Philadelphia Cards. II THEODORE SWINEEORD, WITH W, lIANSELL, 21 North 4th Street, Philadelphia Importer and W1101°4410 Denier In CIIINA, GLASS AND QuEENswAttE, Original l'ackages constantly on hand ni.ra LA PIERRE 111/lIS.E, Broad and dilemma Sleety, ILIDELPHIA J P BurrEliwownr, Proprietor 'forma per 1,60 I= E mv4 44l MILLER, 141111 :SI , COWN d BRIM, lIPORTEI. AM/Weil. , .101111100 .F 11 ()S I; I? 1, G I,OI'ES, N 0 TIO NS w lIITE i;01)11:4 3.11 Market ..t, 1'1111AM:1.1'111A TT scl iD'l', IM witTEit of • WINE, GIN, AND CLARETS No 22 Vine Street vlinl?- J MILKS KEPHART CI with HARNEs, HEIM 's c•n 1V nolesale and Retail dealer,. in II A TS PS, STRAW (1001)S AND MRS io NO, Niarket Ht Philadelphia It Al' NI, INI PoRTEIt AND A. ‘‘ lioleonli. Denier in = = No 1'221 00141101 in St, eel TUtri7 PHILADELPHIA, PA EAGLE lIGTEL, I= Between Rare a n. \ int. R 11 (I.lllMiNtiS Furniture N E w FIT rru RE STORE 141's!' liorst,:. ISELLEFONTE, PA siiitoiFie,t SON, MEOZI FIJ RN ITU RF: I= it El ) , ;"1' E A I)S, ('Il A I it`, Parlor and Chamber horNUEs. DIHWAI'S, WASHSTANDS, MA I I ItEsvp:N. Rr A tt,tilion to Ordorod Work :REI'A 1:1:11,1 AV pnovi.7l,y = MEI 11.14, k. =MI A Hand hll 1t.,1 Elt A Si es F l 7 NIT('RE WARE RA )1 N. Street, Bellerwite, Pa, where fill reams, hounKom, 14,11 A. 11A Ruche Wll tit ..,Ptr., : , t54,11 , 1m, Clint re, Htnolm, IF, tf•n.jori Tahlt•to,Lte , • If every •I••••••flpiln,.niunly, and 1,21.• n, fur sok. • hemp. f Iluw Sit Roy ••11•1•11•••1•••••••tit of 11,. kunl in I • otr•Ll Vo•ittimllvnlila ,h 1.211 P IlAftltlH pATR()NizE Ilq INbusTity I(111N BRACH BILL, Metnufeteturer end dealer In n Hl' SK II II I, I) I.' I' It isr ITUR E, SPKINO , BiLLI/ONTIF., Fiery. enn.tantly orn folorninl Matti 'kungen, Inn' ntendo, Le A very fine Nl'ieelLoll Or WA U. PAPE/4 will alway, l fem.! at Li )1V Y6l CF 16-46-ly Music CHICKEILING Ar SONS ~!•:LJ T I'l A NOES, ut reduced prices 01W ANS, SH EET T. M. cnifisTlE & CO'S., MUSIC STORE, / VESPER STREET, LO'K HAVEN, PA 16-2 r ly ' 'Merchant Tailors MERCHANT TAILORING, ES• tabli.i,mont,No. 7, firockerbotre row. '1 no undereugued takes pleasure in Inlorming tho citisent, of Centre county and the public gettorally, that he in opening a Splendid and Rich Assortment or Foreign and Dom es tic CASS' M EIMS and VESTINGS, cAgsimEßm and vE4TIN6s, CASS I AI Elt E 8 and v EST I Ntin NVlileh he in prepared to make to order In the 'alma and moat fasluonable ■tylen, for men or boy.. (Mods sold by the piece or by the yard. lie also keeps on hard a full line of (. N'NTS of every .‘yla and variety, eonslpting of hats and atfaw goods, Innen!, or linen ahlria, tindervioth for summer or winter wear, mum ponders, hone, neck ties, collars, both paper and linen handkerehlefe. 'l' he beat inanilfae- Sire of kid gloves—' The Jouvin....- a full am. moil !Tient of sizes, colors cke., on hand This emtabliehment in also the headquarters of the Manger Sewing Machin.. Agency JOHN MONTG(ot FRY No 7 Prockerholf How, H,dl,•fade Pa. vPIJIP.i IN THE l'IEI,I). To my old friend.. and ea•tnmera, and to as many 110 W ones 11a may draine to be rigged out IN WEI,I, FirriN(i, snisTANTiALLy AM) mad.