OFFICIAL REUURNS OF CENTRE C )UN FY, FOR 1c571. BOROUGHS IMMEIIII BeUnion - Co W. W H. W N, W Milemburg bor.— Unionvilje b0r.... !toward bar Philipsburg bor. Boggs Orp Unnnnr Lornsille r,rtln Ferguson Uregg half Moon .. Harris ••• ...... Howard .•• • Huston ••• •••• Liberty . • • • -_ Mnrion 1011 . • • ••• Potter.- • •• • . Ibn. snow Shoe .•• spring • ... .. I.• ••• ••• IPll.lkPi •••• .. Worth .... ••• • . =I I= The l'emper n( e th N nil one in the So THE BRIDE ()shed to the polio.' of music, Silent the Mower's tread, nil her mother's hand has lifted the veil from the bride'. fair head lowly her timid footstep Iles passed orthe quiet stair, ever again may linger The step of the maiden there. moment her nitatiow Ileth l'rettibling on the floor, lie neat, anti her wit toldinga Have paased through the h ope e n I lotor. ,caving to tell her progeoee— A token fair anti avreet— white roan which hail fallen From her bottom to her feet emu. to the ntor-lit chntotter, Peace to that enmity breast, here the black curia of the hrhleg,ont In place of the roots, rent, ntl,olt I may no dream of morrow N'itollter sleet to tell he has left We I. nweetent moment. Without, where tits rose lent tell AWOMAN ON THE BENCH he Great Joke of Wyoming —How the Wags Served Mrs. Judge Mor rie's Husband—A Wife Committing her Spouse. My last gave in brief the history of pl3l l / 1 14e of the Woman's Suffrage in Wyoming I will now give some the practiCid workings on woman rage and 'romans office holding. o first action taken under the provis o of this law was the appointment by . Secretary, as acting Governor, of s. Ether Morris of South City, jortice Of t h e place, of Sweet water nit• Mla Morris qualified, "re tted Lho usual 1011 01 sr,- to the Metre y, and entered upon the duties of her "othr?t; unusual occurred for some , ei.ry body Witt +ittltiiivi with the V j tit fo , al the now juidieri with y (hie day howeyor,the wino bittern , . wai caused to her etlp of ,s, and notwithstanding he rwornanly wifely f... 1,12:, rho wn4 ,mpollett Intik it. her bettor half, who WWI left iu cl.dr4., 01 tio• , lutiientie de rurnent r,l tho firm, iota previous to retirement to the swe , is of doinatlic oceittionally taken it iLocial th hit frieini• 'raking advafilloge of woe stir,,,, friends waited upon Morris owl day, and having triode Mt rris d_r_turk, led bun into 'itch of the ponce, rind hastened to • ESqllll, s Oak, nut lodged rt IMI tot with In•r Honor It:zinnia her Ili,- a "111 1 411 lord and that used lie, and demainl warrant for his est Mrs .Itistice lieso tied mi. lit on the hank lit is woliniti ' s Itubt but, like she was 1 . 11.1 , 11 to the iergeney , and prempt I riestel into r lord's doininiemi, and lo r tor Imo ster itt• drttgge I{•h•re 1., nil M r 1111irris,betel loot ..1111‘•14 . 111 1 1 ar to comprehend situation Ile •an to assert his sovereign rights in 'tempt of court 1111E11 1,1111411 . 111 y Olt:Ilt up by the otrievr ill 1.1,4.411.110 . to 1 court's order Sinong that thing• d changed somewhat, tool that 4111 . 