Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 22, 1871, Image 2

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    The Democratic Watchman,
I've Idea.' the dark fringeil or. 111 down,
I've anotheil Iheo int. , q u iet
Thou enna't not gently chide, nor Iron n
So I a loving watch will keep
So sleep, beloved, In that soft rest
"That knits the rat Pied sleet., of core
No (twittering thought disturb Illy breast,
Or wake the deei, pew, slumbering then
Ah, in that nnyittie, Lolus hind,
Where, thy proud sanders free,
Feerst thou no soft dentin mu
Cotnes them° no glimmering thought of the
No Irentrt of a hat our 11,,0+ 11,16 ,
Of a hat titry nn , aud Ina)
No rnapt perceptll , ll .t.•ltlott;
Of all thou art, my nweet to toe
Would I eoultl look upon ill) head,
And read In letter., will In and clear
Whose the loved 1111/441 , mot 11111111
To thee or all the nor',' a , 0 .0 dery
Steepen , ah, no, awake, awake
Wlitn I no longer err thine eye..
Such sad thought" into beteg Mena
And all my life In terror till•.
I fear thou hn , it no love for me,
Liko that whirl humw within my heart,
And in the rai, that are to he,
li, ea will slow ly Iffit apiut
)14 noir gite li.worltti{ sign,
Till 111 “orfli [lint I 0111 denr,—
Ihsprl torturing Lays !of mule--
110 W Cllll' , I (111.11 4 411,p Nile. I 11111 near'
What must be Done in Order to Vote
HEAD, EXPLAIN \ NI) (11:11
See that Your Names are on the List
Ti the rderi i f reill,Plll,llll,l VOL] r
attention is directed to the folloo
explanation of the regiNtry hrw Read
tt eftrefull, in order to a.ceriiii is WII/It.
Is ynur (hay 111 tha preint•..,, ittiti t6.•n
601. that vrptlf filthw• tipm tht
flSSe•ior 's
I 1..
Will 1.1.1. that OW ;I'lllollli 1111 11.4
las InlioNod addity,lllll 1111,11 v 111/41,1
them. Let Oil 111 1,11110% f,,lk with the
law, to order that Ow, way vote 1.. r the
part, whu•hlLa. 111W/9 • .40011 by then,.
EX %MINE 111 K
(hie..( wh,i, i•
where the election im to be held, titiri the
other k in thu n•••.—or'. hngdt Y 4,11
haN st right to (.X11:111111' th,•ui fniii
Thece It•t. fh , 11 , 1 coritni n nittno,
rind the mime. I.f nll tho ,Ithor ylolll[4l
voter. in the (IP.triet , they glml,l oate
if you tiro ft hotp.e ke• per, the number
of sour li•Iwo , , Ow str,,t it fronts on
yo u r oroupßUon, If Ifni Irwin], wllor•
nrid with wham you board , if viii wiirL
for !mother, t our rrrll ~trr . TIMM' 111111
OppOSltl. yollr name shoed he written
the word "n‘der '
II via lia%o been natural 7,1.11, then•
will appear the letter "N " If pm
have merely declared vmir t. ,
become a eitizem the letters "I) I "
If ftre twtween tho vivo twviity
t w..rity-t w 4., Ih, weird "n
hay,. r0.111.,,,1 1,11,• Ih. .11-triet
sinco lh.• the ' It
will rypperyr eppeklte %our tome.
Mak, it lifolir I, ger rho
your namr i I on the h./
11,, not l,i t (hit nurlf.r uny
If you find tour until.. 14 not on tho
list, go yourself to the as•eat.or , aid Mak.,
your claim to b.• rot on Iln w 1/ o, lnd
to add your TMO HP stint que.tion
yo, need not (11,11+4 011,
your right
mattor with hint, yttur " chti in" ie
on, ugh then hilt) also your precis
residenco, occupation, etc 114) will
mark ''(' " opp.stta ymir name
If you dfiny within ten dayg of tho
election, you !nay your trot(
You !mint nhow our "papers 'to the
assessor, in order to giL your names
If you intended to take out your "last
papers" before the election, you must
Dhow your "first papers" to the assessor
Bee that your names are on the list
Those of you wh do not need to
have "first papers" and intend to be
naturalized before the election, should
get naturalized first, immediately ; and
go to the assessor with your papers.
