Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 20, 1871, Image 1
Bellefonte Democratic Watchman. BY P. CHIAY MEEK JOE W. FUREY, ABSOCIATI EDITOII Ink Slings —The Democratic rooster is all right in Centre county. It's on top now, and always expects to be. —Ohio, Indiana, and lowa have all gone to the or to Radicalism— which is the same thing. —The "sassage" BOMPOTI is approach. and ROOD the squealing of pigs will be heard in the land. ---An earthquake shock wakened up the people of Lake Village, in New H a mpshire, last Sunday night. —The hewhiskered old Emperor of Germany to trying to get. hie newly ac quired domain in working order. --The Chicago fire ham been a god send to some newspaper editors. 'flteir papers don't. contain anything elm.. —Bantu/tit YOU14(1, the 11111C11.11111r tied, ham been before the court for big The old sinner plead "Not Guilty !" —London, the metropolis of the world, contributes 420,000 to roaming Chicago. how about the Alabama claims now -Arrangements are innlong for nn o oerview between the Utar of Russia and the Sultan of Turkey. What are the.+e chaps after now, we wonder? —Taking kerosene lamps into stables to milk COWR by, don't pay—as is proved by the late bonfire in Chicago. ['here's considerable flame ;fl a drop of coal oil. --A young man named Hock, was periorated by a pistol ball, in Blair county, the other day. It bored right through his leg. lie is expected to go up the spout. -There were three doctors and one undertaker in our sanctum, all at one time, on Wednesday. We hope noth ing serious will come of it, hilt the thing looked ominous. - The land of the pig-tails has re cently been overwhelmed by disastrous floods. About three thousand "heath en Chinee" are said to have perished. Which the same is a sad fact. -A gay young fellow of ninety-one wan married in Indiana, the other day, r. , a lihivhing maid of one hundred and 'n"c unnophi.ticated young con ple are Fmk' to have been quite happy —Judging from the number of 'Thickens - now displayed in the Ikad wal newspapers, we guess that their editors hare been paying surreptitious visits to all the hen roosts in the coun --The reign of terror has been re stored in sonic enmities in South Caro linn, where (hit wr tins suspended Abe urit of habeas rorpttx No eilizeif of either of those counties is now safe train arbitrary arrest. —The election of JuuN DEAN, tie President 'Judo. of the Huntingdon and Blair district, le a triumph for Item Neat). Well, he needed one. It 1.4 the first s 11CCC9A he line had sivice lie came to tine part of the country. —Considering the tart that Ilion sands of people are lionielees and starving in Chicago and the Weft, a little less dißplay over the funeral of the darkey Caro, in Philadelphia, the other day, would have been in good taste. -ROTIIVRIIIECA picture of the "Rsl• Ile of (iettymburg, — for which nor State paid $ . 20,000, wits not burned in the I lorago tire, as at first reported. [hi iortunately for the reputation of the "artist," the gre.e t k•liaub is still ui el ititence. —Sarcastic pajlwe now, mpeaking of the burnt countries out in Wimconsin aril rstirhi o tn, any that they hn•e been "Shertnatitzed." It lii tan inapprnpri ate name, either, when we conettler the demnlat on that dimtinguimhet. the "morel) to the sea " - -A young lady nt a vireos, recently, didn't oinks nny toss when a limb of the las, pot his itHII about her waist anti etitnite.l her lour with his lingers. lier "cruel ',orient" wax very indignant shout It, however, and took the iuno cent tom hen out with a shingle. —Ths Confederate dead at Gettys burg have been exhumed and sent to t be reinterred among their own people. This is right. It is proper that the gallant "men in gray" should sleep their last sleep among the brave hearts for whose liberties they toil lit and fell. —ltadienli , on and the dieorgani zero within our own party, were no certain that they would carry the county that about the time of closing the polls they sent a dispatch front thin place that the Democratic