Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 20, 1871, Image 5

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    No Defeat
The result of last Tuesday's election
cannot be considered a Democratic de
feat. The Republicans to be sure
carried the State, but not against the
D e mocrats. The Ninth Resolution of
the Harrisburg Convention which a
few corrupt Democratic politiciane, at
the instance of Republicans, succeeded
in having passed by the votes of seven•
tv•six men, sealed the fate of McCand
less and Cooper, and loft to the true
arid honest Deniocrate of the State a
choice only between two evils. The
defeat of the State ticket cannot and
will not be considered a cause for
gret by a single Detnocrat in the State.
The lose upon the county ticket, by
which the Radicals obtain control of
the Senate anti increase their majority
in the House, is the only — thing that
will cause grief. This to be sure wee
to be expected, because the party wax
so thoroughly disgusted and disheart
ened'iliat it wax impossible to bring
them out to the polls, notwithstanding
th e y knew that the next legislature
would apportion the State into Con.
gressional Districts for the next ten
years. The result instead of being die
couraging is decidedly encouraging, for
it demonstrates clearly and plainly that
the good old Dettiocrat l ie party 18 Re firm
ly as ever attached to the teachings of
ThOMan Jeftereon and our democratic
i n stitutions. It shows that the De
mocraey of Pennsylvania cannot be
sold out by a few dishonest and truck
politicians of the enemies of free
g meriiment, and that hereafter, as
heretofore, they will fight upon prin
ciple or not at all. Away with exile
dimly and its advocates. Another
good result which must necessarily
flow from the defeat of the New De
parturists in this State and Ohio will
be the unanimity of sentiment in the
next general convention. No such odi•
one and anti democratic dootrinea SR
this negro departure will ever hereafter
be heard 01.
Another benefit to be derived will be
the retirement of our political leaders
who brought this disgrace and !teeming
defeat upon the party. For sonic time
pact our leaders have been an incubus
upon the party. They could not core
mend the. confidence of Democrats,
nor the respect of Republicans,. They
staked their all upon this New Depar
lure movement; have ingloriously
and ignominiously failed, and must
now retire to the rear rank s and ler
more honest, more honorable and more
competent leaders take their places
Unless this is done; unless we have
DPW leaders before the lIPXt CAM ',sign,
Grunt VI 11l be the next President.
We curd have a thorough ;111.1 dill(
[defe reorganization of the Democratic
',arty 01 tills State if we wish success
l'or 'ears past the party has been led
bi fourth rate politicians, arid it 'snow
nine for our beet men to come forward
and direct our movements.
Uptii Iteinorratie prnieitilem• led by
true and 110;11,4 Dentitetain•
%vevaa carry thin Slate by at least 30(1110
rnajorit% We could have done it thin
year hail we hail a Demot:ratia plat
toms to ntand and work upon.
Down with our pre/tent leaden,
Down with Peer° mutfrave I
Down with the no called 14th and
151 in tililetlihnetllP
Down with that held, naked and
brazen he whiett the itto“ elause 01
the 911. eontain.!
And or with the !
with Slate
linl op with 1 . 1,11 Liberty, and 1,0
ra', 11overninent
New leader,. and Democratic ;inner
Idea will m 11172 itimure Vwtory -
Annum the many sermons de
livered last rttmlny whereof he Chien
go fire was the theme, that of Henry
Ward Beecher contains the following
characteristic paragraph :
for a diamond pointed pen to
catch up all the sweet truths, the noble
itelleacriflce which this (ire has
brought to light) What heroic
achetiernentsl More than we know—
not morc 'han angels chronicle. Let
tie ti-te no more lime over Chicago.
She is not dead hut eleepeth. Hope
tit characteristic of that conlinimity.
Manhood or struggling up in Chicago
to day. Men are digging through hot
ashes to lay hot foundations. Is not
manhood better than gold? This spec
lathe is mak mg the country rich and
the route example of love ! The
Queen of England, 'ruin her imperial
throne, flashes an order to Canada to
empty the storehouses of blankets and
send them to Chicago. That. touches
my heaft. There is more in those
blankets to bind Canada and fireat
limns to our hearts than all England's
iiimket , arid ships or war In our
late war there was mime feeling arouth
lii wren England and this country.
She has ninetied the lithe side of the
chord The city of London gives one
thousand guineas from its
. trestattry.
Thai k (nod, there is one city in the
world that's got one thousand guineas
to e whose treasure is not coot
toletels empty. Churches and theatres
combine in then/dile work God bless
the theaters! The whole world is
marching in one I ; thr drum stops,
and the heart 10 love boats, and that's
the !moms we are niarehiii4 to to-day "
We are told that the following
niteeed between two Itailicale
on the ibis , of election. A candidate on
that ticket teleeraphad ,10 a friend in
Qil/1i art own, "Portor, the Irish and
7'ianplars ate playinl (he devil
teal, ore here—trork " To (hie the
Doctor replied ' The Mach and the
negtoes are playtng 1. --II with you
here.t" A pretty joke an It
—ln tli« retleni terrthle contlagra•
lion in Cliieitgo, James E McLean,
forbierly of Siiiiiperishorfr, our
fel , . I heavily. He teleyruplisql to hire
fflll.,r 'Otter his entire rite. were coll
et:rued that all hi, worl4'ly po
sesi•iiiiis were the clothes on his back.