All naturalized rltizens ?Milli take thew
"papers" with them to the polls, unless
they have boen voting for ten years in
the same district
You must take your "papers" with you
when you tote, even if your name to on
Do not forget to do this or your one
mien will deprive you of your vote.
The law in relation to the payment of
taxes to unahangod. If you have paid
neither a state or county tax, assessed
within two years, do not delay.
Take your last tax receipt with you to
the polls.
Do not delay registering or paying
your taxes; attend to the matter now, for
fear something may prevent haarafter.
—Remember that the Registry
list closes on the goth c( this month.
Robbery ell Around
On Tuesday, the 29th Mb, Governor
Warmoth, of Louisiana, (he who was
expelled at the point of ,the bayonet
from the Custom House republican
convention), suspended Secretary 01
State George E liovee and appointed
Herron his successor until the
meeting of the legNlattire llot ee to
!used to surrender its office to I I erron,
and wits, in consequence, Itocibly cjec
ted by the police.
The redson of liovee's suspension is,
that Boyce is charged with lotting
promulgated, as a law, a bill I,IIOWII its
the ('resent ('on water works hill,
which never became a law. This 11111
had, no doubt, been got tip by the
roosters of that region, in the hope of
making a good thing out of it. Iltiv
ing faded to become a low, the Secre
tare of Stale seems to have had an un
derstanding with the roosters, and
promulgated it as 1t good enough law
to suit their purpose. Whilst the ex
pulsion of Itovee by the police was
going on, the city council wits not idle.
They %fere in session at the City hall
passing an ordinance leasing the city
water works to a company !or twenty
five years, and authorizing the mort
gage iil the corks for '02,1100,(00 'Flits
inust hate been it stupendous swindle;
lor, on the course of the discussion Al'i
tninistrator Delassize (colored), pro
ilithed a certificate for 1.000 shares of
stock of )i)1111) each, w loch he said 'had
been gitell him to vote for the inert.
ore.' .Idiniiiistrator Waltoil said lie
ollereil it Penn w 1111.11 1%1111111
1111110 111111 11111(.1,1•11 , 11111 fir lute 1,1 41111
1 t)lie 'measure,' and Mot or • Flaii
ders said that etery member of the
council had been 111ipf1111C111,1 and tllllll
11e had seen ) 1 100000 offered to one of
them. It was belie% ed that the mill
nonce would pass.
Thus it appears that bribery, cur
rupt ion and robbery are as file 111 New
()deans its In any northern I'lll 1111411.1
the influence of 'high moral ideas
The carpet baggers seem to hate
rutprutrd good teachers and their sable
impilsapt scholars. It most, however,
he said to the honor of Mr.
a colored gentleman, that, lotting re
(Titled n babe of ten thousand dolllre
ill stock, he triumphantly ethilmed
the prise', its evidence 1114 honesty or
for the encouragement ot new begin
111.r4 111 tllO noble carser nl city legisla
But it is 111,1 111 N l'W Orleans
alone, 1111( 111 eter city and State ill
the South, where the power ill the
carpet hugger-) and negro), prepondt r
ate, foil the ono-t stupendous robber
ies and Irllll‘l , RN' perpetrated S o
lunch MO, 1 hal it these villitinit•s are
1144 01,1,11 e11e1.1% ell, general hankruptcv
wilt pot all end to them. for want of
any thinv loon.) to rob. Stich are the
loiter (r).its id republican reemistrue
lion I 04E1 hen I republican p. I Cl
t-Itit In
The holt, under a rationtil
Hr rtcm of government, would, by its
rich itritucin, intii.e vigor xnd bins
lieriiN in.o the tale of the North, is
eriodied ht the roo.t infitinomi rplrren
VIeW but one ohject--
Ihe flIIIIIIII111:111 41 11 nl l're.tilent 1; rant!