• •otilm loiltem, from any kind of ma terml they ehoo.o I ll.° a large And expel lout atondsm•itt of CLOTHS, PASSIM FLIES AN I) VEHTINGS From whirl garmeniti will tie made to order El= MOST FASIIIONA BLE GEO Please Call and examine my fine clock I have Just bought my goods during the last 'minor. and defy competition as to price., dura bility mill fanlitom this side of Cumberland Valley REMEMBER THE PLACE W. W. McCIELLAN, No. 4, Brockerh(ff Row, Allegheny Si I am alno agent for the Nupertor and cheap WILCOX SEWING MACHINES, WIIIIh Antolini 1.. seen by all desiring ■ ma e vi4nln BELLI:FiiNTE PLANING W. V. II 1' (; I I ES, (Sin ...•neur to II i,lnu•. A I ottipithy ) AM) NLOOKIA U AND MBA 7 Eft DOA RDINO t, 1 o ip f vnrimin 4tyles I=El 1:121B sirlt.)l.l. WORK oF EVERY 10F.sclill'I'ION Pet terns , Ptt...rex .. Made .• . t 0.... ..... ...Order Having a "Duckloy,a Patont Lumber Dryer' connected with tho establiehment, I am one bled to manufacture my work from THOROUGHLY REASONED LUMBER. .q-Ordern from And the Trade Generally, are respeetfull solicited. BELLEPON7'E, Comm Co., w16n15 Palm'• CLOTHS, C 1 0111 s, 11,01 118 =I MEM I=l (;4)()DR. MEM DF.LLICIONTE, PA Planing Wills Manu(M•toror of lIITE N'lll 141117 E EEI.I.OW VELLOW I'ELLOW I.IIF. PINE I'INE MEM EZIEM And Mouldings Itrnrkrl• lirm.keln IC= MEI Contractor., Builders, Dealer., Hardware. T"E" A N V‘l LP HARDWARE STOKE. IRWIN & WILSON, ;IRWIN & WILSON 'IRWIN & WILSON Northwest cornet n ttttt Northwest corner n Diamond, Northwest curlier of Diamond, rtenefonte, Pa. no] lofoute, l'n. Bellefonte, PH Have always on hand, and are daily TeePO log, °ropy description of G 00,14 In the Hard ware line, for all the wants of the M agommaket • 'Wagon-maker And nll workers In wood and tomato 'Melr eto( k of SHELF 6 1 001PiI . vomph te, embr,- low everything to he found In x first elamn more, while their Mork of IIEA \ EY Gu,ll,s al way,. full—.•on.n4n g rn part of Nails, Horne Shorn, Glam., Cook, Parlor, and o th er litov,pa, Pllllll., and l arnivhon Hope of all size. and Piiek lot. Plat form neall.• from lon to 1001111 F 11 1 .111,41, for oiNi•illlig. Motown and I low I,e. Pumps for I intertin and Wells, Wooden Water Pip-, of any 1.0“.1111.1 length, II inoci Rork of all kink. for Witgonn, Magma, and earriagen, Springs, Axles, and Sox., Iron and Steel of all sizes a kinds, flor.oSloie Nails, All ^Nil nob!, pH of M hieh we ale nelhilg at the very loweni priers k 110Y1 II to the trade CALL AND SEX OCR STOCK WP will be pleaoed to allow yon all through, ...ether you boy or not 1)11r aaleatnen are at all times attrntlie and ohligitig a lint HARDWARE! ?II Alt 1)W A liE I Th.. p 1. ., 11l I.lly . _--- {.I & .1 HARRIS } The nohnrro,ern would renp•rtfully loorm lha ratarnattity that they have opened a torn' view al~)t'I: Alt! e‘tharriaing nil tarietiva uI goodr it, that Ittn, which they WILL SELL AT THE LOWEST Their stock consists of all sortedif int Lidera hard; ware, table and pocket Cutlery, Carpenters', Mason's, I'laaterer's and Blacksmith's Took, and Materials, Rails, Iron, Il ors°. 