Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 12, 1889, Image 6

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    Dewortalic: Hate
‘Bellefonte, Pa., July 12, 1839.
Iam an honest trading wan;
I keep a little store
Where many > ti asy plan
Of running up a seore,
And say when being
With mueh surprise
“IU's not convenient, sir, to-day--
Please call around to-morrow.”
med for pay,
“ana Sorrow
I'hose people always want che best,
And want it very quick;
They grumble more than all the rest
Who never buy on tick. |
Yet they, when being dunned for pay,
Say with surprise and sorrow:
“It's not convenient, sir, to-day—
Please call around to-morrow.”
Those humbugs have a lofty air
And live in royal style,
And, judging by the clothes they wear,
They own a golden pile—
Yet they, when being dunned for pay,
Exclaim in fright and sorrow:
s not convenient, sir, to-day—
Please call around to-morrow.”
The customers who buy for cash,
Have rights we shonld protect ;
To pay for other people's dash
They certainly ohject—
Yet, they must do it anyway
When tradesmen eall “to-morrow”
On shoddy folks who never pay
And live on what they borrow.
To any honest tradi:.g man
Those frands are all a bore,
And when they, eooler than'a fan,
Walk gaily in a store,
They should be treated in their way,
And told with little sorrow:
It's not convenient—till you pay—
Please call around to-morrow.”
—I. C. Dodge, in Goodall's Sun.
EEC an
Ttah Charley’s Last.
He Rides in a Cofiin « Little Bit Ahead
of His Time.
Let me relate to you some of my early
experiences, said Conductor Frye, of the
Burlington, when I was running bag-
gage on the Unicn Pacific. It was
back about ten years ago. We were
coming east from Ogden, and at a small
station a box supposed to contain a corpse
was put in the express car, consigned to
Lincoln, Neb. Bill Axley, now on the
Santa Fe, was express messenger, and as
we clevated the box into the car he re-
marked that it did not fit the coffin well,
as he felt a reacting jar as the article
was put in the car.
There were two men fairly well dress-
ed, and showing no signs of suspicion,
together with what we took to be an
aged woman, who accompanied the re-
mains. She was represented as being
the mother of the deceased, and the two
men were the latter's brother. The wo-
man, or man, as she turned out to be,
was anxious to remain with the corpse
in the car. She also desired that her
two sons might be by her side. This
was against the rules, and they were in-
formed that transportation would only
be allowed the corpse in the express car,
and accordingly they agreed to take
seats in a coach.
Just before the train pulled out Bill
said to me that he thought the game was
a concocted robbery,and was determined
to Lave the box handed outand inspect-
ed before the train started. But what if
it were a real corpse? The boys would
have hooted Billoff’ the road for his cow-
ardice. This I said to Bill, and he final-
ly concluded to let the worst come if it
must. The conductor signaled the train
to start, and Bill jumped into his car
and I got into mine; but the more 1
thought of the situation and more I
found that Billy's suspicions were not
unfounded. Finally, atthe next station
we stopped to wait a clear track, and,
Bill not being in his accustomed place
at the doorway of his car, I decided to
ascertain where he was.
At the door there sat Bill with a face
as pale as a dead person, and with large
drops of perspiration standing on his
forehead. I was about to laugh; but a
sudden motion of his hand prompted me
to refrain. Finally he walked elose to
the door and with one eye on me and
the other on the box be said: “There's u
man in that box aliveandI know it. You
had better keep your eye on those other
fellows or we're their game sure.” I
paused for a moment. 1 did not want
to make a blunder by informing the con-
ductor and being called a tenderfoot; but
supposing that the box contains a live
robber, there was the pot.
[ meditated and 1 finally said to Bill
to watch further developments, but he
refused and said that if I did not come
to his assistance he would call on some-
body cise. T saw that he was frighten-
ed, and he did not have much the better
of me. Taking hold of the car door 1
entered it and we both stood and gazed
at the box. It was sealed and neither
of us had a right to open it. I finally
culled the conductor and informed him
or the case. “Yes,” said he, “and I no-
tice that the old lady who is weeping in
the conch back there has a ponderous
foot for a woman.” But we all agreed
to await developments, and I agreed to |
ide in the express car with Bill.