But the robberies perpetrated under
the auspices tif the republican part,/
are nut confined to the South. If we
turn to New York, where nine tenths
td the 11111111(1 ditties of the (011111(V are
collected. wehind that the merchants
there are blackmailed to such an ex
tent by the custom house oflicern that
the Chicago merchants lind it cheaper
to import their goods 11trectly theist •It
the 1 . 3 . 1 , 1 .11, 1 ,, p m !, Mot trial. than to
purehase In N ork ' II u cast
I,ur 101' ill the ,I1(1•11101, 0h the internal
r esetille r , ert lrr. 11, 11.1 thus Its I - 01
le, u,rn are di hulllrls in the amount of
upwards of two ittilittrtrs' It , ellirect
0 , 1(11111,10111 to the Post Mller lie
partnient, we discover that the expert
dourt•s of that department tire ten
(IMPS WI great as they were lea years
ago' II we look in upon 'origrests,
we see an intliscrltionate pillage til
millions upon Indiums of acres 01 the
hunts, do itled bet. ern corrupt
ratlrond corporations and the members
th e n t sel. es In short, in whatever 111
rectum we roan turn our gale we detect
the hand of sonteoffireliolder in some
body's pork et' Everybody knows
this; everybody sees this, here, there
and everywhere Every body seen in
creasing unlimited taxation staring
him in the lace. Crone—hideous
crime--increasing with fearful rapid'
ty —demoralization parithxettig the of
forts of patriotism
In t h is fearful crotis, in tile moral
and political existence of II rifilion,
when., the repill.lwatt press? Where
are the riolirt•l /Intl 1111.1 r ?
Where in the pulpit? And where 13
that high and noble American Ni int,
Which in the dap. of the heroic .lark.
non, etrrnly kept at hay the ineidionm
ail vanrea of dishonor and corruption.
--Harrisburg Patriot.
F,VANS, the milli al State
agent, stole from the tax-payers of
the State $391,000. The null
°Wu ials who knew of the theft
refused to have him arrested. Ile
has left the i ountry with his share
of the stolen money A vote for
the radii al c andulates is a vote to
endorse sin h outrages.
Harrisburg State Journal, the home
organ of the bullet-riddled Geary,
which a day or two ago termed the
stealing of three hundred and sixty
three thousand dollars 'a tempest in a
tea pot' has changed its tune and now
says: 'ln the meantime, as the case
now stands, the Republican party is in
no way responsible for it.' ()I course
not—but then it must not torget that
every one connected with the steal is
a Radical. Let Geary he put on the
stand and tell how much of the
adjusted' was expended to re elect him
Governor., Then let Russel Errett and
other Radical leaders tell what they
know about it. 'The Republican party
in no way responsible I"rhat will do
to tell the marines.
Republican Blessings
The Republican party has been in
power ten years, and not one blessing
has followed its administration. It
Caine in power promising to abolish
all the evils in the country. It abolish
ed no evils, but inaugurated and sue•
tained a thoneatid bitter unreels.
It established negro sullrage
It t litinsanils of white
It invaded the Federal Constitution I
It usurped the sovereignty of the
It annihilated ten StAte,
It ignored Ow Courts of Justice!
h abolished civil law in certain parts
of the United Slates!
It erected military commissions to
try civil cases!
It stiBpended the hahms corpus in
ill!le Of 1111401111 d peace
It dPnled to the white citizens the
trial by Jury, five )(las utter the war
It encouraged the negroes in idle
It gave mer two hundred millions of
Hetes of the public lamb. within the
Inns Into year 4, to corporations of nch
It disregarded solemn obligati ons )
It broke every 'pledge it ever made
to the people!
It unverttcd Ifemoerutie t! ongre ms.
met) who were dilly elevied
It 1,1111 - indered the plildt I r.A.ury !
