory letter anent the Battenberg baby may account for the halevon and vociferous time son RussiLL had at Windsor Cas- tle. —The fact that JouN JARRETT is so gentle in his manipulation of the British ion’s tail may be explained by the ecir- cumstance that he was born a British subject. —Some of the people who manufac- ture brick are forming a monopolistic combine with a capital of fifteen mil- lions. That brick trust should be re- duced to brick dust. —The Republican Congress at its next session will be likely to find itself com- pelled to take the tariff’ off most of the leading raw materials. Wkat an in- dorsement of GROVER CLEVELAND'S policy this would be, and what a boost for his re-nomination and re-election in 1892! —Queen VICTORIA has advanced her prospective son-in-law from an Earl to a Duke. There's where VicToRrIA has the advantage of BENJ. HArRRIsON. He can hand the offices around among his relations, but he can’t make Dukes of them. There is no doubt that RusseLL wishes that he could. —While there is a wide-spread feeling among Democrats in favor of renomi- nating CLEVELAND in 1892, you would have to put your ear to the ground to hear anything in the Republican ranks that sounds like a demand for another term for HARRISON. The silence on that subject is really oppressive. —The remark of the Philadelphia Inquirer that the Democrats of Ohio will nominate a rank free trader for Governor,would indicate the impression on the part of that journal that not merely in Presidential campaigns, but at all times, a Republican paper is re- quired to lie about the issue of tariff’ re- form. —The employes of the Spring Valley Coal Company in Illincis are having a two fold enjoyment of the blessings of protection. Some months ago they were thrown out of employment, and last week they were thrown out of the Com- pany’s tenament houses which they oc- cupied. Isn’t this piling the benefits on a little too thick ? —When Joux Jarrerr told the Birmingham newspaper reporter that “every respectable American regretted the dismissal of Lord Sackville West by President CLEVELAND,” he proved that in toadying to the English Tories he could be as big a fool as he was a fraud when he posed as the friend and champion of the American laborer. —The conference of CAMERON and Quay at Donegal some days ago cer- tainly involved a good deal of the low order of politics with which Pennsylva- nia is afflicted; but there are signs indi- cating that the time is drawing near when the political affairs of our good old State will not be under the exclusive management of such a shabby pair of statesmen. —To avert the odium that has attach- ed to the Trusts, the syndicate that is conspiring to control one of the leading necessaries of life claims that. its object is merely “to unify and systematize the salt interests of the country.” “Unify?” is a good word in that connection, and “systematize’ is also good. They express exactly the purpose of bringing a great staple under one control that will sys- tematically rob the consumers. —Amazed and disgusted with the high jinks of the Harrison adwministra- tion, including its nepotism, insatiable ' relatives, RUsSELL’s antics and the ir-! repressible McKee baby, the mind ofthe average citizen reverts with increased respect to GROVER CLEVELAND in his | dignified retirement, and awaits with | eager anticipation the remedy which | 1892 will provide. | —The Harrisburg Independent com- plains of the criticism which Mr. Joux ‘WANAMAKER is being subjected to as a | Sunday School Superintendent. Our | Harrisburg contemporary doesn’t appear | to comprehend the point involved. The | double role of political boodler and Sun- | day School Superintendent is what just- ly lays WANAMAKER open to the criti- cism which the Independent deprecates. —About the meanest thing that is being done by the Harrison administra- tion is the removing of Democratic of- ficial incumbents on charges of malfeas- ance without specifying the offense or giving the accused a chance to defend themselves. This sneaking method is adopted to furnish places for the hungry party followers and at the same time preserve an appearance of regard for eivil service reform, The Harrison management & attaining a degree of dirtiness that was never before dreamed of in Ameriean politics. : it, Two Specimen Representatives. The London correspondent of the Pittsburg Dispatch, which, by the way, is a Republican paper, gives an ac- count of the high doings of two of the representatives of the Harrison admin- istration over in England. The enter- tainment given by the Queen