The Democratic Watcriman. BELLEFONTE, PA AN OTHER HALF MILLION STOLEN BY H A RADICAL OFFICIAL! He Makes a Full Breast of . The Radioal Treasury Depart t Re sponsible. Let the Ta -payers Reflect. WASIIINGTON, September 14,--The following is a complete copy of Major ]lodge's letter of confession : \VAHIIINOTON, (~ Sunday,'Sept. 10th, 1871. Gera. 11. W. Brice: hut: -1 have to inform you that If ant unable to close my account, and t h a t I owe the frightful amount of about $.150,000, which Hum I have 10+1 daring the last few , years in stock speculations, koing deeper in the hope of retrwoing myself. I haven() exeuve or antwation of toy course to oilier, and propose to take the fall Colleppienee4 of Inv FM. I had thought a week ago of escaping from New York, lon hello,. lace done better in Teti:ruing here to deliver myself tip as I felt I wan bound to d,„ I trio of course make no pre lease of excuse for the systematic he cell. I have practiced on yom nail the u Jtfintage I have taken of the oflieial pwown I have held, and feel that you e -pecially have suite folio justly inex ° rabic against me. I have been led on lo the i nfatuation that always attends the course I entered on, hoping .always to recover my loss and conceal toy crane I hello eit is really a relief to he lowed to 411,00% ery for 1 hate been in a hell on earth for years, and the alternations of hope and fear I have gone throngli and the constant care (0 104,1 4141.'6011, were becoming too strong. 1 de,ire to turn over all in proi , erty that I have, as a HUM]] s, t :1;:im - 1 my dcniciency, and alter giving ass oilormation that will as,wt in set tling my accounts, or if p o ssible in re . CIO vri II!! It portion of what I have lost I C‘ p rt to take the full pnio4hinent rut aided fir ins offense. Jii...tice to two parties in this city, thr00,..,h whom I hail some specula (1011 .4 , I aWI (0 stale that they are perfectly innocent of any knowledge that I wits using public hinds. There are small balances with each of there parties to my credit, w lICM% Cr the He el/1001 arc closed. The 1 wade acre almost entirely in New York with one house there, whose accounts 1 hold subject to your order. I en deavored to !mince them to wake good the amount lost with them, which thoo knew was public, money, but they have retuned, I hate been Irving to make up my mind to this conression for some days, at, , l , tas on the point of doing co this morning in your (Alice, but I could hot bring myself to say it, and wanted time to write. My innocent wife, whorl , I bt to I itiformation will kill' tot 1,/ wlt.ll. I II cc 11,1111. till or the author' I= - I,,,sihie, some email SUM hcr. I el.chele the keys of fie.l It leo \ 'musing all f arena r A . v preeellt. voriel)- ere, A c lire In the hand• of my clerks, who in all of them perleet Iv Itliweetit. of !toe knowledge of nu den. lenev . I shall remain at an house, No I• 123 K street, till informed what action ton have taken concern mg me There is no ''ear that I w go tot ay oow (Signed ) J. I.rul Attu 1101 , GF. Paymaster General Brice says, Hits morning, it , s ill appear upon Olt e.ii gallon ilint the Treasury Department ry responsible lor the failure or the Government to discover the defticot tom sooner. General Brice 111 40 derlo+ the report that 110,Ige, alter had first been itiotrlied to hint. on+ al h,wed to draw litlV cheeks en••it an were neces.lan' 10 1r fl.