The Democratic Watchman, 11E1,1 1 7 FO N T I.:, l'A Friday Morning, Oct. 27,1871 Lodgo Mee tinge CVNITIIN LODI.E. No 151, I F. Meet'. every 'llllll,lday (•venlng at the (P. 1,1 Follooro liogroe mooting% of L U ( ffn t Solisiday of curb month M 14,11% (Ri I 11(411 11,..0arr) 1,01.11 V, No 13. on the fir•t tnondny of vnt.ll month, In (hid tollow•'K hall. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY Allimme, for Inn ME "Songs 01 Gladness," at Ran EMI —The work of rebuilding the bridgl piers is progrvssing —'l'ln• rain of Toosdity put out tho tires that hare boon raging in tha• moon- CHM --Tho "Mi4sion of Skinonoyh" 14 tllOl.lllO of Ow lecturo which "Nap;by" dvitver tit Ott. pitted. I i, tho richest thing (nit ----"My Wifo find I Aire. II tI I4towe'4 litte+t book will Lt• published on the 2. - otli iff , t , rind the first lot will he sent to Gan 1.111'4 bookstore Go there rind bus nnr —Look otit for l'etrolowin Nn 10y, the luditictil lIIIInUrI t, ut Ite) rrold-' Ilnll,entheel,eningoftho Ilth pros in). \a•bq 1 , a idea , nrit talker, rind HI /1,1 11•111 , 1•11 an„ mg rich -- 17;irdner, of 1111 , ton town.hip, a moldier of thin Unholy!110 Cadets. diod On Saturday night hi , t, of typhoid foyer, and wai buried with the honors of war by tho company on Mon day. Thn aveidmit to Mr. otir of the principal counsel in thop, , reitt of “The city of Philadelphia eei vnr Smith, Rhode. & South, hag compelled the adjournment. of court until Nliindny -A lulu•,' gold watch arid gold locket were I, .t on I•'rulay, the 2(41) ui stnnt, between Rellefonto nod tho It ill i•iiring Teri diihitr, reward will it. paid for their safe return to Frank 1' Blair jewelry store —A chain to audy thni Philosophy of Memory,' w 11.3 formed ut the Y M t A room., on Wednesday evening, utulor the tutorship of Prof Armes 'I lie proleter proposer. to toll " what It kiIOWA 16.11/1 in live lessons —At thy• lecture on "Memory . ' at the NV igvntni, on Tuesday evening, lirother lieorgit 1/1.110 was polttely leiket.l to "pass around tie ittu•tor " The good liilong !trotter, however, just Hot tally shifted the respon•ibility on to *.oniebiely eke - WI. Call /Itt,'llti..ll to the itilvt tuieinent Nt )Ir Linn, in an other place Mr Linn has purchased the turnituro of Mr Harr', tin At- legany 'trrrt, will, h lio hay 110 W .(,n 6- 01 with . elewint nisNortment thf. nd vert TII4. I. turn 4 "Petroleum , ' uu Tuemlay evening, the 1 Ith of November, be a good tiling "Navhy t , known all over the country, RV a 111111111r1.1., I{llll Inl Stye SOlllO vi•ry fanny tiling+ Whorever he gne , 4 110 drawn ern,viled 6ou.rc. It --We are informed that Mrs Ket tering, in .11.11114t0W/I, Pa , has an egg that Lear+ date "IS-12," on the shell Said egg was presented to Mrs. Ketter ing by Captain S M Winter, of He her.hur„ this county, on Easter Sun day, 1812. Who has an older egg ? - - The Sabbath Siihool Convention for Ow district of Ilionard borough ; and Howard, Marion and Walker township:, will hold its milt meeting ur thin Itefortned church of tho first Hitturday of Ninietnber III•X t, at 10 o'clock A M. --A otse-liiir•ii show in Ittish'i Ilxll on 'Tuesday was principally advertised hVHI me ans of a cracked hand-organ, which, during On antiro afternoon, ground out the most forlorn and melan choly musie. 