Wonderful Activity of Chicago—
Clearing Away the Debris—Ranks
Opening—Exaggerated Reports.
CHICAGO, October Uhl-Thera was
wonderful activity in the South division
of the burnt district to-day. Thous
ands of tnen are at work clearing away
the debris and putting up temporary
buildings &c. Every laboring man
willing to work can find plenty of
work to do at liberal wages. The ac
tion of the banks yesterday in unani
mously resolving to open for business
to-morrow, and pay if called for, every
dollar due their depositors, and the
promptness of the insurance comps•
nies in settling their losses has inspired
confidence, Many sensational, exttg
gerated reports have been published
through the press, sent by special cor
respondents end not through the Asso
ciated Press, which have not the re
motest foundation. One report states
that the wooden pavements of this
city were entirely consumed, and serv
ed towards feeding and extending the
fire. Nothing, could be further from
the truth.
The reports of loss of hie are great
ly exaggerated. The number ol" dead'
bodies already discovered isless than
In. A large number of persons sup
posed to he lost are alive and well
The Hush Medical college resumed Its
usual course in the City Hospital to
lay. The postmaster announces that
the Money order Department,' or the
Chicago Post Office, is nt operation
and ready to pay all orders promptly.
Postmasters should remit National
Bank drafts on New York, or send
currency in registered letters.
How to Litre Happy
Thomas Jefferson wrote the follow•
mg excellent advice. There to much
human nature and good sense in it
"Harmony in the married state is
the very tirat object no be aimeil at.
Nothing can preserve afleetton unin
terrupted, but ft pimp revolution never
to differ in will, and a determination
In each to consider the love of the oth
er am of more value than any object
whatever on which a WlBll has been
fixed. flow light, in fact, is the sac
refire of ally other wish when weighed
against the aftectione of one with whom
we are to pass our whole 111 r I And
though oppomition in a mingle inatalice
will llnrlllt of itriell produce nllenanon,
let every one ham their pouch into
Which all these little oppomitions are
put; while that is insensibly going on,
and when tilled It In complete. It
would puzzle either to d lmay why , Le
eftll.l. 110 one difference. il opinion 1001
been marked enough to produce r men
0114 effect by Itself But lie finds him of
tertionm wearied out by a comitatit
of little 1•111.1•/{ PI 1001 0 1,u1n,h,
1)110 r M,Ol, e. 01 very COlll
loon,oo 0011.4,1, 1111. 11111 e ero-14 par
pm.ies of husband and wile, w (minium)
convermation, it 11111110M1f11111 111 either tt.)
criticise and quemi ton w hat mer the
oilier mays, a desire always to ileum.
Pirate and make him feel himself in the
wrong, especially m COIIII4III V Nosh
1102 iv so goading. Much better, there
Mr., if our f'0111f1:011011 $01.11,11 ft filltig 110
it light different from what we do, leave
111111 111 quiet 1111gflf,e,1011 111 111,1 I 11.,01
liftl 1. the lime of rectify ing lung ii the
thing lie 'unimportant. and if importani,
im it yams for the 111'1 , 0011, It 101 Wall ft
f , olo' 11101111011 1001 more conciliatory
occitimin of rev', it g the millyeet togeth
01 1111 " 1 01t 01 wonderful how many persona
are rendered unhappy by inattention to
these little ride, iil pm flume '
NARROW ESCAPE. —Wednesday 111,11"11
nag lamt lbatuld, Senator Petrikin ' .
hair tear old rote early and de
meetolinv to the tnrrllin enure ant Irll
I IleOligh the “pellilla 01 the ewer!)
Am the little lel IoM. rite thus water
he ealled to the net' ant girl to bring
the bucket, and lit ga.e notice of him
danger. Ilan lather 10-trlng hw l`r%
f/01 down tostint and pit a',/ , ' into the
etwtern, ettoglit the little telloa by the
foot at he emidk tor, w hoo would other
wine have hem, Ihr hog 11110' The
water in the rietern wan shoat fO , ll
and a hall legit deep, to That nothing
hilt the hot t prenenee of wind mailed
him lire am no one teen Imo hill into
the ci.tern When remelted lite withal.
nowt extinct, but we are pleatwo to be
able to record that he in reeoveong
rhe Senator wan 'Mlle the wor..e of hin
ettek bath -- //anttnyilon Monitor.
--A telegram from Washington
suttee that William 11. Webb, ,
the 01101111.1er nml mieninvhin owner,
or New York, hail an inter, iew with
dm Promlent m reettril to the shipping
interests ill the United State, Mr,
Wel, 'hint, 'hitt mile•n ('ingress
shall vionethinif it! tile next 1 , 1 . 1.1M1
to Aid ntekioi.n igation, every Amen
min line will have io give way io
British line within FL near. Mr Welch
might hale giine tiirther and that
unievv Conerievv shall relieve our ship
Intere,te itf collie of the hardens the
ittithettl tqtrts loot ittlneetl upon them,
Owl,. entire expulsion troin the ocean
tM only a Blip-tine of time
--Pretdd.rit Grant is taking. menatives
10 +vent , e his re-election A ,V 1 • Il
Ir. MI W80)1110.11 Mate. I bat lerll.l
law 14 to be declared in S •u to Carolina,
(7...rgin and Alabama, and that an
ratoeennerits are already nondo to send it military force into those Stet ea.