+li•T• 1 11 , 1, done wf rile ot the l're.ident met the hued'', t,.tteeitez, I lel4ll plueea, I. 1111 1,11 141 . 11.•miti %PIO 1111 , 11 t IY Oat II at Ig.nit lento N I 11l ,11111ke• exete , e. , for the Pre-itlent nbout thin s o ho-itnney tweets Ilene, ter n c01t. , , Irrshir , te.unlly (dawn thnt tt I. n at man who mice lo the proper ollioer4 ilodges dm-0,4 Inez rex yearn rive the war hate amounted, an the reeords idlow, to IM enormous tram of '429,371.410, for int% Ille •I•hr• liun ranging lima I,alr harldre.l iolke Bred 11,01'g:tint pet mouth Theme large da.liareetlienia, with !lie neee,tary erealla, hate allorded hint opportunity for the tilitrendoits Irauds which lie covered tip by menus of Itlee 711 iii fralolaleat .)111. rel.irr,. -I,lle !mom,' ~t .1 by vlirebil ex•yultitlittum, 14 $473.9.P.1. --Get regktered, in order that )(iii ni vutc EvAN,, the rail' , al cinli //lyr. a , .(1 hi, huh( al ha( kyr, —A 111•••• ,011111! 1111111 /11 Portland kepi I• 1 .d• In • 11110 1111.11 . 11.10 W 1 I 11 Mgr ritll Indy milli II1• 1 ,1 1111 , her ,ave handl, r , he 11111101 at liyr noon'. Alter having Ilia honey eel, II yvam explaine , l that she Was only shak ing some apple perlinga front a nap kin. Pur Ti ST TllEtl, VF.YOCHtTS t -111 F 1.11 1 ,. (rind. Let 'be people Is POW all nl , ntlt It, Wnl,e tip votir neighbor• to US import 101( . 1'. 1)1111 . 1, la the Re. publicans Ike'. till they itive.tigitte the whole enbjeet. Show them II e figure' , bringing the twit; er home to (mr paverm. Make It tell. Leave nothiiK undone dint may give tie hnels, once more. an honest lUItI conntitutionnl government.--Brie Obsery r. --We always have had WO wenth er Beater. We have noticed it a hun Bred 'inlet'. EN AN.;, the radical State agent, stole from the tax-payers of the State $391,000. The radi cal officials who knew of the theft refused to have him arrested. Ile has left the country girth his shire of the stolen money. A vote for the radii al candidates is a vote to endorse such outrages. New York Fairly Beaten Our great Democratic city of New York, with all its wicked expenditures —and some of them are wicked is fairly eclipsed by the new Government at Washington, a city of 109,199, nil 01'131,700 in the District, to nearly 1,000,00 here. Here are the fame The old debt, and pretty much like our old Supervisors' debt, wan estimated by Governor C,,hke at :::3,335,121, including 1,000,000 floating debt, though claims lor only one-half Ihnl amount have been presented. Since tlcat. time 0 T disyx, appropria tions and lolls hate been passed which ewer the tollooil‘g progtainme of inlitnre find Mold : Tempors, 1, %,, . . . in lona ror 1.01•10. %York., . 610100 111 Now %VW, 111,11t1 .... .. i , 4.01,11.111 ill Arilroprialo.oo .: 1,....12,141 - , 111 Approproll Om. Jro snlarie, 2vb 0,0 10 1.,+01 lor . i100,0,e1114.1104 4,000000 iml Special lasi .4 for 1,1111101 work,. 