Philadelphia Cards. n~1160(tU 1t F: SWINF.EORU, AITH G. Li ANS ELL, 21 North 4th Street, Philadelphia importer and Wholesale Dealer to C111:i A, GLASS AND gIIEENS \V AR), Original nickagea conatantly on hand lir-.40 at L. k PIERRE lIOUSE, Broad and Chestmn Streets, 11111,ADELPHIA .1 P Proprietor 1 ermvi per dRy. ir.%,ho MEM EDWARD W. DIILLER, WITH (CUWN & BICKEL =I HOSER OLOI'ES, NOTIONS AND WHITE (iOOHS, 111 .ifor Art Sr', ,1, 15-1- I'll lI.APELP II IA 01: H• WINE, (7IN, BR k NI)I 1NI) CLARETS No '22i, Vim. Street vll4nltt. I , IIILA I IA J Di I xEpliAwr • with BARN Eti,,kl )N, (** Winoleq..l,. and Retatl tteml4n In HATS PS. STIM W OWIDS AND Fr it.% rbll.l. Market St , Philadelphia A it A. IINt , 1 NII. PO PA' ER A.N 1.) „AL . vt 1,4.1,..1.14. I p.•.ior 1,. WINES, BRANNES AN!) .INM, !LIMN = = •12n7 PIMA PELPIIIA, PA 1 -I AHT,E HOTEL, 217 Nuaiii '1 Into STII.IIWf Between Barn anti Vine R D MEM Furniture N EW FL RS iTu RE STORE tit Klt otSE, IiELLp:vosTE, l'A SIIkoYFR 4 - SON, ()ruler to T, RN URF OF Al.l. KINI*I BlitisrEADs, l'A (11 A I Purl r nit,l Nqs, LouNG Es, IH'ItEAUS, WASHSTANDS, M I I 1LL44 , ,, , A. A, Part.ik Att,T,, ,, 14 to (Ird,•nd Work RN:PAU:INa DONE 1.1:031PTI.1 rtiIIVRTA K 'NG I= AND MF:TALIC, WAI =I 11,-2 SlllO .Y1.7.1t t SON FI*RNITURE WARE itl /M. 4tre•rt, Bellefonte, Pa where hureans, id,ungss, 5„1,,,,, flat Kw•kl' What Noll', Stands, tdiairs. Stook, 1.,.1em,,iikr,.1 . .1,11 , N, i . :1,,• , )( «Tory olroerlplion, quality, and price, All' Rafe ,Iwatn, than at any "tiwr nI thn knul In t eland I 101,11,M /I EN RN II ARIUS pAut()NIZE III)S1 E 1 N DUSTItY. 1011 ti BRACIIBILL, M•nnfacturer gild littler in 11 OUSE 11 (1 1,1) 1' 1" 1Z NIT L' 11E, tirtiou ti .... , /11i, trots, PA,, K orpo. eneetpetly ~n bend •11 II leo linnortn..nt of Maltrenne+, A,dpi* Chat 1.011111(011• bed rdee.b4 A t e A Li r ,l /, L Pil /'EI?, -----• will alwayn pmn,i .t LOW l'ltlcF.B 111-46 Iy music CHICK EltIN(1 ,t , SuNs CELEBRATED PIA NOES nt reduced prices olto A Ns, SHEET MUSIC, &C., T M. CH IR IST! E & CO'S. MUSIC STORE, V EBl' E It S'r R E ET, LOCH HAVEN, PA 16-243 ly Merchant Tailors NIERCHANT TAILORING', ES tabl Ishment, No. 7, firockerhotra row. he ottiforaiglicit taker nicaattre in informing the citizen', of Centro county and the public genoraily, that lie is Juat opening a Splendut and RicA ANiortment of Foreign nod Domontle CASSINI ERI•I3 and CASSINI I.: liKB and V ESTI NGH CASSIAIERM and VESTINGB Which ne In prepared to make to order in the latent and most fto.hionable styles, 'primal or toys Goods void by th t lave° or'by the yard Ile also keeps on hand a full line.of MEEI of nvery . kyle and variety, //mdeling of lints and pdTSW goodn, MOS' in or 1111 4. 111illirtx, Midi, lath for Hummer //r w Iliter 14par, Olin peititor., 11000, lioNoli piper •nd linen. liandkerellief4 The hem turn u( kid f.; . :oreel--"1 . 110 JOLlVitr—in full al. morittlent of ram., eolor4 on hand. 