The threat is made, that if the people
Phew a "refractory spirit," thousands
of there will be arrested by the troops,
and held for trial loefore military com
missions. The "kti•klux" is made the
excuse for tio. , i dation of the people's
rights, and ierr,, , •ment of the Consti
tution, but tl vao.t• al ‘votys need an es
rm.. for d sp.! I. "'P e is
better than none
-- In Pittsburg, n .meet ,nr emolu,•-
tor has been arrested for squeezing the
hand of a lady passenger.
•Arnintrong..... 300
lieaver 450
Blair. . 1:00
•Itradford . 2soo
•110 tier 100
Cameron .. 70
Chemtor . 10000
Crawford .. 1000
Dauphin .. 1500
Haleware . 13.50
*Erin 2200 ,
Forerlt ..... 70
Franklin 200
Huntingdon ..... 7511
Indiana 2000
J 071,100 .... 100
Lancanter.. . 4500
Lawrence . 1200
Lebanon 1:100
ACK•an. 150
Mower . 2001
•Perry . . 100
Philadelphia 9000
•Potter .
tinyder . 400
Loinersolt . 1225
oqueJuin na 900
.Tioga • 2500
I Inion . 00
Warren 4001
Adams..... 500
•Beilford ... 150
Bork s 0300
•Cambria . 500
*Club° n . 1450
Centre..... .. 492
Clearfield . 130
Clinton. far)
•Collimbla . 1900
I *Cu intierland 300
'*Elk .....
• Payette ... 800
•Fii I ton 319
•11roon. . 1400
Jun .....
Loh Igh 1300
•Luvorrie . . 1040
Lyroming . .„ 3.50
•Mlitilin to
•Mouron 1800
Montgomery. 500
Montour . 350
Northampton 250.
•Pike Dal
Schuylkill 1000
Sullivan 25
WWI 111 ngtoit 150
•Wayuo 400
• Wool nuirland. Iwo
*Wyoming ...... 200
York, . • MOO
M jorlllo, 4762 Z,
.•101't OI On 'Tuesday devel
oped o o m o affinity between the
white .101 notdicalm of poovles.
town then we lit 4. ever noticed betorp
They wore "(Meek by jowl " A promi
nent Itoodical candidate walked to the
polls by the side of it negro, and stood
by tom while he put his ticket in the
window A young Itadical 11011111 . 11111
escorted it negro from Corson's stable
to the place of voting, with all the grace
and politeness hi , would wait 1111011
lad Vat a ball These were humiliating
spectacles to the white rein looking on ,
the RaIIICRIP hit their lips in silence,
while Denpocratio gave vent to their in
dignatom In words At the next Moil
tion let the white freemen of liimks
county pronounce their verdict oin qich
disgusting scenes —Doylest,,wn 1) (7m ,
-The whole country is laughing
at Ben Butler for hie ludicrous back
down, alter being defeated as a candy
date for the Republican 1101111111111011
for Governor of Massachusetts. After
bragging so much about what lie
would do 11 he were not nominated,
and brawling himself hoarse over his
courage, his present plight is worse
than pitiable. Ilis power as a politi
cal leader is gone forever
—Jame,. Neely, living near Rip
ley, Ohio, died recent!), leaving a for
tune in money Nupposed to amount to
$15,(1(10, but as no one knOWB where
the old gentleman kept 11114 treasure•
the heirs ere left the tank of hunting
a tip. They have gone to work vigor
minty with pick and ehtnel, and have
dug the farm on which li.ed
Irons centre to circumference. tln 1.,
death bed he returned tit tell his chit
dren ))here he had secreted the mon
nt il/I.iPI 1 - • 11,-L
h , r pop , mbing ht. wit.. with .•rlit
inintitor " lie 1+ 91%,, rep , r 1,41 i n b u y,
t ied l'hildren to a ntuke strol
hurried it to dent)}
—Ail SPInIZ, 101 1•11-111iiii4ter rrl.rn
(1111111, 11114 %et lea 1/11 1, 11, , -
Kl (~.1111
IPALgt I taLietrt —The friend...3f those who art
1,0.10,1 81111 'WI I, realli, and, through tkl/or
11•111 to teller to it, vl,lOlllll
to.ail e and eruel ml.te6e, rally if tli.
arelll nre lb,. Imo it, awl art of • lie a. v el
the trattronl Se,elont 'I
lir• I. the ire. awl
Bolt r. Illed V Cro the dill. oily I here 101 l
toed et( use for a lout breath flow
Spithligg (Om. mendm pveryttling
It —F It LEV t by t h
1 114. n.. NI, %I, Johtt Attar ot
Look Haven h, M Saritli p.ttley, of B. Ih
%VIII) the nlovrowt, re . 1 • 1 • IY1 . 11 A !kiwi...4, /dr.
for rt Itio h 1111 11111111 • II th e ollwo return lit!!! k
and !heir dent n irlher for Ow future lutplon. •
111 MI Agar and hi. fair bndh•
1:1H% "DEM(MIi‘TIC
, rig, in Ilse of Itelleturlle, I'n
M F.EK 14 per arm!". , r( paal
ann j, $s vbtlenolut. paid au nd
1.1 If nut. ion .1 Lefi,,.• tl , erspl n.
year. and no Joni" r w ill ill. til. ,111
all arr. a, Age tr 1111111, ac ept at 11
I • wy(•I$ will !lot. lie netil
unlenn rani for in ad, onrr
, nmertlot., er 4.1.111 n 11 1111., 111,
1010t111,..rtIon SpeclAt' Ire. 01
K.111..1 . 114.1 !10t...-. •4. en•ill, per 1111
A liberal tlinettittil In trimly in pit
tlititig by tilt , iitiortitr, 1.411 yo,r,
Inn tool. ts pip)
norn Ini•hex
Chrevln. he.