1 11( 1 01111alion hat Iteen at least sin - ithel, he began Uo 0.110“•Itilat, hr.' tit the officer, until intoritietl by' that tetionttry that b., h e d t was acting tinder orders from the rt Who t. thi, yourt(lite) 7" Inquired • Morini Un biitig informed that I oceulinnt of the bingeh with it "i poi hid 110.1,1 111 MI cl In. 111 ,, w4lit,tind •r Ow) -`ha is it's Estlii•r -into wit, F,ther --yon 're ink, -oh, don I tioth.q. nm (hit') 1 In , 001110,1 1,. go ih.• priT , ..r for Colltl . lllllt cowl," said r• to Llio \Y lint hp t , •/,‘ nhOilt It \l4 , r , +ttig , !....r 1114 . 1111 i 111,.!IS Irnsnn l OW 111,124' Y••lt I:! Iln•1 1.04 n !Hilt tip," rid ted her Although badly linked, Mr Morris gan to get Li ghnnu•r 01 OM truth, begun (II parley. “Now look hen•, Mr Offieu r, don't oi he in a hurry. I didn't mean any log wrong I want to just talk with v wife a minute Now, Either, what's ilso-tif foolin'; you i at git down out there and go home and belatVo your- If I'll tend to this little difficulty yeadf N.,v, go right along, the baby ants nui , ing I haul to give it Mr , inidow I.) get it to sleep when I me down Ilea hungry, for he won't e that bottle, and I don't. llama other The dishes ain't washed, )r the bed, Matte, neither And what more, I. ain't going to do it any ore, now. You hear that. Nuw start nog," By the tune Mr. Mortis had deliver- IM o 171I!17 4f i 7.1 civcd s c ket re x votes, two it In Mtlesburg si (1 of 13(..1 lefonte OFFICIAL MEE= NI lj nit .• , 1 111111.11 . I 1.111., hi. 1 , .11t, 1 il l l 11 , 111. 1 , •• .111,!• 41111. 41 I 4.111 11,111 4.1 , p.0 , 111111'1 •.1 4.1 4 , 111111011 F 0141,11, 11 , 1 1.11. r 'r t.. thoriolo , - II 1.11,1 r, 1.41 1.- .11 1111 ' 101. 211 4.1 11 , 11..1 ...rtllll4l 114,111 wl. 1..1 1 ,, 1111 1 111. , •11 L 1 1 ,• -111111t1 4 .11, 11a141 Ow ‘v 111 1 .1 , 1( 111f1 Wil.. 1110 4111 'dm:: Imo 1,. t 1/1111 . - /111.1 vs.slllllll k , 11:4111• 1111.1..1 114. 1. 1, .11 (In th rl , l aN•sire and with the of oo •t loolloollialloon, lolnd a,/ 11-Led the pai dim et the f,ir rentempl, and ti, awriited hr-•lit,terliai with liamilit) arid riolVill /Atoll A iter which, givin.4 the prironer It ninrndod by Oil lawn n( W 01111 her Ilunnr imposed the 11.11 '1 Ilrio Anil required the priiiiiner to I'l 0 b. 11111.4 111 1,14 p 110111 . 0, 1111011 whir}, ti I/ court gitlhuit olniritil to kit him g•), and Ilr Morn, - lie!, the prolific author of will storieti lor little and hi l t (01. dreit, wan once it gallant moldier, and himself in the Mexican war After the caplare of the City of !Mexico, Ile Wilui wo n t ro Voir,ty lON adornito; Ii 1,111;1140111V per inn Ii Corr r•tllni_ 111.011 'the hue GIOI.I - While ^o loner he would 'air lip him eatha.ta.iii by reciting poetry, rritich to the wrath and doignet of hiv brot her offieere,who had no line clot hem and no IOYCS. IMe day while dreaming, he roared coil; "At midnight, in till gilardnd lent, 'I ho Turk lay &naming the hour \V lumen iirmmo hi.r knee—" "I say, Reid," interrupted Nell Marshall, "Why 11111 she grease her I\rie "What ? "You said greame Ni'lll 1 lie question that ag ittoe , the ,pottnir 1 , •• why 11111 they gtett•e her 611ee4? - The gay 11(.111(41- rib' gazed for a I n.,ro e ot in W an k itautzetnent, and said sternly, "You're a laol." A duel was the consequence, in which Noll Marshall, with hie usual Inch, got the worst of it. Any two applen are !dike it they ate ; Che winek or men tpu,t, he totally pared. out of