We again pulled out, but we had not
gone far before the bell rope was pulled
and the train began to slacken up. At
this juncture Bill did not rush to the
door to see what was up, but set both
eyes on the box. A moment of amaze-
ment and suddenly the cover of the box
flew off and a heavily armed bandit at-
tempted to rise, but Bill bad him and in
an instant a ball went whizzing
through the fellow’s neck and he tell
over. “Guard the door !’’ shouted Bill,
and the words had not fully esciped his
lips when the individual in female at-
tired appeared and was about to enter
the car ween I leveled my revolver and
said, “Woman or man, throw up vour
hands or I.1shoot.”” In full range the
individual could not do otherwise, and
one of the hands while suspended clutch-
ed a fine specimen of firearms.
m1 held the strang guest at the point of
my revolver and was surprised to see a
little gray haired man come out of the
next coach with the two alleged brothers
heavily shackled. Tue little man who
subdued the two companions was a U.
States marshal who was on bosrd the
NT a ea
to the penitentiary for {wenty-one years
each, and are now at Joliet, Ill.
The victim of Bill’s markmanship was
Utah Charley, one of the most daring
train robbers that ever infested the plains.
‘We put the box and body off at the next
station and they were disposed of in a
manner which 1 never learned. Any-
way, Bill’s timidity was the means of
breaking up a band of train robbers that
had terrorized the west, and his marks-
manship sent Utah Charley to another
home where he could not stay in a pine
box long. Bill had about $35,000 in
charge at the time, and after making
that trip he turned over his keys and
abandoned the service.
To Make Merry Over.
A. (somewhat illiterate)—*1 read
something in a paper about idiots. Are
they human beings 27 B. —+Certainly,
they are human beings like yourself.’
Irom the German.
Stubbs-— Going to take your wife up
to the mountains this year? Wrangler
—No. She's going but 1 can’t stay
with her. The doctor says 1 must have
rest and quiet. See ?— Time.
Visitor in editorial room (to writer)—
You scem to be busy? Writer—-Yes.
Visitor— What are you writing about?
Writer—Don’t know. I'm writing an
editorial. --drkansaw Traveler.
Michigan must be an awful State. A
man in Port Huron has just sold the
city 17 acres of land to be used as a
cemetery, provided no liquor shall be
sold on the premises. — Burlington Free
“You are enjoying yoursef, I hope?”
said the hostess at a soiree to Galuchet.
“You know, madam,” said Galuchet,
with his most gracious smile, “that the
dullest parties never bore me. TI ean
stand almost anything.”’—French Fun.
Patient-—‘Frankly, now, doctor, what
do you think is the matter with me?”
Physician—“Frankly, my dear sir, I
haven't theleastidea ! but weshall know
all about it after the autopsy.”’—Somer-
ville Journal.
“Bromley, it was lucky that newsboy
found your wallet, wasn’t it?” ‘Yes.
It had ten thousand in it.”” “But you
only gave the boy a 20-cent piece.”
“Why, bless my soul! I thought it
was a quarter.” — Time.
In a lawsuit in Kentucky the other
day it was proved that a horse which
had kicked three men to death and had
run away five times was warranted
“perfectly gentle and safe for a lady to
drive.” Now and then there is a horse-
trader who is absentminded in his state-
ments.---Detriot Free Press.
Passenger— ‘Captain, you haven't
quite as big a crowd to-day as usual,
have you?’ Captain——*We have 1,500
passengers, sir.”” Another passenger (a
few minutes later)-—Captain, it seems to
me vou haven't enough boats on this
steamer.”” Captain(with cold dignity)
—4I have boats enough for 250 passen-
gers, sir, which is all my license ealls
for.” Chicago Tribune.
ETE an ars aT
Vertigo Caused by Nicotine.
M. Decaisne has laid before the
French Academy of medicine the re-
sults of various investigations relating
to the vertigo peculiar to smokers.