1 (7 11 4 , 1 1 , 4 t.. 12:, • 1111.1 )
on, cohiriin C. I.) miller)
Jot. Printing •,.•r) kind dons
001“ Wll.llll.
601.11 Will n Potaer Mit
o•orything ut I.lto printing lino
elit4.ll in OW tlitiMt 1011411 e 111/11111,
loweat rates Ternia - 4 ASH
All kittens should be athirestwal ti
January I, Mtl9
1 I/WIN II 1(1 NSI.OK,
I j Nar,,,,,, yr (4, .tll/1 / L Barr, Area
and Mutual Fire, Idfo Areidio
foll(((y written.
Prompt allontson given to the colltetum of B.w
Pay, Pen/tear and all other LIMN.
Soldiery who enlinted before July 22d, t
and were honorably ilbwhergerl without reeiel
log the SLIM Bounty are now entitled to it.
Box No 73, Bellefonte, Pa
13-16 eltseritmor to Sarre! L Barr, dee'd.
New Advrtisements.
IR—NotIee in hereby given that the
co-partnernhip heretofore existing between
the undernigned, under the firm name of Clem
ente & Lowrie, in the homilies,. of the Buell
House lintel, wan dlaeolved, by mutual eon.
cent, on Saturday, the 14th day of October,
1871 The 'me nice of Raid lintel wi ll hereafter
be conducted by Mrs Clemente I Mon all
bills owing said firm must bo pool mul who
will pay all ehdineagainet Raid (trio
1041 31 CLEMENTS A Li 111 E.
Cash (7apital and Reserved Funds.
Invented In the United Staten, over 3 0011,uot)
Ineonte in the United Staten, In 1070, 2,441 OP)
Daily Revenue, over. . 20,000
Htoekholdern personally reeponsihle for all
ensagenunnts of the Company.
FfIANCIR COWIN.", nig ii WIRT real
Chairman Deputy Chairman
Joe I i•ILLAIRD Jr. Eng Mai !hint:l'oll,J r. Eng
It C. Faso 138011, EMT Wr. F CURT, Jr.
cuu II M 11011IALL
(' 8 I, Corm,. E.q.
Ingots W. howls, Enq EDWARD limn, Eng
The lonnen of the Company by the Chleago
fire will be 11.101 I hen s2.fnni,ooo, a 10s11 which
will in no way anent the strength of the ('em
paw, 'l'e avoid Orly 1,041111110 ntrlll et, of the
dine, true struriltex held by the Company. the
New Jerk Matra of liireetorii 1111,
he drew on London for the prompt nettlainent
of all lons.e as coon an properly adjnvred
A Nl)ElttitlN h HALE. Agents,
Legal Advertisements
EX EC:111'111CH NOTICE.— Letterft
tentainentary upon the tomato of M
Milliken, deeetnred, Into of Bellefonte Ba
hate been issued to the undersigned All per
son• indebted to the enlate are requited lu
mak 41Inie payment, and those honing
elakiins LO present them, duly Millienilealed,
Willmitt„:4lelgy to
40 Exchange Place,
New York City, or 1 Executor,
JAMEs MILLIKEN, I pp Exeelltor
It• .19 Id,
hIX I'l'l )I('S NI)11( . 1 . : -lantern
A lestaineninry having sin gra UU p.l ill
ine undersigned, on Vie of Wlllllllll
KokPrt, tittetatoted, Into of Walker tortiellip,
Ink in to !toll!) , sII pi rmonn Indebted lo raid
relate to rusk, lamed late paylnent. and I)
having I agatt.t the -ans . In ill
Mein, duly nutrient witted, for Henn ',tent,
Ii N' ttllA Ft. Lit,
1/ .104 It Ezeruh,
C NTRE _Th r
~,,, nwewn h Pentw , jrivnni h to J‘,llli
14,141 Jo, tlllll Potter eleentnl , of r nil)°,
nne Inant, wntow I,IIN int, riflarrl.•ll Wll/I
1 , 4111 641,0%, rwrolson InLerrnarrnni wnh I le•in
KY la rnell, 1111111 r Ititerenartn , l with
Itenjennn r, nwrah, whin* “I
HMI p•Ill•r, deg eweed, of .110111 [...ode in
wtre 4.1111 , , , Inn -I %V Winn, 1.11,1
11, het en Isnunt, It F Inn-t and Jar In.nt, all
..1 r...hht.n ar , t n 6 nnnn end JAI Oh
in wl„r. -oh ”nots
heir. Iwing 11.0/111.4, 1/11.14.1
wulol Pei., I onr,, deo. low.d, late ni Potter
11.1 ‘,on and el er) and ynn
thnt, !eying amnia all lon•lneen and eSel/.4,,
1,4. rind appear In )our proper perm ‘nin nor ./ nage. of t h e U111,11%1114 l'ourt ,in he
nt It. ii• lame Irt and 1.. t lhr t O , IIIIV iri
4.111,... (al the tilt M 401111,01 of Nnretntn no 11,
I petit... or f. 1,111,1 t 1•4 Inr
-r. ill. p. in/tn.••• 4.f1 ~ n ltln I kll I In
(lirt ?It 1 )11/./ 11 1 1 14 11141 Pour .nnl .1111 I. .111111
i.• “n.hl.•rt .1 In 1111,1 1.4 1,111
..1 • k. by 1111 111 . 111011 111 11111.
