=== The Democmtic Watchman. BY P• GRAY MEEX J . lOW I', AtigIICIATR 1E1)1,011 Terms, $2 per Annum, in Advance 11F,ILEFONTE, rA Friday Morning, Sept. 22, 1871 Democratic State and County Ticket. T 01 : ArDITOR (;ENElt‘i, GEN. WI I. LI A M Mc 'AN DLESs, nl P11Il.ti~I{1.;1111 OM SUM 1:r()1; OENV.IIAI, CAPT. .I.Ut E` 4 It. COOPEIi, ()V LANVI:ENCV. coVNTI. rOlt A` , "l M EER. ITIt kTE NV, \V. IA Or . 1/0/TER. JJI /IT, 0/ Iwo vuut Titrk-A•nru, All ES' 1", EA V Vit, 0 1 Ns 11,11-,“) It< roR et Im SA WI, Fl Fon T TI)IZ . NI7I, JOH N F. PUT ' I•:U, 01 1111.1,11-11NTIE i • Mt o'l , lo itol‘ .. l. V. ISt t I,M riot I 1,1,1 Democratic County Committee 1..1 1-J %1 .1 I I , ,0,1 i ,1 It /I I ..•,. 111,:,,,f10r 1 1. 1..1,0, Jlot) I', t.... It 1 1.1, 1 . 1.11, 1 ;10, I ~ 17 1 r 111. , 11 , 1 , 1 1.t,1t , , 1111 1 11 r 11. 1 1 1111/t 11, .1 , 140r.1,11.1,,111111 1 41,4 1,1 111,1 11,11r1.11.1) \1,1111,111 Clll . llll township, Henry Tltssit, t 1 ,, t , 0.111 , II r, It,. 11 —nrotte•J r rl t„",1•1111/ 11,11,1.. ) ,11 t.kki I,lot , F. reii• 11 ,, , tr.! t 1 It /.4 . 1,t1wr . , 1111 - ' et 1 to, t. I 111010, I S' ‘tt t , ., 1...1•11 t. ,, //". 1 11( 1 11/-I,t• t,v , l',t-1, orvi• st, .1 11,11 1, 1 , , iOl, -1.1 t,..tt,-1,11, I / I. 1 11 1 1. 31,L11/ 11,t t I'. r. t - P 1 t •.11111i IOW • I \ 1% 1 ,1 1i1.,11,1 1, A11 . 1111 1 PA% 11 , 1 ill, "Hewll,lrrti, orl 1)1:t tverls has l'll Vim! agalt ,, 4 the .31‘4,1 Werc iiir.e r hurgen rtirhle I.N tl% Irhlr, r,1,41,1e, ..r re-rm,liAe l;nlu el, kte I.ftlilOilhee hilt) It %Mit ,••,,%;it , 11% I ; 101 l I%tv it,tute by I »r 'him% lital !Len' 14 1,11 fro i.• 1,•••J tour r.'ll , lerw 111:11t :Iry lake (hall tht re ~4,11:.1 Ipl 111 f . ttl 1)1111 It hitter,), I.lllik N OM frrrti \ One of T hesr Lscs the !HP 1),•1(101.4.11 lII= .1 rill," ",,,k 11,1 111111 ,„“ I NV). » r I h.0:.1 II Jl.. r .00 •. i. r. tsirlo'll tit lite Imo' lit 11;,- I,lrh , r 111, It, 11,1 KllOll ititlit ih -e report. /It , 11,1 tru, 1 WP 1•, I;;rr Or 11.. n Kira• Wit hir, , , (trill Vie defs nn( man 1,, pr,,%e illlt ,•// Ili 101),t, brtn,", K !wt.. /S,,th„nr,lary -11 I it I' i'n,,,711111111.. he ft...clime the p.e.a.t. ,, s.tr ot the I libtir“ Oral n • Or,flll II! 1110 CYI/1/1.1.11e(r.i, pails 41,41 tvt I, t u,4 t i.J that pi)hucal Luuuttcr , ttul 4,1 I 1,rai,n,,%1,,, r 1...., lent ing tstir ar.rd Al) hact;fierr Will the h 0 are chargiog It 1%416 Ent,ll 1/01iMig/wl/), vJa y that +l . 11413, ills l',olll peLltOr, never I,elotiged lo their heii rocmt lodges. or iii/it has ever tAktto bneh the .11. 1 4ritechil :11111 iiittottims oath he took 01 eternal ttm.osittttit, haired and burn (mlrc,ll,4lit, to 11)1 but Miff ve A II ler :11111+, 111 , 11 vmpec)lll y I() 10) matt ( . .101./11V71? (H COllO4l. llit•Y Wllll/01 ln•v c•rtri liIVV dare not --- -A young radical law)er of this place, yiloi ',souk! givrf lia chance in the hereafter for the pnmition of Pat trim Attorney, is running round blow ing that the radical county ticket will be eieoted. After the declination o Capt. Li TI P, thin same chap was offer ed an opportunity to row on that ticket, but declined because there was no hopes of an election. 