'Phnro was a big snake, a sword 4'wall , ,wer, a two-headed baby, and iithi?r monstrosites. —Our Irwin!, Jack Nolan, of Snow Shoe, showed 119 n very large turnip which he raised ; rt weighed something over live pounds, and was ono of those mem round ones Thu Snow Shillleoun try although con•idcred by many to be "hack woods," nevertheless will pro duct, just as wood grain and fine vegeta• Wes guillrly of the bottom portions of the county. --An attempt was made the other morning to start the United States Mail between this point and HubJere burg, from the post.ollice door. The machine wouldn't go, however, and it was detached from the wagon arid clout ed about the head awhile with a whip handle, after which it wan rehitched, and started off at a gait that was be two n a limp and a hop. WeJli-t won dered, when we saw the opi whether there were any mendmr.. t th♦ society for the prevention of cruelty to animals in town. HALLOW EVE.—As next Tuesday night will be Hallow-Eva; on Hallow een, the following article, which one of our exiipangos has gone to the trouble to got Ail, will doubtless be interesting "Ilallow-een,vulgarly known in Eng land n, "Nut-crack night," is the vigil of All Saint's Day, or November Ist, and so falls inevitably on the hi,t, eve ning of October. l'oeQday evening next finishes up October 1871, and hence 1- Ilnllow•een So, fur the benefit of the hundreds of girls who are readers of our paper, we append a list of old charms and customs peculiar to this night. We warn them, howl:wilt., that it is thought to be it night when devils, witches and other mischief making beings are all abroad on their baneful errands ; and particularly those aerial people, the fairies, are said on that night to hold a grand anniversary. 'Wherefore, dears, look well to our behavior. FiNt in order are the El=ll She who de , ires to know to what manner of fortuno silo will ho will grate and MIX II WitIMO., It 1111/.1( . - 11M., thin with but ter and i•iigar into 111114 and swallow them before going to bed If her fot tune is to marry a gentleman her kleell will be full of golden dream.; If rr tradesman, odd noises and tumults I f traveler, thou will 1111111(11 , r liglll - 111sIlirb her. I lr , lhrra I. the =1 Purr) two lemon. ttll ility et, mind nt night. nib OH , lour ..f the bid with thew Tito Itituro 1111‘1 preSl'llt, 010 dream ring girl with tvo , 1,•111,.11. I I ho 1141. , nut c.,itno, there holle ilium tiotist , thn , 4•••11.1 fur w,irking hours I lIF. I%1111'( K Pl' I I I N I 1 II It ‘I Tba maiden walks back ward t.II g..ts 1.) the cubbago bed, and flit• first slit...tumble, (iver If largt., it h. it good olip•ii If much t , • it, ho will 1,, rich , if it I. , trilight, h.. will well fat ..r..111 if cr0r..1.4, lii• in. Ugly ur der•atlll,l , nWei L, lui temper will tOf 1111 nn.•, if Lut. r , it 1.4 ert,•-grained I=l Steal out 01 'done to the lune-kiln rind throw in tt Loll of blur tarn \Villa It in 11 1.14'W 1)1111 ,l the old one, rind to wird tilt. Ititt.t.r ,Itiof will 11101 , 1 tlut thread Ihuntind "wit , boll, and thit kiln-lot will reply by the chri•tinn and i•urruiniu iil Lure husband Eil= rpm bo practiced by both go before th• look i g gilts* rei rid I rn,rir 11,11' 1111 1111 I Olt Oil tippl. A• perve) yr 11 e Imo, the hire 4,f lotoro 1114-lonod or wii po•epiill4 %lion r EIMIIII play /I prominent part lin 11/111,)Y, Apple-poirines flung over till. thniller Ill.liN • I •til letter 1111 that night !hay Lip hashe,l 11f1.I Diu , k on rLLhrr cheek, Ow „rm Willi II ..U1 k' the di en•o ~t dostiti% =NEU rile mule Kr+• 11:111 ,, I 1 !Al in pnit 1111111 !Mt •nul.