The Democratic Watchman. 111 , .1,1,EF0N'11.;, PA Friday Morning, Sept, 15,1871 THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY --The prettiest girl in town has announced her determination to be present at the coining county fair --fro U. Mitchell, Eq., lectured bolero the Centre County Normal In stitute on Thorxday (wooing, the 7th instant Yes, Chippy, you do look, uh, so sweet. and pretty in that nice liltlo hat 'o your'n, which, wo think, is a vast improvement, —By the journal, wo perceivo that nj Gem Beaver, commanding this military district, has boon organizing the Philipsburg militia. IVe regret to state that Mr. John Given, 01 this plum was suddenly seized with hemorrhage on Monday evening. last, and was quits ill fur couple of dots r --Thu Re / nib/Lean says that a Mr. Hancock, of llogg4 township, had nn arni broken tho other day by having It (aught in the bolting of n threshing Inn lone. - The foureleti , in of the new engine hou•o 01 the Fire Company has been dug out, and the building will be put up as rapidly nv rOSSIbIe It to be erected on Pit-dol. street, Just - liold»»s's udjourried court w,ll hr hi.ll here in r ttobor, beginning on the (bins for the trial of citti , cs in wholt lin, honor, .f t o yer, concerned Judge Taylor, of Ilutitingdon, will pre tude, ---That ribbon arrangement calk.; a we believe, whir ii some bid; wore on her Greenin bend, sag dropped in the , treet near the bridge on NI. , tolay night, to‘ind 11.11 d brought to tilt , oiliee, where the owner can tfet it by cal!ing ( , r 641J(Iin t : for it - -Ur C, Curtin, of Ph del Ph La, who-c warm place Is 11,110- fon tc, tt ft 4 ill town this week The Doet,or hio ln all qua-ter‘i, with flai4s, banner., anil critlitary Th, dity wa4 a beautiful one, rind we have no doubt IL good LIMP \VB.. had —The hrtck addition to the Acad emy- 1,4 already under roof, and we pre sume It will not bn long herot. it will be entirely completed. We hope the work will be hurried up as No. aapn•- alhle, as mr Hughes ii radly in need of 711(1r13 room to accommodate his large find comdantiy increasing school -Tim work of repairing the bridge piers leas at last been Commenced and has bens progressing 8111C0 Monday We are glad of lb lA, /tad 100 k forward to Its 11)1'0(4 completion with a good deal of satisfaction Mr,, the contractor, rs OHO of the beet 1.1111,0,114 arid builders in the country, and will doubtless make a good job of rt -7'hat joy of wives and CllrAo of husbuind. --house cleaning—will soon he around again Even the very dogs and cati..cein to be aware of its near up preach, and go around the house whin ing and mewing their dPeipprobistion re f the coining topsy-turvyneie4 We wrsb to gracious the infliction was over and done with. —A 1111111 w ho chows tobacco or smokes cigars iil way, feel~ y u,d who.,, ho goes Into a Ifrst el/VO4 lobilt et, store Stich 'III 0110 IS 51r Nathan this place, where the very taint braudi tiro soh!. Mr. fleck is a careful soil co coiritiolis &oiler sod slurs ) s tn, s t , ) KI VI. fill Om worth of their money not only in quantity but In 11""tItY, also. It 16 n good place to buy tobacco and cigars, us all who have purchased thorn will testify ---A little son of Levi A. Miller, of this place, wee knocked down and run over by the Brokerholfilouse omnt bu+, on VillehrieSchily night. Fortunate ly, however'', he foil between thn horses and wheels, ell of which jaei4eil over without hurting him. It is that ho %volt' knocked down y l., the ti , ligoo of thin 'lOl 4 . IN we" AI ;hilly bruised but not. otherwise Tho Light, svoo dark and the timer did not Be , Owlitth fellow. 'nut razuturds.—ln looking over the premium lust of the coming county fair, we are surprised at the paltry sums offered for trotting horses. Five and ten dollars are all that our very liberal society offers. Now, wo would like to know who is going to bring a docent trotting horse here fora sum Wm that? It wouldn't pay the cost of trans portation, lot alone keeping the animal while hero. Men who own fast horses aro hardly fools enough to bring and keep thorn hero at their own rut pens°, and trot thorn for glory, There should et least bo enough offered to keep the winning animals and their owners clear, The sumo damaging policy seems to prevail in reference to the premiums for cattle. Five dollars is the highest amount offered for the best bull or cow, and the same premium for the best pen of sheep or hogs, while for everything elso the sums are still less. Now, wo contend that these premiums are entire ly too insignilleant to aomponsate farm ers for the trouble and expense of bring ing their stock hero, and they will not do it for such amounts, at least not those farmers who live nt n distance from town, Tho consequence will be that wu will have but it very limited exhibition of stock, nod no trotting nt all of any consequence, It seems a curious thing to us that a rich and fertile and mining agricultural county like Centro is Lot able to offer as large premiums at