11nd he had the least idea that there was any chance at an 01 bterri fig into that position, he would have jumped for it quicker than a hungry dog would for all unclean bone. Some folks Lore to blow--and thin is one of tha lovely fell.)wg In that Why did you not run for diet rid Attorney, utter our rego)ar noruiuee hurl deciiiie4 neY Two Men's Steeling, in thither plaee we ptiblialt the eon ießsioil of a Radical paymaster by the name of llonttr, who toms out to he tv defaulter to the torte orotter.fiair hun dred 1,C,111 , 1nd (I , 4l(trs Thi4 man who st.elllll 10 hare 11,,t11(1 ellll.clepee left, informs nil that his life for the liod four rears ling leer ell on earth• and that if is in the hope of ohtamtag I , ollle pence of wind that he thus Coll fel , 9Pfr , 1118 Iratnlolent operations. 1 . 5 w like Eros's, he owns tip to his ; milt, tile IL 1111111. Rod awaits at his lion , e the rowing of the °Miters of the ruin tett law, content if he rail only or tit part expiate het crime rolhttlittlog to the severest reunifies, ti :Now, pot the Ifoit(J.deGtlention 1111,1 die Et togeth er, and what hare we? klarrnttdred and seernly three thrift/WM/ th,a/1T 1111" lirt,t and three liumbril mid 711.11dy• uae 111011811Iiii tbdi'ltrn for (Ile tweotnl --- nialslag right hatolrea and sixty hour I /he t/sant/ ti”ilmr tit all, stns VS' 1 Hull Tiff I'l.ol'll, /04 the revolt of the reecal (Iv of Te it 1t , 1,11011 oillee holders! It .tily two ltatltcalN cat( thus steal near Iv n tiolloot of dollars, 111 the short spare of four tc ItA, or wino arrioriiit of vecoilatioo, robbery - and MEEMI Ulna.. •t, put suitito-e, tri , 4 teen {'mol t tot tri)) mer tur rtuuttry, p.inet• 11tt \ I T OIrItIV I ' VOINI,O;IN I cnn litutvtpr tli rnntn,ltunt, , 11t6 nnv thltu r r, 111,(• r, ',ear tltotlfoklftlltlNtri tot the vhortuoutt tigurert it ,%Ittelt the grand total tutt•l hut tuttnint•ti up, Nlli. nhuul like Itt hrttr trout butt rem,4,ltitnia, the-e aro , “"letim thti4g4 Ito yoi) The remotireen of the eolliltry Brr hying thzttl (ht., wri4ted like ‘‘siter, and the I,orl,eis of 5t ill i,•.01t t 5 ss) 155, 111,11Ier 5ill(9111A are ;:orv,cd ;01 the awl , li--TerAte. to de earse,l 111011 r;• Whteh !,1) 1111)1 Ir 5551 pith! tole, the Tre , t , tiry in Ihr Wnif h IhrrS' trixe4 ' (lte.• rohherier, ito.l Iratoltilent ItrtlOn4 the """trV Wrli he utterly ha"11114'1 tud 0nir. , 1%.4 er11.01,..1 io e•nrth 115 the Ir1) , Ille Cella 111 hr Ireie d rtp,ofi ton We ore tto.(Ltitg the tv.,hl4 of psh, eltrnr.lnc•ri and !Mill. \Ve hat e no lwr.4“1:11 (it galf%, (nit, In 155111111.-n 015. Ihr I',sp!r, wr 11;1%55 Chit 12=1:13 wr.,,i.1.1 ami for Nel• 11:1111.4 . , 14 . 11,911 . 1 . 1)1114 111,i1 out doh( I,lNlii wild, like I•sis, their harder, %vlll be greater Otari 11,er ran hear, Who warm Ire 1111 . ,Vllll ( . 1111,..11111,11,4 that the hind ol liiy I,u-tit (Hid hi. IS trampled by the feet sitsim“krtipt, stint hin till sproig I lie iif povert% aiii) power? Nut this IS fhe fair to Mr wr lire liit.tenier, nn,l itilo who'll wr will ell( i,vli,il,,ttv.. 01 11, e IC I , tirt% ItepuLlieurfq - 'ttrt.,r Vatlll'd 1tY1.‘1..