to Rus- sELL HarrisoN has greatly elevated that young man in his own opinion and also in the estimation of the Eng- lish flunkies who regard royal recogni- tion as the greatest of earthly honors, and consequently he is right in the swim with the British nobility. Since he put his legs under the royal ‘inier table at Windsor Castle, where he also had the honor of sleeping in one of the royal beds, he has also taken luncheon with the Prince of Wales at Marlbo- rough House and spent a day with the Marquis of Salisbury, the head of the Tory ministry that is trying to tram- ple the life out of old Ireland. This hopeful scion of the royal house of Harrison has doubtless received some pointers in the regal line from his as- sociation with British royalty which it is likely upon his return he will put in practice at the White House. But the most remarkable figure that has turned up in England as a repre- sentative of the United States is Jonx JARRETT, recently prominent as a champion of the cause of labor, and who received the appointment of con- sul at Birmingham as a reward for the service he rendered the monopolists by deceiving voters of the working class with the misrepresentation that it would be to their advantage to support a mo- nopoly tariff. The correspondent of the Dispatch says that JARRETT in an interview in the Birmingham Zimes, represented that President Harrison enjoined upon him to “seize every op- portunity ot removing any impression that Americans dislike England or wish to be on other than friendly terms with her.” When it is remembered that this is the*s@me fellow who in the last Presidential campaign did his utmost to make votes tor Harrison by repre- senting the policy of Mr. CLEVELAND and the Democrats as being an Eng- lish policy, thus working upon the anti-English feeling of the American working people, it is hard to determine whether he displaved more of the fool or of the rogue in the declarations as cribed to him in the Birmingham Times. Baby Business. RIDDLEBERGER, the renowned ex- Senator and Republican politician of Virginia, is disgusted. He was in Washington the other day attending the conference held in that city to patch up the difference between the Mahone and anti-Mahone factions, and was in no way backward in expressing his disgust with what he called a selling out to the little rebel who has had the assistance of the administration in con- firming him in his position as boss of the Virginia Republicans. The ex- Senator was generally out of humor anid probably as drunk as usual. But his condition didn’t prevent him from making some good hits. Speaking of the letter written by President Harg1- Sox to Queen Victoria, congratulating her upon the birth of her royal grand- son, the new Battenberg prince, he said that “that letter should have been signed by ‘Baby McKee, Secret ry of State.’ RIDDLEBERGER was correct in re- garding it as rather a baby sort of bus- iness. It is something new for a Pres- | ident of the United States to be on such familiar terms with the British royal family as to send congratulations on the birth of one of the numerous progeny of that prolific branch of roy- elty. That style of thing is custom- ary between royal families, and as the Harrisons are evidently beginning to regard themselves as royal, of which fact Crown Prince RussgLL is sufficient evidence, the letter was not unbecom- ing. a functionary of such royal as- pirations. But RippLEB3RGER was right in saying that it should have been signed by Baby McKee. m——— —Viewed in the light of the Republi- can campaign song of last year, the re- frain of which was “Plenty of Work and Two Dollars a Day,” the distribu- tion of provisions among the starving miners of the Braidwood district by a Chicago relief committee, appears to be a Very singular proceeding. ' of the people. \ /, A\ A y RO) Not Explicit Enough. Mr. PowpErLY is doing some plain talking to the Knights of Labor which it is to be hoped will have a good effect. He tells them how it happens that the great corporations can hold them in subjection, and says that they can counteract this tyranny only by a proper exercise of the right of suf- frage. The Reading railroad company, for instance, maintains its usurpations and encroachments because the re- straints provided by the State constitu- tion are not enforced. Legislation for the benefit of the working people finds no favor with the law-making authori- ties, while corporate monopoly controls the Legislature. These wrongs can be righted, says Mr. PowbrrLy, only by the free and untrammeled vote of the working