It relli.f.,l In prweetile the thlevellut
puhlu• nioni.‘l4
It iIIVOIT , I the4'rlsreutlllll 01 111111111
factilrer. 10r trilling irregularities!
It sttlempted to C 4.1 1 -111,1 the ballot
It Inxrd everr tmecte4 of property of
the poor 110111
It exempted the nett 1111111 . 14 1/011.114
Irum !di 111 911011
It 1111111,1111e , 11+1 , 11.4 in every conunti
Thiii in hul an epitome of the !trim Of
the li uhenl party during the 'ant five
tear. Of IN eximtence. IVe are hild
that ht the fruit we art. to Judge the
tree I. the 111111 01 11114 1i. , 0110111 tree
Nu lc, the sight, to the touch,
an d ~ ,p eciallv to the mule of the
Of to recommend it for
litture use? We toiloilit to the candor
of all thinking nom, whether tt would
not lie better to trt the fruit of a tidier
eat quality of tree —the tree of Dentoc
race —i'illipprnsly inel.
- ;et registered In urder that
dun an Lute .igain , ,t EV AV+, the
rail al onbei/ler, and Ins radn al
ha( kers.
A Model Orator
General Kilpatrick. alto is non
stumping llon State for die Radical
ring, Irving to tool voters into the sop
port of Stanton and Reath, Wftl4 a can
tidate for Governor belore the Radical
Convention in New Jersey, vvliteli filet
11l hrenlnn on the 11041. ((I t rev
candidates lie had the distinction of
being the lowest Some very iinconi
phinentary thini!s were said about him
by the friends iit oilier candidate., and
pidging from the poor show lie made,
these thing. must luaue been general!)
Indies ed It WAR Alleged--
0.00 rnn y I'l,lll 110,
( 41.01111. Itrllellte 441 u, ler at elnek
mnrnlng .hirt.
Itlol thot MI el, 1141. nrni , n 1. 0• mut fillimt
r:. I. llor“,1.1,..1 Inln 110• 1110,01 1•01 ii t
01in 01 nrlcl , ..hir •I /et/111101,1 11 /le Hutt wh,•n
le, le 1•4,(1/0c1 elll . ill Mel 1.1 k n brut
1 J.ton. tic him a (.1.14 hi!. In a inain.• ul
lil 1.11 n.•
behigate name,' flout• tried to de
K ilpatrtrk, Lathe Via+ 1•1'14.41 410 A 11
I , k '4'3ll3lk ' 101.1 tells 4,1 'nollllll/I
111)11. After the immolation bait
been wade, however. Kilpatrick Wl4
Cllll,l un for a speech oil he made
brief ,one, in the cntin-eiit which he said
'he thought it a shame nod reproach
that a soldier was nil allowed 10 tin
dirate himself belore a convention of
lilt own party, when lilt moral char
aoter hint been assailed by the mew
hers of that party.'
We give this summary of the pro
reedlngs of the Radical State Cooven
Uun id New beriey, m order to start
I;erieral Kilpatrick right 111 this sec
t ion.
---Yon have only a few day , ,
It t.. Ise teghtered to If you fail
t ) attend to it NOW, you may for-
---- Don Parker, amid greet en•
111 1-11,111, WII• 1/11/InifilOOSlN nouuunled
for Gov. rnor by the Demo, retie Con
ventin of New Jerwy Ile was Gov
ernor Of the State six years ago, and it
w a s conceded that he would make the
striungo4t nominee the party could got.
Ile wa+ not a candidate and did not de
sire the Faultier), but the singular Unit
1111111tV Willi %glitch he was called upon
by the Cons mutton on its prat ballot to
be their standard•bearer, did r of leave
him env option but to servo.