county ticket wbuld be defeated by about thirty votes. It wasn't inuchly, however. ntur VOL. it; What Did It We suppose every one has their out) idea 88 to what caused the result of the recent election. We certainly have our's. There is no use of di" guising the fact that as Democrats tie are beaten, and the naked truth stares us in the !lice that we are beaten be cause We had not voles enough. But why not votes enough ? We may say it's because or "corrtip lion," "bribery," "nigger,' and "new departure." These causes no doubt aided much to bring about the result. In sortie places the earmarks ul the most unblushing corruption are Jle rnithle ; in others the boldest bribery was resorted too; the niggers Voted by tens of thousands agititiHt IL S, and the '.new departure - disgusted thousands upon thousands of the beet Deitiocratiii We have in ille State, so completely that they would mit go to the polk. That all these together miere 1101 soli 'lent to give it victory to radmali•iii Ball the right spent previttlid m the I real orgtiiiiLdtionB or the Democratic party. Ilia chief cauxe waft local doown ME Ifail we been united an we should have been, bad democrats thought more iit principle and lens of men ; had the( recognized ilie ur eNsitt of working nhoidder to shoulder, with those who were more lucky than they in County COll ventioins; hail they remembered that in dni run there is defeat, who, in Union there in victory, the general renult would have been very differeni, and our good old party could have waded through to a glorioun victory, notwitiintanding the radical corruption, Intid, their niggers and the "new de parturt• But when mien who claim to be coo sistant Dentocratti get mail and won't vote, because their own particular to vorites are not nuiuiner•v; wht•n profess. ed democrats are willing to sacrifice an entire ticket because some tinli , ,idual candidate may nut please them , when their own little personal hatreds and jealousies have a greater control incur them than the success of the party o r love of prneiple, it is not to he no/01er ed at, that radicalism glories over iii victory and gets drunk over our de lent. There is not a county in the State that allow.' a decreased Demovratic majority but can trace the cause ,it that decrease directly to personal hat red and local disputes. In Caiiihria county where weloone a member of the Legislature, and the tititjority tor:the State ticket is some three hundred 1e.., than it should be, they hate at light shout the county seat, and pi eirool,l democrats there vote as it the location of their Court Horne was of more u - portance to them than the success of Democratic principles , in Clinton county it light about who should lie Atiociate .111.1ge, demoralized the Fairly to such All extent that we lost MIMI' three liiirdreil ; L....ming a tits graceful per-oo.ti 112 In on the can& date for shrill!. 100 aunt. of religious belief—a tight made by men who have been favored by the Democratic party and who have no inure Democracy about them than there is christianity about perdition—lost our State ticket over three hundred votes; in Nor thumberland and Slontour a disgrace lid scramble alter office, anti the refusal of a lot of dusorganizers to abide by the nominating convention, turned those counties over to the radicals completely; inn Luzerne,whern weshot.l I have had three thousand majority local fights among aspiring, entuthtlates and their friends cut us down to less that, One thousand. hi Schuylkill, Cumberland, Franklin, anti in tact almost every Democratic county in the State, the same causes are discernable, the same petty,shatneful reasons uplift rent. "A bonne divided against iteelf can HOL How can we expect to succeed wuh divisimis and dissensions within our own ranks? And who is to blame f u r d ticli divi4ibn; and diasensiotni? Is it the party, or the individual dem ocrats who set their own opinions lip against the deciison of the party through its regularly organized bodies —the county Conventions? If one in• dividual