'ri/ entablhdirtient In Alpo tlio hondy uarterx ,if the Silop•r Sev,lll){ 'ling A geovy )11N MONTGOMERY. No 7 lirnekerliol7 Row, Bellefonte Pc 012,474 STILL IN TII E FIELD I 0 nny 014 (1-101)114 and i e4t,nw•r., and to a llotily 11011 V 01.111/6 a, Inky ‘101.111,1 to lie egged au IN ttl LL VITTIN4;.SIIIISTAN9IAI.LY ANI wade Roll. of v 1141114, from any kind of ma tertal they elem.., I ha," n large and coal lenlassortment Of ~ 00DH I'ASRINIERES ANI I V ESTINGB From lid tturmonte u ill be made to order =I hf~IST FASII IN A 111,1.: STYLE UZIa Pall and e1..11111. , my Am. MAKI,. I have pita bought nay 1(10,41. during the last, and d.•fy vortitiolittiin an to prief,t, dura bility and INA/11.11, luta ldimburland Rt.MEM IER PLACE W. W. 111(C1,E1.1..1N, Ni. 4, Brockerh,ff lion, Allegheny St., 1 ern also agent for the euperior and cheap WILCOX a G lii HEW MACH INEB w Met, altoutd t.e seen I.y all dextrtng a ma 0111111. v 14,11., Planing Wills B ELLEFoNTE PLANING 8111.1, W. V. 11 11 011 ES, (Sweempor to 11(111 europttny ) RLLOW I'R I. L 0 W Y SL LO W PLooItINU AND WKATIIEIt BOARDING; Poo re Hash tu7Rohl, WORK OF EVERY I)F,ScRIPTION . Ilra•kotr. . -bracket.. .. or sli . . .eitzmo. l'attiorn, -Patton., Made . to , _Order Haring a “Ituettleym Patent Lumber Dryer' ronneeted pith the eetattiliddnent, I ion ens bled to matturitetnrepy work (ruin THOROUGHLY BEABONED LUMBER. Iglp-Ordere 'froin And the Trade Generally, are respentfu II solicited. BELLEYOrr E. Colons Co., •1b nl3 Pixo'a CLOTHS Cl,O I HS END FU RN .811ING GOODS =I BELLEFONTE, PA =I If 11171: sllll4{ will lli \ PINE Of VArIoUR "tyles IMITJ MEM And Moulding■ Contractor• lnutliterm, Denton*, Hardware T"‘`/...1117/1" HARDWARE STUB. IRWIN tr WILSON, ;IRWIN & WILSON & WILSON Northwest corner ta/ Diamond, Northwest corner o Diamond, Northwest corner of Diamond, Bellefonte, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa. 13ellefonto, Pa Have always on hand, and are daily remedy ware lino, every for all descript the ion wants of the of Goods in the Hard Housekeeper, Housekeeper, llousekeeprr, Meohsnle MeChan le Mechanic Farmer Farmer Farmer / Palmer PitUttvf hil nter And ail a orkers in wood anJ metals. Their Mor4 of SHELP fIOODS in eOlllllll4O, enikorne lug everything to he found in it tirat-clasastore, while their &took of II EA VEY GOOJJ Is always full—consoling in port of Nails, Horse Shoes, Ulm, Cook, Parlor, and other Stoves, Otis, Paints, sod Varnishes, Rope of all mires and larking, Plat• form scales from 100 to lo,ono pounds, Furrw.s for ds,lling Houses and efiIIrVIIVII. Pomp. for Cisterns and Wells, Wooden Water Pipes, of any bore and length, Wood Work of all kinks for Wagons, liuggies, and Carriages, Springs, Ailes, and buses, Iron sunifiteel of all sires & kinds, Hon. 'Thor. Tails, AU Nail rods, all of witivh w., ale selling st the very lowest prices known to the trade. CALL AND SRN OUR STOCK we will he 'demoted to shoe you all through, greedier you buy or riot ()iv Puilearnen are at all times attentive and obliging flint 11.ARDWA RE I lIAIRDWAIREI The plain to buy iJ & J HAIM'S } The subscribers would respectfully Inform the community that they have upCMM • corn plete STOCK or HARIVARI: enmpritiang all titrit•tii.e Fil g ood • n, th►t line Which they WILL SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Their stork