• 111 I IM= , =l s indicated If !sal) burn nun I n 1 g,vlter run !II ha c.,tunte of true luve I= t h„ pr ,t t „. s t. I fol. of thn inged caught, mid rly, whdo thi+ cunning held ten. ented— II V I take from MI Iler yreo, 'Totted bark esliKlet r, arle 1 ;eel eerfOle, Fly leerily hlr l Inrlh, 4uulh, Liteet eer Fly whore Om ton. er Mond I !oft, 11.. I hi. I Th.. inyeet i 4 then relet,e.l, and 'het -at oho, when) It—anti Fatu—hai Wlll MEMO Thrue ',mew round the house back war], an. you walk Into the lime; of =oo aro to marry Arid u we =mg ouch ootiden who trw, the spell his hallow-unn, the happiest fate her lir art can hope for " —Why can't those unsightly old walls on Burnside's corner be torn down. Some day a hurricane will scat ter 010171 in the streets and probably un somebody's head It may be well to remember the Williamsport disaster, whon two little girls were killed by crumbling walls the morning after the great lire. Competent judges are said io have declared that the old armory walls here are safe enough, but they would be a good dual safer It they were torn down So let the work be done at 011CP, and thus prevent all probability of disaster. I'. s.—Since the above was written the walls have bean torn down. --There are hOvend lady teachers in the county, who are, us yet, unite plexed for the winter Boards of di rectors In want of teachers will please address tho County Superintendent et Bellefonte. —Hai rig township contributed CiSti to the Chicago Roller Food. BUTTER.-- P I Lar bly, as much bad bolter comes to tho 13e1lefonto market as to any other market of its size in the State. \Vo heard a gentleman remark, the other morning, that bad butter was as plenty 11.1 had whisky, and it is a fact that our citizens are often compell ed to me the moot villainous stuff, or to do without altogether. Not that we huvo not good butter-makers in the country. They aro just as plenty hero 114 elsewlere, but iho butter IS - hold her It for higher prices, until it get.. stale, and then is sent in large quanti ties How to make good butter in thus ,et forth in a Into number of the New York Tribune, We publish it for the information ,If butter-makers general- 111 4tolc -Tko Le. 1 1,411 .1 1,111 et 11l xllllll,oll' 1131 11,'. 111111 1 1 h 11101r0s.01 of 1 „I,+lull, 5.1101.1110 011111111 (11, all, :egoesloil 111 /41.1111 1.1 1 1111 1•l1111 11 1111111110 FllllOlllOOl or /114 1.1111, 1111.111,s for boltor 1111111 111 g 111111 1.110 "f lilt, In 1,1•0 •••%. mllil is 11k '4lOl V • 1 110 wlllong Is 111110 111 1111 11101 1111 mf.filkto•ly nlrooloil lu lin paw. yontaoting Ithool nla qoltrtr. 011rh, ills 101114 /11 1..01 on 11 1 1401 , 1,1.1111 , of .11.14 1.111,111 right 1 11 , 1104 apurl loq t..tope, Mitre in 101 , 1 111.111 11.00 110 1001 , I.) 0110 1 1114. k .101+, loy Ille 11011 01 101.1 x 1110 r, 111111 by Ille 1140 of lee otill4 I. 111 lox I'll 10 sf xO,l 31, 111111, hpfory .I, nn..... lir, at car.. 14 akin 10 eronfti lilt, 1111111 bolo, 11 lV ,hit i, 1 , 0 , lnrd 46411111111 '4llO 111111 room 1. 11 h111.1.1111.11t 1111.11.1 rt IVllig of Ik.' 11,111411, OW ISIIIII 401 011 feel 114411.1 110 .1411 1 100 fael 10.0,0 1410111111, 1 110 0,01 of o,llo'io. o .11 1111. 111. , 111 1.. loin fc.•( th, , 111 ha , 111.1 1k rev fort 1.011.016, 1110 iiii. , dkkr iiroler Ike 111a111 71•11 1 "1 Ili. 10,10.0 110 1 0110111 Is 1111.1 , 1 11 1. 0110 01 11.1, 110 s 1 lio 1,, 11,, 111411+ or. et tilt. Pali! will, Arid ;mil the eiit i•to 1..1 ,1 I , 11 1 nlll /11 i 1.11111 .1 111111 )11/1.1 CI 1.1 1.1.1111 rid I her. 1. n \ti 11 lit 111111 1.1.1 ~1111 1 111 h.. 10010 1,11 111, 11111.1411 ith 1,8 , 1 I.lp , • “I, x Ito og at r 11,611111. 11.1111 ~J 0.1;;off, 1 tomning milk Ai .01 , 1 liii• ho, I-I I +l,llll 1111.1 111111, 11 II 11 II i .11,1 4 I t.. 1 111 11.44 1 11 11 Ihr“ov,h 1.. g. 11, / 1. gr,lllol Ihi hill It 10/4 I. '1.,11'• I 111,11. 11 1 I .11 I, • “.111..... 1 1111 , , fae loporld. I, r r 111 .11 1.1.. I hot mug. I. 111,11 10. 10000 to rifit,ol. 1111 , 1. 1. lA, u 11.11 til 11., II 11111 11.11.4 /1. 11 111111 111.1 I 111. AI till I 11. 1.111.1 1.1 1 110 II 1110 1 htirii x ill, 'owll wndv milli it frt.° (0.011 mill In hot 11. 