2,000 MU 1/41 I:tam - linty 111 Pied ffffff It 111141 l'o tolo/o• Itiolrolol 64,11,000 fill work. prior to July Por Ito:trl of Ilealtts Throe ...... ihq .1 new g ,, e'nrnent 5 lo+ii 41 uld ,1,1,18, Inn' Iluuung i .14.\ 12f rlo EEO lit the short term of one litinilred days, the Legislature, manipulated l the Board of Public Works, hate ac tually voted attar and passed lolls in volving a .1, 1.1 ni.,l onot,y of vtvt AND 111A1.I\•411 I.ol.l.An'i, lor which the people must :inswer ut Taxation 110‘erniii Cooke e-tininied the expel, diturem at '*-800,0011, ahieh, upon lice basis of n re-% emu , of $1,500,000, umild leave i. , 700,000 fur improvements. The ordinary expenses largel) exceed don. lie his figures, and II his present plans should I , e carried out, the mien.. alone on the existing and propow I debt would require over hull a million of doll a - - F. E.rprris. ;0 and get registered at one e The vote of e‘er) %%line man in the «mnty is needed to de feat niggerdom and its t hie% ery ha( kers, 0 EVANS'', friends. --Senators Sherman, 111 orion rind Harlan al-1• lon 1110141. 11110111 g the 111011 who toll. 'Ilion( the ihrilioneiity of Dew °emit., and warn the people against placing power in their kande lio‘% stands Ilicir own record? the Fi re l 5 rsi 01 1)01 1-011. answer. "Take Senator Harlan, for insiniow, who 0.11111. 10 (:0102,'1 t.,1 a 1110.1 ear. 1140 Iruni 100/4 11, 1/001" 111, a 1 ur II 11:101-0, all.' 101 lire salart 4.1 n 1'....4re-nooou ,1101 r. tar) Of the 1 11:1•r1 , 1r, inn bUCOIIII.I our 01 11 111 11110101 1 0-1 of the conntiy, awl has elegant iesi.lernies m boil, 10004. 1.1141 W. 4 •1i11 0 .1.1011 el And Seitlitor 01,31. 11•10 1110.1 tr. 1111Ve .11.1•11 1111114 , 1 .1 1 41041 a money dorm_ :2,-1.1.11 'ern.. One of our sill. places ...e Iry iu.n di! Indutuo, es Hi r+1 , •1010 • iht• /IN Ole Y.I 1(1111W11 (hat he cart.' to 1,. , kik 1.51 i 1, pretty ....I u, "I'llese ale the wen ••IN II %VW not .1.. to trust 04 , 100 r I hr 1.0 . 01de will interpret their a. i I, kikk kr ;tell," -- —You have only a tew (LIN It he registered in. If you fad 0) attend to it NOW, you 'nay tur I= I roPttom 1,1,41, 1t...1 .1, It • lir-6,11 . • ilept 11-in, In II I' I•dhoWin.z. lin. 11.1110. ,, in Ii 1r 1144 c4 , tititry that entitled to a fralitte. , I . X - nrnpl” of the Chief Magistrate, however, doing uilechief Our public place., are full families Ihnin ken MIMM stupad bIIDS, and icarllares eou.,uia abotlll4l 111 tha Federal oltlea , through Chi, hind, and greatly dern,,ralizo thu pub- Ile eon tvo. --Get registered! Get regis tered at ont'e ! You have snly till the 30t h of this month to attend =3 ---A rural youth or 0.,.t0 nn.thieen muititorm invested inn It ittaua in the 'ars the other dav lle earehillv IT • Illooh I ! i.,1 . 1I • ‘I I rtilU tat the Beat h% , , hen 1.. Itrohe the Fruit 111 , loh ns o!O 10111112,' tl itrixtonnly ns 1,, I,d ,o WI en this att., done he picked op the peel, shook it in his lap, and finally threw the piece.; out of the window, remarking an he did no, 'That ' s the flint of them prize packages 1 ever bought, an' its the last, you het.' --Remember that the Registry list eloies on the 30th of this month. Bti FOR TIIE lames S Morgan, an ex titeittlierof the Lexiehittire front Allegheny county, WR , week sentenced to one year in the penitentiary for having defrauded Uncle Sam out of sonic internal reve -toe. --One point about some murder et , in that they 'take life' cheerfully GARTERS.