Democrat has a right to op pose any single nominee of his party has not every other Democrat the "STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION." BELLEFONTE PA., FRIDAY, OCT. 20, 1871. sante right? And il each it right ex• inn!, what is the use of County or Stale conventions? Simply none at all. The question of ho shall be candidates, becontre'it matter of personal prelerenee and the organii.ittion at the party unity ac well he abandoned et once. \Ve hope Ihmiocratm in this, am well tin la all the other emintiee ... .mt the Stale will reflect ovt r ilie , ,e . tontters. Tel succeed 11t. (life/ biter !MIK' of ae harmony of feeling arid unit(d, vigorous work. (Mr eomity conven• tion must Inc the final aiiiiters in the choice of candidates, and he who re hows to abide 1,1• their deci.mii should he played among iI n curare, ..I the A lulu who c oimnmt/ porter encen are stronger Him. hi, love of principle I• 1 1141 PeltllV`r,ll ilenether,lei loiter, hide lot al de+pule ,, , be emit to the tied let tt.t tl¢ht un lien who are les,lling for the .tilere44 nil a great 141 pin, :Ito! site , ..o. null br th, tesuit. Texas! The ottilmrg Cwittrie ritst and other [indica! paper,. hate been Irving to creme the miprefouou that the Deutoe' racy 11'1,•• II rt carrie.l Tout! , TheY ery .;‘ e do%n your Itoop•ter+, - un.l then go on to ',tale that he Iladienlor }lnv(' carried the Slate ke it honey ton joritl The truth the 11. toocrat • 111% e elected the entire eittigre-.oilial dele h ni tion, ittid their iitajortty In sotnt•u here between thirts and forty thou-anti rhe attempts of these ItabicAl to pr o se the eontravy is a piece o f the moot titihhOth rig effrontery, and 11411011 e in the hope that they 'nay by these mean. In able to bri,s ht•at the Item ocracy out of their hr.iril eutned and glorinus yirtiir% littillCHlN 111111 t lYitttt 0,14 Dettywratte eonuesstonal delegation Irolll TeX:I.. , to got their seat , and they thitik that hy r.usnig the or) of "Iran& now, and as-eriing that it is thr Itatilealm who have been virt”rioitm. they may he Ode to aecoinplish their purpose of having them counted out game this wretched party has played sueee.srolly heretofore, and the. hope lo queeee,i ta the same however, the Democratic majority 114 a little too heavy, :Lod the proola of the election ul Cwr lori;!rv , ,rieth it hill he too MirOng, lo ,er% malt got mil ‘,l the wav The ly /14 well nehnuwle , l^•• the o..rn, ntnl sulotillt grru•eltrily 1., :I olele'll ii 1111•11 Ow) .11d trot eX pi, I and v., tiat‘r 111k111:! 1,, CM' Irl,lll the revolt tilt I 1114 11, Peiiiisylvaiti.i, Unto, Indiana .1,1 lowa Taking it for granted that the people of theme States will uphold hint in his base designs. he lots wade haste to de Clare the writ of 1 bibtei v (Tot in, 1 Mlle pelltleil in certain counties rn South Carolina, under the pitiful plea of "lit Klux when there I,ll'i it 1.1111.111. I\ . 111 I 11, 1 %%11 , 111• tittle, iilllll, the Radical carpet. bagger, who are ro.tining through that country, trying to incite the people to open acts of violerive fur the very pur pose of having martial law proclaim Other States will soon feel the iron hand of the Administration. The last Con grew+ gave Oat ST the power to suspend the writ of Habeas Corpus all over the country, North its well its South, when ever he considered it necessary to his own interests to do so. Availing hi in self of this power, lie lots determined to hold on to die presidency, and the placing of South Carolina under fi I r toil law is the first step toward the at• ai nrnent of that object. Notice al ways that the counties thus tyrannized over are Democratic counties, and mar tut) law will prevent Mon from voting iadependeutly. Such is the inkling given us of CIRANT ' S future programme. If lICCCei miry to his success, even Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and lowa, the very States that have just pronounces! in his favor, will be treated in the sauce way and their people forced either to vote for hint or not vote at