101.1 110r111•-•11101. N,iils , Hope Tackle, Fork Axes, ()rind Hionex, etc. Housekeeper's Goode, Haddlery Carriages trim mings, ets., with all kinds of COAL OIL LAMPS And the different part~ thereof, together with a complete emeortment of the beat PAINTS, 011 A, VARNIHRES, Ete They hope, by strh•L attention to Business and a eomitivnt care for the accommodation of customers to merit and receive a sharo of the public patronage. Builders and others will find It to their advantage to call and EXAMINE THEIR STOCK J & J. HAKIM, N 0.15 15rookorhoit'si Row IMIE Bour AND SHOE 361 KING I JOHNNY "POWtHS, begs to Inform the people of ilellefonte and virinity that he Mill holds forth In Met:tale's Block, oppoxite the Barb !loupe, where he oontlonee to manufacture and ivell the very beat BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS ANO SLIPPERS for gentlemen and ladies, In the market. lie guarantees everything he makes to tit, and his prices lilo moderate. done neatly, and all orders promptly attendot . to. EMI MR. CHARLES DOLTUAN, El= PA INTER, GRAINER, PA PER %lANGER & SIGN PAINTER, FRESCOING In all Its branehes neatly executed. All (macre to be left at WATCHMAN office or at the Corp Inman House. Country orders punctually attended to la 2 ly G EAT WESTERN OUN Housekeeper, Housekeeper, Housekeeper, Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic RIFLER Dul'lll,E AND RINGLE BAILREI 12=1:13===n1 tiportltsg Goods, Rifle harrek, ~,,, 111111111- ffiIKIII Cain 11litter111111 Al' Mond for a Prlee lea Adlltt•F. .1 H Johnston. Groat Wtott ern (tun Works, 170 fialttlilleld Street, rills burgh, Ps. 1\ 11 At my I arldnes, Rifles soul Rovnlvers bought or traded fur 1.125 1.1,5 K EYSTONE BOLT WIRKS Fanner Farmer, Farmer Lumberman, Lumberman, Lumberman, Builder Builder Builder NO 6 MA RFET STREET. 1 I'll"I'Slill 101, l'A PRlnter Painter Painter CA RE lAG E AND TIRE BOLTS, PLOW .1- MACHINE BOLTS, • NOR WAY CARRIAGE BOLTS, BRIDGE AND ROOF BOLTS, SCREW 1100 K HINGES, WAGON BOX STRAPS. Plasterer, Plasterer, Plasterer, Cabinet-maker Cabinet-makPr Cabinet-maker roseh-maker Cm.ol-nmker Cone h qn nk er, Democratic Watchman %Vb.,' wright V‘ lieelw right Wheelwright Itlerkemlth Illu•kemith lllM•kendth {V kgr , ri•rnsik er Miller Mill, r. Miller, B 11.L.J1 EA DS, Foundryman ro111111r)1111. NJ/Whini Mal //1/1/' htIIIMI [l.Ol ah,a114.1 hare a printed heeding iiii his Letter. and Bills, and Ills csril milted 111] hi, F.n,190d rho Alitt iot,t to gel them prulled it At the offlee of th• DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN Ilertittre our rtnek of paper In C ry tin irty le pun•hn,.ed from the rnnnufnt•tetn 1,1 lit tilt• prices, llid our WWII. for printing at the Mmall..nt price anti In the in elyle, are =1 EVERY KIND OF JOB PRINTING THAT DENS MPETITION ,77t, alliaelaneous. REPAIRING, .101INNY POWERS WORKS 1111ILEY, ADAMS A l't MANITAcTUREits nr DEMI I. ETTEIL-11 E.l ENVELOPE IMMEIID DONE. IN A Fancy Stores LOOK H ERE I LOOK 11E1 G. B. Plt I ES T, J o. 2 liush