her fairs as tho 111 ben n g counties of Clearfield and Clinton In the hitter county, where the fair is 1111111 on the mare days m our own, the premiums for trotting horses range from l;;12Lial down as low as five dollars, with intermediate premiums of ;$l5, $2O, ti:I0, $4O and SLO; rind at Clearaeld we learn they are still higher. llf course the best stock in the pu ntry will be taken to those fairs, what) Cen tre county will be obliged to put up with just w hatever she can get, and that will be ‘cry little Why, even (our own town bores will go to Loch thiven, because they can do better there than at home 1r tvo titito It, 00 1 object of a ( .11 00ty Flllr 1+ to 1,1'104 out the greatest di-play of stock o poultry, ccreali, Yegetahlem, fruit,: agricultural implements, orna mental articles, , that the county i, capable of producing • This wt it n e v e r he (tone, however, ‘o long n. the preinitllol otlt rtof are itltd Itteattly .'OIIOI Thu ttWll,rdltig of such paltry 10111113 a poor way to en courage competition. Farmer" and others who bring stock and other things here from a distance, want Bolltottiltlg else to pay them for their :Minima trou ble than the mere fact of having It 1 1 1t01 that thoir stock or other article.' tIn•l. prernllllll They want something Worth contoroling for Givo them and they 14 ill C.lllO 111 , r0 In crowd 4, fair groiiiidA will be covered with the bit and tine•t stns L , he , In the t aunty thir Agricultural Society, a 4 at pre-eat to net for the benefit 01 the oi many In, rt. I. 1000 It r that creates a v!.o“ , t ,1,.1 dissati.faction, and that is the fin t that there is too little discrimi nation used in the selection of commit tees to make the-awards This is par ticularly the ca I. nnntl tees. Naarly np ol ISelleforite lad, • tension, to tilt , • a, ~a ol COLIII tr) ladies and the poorer classes gener ally. Now, we tilorn't is panicle of eh jection to any of these lades no far as we are pi , r;.4,nally concerned , but their se lection exclusively looks SO much like fitvoriteisin, that the matter is talked about and commented on, and thus a prejudice is created that, will operate aLVi Irish 00 . 1 best Interests ,p 1 that depart ment f the fair tioun try (adieu', or ladies belonging to the loss wealthy classes, are just as capable of making good judges as the ladies named, and probably more so, MR9III I / 1 :11 as they make their own bread,preser vex, pickles, cakes, pies, butter, Ate , arid have prob• ably ax good taste and judgment in mat ters of ornament, arid they should have had a fair representation upon the (tom- Itteeti. Tile iOlOll who selected there cominittees bays a thing or tWO yet to learn before they die. NV° woUld like to see a good fair this year, but if we do not have one, the Society will have only itself to blame '('hero will doubtless be a large turn out of unpin, like there was last year, but we tear the articles on exhibition will riot be rioted either for their numbers or vac-lb-nee. For good ale, wu must, ret o ut . mend the saloon of Mr. Joe Illiwkiris “rool of Allegany and itidlop streets. Joe keeps as respectable a 1/111C0 1114 any in town, and is master of his own premises. The other day hu punched a fellow well for limiting a Coillpkt of respectahle young ladies, and pres , e6 Ii nself determined to allow rowdyitiq in 1)1. , saloon or about bi door. Joe will keep lint word, too , • ru the I owilies had be tter steer cleat. of that -We shy/ ft platoon of 010 Logst) Fir(' Compnny stunding around et wsti.r plug Ilir utiwr - day They said tho q. I." Ale 11.111 g 1 . 0) . a 1)(1• NO.—Suddenly, of npOpIOXy, on Wednes day, Sept. 5. 1511, at ustcalemw, lowa, Mr. Thompson Milliken, of Bellefonte, aged 40 years. Mr Milliken's remains arrive( hors on Friday evening last and wore interr ed en Saturday. As we stated taut week, ho had gone to Oskaloosa to at- , tend a meeting ortho Society of Friends, of which he was un active and consis tent member, and in which meeting he took a deep interest. It was while on his way hi church that ho was attacked by the fell Destroyer and yielded op his life in the midst of strangers. 11111 though this may seem hard, his triends have the consolation of knowing that the hands which ministered to him during the last, brief Etrugglo with death, wore not unkind ones. Dently, tenderly was )10 eared lead prepared for the grave that was se Pion to reeovii him. ills body was encased in a beau tiful and a committee of Friends volunteered to accompany it home. As stated above, Mr, Milliken's re mains arrived here on Friday evening and were inierrud on i storday. The 1...n0 will II very large one, and ettended by all our leading eitwitis business men The coal n was borne by number of forgemen, who wet., in the employ of the deceased, and who de sired to thus testify their affection and e•toem for 0110 who 11101 alwatn been to Lind, V 01 1 , 1 ,101 ale tlll , ' l . llll FrO . ll , V grits, y not ri veil the body, and a , , the earth 01 el li, , hutting it out torciii•r nom many a 'wart gave a great ill tots ul 'egret and many an eye watered with horn.