all. Such is the voiditiou to which we have been reduced by our own apathy. The ty raut uuw ban his heel gum our necks. —The Dnko of Wellington, a shrewd business man as well as Onneral, is cred ited witb thu saying that MO Interest is but another name fur poor security. /t\ , ‘ Among Our Exchanges It heptilv to uri that a witch hotter loan than Thum' SliEattl Iri might have been put It command of the tle., ulnted eity or (1,1,a g 0, if, lnllccll, It was neeeloary to place any military lender there. SuvitiouN tit the man who ravaged, burned nod destroyed the Shenandoah Valley, making of that lieautiliil gardi•ii nothing but a howl ing the hearts iit na people Willi gut mill Litter Wherever he he leaves iwriely in his trails, awl the wonder 14 that the Preethil . lll could so tar lor• get it lintevvr teeling,4 of humanity lie may p0...e...14 a. to pot this cruel vulva IN 11101 111 %%heti. Vile+ cull , 1,114 , 1114 , ” 111,y 1111 . 111 Luu t.. lily c 4,111 even il,eiis Mills 1111.11` his name inttniiiiis m dial hr 11101111 I Ille oh , • I )J.I 11, II II nl " Alter lutvmq their rill. ilesirolisi 1(1111 Isla 'Nitrite by lire, It dues net 111 111 lIM like soltlieg inHalt to iiiiiiry to mewl to the l'liiragoari-, who will tl.ailitleeti loot, 11;1011 1111111 itk only RII ittliir vial ill wrath and woe 10 lie pour ed out 1111111 theta. IClitiwoig hint nil 1114 In the Valle‘ oI Ilie Sile 11311• .1. a. , Eat guarantee have they that lie Till not treat thew )not aM lIC 111.1 1111 . pnwcrlvw 4 , iiiirettiettv.tttitl ',moven( petti,:e of tilt rnnotrl Truly may t lit V e‘, ;Awl, "NI% e IS from our triet.le! Commelittio!, upon tic,. ItiVattp‘s - presence at the liwrtit elle, and the irre-pun-thle tytt% m ,vlltelt hr e,lelds the pensel pl•tel•,/ nI lIiN ha Ile billed Vier qtwiltig troth! the New York Wwid, a, l draw- Ina It a little milil, say. i litholigh much good lias been June by i-dierblari and los troop-, a. well as lilt id tire sppluuu ex It his colunland, hinder direction 01 the he IS nut 11.• man to Ire eft!,l wII l, lire dire, (lon ot atllury at t•liii•agii, u 1 itn present emergency The New Voris 11'erii well oliser%es than whenever any great dinamter billet Upon it t It, , 111$ epidemic ill .n.picion seemm 11l attack the eitiLciut. We till remember how crazed the Parisians became dur lug the siege upon the subject of spies, and how inios•ent wen were banged to lamp l eedr, lit node. who, Wit/Will aril ~,11 1 1 . r t uri;”l, 1.1141111 . 111 . % elmme to sets peel the uuhuppy Sir UM , (II 111.111 g tier loan ettobsttries The fact that there IY a disposition in Chicago to attribute t he spread id the fire to inCelolittriett, and that several men base already been hung Upton ma-pleloll, looks as though 16tr eXcitelitent elaihetillent upon the tremendous disaster of Sian .hit had Made the people lo.e their J udgment and sell control, In buck i•ircitni.tani OA General Stiertilum who 1311101,4 h.r hi. head whenever he In phurd u 1 the miiird of any great e XCileuoutt Iy t.sidentl) nut the sort oh Orson lo exercise etnitrul 111 Climago. To u s ;LI a .11,11 trice, Who do not leel the bi pill,eal excitement of the drister, the si ecricle of Sheridan . .., bobber. men without trial, 101 though Chit ago eitlietiv deserve nn more con than Ptegan squawsom not it pleasant 111,1' I t Neettl.l hardly pommtble that such an unnecessary Work as that of nddu,g In tile tire could have been attempted. At all events Sheridan I bold lir , men in check until the persons sbnll have lot tin protect The calitimi y of tire has not been confined to Chicago alone. Vast tracts of etlutitn in Wisconsin, Michigan and Moittenol4 have been desolated by ii, and hundreds of lives and millions of lothire worth of property Inst. The Ion; drought had made everything as dry as inlet anti immense prairie fires, which got into the woods, have raged to an unlimited extent, conguining not only house., barn, and fetic,es in the country, but even whole Under the heading ul "A se o•on of Horrors," an exchange remarks The present han