their latitude —at the equatt r. Ell lir : I 411 41 1 lip IPi 7111 Intl I II "7 M I II I N I 24'1 1 , 7 1111 ,i) 11 1 In' 112 1 1 I !I 1.1111 2.1x11 I) 11 0 11 42 511 21 21X) 11 7 11 271 7 I'l 1191 )171 41 xU 161 21 , 111 78 l 1 1,1. I 111 HI) 1i :0x I 2, 1 1 21 i l t :1.151 1211 .11 xll WI 1111 91x1, II Ihl 11 17 17 rl ...I I IN 1 EMI ®MI 'olivine, one iii Lihcrt), to one vute , , were (.1 , ,t for di), NSYLVANIA, Arne i iiiii 111 11 1111 2..2.1 2X 12 111.17 2X.3.1 21'21 17 .J 1 N.ll .MMIIt 01111:1 I 971 11 1110 .Ilia • 4,241 42 , 44 2941 4 .18C 4 , 11 1114 ,214 I'l'l 4"; A 1 11, 10 I! MVII 4 -Pi I 4.1 1 1.-1 11 1 4..,5 N Ili I II: II SO. 1 17"2.1 1 , 921 MII7I 1011, 711;1 111 ' '2 I 1 4 . A I , li 4 . I I ... , I, II I - ail I I _ 4 1' I , I I i i, 4 :11 IE 4N t i I I ' liMi I Ir,t• 411 iollf hll , / , 1 , 11 r/tlll, , lii 1,111 111/I'lllr-, atn the 11111'i11,11 , 111.- In .1. 11,1 , 1 11e1 4111,111111 IVII.IOII 14 11 1 alld zelle:ellt 11/IM a large nu 111111 till 1/11 1.11 at all Lately 11111 . 11,11/ pr....n..14,11 1/1 a New lonl,lland. ,1111 . 1, .11111 t tart. (lilt well, old the 11,ndnrllr Na" al It 10 ,, \: 1111 w 11I• e.llll/111ii .11m1.111 , C Id It. 1,.1 rj 1 1 111/11g111 1,11:1..1 1,1 l/C :lilt , ' 1 1 , 1 1 111 II 1 I ear. till :het lrueh..l it 1111 le nlitlloll away auw the road. •M r M..r. 11”noo fl ii In "Here, .tune•, maid the vontluetor, am the station agent appeared, "take out Lila ,log and keep it mod the own er calls for it." "All right , any eliargcA?' filly cents; you can keep the motley I to❑ want to " Next ltmr tile comii,ctor ',limped that way the agent hailed him • Look here ! oohodV•'s Called lur that (log ret • "Nut called ? You nay 80 I \Vell the uwnt•r'll he along noon. •'lVhut n Irih nuuu•? "Name? Oh, Irtn narnr•N Smith?' "lint nuppu.e ne Jnn•t null - Ire ilun • l cull you can itit , t Lee /I Nir Job, cult IC flow.•• A lid nl 111.4 arooilllls dnner , VIIN 1,cep111:.! the .101 and ettreing the delin yieult Smith. WIIAT 111 k: AI.O FIRE 11/.--I1 is said that there Is out n single indict meta left against any 11C( . 11Ni'd person in Cook county, Illinois, which is cer tainly a piece or good fortune for sonic rogues. lint, on the other band, the Ilwyerm have suffered severely. !lard. ly a law library or law office is left; not a paper to show that there is a snit trending in any of the six courts of the county. Not a judgment, 1101 it poll t 1111 i ur I.Ht.kniptev in the Federal COIITIV. Aiul V101:+1 . net, 240 as 14 kIJOK It, all the 1t , '01.14 01 deeds and mortgage+ ate Jrtiuoyi : , 7-. I' 77 1117 17' 70 11111' ".( 11 4 1 11' 114 1.111 2.'04 1 , . MI 21 I 1 2I 1 .1.11111 14 1 ' 111 I Ili 111, 1 oi 1 1' I. 1 11 1 ..111 1 MEM [lll) , ,buri, ) 1 n I'l )(x)rho II {J{I , 101 .111, 252412 21 11111 , el 4, 41111 !x.llll L 1 lil I.lii 511 /el 1 211 Kli 111 i 4 M 54411' 37'ot 42X. 2U2 4P 7N2 .14 21,1.1 17 ,_^/I 11;,.7 1 ..11 ECM I MLI 4 t•il — to poi 1J ~7I - 144 I 1 el, I I 41 I_ 21 -1 I, I MB 11 1 i• 11 t o '.4 -i 11 ll II 11 1- 1 11 1111 I 4 I I .4. Ylr , tp 1 , , _so7: 21,0 A Conductor's Joke Dry Goods, Groceries C r U r XCITEMENT ,\xn COFFEE' I 3UST \ 1,1, A N EVV 1,1 1 1'111."114M4 AN I, ILI, '.51‘11:11 1/13=1 Sold at 50 we are selling at $1 2.; 25 1 00 1 00 85 Bent cto Java Colrec, !ethic.] to :to contn Rio Collet, CALL AND TRY TH EM and wo will guaranleo you van save 25 per Sold only at the Agency of the AMERICAN TEA COMPANY! MISS 0. B. PRIEST'S Trimming, Notions it Variety:Store Buell House, Bellefonte, Pa MEM y o UNO&DEVLING, WIIDLEHALPI AND RETAIL DEALERS IN M Kier 1.1 .