—Sumo Neu E.otland Mrs. Daniels, we beltete—antahm of the Daniels conic to judgment—llan in vented a new tangled app ite ntu i for keeping the ladies' stoehing, up,which to Hupere Ale tile I'l.lll 11011111'M MA I,ol_2litly gaiter. It, ma) do well for those in I io 1.111 !IO- U 1,14 rlllll :11111V u i I Mb, hilt tier Vlr• i.lll.lll'ollle, 1110 ti 01 Ii ii cit to any of the necessary adjuncts that go to make up the perfect inold.6l lorni, and can keep their garters on and stock , ings up %%1110iiii re ,, ,irting to say new inventions. What will the Yankees ask its to surrender next? The gar. ter is an old arid cherished institution ; and, althongli the tdadie nivention itli the buckle has liven invented by many city belles, the free born an I tin contentionnl country girls still stick to twine and tape, and other string , : tome et en using as a tic the primitive wisp 01 straw. We will have none :it this new fashioned hip ;uiachnrnl gearing We are true to our ancient ties. It is a direct as.,nilll upon our civilization—it blow aimed ill oar gar tered riglits--and we will ieseia it while we have a leg to stand on. I.a- Met he !rile In your Qttickieg-i lei! lite bnnnri 01 111 t• /' 0111, :1 1 10/ will,' 111/01111 that It, tit ilir grandest tinier vier !able-lied /hint got/ evil 111 , 11 q l uny :1101 Olen/ 1/.. 1101 it 110111, \ 1/11,4 01' but will rtli% lillll, 1 110/ 1111.:, 11101 tll/4 his 1:1.1 1111)1. id 1.1004 ui defence it the gatli/1 11g , i1/. 01 women, aml cry I ttnVti IS It it the Von 1,, 4. 11111110110/y I /it , he: opt 1 1:II griiirt. on IMI Gut icgNten,l ' Get rtgi,- H tured at um t• '• unk E CITY iuiti• the (sod, $12,7. - Ai '4l'l 41 I= - Lien (itant Ple-i.leht how for 11S1) tenre 11•111 1 h/111. 1V 1111 in that perno.l there Int.. been enlleeted 7ne..neet fully 111%11e ill. , numerntim rvaill , rm or lucre ihnn ... /.18 , 0(x)0,00). IU 0 ,1,1,1 11111 1 10 h i , L t ! •:100 , 000 , 000 the WatrhninF, '1 I'll 1111).1 1111•11. nnegnnllod ',tore froth the mock of properly, 11fi1,111 , 4 ' , 1.11111,1i1111,W0 in .11 It is 111.' 16e I',lll IM 1111111' 'dent In II I, nII (tx),it the pn6llc de b t IL li , Uu 16:11, F1110:11. . 1 1 AND 1/11ME8111' 1/Itl 11111 /DS, 1%1,111 1111. 111.1•0111 e 1/1 1111' her ..9011. IN/11,01141! :thy one tell? --7111NIt) ttoil 11.11.1. 111 Dt 1111.1,1, .1 9 , XIINV 1,•;, 1., run 161. I ;.11, and get iege.tered at CA It PETS, on( The %lite ttf e‘ery %% bite man in the «minty is needed to de NuTItiNS, teat inggerdoin and its thie‘ery ' hat hers, GI() month iso)Ts, ---it the dntti.l Wll - til 111111itittil •Ill' It her duty with lii•r -- )11.4 the 11~•werr turd tree t arid writ, it I ter Iht•henutttul s be cult!, .0 , 1, liir dm- will her thiaight, be 111/111.• I Tiwv hale the 1.4.111.• 1,1110 I/1 4WI•1•1. /111411.,1.1y Refinement c. 111 1 ,14 a 1.,v0 .if all I tiling , beautiful - I l cnx v nhcr that tlw list ( loses on the 30thot this month - --.kt) a,24), Sl/1111"n1 nr• 4 . /i1114,r11 , 3 Nitip line shirt 01 his leteli Sine(' theft. In tu• In Reellllllll.ol . tilt]• NVllat the .1 , 11/ . 