II r pnbli-11,1 1,, I entre I 4.11105,, 1.. In.
Klvl 111.. , -.. rr.1.1 111K ..11L 111 I Ill• ',We e
1.01 nal,ll 11. aI 14 1 111
II itot -- 'lto llott f A NI tt‘of l'ltttolo fit of
o u t ~t f t in HI 14.• !hi. tal le lay of
Atto-t, A It 1171
.1 If ‘1”11111 . 4 ,
(1, fhp/( rift
If 11 %1 MIN., ',helot
'l , l"rite lit I T N it
\!1 11 -
11 leer teat fileeetlel I ohia. y lal
e eel 11 la. yeetltt eel e eereeleeete
e wee II le e Ape II le elle I II Ir7l
\ eel! , e eeee I,teeeele ...ewe. el 14
..,eeeeee,-eeeleer appeeiletteel thee e eeeerl lee
11, , le eel IrTIO.IIV 111 thee .leee,e• e I 111N1 llr
t.. 1.11.1 1 , . 00. alejee•leeteret eIINI
tit. • let Ile th leeeelte I - Phil" tr,. :1111.
e 11 ie.lee rle It, e•ne•illtsg, elll eee illorNl
• • I•e• I. , set le. tereel whet. etll le tette r
lute I. -le el 1114, if they
1.1,1'1111/ I,
17 t.ll r
) 1 ~ ...., 1 1 /1 1
1 . 1 1 , .1/ );•: ., 1 1 : ., A
‘ l . :\
1 111111
1.1,111 , r.hip .11.1....4 1..
lAI ell 111.111, Itet • lt 11.1 t la, 1..11,1/1 It It. 1111'
111, 111111, 11111.11114,14 .//11 1,011,011 I at. b.., 11
111 I Nllllllll.ll 1.11. t, 111 I 1.. 1.1/1.111,
...111 11.11 arroo l on .1. 1 .111 /1 It
11 I‘ll. 11,111 , 1 , 111.• 11014,4 111,,1 1,1 ,, 1 ,1 It he
hit. 111111 11 &le 11l VII 11 . 11 1.. ...• 111. ot 1.1111 1111
rl 00, il
iy P li
Al)Ni sls rii.,T()l,
I .li." lik. 1,1101
trge• M I lla I to • • •-• .1 1,, ~ t
114,1 , 1144 11 11111,,, . ~,,
,glll.l 1.1 ' , Le ./.. 1 /411
r , 4ienteti to limit.. 111111s..4ilkl.• lalyunn 1 4 i
1.14.4, 11/.11/ lug 4 1111111.. 11,14 allist II
tit Os. 14111111 ill 14 1114
111 •u 1.4 '.l II II I.
.tr 11 .1.11/11/41.1botor
t 111)1'11)1LS ll'E. In the (11--
jCourt of I 1 . 1111 . 1 1 e 00111), 10 11,0
1,11 . r 41(1,110 eittlaiti of Pairiok !fiery, litie of flat
thorough til Alilit,dairg dee. /ivolo/11
n1,(111 • 41 1111 Y mg liven appointed /militia lit ex
.tinitie I p,et tiptiti it,. 4,1 . 0101 1.114 flied 10
1111• 01 1,11/01 lienry
(Pall. la, Patti, k,l„,aeill 1)111
11.• 111 1111• 1,111111.- 1111tre..1. , 1 for i la
lie. appoint, at tlll% Ante, tl, i lot len titii,4ll
tit Ilelleltinte, om Antonia/0i tile Mil day Of u, •
lola, in xi, liel)ern it,,. 11111,111•1 In • ni and
4 it in alien and alter., thief. who .4 4 1 proper
ie %it I 1
4 Im..
.1 ^1 •.• I
!can I n
rand ni
aunt' ,
i/A RMA N, Proproptor
Flits long.timtablitilted and well-known lintel,
ululated on the southeast venter of the lira
opposite the Courthouse. having been
putelinaed by Daniel Garman, he announce,
to the former patron', of this establishment
and 10 1110 Deriding public. generally, Dial h.
it's thoroughly refitted his homse and la pre:
pared to render the most matistaetory 11 ,1 1 1 1/11 - •
floatation to all whirr may favor him with their
patronage. NO pal will be altered on hie
part to acid to the eorivenience or eurnfort of
11111 14110 1 4 L /, All who stop with hint will find
hin table abundantly supplied with the moat
sumptuous fare the mar Iret will afford, done it
in city's, by the most experieneed rooks. Ills
Bar will always (contain the elmiciest of liquors,
Ilia Stabling Ix the best In town, and will always
be attended by the most trustworthy and at
tentive hostlora. (live him a call, one and all.
and Ito feels confident that all will be satisfied
with their sencumnodation. An excellent Lir
ery Ix attached to (tile 1 01 1111/1111111111 1 111 Wllll l l/
'grangers from abroad will find greatly to their
advantage. clinlo
Raulent Manager
H A. buwalau, F,q
11E\ RI 141
J IiIII 11 I 141 h
ItA 1' m Fruit 1 ,- .1„
Cauchy Qt Co
Hundreds of thousands bear testimony, to
their Wonderful Curative Effects.