11 X, 0111 xllll - 1,10 I ~110 10111100 id Mull t t,lll p 4.1111.1. ~f 1.1111, r II I Ott ri lett until thy shell uwn,mg alu n it itt.hhoir, .1 alit, a Inn , ...t, I lakthit limit 1.• work too ~,,,,•11114 It 111)1IreP. II Ifni.. II n,11 , 11.1 1,114 , 1.1111 I,llh ~,, Ili 1..h...f 1111 . 1.1.iti thIN IWO , tlho. 1111.11 put 111 Ihn .11,• 10.Pfl H. kept tit.lll 11 , 111 r , ...1111. , 1,1 1., v‘o II v0.n111:,14..1 1,11 r.• htlr II I. imp...gild, h.. rihnl I.llller It•ttil, 1114. attitr, J 1,. II •1 1 ,,,11,1 htt ~,,, v, ti Ot•il, Ult. mill.o,••••••. , ,, At, pt,•••iltit tilt I~ulq llltt , i,ll,rtt II t ttpt Iltrtmglt 1110 multi 311.1 !rit,t,lng 111 ~I Mt nthn rut 111111 thy, mod Ow h fl: .• Nu t Lu ru flirt y Ittor rt VI k !flak Mg unt•rtagn of 2111 11111111d+ Mn,. In, during ten nit 1111,. of lbw ). ttr 14,1,1 1 II (Iry , of 161 ‘‘it• thrown Incur tn+ bog:.: tlft rr TI Ift•t, mill L:olly hurl about Ow !wail Mr I)r% r• , hint Ilrit ert lii. wile to (lioreh in the ruornin;z, urn], in the afternoon, At, owiewled by hi 1111,11 Man, drove out 0/ bib form it till' (In hio r.ttirn, nt I,llllv er I= t,•wn n little dog rltn out and nitn. ked hi+ hor,e'a heidg, whu h PI) o'loo.lllqt OM onirool that tio roll ttwoy, lo•nd, nod br,ok int: ;Ito Intatzy to Mr I/1 J• w ti• Ili, hod tip Hip. i 1•11,;.• r Mat th..w nil wn, la, , ti t tlit tiont.• II hot tuollt,ori by M r ...ort4.• hurp. (hon• in it litisZ:Z Ilr 1),,b1,,i, wu. •111111114,11/qt IU/1111,11 utvly, and Ire-.ed Ow wound. !tit- ()r‘i. reinnino,l in.. n•il,lr , until Sll ridgy nigh[ II ; to I . 4•l4,lilii•ti 1114 nal.rni NMI ..f , reel h I h.l.•r h•ii , /1 " 010 I hrctOr, WO tiro 14 hid 1.•11f ihnt i• rapidly gotlltl4. tu,4.11111, , 1tti0, I,llrtbilit "1 NI r ir% n 1.1“ fir In et.tirt, bin4l trial I otild not an,l tho adj.,(Jrned r.oirt We..• 1,, hr f, It I% • th,•r \ 1.14 11 II dila lII' will 10 . 111.1. Itg'lll7l COMM i m itii Tat., iii it. iiriiiii•i•iiiiiiz• Tt, ,krt gt‘4•%l 1,:!, 11r Mc- Ow M4,l,d.ny 11 , 4, tirl•W jilt uu 1111.11..1.•0 YIN) or !Won, pprporiq, nrol io.t hl,". rruly ,1 to lln 1,111t41 performer ithout fort) or fifty tlolletre. NVe be the t,•nenlly wull :o•coo int of the Inte no••- 0,1 the hour to will, In it we. kept 1114,t ‘,l 1110111 withdrew before it wit, carer 'l•his rudenes. I i, t this feel mg. "1 Mr 11,(•ollia, who "r course wits not aware et the Iltght of time, but it was morn than made up to him by the kind ii)iiipittny of a noble young gill who, with others, rl•IllitJ1111114 Is few moment, longer, requested him to play and sing this Old Sexton " This he slush Kell, still was suit cordially thimkoil by the young lady. NV.. no ticed tint iti•tion- particularly, and knew that it was prompted by a kind, gl'Ill•r -lusts, ,%111plitI10.10 1.11.11 rt, lisr wills gratified filings "r i,h,ffil was her ii -t 11h111,A,111. , K 51,1 —Un Tuesday evening last, as Mr And‘ Lytle, of Harms township, was 0 idyring his buggy at fine Grove for the 'impose lit returning, home, his horse became frightened and started oft, throwing Mr. Lytle with great vio lence. lie feet becoming entangled in the line,, he was dragged ri considers• ble distance over a very rough road, in flicting several sevore wounds on his person Ile was earned to the 1100140 Of Ale I' Lytle, and Dr .1 R. Smith was called to administer unto him. Ile is, under care of the , rapidly recov. snag -TllO 4011111 gi 1• t 111111 of 11r. Thomas Way, with the barn of Wil- Hain Way, adjoining, in Halfmoon township, were destroyed by tiro on Friday night last. Wa understand that both gentlemen were partially Ini1111,211! BLIND Too,—Thi4 wonderful music al genius will make his first appearance in Bellefonte on Monday night next, the 80th instant. ' , Blind Tom" is a ne gro boy, the son of common field hands Ile was born