1. rnn n nl to, .1, stilh tru 1111111.111 Pislll ', lll 1.1 !lint 1111 . ( , :1 ,11 1 Nll% OW Vl'llll l,l .11111 New ILnup-I1in• ,Irt ,1 re . 4•1 .Ir,tt% ing I • 14. peep ter. the 1111/11111,i111• In 1.1 . 1 . i 110 -.1111 rl-e ' • lieorge, ii-ked a is .mst r ',mishit school eldss, ',elm e all others shall tuft first e I It to see when sal Wet to liens en? With a litre t.rigl, telling lip with 31,111ov:woo the Hilts It Ilow Olmsted, riitili -- SOlllO «1 the 111dge..1 111 ;11, Louln 1110/0 101001 It Ilere.k.ary In 1111111111 1110 ht , vt er,. that the% rail 1 ((t nerve Iwo bars at once The 1 t't:t /111 Le 1/I 801110 01111( . 111 dortc.g. ciairt proceed led 1,, 1111....11V111111, -- ,;.ibe, an old bachelor shows his .-loelongs ‘vhich he had just darned, to a Maiden holy, who COll temptuously remariss 'Pretty good for a man darner.' Whereupon, Squab bles rejoins, 'Yes, good enough for a woman darn her.' -You have only a few days left to be registered in. If you fail to attend to it NOW, you may for- ME -DKvt of 14. ATM i the tune fir action has arrived You aro called upon to do your duty, and your whole duty. The eau paign has fairly opened,..and the t i ny f b a ttle a pp! ow: 11,1 11 you would ai hievo victory., go to wO: k \\ li s t in Waliled isrouipleleorganization Si , CO it that this in rll curd With it Ili, pay is our own --- A hou.eholder, in filling up his 1,11,11.1 helll4lllllo, Wider t fill heading \Vero horn,' doseribed one of his chil dren as , horii in the pai tor,' and the other 'lip stairs.' —A client reworked to his solicitor 'You tiro writing my bill on very rough paper sir.' "Never mind" was the reply o: the hitter, 'it has to be filed boron, it 0111108 into court ' —Prosident Grant ilitsw, rs n tondo• of hoviislity by the Gint , tlll Ulubuf tt, 1 , ,11 • he will 1.11 , •et Ih , 11 h •r I ilth<4. l September, but in 11 ,, i %. I 1,1 g 1 Id° W 1 1401114' 110 can Phil , 11111 , I 11111101 11, /11.1 --A holy friend of "ors is about to marry the man who tondo t er hosbund's toinh-stone. We think ho did a favor whirl] drerrvos such n r word. Dry Goods, Groceries G REAT EXCITEMENT A BOU'l M.:A.; \N I) COF I , 1., ES I ( NEI; NEW hoT op' 'rFAS AM. (:( TEL:. ; A I :11'11.1. !A)W ER PHI( Km. =I Sold al 50 we aro selling at $1 25 125 1 00 I 00 1104 t ai eh. It I edili•Vll to 311 cent!. 311 'Olll.O 211 CALL AND IL THEM Mid Wo .111 gWirautoo you eau P '2l per Hold only nt the Ageney of the AM ERICA N TEA CuM PA NY lf ISM G. B. PRI Es'l"S Trimming, Notion , . N.trioty•storo I= In 2111 m y) UNGA,DEVLING, 1V11 , )1.1 A 1.1: 01. DEALEIN:IN ill '!f(' 11. I r, .vER.I On Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, •,111)11.-- (;I{t wEit I Es. A:C CI !RAP EST GOODS In Central l'ennay I viola THE TIMES DEM CND EXI9 I l l IDN protilitlin , - am! ticeimion In Iti1tIllett8; lIMII untice Without . 1 1111)1plitig; oloarenesa V, II 111,11 t col!) pilleiOn oUlt ONE I'RI('E C. D. D Hyntem thin .limmod, ,liepenming iln INinetilrt imp). tinily, and mt llio tin! A N() N \N , STORK I 1.110.1,1 Ili A,;.0 pit II Hlurh 11. 