The Democratic Watchman. BEL LEFO - Special Notices Diveacts.-Absolute Divorces legally obtained i n New York, Indiana, Illinois, and other Stales, for persona from any Hutto or country, legal everywhere; desertion,drankonness,non- Hupport, etc., sufficient cause , publicity. No e hargo until divorce is obtained. Advion free. Address MOURN it RICHARIMON, Counsellors 011.0 w, 180 Broadway, New York city. 1 all ly. IT MI NO VAUL.—In all cag Of Dyspepsia., boor Comp laintA es and Kidney diseases, M Joh lees Ilerb Bitters will be found a reliable pie reme foro dy, ver It lion been before tis h ne ow roc American peo ple years, and ogniLed as a standard preparation. It la sold by nce Drugf - gists everywhere, pOSHeMBOIi 00 confide o the people in A greater degree than any other patent medlclue,llllll nOtiorned secti and on of the recom mended by physicians in every country THE MESSENGER OF HEALTH. A largo Kited paper. descripti've of ilinoose, 110 origin and cure, will be mailed free Hartma to any n adA drup, on application to Dr.N. D. Co , Lancaster, 16-54 4w Dry Goods- -Groceries. LOEB, MAY (V IMEIS are just opening their second installment of srRIEU AND SUMMER GOODS THEY ❑AV I: ME LAW; EST, BEST, FINEST AND CHEAPESI 0 any establialtnent In t wn (Dome and Pee um at our new rooms, near) op posite our old stand. LI IFAi. MAY & 11.01.111 S M THIND NEV UNDER TIIE HUN A now Grocery, Prov onion and General Vs fluty Store hen funt been opened in ,vo. 6, BIZOKERHOFF ROW, (the elegant room lately occupied by le KOIMIE I). I•II .TAME' It. LIPTI)N, who is prepared to sell, at prices to suit the people, oItDeERIES AND FLAIR Feed, Fish Bacon, liam, Canned• and Dried Fruits, Confectionery, Queens, Glass, Stone and Cedar Ware and, in fact. everything that pertains to his line of business, at prices to SUll"I'IIE PUBLIC Ile Intends to keep the prfeen down within the reach of every one, and will, at the same time, keep the RIM' QUALITY OF GOODS. (boo& delivered to any' part of the town. Come, now, all ye lovers of Fine GrOCerlell and "slob," and GIVE JAMES A CALL' and see for yourself that the above Is correct -.) JAMES H. LIPTON, Bellefonte ECM PRINTING IN COLORS A SPE CIALITY AT TIPS OFFICE. JOB WORK =3 AT THIS OFFICE Dry Goods, Groceries R NOTITER NEW STORE! The Largest, Cheapest anti Best MeerLod stock of =ME In Central Pennsylvania •IR Just been opened at the now store room in Brockerholf Block, Bishop Street, by KELLER A *SURBER. =I They have Fillks , Coburgs, Alpaccati, Merinos, Wool Inborn, Lusters, Ginghams, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Itandkereli lore, Hid and other Gloves, Hosiery, linlmo rala, lloop-sklrts,and a general vs' lety of Itlbbons, Trhn mings, Buttons, Braids, ete., at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Clothe, Black and Fancy Catialinaraw, Sattinete, Tweeds, Water-proof clot h,Hilk, Satin and Common Vetitingx, ate., in great rnrlety, and at priemi giv ing xatlxfue -1 =CI Such as Overcools, Dream Coats or various quail Ides and prices, Plain and Fancy Venn, Casslincre and Filtiniel Overshirts, Un dershirts of wool Or cotton, Handker elders and Neck 'nos, cotton and Wool en Socks, Calf and Rlp Boots and ;hoes, Ginn Boots and S111 , 