From this it appears that the numerous
experiments made in this line have
proved that nicotine contracts the mus-
cular coat of the vessels, and that ver-
tigo is due to the exaggerated contrac-
tion of the arteries of the brain—the
patient experiences a feeling of empti-
ness in the head, so much so that he
seems as if about to faint, everything
turning around and his ideas becoming
confused. M. Decaisne has further
ascertained that these phenomena are
chiefly found in smokers about fifty
years of age, and especially in those
habitually accustomed tosmoking before
meals; he has also known several of the
persons to be treated for cerebral con-
gestion, and even for disease of the
heart, with the result, as might be sup-
posed, of increasing the symptoms, the
proper treatment consisting of absolute
abstention from the weed.
Usk MArvELous CoUuGH SYRUP. —A
sure cure for Coughs, Whooping Cough,
Bronchial or Throat Affections of any
The modest and attractive lady type-
writer has thrown a grace and charm
over the office in which she reigns that
has banished the profane and suggestive
word to the bar-room. For the privi-
lage of sharing her company, resting
their eyes on her pretty face and watch-
ing her winning ways, the man of the
world has surrendered his former prero-
gative of saying whateversprings to his
lips in moments of impatience; and by
an unwritten law he is now obliged to
be a gentleman in his office as in his
own parlor in the companionship of his
wife and children
All this is as it should be. Places of
business are now open at any hour of
the day to ladies as well asman. Offices
are put on a higher plane. Improper
words are going out of fashion as the re-
sult, and, through fear of offending, a
woman may be the loftiest motive to-
ward virtue. If the race shall be uplifted
in consequence, let's accept the blessing
and not deride the cause.—New Haven
——Deafiess can’t be cured by local
application, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure deafness, and that
is by constitutional remedies. Deafness
is caused by an inflamed condition of
the mucus lining of the EKus‘~chian
Tube. When this tube gets in .amed
Deafness is the result, and unless the in-
will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out
of ten are caused by catarrh, which is
train at the time. The conductor was
covered and ordered to pull the bell
rope. but before the train was fairly |
stopped the little officer had both men in
irons. The supposed female turned out
to be a man in female attire. The
feigned corpse was converted into a real
one, and his companions were sentenced
| the mucus surfuces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
“for any case of Deafness, (caused by
catarrh,) that we cannot cure by taking
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu-
lars, free.
F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo O.
nothing but an inflamed condition of
flamation ean he taken out and this tube !
restored to its normal condition, hearing |
=r Rr SA
Influence of Imagination.
General De Trobriand,Yin his book,
“The Army of the Potomac,” relates
many incidents illustrating the influence
of the imagination. One poor fellow
believed he had a ball in the head, and
prepared to die on account of it. He
died. Another, with his eye gone and
his eyebrows burned off, thought nothing
was the matter. Another instance was
that of a surgeon who had been al-
lured 1nto the army by asalary. He
had been a man of luxurious habits, and
found himself living without fire in a
tent covered with snow.
He sought to make himself comforta-
ble by building a fire in the open air and
toasting one side while the other froze.
He could not get used to the meagre
fare and no bed of the camp. But the
roaring of cannon ended his carcer. He
became livid, trembling like a leaf; he
shook at each detonation and seemed
about to lose his legs.
“1 amadead man,’ he at last exelaim-
ed, as if actually shot. “I must go away
or I ama dead man!” And there had
not been a shot anywhere near the divi-
sion. He had to be carried to a hospi-
tal and discharged.
At Gettysburg a color bearer stagger-
ed and fell back.
“Steady!” called the colonel.
“I am wounded,” replied the color-
bearer, in a choking voice.
“In the throat.”
The commander leaned over his horse
and looked. “It is nothing. I see no
The soldier immediately retook his
place and lifted kis flag. The ball had
really struck him in the neck but had
bounded off’ his leather collar, and the
shock had choked him for a moment.
On the dawn of the day after the bat-
tle of Gettsburg, De Trobriand found a
young sergeant stretched out on his back,
his head resting on a flat stone. His
position was natural, even graceful.
One knee slightly raised, his hand cross-
ed on his breast, his eyes closed, he seem-
ed to sleep; he might have been dreaming
of her who waited for him in the Green
He was dead. Wounded, he had drag-
ged himself there to die composedly.
His haversack was near him. He had
taken out of it a little book on which his
last looks had been cast, for it was still
open in his rigid fingers. It was a copy
of the New Testament.
Different was the tale of a Florida lad.