00u 0 S EVER KEPI' lA' A roc Nve \ I'ORF, li +• 1,1,11 111/01111i1 ill the Store room at Z I 0 N, IA MUSS, BETZ ct, CO The ,- me xrlling Asp)Nr4ltlNlii.Y CHIP PLEASE CALL AND SEE THEM. 11311= it' l l/ I/ St (,111,1•4.11r4 to 1.0%1 A M 311), ) oltim 1.1L4 A I'lolll4lu \ DEILI..II, Alh , gh«.)y Btiv.l, liellerottle flaring ply-eh:toed the ettenelvo etoro of l,evl A Miller, the proprietor+ take',lmmure bt annotineing to tho poblie that they will keep conntatitly on !laud, the eholeent 0 ROC El It I HS, P I{OV OWNS, SPICES, FRUITS, &c. In he found In the mark° EV ERY TO INO AT ALL TIMES In= W EST PRICES NEW 0001)s A I) NEW PRICES. =I IMIIMIEMONII Would respeelfully inform the esrld and the 1 , 64 t. or mnulclud. Ow Liley h.r, 0 pod opened out, anti are daily reserving a lan • STOCK OF COODS OF Al.i. K.NDS whleh they are ollerlng P 1 the t et.) lea or. rear Lot le tee. Conaimling of the Intent atylea of Figured nd l'hun Alfineam, Vigo! 141 anti plank all Wool Delatine Shepherd Plahht, Il6erk SUCH, Snowier Hlllcs, liinh Portion, While hmtsh.. 1%11 Ito Connier panes, !Atom 1111111 ooILOUSIIVI-I111,0.,(.11111 . kM, (lhlghlllll., 111 , 11111,4, Flainod, et, 811epliel II PIAUI 11.411111,0111114,,111nek (30111 CoAstiovri•n, i•lvoint•. Corduroy, Koolovkv .loloim, Inllir. Loollen ('looking, 19n I'olotl4, M 11,pellant's and Plaidn of Vit r o w Colors. A full lino of 1 1011., Cluutlmor,., gminett t , unit VtUnigri, ill Inn Mid 11,11,4, whueh Will Le eilld Cheep %%in Inner e..ll+l . lllliy 1 , 11111111‘; large n nit xlll nilnCled nlnvlc nil all {chain of 'rarAcr p , (II 01 . 1 1111, rfr , Whl.•h e.. will 1i.p,e,0 ..f ul Ow very 11,vreml pricer All kni,l4 of Potinlry prodro•o i n k,n m i tx elinnito fair g 0041., awl the highr•rt tintrlwt prl eer I= FOr fevi .4,01.111..1 01111 .11 lull `nit yl,lll . 0,4,4 /14 114.11 n. V"., Alit , u u 11111 WA Yti AIIE \I) , A ~ 11, EX tu•s 1.1 ;1 i1 1 t .. 1 11 . 2: 4 “ \Olt 1 g " ; t run,4 .. " ;:l ' i ' l ' o r ll:. 4 ft ' Ilio 101 l 4,1 illpi n =1 Talc' , thin Metil l . 4 lll( nttnouswmg to their n1)- 111,011', that they lair.• from the Enitt with n u.•w Un.•nt iit" NOM' mumble P . 4 )11EiliN Al I) Uu 1t E.STIC litttittS, Which h 0, ,, wro lit much wive, lhgt ptirl.lki4ork will llwri It to llwwr 11110fOgt to hity ig them. 1 hri r naock 1 , 11110140. ur =1 All kind. of eonniry pr".1,•0 taken In Pi o.llllo' f, A %LEX 0;1.1.11 HON Books and Stationery. TII E )I)F:1, Itoui; stock and largest L iviN(isr,)Ns WIIDLESALE AND RUA'', pusUe it ory of the if,..eks or the "American 11. S 11non, mei keterieste Tract Soetely" end roll eJectie ut (heir 1 . 11131014110 p1c...., the en. p ',pa 01 sell agetiln, le the I . ontraly notelthehtnelirtic lie would spry Itt theme t,peentled In .S.Plettli school/I, ittet tbring the pit 1 ;Ping eoarelly 1P1r1111:11 . V. he will tilt order. tot he'll 1.04 . 0/11p1011Pil by it re -1.011.1h1e mane, g3t ir4l; 3 I redit of three 111..11111. =I 1 1 1 1)WIN H. KINSIME, Surreal Ir to Sam' I L Barr, devil (#001) COMPANIES clod) urol NIIILII.II Fire, I.lru and Aeeilleii* l'olivem wunnu mop/ attention yaw. In 11, roolleeltnn I . rty, Pension. anti all other elating • Soldier. who onlleted before July 241, 186 811.1 were honorably ,118ehertred without revel leg the 81n0 Bonet> , are now .