consists of ail mortporimilderis bang mire, table and pocket Cutlery, Carpenters', kblaoll . lll, Plasterer's and Block sitiltit's Tools, and Mater/ 10. Nails, Iron, llorse. shoes, and Hope Tackle, FOrkit,Clisium,Shoveln, H Grind !Hones, etc. ousekeeper's Goods, tiaddlery Carriages trim. mings, ate., with all kinds of COAL OIL LAMPS, And the different parts thereof, together with • complete assortment of the best PAINTS, OILS, VARNISNES, Etc They hope, by strict attention to Business and a constant care for the accommodation of customers to merit and receive a share of the public patronage. Builders and others will find it to their advantage to call and lIXAMINE MDR STOCK J. .t J. HARRIS, •1101 l No. 5 firnek.irlioli'll Row BOUT AND fitltoF,. MAKING 1 JOHNNY POWERS, begs to Inform the people of Bellefonte and vlclnly that ho still holds forth In Meelaln'a Moat oppnelte the Bush Hauge, where ho continues to manufacture and sell the very heat BOOTS, 8110 ES, (MITERS AND SLIPPERS for gentlemen and ladles, in the market. He guarantees everything he makes to tit, and his prteaa are m oderate. done neatly, and all orders promptly attendei , to. EIS MR. CUAI:tLES DOUGAN, .PLAIN ANL) ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, GRAINER, PAPER HANGER Sc SHIN PAINTER FRESCOING in all Ils branches neatly executed. All orners to be left nt WATCHMAN talc*, or at the Country orders. punctually attended to 10 2 ly GREAT NV ESTERN WM' RIFLES DOUBLE AND BINGLE BARREL Shot (4uns Revolvers, Ammutillton Sporting floods, !fine harrebi, Lucke, Moue tinge, lion materialif he Send for a I'nrt• 1.181. Adrirerib •1 11 Johnotim, Great Went eru Gun Works, lib Smithfield Street, Yttte• burgh, lb N ft Army Carbine., Rifles and Revolvers bought or tradod for, lb 23 kr; KE YSTONE BOLT WORKS, Lumberman, Lumberman, Lumberman, Builder 'Ruihi, r Builder 11 1 11iLEN, ADAMs k co NC) 5 MARKET STRERT, CARRIAGE AND TM! BOL TS, PLoW 4- MACHINE BOLTS, NOR WAY CA RRIA E BOLTS, BRIDGE AND ROOF BOLTS, SCREW HOOK HINGES, WAGON BOX STRAPS. Hooter r i Iti terar VISIMPrer, nthinel-maker, eithmet-maker, Cabinet-maker, Coach-maker ('na•h-maker Coach-maker, Democratic Watchman. Whoelwright Whet.lwroott, Wheelwright Illaekstrilth Maekftuil h Muck mith Wagon-maker Wagon-mAker, Walgon-maker Miller, Miller Miller Found ITIIIIIII Fnumbyman roll lirl'M.n B ILL -HEADS, Mnr lunlxt M. Inlet , Every business man should have • printed heading on his Letters and Bills, and his card printed on his Enveloile The cheapest and the beat plane to get them printed la at the office of the DEMOCRATIC SNATCHMAN Because our stock of paper In every variety is purchased from the manufacturers e the lowest pricer., swot our facilities for printing et the emalleet price end In the beet style, are un ri walled EVE.BY RIND OF JOB PRINTING THAT DEFIES OOMPRIXITION Miscelaneous, REPAIRING, 301INNY POWEItS WORKS PriTslitTliG, I,A MANUFArrURER9 4OF EEO LETTER-HEADS, ENVELOPES AND WHY? DONE IN A STYLE _ raugy Stores. LooK II ti Eit G. B. PRIEST, No. 2 Bush IA Minima reeelved from Philadelphia the and ben brands of Alpeenri. Mnlue.r. tine. Aoetriniati