\' DISE AT 'rIIE CITY SMILE On Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, t'fietipeetfully Invite the nutneroun readers of the Watchmen to call and nee their unequalled MEM =I FoitF.ii:rc AND DomEsTic DRY wous SHAWLS, CA RPETS, NtYCIONS, BOOTS, Vllol*, (i ROCER I Eti, ,Rtt, They have the large 4 etock and E. , 1 PEST (mops In Central Primmy I vania TII h: I 1 , 1. M EX l'h.011I()N promplrles4 and decimiott in loisitie=s ; tistwe In ithout quibbling, puitiarenesm wlthOlit COlllllllll,lOll u►•►; ONE l'Rl(E•, (' SyMIPITI nu•rlr 111 II demiind, dinpenging Itm heno.lll. Imp:"unlly, and It I lie 1,1,1,0 mini 111= A , 1; 1 , 1.. tootto)1 to 1,1,1 tt Mittel ) (000 I,lt-1 I'lo IN 14[(IN IPEll,l.llti Alloghcity Stre,t, Ilellefont. rehltrl. , l U. extoto.vo ntoro .0( r, thn prop! irtot take nt 111111 , 11 i. Ing ro the pnbllr that thy wilt keep 41,0111144.11i4 4 111 hand, the clioirent 6 ROC ER I Es, PROVISIONS SPICKS, FRUITS, &, to he found In the toutrke EV ER I 'I II INO Al' ALL TIM TILE IPW EST PRICES 11=1 Legal Advertisement I. I XECUTOR'S It/TICE. Lettere j teto ainentary upon the tektite of H. T. Minikon, .. IWO Or Bellefonte, l'a. have 1,0011 1.0111141 to the lindcritlgned All per mono 111.101t1 , 1 OM lire requited to Mak 0 (MIIIO , IIIOO pnylnoit, and these haring 1.1111111,1 to',resent. them, duly authenticated , witlionOdeley to BA RUIN. MlLlilliEN,Jr• JO Exellange Playe. Now York City, or I Executor, REUBEN It VALENTINE JAMES MILLIKEN, I pp Rxrentor • 16 39 AL p RINTINI; IN A SPE CI WTI A'I"I Illy OFFICE. Dry Goods LOEB, MAY Sr, LOEB are Jttnt opening their second installment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS THEY HAVE MEI LARGEST, BEST, of any eatabliehnent In town Come and see us at our new rooms, nearlop posits) our old stand. ►,WAYS AIIEAD!----A. ALEX ANDER A tn iN , At illhenn, Center Co nnsylvanin, ere now offering to the lodine at the lowest rn•h priceq, =1 A ALEXANDER A SON Take thin method of announcing to their nu moronn friend,. that they have mat returned from the &Lai with a CLOW aalltaallialll of sea amiable FOREION AND !)OM ESTIC GOODH Whieh they are selling at rileh {wives that porellasers will hod it to their interest to buy of them Their idoelt vonslsig of 11- R--E--8-44 G-0-11-1144 I= HATS A N ('AN, µ()(01.1 A NI) Si 'EH All kinds of country produce taken in Cl ' , flange for good,. A ALEXANDER & Ne IN Books and Stationery T HE moDEL Bum; sToRE Irk- l'2, LiviNGsToN's WII()LESALE A NI) RETAIL BOOK S I'ORF Doral:tory of Ito !took of the. • . Amiirlr•rt S Union, and A1114,1111/11 'I rant Soviet) , " and void ',rarity at their catalogno prim., the tin aavertionvi of mei r-eonattlitted to lief egellrary netYrille.lNlllllng lie 1 , 14/1/ . 11 taly to (Imam convert...l In Sabbath vehoola, Ihut hiring Ito pin alllngmean icy of irony,e 111. 4 ill 1111m - dery 111 11•11 111,1/11114.111111 by a re ../Ip/o11.11.1.