1'•, limn truth Caps, and oriel' other articles as are usually needed. (MODS. Among whio•lk may be found Rugs, Brown AWNlins, Bleached Demean...el, Ingn, Towntinge, Table Glut Table Covera, Window !nimbi, Curtains, Tlekingn, and a very large anxiirtment or soon artb Oen an are wanted by 11011411- keeporm, and at prtcon to mutt the Linton. QUEENSWARE A lull imwlment, ennobling of Ten And Din ner Seto, Pitehe-n, BowIN, 11)1mItem, and a general I nru•ly of %lir., that will be rtolil by the dozen or Wove, unit an clomp It% It con be purehnned elAew here in the enmity STOCK GROCERIES, El'( Cone Wing of Slogara, rolreen, Teas, Hplee. Blrute.l, Dried P rultn, Flour, Bacon, Fl4'll, 114 . alwayri 011 hand awl for salt, at ,* atrial! ad snore on runt. ire—They have everything the citizen wantn, Rini I nteno r i to tin 'memento by moiling everything at the i,t)WEST ('ASII KAYLA Grain and {produce taken NEW STORE.—II A RIT.U. BRO.'S, hate opened au ENTMS NEW N7'O(•k OP (loons Of every uleyeription, at their now ntoro-roono on Sprung 4treet, a iii II were NI re hn•wl iL Anil will ln• sold an low If lint lower, than eArl in found IthieWlll,o ill thirmtwti•ii 'l helrnlu,•k ruin I,rltes 111 part• Dry (Joodn, Notionn Millinery Goode, Fancylloods, lothing Bootri and Slum.. llootn 11111 i MI 111 0, Roan and Shovel, Halm and Cap, Latent ntyloa of ntl4lWm listm and Cup; Carpel-Hags, Carpet-Haw., Car pet- ling,. Bent and ehrape Parana. Gentlemen soil !Juliet. Furninhing I,milenClostkr4 snit Cirri!ham In Silk and Ciotti, Carpeting, ( ecries,cillemixware,et, ST A T lON ER And everything ,Ise that In to he found in a well shacked country store Colintry produce. taken 111 exchange for goods, and the higlie.l market title , Pm.' vl Bakeries, &c NEW BAKERY AND C . O NFECTION ER V Bush'. Areado, High Strout, liollefoldo, l'a ll= at Ilin Brat-elann Bakery and Con footionery, is now pi opared to servethe piddle w ith good fresh BREAD I KS, STEM 'CONFECTIONS, and every thing In his line, at all time.. HIS LAMM' ICE. CREAM SALOON will be open during the summer, and will be kept attractive the by very exeellent quality of lee cream that will constantly be kept on hand Private or public parties can be supplied at very short nptice la-glly GET GOOD 11.141) BY CALL. lug at the new and extensive Baker! establishment of J. H. SANDB, Opposite tho Iron Font on Alloghenj etre°l whore ho furnishes every day Fresh Brood. Cakes of oil k Pies, VI, 1.11 . ( . 1111 , 11,1 Hillellll Anything and Everything belonging to the buerne-s. Having had year" of I,pertene in the bindnes., Ito flatter. turmoil! that he ran gunitaltol.l nallirfaction to all ith, may favor him with their patronage. J. 11. HANDS. 11012 Dry Go s---Clothing ItEMOV A I, 18v/ teyr LtFB Now 4 N FI IL M fhe public le lmreby notified the bwllnenn formerly conducted by A yyIIIi.9MAN, will ereafter be earriml on by hinieelf and broth er-In-law, under the firm 11111110 of SUSSMAN A (H I (iGENIIIM ER, =EI the rooms heretofore oequided by Howell h Gil liland, one of %%loch will be devoted entirely to DRY GOODS, I=l3 HATH & CAPS, ETC , ETC The other one exelunivoly to LEAI II ER, RIME FINDINCS 'MUNICH, A Stinfonan vary renpentfully retineata all lila old friontla etiotioner4, 111110 11111 1 1 1 1 111 1 11 111•1 1 11111110 MIMI Ilk 111/1111 1 4. 