• lO runt true intern!. vial :0,,11 ',mil Hi, -'4II l'ltl 4 ,ll'. NIP,rI; to, is Tiir I,y-4 DAN 41\ WHICH 11)1 Have Your Papers Ready Saturahied tote•rr, von know 1%1111 Nllll.l. tot, radical poloir'aos ttlikas L. rk uln,l 3 01 nt tiro Isrlly, Th , re I. II"( ime !pat true,, a.,uhl fir fl rar, it radn•al eatotoltite. ur 1 Pell' pret WI( If. They well stop all they earl, stop your vot mg, heoause they hate 1011 II you have nut ~,111" papers ready, they well give you trouble. We %%rite this as it srarotog 7 H... 00 NOTI/INI , / , 11 71111 ^ .1; ((Et 11114, 7111 %WI /11'1' (4.4 he 111/1410 114. ICI I r.;1.1v If %”11 lill , folir papers you ,• h.oe no trouhle ho, , k Tf ui f f HEM' Ni)\V, and fdlwe theif, where )111i n II 11111 ur band uu tberli on tdectom day. II you have not got them with you, si.so }Olt TIMM NT ON,I E. There iii no elme to delay. Heed our warning be prepared. --GO AND REGISTER 'WIWI AWAY ! —lt will only take a gain of nix vote% t❑ each election ihntrict to make the Democratic majority in the comity nine hundred. There is scarcely a district in the county hot can do that. Some can do double. Over that many, on an average, staid at home from the polls last fall. Democrats, see that every vote in out, and our majority may reach a thousand, —Every darkey in the county who is old enough and black enough to vote has hie name upon the Registry list. There are over a thousand white men who are not registered. Will some of the negligent tell us why it is thus. Itiowrox has been watch ing the eigt,e of the timee. The noose ie ho id not eo nine', Ua %NT he was. Dernodrats It Io but ti few weeks until the dee itou, Ibit t rew dtty pre left or yott t., see thus f. 1.11 tire registered—to roueldo lr your orgatitimiotls—ttotssliod toirthr yes stud he reltdy Cur (lie brittle. Yon hnotv 1)4 IV Vn /IS Nye the import ;Ince of ‘igotoos, doettoote.l )Noel: ! without xuut „( 41,, ,g 1 -,1 accomplish I:""!7' 1 W "In( will bring glorl;ms, si , tot.. A % leior) this hill m.lll he the Ideclirsor 14 11. grail!! 11 -111111141 AI Ihr pr l-^1111.1111.1 121Vr lion in 7'2 A ttetnrt this hill etill he the rommg of the thieves and State r" 0 "" "." 1 "P"' " 111 have 11(.1'11 growitlz rteh troto the taxe, voti Imke plod into fhe tt, , asttry and deo.nditig ‘oll,vtili Illittlkllol nud 1110111111•11111 g lass w. NII'SI' ! Ont. OfIt• Slate - \ i4•5(111 (WU 1.1110i.11 bi (,)flirter nrisivr I { 01”, i vitue C.61.•.•;4•r- , , 4-19,V011, 1.404 NlO/1•11 b!. dxf art aat, ! , 3.01141.11011, qt••'ea I clic Tivam (Iry I)oritrtmeol, atol »lwr) 4ttiltint toe 101 pelt 11111(•Ink 1,3 , I . I 1,11`11. , i II 111 1)1(• tt I M ITN ‘TI V I 11,0 ,L I h ,11.111()r:titty , 1 firi,t tl4.9wr WI 1)1 , , 1. 3 SU!I :iii the 111111, olra s 001,1. I :111.1 4,411r0:, I 1 P) n Ilie NlAtol: NfA,fltll: . t4111,[ vim{l 11 , i. Ow ex tiri•-i-ol will Ile !WV \:.llf, UT , Ilwr n•%1 , 111 C,eir 11. I, 4,11 \ .".1511 ear t pr,prlimi o,tiar I •kl PS t•r% ellllll Ifl 0-1 ,11ri4 n .Ign:n v (“0“ r =9 111 . •1i n11,1.1.,eti, 11,.11111`.1111111 lift , l they iota the pmrr , liinng the ‘Nnr. .Iq+tni an 14, rr , nvrir • r 1111)1i un••n l . rlq Li. n•-nrte.l 11,, ll,JmfJn•li it 1...g0i 1,1 rteHoerV, r:•r+t7lt, 11,.) =I ♦.0% %1 it I 14 I I. III! The p4,,11e are tstth 111.1 'He in rtintling in our fas or Stir I. in•,l with 1,11z,...r. , and No. tlll• IIIIIV.(••1 art• !no ing to pm \llll I,t po,.er tlu ttipwrlthl.• ~ e ntindrl.l4 aLn ,Ir}•t now ‘v11:11 ,‘3,11,1 I]%ltst,f I • to 11l I I 1 , 4 , % I "1:k V+ 0,;!1. Ir .\III \llVyli• Vi )1 I INNI . ItrI A (1011'1:14: 1. 4 'Wye, von nn , expee 1. 