Han Jost reeelved from Philadelphi a and hAtt, bomb, of Alpaens, Slobair, II 0. A tintrallan Crapes and Crime Ve Wsld pt th very lowest Flee. IP eveliles In Inn ,or 1 Col rs. 11 and exatnine our fore pt , h , As g elsewhere, LAD I'B, , Gents' and Children's 11 ton and Woolen Hone, cheap. Goon and &nimble shadea of Co Wore. Mao, T°UV IN BUM, K Id Gloves, cheap° tother store In town. j APIFS' colored Corbetx, N7'4',, I kJ under $1 On Intent styles In Ladies' M Children's Hats. k 3 have elan Black and Colored plentild goodm. Very clamp tired and firtaaaela Net for Vella, an , and Blank Grenadine fnr Vella. 'tO, 44 TANTLY reeelvlng the nee ki In Ivnllem . and (h 'fp we yell at very 1 , ,w pricey. Ale°, korelldiv, only It eente and upward 11M linotinKniE.s Laref4, F', mg, and all ample eqt, Cotton. Pins, Needle,. arid 'I apex, Eyox, all rho:lp 131,ACK Haigh Ribbon, Velvet ft jjl &e. N EW ntylo litintlem, ile (lIVE um ft rail and examine Mil" 4. 11 I No 2 llu Do no( nape, thol lhw IP 010 "N. r Attlf•rlean 'I rurmili.tny g• II the bext Teo. Mild "flee,. Nrr .11 , 1 loweot rr II EVERY AUT LE \V wi"r LA DI ES ZEPII 1' It I ZEPlil Mrs DA fill haft info( relornod f delnnia, and, In addition Io 1.. r rinonlngs. Notions and Milliflery , ohoice xolortion of ZEPHYRS, fiIERM NTOWN WOl II 10,X11NY ANI) 811F.TLAND AliNs, INFANTS' KNIT HAN( •811IIITR itooDs AND itocKs Merino Vesta, Ladles' and fliflifri Pattern., different 5355$ and u4lilotim, trc , Ohl ClipP 'and Ileskidronsem *bite, Lucti 'tar[Hes, A FINE ASSOICI'M ENT or LACE AND LIN EN COMEMIIICOMES AN!, F Roman mod Plaid Sash Ito 10 r, Iflack Saoh Itibbon, cheap A new lot or Sailor lista, wind.• urban•, white, brown, drab mot GREAT HARUAINs SUMMER HATS ARV FLOWERS, RI Brioss, A A great •arlety ur Jule 1 curia. ft/ Jute Sail. lies. 1 b read SW it Vhe aa4 Item' Ilalr I url., all to be larbept at MUM \ NIP h I it . ill/ Liquors it Err ELF:, DIALER IN FOREIGN AND DOM E WINKS & LIQUOR. In the room formerly ,Del. l / 1 11.1 NI" ne Bakery, un 111nh.q. I rect. Itet taken pleanure In InfortninK that he keeps vonntantly on bumf elmien Poreign and lednuatl. Lev All yank• warranted to yonlalL marked •1 to. attention of jpractle•lng pn called to iti• alova of t'uttE 1,041•()Its, 1 , 0 , 1 ,0.4, and Ilemijolsnm c.i.f./10111y on hand WS I. Y PUILF: 1 1 :14:1 - 1 Aft 14 In town All ...Ifralltret to givi will mold by Ow giiu i• E= it( oTTLEI) 1.181 Of the Anent Kraden on hand Coulhlettt that be 1,11 pl. 14-e. ru rexiowtfally nullrita n char. 01 I ATER AND BETI Llt J Net wehmtatilling 1.41,1 other hie . loppree,jon-,1,,t, Int tit relgen Mt the WIN 'LP:HALF. I.l4l'ult nI In t} marble front ~n 1i101, , p ~, (1/111, , , Pm , where In kept eon.laill I ply Of the, BENT I,l(iColiq At Arleen lower than an he fttilo4 outmide of Philadelphia ❑in rto of the heat Old Rye, B 011: Monongahela and (Mt Irk Holland Gin, • Cogninti and nth German ' Madeira. Lisbon, Sherry and Port Witten, Cortilals, quid All kinds of Hlrtipw, hlch he low he to anon WI All. /4-12 SALE BILLS NEATLY A PEDITIOUSLY PRINTED AT TIIIB OFFI