The N Y Tribune says . We ought
to Carry NOW Jersey this Fall, but we
tell oar friar's there that yesterday's
work rut Trenton Increases the difficul
ties of the undertaking Governor Jo o i
Parker is a good candidate for our op
laments to present : Governor Randolph,
the Democratic Incumbent, has nuole •
good record ; and the well. written plat
form makes the Most of the situation,
--The Haines County (O.) Farmer
thus sets forth the good character of a
Radical candidate for the Judiciary,
in that section : the office
bunter, is
"All things by turns
And nothing long."
In lees than a month after he joined
the Good Templars he was drunk a , 4 a
biled owl. When he joined the Meth
°dist Church on six months probation
he conducted himself so handsomely
that he wall left off with three
He is patterned after a kind we
have in Pennsylvania.
—The dearest spot on earth—The
store where they don't advertise.
The Escape of Evsns
Through the shameful negligence of
Stair Treasurer Mackey and the cun
ning of Attorney General Brewsier,
Evans, the embezzler, has been allow
ed to escape.—The officer who was
sent to Albany with a requisition from
Qovernor Oeary procured the necessa
ry documents from Governor Hoffman,
but has returned to Harrisburg with•
out Irk prisoner. Evans could not be
lound in New York, and it is 4,eneral
Iv suppn.ed that he has leArrhat city.
Officer floopes thinks that it is useless
to search tier Evans any longer, but we
trust that the State Treasurer and Aud
itor General do not share in that opin
ion. It is quite possible that in vigi
last detective of New York could find
him. Mr. Mackey should not give op
the search so early.
This is the second step in the dis
graceful transaction. Itis the duty of
the State Treasurer to have caused the
arrest of Evans when be came to liar.
risburg boasting of his readiness to set
tle, nearly a month ago. But through
di lays which must now be regarded as
intentional, Evans has been allowed to
get away. The State Treasurer was
urged to Make the proper information
momiltately alter the embezzlement
became known, that Evans might be
ariested, lint he feared to take the re
sponsibility of doing his duly. Mr.
qarisey deliberately waited until the
embezzler bad got beyond reach before
malsing the charge against him.
Is it piceohle that the Radical. Stale
officials have connived nt the emenne of
Evans hir fear of ex posure ? The other
day the State .I,,urnal made the sigim
'Mum menace that If tine Evans pros
ecution aerk persisted 111, other corm'.
timis of nolwal leaders would be nevi
taint unearthed. —line tine threat had
so complete an effect as to paralyze
the treaetir) ring, and save Evans from
their grasp.
It now remains for the people of the
Commonwealth to tale up this case
where the radical officials have left it.
It Et ens eNlinot he found, it may be
possible to bring other witt.,, , es before
the test Legislature, who will reveal
what they !snow concerning this con
spline, against the state. There is
11,11 the sllglilrhi hope that the radical
officials will make any further °Hort lo
arre.l ES AIIN Witt reCfi%er the money
(In the ontr,ir% , there lc Only 100 Tntivli
reason to behe,e I limit Will do their
utmost to stifle investigation, With
Stanton in the "nice of Auditor limier
al anal Mackey In control of the trews
tin, the people may as well abandon
all hope, These men are both crew
titres of the ring, and the ring dare riot
push this in‘estigation, Menaced us
they are themselves with exposure 01
their own ollima I corruption t mug
a long perms of Ito a demo
cratic Auditor i;eneral, who has no
offiliations with the ring, and on a
democratic legislature, who will drive
them from the treasury, the peo
ple of Pennsylvania MUNt ttepentl for
the protection of their richin and the
Neely-its of their linen( ON.— 11 , 1) rid
, bray ,'alias(.