1 • •), Nhare We 6,101, IMI 1. hill 11111 111+1 111,W V ICI . t•5O, I.etter tluut that 1111.4 11'1 if 100 I,,;!fil.er I sou hilt 001 AIL\ gI. 1S"( )1(k )W 1 . 00 11:tse wle., !hat weo `,,tte intt s et 1,041 111,0 to' 14'11111 of and county r . ntnintate)t thltt are alp liutior part, "There /Ire 110 divo.oom, or ,11-”rglinirer-, for n 1 th,l It %Pi du not dlmorgatll/,.. It is may m,l, 41 . 111, 11,r utealtrij 1114 eq,flurlutttly to ..,11 thr party, liar they have nu principle, 10 hurter) /rho v, owl I,reilii.xr llNr wan 14/14,1(firle 111 hecanne 14411 Waft. Sport. Flleh They tune out Itenlocrui, Tf . v tint the enel»V. 1;1) fin witti your Wirt N without heeding thew. From the dillereot sectiotis of 1'0111,1), lie.trd) Irnrrt , ti e have l•firstlintgllig report, 1 , 011 •Wrlirl un all 111011 a the line--new 1 . 11.111e4 are ruffling to et ery day -and if we but du our dilt) W II Al' E CAN in place of our Lundred 111 , 1 itirle y 0111 - cocirity will aive Us old lash totted figure of ()NS. Toot MA D. Demo crate let 111,1 worlt for !los. beware of the seeming lethargy of nolicale - they are doing their• work Iles tier rid to the ,lays of Know-nothing in cock lofts, fence corners and eornnehls Watch them ! Work I week !I WOICK If ! --SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER :to, IS TUE LAST DAY ON WHICH YOU CAS BE REUISTERED • The only way in which the enormous taxes that are now afflict:rig the people can be reduced, is by get ting the thieves and robbers out of the Stale and National Governments. By electing MeCANDLESB to the Auditor's office at Harrisburg, we insure a cor rect rendering. 4 the State account., and put is watchful man in a pOSIi1(.11/ where tie cars spy Out the rascality of the Radicals and bring the vifliane to speedy justice. - AND REGISTER HIGHT AWAY 1 Work I Work I Work ! V4lll 0111110 t expect victory withont Labor, Von have made it good ticket' but (lint ticket cannot be elected unless the i.otu comes to the poNs. The trite cannot be got to the polls without soutt 7 effort being (mole to get it (bete, Now, we advise the Demperats of the counts to go to work tight away. Do not wait for najlotly to tell you what to du nor bow to do it, but begin of Oliee by organi/ing your respective school districts and townships and I,OIOIIOIN. ' lll4l 01111 be easily done, without much individual labor, 1f Ilic the work istheitled anti at little expense. In each school district let there be it sub committee appointed to see door et ere Democratic voter gets out to the polls 1111 tiny of election; and at the 6mile time hai e a general committee, for each election district. It this plani be adopted, it will result in having n»r entire me at the polls, MI 11W Tai luny of ()Molter, which will Rive nn t)111 lashotheil majority. This ,trl, ‘ . 71 , 111 , 11 be commenced too soon, and et ben commenced let it be couunn ed to 111 the von.. ire !loser) on Ole llnv Id (01,11011. 