1 1 1111 and sot, (In tho 11/ either by not. 111111 1 1111111 1 , 11111 dooa not ‘riqh tiny of them 141 (all In rnll 111111 Hee 111111 In hla 111,1, plat, of hunt nun• t'llon. and 1+4.0 11., 111' Tull luLo ; iI•11411r11 In altownig our wroth., though you do tat it 14/I 01 boy = Flour, Food, Etc 1 1 LEM I NG'II)N Ml I, LS 1N(;'1 . 4 )N, cIANTON,CoIINTY, PA F 1 U U It IMEEI The undersigned has Ing purchased the FLEMINGTON M ' LI,S, PACKER 6:. PACK Elt Ix now pn•pnnd to revel Ire fur nnyttilog In thin lino of hlinhn•nn • lurid will giro prompt atleDt 1,10 EMI GEM EE AV 11 AT 4 . 4 2 \VILE 1)1 I! I. 3 A 11and.,11.• New f., and a Prirm ‘lortit trout !I (H) to 51)00111), 114 , 111 I' II frt attl,t It Nit.. N.) NV It h eue h I. ket you get at tho 11111.1 Of rwr ellitt.ll4( V,it .1 the Ithiww, the 1•1.11111•• rited, or II,• I hill t w 111•11 .0 • egnrcle•l by ,i••••. 18•1, and •• pe.1.1 UOI IMIOIaoIOOMI and be..t "1,• • •1 w tt er •••l at 85 to •hey top 1.0<21 Pat h of thorn it• a ß. mOf nn It I . 1111•11111Pr tt‘.., y t 1,1•1•• r will I•••nitis ely draw owe of the l slow wig pi IL., PANIC PRICEM PANIC I'RICIF.4 PANIC PRICE.. 'I II F. I.,,I'IERHE F I„ \ I,)N, MI) eon! tlning my mlr re.orn., ill modern eon .111 , 1 t, .11.. k,A. nunlift.l.ll.l4l 'l'll I. 1 HILL \ 101, of WI /ten , on the 4 holdlnk flier having piettnthoot whirr on thettlt k I/11, Cold ' , ping l tote' north 6 ,, 4.. tinter I,l'lll' VI ILII /411 1i1t.., ili1111•5111111.1, $.1,151, A Ilimst. }tulle 241tiSt'ANDAliltSEWINI4 11A1 Wortit front ill) very rhonp =1 Each worth from fill to Vito 4 Pianom to I ),14/1114 arid Ar1f.11,414.1,1114 Unit ('ll5ll SIMI 1:11n, I'll,, 1 . 11•11 SIIIII $1 111111 I 11141 ( HAI SIMI 8:0111 Thr..l. l'asis Sumer- ninth $l.ll FOlt. I ti,..4% Santa - 1.11 , 11 Voli 49.1076 I;IFTS conto-t ton of WitaltinK Al:whines, %At 11141,4, Standard 14..01,4, V. orka of Art, awl tatter how...hold and I antaltla /trtil•lem, nuns of thew tan in part h.rantl, at Itttat I for h., than $1 14t, whit° 501111. 11, aortal $1",,o1I anti 44444 , at lowest prices Ilmbrellar, I ml.,llan, Umbrt Ilan. 'lllllllra. trig will Inky placenrßS ell grnvt/ro enuogh are wild to 11,11 - 11.1ite the to hciore malty u. kit hohlern In i•ltene to he prenent, tool I by under their vontriii, at Donlon, Mil 'I he 1 alitline I sillily Lan ‘..1111,1111111 In eorperatiel hotly, (Amin In the hl tilt, of Nino Wel, and iris „r Win Fell, of Itontnit, v K lie hard non, niter'', of the I,llllty, Itenton, Maryland, Alliorger, Pieitotanter Donlon, Mary land, and other". are among the sleek h01d... The ',motto of thin male in nitnuly to realist, the elool on merrhnnAlnv On hand, and on 1110 real entntri Jnnnen l Attorney nt Lnw, Priori dent Henry S Mancha, (of the Ann of Manelin & Brom , Real Rotate 'trek ern, Itidgely, Md ,) Seeretnry Patron!, Tremont - or and Manager George 11 Ittinsinti, Confine!. Refer nine totharles 11(10,1111g, Eng , Speaker yr the Del/mare Senate, the Clerk. of both branches Or the Ireinenee Leglelattire, all the Lending 1111.11, OM 13111110., o'o Of thin Paper, and the Preen of the Peninnitla general ly ellibllgelalf wnnlyd One ticket and engraving given free for every club of four with the money 118 (111 Send all your ordern to our general °Moe, thus CAROLINE CO, LAND AS)O(IA'I'WN Sl.r /A a nd King Sr. , Wilmington, .11c1 TII CA !MUNE PEA ILI %I'll] lit' relit lu Ill! pun•ltn•err (rut, mu, gunner an sppllestion Il will give 11 dt,lailed seculint priWeellingli (ruin hilllo to ume. Now6papors wishing 1.6 161, oatse (or us, will please solid us their lowest rates 16 IJ 1 EW STAGE HOUTE.