• 1141111., giving a credit of mouth. ISHI2 Stoves and Tinware. 4,Z EDIS NUR.I--hi neither ltreek nor 1...1 Latin, but is simply the trIMVI.I.III 11/0111. Of au ul.titutiou that tutu 101 ulihur /1,1 h1111. , 11 . 1101d WOrght — LlClll has referoOCCl .hrectly t., Hutt HAMM° A RDW A Rh: 11*ITA If I.IBM ENT C. S. PLEU .1 I„ F I )1f It, .o appropr in Lid V named the I li 0 N $ 1 I) E S 'I he old original "I rontildes"—Man cif war— UPI Swill In IIIi(Jon and rumbas—two pronni itela luau/rt.+ ellitracturiLing Um modern in that, It I= and duns 11olivor heap her broadsides at longer rango In the shun° tii ME= MEM besides ton thousand other 111i1.1i0/1, than any other establishments in the country. Being now permanently aneholed at P II I I. I P 8 li U 0, armed and equipped or the fall trade, and with a determination to undereell all entailer crafts, he reapecilully bolloils your order. vi2n4ts. =I FINEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK LOEI4, MAY & LOEB Has Alit Ilan Just. Hsu fuel. received the received the received the largest stock largest stock largest stock that aver came that error that aver came to Bellefonte no Itelleftortte to Ito!!Prim to Kn end •e e Ku and reu go and nee =1 II II'HE E=11313 IMM i4•l'l IN. llluk .•r Lett linw Prt I= and II A RIMA HP Lloteis and Saloons B li"K ERllOl , le HOUSE ALLEOANY 81REET II EIA E I.' ONT E, PEN N' A D. JOHNSON & SONS, ( PI vrtelore.) A first class hotel comfortable rooms -prompt attendance All the modern conveniences and retteonable charges. The proprietors oiler in't he traveling piddle and to their country It - fends first class neSOlll - 111111 11141101111 11111111111/11 to the wants of guests, at Jill linen, at heir rates Careful hustlers and good stabling. An excellent table, Nell pert ell A bar, supplied nth the hest of liquors Servants well trained, and every tilling requisite 111 a first ellellllllliel. (tor Mention In in the business portion of thin town, Deaf lion post Oftlee, tile court house, the churches, the Intuits, and the principal plat en of 11111411111S11, rendering It the most eligible 'duce to stop for those who visit Belle fonte either on 111114111111ss or for pleasure An omnibus will carry passengers smith bag gage to and from all trains fret, of charge lit 37 B OSH HOUSE, BELLEFoNTE, PENNA., Oleg Wit hotel, having come ander the wititert 1.1.11 of the tintier.lgtied they would reapectfully announce to the public that they ore intl.' 0.114, 1.1 ,'otu,,, ,, late tne,,l alter the ••tyie ot the )01,11/01/XOS In 11/0 WWI The /Allah 111111.1 . In a magnificent building, spl endully floreisforth 'lll,l enpithle of comfortably aerom moilating I'll REE HUNDRED GUESTS It militated near the depot, and convenient. to all places Of 'airiness, and Is the heel hotel in eent mei Pennsylvania Its welters are oblige 111$. peliie and attenthe, its tablet. are Cup phe.l a ith e,ory luxury in the market, Ha ntahlem are first claaa,withattentive and human* ho ller., and In bur .inprilled with the twist of ii , ltiOrt. For atiests from the cities to !spend tl e eitl.lnnr It Isl.( the pine.' proprietor will 1..• happy in revel, the piddle as often aa they wish to Gall M ChEM ENTH Proprietor_ MMI ri .