in Georgia, 111111 11/10 lived 111 total darkness all his life 11e knows nothing, except 1111+10. On all other subjects, till wind is u. bet boded as his eye , . In fact, hn is blew But, as If to make amends for his blilldtll`99 and God has given liiin this one tal ent of unl,ic, n .ource from which lII' draws whole rivers of jay. llis play iriff, is delightful, And ho will repeat on the piano any piece of windy, no mat ter bow difficult, correctly and bril liantly, after hearing it played once Ile is also a rnro musical coniposer,with mit a krlOlVitille,ll of n single rudiment or written music, and, without under standing either language, can beau tifully (lei man, French and Eng- Irvh I 11• i 9, the greatest musical wonder in the world At !ley nolds's 711onolay night Ad miaien coot , . , eats, cont. oxtrii. 11.•11efont... hies iiireadr con tributed nearly twi thommnd dollars to th e Clii e ngo ntifforer4, it 14 doubtful if she tvill Ire Oil., to girls anything more It 14 1 ,, Rein, however, shut Its 11111, 11 11 nit Isti.r.. l'sl , t4 111 ..f 1-4111-111, )11.1111Z1111 find )1011 Ctilengo \1" hole hii,.• b. 1 , 11 burned over 111 1114/%0 ... , tllll 4 bt thi.o‘4..t. terrible /Ma tii , lflll'. lint , 111'1,, suit t..a 14, villagi.4 and pen. 1,01,1111 , e,cluu. of this dovoorin a ,ronwrit The country )tai been ap p iidd lot 111 1 1114..0 till f4rt.11T111(11 and a hat. it Ini done ought ti In. 1111 , , 111111.' ioltl./ l'hoti.nmbi of p.m. • 'lr 11,/1111•11 , 4 without rm.! or ' • clothing., 111111 the appronch of winter retriery the cake ai much the more or. g..rit If our people think they h n y,, uut thing 111 , 11, to give, wit thnt n meeting he calico.] and nr ralv2,4•11) , •111, ?mole for the reception of money, clothing and (hi Friday afternoon of kat week .hile II r K.nnch and ceotoot,t int: of a wile and one daoLthtnr,) warn at stork in It field harking corn, they 1,,, ,. were horrified at seei ng Lheir house in • it.hy. tn.x.•r it. pro. !pal .Ir.•I plat, !ma it,•toro they could ran h it, the" rf' ". firo done,n had done its work,,, ing es •r) thing, with the exception of a few nrtich•• saved by tho neighbors A. %I r Koroh 14 an old roan and very poor, (this house being the result of a life of hard labor,) would it riot he well to appropriate the Chicago fond in For guson township, to the rebuilding of his 11,.10 , 1 , " Not that we would dispar iwe lIIIv attempt to alleviate the sutler itltt• di•trossodwag", but WI. c•,,TI •1.1.•1" r KPnrh efll I IP.lltly worth) nn.l Lnnty 6.•gina at h.rn, -- Bellefonte can congratulate her 4,ti the tat t that her contribution to the Chicago relief fund Mut been made ❑.e of and helped to cheer the limnelesm (that afflicted city Tho (ol- Iwwa been received by Co neral Beaver from Mayor Mason I ..14 A BEA% Ea, „1 It. her Fond Itellefoute rem, Dew - In seemilanee with your P•tell•Meit Norm ~f the 11th In•t , I hare thi• Any &nom ou for the num of one thuunalid dollar., (P.M , in f,,ibr torttle t hlowgii Rene! *oil old PO4 lety lir the ',cloned pewit...Weil )(iii will trill. %en, that 11111,0 trantiferreil the work 14 re ME .•lying nn .I .11.161,111111 g coritrllmtionn f.,r the n•hef of the hale tire, to that nocioty Ignin thanking you 1.1 , 1 Ilion,. wl,, pdned ton m 11110 rp,ble cork. I urn FulUtfullyNour. It It M moon, Mayor oft hienKto —We regret to learn of the death of Captain M 11. Jolly, of Philips burg Ile died on Monday of hint week of dynentery, after an 'linens of about ten days. Captain Jolly was a member of the bar of this county, and a gen demur' of good legal attainment« lie wan formerly editor of the Tyrone Star, land miblinhed a very readable paper. The Captain wan a member of the Philipsburg Temple of Honor, which association prints a net of rend lotions in respect to bin memory in the Inet ignite of the Journal. —Our renders will not forgrt the grand mueu•al Convention by Prof Ilagar, lit Howard, beginning •~- lay evening next, the list inbtatit. ar, reque.itiiil to stato that all singer 4 will tie entertained free of chant. by the r it IZI•TIN. ol Howard The con yen I, tl I krite II l• urn Ins wino!. U. (h.. wiltd.