'l,ttloor conquers all -- , ;.V11 , 111),l V, SEPIENTISVIt LAST DA y oN WIWI! yi)l' r 1N BE UEIiNITIiEI) '1'1,14 14 the bayonet rive. fader 1:1 , 1wal nelr, crer‘ Olin!! 14 now done at the twin( of the dngi:er. Vile Iwo are tomipt,l, rind, it they ngarn•t the outrn!!..,, n tyrna ruler at lVanli:agtoa rnlln lor bawl aoldierw, and la 4 n onr•e tree peopir'a pri,ilegem are crarified ! TI t• MI, It tOtiOitwittv with thi otitrupeomi that the Democracy ate the people 10 vote with them t •I tt , thewaill to prepare the way hir the iimictg of out - deliverer 111 1572. rim-v. 1111 , 11, Itctnucrttto, thud etrike ni rzb 1) blow for AIT a n d Lin ITEM I hi t - ‘er, lair and honorable Pll#`lllll , , 111 V Itn4licaln. nee trying t bete delent lieu iNfi Priitemtr nt ih•driet , the) nr•eert thnithe lienerzti 1,11 rallitiliC ili•drals that he 1i It Priole,itaiit lit . 11,14 C11,111"!•1• 111/ . 1 111111 k they Ilre• 1,1•0 Intl/ game 'Ube people, lioa e‘er will sot.t h,rl;el,er:d not because lie is IL I ' llth(lhe or a Pro( beeitiiee lie IM 11 find 110 111 ♦I "T N,. -- he Peptailleatt thin week uguit) rvvivt.. th.• I.tir.e letter bus' neon, and, 111 [V.., 1'11)1112111Y 4 ihr 11 , -1 11"11.0141 Cal %di Tilt lit. I , Not ONE tioup 111 i ll e toteittpt. to prit%e htl r We e,,,,rpier the a hole ihitog 1.t•ne:111, ‘,14( 10‘1111`1 1 . 1111 , 1 11111 y 11111111 . It 1 1 ‘14 MIN% Valor( oferlly }ltcoxw • to rt»ilit , 1.1.•• lootvp+ll !taw,. ANI) fiEtilsTElt 111'A Y ' 4n N . , v yr,' '. 1 ,1 e X le", nt (be late eke tiOII, OW I , l'llll/II 0.- ,101 A VTI \IIIIOIIIIII. 1)Clorl, Ow r v.,,) of 4,4 , x1 in Iv, Calltortmt, lomt. through dt touelm ut wiz. I ,,rik. Every het,. Ow 'mite Om, imp la to a glo (I , MM Dernorralit• InmoiJ, in 1,472 S objections to Treasurer NVot t he rllllllot get over !Ally it,g that \ tv 1/01/PSI, 1)4)41 ft gen tlenotn, TIME. II It 124).”1 deal more Dian too.t people are willJn to Pay of /limn Ileumerao off rhttc county, hear In mold the fact that We are to make an ellort thin la)) to bring our major+ t y to ~1•1 mane ri..!ort•m - UNIt SA %I. 1 . DOW( let thin e.wtue your memories, Lot li•l coor ottstotq elortn to (41 (ti 1 Tilt. Vorr, 1 1)I• kll/ fin Iy, Efig , iii been font on the Radical ticket for District Attorney etc,. lieehtled, Ui unir 14 u real clever fellow, arid we are sorry lie hair consented to thus sae. rifice iiimself for nothing, --- The earryirig of :ifairie by the liaibeals is like the taking of 'Holland by the Dutch, The nigier-lovere must be bar() up when they are forced to blow about that. —The entire Democratic ticket is what every white mart in the county ahould vote. Every man on the radi cal ticket is an endorser of negro suf frage. A Grant Rally Doan Ptatt emits tip the tottliteit of the Grant party in very short meter. lie onyx : "Let the Republicans rally. Let there be a grand rally. Let the cry,be John Sherman anti Denti•John A. Bingham, Grant and Murphy, a hi g h. protection swindle, and a root, civil service, gifts, itrii , es, general e lion and bayonets at the lons—ill one word, Grant ! We are Ora( t io a litiglitly de moralized ft i Another Letter from D, F. Fortney Eurron : Thu Republican of thin week, as usual, has but one thence, --personal abuse. Two columns are given to myself, while the rest is given to you, Mr. Editor, and that moot ex cellent gentleman, Mr. \Volt', The !twiner krttcle is like Senator Wilsoir's last reply to Judge 11laek, m RH tottelli as it tank one Doctor of Laws, 05113 d a tiognislked educator, and one—to prepare it. I have only one or two points to wake anti the I shall leave these gentlemen, and especially the L. G. D., to revel