Mails of itor Rum, Whiekey, l'roof Spirits
and Relit. Liquors, doctored, Spiced anti
sweetened to please the tante, called '"fonlee,"
"Appetiattre," "Restorers," Av., that lead the
tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but aro a
true Medicine, made front the Native Roots
and Herbs of California, free front all A lenho-
Ile Stimulants. They are the Great Blood
Purifier anti a Life Diving inelple, a perfect
Renovator anti Invigorator of the flyetem, car
rying off all poisonous matter anti restoring
the blood to a healthy conpition. No person
can take these Bitters according to direction.;
and remain long unwell, provided the Wiles
ale not tleetroyed by mineral poison or other
means anti the vital organs wasted beyond the
point of repair.
F's Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism
anti toot', Dyepepela or Indigestion, Billions,
Remittent and Interinlttent Fevers, Diseases
of ihe Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder.
these Bitten; havA helm inset euccershil Such
di...toots are can ed . by ritir ed Blood, a loch
In generally produced by d rangetnent of the
ingeintive organs
Dye pepsin or intliget fain in
the Shoulder., Coughn, max or the Chant,
(}holies., Sour Eructat its of the Stomach,
Bad taste in the Mouth, Billions Attacks Pal
pitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the
Lunge, Pain in the regions of the Kidney; and
a held red other painful symptoms are the oft.
springs of Dyspepsia
'I hey Invigorate the Stomaeh anti ntimulate
the torpid liner anti bowels, Which render
Thom or unequalled efllcaey in cleansing the
blood of all impurition, and imparting new life
and vigor to the whole eyetern
Billious, Remittent and Intermittent Fever,
which are so prevalent w the valleys of our
great rivers throughout the Coiled Slates, es
122,1101 V 11101.12 of the M unmoor!, II
Inn., Tennessee, Comberlatot A rkarmas, Red,
oloratio, Bras., ('earl, Alithatua, Mobile, Sa
vannah, Roanoke, James, and many others,
with their vast tributaries, during the Hummer
and Autumn, and remarkably so (luring sea
ler. of unusual heat and uryttens, are Invari
ably accompanied by extensive derangement.
ail the stomach and liver, and other abdominal
v let era I here are always more or less it,
structions of the liver, a weakness and lab
table mate of the stomach, anti great torpor of
the Lowe e, being clogged up with vitiated
acetimulatiotot lit their treatment a 1211101-
Wee, 03,1111 g a powerful influence upon plisse
organs, la morentially 112,1 2 1414ary 'I here Is td
enthart in for the purpose equal to Irr J Walk
yea Vinegar Bitters, an they will speedily re
move the dark colored viscid matter w Till which
the bowels are loaded, at the 1 • ..... 0 limo etint•
Mating the secretions of the liver, and gene
rally realloring the healthy functions or the Jl
gent no organ,. Tl2l l univereal popularity of
this 104111241A22 remedy In rvglol4 4011.4. 2 2 . 1 122
Inlaallialle M 1110012,42 is m 1111114 2 2114 evidence of
its power as a remedy in such eaten
For Skill 1/122. 2 .440 24 , Eruption*, 'letter. Salt
Rheum, (M o tt hes, !Mots, Pimples Pustule*,
Boils, Carbuncles, Ring worm+, :weld-Head,
More Eyeit, Krysywlas, hob Scoria, Discolora
tion* iif the "Ism, and 1/1/0244 4 1412. 221 the
Bk in, or whatever name or nature, are literally
dig lip 111141 carried out of the 41121422 n In a
4,122/11(•1112 2 It) the 114.41 01 these Bitters liorn
122211.142 in 1012 2 11 namen will l . ol,llWe 111014 L
incredulous 4.1 th ir t unitive effect
tenon. , the \ .I , ooent'r yr 11
timid it. mum, .111,g through the -Ins
In Pimple*, I rliplion. or 424221, 2 n, 2 . 14 2 2022421 It
v 1121.11 )2222 11101 t .211.1r02 1.11 (11141 sluggodi 111
1111. V 1•111., .•if./111KIN it Vllll.ll it In foul, and veer
12 .2. 110g 4 44111 Inn y o u alien KOl.ll Illt. 12,22.2.1
pore, uo l 1102 11.2241111 4 , 1 ilie .9%14,1 %111 10110 a
Fin, 1 an 42 101 , 1 Other lurking to 110 2
a).14 In 221 -.• noil2) 1112,11.24101 n, aro 2211.22•114. I)
.12•22i4.242•24 pupil r 1 211122• 2 221 For full pore, toms
mi. to mu) the 4 irt tiler around sou
1 , 11111. , 1 12eur 12220040
04 2 . - t . 14411221 t, 10 2 4111.211,
112 10 . 11 .4101 ,12241,12 J WALK I' It, propr•
i„, Ii ri D 4 p\sl D A lit, 11ri1ga,141 , 41412.1
11. 1111 Ag. 2121• .4 311 2,1111 is, 22,1 241, arid .12
1410131 Comm. rcel urk
(1.1, Nit AND DEAL
ER.- is Is
S i II 'K
41 4ir
AT h. MANTELS ol the latest
.11141 rti...t deogrir. and nll ot her
nr itmativ t...,r.1.•r
Fu A \UhAL2.,11.1111%1
12Ito Itttige All . lllll . 1 . 1111.1 1• Iit11 1 1
IC 41 4w %111.ew IN A NI I I 1.1..1t
• a r.I lAIi It 41 , 44.4• tottl
rt 11, ttlttetx Irtwrrntteft of protium.. I AI, 1.1
1 , X111 . • 1 1 1..11,,•p.11.14.1 , 1..1` .1111• t. 11 1,
id rye', In.IV K' nl I. !limo sold by Itrwit4
tttt I I'. wit,. tit l't rltmittry
It II In
1 1 11 N 1 . .% It
with ii.. Omen Tm Flm..r ‘l , lirrantrii lip
.01 . Pillnlr WI All.l I -W.