been a season, or' rather month of horrors ; and,ii is now feared that t hedest ruction (tainted by thin tremeinfoion fires whorl', for weeks have been ravaging watt( tracts of country Wisconsin and Alichigan, will equal, and perhaps exceed, the devastation in Chicago. The news front these sections is of the most alarming character. At Pinlitego, Wisconsin, the loss of life has been terrible, 395 persons having al ready been Mimi! and as litany more still iniesing. At Lode Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, 75 persons have been burnt to death. In Michigan there hue also been a frightful loss of life and proper ty. Half the town of Manistee has been burnt, involving a loss eniimated at $1,300,000. Along the lake coast from Lake Huron to Saginaw Bay, at least half a dozen Iluurishing villages trace been destroyed and many others are still qxpeme.i to the tires in the Out's. Ltundreils of ltseediarei. been RM. nod runny people linve been driven into the lake to escape burning. The revenue steamer Pessenden, hoe been cent to their assistance. It IA limed that the worst is now over, the rain having eliecked the progress of the flames Disastrous tires also rage in the woods ,if Western Ofilarter. In ‘Vimigor It whole block, voinioriming the principal business portion of the town, was burnt on Wednesday night. The loss is very heavy In till , . ease an neendi,r,ry was caught to "Impala(' detect,' mod was at. rested. --There is tt sensation going the rounds of the papers in this country 11110111 good Queen Vic. They say that she is going vritzv. Ilow trite this is,' there Is no tellow, but it will he re. nivintiereil that ill saiiiiy is hereditary in the (it 11.141 family King Gi,oituti the Third, who Was 011 the British throne lit the 1111114 of nor riV war, was idiotic, and oilier Cover eigdn 01 the same llom.e have since been suspected to tieing non rom pus meues. ljueen Vlclutttl is one of the most estiavible women that ever lived, and that .11c11 should 1.4151 her is vert sad, and will he It matter or regret the world over Perhaps, hov ever, the story 11111• eXiitt more in the iimtginationn 01 sen.ational news wri. !ern than in fact. We hope so, at least. We know the good Queen hue been inelaneholy ever since the death of Prince AIDE:HT, her but We trust that her reason may not desert its throne on that net oust. The led qtr alluding to this report, says T 1,.• gravest apprehensions are ex pressed in England it) reference to the health or Queen Victoria They ill) not refer so much to her physical as 10 her mental condition. The death 111 the ri igning sovereign in a contingency that sooner or later most come, will the Peince of Wales stands ready to astillaie the sceptre, UM 1118111 an heir has succeeded a dying monarch here iiilore Psil the the sinereigli 1s n Vitich more difficult twitter for the rfoseronierit to deal 11th, especially as Iler dlnjesty hits titan, j-itlioisiit her urerol;atlll% and Is 1111 w More No than user Fiir ninny niontlin the Queen has heel, Icrereil and and the 11111111 are lie L finning to think ill the tendency to insanity w hick is hereditary 111 her and to fear the worst in her own ease The latest letters and tele grains from England all 1 , 01111 11l as an uldsorhing 10111 c of ilivconsion in England, and It is regarded ait what. t , roliatile 11111 1 , II ail merlin continue and ifierease, till' 1,111. erionent 111 1 1 V find 11 necessary to titualre her atidiration There is an universal feeling, of regret at the end condltloti of so e.tirtiable n lady--afeeling shared alike on both sides of the Atlantic lint the good of !he mllhonswho pita' late the and, , the integrity of the realm itsell, may noon require Iler Majesty to retire 11.1111 the active labor of a reigning sot ereign -----The woman suffrage movement appears to lie gaining grUllnil. An at' tempt to to be wade this winter to get t',oligress to loans a declaratory act affirming the right of the petticoats to vote, all of which is to be done under the stiperintelidenCe of