• lii EISTIMIE —Hwang to the fact that the list of premiums awarded et the late Centre County Fair was not handed to us in time for publication, it will nut eppeur in the WATeIIMAN. But we take pleas ure in stating for the benefit of tho,, in terested In sewing niachines, Ont. the New Improved Singer drew the pre mium, it being considered the best on exhibition. —Hey. Dr Calder, President of the Pennsylvania Agrimiltiiral College, henehod in the Presbyierinn church here last Sunday morning, and Hew. Dr. Hayes, President or tho Washing ton and Jefferson College, in the eve ning. —Drums just received at Ran- EOM I:E= I 111.1 CMICI . rt 1111 Salta —Josh Billings Allininitz, the best thing ant, for sale by Rankin. --The Singer i. tho Premium Hew ing Machine. --Tito Singer rune eany and quiet —Don't buy a sewing' ?Imelda° till you bare tried a Singer. Dolls! a now lot just reenived nt Rankin booluitoro. MARRIED FREEST-4CUM/IP:W-4)n the rib to4toot by Samuel Gramley. Erg., John Ire , t, 1)f Clinton 000nty, to Mins rlolsttna Selttoyet , of lirto+ll Volley DIED FAULKNER—Oa Yunday, October 15th, Nita Lottlatt Fatal( nor, datightet of Allen and Clarles‘ A. ' , with 'ter of Phil tied,urg tared 311111 H. 5 Months and 2 dap, ._/ Alter it protracted iliuma of two yeary Latilsa 111/. 1111. 11 1 1 11 from our tnidat into the heti, land NAM 11 111/11/111 111111 :111••••11,111' le daughter deeply do•oted to her Immo 1111 1 1 h 1111111+. 1.1 11, 1 1 1/111114 1,1111111111.111 N. Hlll l ll/14 II 1 . 11. 4 1111, 1.11161111 and 1111 11 , 111111 Ml/ 14,111. 1 unit Io ely N lw 111•1 111%roait1.,n, (hal . h e nubmted IteNelf 1111111, 111111 14 11 I. It 111/11 111 know her 1411 1 1 to love her. MIL in the bloom and beauty of her bright girlhood, when life went opening heiore her with all Its untried hopes MIDI Joye, that fetal dinom•e, eonnomptlon, marked her fan Ite vietim , and slowly and gently elm bided Irmo our night, growing weaker day I, duly, /11111 II o. r r to the heart, of thin.... who ' , not her dritti tt g from them, but who wet. ittttst•ttt.tts tit teetill Mr I.til lug lie! Mieknel. Hli,oar ,11 !WWII I/1 her lime um prayer, and ...MO I im/14' ,hl.ll ./11. 1111111•%.1•11 4,nh II I /111.1. 1111 d, a. her IYehly alrenKth J.rllnd, her faith gI es, •tynnger, her 1 . 11,01 , 1 ,. /1 , 111.1 , r. ri , r hrighler 111.1 1101 "o'l the heavenly nteyyenger ellllll. 1 , 14% lead, Indoilnrt nwl hie with 11111.1, 011101 I+ ill het 11. r .111 1 11 1114 11 1 . 0 curdled filla called bar par. el, brather• and cider to her leol.ele and had, Cheat farewell, Kiel in he, nwtie she maid, • I 11111 re•lareal and l etch, .11111 thin 011 1 fell /1•11 1 1•11, 111 1111 , ,i 1 1 10t1 ellllll .P 1 11,,. 'llllllllllllll l llll l / 1 :. 11..11 111 h run Uie 111 .v .11141 111.111r1,11 111 1 1 11. , ,111., 114.111- hilt all 1 . 1 .11.111. 1 11.1,111111e11,1 11, 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 W 11 , 1 ' l l l . ll 11/111114,11n Mt though her vole.. I. 14114 , 114 41 441141 114.1 .xeot meng will he Iteer , l no more en nlli lore ear, 11110 will over Ilvo In o ur 1144•1114 4 111 4 41 /11141 11, 4 4 ki14411 that 1.011 144 t. 444i1y gou.• rip 1111(110 4 1 4 , 144 sing her Kiwi n. w...t;g nl r4 1 4 ' 1 ' 24 . 1 , 74:1 ' 1 '41 / 1 , " 11:71 r i i l l g " 4741, 7 11 " g " 41 " .4 4 / 4 1 t . :11 ' 444 "2 1 . 