people cast in sueh a way as shall compel the enforcement of the constitution of Pennsylvania. So far he is plain enough in his statement of the remedy. But why is he not more specific in naming the political party that has habitually in- tervened in favor of these monopolistic corporations whenever an attempt has been made to put in force the restrain- ing clauses of the constitution? Why does he not say that it is owing to the favoring action of Republican Legis- latures and Governors that the Read- ing company is enabled “to do two kinds of business when the constitu- tion of Pennsylvania expressly forbids it?" If “the Reading company is an outlaw” in this respect, as he says it 15, should he not be explicit enough to say that it is an outlaw, and continues to do business as such, because Repub- lican Legislatures and Governors do nothing to prevent it? It is well enough in an indefinite sort of way to advise the workingmen to correct this wrong by their votes, but he does but half his duty when he fails to point out the party that is guilty of permit- ting the wrong which he says is being inflicted upon the working people by these oppressive corporations. Mr. PowperLy should be more explicit if he wants his admonition to the Knights of Labor to have any effect. S———————————— : Don’t Worry About 1t. A Republican contemporary, with the object of being ironical, remarks : “It’s time for Mr. CLEVELAND or his friends to do something in order to keep the ex-President before the eyes It's remarkable how | . . . . ‘rapidly a man can slip out of notice in this country.” There is no occasion for doing any- thing. to prevent the people from forgetting Mr. CLEVELAND. They will not let him slip from their minds. Many things are now operating to keep him in their remembrance. The Sugar Trust, which is piacticing its extortion in every hqusehold in the land, causes the public mind to revert to what he said in his tariff reform message about the evil of such combi- nations, and the other oppressive mo- nopolies of a like character are doing their share in keeping alive the recol- lection of Mr. CLEVELAND'S declaration that the only way to deprive the Trusts of their means of extortion was by a reduction of the thieves’ tariff. There isn’t a workingman who was de- frauded into voting for Harrison by promises of better wages and better times that does not see by this time that the deteat of Grover CLEVELAND was a disaster to the interests of the working people. As this impression is growing deeper and stronger every day, it serves an excellent purpose in keeping the ex-President in the public mind. A better condition could not exist for restoring him to the Presi- dency in 1892. ———— ——There are many things that will render the road which the Repub- licans of Pennsylvania will have to travel this year a rough and thorny one. The utter failure of the tariff promises and the equally utter failure of the Prohibition promises have creat- ed two sets of discontented voters who want to get square with the ‘‘grand’ but deceitful “old party.” This will be a good year to start the retribution, but it will be in fuller swing next year when the licks can be made to tell with greater effect in the election of Governor, State Legislature, Congress- men and officers of that class. This 18 going to be a rough year for the g. o. p. ef Pennsylvania, but next year will be a rougher one. 2.8, 4, I 4 bee, VV Le ve STATE RIGHTS AND F EDERAL UNION. NO. 29. The Salt Robbery. The Salt Trust is the most formida- ble conspiracy that has as yet been devised to subject consumers to organ- ized robbery and oppression. It isa legitimate offspring of the Republican tariff policy that has handed the people over to the pillage of the protect- ed monopolies. In all its features and characteristics it may be regarded as the twin brother of the Sugar robbery. Encouraged by the permanence which the election of Harrisox has vouch- safed to the thieves’ tariff, it has gone deliberately about forming its plunder- ing combination, its prospectus having been published the other day in which it is announced that it has been organ- ized upon a capital of $11,900,000, and that with a net profit of 4 cents on the bushel it will make a total profit of $2,000,000 a year cn the salt consump- tion of the country. The latter figures represent the amount of plunder to which consumers would not be subject- ed if this Trust had not been organ- ized. i But after it gets in full swing its theft will amount to a good deal more than this, for as its object is to control the sources of production