111 ti. Hot Tr: SW INt I. iff,--Tire Lan
caster Inielligencer rash . The gray
est charges toile been made ngaitiml
fort master C•eneral Cresswell, in re
lation to the letting of mail contracts.
and it has been very freely intimated
that he lons been a party to swindles
of 010 grossest and roost outrageous
charmer The latest instance cited is
that of redrew Stewart, who some
time ago of tamed a contract Iron' the
Postmaster tieneral, amounting to
F.y v.-, the radt( al ' , tate 8 1.0111 (An), it, carry the United
agent, stole Irom the tax pat yr, of t •
~ tates nuns on Texan writers ill it
t steamer a distance of about 'MI Miles
ire Skill' $391,000. . 1 lie ranit- in 'ma green 1)111th/a tire water Merl
I .11 Iltht klh, %%lin) kitelk of the theft honed in not deep enough to float a
refused to hit him arrested. lie steamer between the two points, and
that the mails are being transported to
has lett the r ottntry with his share
mailing ,esse , wlue6 could be par
ill the shrill n mOricy \ Note fur ehlt.e.l for a small atriOlial of money ;
rddo 31 andidatc , 1 , a vote lu that the master 01 the vessel lots the
use 01 the saute for t arryuug the 1111/1114,
cifilta-A• wl h tuttragc,. and makes his pay out of passengers,
height, etc , while the eolitraetor cit
toys the benefits of the euttre , salarY
It Is slated that other parties bid to
carry the mall over the same route in
sailitig vessel, as It 14 now carried,
for 2,romi.
"t take the facts in this rase from
a special telegram to the New York
Tribune, and that is authority which
no liepuhltean %ill presume Ili IitIVX
Our Smaller Catechism
Who •to.t . ; 1 I oln the State
Trea•dr) of I'. 111113, Ikri tiq ILS
trairdt troth . to lliirri,-
borg 9
NA' hu catt•ed 4 , at 000 to disappear
from 011.1.1'11.mi: to lid iit thli common
wealth during tii. )ears?
htlllo h l ,ll hind 1,1 S ou th
t'itrollna W le, .11 et tip the Wlllool
}IOW., 01 (tint Ithoolli pnyiligtbu
bitt I< hllltir is dill• t 4 .111, 111•111
%V to) n(ounder.,l v r for fur
wslung n singlo noon in tt South ('nr
&lna Slut.. 11011.11'
Who atoll, !!", {.(M100110 from t nut.-
ury of the I . nno,l Mul a, Itlld the It, ti,
hide ins rnscal it) , ileNtrop u cart loud
of ledgers
W Mr 111(mtwr , 11 trllN UN that he
lilts iilirelt....o,l $217,192,30 - ,1) ul OW prill
rtpril t gilt., I n went le aids, filr
whir b he $214 027.6r,c, rrt rur
reytrq, ri-d !pima that lie lulu it,
rr ettmed the ilittll.lllll debt ' ......21i,K3. " ,306
Si ties` the lur I eisey mu...! be )edeerned
Is it not time for the people to go to
work and turn out of otddce the ,e o e, i .
&els who are fattening upon the public
treasury by the most gigantic swindles
that hive ever been concocted ifl thin
country ? Shell we continue to endure
It? Are we knaves, too, that we silent
ly acquiesce in these frichtful robber, -
of the public funds? (Jr are we simply
cowards *ho tear to lift it hand to hurl
the thieves from the plows they occupy
In the State Cam tsl ? If wearoneither,
let no 'move that we are not ohnoimils
to the charge, by voting and talking
and working for ACHA NG OP AD
Clure, Esq., has been removed from
the office of Assistant Attorney Gener
al of the Commonwealth, and 'Mr
George U Evans to still at liberty.
Evans robbed the State of Pentoo lin
nia of $291,014,4.4, and Mr Mc Clan•
discovered the crime The one he
fallen under the tierce displeasure 01
the Governor and Attorney General,
while the oilier is the object of their care
and solicitude, A faithful and fearless
servant of the people is punished for
for doing hie duly to the people, and
the scoundrel whose villainous robber
ies of them he has exposed, is hugged
to Geary's breast, and receives the
cheap but cordial benetiletion (il' Brew.
Bier. This is the shitmeful contrast
whirl) is now presented to the people
of Penneylvanta.--Pultiol.
A "Beautiful Batoh."