1111 1 4 ' ..4:; I/11141 - Aar' then I tillak of 011 P ail. m Isar hermit' died. fair, that grew iiii nml (Advil 10 our Pidi•, [Witty i raid 11,1.1 pariti at, !mil 111, when Ow i•a.t lie leaf. A till a.' wept flint a lin. 1, i•lit NAY 0/111 0131 11 y1•11g 0•101 ~ 1 1111 41. 8,1111, 1..• "MI h/S, .11,1111 pt,1•11 aiII. ‘O•EIVIt - 1114, (.1.. apron t(11.1 (.1 .(f the( 1(.14 4 1 1'1111" - " 111 mintier it le .1.40 hodtion Pllll . and - I . ..ter•• rori h. fn,w the lolly Inaga/11, that given the.. d.altd.• •IZI plate. oniKr.t•nd on .1•4'I n I horn I. a mnprrl, pdipper pattern, 1 rolled It., II al,nn• worth lln p, roc nf the number I h.• ,11/11.1 and I. t. ra ahray. n. Tott•r•olt 11 tk I”I I hnlung In Irn .r . 11/.• r , of 111,11 , n Il 41 / I the prsso lot nolinia I Is It Pl ay aw I. n e rarely •no ally where now a days Now Is Moo lime to get op r Ira, for I x 7! he I. just out 1t, , . palm of "" is only two dollars a year 1.0 •Ingle subs. I' Own, a hilo. ~r ii. 4 ! 414 irt• or 1.,0r = plo • f..r •J”Ili•r•, ~r .•Tole• I ‘..ry ttmg I= 1572 Krnii.. xn.l .pler) , l,l :ight ell.grat ifiyz .21 iii , h••• by I 'I. 1,t4) Ur an piponk Inns per•onstl el peril nee"( the Leanly and ‘alne of tn. in graakg 1/1.• ifng in/l , Pent graMilf wrw. 1.Ir• I=l Business Notices - An elegant aemrtmen t of new millinery goods ha, just boon received by M is, Mcßride, corner of A Ileczany Rad It okhop Strem,, wl trh 1.110,1111•1 . • lotirict•, list , , ribto , - 111 , •••4, , , svr) hitcat e Lyles and pattern. A oio-,t beautiful lot to pick Iron, and already Om holm , are Hock ing 011 . 1'1. Ile go.t, the Sr la: I and wint4 r lint 4 un,l ipontiet• I. •11. , ,t•Et. hpet•1111011, th errthe dal Call in --14 .1 1) liar Jll4 1,- tsirtio , l I 1-.1111 ori,l .11; re- 11111111 n lOW WV. t., %Mill of lii. , 11 , i patron+, and whatovvr to.w oneg tilny hi, eilit ie . 11 wr% Splkl.litig'n 1.1 io mend.. OILIIT Comet rrl. II,••• there Ln the fragrant 4 tent rnto the breath nwt eel oat,' it nnpartn, the gurnAl a Ittby 111/1/11 the tn, th win k real alaloanlor and excel nr pearly eel In AI 411 v)141. --Ile S 114.1f0r.1 1114 oQirr, M0mi,t),11 , .1 lea dli)• All dental work dom., p. 14.1 goo loot IL 11111 HlO.llllOll dlt fOllllOl,l :14 very 10•ped1ftilly culled I, Mr 5,,...10101 A r Iln• hopt (•or clovo 1-. red I holy puy ,10.11 ..11111. Spar.ligg•.l,lsl4. ine1..14 et, r dung All Sorts of: Paragraphs A Favorite Tulin —Fartara The sugar crop of Louisiana this your la expected to amount to 200,0(X) hogs heath, Nave hand rcd children wero born on the !intim ,abaft. of Chicago on Mon day night lows is troubled with n supentben dando Of grape& They only bring three rink n buihjl A milk boy iterotinted for Llio I hitt tleb4 Or thr lIIIIk ho peddled, übeetttote the (•11W Went. N 1,." The 4 lit Ih .t 11 , m) State Fnur, 111.4 week. okre uul t., Ilai VI, 1111101111i ed to over 5300,000. Dogs boat dontists. Thoy insert rat tooth But it IS potting thorn in that hurta, rothor than tho pulling them out. "Oh, yes," said 11 fair entl, that vivacity of speech and o n which tho beau sex indulge win ing a friend to pteeos. Ills ) ry would ha very in(4 , eidald. Lord hadn't turned up .0 1 ,,,, legs to make his feet. An editor out Wiot. •int, great many young ladi ei sets In bed. That editor had who just asked him how Ii kr, least It IS PIIIIIIhO ed that paper has bust up, and what the edivr i walkukg ' , Jana. in A Uhivago girl last we, young man before ii j , istiee for imposing upon her, and th by way of improving 011'1/Cl'll intorest of good !Omni+, rem tho afflicted damsel that slo , metnher the maxiin," contetnpt " "A Inv, sir," she replied, "if all IL had bred I hould not 1,, ‘Vo overlienrd the lollocini 1111y8 Mlllee. ‘V./1 dor If et „„, in cruet on it did in vocitlitili-t "Kittrinit, I Ilk„ in knew who de brivilego clat you rhnll 14. MO Mill cents for to liiiv dot vitt you got died nrount l'on woof to brell, in.