it will fix prices to suit itself by limiting the sup- ply. In crushing competition it is al- ready imitating the Standard Oil mo- nopoly, it having notified a Pitts- burg Salt Company, which is back- ward in joining the Trust, that if it does not become a part of the coin- bine it will be crushed. Consumers are likely to find salt going up in price with the amazing rapidity with which sugar went up from 7 cents a pound under the Cleveland administra- tion to 11 cents under the Harrison high tariff rule. The tariff is the same, but these robber ‘combinations have been so assured of the perma- nence of the tariff by the election of Harrisox that they are encouraged to push their operations to the fullest ex- tent. Such iniquitous conspiracies as the Sugar, Salt and other Trusts that are making the American people their prey, can be counteracted only by re- moving the duties on the commodities which they have been enabled to con- trol by the assistance of a high tariff. Grover CLEVELAND pointed out the remedy for this evil, and it will be only when Salt, Sugar and other arti- cles. of prime necessity to the people are allowed to come into our ports from every quarter of the world un- burdened by tariff’ duties, that the con- sumers will be relieved from the depre- dation of these thievish combinations. What Can They Do About It? Immediately upon TANNER'S being installed as Commissioner of Pensions he showed the unbounded liberality of his disposition and his hostility to the treasury surplus by rérating pensions. He began with his immediate associ- ates in the pension office, raising the figures to such an extent that where they were getting only hundreds of dallars before, they found their pen- sions suddenly raised to thousands. This extravagance was being adopted as the general rule of TANNER'S adminis- tration, without stopping to inquire whether there wasany law for it, when the President and Secretary NosLe be- came alarmed at the wide swath the Commissioner was cutting and ap- pointed a committee to investigate his proceedings. But whatever the com- mittee may report, what can the ad- ministration do about it? Taxxer may be cautioned to go slower, but fie is acting precisely as the pension agents want him to act. His policy exactly suits the Grand Army of the Republie. These were two agencies that exerted a pewerful influence in electing Har- RISON. The President and the Secre- tary dare not offend them by turning TANNER out. the devil and the deep sea on the pen- sion question. If it allows TaNXER and the pension sharks to carry on as they are doing with the surplus, it will disgnst and alarm every decent and prudent voter in the country. If it in- terferes with their raid on the treasury, it will offend the large class of pension claimants who were induced to vete for Harrison by the promise that pen- sion money would be shoveled out to them. Either horn of this dilemma is embarrassing to the administration. Ruin on Either Horn of the Dilemma. Wade's Fiber and Fabric, a publica- ‘tion devoted to industrial subjects, with a Republican leaning, says : The Appomattox has got to be decided be- fore the Republican party can fairly claim its victory, and gain the confidence of the whole American people. If the coming Congress is equal to the emergency, and can place on the free list raw materials, it will rob the Dem- ocratic party of their last strong plank and must bring to the support of the administra. tion the many able papers that have so per- sistently and so consistently agitated for free raw meterials. But what kind ot an Appomattox would such a surrender of its position gain for the Republican party ? In the campaign which made Harrisox President the Democratic proposition to put raw materials on the free list was denounced as rank free trade. An appeal was made to the people to pre- vent a measure that was represented as being intended to destroy American in- terests. The Mills bill was denounced chiefly because it placed many raw materials on the free list, and abuse was heaped upon Mr. CLEVELAND be- cause in his great tariff reform mes- sage he pointed out the disadvantage to American industries arising from a tarift tax on'the raw materials used in their operations, The record on this subject was made 1 the last campaign. It is indelibly impressed upon the minds of the people. After what has been said and done in this matter, should a Republican Con- gress put raw materials on the free list it would be an abandonment of their position ; it would be an acknowledge- ment that they resorted to outrageous