in Ills own COMID(10n. Ist. The charges made against the leaders of the Republican party, al teg,lng that they have been, and are still stealing the public hinds, destroy ing the public &mw', and corrupting the people every one knows to be true. There is not a paper conies to us, that does not unearth sonic new fraud, or charge, and truthfully, some new theft of twenty, thirty, filly or it hundred `nolhous of dollars, Evans loot leen permitted, through the duplicity of tt republican Governor, Attorney Gener al, Auditor General and Slitle Trettfol rer fir escape Ihe strong arm of the law, and flee the hand of justice. I Delver tint, and I never will, charge the raid, and tile of the repuhlicuu' l lily with helot; es ay.] H,.toDlieD , . The men whom they chose to fill places of trust and honor, are the thieves and robbers. They took your primitses and, Jildas like, %on betrayed them. The' rank and tile ol the I(epublielin party are beginning, to lee; and pee that the hard earned money Pilsen horn them, by tmvd. bllrdel,l l llle H . lHlelll 01 t/IXllt l ol l , IN not properly u.rd, ,when they NCI' hilly, as 14 sited by 1 . 01111111,0 4 11111er e. 111.1, 111111 10 collect it ciot , ts them " 4 16,000,000; when they nee IVlellrly that Ole republican ',alien, and orators metre mil, to voter lip Irandp, blunders and ptealingq (and it 14 1111 they ran do,) of a weak and iniquitimH a,lminlnlratiou,ihet will !trine in their row/ It 1111 t/ 4 1111 NC:711,110a net,loo . l r/1 1 114 1111/ be 11/1/V and COlflpit'idy over th ro wn, and buried Hi/ deep to UN 01Y11 (i)R1111'110 1 : and infamy, that (;abrwt, with the loud bluets of his trumpet, can not awaken it It will he remem bered fly the people through its ktia• very, villany, profligacy and iniquity. '_'lid, A word /1.110111 tie prrponal lit Ink that this celebrated Marine til Laws has made burr the people believe 1/111t mit pay him illy 1011, Ile iieter dui, 11111/ I litter will all 1011 WOl 1i for iur Nor my Cur.( wile), lie publishep, my check book 1.41,1iW9 that a check was drawn on the day of July, IS7I, papilde to Rar ge r A , tur `.. , 5,1t0 The bill, Just was pre4eided I.y th.l - 111.1e11,17 . N 1.41, )looter, and /./tn) )opt JI. t0rt...1.1,1f . .). I prel.llrne 1 (me him nrr more, or the 101 l would have eliown It I .10 not wonder at the doctor Cro forgetting that the Intl was It wtt.. ‘ery clone to the ith of and "eitlanoty water" wile (lowing freely, and the I, L I), wrot"how le that for logh." Itut Choi to not all rharne• terthtle ot the CoIone), fie 71 /1/1W and 7/ lender of the repuhherto purly, he wool') hurt. foe I vrot plea 1 ills e.) 1111111 to use the 1•1111111 . i111)11 1 •1 (II pity privitle title, Pelir (tumor -do 1.1.1 not lower thin would I,l` uwng tile 111,11111• ' 14 11111111`), Horljethirig Or MI. it 51 . , I.titer ,t..? Why doctor, It Nvoot , t Legie smog of I °Rill rimy nut Colonel, We fire not sorpre.ed lit the advice you gist` ; 1011 lire nerimloine , ) to ISt %u ri at ir it NIP, Tile perride . t4 money It not encrid lu sour e‘efl, You remetii het, doctor, the money eolleete , l from 1111.11 111 lietlerolllll`, It .41.0 rt throe ago, for the porpome 1,1111,,?, tenth i , to i.titrt of the G. A. Ii Colouted, .lint repeat what 1 elit.l I , etore, I 111// 011,1 a gam ofkoH visit where I please, ut Nair or nett 4,11)vr t.4,11111+, and whenl please, nlw VVlthuttliiiiittg the OilifiloON ui t h e limn du Doetrir and learned In a erintrovery nt thi4 hind, where Hien have 1 100,itig to Ili, bnt 11...