—lferenftn, the Agricultural College etatge, will !calf uno Grove for Bellefonte, at it% o'clock a x will leave the College at 7 o'clock a. In., en, run via of Le. Mont of "End of Mountain," h place of via flouter/Me, no formerly. Return log, it will leave Bellfeonte at 2 o'clock, p. m. the College at 6, and reach Pine Orove by Pm ,JAMEM JACK, Proprietor. S.\ LE BILL NEATLY AND EX- Y PRINTED !MEI GIWERIES, MEE IMIES, 8110 M, =I MITI IMIME El= GEM DEMI EIZEI FlifflM formerly owned BuY PACK Elt Prizos ME= AT THIS OFFICH Watchmaking & Jewelry WATCHMAKER! MR, F. C. RICHARD boalros to Inform tho public that he to now located on Spring Street, next door to Harpers' Afore, Bellefonte, Pit., Whore ho In now profited to unlike 11,1,1 repair WATCH FA, CLOCKS, J EW ELRY„t ( Promptly, anal on tlm moat reasonable terms doing n good workman and having had long lIX pOrie nee, he believes Ihnt ho can ron dor entire Aalkfitelion. 1630-Iy. F RANK P. BLAIR, (Sureospor to 3. 11. Ifithnj pitAcTl CA I, 'WATCH MA K ER, JEWELLER & EN( RAVER, lIELLEFoNTF, I'ENNA ALSO, DR LER IN American, English and Swinn IValehes, ('locks Fine Jewelry and ' Bllver.platell Ware, IVatehee Repaired on the most SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, I=l GIVE ENTI RE SATISFACTION MASI )1\ IC MARKS I= =1 I= ttell/1 Gold and Silver Jewelry Manufactured to ordor. DON'T FOROTT TIIR PLACE, No 1 110I'SE, anti N. 2, 111 bcK Coal. C()A L, 1, I 2if E, P()WI) E It , Tbo brat wiikell Barre finthrnelle rood from 1(,((m 211,1,4 alp. 4) Sham4ol. in Rothruclie vonl of all propured t• promftly for family ootortanfly on 100,1 and for .UL` al LOWEST MARK ET PRICES Conaornera of COal will pleat., note that nor ei e d iA hound , 1 1111.10 r vointmalifotir Ahem., Which Its value We now hate a w him( at Liaik Haven fiir trannferring 14vn• tool Iron boon!, to r ar. apil will Purply coatornem by ochar 1.010 whit, 410airall, 'rota Iho tolii Ititltirreire LIMP Limn burnt nith wood or con! IN, nnlo nt our Knott on the pike loading to Mllestiorg P 0 NV I) E It AKents for the sale of Itopents powder at wholesale Atm k un Intl Merchants will I'l.l It to thvir Intervot to boy of It. IdTiee and yard near Slontli End of 11 E. V It R. Depot gifiiRTLEDGE k (1) 1 I 16 11ellenktagl C uA I, I ('n:\ L!! (1)A I, !! Illavlng 1,44 ti• 11 MOW e4lllll 01 , 1•414 1111(1 now ) we are Kepare(llll lurei4l) the r. ry 1.e..t glia/ity of WI LK ESBA RR!. IMBI SHAMOKIN COAL, to all who may want tho Ennio at the EMI REASONABLE Nth ES I ur I 1 )AL in or the very beat in the market and will tie delh ell at the revldeneo or NH TT. Pitrth, rite, AS LOW AS THE SAME QUALITY I=! All Mil/Eliri loft with .1 I' tiephort, at his °Moo in Conrad flotino, or at. the CoAI, YARD Will receive prompt itltention ALEXANDER & CO =I gladlery