• ul , I nh I I pot you &to io lei again in 11111 111.11111 , ,` you down Nu fhlt 114 'l , ll 01111 . ! it ?" The Lost Election 'rho I) ,, ,not'ratt , poly 6, ottotototts dolem V/1111 to. to 1,, lot, ludo ttf tLI tltt•tt , t..l It Ito rulnllv nnll t I II 11, I than to rilloct tl itttiorl• 11 1 111 It thin , lent, 1111(1, ‘Villio v, hal, 10Nt to WI WO haw:. 141,,, earl hope, and ttwaght that lay near 0,1. 141 Irrurl- r. ~ ,1 1 11.11,r, Ow It,•tter thl , .lt•ut.ter that 11 . 11, troa+ure than thu vr, tut.) pur parting. with It 11/1 , 1 to ( . 11110 . 1111 woh I gaited (111/11/11 or vist up on that system of mot, tec taxes the multitude for the c fi Id the low — with the gigantic Tolle infli.etwe of batiks awl corporations, and with the lower and patronage of the 1,1 i.r nment, used and abused in 'WIN` with It 41..1A-thrift no sof It BY 1.1114 I, Pllllll ,, llWeftitil fl 114 - 1111, That, with •111 . 11 11,2, t)11111t1011S ns these to f • Oflff . ll , l we i,hnuld 1111,1 . been !Witten at 14 lit surprising It is lilt now lit w lint we had pose, that we did as well a. xi. ME= Hilt WhIIII we cont . . thst f the contest has not triottc hope for the ..t try had Ind us to sv h ,o. 1 the judvnent of the h to expee', we do not .1. • I t r turn Not in r day the redemption of n peep', , r,, t o o has Is now fastened t thousand smothering weighl ning Contrivances, be wrmigl because the day of deliveraul o ton Ili, lilt us not fancy that will never rise !Ilan 11 , q100.1 that horned, 111 KP tiIIVIII m Lir liravens of fr., Alai toot heart pertah to 11,.. too =r=ll2l !tut never nu w glutie and Pay, "'rhere'e Ink left but norro Na walk Ilia K Ooletueme It day. .1 he Promoted I,nnel to tourrut —llarrlghul 9 The Bellefonte Mark I=l The 6,ll,kwing are the ,iliolationr lOek .11111..ilty 1. , ening. w)11.11 our pr.• hu.• %%Aleut. per bushel Red pot httNhol now Ityp, per bn 4 llel Cron), Pars. per bushel .11014 , 1,1,er 1.0., p.•r hnshrl Burley, pt r litiek a heat, per 1.1100 rimer I, p.•r 1.4114 pnt,a , . per 1.11.11..1 !KKK, p.•r dor.en p.•r pmsnl Bas - 5h0111.1.4, 41.101.1 Ilrma p.•r pOll.l per 1”.1111.1 104g4, per p.mtol 1,1.1111.11 . 14Ater, p. I ton MONEY MARKET 1,11.4v00 A 14rw I, 40wit h I I Writ , (111111,41 he loffiox log wp inslant , Now t: i r • or 'nl U 8 I, n, obl Ul=l 1211=1 40 tAi Year i; vent ( . 0111 Thri l'aeltle It It let M Iten.l• f'entral l'aelfle It It Union Ole Land I.rant Bowl- OUR TERMS THE " I)EMOCItATIC NIAN" rt 41411.144414,.., lig. ui Ow 4•11 Id 1{4111,4..111v l'.l Etr.h al 51 pl . l 1011111ln Irl p , .1 • "Al. who, 4J,,t put , l it .4,4 $1 iu•1..,, , Ili, , j ,,, year , anti 110 1,111/..1 11/1111.0 ,lir inn all arrearago 1111,111(1, 1111411 ill 111 the publisher. Paper. will not be Rent .jilt Of I. unless paid fur on advance. All Ad•ertinettionto for a can Pot. months, 20 cents por lino for the Innertiono, and 6 vont"' a lino fnr Lioual Insertion. Speedo: "—dice... Editorial !toll,. 2A conic per line A liberal discount in niacin hi lie, tilling by thn quarter, half yew, or lowa $7•01000LIPILD. One Inch (or 12 Ilnett thin 0 , 0) Two Inchon . three Inohoe .. quarter eolurnn (or hieltem) Hal(' volume (or U Inches) one eolornn (or (9 1110,0,4) Job Printing of every kind 110110 neon and dispatch The WATOIII4V been refitted with a Power Press/Ind and on rything in the printing line anted in the most artistic mann.' lowest rates Terms—CASH . All letters should ho addressed to P. ft ILA Y I Belie January 1, 1989