+911 the pri%ate blisinesi4 ol another, it evince.. neither hritinit rider Henri. on their part I filial' now lelor the one gentleman, who iH a )»inger of Coe ./e,Tubbol.,4 ittliet., writ,H for it wilco the 'olettita) lla4 100 111111•11 "Clll/01014 waier,",(o the prom!-e to take good care of 111111 and lot. race when lie comeoi on the mtage. A word more about. 1,. 1)., and then 0)411 tale 110 11011. (11 111111 herealier Tone IN 100 preClol/hi 10 Vlll/411• on /MI/ or unv lie Lan about 111111 Ile word,' hate is 1 , 011/, I• lie pra% `iri (ISt', doctor; it 11411 H Ie lrl , , the 1,4 • • I.f 0414' trr the lammed. 11, would }lase the l,elleVe lie lute a character, hy r. .iig in contact with wen who hit, I leioe lion Io gloat 111 hoi uliyuu4 to rot and kiink m h i ., corruption. Prtretell, Colonel. God you I Yinin., truly, The Way it Works In 1869, 'lie Ih•tuocrnita upon a aotiiiii detimeratic platform carried Cal. iloroia I,y 800 majority, two out of the Ihree metoberit or Coo green, mid iii the Stoic Legnattture had a majority of 72 on joint ballot, 'lli Ili year, the harm cork democrats coo trolled the Strife Cdf ,, entimi ; pawed new departure rewhitionn, and the Fie publicana have carried the State by about 5,400 majority, elected two out of the three Congressmen, nail will have on joint ballot in the Legislature 34 majority. thcreliy aer»ring the elec tion of ,1 relinl.lu•a(t to succeed Cole in t lie 11, . 4 ,, -mate, I n 1.471) Ow Republicans carried Marne ' Tait; majority, the ileino crate figh (nig the campaign on a demo cratic platform ; this year they carry the State by about 11,0(X) inajority,the democrats standing neon n 'Jew depart tire platform. The above figures speak for them eel vet. ; eolament in u noecessary.— Are? saa - (V Forney Marta on a "atuwring" tour next week, RA DI CAL THIEVE TAX PAYERS, RE/ Appended We give a partial lis the thieveries of Radical oili,a n t H , commen d it to the carotin consit tion of every taxpayer in the land, is compelled to give it part of hist logs to malty good these stutienil robberies. Discourse, this only itic rt very small part of the thefts have been committed, abil we only th o se which Occur readily to recollection. The list. may be it nately extended and the faun loit lefaloationB and open robberies it reach a hundred millions befor end of Radical official corruptioti be reached. The Hathea) frlrCßfi malfre a ado about Fronde in the New city government. ("ranted that a a Hedged (ramie have °enured, the fret only the people of New \Milt while those appended u)lirt the ( country, 811111111 romp addmormill lii upon the lax ridden people of State, The following lint of fraud Inleations and thelte are certain] (intent of theitmelvet, to array the plc rtgai net the Raites) leader., have connived and attetsted In And now protect the plunderer., 1. There was woks, by It,• rollt.ctort+, up to the 181/1 01 1 , 0. 1871, sleepy - ding to 11fr 110111 onietn) rOntetneol to I 'ongre-H, IL of `_1t,710,78.;,a:1. Not on, °I fitultrrn has been prosecuted ~r tql to tirrount. 