by 16 , I•rt,ii 11111111 i 1111 , 1 I' ,
1.1 . 1111' 1 1 . x 1 I
14. i. ni :Vold I', 7 he.. ( u ryinr
Qt 32:1 A \111N • I'II Fuld r•nr
ru¢r• firrnl•h•,l Expo, p. 41 I Wry.
10.... k free II II hIIA W Ai lre.l Mr 41 1.%
SII( Yr (; 17 NS, It F,V(
I. H. I,un rrontYrt•ly of Vt. ry kind
1% .0.. toi Pro I•i (.roat ro (ma
otl,- i'lll-I,,ir AIIII% Kun. mod it vol
,r. kolig.itl, traded fur Ag•niy *moo .1
1,41 Iw
Wi iM N, I<Ni )W 11l Y•E I. F
vteini wild...J.lton I.y Ur I Ita
,ft•-•• 14 %% IIV 11111 i 111 , 01,r,"
•ov.• von moot nut null. ring Agetilp N tl
a.r• rywliere I wilt 1... r
adoloen. Wni 11 KVANS d (A/ , 71n Sllll 6 Olll
1111114 1,41 I.
$l,l/011 IN) iwide to I', Immo
ntr.,1Ili‘11.•1111f. M. 110.
141/ 41(1/' by Pr ‘,l W, 11/sll Agotiln *Truitt .1
II II Niel< IN\ EV am ut Noith 7tli ntrurl,
lb 41 4w
1?"*1 .111.)1,( Fitgeiwit 1.),1 erS.lii I
chetrinittK, 4.1 ringer. II) !lei bert
II A 11ww 10 11•11 loiMer
11/014MC. , .)
nu NMI N lit.Fll./iliti r
Si 25 in ; up. r
„H.- SI 00 ( ~. 111, fret. 1., agethi• $1.040
11.1, • • Adilrepo. IV,).:VAN,
VIII, II M. 11,1 , I'm Iv 41 4w
li()))1( A(i ENTS.— We
will 111111,1 prioiliiiii•tun of our
urw 1:111-Irlited containing over
2•.0 Ilan Scillonre Illtiotrationn to any hook
agent, rt.•e or eharge Addl.. NA!!!!! rub
I In Ling , Pa. 11141-4ar
rs()() %(;1•.:\ W N ' 1.1 , 1
• • ••••.• h... 4 • 110
Map • ri14.0.•.1 . 1 , 1,01 %VOW'. IN 11.1“ y
1.11 .1111 %Inv, I! I .I‘ tit
(.1.1g.• profit. I I
I 1 4 104.4 .t 1.411411F2 'IIT 1'241 4 1101 MI, 1 4 11 i
('NAKT P.5T•404111121•21 . , 107 LlLul t) 14110 I 'N.,.
1 tqk Ix4l-1w
Ali ENT' , VIA El) fits 'IV
1 . 41 Ati 11 1 1111. entirely new /00
110 tots book. 7: T 41.1., 1121 M 141411. /4. 141
all 02111W/014 40111 /411401 ur•rk, el/missile
adapted to the (Imes. It fully U111 4 04141/1 the
Itontlsli ovrtem. expose , . Its tAr01,....,
pretenses, Its frauds It- perseetilltsts, Its
1 4 1,1 4 / 1 Imtnotolltlt s. Its oyp..rtl len 40 0411 14014
111 4 rr hon la, dull and later! , 4 : 11 , 4 1'4.
PUBI4IBIII Cu. 112141 F l 4lll l . LONN
16-41.4 w
M the
3,000,000 acres of Farming and Grazing.
Lands on tho Ituo of the road, in tho
Now for Sale, for climb or long credit
Thesn lands are In a mild and healthy ell•
mate, and for gralmg owing anti stork raising
unsurpassed by any ill the United States. ,
HOMESTEADS for Actual Settlers
2,500,000 ',ere. of Government Land between
Omaha and North Platte. open for entry
Homesteads only
taro entitled to n
within Railroad limits, equal to a
Hand for the new edition of deneriptlve prim
phietn, with new maps, malted free every
where. Addrevin t) P lIAVIH,
Lend eolllllllonioner U P. it It Co,
11; .t' At. onto+. Nan.