•Iltltlt'l to It 1,1 , 1V1N 1! kINSI.O.E, BoM No 7.1, Bellefonte, Ps. It- I. outcry., to Sane/ I. Barr, deed Notlee In 'hereby given that the first Install ascot of Five I /oilers por share to the Capital Shelia of the Lewisburg, Centro, anti Spruce Crock It It , subscribed In the Townships of Barris, Potter, Gregg, Penn and Haines, Centre County, will be payable on the first day of July. 11171, and the subsequent install ments of PIVO Boilers per share will ho due and payslolo oil the flrq, day of each succeed ing mouth, until the whole is 'nod Payments of the above installments are hereby required to be ensile 10 ills Treasurer of the Co , at the oilier of the I . lllltro County 11.414111 g Company, Bellefonte, I'a. JOSEPH I,F-41.1 , 5, Trrnsurer. FLOUR, N B Any perann dralrl uF, ran pay the whole oft at once. it pav)))e nta are not punctually made the law alluca nee per rent per month to I nharged In addition Adorns —for 111,4 elnn4 Pianos—sent on nn,l—no Agent, Addro U. R. PIANO k. 4;15 Itomdway, New York. in 36 4w Dry Goods wimsn IMMEMB3 Alr" - HOFFER & 11101. S 44 DNA GooDS =1 I= El= plot jtiogi JULIIwo received Me rec el%e•d the received lice Imrgeo.t. .took Isrigeht .took largpkt k that ever came that ever came that ever 1,11110 10 Rolle f4 , ntti 1.. liellefonle t.. Itellefonle K r and 01 I, go on I nee 1,,,0 and nee 0111,411.11..4 HUSH 11,11*!,E =3 BOOK 41ORE MEI (.1•1, itiok.rhon How l.rll•.Ionto Pa Insurance eI,A IM A NIP I INSIIItANcE AGENT LOW RA T P ROll PT .s'ETTLE.II &VT OR LOSS RS Miscellaneous ',II, or ',IF Le %%1 tot 140 CZYTKZ Avn Hrituve LK It It Co , l'loludelplon, .1 ono 13 IN7I. Hotels and Saloons i3osll liousE, BELLEFONTE, PENNA Title elegant hotel, having come under the Pupervirion or the tnalersignerl, they would respeetlly annonnee to the ituttlie that they are itrtTstretl to Ite,,tilimodale them after the atyle of the hod hottht.. In thy Cities. 'rho Bush lloutte is a magnificent building, splendtally faral.hett, and capal•lo of comfortably ILCCOM. ',iodatin g TI I SEE,' I I N GS, El) U MTS. It Is situated near the depot, and convenient to all places of lousiness, and Is tho best hotel In central Pennsylvania Its waiters are oblige mg, polite viol attentive, its tables are sup plied with every luxury in the Innrket; ite stables are first elass,w ith attentive and humane ',ostlers, and its bar supplied at it li the hest of liquors, Fir guests from the Imor to spond the simmer It IP ptsl the place! The proprietor will be happy to receive the public as silos ea they atoll to call CLEMENT , ' A. 1,11 W H. Proprietors. 11271 if \UM A N'S jr GARMAN, l'n,rnetor. Tlll4 11,11g-0.11/11/11.111,1 and null known Hotel, mi'n'e., nn the mottlltetod corner of the'lll.. 1111111, 0111/11.110 1111. C.lllllllOllllO, having been pnrehictell 10) linniel German, he ntinotincee to the forincr patron., of cetabliqhment and 111 (1111 traveling nubile generally, that he ho', LI iotighly retittt4.l hln bonne, and la pre: pitied 1., rvntler 111,. 