\ It M A N'S lIHTEL-DANIEL GAILM AN, Propriotor This long-establleheil and well-known Hotel, initiated on the southeast corner of the Dise 1111 l id, oppo.ite the Courthourte ha•lng been pureltaised by Daniel (liftman, he announce■ to the former patrons of this entabliehment and to the traveling piddle generally, that he has thoroughly refitted his house, and la prey pared to render the most eatiafitetory accom, modation to all who may favor him with their patronage No pains will he spared on his pert to add to the etuivenienee or comfort of hta goe.t. All who stop with him will find his table abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous fare the market will afford, done up In aty IP by the most e perieneed cooks. His it,.; will always V.IIIrAW the ,'holiest of liquors. Ills Stabling n the beat in town, and will always be attended by the moat trustworthy and at. tenth• hostler. ..n hilt, a (all, one and all. end he feels coutident that all will he aatiafied with their I\l 111r1111.1Atil111 An excellent Li• ry is ana.•he•d to this e•stahliabment, which stranger. from alined will find greatly to their lolrentego ssolo C UMNI I NOS HOUSE. NV. I) RI KA Itp, Proprietor BELLEFONTE PENNA. The undersigned, having aanumwri eortrol of thin fine hotel, would retipectfully ask the patronage of the pultlio lie la prepared to acc PPPPP imalate mutat,. In the twat of style, and will take ear, that him 1 Oder :Ira aupplied with the bemt in the market t.ond atablea attached to tho hotel, with careful anti ationtiv• ger- Tact. fho Ira, ling toddle are invited to give tbei umminge lion•es van I rt Yoly m \AL 110 I'LL, .111 miLLiiKim, PA J )Ni 11 . 11 1N Kit, Pr, /muggy, list lint perelinset t hi• ndrmrnblw p,pertr, the preprint, into , pion., t informing his Irivinin that wino il end It Mtn lop le. ir..11.011. 111141 In now prepared to nor d• in t l.. I ry,.1,, end r•therm In restyle that hn linin•m will prone not tinly natinfartory, but pb.s.shi llln table Anil bar, will not 1MMn14.111.41 by say In the einintry II in amble in !arse mot new ‘llll in attended in , PI ell and Alterdl. °mien. 14-2114 y Tobacco rl l It A( ' ) iii I HESI THE liEs Al' N llEck S, Al' N ISE('K's, coME AND SEE, COME AND SEE, W lIAT EL EG A N I' PLUi ;S, WHAT EL EGA NT 11,1"G5, (Y),l//•: AND BUY, l'O3lE AND BUY; !IN 1 , 1" E !iCENTED SEG kRS 1 II I, BENT TOW • , Ill; :s1 IN 7111: ME= T, FINE CIT, TII IC S W RETEST, Til IC :'NW KICTIGST. A%I I'll ( P.A E.T, AN TIIF. CH EA PEST IN TOWN Remember in Store No. 4 Bugh Hotel tr. CIO A US A N D TOBACC; SAMUEL 1.11'11)N, ME= l'igare, Tobaveo, filer, 11111)WN'S NEW BUILDING corner of Allegheny end Biel, 4lreetg 1111 4 :1.1.EFON I' Beat cliora II n d tobacen:daay. nn and. hi tuld try them. Fooolt nud marl itolieloUe brunda 16-15-1" =EMI Insurance 1 1 DIVIN W KINSE, Surersirw In Sane( 1, Barr , feed CLAIM ANI) INSURANCE. AGENT (100 D CU.lll'd MRS, _ - Ln6'R.l TRS. PROM!' I' SETT!, R.IIRNT ON MASER. Vitith and Mutual Fire, Life and /Weldon. Pollees written. Prompt attention peen to the tollertims of Mu Pag, Penewor and all other dolma. Holdlers who ()Whited boforo July 21d, 189;, and were honorably dkeliarged without reeel Millie $lOO Bounty are now entitled to it. EDWIN P•. KINSI.OE, Box No. Bellefonte, Pa. 11-16 Succossor to Sarre !L. Barr, dee'd.