Radical sneaks find cowards, says
the "Wwing Patriot, who had their
teeth pulled during the war, and who
feigned disease to escape the draft and
dishonestly avoid the payment of coin
mutationorail at the gallant General
McCandless for leaving the army near
the close of the war at the expiration
of his term of servf6e. In their eager.
nest.] to detract from his fame as a sol
dier, these poltroons forget that their
charge applies with equal force to the
heroic Resent! Corps, with whom he
is identified by his services, his wounds
his toils, his devotion and his bravery.
The base and treasonable bounty
brokers who practiced a fraudful and
nefarious trade in selling and re-selling
rrofessional bounty jumpers to the
government, are equally violent in
their abuse of the brave McCandless.
These wretches also forget that while
they were plying their hellish traffic
in security, General McCandless With
leading the brigade of the gallant Re
serve Corps to the deadly charge at
All the truly loyal mule contractors
and speculators in spavined horses for
of the cavalry denounce the
heroic NlcCandles..
The melisacritleim4 Ulll`
damaged medicine, lor 1,1,e iise of the
sick in ihe hospitals do not like Gen
eral McCandless.
The rootractorm for defective
paper sOled mlineo and spoiled rations
for the one of the soldiers hate General
All the loyal hypocrites and knaves
who sought opportunities of growing
rich in the calamities of their country
while tleneral McCandless wax baring
his breast to the linnets of the enemy,
eagerly heparnge his motives, and on
I mo' his patriotism
•this is the motley li^rd of sneaks,
bounty brokers, cowards, calumniatorn
peculators, embeziders and assassin's
who fly at die heels of tkneral Mc
The boned, manly, patriotic people
of I'ennnHVlviioia are not regarding this
malignant and cowardly warfare on
one of the nolilemt of her volunteer sol
Ihere with indifference. thi the second
Tuesday of October next, they will si
lence lint detractors liy electing him to
the office of Auditor Ileneral by an
Ilverwhelininv mapiro I
Go and get registered :tt
om e The Ole of every white
man in the ( ounty is needed to de
feat niggerdom and Its theivery
hay kers, Gt:o 0 EVANI'', friends.
Remember Ow the Registry
( loses on the 30th of this month
. 1 .1 e COM/ tel Join vol tells ill /111
tern! it tern spring cif lire at the lit
of the Cumberland Mountains and on
the banks 01 at little stream called Ltix
lln ei The water of thin river is con
stantly iii ebullitions, and regularly
even d.ty , between and 5 o'clock in
the afternoon, it overtlou-: n large
(pinion% 1/1 ~irluiretted '2%tH
escapes, w L II I 1,1 .141itell, b in
till rn a Jet ten .r I. .1 feet in height.
Many years azo e spring was discov
ered by an "II in who was boring in
the victim% Ins salt licks, when his
drill roll through, his drilling-shalt was
blown into the 'sir, oil and gam escap
ed, became wiitted, and rimmed quite
•• The neighbors rail
it,. the Old gentleman had sworn
he would sink a shalt to the infernal
regions, and a was feared he had done
so Th., J,uu,i zl rails upon scientific
people lu explain the phenomenon, es
pecially that pot iit it which relates to
its ',crush, ity - World.
--You have only a few days
left to he atstered in. If you fail
to attend to it NOW, you may for-
get it
--Not tar from Susquehanna coun
ty. 1 ) 4 , u elel,olll/111, celebrated for his
talem ru,tl<trig Idundersdater having
l'4l II hit ppy couple man and
ib• c•mcla led the ceremony by 'midi
~,,ppy and pleasant jour
ney through Isle, and hoped that they
would Le blessed in their marriage re
lation as were Abraham and Sarah iii
days Of old.' Before (lie company
(111'61801 themselves to their respective
places of allorle, a youth of Scriptural
pursuits informed them that 'Sarah
Wits 11111• t , niu d re d cents old when she
bare Isaac I' Tldit was 60 I The
clergyman achno,vir•lged the corn, and
'then the band played.
The Row Among Radice
anoe Mon.