misrepresentation last year in or- der to deceive the voters, and it would subject them to the ridicule and contempt of the people. The removal of the tariff tax on the raw commodities needed by our indus- tries, as clearly shown by Mr. CLeve- LAND and maintained by the Demo- crats, is absolutely necessary to prevent industrial prostration. Tie adoption of the policy foreshadowed by Fiber and Fabric would proclaim the stultifi- cation of the Republican party ; but if it shall prefer to stick to the tariff on raw materials, which is the only con- sistent thing it can do in this matter, the growing enlightenment of the people with respect to the effects of the tariff will rise in rebellion against the continuance of such a repressive pol- icy. In either case defeat and ruin stares the old party in the face. A ————— A Hollow Truce. It would seem that the cordial feel- ing that should exist between political brothers does not characterize the re- lations existing between Quay, the boss of the Republicans of Pennsylva- nia, and McMaxgs, the boss of the Philadelphia machine. The other day when the State boss, in coming from the sea-shore, stopped off in the city to enable his faithful henchmen to approach him and state what they wanted in the official line, and they were breaking their necks to get into his presence, McMaxgs stood aloof, making no sign that he wished to court the great man’s favor. His demeanor clearly indicated that his feelings tow- ard the Boss were not of an amicable nature, and that if any advances were to be made they would have to come from Quay. This attitude had such an effect upon the latter that he sought the tent of the sulking Philadelphia chief with the object of putting their relations on a more friendly footing. It is said that McMaNES was quite open in expressing his dissatisfaction with the treatment accorded him and his friends by the great dispenser of politi- cal favors, and was in no way back- ward in letting it be understood that he was disposed to resent it. Those who keep track of Quay’s movements re- port that he fixed up the misunder- standing with McMaNes by making fair promises, but it is doubtful whether such promises will restrain ‘the Phila- delphia leader from jumping on the Boss when he and Curis Macee can do it to the best advantage. ———— MonsTER RIvERs.—If rivers were to rank according to the amount of water they carry to he sea, the Mississippi would have many dangerous rivals. The Or- inoco is known to deliver 120,000,000 cubic feet per hour; the Ganges, in the rainy season, 494,000 cubic feet per sec- ond. The Amazon has at least five tributaries exceeding the Father of Wa- ter in depth as well as in breath. At a distance of fifty miles above its delta tha Congo is still six miles broad and forty to sixty-fiye fathoms deep. Spawls from the Keystone. —Nearly every farm in York county has a covey of patridges. Feed —Rev. E. L. Hubbard, of New Castle, takes his baby out with him when he goes bicycling. —Company A, Sixth Regiment, has ordered green shirts, which the i~embers will wear in camp. : —A ghost in the shape of a large black dog has been seen mear Idlewild, in the Le- high Mountains. —Twe ladies at Shubert, Berks county, at- tacked and killed a large rattlesnake which had ten rattles. —Steward Boyer, of the York county poor farm, has four teams already afield plowing for the fall seeding. —Jacob Frederick, of Green Lane, Berks county, raises bull frogs as a business, and sells between 500 and 600 each week. —Jacob Baney, of Myerstown, has just solda veritable mountain of horse-flesh. The animal weighed 2300 pounds and measured 19 hands. —J. A. Bartram, of Fernwood, has a white mule called “Spider” that refuses to work dur. ing the noon hour or after 6 o'clock in the evening. —John McGinnis, a farm-hand at Moore’ Delaware county, was found dead on top of a load of hay which he helped toload a few days ago. —Justice of the Peace J. G. Brown, of Rohrerstown, has heen a Justice for thirty y ears, and in all that time never sent a man to jail. —In Montgomery county there are twenty- seven applicants for places as census enumer ators, and among them are a colored man and a woman. —Mrs. Joseph Hoy,of Orwigsburg,Berks coun- ty, celebrated her 90th birthday by going into the field and tying up half a dozen sheaves of wheat. —Edward Diehl and Willoughby Seibert, old offenders, were committed to jail at Easton last week for stealing sixty pairs of chickens from eight farmers. —Samuel Davidheiser, of Upper Pottsgrove, who is 87 years of age, has a complete set of teeth, with the exception