Crapeennd Crape will be sold at the very lowest priers newest haveltlea in (Ave fled J. Collars. Call anti wS/11111110 our au fore purelotelng elsewhere. LA1)1 KW, Gonna' and Children'f. hen ton and Woolen Llone, cheap. GOOD and demirnble blondes of Color Ulnve. Also, Totw I N Mack Kid Glove n, chenperll eother store In town. y AMES' colored Corsets, 87, 2 , no, Li (flitter SI 00. Miff:fittest style. in Ladles' Mk.. Chlldren'n Hats. WEltave nlvo Itlaelt and i'nkn e d eplendid Ronda, very eke al , Ai tired and lirnsmel. Nil for ‘'ell,4, an d and Blank Grenadine for Voilr. CONSTANTLY receiving 11141 newel in Lading' and Oenl le WO sell at Very low pl toes. Also, / lo• u p kereble rt., only U Ceuta and tipvviiril• FAMnitommtur...9 I neg., Frinitem I and all Maple Tulremileas, nw li „ ciAten, Ihuw, Aec.Hee mei 'larch, Hoe Eyes, all cheap ID LACK Sahli itibbon, ‘'olvvt luhb ot ,, I, sc. N EW Mlle !Nutlet., &c GIVE u* a call and examine MEM Do not forget that tioon to the n u . AF110111 . ,1111 ell Cutup Inv "f 1'110;0. the 11..04 'few. 1111.1 pre ,t, lowest price!. s, I. E V ERN' A itTl4'l,E E LA Dtl•4. ZEl'll I ' 7.171'11‘ I Mr* 1)A ItE Imp furl returned 144,4 dlO/ 4 / 2 /144./ti.4l, to 414Wittuil I. 6.. H4l Trimming., Notion. and Milliot ru, a choice .election or ZhPll 01%1CSIAlvl ()IA HA XON Y ANO HIIETLAISIJ =ll= HllllllB, 11.0U1,8 AND tr.ul Merino Veptii. mill Child I el, . }'otter ne , dithlrbUL Sijue nod et) 1, old Ladime l nr. and Iteitddressen, LI while, Lace lierbee. A VINE ASSOITI hl ENT OF LACE AND 7.INEN = ABU CITV4 Roman and Plaid j;11 , 1 , ,, , [flack Na.h ifibboti, A new lot of Sailor Hate, Turbans, whit.. brown, til COU:AT ISA RUA i%, SUMMER 11A7ti AND FLOWERS, it I litiONS. Ac A Brent variety of Jute I lids. ft At Jute Nw 1t ,. 1 po. Norlieller, 4 I and Hen' Hair ('orb nll to be .01. loweat !Mee.. at Mitq I,Ar, I MEE! Liquors j . B. FrrELE, FOREIGN AND DOM ES . ' WINF:ti & LIQUOR", In the roorn formerly ucr • npled by t stone Bakery, on Itishup street, /4..11e lot takes pleasure to inforintng t 6.• that tie keep , vonsiantly on bond s. clime.. Fretgn and Domestic Liquor. All casks warranted to contain the , marked Toe attention of practicing called to 100 stock or t'Ulth 1.114( Suitablr fnr rnr di ul pIII MOW 4 . ”11/ItAllti) la/ 1.1111 ONLY PURE NSI.IAIt %% In town All liquors are warranted to gii. Liquors will be aold by the quart tteree fie has a larje lit of itUTTLED I,ll4l ' oltS Of the &teat grade. ou hand emnfldent that lie van ph at , 1•1111.Il re.peatriliiy sollelt• a where of piddle V NCO. LATER ANT) BEI I F.R Mid other public oppre•diuti, et the WITOLESAI.F. Lit.ll'Olt 6,14 kIII In the mn ble fr“ot on Blehop of, ..t, (onto. , where to kept eenteeet I) Nit ply of the BEST Llgt:ffits At price,. lower than can to, !coca •I 01110i410 of Phlladelphha Ii ii stuck c of the twit Old Rye, Bout bon, Monongahela and Old !Hail Whipkion Holland l.ln co g iltse and other MOW te Jem German Madeira, Linbon, Sherry and Port Wilton, Cordials, and All kinds of Strum which he le Pl' law ee to astnnteh all SALE.BILLS NEATLY AN PEDITIOUHLY !PRINTED AT THIS orrivE Fngl Rum, EE