The undersigned offer for Hale his Plantation
in Benner township, Centre County, between
three anti four milee front the Borough of
Itel le route, and easy of Seelillfl on the treat of
roads I t PIM MI OP
of the beet Ilmeidone tend, In x high mate of
under good fencing and provided
with eornrnodlotio building,. And ebuudauoc of
There I• &Imo on the promisee • thriving
VOI , INtt 010'11 AHD.
of rholro fruit, just beglnlng to boar. The
Iloune Is a
with Kitchen attachment The BARN la •
large Hank Frame Building, 110 by 50 feet, with
Wagon {hollow and other convenient attach
mlemte A double I urn Crib and Shed, separate
from barn, proof against vermin. Thera In
also a new, first rises
eroded on the premittes, capable of producing
from fal to 76 bushels per day
Ihe price of MIN place wilt he reasonable
and offers a valuable investment and desirable
home to a person deniroua of pursuing the
occupation of a Farmer 'I tie indisputable
I will also sell, in connection with the above
property, if desired, a
adjoining A very desirable residence fora
family to tie ployed on Cie farm or other-
Early application Is desTuld
21.. If
i•iituderl In the borough of Bellefonte, and
knownKß the Spring - property, consiet
ing of a number of lots. on one of winch l•
erPeted all elegant two story Chinese Attie,
frame buildlng, entirely new , also, a stew
stable. wash house, and other Out building.,
Ili, 4,11 e other ha a twit story and basement
frame plastered lonise The grounds to these
looses are beautifully laid out end planted
with fruit trees of numerous kinds, fancy
.1111.1 e trees and choler, shrubbery, grape
sito.• and flowers One tither lot t 0 by MI (kit.,
In low she Big '.bring t torlitelt . eft a 'tot
fin. sprout 111.11., wuh spring ear hosed 011“16-
1,11. for It I root 1.01111 of the first tomtit) Also,
for rholre I.lllllllng hots Thi• property le
for sale and will be sold low and tin reason
able terms Apply to
16 to tf lieliefonti Pa.
ORI AS S (14'1(1' SA -By
'rt. , of r,nier l•toitid nut of the Or-
I 03110 I !lire County and 0.1114 di
oeti..l there a ill be e itpoaail to pliblie .ale on
prernl..• In iti.aord townnhip. !tear the
lloaitril 4.11 P . ridny. the rth day
..1 NOW ber, 10,71 at I 0 olook l' M. he fol
low ine I'llo al root r.latn belonging to the
...tats of 1 iii,lllll. 11..1,11.1.11, to wit
All thin Ire loor pie. e Innol In
!toward loon 11•1 oto lonosocled rind otemertheil in
holloon liegoono'cii o white !Mk thence by
I onot of hurt-o on "loooni. now
tort Klooh lIn,II otegro • 1., enel lotorelteoli
and twenty -Ix percloct. In ,1011..- 'hence
moth tool xty decree , enoot thirty two, per. its 10
walnut then., toy Inisol oft tortin oo north !bir
o) degree, p.510,1e hundred mod twenty-ell
ercher. ton port loner by Into' oof 4 tortiollan
'thank 1101 I.IIXIV olegre.,. 101,1 thirty two
t.. Ihe 41161111111 g. 14.nishoing twenty
-11,114 reP slot thirty perehen, nett exeepling
the sere. W Melt 111641 1.4,1 nolrl ~tr the west
end of sa tl NMI to, Reuben Lwow.. by deee
dent In file Ills terns, leasing twenty neres rind
-1w0 31 , .1 for pur••hn.e money to hsn.l Ire
1,114 e oon , eto lo reel loe 000 owed
ooy boon! told Inoortionte et, Ille pretionoen,
\I I I lIA\ .1 111111 • II rfol„
1111 1.1 4‘l l' I,l'i '/",
11( I 11 , mm. ilareariod
I' 8 I rill alai, aril al Ihe• aim., time god
pinrr thirty ai ri adjoining the. 111111.1 1
Th. and er. Ig n 4,1 ofiers for sale •
situated In Ferguson township, Conti, rotirty
near Pine Bros., 51141 wllliln into 1110,104 the
Lewisburg, Castro and Hpruce (look railroad,
more or lens, Seventy acres of wl leh Ise.leave,*
land, In a high state nr etililvallon.•nit llts
remainder 1. eavered with weal OMNI'
There are au tile prembe. 11 KOMI lioUse,
large Bank !tare a la a, r hUling well of excel.
lent Nester and a good 14 . ehard,conialning011
k ohs ul Will
'I 11,• ata,re farm ntlori ,•pportanity mom a
rj,111,1.14. 1111/...i1114.111. and a I ery deni: able
114,11 1872
erill. 11111110 , kll.O , 1,11 flay , i 1 pall,- Nl, pi
RCN IN, 1871 J1111:8 JA Egov.
A s OCsA- The
ndminloWr•ter mu the
eltde of .tarot 111,1,1111.1, Into 0(
Mile. n.lup, will oiler Cut sole on the
premteen, on
MONDAY, torroßEß, 211, 1871
11 . (`I , KII, M. .11 tliat \ trlld nr land ropy
pi,' of Reber,Mirk,
Terme will be made known on day iif eel*
L ()Ts F,)12. SA LE.
The neheeriber otters et ',Hew) s
immediately adjoining the borough of
tome, In whet le termed as Casaaltla,
Pirmutntly situated.
Pore water on all of them.
The beet of poll.
Lew Team., end warreigeit {Rim
There In • nplooditl water power up on flow
property, and magnificent mien for unmake.
erten .114 IN COLIC
I 1-11-om