of one tooth, which was pulled when he was a boy. —Sixty members of the Berks county Bar have formally protested against the renomina- tion of Judge Hagenman on account of his al- leged nepotismand other favoritism. —Co rnelius Mesler was arrested in Reading while sleeping on a porch. He is 84 years of age, and says he walked the entire distance from Des Moines, Ia., and was on his way to Port Jervis. —While walking on ninth street, Allentown, Miss Sallie Seems was attacked by a ferocious Irish setter dog and had her arm lacerated in afrightful manner, the animal keeping his hold until driven away. —Surveyor Roberts, of Chester, grieves for a fine Gordon setter which is dying trom the ef- fects of carbolic acid poisoning. The animal had been treated with the acid for mange, and it is supposed licked some of it. —Charles Crater and Charles E. Grother, ex- convicts, armed with revolvers, on Saturday afternoon beat and robbed a peddler at Chain Dam, and were caught near Easton by Detect- ive Simons and Chief Tilton after a lively struggle. ' ~—Shoenberger & Co., of Pittsburg, are con- structing appliances for running molten pig- iron direct from the furnace into the converter, to be blown into plate or chant steel, a process which will revolutionize steel manufacture. —Among the personal effects disposed of at public sale by the executors of the late Wil- liam Worman, of Allentown, was a lot of wood- lye soap, made by his long deceased wife in the days before the general introduction of caustic soda for soap making. — William Pennypacker, of East Nantmeal, caught a fox a week ago and determined to keep him for hunting purposes. The animal made its escape from the pen a few nights ago and destroyed a brood of thirty-nine turkeys on Mr. Pennypacker’s farm. — Boating for bass is a new sport at Marietta. A party in a boat drift on the river, and while floating around the bass, which are so uumer- ous, jump from the water into the boat. A par- ty of four the other evening had thirteen bass. to jump into their boat. —Miss Elizabeth Pennypaker, of Phoenix-- ville, a spinster lady in her 80th year, has had. a tombstone erected on the burial lot in which she desires that her body shall be interred. The inscription is all complete with the ex- ception of her age and date of death. —Jacob Marx, bottler of soft drinks, of Car- lisle, has sold a fine family horse to a gentle- man ig New York by telegraph for $2 per inch. The animal measured seventy-six inches high, making the price $152. This is the: first horse sold by inches in that section. —A loving couple of Burton Hollow, near Williamsport, eloped to New York, got mar- ried and returned to ask parental forgiveness. Instead of getting it the bride was locked in a room by her parents and is kept in close cus- tody, and the groom feels nettled about it. —Mrs. M. B. Bergey, of Souderton, Mont- gomery county, was badly burned a few days ago while extracting beeswax. The wax on the stove took fire and ran out over the floor. In trying to quench the flames her dress caught fire, and her lower limbs were badly burned. —Workmen fixing the canal near Newport last week found beneath the flood debris a trunk containing jewelry and love letters be- longing to Miss Mattie Rutherford, of Mifflin county. A dispatch was sent her, and she promptly responded and claimed her treasures with joy. —For some weeks past experiments have been made with crude petroleum as a fuel at the iron-mill of Lindsay & McCutcheon, Alle- gheny, the results of which seem to justify the most sanguine expectations of the inventor. It is claimed that the capacity of the mills can be increased on-third by its use. —DMr. Paul Bletz, of Colambia, was sitting on his front step paring his nails a few days ago when his infant daughter fell from the top step to the pavement, and as he threw out his hand to catch her the edge of his knife blade was drawn across her face, cutting both cheeks in a ghastly manner. —As a handsomely dressed lady was walk- ing on Market street, Chester, a couple of days since, and was near the Cochram building, a quantity of tobacco juice struck her in the eye and bespattered her clothing. The pain was intense and the lady was obliged to go into a beef market where she got relief. —Sheriff Wolf, of Williamsport, a few days since made a vicious kick at a cat with his right foot, but missed the animal and struck his lef foot instead, The blow prostrated him and being a six-footer he fell heavily. He broke the fall by throwing out his left hand, which, hawever, is very sore and in a sling in consequence,