Secarcely twenty years old, he had been
forced into the Confederate army. His
left heel was carried away by a piece of
shell. His right hand was torn off by a
canister shot.
Two amputations he did not complain
of, but when he spoke of returning
crippled to aged parents dependent on
him his smile was more heart breaking
then any complaint could have been.
Eating LEMoNs.—A great deal has
been said through the papers about the
healthfulness of lemons. The latest ad-
vice is how to use them so that they will
do the most good, as follows: §Most peo-
ple know the benefit of lemonade before
oie] but few know that it is more
than doubled by taking another at night
also. The way to get the better of the
bilous system, without blue pills or quin-
ine, is to take the juice of one, two or
three lemons, as appetite craves, in as
much ice water as makes it pleasant to
drink without sugar before going to bed.
In the morning, on rising, at least a half
hour before breakfast, take the juice of
one lemon in a goblet of water. This
will clear the system of humor and bile
with efficiency withoutany of the weak-
ening ettects of calomel or congress water.
People should not irritate the stomach
by eating lemons clear.
Mear Caxes.—The remains of a cold
roast or boiled leg of mutton that has
been rarely cooked will be most delicious
if prepared as follows: Chop the meat as
fine as possible and mix it with half as
much breadcrumbsjand a quarter as much
beef suet, also chopped very fine and
freed from strings. Put these ingredients
into a bowl with a cupful of minced oys-
ters (fresh ones of course are best, but the
canned ones may be used,) add a seasoning
of thyme, marjoram, pepper, salt, and a
little powdered mace; mix with two well
beaten eggs for a pound of the cold mut-
ton; stir until it forms a stiff’ paste; form
into balls or sausages and fry.
What's IN A NAME.--An exchange
says: “We are, indeed, a happy ele-
gant, moral, transcendent people. We
have no masters, they are all principals;
no shopmen, they are ‘helps,; no jailers,
they are all governors; nobody is flog-
ged in prison, he merely receives the
correction of the house; nobody is ever
unable to meet his engagements; nobody
is angry, he is only excited; nobody is
cross, he is only nervous; lastly, nobody
is drunk-—the very utmost that ‘vou can
assert is that “he has taken his wine.”
Leavenworth, Kan., has devel-
oped a notable epidemic of sickness, but
it alarms no one but the doctors, who are
not consulted. The patients themselves
just sign the certificates setting forth
that they are ill, and leave them at the
drug stores, which are not permitted to
sell liquor in the absence of such trust-
worthy data. Some wonderful health
statistics will be made from these records
some day.
The tendency of silver table ware has
been toward smallness and compactness,
and this has affected the size of smaller
ware. The butter plates, salt cellars and
pepper pots are very diminutive, and as a
rule they are decorated in the same man-
ner as the larger pieces, although there
are many odd and striking designs. A
new stvle of salt cellar i= made in the
form of & dimlnutive stewpan. Others
imitate lenv.s, fruits and flowers.
A real estate dealer of Chicago
hit upon a novel way to advertise his
vou have a rumbling sound or imperfect | business and to celebrate the national
hearing, and when it is entirely closed, | holiday. July 4 he held a jubilee on
his allotment and fired into the aira
skyrocket to which was attached a quit
claim deed for a lot. The man who
found the deed gets the lot.
rr ——
——It is to be presutned that a Lon-
don paper has made its computation
with accuracy when it says that all the
people now living in the world, or about
1,400,000,000, could find standing room
within the limits of a field ten miles
square, and, by the aid of a telephone,
could be addressed by a single speaker.
He FiGurep 17 Ovr.—Algernon—
“Aren't you sometimes bored with
young gentlemen callers who persist in
stayin’toolong 7?’ Angelina—-+No; mam-
ma iz acquainted with most of my cal-
lers and knows just how much time I
care to waste on each of them, and she
generally manages to terminate their
calls about as T wish.” Algernon (just
arrived)—‘‘Whata capital idea.,” Ange-
lina’s Ma (putting her head in at the
door)—“Pray do not hurry, daughter,
but I should like you to come to the
back parlor when you may do so with
propriety.”-—Omaka World.