Mrs. VI, TOlll% (*. ‘Voulillt Lt., the female candidate for President. Should the thing sue ceetl, what a nice tone there will be in 157'2.! The Washington l'atriot has the following item in this regard : It is announced that a combined el • fort to le made upon Congress this winter to induce it to pass It "Declare tory net, affirming the right of women to vote, and that this pressure is to come !rota Mrs. Victoria Woodhull and those who sympathize with the woman suffrage movement It is also mysteriously hinted that Senators awl Representatives are pledged to the movement, in sufficient unit hers to at tack some importance to tie scheme of the wart amituffritgisto in their atteini t On Congress A lively, but perhaps nut very profitable, time may therefore be expected at the coining me ..11,11 nmorig the ranks of the 1ri0n41..,,i I, inale suffrage when Mrs. IVoofllll shall tahlish herself here in her new guar MCS term. *or Go in, Vic—go in and win. We'll bet on you WISCONSIV FoRESTS ON FIKV.--The Daily News of October 4ili 1871, says: The tire which has been raging in the six or seven northwestern counties of Wisconsin have neve had a parallel, there being 3000 ettue miles of valu abler pine forests den royed. The en tire population ftregliting the lire without success. supplies of food A 14, , for men and beasts I 41 been destroy athroughout at least fifty townships. Llousen and their content/4, haystacks, cum, wood and other property, logeth• er with hundreds of toilet, of fence are burned. —A canal driver at Akron, for twistifig a tottle'e tail to make it go, received ► kick in tile face which ex• tracts(' his trout teeth very uneeremo. niouely, crushed his jaw, and distorted his phyeiogooloy not a little. Spawis from the Keystone. —William B. Mann, Esq., has sued tho pro prietorn 01 the Age and Mercury for libel. - ibrlnwure enmity ban mix lodges of Itnighte Af Pytiono, numbering nine hundred mem born. —“Gen." Cori an, of Huntingdon, WM .1 rownml in the river at Lackawanna, on the Irdli instant. Ur li, Chriaty, of Hollidaysburg, whilst pick• ing grapes, roll 01l a chair, breaking Ills wrist and two ribs --Mr Jame, Beatty and wife, of Nheaklel lie, Mereei eounty,.recently celebrated their golden wedding. NO. 41 —The Lehigh coal operators have advanced 25 vents per ton on all sizes of Cos for the moot!. of t let 01 --At the I hoyleetown fair (lona 35,0tt0 to 40, 1011 111.1/1/ lo Were in attendance. liver We head .remile erre OFI —I but met s picture of the battle of Get t ynhnrg, whu•h, It In sent, won burned in Um t I ow lire, Is now reported nate. rho ottlcete of the Mita fair report that new I y v,,(140 people attended the Slain fair ,ittrlttyr the tottr ,11,y1+ of ttg enutteuettee. Harrbdiurg elected a eolored constable on Toosilav —the first Fifteenth Amendment over it utlh Wilmot honors in that city. Smtnrttny night four Indies hnd their 41.1 h ci in liermantown by some du inr•lly .00rupirvi throwing varol upon,thoin. -A s• 0,11311 in Helorylk ;II courtly hail twins ought, noticing 1111101CP. Children, ull it t•, nhc hur contributed to lino popula• t.1.1i11, the Mail who waft lately shot in \ Itrlallltra, lea llyilla tteelatittlell that 1,. 1... i vial I. at ihu hand of Jame" tiara I ihithie. 1; hf f'offei. Ittm,lllo 1., hunter, killed tlru N !hi turkeyn (me ,11..1111/11Y,1114( NtLel, Nfii \,/ h. killed Imfoxen =EI %II apple oroliar , l ui F:a•t Wllttoland town he.ter eountv, vonlsinining . L 5 trees, has pr...luee.l the present nesr"n 4111) hurtle's fii I A —'l he grain fields of Chedier county are now looking fine The whoa( has mune up rogulaily nud curare the ground where It well POVViI P rly —Mr Mien, of Franklin township, Butler oonnty, hen. in boring (or 011, strnek call water of +IN I, grni ny that three 1n0.r41. of water will 11111 k .• 1101• of .ell A+ good Ho nn oil well. Alioonian named Allen t 04 4, •otripaiiion Ruinehe's poeket honk and aloors, Ie I •4,1110. Si VI lii.t week, for which 111,. rty illt•LIVO bOUTI.I 1111110,er fur tits!. --11111,1111 , 1111SWItZeT, of Farmitugh township . mull/4 ~. ,11illy got ilia right arm into the ma• hin i gew• which tore mot mangled It in inch king manner at to votopril amputation at elit .hotild, -On Howley lent n little child of Mr. R. C. Moe , i 1 \ .