E. 11. Rauch, Esq., one
tore of The Keystone GOO(
pays his^ respects to lb
Coombe after the following
To Rev. P. Coombe: 111
ly submitted, for some time
very bitter assaults upon ti
here of a corrupt ring or
hugs who are now yieldi
dangerous and demoralizin
within the 'ince of the ord,
Ir I am not misinformed,
others, have been at work
mailing anti slandering are
by letters to individuals an
—charging we with corrup
eerily and so forth.
I accept the implied cl
ventilate the question of p
corky and honor between it
least, ac the good of the
cause may demand. And
out needless words, I prop(
ceeil to business at owe,
Firstly: A reasonable
mince in The Keystone Om
IN at your service to prove
'lOllB its 10 my corruption,
and treachery. If you bin
tact (and you have known
ally for over twentydive t •
Wed to excite even the sl
picion that I ever receivetl
illy influence, or did any
rant you in amsailing me
then state it openly and a
like a man!
Secondly, I propose
open the eyes of the honest
tug and confiding (load Tei
look upon you and it few
titled demagogues n 4 tile,
candor, cineetity and pun
pose to lay a few Itn.bho, n
the public to chow rho 11
political hireling, and to
may feel called upon to Ila
erend and one general who
on John IV. Forney, HIM'
or the pre4ent pololr
for a 'temperance hind,' to
rutted by the Republican
mince, or, in other word,
with which to wield the I, o
meat in the interests qilhe
intrty ! I happen to be in
of inets quite sufficient to
ly int.renting account of II
interview between the two
tights, referred to on , he
the collector id the port
phut, of the other part!
And now, Rev. I'. Coo
upon you to make good th
insinuations you have red
against me, and unless to
mean to chow )011 up HY it
ed demagogue and 1 , .0..1,r
lent es only the conteinH
table men and women \
Iv, 1•: I
Alter this exposure it wit
understood why ltev. I',
General ()wens are 80 roil
to the Independent moven
part of the Temperance it
will probably he able to gi
11111,111R(1011 as 10 Willa
T111'11(16 by a 'temperance ti
other, words, 'for money
to wield the ternperanc,"
interests oldie liepoldreati
you (an vote against
nigh( al embezzler, 111111
km kers.
War SIIOI - 1.1) A MA% I
Rio ? -Because Dernocri
for of an honest, intelltge
tration of the govertiniefil
the Democratic party 1.1 tl
the people. Because the
all it has in greatness to tl
judicious application of
ideas am' theories Ii) the
(Intl lit its affairs. Been!'
vor of a plain system of
coal of pomp, protecting a
lug favors to none,
logs alike upon the high
the rich arid the poor I
Democratic party t, n fayi
ernitient not of force but .
ISevaiise at 14 HUI a lien-,111
hilt one wloo.-e prinl•lilr. •I
ereil to the people of the N
East and West. Because
opposed to 'any kuul Of
thr mods iii !nen. ' Iteeai
()crane pirtv in ill
Olt! I he lienentl (loserfirlit ,
pelp•tu long lo if •
~ .creieli righ t mid to In
the Inherty corninenstiralt
maintenance of a Hound el
Rememher that
litit low% on the 30th 1)1
—Rice, the negro non
IV & Leon's New York.
lowing intereeting mtory .
1 went to tint ball, ‘e
de big Idler.. WWI dere.
(trant 14'114 olere, Nu 1., and
lint King/V/01nm:
Listener ---'Why woe lie
Rice -.Well, ye see, lie
tion tit Berlin and couldn'
people wum a ttirowin' eigi
mood pins, and pu l e, and
oh l ebryting at hini.
dens, and maid it wasn't
de Cling Magistrate of a
to receili 1411Cli tinge, and
!lab it. Well, ya see, Gra
and he rushed like wad
telegrap tdlice
-.IN Ing .MV
II Ve oho, I edit, re.
I'll Illhe
—i—Get registered !
tered at once ! You h
the 30th of this mont
to it.
- MISVry 10%04
untrriugenWe young ladle