BT —
QUEEN VicToriA’'s Rivas.—It is
said that the three rings which Queen
Victoria prizes the most highly are:
First of all her wedding ring, which
she has never taken off; then a small
enamel ring, with a tiny diamond in
the centre, which the prince consort
gave her at the age of sixteen; and an
emerald serpent, which he gave her as
an engagement ring. For many years
after the prince consort’s death her
majesty slept with these rings on her
fingers, only taking them off to wash
her hands, as the water would, of
course, spoil the enamel.
Cm —————
I'rance claims the honor of utiliz-
ing a higher water pressure than that re-
cently put in operation in the Chollar
shaft on the Comstock lode, in Nevada.
At Brignoud, 1} miles from the valley
of Gresivaudad, near Grenoble, a turbine
9 feet 10 inches in diameter was put in
operation in the year 1875, utilizing a
head of 1,638 feet. Tt is still working,
and gives a force of 1,500 horse-power,
with a flow of 75 gallons of water per
Morasses GINGER CooKiks.—One
cup of New Orleans molasses or sorghum
put on the stove, and when it boils take
off and stir in one tablespoonful of saler-
atus and one cup of brown sugar. When
cool add two-thirds cup of shortening,
one-third cup of cold water, the yolk of
one egg, cloves, cinnamon, ginger and
salt to taste, flour to roll and bake in a
quick oven. Use the white of the egg to
make boiled icing for them. This makes
fifty cookies. They will keep six months.
PE —
LeMoN Toast.—Take the yolks of
three eggs, beat them well and add a cup
and a half of sweet milk; take some bread,
not too stale, and cut into slices, dip
them into the milk and eggs and fry a
delicate brown in the melted butter.
Take the whites of three ees, beat thei
to a froth, adding half a cup of powder-
ed sugar, add the juice of one lemon and
a cup of boiling water beating them in
well. Serve over the toast as a sauce.
AN ExcrLusivie PErson.—On one oc
casion a lady called and presented a
check which she wished cashed. Asshe
was & perfect stranger to the paying tel-
ler, he said, very politely : “Madam, you
will have to bring some one to introduce
you before we can cash this check.”
Drawing herself up quite haughtily, she
said, freezingly : “But I do not wish
to know you, sir!’— Richmond Dis-
——A boy of 16, who is pretty sure
to break his neck one of these warm
days, is David Pickering, of Newark,
who is said to clear a bur of 5 feet 3
inches above the ground, head foremost,
landing first on his hands and then on
the back of his neck, without even the
comfort of a mattress to break the vio-
lence of his fall.
——A sharp fakir is making a good
income by advertising a sure method of
killing all insects. When you send him
50 cents you will receive a printed card
on which are these words: “Get vour in-
sects to smoke cigarettes, and they will
die within an hour. So long.”
01d Mouestiy Tobacco.
Comes as near being a fine piece of PLUG TO-
BACCO as it is possible tol make it, and is
known as a
We are sure that ONE TRIAL will
convince you of its merits,
Look for the red H tin tag on each plug.
Music Boxes.
Fo rARGIHED 1824,
Superior Quality
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Send stamp forcatalogue. Examination wiil
prove our instruments the most perfect and
durable made. They play selections from all
the Standard and Light Operas, and the most
Popular Music of the day; also Hymns.
23 49 1y
Sechler & Company.
We have just put in a very com-
plete stock of goods in this line.
Our assortment runs from the com-
mon ware for kitchen use up
through the various grades to Huv-
land's fine French China.
Oar stock is all new. Has just
been selected from goods manutac-
tared for this spring's trade. The
style and shapes are new and very
People who like nice smooth
stylish ware of newest patterus and
honest reliable goods, can select
from our stock at will without the
least danger of getting anything
undesirable, as we buy no old
styles or second quality of goods.
Even our lowest grades are all
carefully selected and of first qua!
ity in each grade.
Our lowest grade of table ware,
American Semi Granite, is a strong,
heavy body goods, an excellent ar-
ticle for every day use and at an
ex ‘edingly low price. Cups and
saucers, large and heavy, 30c. a
Plates, regular size, The. dozen.
Plates, large size, 90c. dozen.
Tea Sets, 46 pieces, $2.50.