‘‘ • 101 month. in rrelnt• mann. r within rverli ofteapot lll,l with 1,1 Ira mini bi•fore• Itentild be pre venit•li Willed II ~ ‘ ..r .on llPelf.Pelilltilng itself btu! ) that It dlr.! 111 Ili. 4.0111,e It few - ot.l wtonen 111 41 neighboring county, it re en Imp• l wII,IKII R^^e wa, k Wed two by • letogloo; eport "moo, hoe eom ,„,.nee,l it for leo tlwoolge, pile claims thet If the•e , tool hero ttllowett to It, ILA 11141111111 1114 . 1 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 nod feathers wool. have 1111 l ota tetl to that mom enterprieing Lea hontere In Crew• ford minty lately performed the difficult feet oft Pi limb I°Wattling a eolinty of to e• /11 a .11.1 m),..• of eight) nII h•et rr.m the eriemil, with tee a +lngle Ilflihbelmoell II and the groom' A Mere boy watm hulled Up. and 44, d,•,+plto Ihr ntl ign 11. nith officer Willem., of Allegheny, report• that the email pox le that elty hue wit •ii reed it very mild form, nett that th• number or, • OOP 'PI ha, Mierettoed For the week ending on , r‘atur.lnv only P..1/011 new Caere were re port. 1 'I he preeeding week there were four itien. and Me work proviiten there were forty- - • I • he r.•mnlnn of a human body were found nt Priniz s boxer I,riek yard, Lewistown, on the loth nit The I.oies, 011 •‘1,41•10 - 14 to the air, rapidly dissolved and most have been burled there y years ago The rnyolery .•anuot les solved by any of (km present p.m"- ratitor, wild its eoloibot moat he left to th• toy of the future —Last week Mr of Delmar town ship, '1 ioloi runup•, had thornlsfortuse to have his born hurried It was the largest In the eminty Ile hi..., alsoot 120 tons of hay, be. the grain stored In the barn , also, a Tel. liable lot of farming implamenta, Including • reaper nnn newer, a threshing machine, wag. ohs, 4i. 9 10.•nd plows treali ha+ reeeiVOl a t•lngrani front Indiana . n•yurnnng 111111 to h.O a lilt orb• look for Iwo men who had ntelon a fine, hers and a tiny mare fr the •üb.rrita r .lann•s Kolln.•r It wan stated that the I sir MOII.IOIO Ihn hornen and net tire CO the hare 'I hey were on the road to thin etty or had already arrived here, t rac i ng boon beard of at Saltateirg •case wee given into the hands of Otheer t upplem —Poet —After all the g•mition about the PlllllOOl. phii• eleetion rimy, It turn 4 out that they wet* by RatWel nogroev beating men of their own rite., !ruin the polls bream., they proposed i n on t o tho fietnooratle ticket This Is only following the ailvlee of the saintly Jenkins In lilt epoch at Hteubenvllle, Ohio, .og every negro who loan not vole the ttool,,tl tick of 'l,ithe LllllOOl •• Promo 1.11 from whom all blos4ings flow." —Peat. -- (hove Dentnerats in the clone eminties ha Petinsylvenia and Ohio who threw away the Iwo hegisisiiiires, on actentint of perennial ambition or factious impraetieshility, ale wholly to MIMI , for the gerrymandered ColS stresnional divtriete, which will he Attempted end no doubt •noemplished. (laving dtsfitelle chilled themselves, let them suffer the rem* of their own folly In silence, ant) learn beef to preservo the pr Inelples of :self-governmad In the luture.—Post. , Deasario laratictrr —Mrs Mary A. Deism% residing at the southwest corner of 'ChM. Womb and Hansom streets, appeared before Justice Becker at the Central station Yells! day afternoon, and charged Miss Nettle Musgp lend, residing at No. 141)7 Pine street, with harboring her husband, and also with Punte* and battery. Mrs. Delaney stated that the defendant had broken up her home, and that she was the cause of her husband ninnies through all Ws means. In support of t charge of assanlt and battery 4ie testified that about two weeks ago the defendant met het In the street and' tore the yell from her host MINN Nellie was required to enter bail lb tot) cum of 1700.—Day.