SCHOFIELD MANUFACTURER OF FINE HARNESS, HORSE CLOTH INC} AND BOOTS, NEXT DOOR TO HARPER k IMO'S, Bellefonte I beg to Inform you that I have lamed the abovo store, for the manufacture of FINE HARNESS AND HORSE CLOTHING Bellefonte has long needed a First-Class establishment of this kind; and my endeavor shall be, by using nothing but the best mater.. nil, nod employing only firet•class workmen, to turn outwork equaleti by fdw and excelled by no manufacturer In thla country. Uentlemen Call have their boreea carefully measured at the stables, for .clothing, boots, eto thus insuring a perfect-filling artiolo,and Imparting an additional grace to the style of the steed. 10-29 SCHOFIELD. Legal Advertisements p ROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TIIE CONSTITUTION OF PENNSYLVANIA. I= Proposing nn amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania. Be d Rolateed by the Senate and House of Rep reeentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General A seembly met, That the following amendment of the Constitution of the Com monwealth ho proposed to the people fortheir adoption or rejection, purionint to the previa. loan of the tenth article thereof, to wit: o A MENDM ENT. Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Article of the Contil Milton, and Insert in lieu thereof the following "A Slate Treasurer shall he Chosen by the qualified electors of the Slate, at such times and for such term of service as shall be pre. scribed by law." JAMES It. WEBB, Speaker of the house of Representatives WILLIAM A WALLACE, Speaker of the Senate, Amo "veil the fifteenth day of June, Anno Domini ono thotniand eight hundred and mwonty-mle =9 Prepared and certified for publication putout ant to the Tenth A rtielo of the nautili ion. JOILIPAN, Secretary of I ho Commonwealth t 01lien Seel eta ry if the Commonwealth, f Ali, 1871 Mill ADm I N ISTItATOIt'S NOTICE I t,tter“ or Administration nn Um estate et lVtll6rtn (rove, deceased Isle ul C;refrg township, halving been granted to John Grow, resnhog in the some tounship. all persons Indebted tll Mikitlestxte ore bpi ploy notified to mac. illllllolliato pnyinent, and thane having l'iliilll,lKlllllSt the MIMIC tau present thous, duly anthenttrated for settlement JI 111 N iVE, Administrator of Wes. Greve, Du rerun& I /1 :tit 60 AT Dm INISIt A To 11.'; N( >TICE Letterß if Adminl..trnlloll on the °Pante lit JatnPm C Nurph v, trout , Into of Forgu non townnthip, lotving het.ll grunted to Ihn linthnrhigni . 4l, MII 111.1,011•1 knowing them- PPITO, Indebted it, nnid I.+lllto n o hert•tly IlOtt• lied to 11111kli 111111110111111. pnymeul, Mitt OH hav ing vhaiton itgitiort Ihn mum.- to prenvnt them, July ituthent waled ter MI•1111.1111.11t to htl HP:I4E4 ('A M Y. Aug 1871 ./l/SEI I II MI Itl'ilY, 11.-.111.L .4 drnintktrrilorr Druggists, Z LER &.IA It 1,:1"1 OE= =I aim. all the STANDARD PATEYf MF DlrisFri A very large AV. la 1111 Lrr AR TICLES, F Y II y Good, Soaps, dr, , Ac. The fine4t qual ity or RAZOR RTRRL, POCK IT Knivra. 