We next®come to our Best Ameri-
can White Granite Ware. These
are as reliable goods as any Amer-
ican manufacturer has yet pro-
duced. The shapes are very tasty
and the goods in every way very de-
sirable and will do good service.
Tea Sets, 5S pieces, $3.50.
Combined Dinner and Tea Sets,
124 pieces, $12.00.
All selected ware.
Then we reach our English
White Granite—Every piece of this
goods we guarantee will not craze
in any reasonable length of time.
This ware is good for twenty years
although an exceptional piece may
craze in much less time. This
brand stands as high and comes
as near perfection in glazing as
any granite ware yet proddced in
any country, and we think this is
altogether the most economical
and most satisfactory goods for ev-
ery day use, and in our new shapes |
makes a very desirable dinner set. |
Tea Sets, 58 pieces, $3.75.
Combined Dinner and Tea Sets, |
124 pieces, $12.75.
If any pieces of this brand
craze we will replace them.
Our English Porcelain Opaque
Ware is finer and richer goods in
appearance than white granite, but
not so strong. In the latest shapes
they make a very handsome tea or
dinner set. These are the highest
grade of goods made below china.
The teas and coffees are especially
Fhiladelphia Card.
Iowan W. MILLER,
Dealers in
Railway Guide,
Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone,
6.55 a. m., at Altoona, 7.45 p. m., at Pitts-
burg, 12.45 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 10.25 a. m |
11.55 a. m., at Altoona, 1.4
, 6.50 p: m.
ellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.40, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.55.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.55, at Harrisburg, 10.30 a. m., at Philadel-
phia, 1.25 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte 10.25 a. m., ar
11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg,
Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6..40at Harrisburg at 10.45 p. m., at Phila-
delphia, 4.25 a. n..
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
novo, 8.50 p.m.
2 a. m., arrive at Lock
rive at Tyrone,
p- mm, at Pitts-
ive at Tyrone,
3.20 p. m., ab
Haven, 11.00 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte sat 8.49 p. m.
Haven at 10.10 p. m.
Leave Bellefo 3
arrive at Lock
m.: arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, . p. m.; Willinmsport, 6.30 p. m., at
Harrisburg, 1.10 a. m.
Leave Belletoiite
ven, 11.00, leave iamsport, 12.20 m
at Harristmre, 3.13 p. m., at Philadelphia
6.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 10.10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.0
i 45
3 i.
m., leave Harrisburg
Philadelphia at 6.50 a.
Leave Bellefonte at 6.00 a. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg at ox ., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m.,
Leave Bellefonte, p. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg, 5.25, at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m., Phila-
delphia at 4.25 a. m.
mt | ot =
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: Z Fig
% R12 Mm ipuip ym
6°40) 11 55 55... Tyrone... 8101310 715
6 33) 11 48 6 4s/.E. Tyrone... 8171317 7 22
| 6 44 Jail | 82032) Tas
6 40 Bald Eagle 8 2513 24| 7 33
g oral. Dix... { 830/133] 739
3 6 30... Fowler... 832333 742
; 6 28... Hannah. 836387 T46
3 06) 6 21 Pt. Matild: 8 43/3 7 55
5 501 11 091 6 13i..Martha....; 8 513 52! 8 05
550010 59) 6 8 5014 8 15
5“ 5 9 1 8 25
5 3: H 4 9 8 35
5: 5 9 2 8 3
5 2 5 9 3 | 849
5 5 9 01
5 0: 5 al tot
4 55 5 14..Mt. Eagle.. 9 17
4 4¢ 4 07 ...Howard...! 10 9 27
{ 4 4 59 Eagleville. 10 30/5 9 40
4: 4 56 Beh. Creek.! 10 355 13) 9 45
4 4 46 Mill Hall...! 10 505 24! 10 01
4 919 4 43 Flemin'ton. 10 545 27 10 05
4 9 15 4 40 Lek. Haven, 11 00/5 30! 10 10
, P
+ iM. P.M. A.M. LLP. ML.
oy i eg =
{5 = = # ;
z [Ro | = May 13, z Xv | &
21%. E We, 1B LEE E
raners... |
Pleasant |
10{ 3 58] 9 05l..Summit...|
.-- Retort.....i
good style and come in eight ditfer- _ > agit] :
ent sizes and shapes. We sell a |s40 421 937. Stéiners..| 3 (
~ . a . .) 92 , « Yhili X Rn rs
46-piece tea set of this fine ware at 8 421 430; 9 40 Philipsbu’g) 5 4 or
tA 5 846! 454 94. Graham... 5: 50
$4.50. 852 440 952. Blue Ball. 5 55
This whole line is offered in any 8 58) 449 9 59 Wallaceton.| 5 28 10 15'4 49
combination or any separate pieces
9 05] 4 57] 10 07!....Bigler.....