2. The government vessel, u; bearing S3,000,01)41 g, mem treasure was recited in the Indies and the money smiler!. dent Grant afterwards appoint., chief' pirate engaged in this lii to a hig`a office in Washington Ity the connivance tut II members of ('ofiresti, George laming, a mail contractor, was )11 a fraudulent claim of :! . ..61.10,(5,0 vices he never performed. 4 .1. Leal art) Hodge a pay t in the army, according to hie ow ledied con lefenowywole more than 0011 from the government. 5, (;corgi 11. Special of the State of Pennsylvania, r the Treasury of an Ifadiral State officials allowed hi escape arrest 6, Gen, roNtrtin 11, rllnnf l'ormernew ertiliczth,l rie,ghborhooil of '....:1141,600 Ife continued an P.mirmihtur Lr lie 'folio W. Norton ter of New York ran 4letlat,or amount of ‘:..115,0011. He large and Irlc rly 1n renlatn As ive ha>•e already Hai() thrq n Pronll portion of the robberie muted. What Is yet to come sorfnev no Irian Inn eonjectorl every taxpayer look at the stir 111 the tollov% trig . I= 44,',1,1.1;7,i,y..x..1,1 I g I ,i•N ‘ l , N 4,1 INISE • I ' llE N F:11 , A fmt VENT The , gument 'tray.) by the lifftlo..tra the rotNervative party W 1.14 hut, in proems 411 11111 e, the loyal' got .0 he synon,lllollo 'lbw) ' A 'loyal' WWI kno be Illesert pen! eon let, like our 'f 17511rgee, or a provectfve e, Igte r. k. seott of Ohm, or .1,0 ititt..4ards Ita), or rillyloll of till Nati Ittery ratable. So It ram,. 14 that `rebel' 11/18 710 urgum , ltt and it ne•v oue bas been let /sof /V 'l' loyalintm chat Brant ham !au hr., 1.41/1411 relit( g veK nit, ton 11'01 and reeving,' Igle position they reply klux. Tell thfit he hat, put ,T the hight,t of the Go‘ertitnent for sale ).11,) his lliilitllllslr/1111011 fl `got rnlo and Ihcy annwer---'ku 1.)) Ole I lint he has Organ IM) N rift le 4 id thieves, one of other ti and the other of detectives to the former, Ihey meet poor rat Is, With the argument - Itlon them that th e t,oternment i, g to toe curt .1.11 1114111. /.11 , 1 Mori t.tralihr,) /Hp) it, tiNerthrow yutir )iticize !dux ' them that (11,tr vNt e(ii tt Calcillated to matte Ih rteiter, and the poor pwrer, nn reply -'l.ll Sell iherti 110111 , 4 matirlry, at,tl it rural elitt•rprlKe IL ertaetied loot amd that the rtmoiry IN t coming It natio,' of shurper., answer—'ku ,, k X.' 1) F. 1,1)1C1'NEI I?.ittiway fietifly Iteliel e ur" di-eases, from clincer to ringer and rump them itiKtattity. all the lions to (Irnnt•a adtmitiodratio eanre•lr , all the advantage,' of ' httet that adrafitatr,t that any donkey eau wit! IL The beetial white nod ignorant ue•h repeat the argument tia Kltf iv moat learned thief, bolding office llta Excellency, the Pretidetit United Sutra! •the dear old Souther Home, nnothvr ooltage 111(4/..%Sel , 4 . 1 , 11)1 , 11 ‘ , Oll On711 . 1" 1 1/ el/ 11,/Jil/ , 1 rill/le al) the I E/1 Ru.Nt l n to Long Brunch to HI growl boil at the Continental, an flatly refused adininsion. What nee of fourteenth at d fifteenth I menta rind eivil righie bill, it e negro militia °nicer+, covered with gold lace, can't go into an room and trip on 1111 , llght In It111011;2' I lie 'while tratih' to their and bre I,' content. What They Have Stolen OVER $25,000,000 I SO FAH DETECTED! If ISI' I'ITI 1. 4TI( MEM! OE