41 INRORS and R A VOIR WALL PAP[[ IX GIAXAT N. . PREsCilt PTIONS, compounded by eompetent druggeota at all hour•, lay or night Night euntomern pull night hell ZEI,I,E It et J IiETT, Bishop St , Bellefonte, l'a OEM DI °dies] it!! Et; NEURA lAN A, ss(xx) WILL 111 PAW To any person producing any medicine able In show half as many living, permanent eurea its li. reri./.ll'e VZ411,41111l Itilltelt tile REIIIII4I, and a farther reward of Slim for any rase of hieltitiFill Of ithelellitiellii II lull nut rare '(hie Itielliellitie SiS 4 Ile is lined inwardly only, pleasant to the Casio, and guaranteed free from ono How. Drugs It in not a quack Medicine, but the scientific pre..., iption of Jos I' Filler M I) , Professor of TeX 100 logy and Chemintry graduate of the C.4'01,0141 VniVeritily of Peel, Mylvwein, A Ii , 1533, Wileile erliare prig...llene' life hue beers devoted specially to this disease, Wet his liftletlee ....dined strictly thereto, 'I Ilia preparation la believed, consrientiounly, under solemn oath, to be the only laisitive reliable, infallible apeeilio ever discovered As an 1, 4 1414 4 114 , et 44101411 4 1 We hi its eieeferfel Merit, a legal-signed contract will be fow inf.,' without chat ge, to any sufferer mending by ii i . letter a description .if affliction, the collie et setting forth the ntilliber of bottles warren ii to eel,. and in eilee of failure, paid 4, the Medicine cheerfully refunded Thin air and generous oiler securely pi Mech. sniferern (ruin quack imposition,. and useless ellpend e tore of money Medical advice, with certifi cates from prominent Physicians, Clergymen ote., who have been cured after all other treat on Ills failed, sent by letter, gratin Afflicted cordially soiled to write for advieo to the principal office, 2(1 Routh Fourth street, Phila. delphia, l'a. Dr Filler's Rheumatic Syrup Is .old by Druggist... trill-ly Carriages. S A. McQUiSTION, Bellefonte, Pa. MANUFACTURER OF CARRIAGES, BUG GIES, WAGONS, AC., Of every description on hand and made to or• der by first-class ineehatt lea Being a pranti , Cal mechanic, I would wart ant all work to give sat Is/action Repairing promptly attended ti al !he 1011.• at ratex. Shop.. or Smith Streets non the Repel 11l 111-1) MILEISBURG CARRIAGE WORKS. & WILLIAMS, Manufacturers of mu la CARRIAGES, BIIGIGES & SLEIOIIB Hermit ins done with neattionta and dispatch All work done at short notice and warranted to give entire satisfaction. MI LESDO RO, CENTRE COUNTY, PA 1 1-'44-ly Sewing Machines T HE HINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY Al' THE WORLD'S FAIR, —Conernunl by the nomee ithe peoplo— Receive (he Urea Award o the HIGHEST SALES! And have left all rivals far behind the for they sold In 1070 One Ibindred and Twenty-seven ThoE sand, Eight Hundred and Thirty. three Machines being more than forty thousand in advnnee a their sales of the previous year, Ind over lorty•four thousand more than Mutation of an,,' other Company for 1870, as shown by the Wowing figures from sworn returns of tlw cities of ideelifil.s THE BIND Elt ➢IANUFACTURING COMPANY Hold over the Florence flowing machine com pany, l to,n3 machines. Hold ever the Wilcox & Oihhe sewing machine company, 98 813 machines. Sold over the Weed sewing machine com pany, 92,811 machines Sold over the iirover @ Baker sowing machine • company, 70,431 machines. Hold over the Howe machine company, 62. initellinom Sold over the Wheeler & manufactlit mg company, 41.1126 all of which in mainly owing to the popularity of VI Intl in known an the "New Family Hewing Machine," which is now fast finding its way into every well regulated honnehold. For Circulars giving foil particulars of Mnchinen, their Folding eases of many varieties of wood and finish, thulr Attachnientm for miniereins kinds of work, which, till recently, it was thought that delicate finges alone cloth, perform, an well no partieularn about all articles used by their Machines, such as Twist, Linen Thread, Spoel Cotton, Oil, dc, Ay apply to any of their Authorized Agents, or to TII ESI NG ER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, I= Philatiolphin ()Men 1106 (711ontnut stroot ZIMMERMAN IMO'S R CO., Agenla In ll,.llerante. Pa 2717 Educational ==ER=l BELLEFONTE, PA A BOARDING RC HOOL FOR BOYS Location Admirable linildinga, Filmdom+ anti Convenient TEACHERS EDUCATED, TRIED AND SUCCESSFUL. Instruction, thorough In ell the departments of a coin pinto Academie entire°, en nu to pre pare the Student for our bent Colleges, for 'eliciting, or for business life VOCAL 141:141C is made a branch In the regular course of study Spectra alienist", given to moral culture and general refinement. NEXT HEMS lON begins on IV EDNESDA Y, September it, 1871 Por Circular, Address, REV. J P MIMI Irl4, Prirtnpa/ Steamer A NCIIOR LINE STEAMER.. StAS, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND HATUR NEW YORK AND GLASGOW railing at Londonderry to land Melln And Pea 'tenger% The Stearnern of thin fevorlto lino are built expronnly for the Atlantic Pannetuter Trade, and fitted up itt every renpeet with all the modern ttOrrOn . llll . Ttil. 1•1111 ulaled to insure the 1 inn hurl, 11,11 i eonvenienee of pass enger, l'an•,,ge Rates l'apthle In Currency, TO (lIALOOOOIIr, LIVERPooL ,010 I,OIIIIDONDRIAT fostrst Cabin, f 4,5 and to cm - or - dew/ trl torot.on. thOol Rretito Tlrkrta, 11:t0, xe ro,nii be At oreoln- ItliAi st tons Infer m.lirstr $l.l .‘,lrcroyr Part 14. P. ',ending for their friends in the Old Country cnu 1 - Alt - chase tieketn at reduced rates For further part:, Warn apply to II EN liElttiON joittrlllEltS, 7 'tooling Green, N Y t lr to NANKIN d lILW IN, Innor ~, agents. lonic, Ire 13-fm Rifles RUM TI I E( MORE N Ell, HUN SMITH, Iran removed to the store known •s No. 3 itnedt'm Arcade neat door to Zuninernm, Bros &Co, where he no Just opening out• complete stork of ILE% oINERS oUNS AMMUNITION FISHING TAI'K Le. Base Balls, Bata, Hem and general Sporting Articles. Gum+ made and repatied and war ranted 1432-Iy. Machinery WM. 1.:. DUNCAN (MUCCI/WM TO TODD • DUNCAN] FOUNDER & MACHIN NIANUMACTURIR OF PORTABLE AND STATIONERY ENGINES, TURBINE WATERWHEELS CIRCULAit SAW MILLS MILL MACHINERY Works near P. R. R. depot. . 16 4011 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Lotter:4 or administration on the estate ot tenjamin F. liingorloh, late of Harris town ship, Centre county, deceased, hero been granted to the undersigned residing In Belle h.nte,-Pa. All persons Indebted to the said estate, are requested to make Immediate pay input, and those having claim. or demand: will present them for settlement withoutdolag J. B. BARNHART, Administrator. 11E111