14 .Woodland..!
He En re oO OTD
&o to
desired. 919 5 20
enberes 9 231 5 25
i 5 9 30 5 ¢ 17
In decorated ware we have some 9 38 : 138 931410
very desirable goods both in Tea 9 42 19 Sus. Bridge! 4 54/ 9 26/4 06
ana Di ve. t i . re. 9 500 535 55 Curwensv’e; 4 50, 9 204 00
and Dinner ware, and in our mis POL PL i. Fe ae
cellaneous goods we have some
very pretty things at noderate
prices. It is difficult to deseribe
this class of goods in print but will
endeavor to interest any one who
will call to see what we have. It
is a pleasure and a satisfaction to
us to have the people come in and
look through our stock even if
they do not intend to buy.
N Haviland’s French China, we
deal direct with Messrs. Haviland,
and get their newest shapes and
finest selections, and by dealing di-
rect with them, we are able to sell
anything in white goods and many
of the most desirable designs in
“decorated ware in any combina
ticn according to customers’ own
selection or by any separate pieces
that may be wanted. We are giv-
ing special attention to this class
of goods, and are able to do
as well on prices as any retail
house in Philadelphia or New
York. .
In glass ware onr assortment is
large ard the styles and patterns
are new and desirable.
Molasses Pitchers, 10e. apiece,
Table Tumblers, 35¢. dozen.
Table Goblets, 50c. dozen.
Glass Sets, 25¢. per set up.
Water Sets, £1.00 per set up.
Also a nice assortment of small
ware, useful things at exceedingly
low prices. :
N Rockingham and Yellowware
we have— Tea Pots, Pitchers,
Nappies, Bakers, Pie Plates,
and the whole line of these goods.
Our stock is complete from lowest
to highest grade — all honest
goods. As to general prices we
state positively that no house in
country or city has lower prices
for the same goods than we have
made. We are prepared to do a
brisk trade in this line and will be
glad to see all who read this ad.
In adding this new line of goods
we have not suffered it in any way
to interfere with or detract our
interest from Groceries, Fruits,
Confections and the meat trade.
We keep this line of business as
bright and fresh as ever. =
Bush House Block.
Time Table in effect on and after
May 13, 1889.
Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday...... 645 a.m.
00 p. m.
10 25 a. m.
8 03 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday
wv To take effect May 13 1839.
nd ue
! ATIONS. i |
J la. mle om
2 03 .Montandon........;. 9 10 545
215 605 |
9000 535
air Ground.
26/ 6 Biehl.
32 6 icksburg
243 6 MitHlinbur
S58 4 Tillmont.
308) 7 Laurelton.........}
3330 7 30
i |
413 Rising Springs
4 28 .Centre Hall..
4 35 + GTELE....
1 43 Linden Hail..
1 48 Oak Hall.
4 52 ..Lemont..
4 57 Dale Summit.
3060 9 Pleasant Gap......|
513 9 2 .....Bellefonte.......|
r.MjA nl
Leper Bad TER
| = = | 21 8
=a | & |
15... Hostler...!
30 ...Marengo..
36... Loveville ,.|
45 FurnaceRd
50 Dungarvin, |
ool... W. Mark...|
5 15 Pennington
5 25... Stover.....
A 40... Tyrone....|
TN mn pe 30 0G
: oe take effect May 13, 1889.
2! | | 3
.Briarly. |
Scotia Crossing... 6 53 4 22
Krumrine........| 7 09] 4 38
ate College. .Ar| 7 17] 443
Trains will stop at stations marked “ f only
when signals are given or notice to conductor.
Tuos. A. SwoEMAKER, Supt.
- —-———