'wont sat,..l l m.l..rynt.eoni. 1111111.11111 n I.'llll 1, ho may tat or hint with their pal 1 pt.liim 1,111 1.4. ?litre., on hie Ll. to add 1.. the v.11,0,110111' 1.41111(Ort of 111. 10W... .k 11 O 110 1.1011 ,1111 111111 1,111 find Ito. mid., ..11pli111 , r1 V.llll Ole most. ..innetwam 1,1.• the 111111'.. 1 .1 11l 1.110111, Juno app 111 M.YIO I.V 1 1 / 1 . 1110.1 . Nl,llllllll oohs. Ate Bar a ill 01, 11.. . Md. opt el Minors. Ilc...itahling In 1111 , 1,1.111110,11.111111 1111111/My/ I,l' /1111.1111,1 11W 1111111 at. lentive hit.t bet •. 1.11.. 111.111.1111, ono and On. 1 he n et. I,.., n ti,ft e d tutu 110 1f....,111111..i11111. lieu! Lie h, .1 m nt, which dw tug,. 1.11,11 n1.....1.1 0111 'ii .1 ;41.1111y :0 their rsnlo 11111 \\* rnetor BELLEH)NTE PENNA. ' I Iv• un , ler.iKned litt‘lnkt n•milrne.l vortrol 1.1• , floe ode ~,111•1 re- ..... ilully mak the rpet onnue r! tho pul,lle • Ile e 100 prepared to 11,, , P111111 , .41Att. 111 Illu 1044 Mt of odyle, and will take. al. , !toil hie inbles 'aro plipplind with th e b ee t ~, the uutrLet iiood maiden attached 11l the WWI o . ltrefill 1.1.1 attentive ler -11101., 1,111.11. • or., 11111111 d to give we ettenil,inv.ll , .ll-0,1 roll I b• 2017 N' TI4)N \f. II()TEI„ 1..1.11E1M, PA V" oprietor r ote•ti 11;14 tititifirfthl. property, 11,, P , "Pr ,,, • , r 1,t10• + pl. tottite• lit informing his tri. lb it Ill' hits re•titte.llltrtti rettirninhed It Inan t.pp 14, 1 •kitotii ttttot prepared 10 AO tatitel.ttltitt• I rtit s nod tot he, 111 Atttyle that with pr.., ill tinily nittl.traelttry, but If w by any in he tttlittr, II i+.11‘111.• I. litrl4.• 11,1.1 Ili 14, and to attended I ex rf . ri1 . 111,41 11/1•1 nit..llllll. wdlern 14-2&ly Tobacco T ultA 'llll., 111,1 'IIIE It FAIT 1 1 kT N. 111:1•K WHATELEG.k N PLUGS, IVII AT ELEGANT PLUGS, HIS I. I \I•I SEH HS =1 T///: BE.Ni E STA TE, T/I I.: IiF.HT IN THE WORLD Ills FINE CUT, lIIH FINE CUT, 'IIIF. AND 'I HE t HE‘I•F_,I• 1 N T ( ) IV N nettle,.lwr in Store No. 4 11.41 Hulel 15 '.lllf, C H; AILS A N TOBACCO! SA NIUE!, LIPTON, IE!!1=E1 Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c lilti :VS NEW It( 1.1)INU 4 'orner of Allegheny and Itlnho Street• li EFI INTE, 11.... t ono.: tt and tol.otto ollwny.. on and Call 111 11.1 I rk Mont it 1111•111 i uud 111 1 / 3 ot t ioltotons lorutolt. It. I It Stoves and Tinware. ENS NUR! - In neither Greek nor L lain, hat tr •Implyy the Vottlfloposed 0141 , of tin itoottottott that hiti become mu fa miliar as looots.. hold *void+ —and has reference dirrotly to that MAMMOTH HARDWARE F.STABLISSIF:NT G. S. FLAW AL, nn iiiiiToprlately 11t1111.41 the IRONSIDES /.1 Isms' I ronsl•lss"—Alan ul SIMI= on+ 111 In notion and contlsit pl its IA I lie tnonli nt namt4 ,ako—lll I hut, It Is lII'TO 'l'll F. TIM and deem deliver ileillier brondoldem twlatifilt range In the shape of CIEME! EDI! MEI= SHEET I HON, besides ten thousand other muwiles, than any other netabllehmente 1.1 the enquiry. Being new permanently anchored at PHI LIPSBUG, MEE armed and equipped or the fall trade. and wit it tr determinalinn te.iendereell all mailer erafteethilly soliell.4 your order. vt2n4h, ('( 01 F., A N SEE., u()NIE AN!) SEE, COME AND BUY, ('U ME AND BUY, TII IC SW lEKTZST, TIIN SWEICTUT =1 and lIARLPWARE.