% lid tPar. r tvioi man:lgor and olio the owni , r , of the great Valentine 11,11 workihere, and the Ilrin with which be W 11.4 Colllleetl.ll 11113 01114 twoil r“bb e d 1,1 toaster mind Ile waw of Crellt 111telligellev of Priliir4ed and libernl ‘lew+, lino edtleAtion, uhf 11 111%t. e1.11111.1ar) 111111 worthy idiristini, Ilis oldeid. was to do good in the world, told his heart fullot chit, ay toward all then Ili, extioiNiNe in. wns wotr ly dnif 0.4 ul m fLr 011 4 1/.•11 , 11t needy Oleo OfcurtL, and 1114 forwit3s open to the Olio Led lle %tit+ in every re-pert - It' : Mr. Patterson, the vent one „f able niver.alist 51116,1er, who preach ,hu gn „1„,„t t u ruin; the want +„„ di 1.11 two interesting; and elotptent ikertnetrs neeeYotie , of their tellow•=, but .11 - 1 Sunday last, in the Court Mose, letting their left hand know what theJr will again peach in fli t , same Waco the right hand thwth The writer of this n o luo never had man i• talented, learned and impre,i ve, any per, nal iniquaintance with 11r 1111,1 by hl4 two created it Nlilliken, 'mire than to speak 11l Baal on it 1 ‘ 1,,, t favorable impro.sion Hit ern , the street, but the giael that . i no, d,, it torical 11 Lyle is, perhaps, just tho least riot always interred with their bone, bit 0 1, 1 A I -teal, but one won forgt•t , this and we but write what we do know is the earnestness of his mariner and in 110 was one of the lai,t and go lit hit ( 1 1 , . 1 4 .11 vietion that 'nut of his mow}, 1.11 1 11, 1111 , 1 hit memory will loin; heart spetiketh.' There it it nervous green in the hearts of our people force or power about the man, which it it,' I, ['nto l uny will wee p „ rot , h i ., it does not carry conviction as t o th e („ r be wns „„„ ~f het nubt ea l e orre(tness of his theoricii, At len•t lends them an air of great probability. 11,i, undoubtedly a (loop and earnest thinker, and it man of originality and gaiint4 As stated above, he will preach 111.:11111 on Sunday morning and evening, at half past ten and seven o'clock =EI - A reunion emote ”ti Mr John I r win, of 0111 'time, on Tuesday last On that day, Mr I: win gate n dinner at whit li were present his agisl mother and thif - ly-codit of her living descendants - il• dren, grand( hildren great-gritnil child ren The venerable lady is HI years ittd and lIILS i 7 It V iflg tio , Oetlflafan It is lalti 11, have Inert it Ill Ont Interesting sight lA/ the old lady surrounded by her I.lll4erolli telrBpring She 1%, indeu d. A ruttier IR Israel, and SeeltiS to IlAyo bt•ofl spec ially far”r,,l li) Ploy 'den,. in being pertuttled to Ina ttl nut great all 11;:y Wild bt W [trio, 11l in-gathering of h e r hildren In the al terlionn ft phi , (40gIfili)1 of the old lady and her alive twnate rt.)wait tllkell Hr John Moore, the artist, IVii pre Fume it will be numerously duplicated for distrit ution among her friends - --The Fir Company now hos., arriagii arrived here iin tt , -“tny, nod ui the t. , ,,, , hthv was lltkell tip lows by n hunilier of the inetiihers, with lamps lighted, and billowed by a troop of very enthusiastic boys l'lnintirriage I-1 a very handsome ono, carry rig tl“so,s t i,mt fwet tic ho,i) itritt ;7, , V0,1,t1(1 The Untilnifl boys aro looking their engine thin week, NI , . They have been very expeditious thus for in get ting tlioniselVen Into good, shape, and We expect to hear it good report tut thksnl ut the next, tiro Between this Logiin and the Uniline, winding t Lief. will grit leave to do nautili heron(i, r Tllun William t II f ed in upon 01 %t Hoven IV., ciiiiimend in 11, of our readers Cho very able this distinguished gentleniiiii on our second page, All a diAminoull train which they oily derisu intieh infortnitrion BM) instruction. Mr, Wallaeo is one of 1110 ablco. and mast eamprehenSive apoakors in this country, tend ho is laboring hard for the success of Durnocratic principles this fall. —Mr Johnson, the enterprising landlord of the IlrokerhotT house , has put a handsome (minibus on the road, drawn by a pair of very line horses. The new proprietor of the Brokerhofr is an enterprising gentleman and is keeping an excellent hood°. We hear it spoke n of in very high terms. --If you want to get „lour boy a nice wagon go to he f Ralik in. MEETING AT TIIE AGRICULTURAL Cut. LEG E.-1n accordance with law, the usual meeting of delegates from the County Agricultural Slajeties of Penn sylvania was field at the College, Centro County, on Wednesday, the till net. Alter examiaing the exp“ linen tat and college farms, the ht/1141nw, the delegates met in the college chapel, and organized by the election of Hon. Francis Jordan, of Her Hi burg, as chair man, end John S. Furst, of Clinton County, Secretary. A. Boyd Hamilton and Jos! Kelly served as T e llers. (In counting the ballots it was found that Hon. A. O. Mester, of Dauphin, Jas. Kelly, , of Allegheny, and Roberts, , of Montgom ery, had reserved a majority of all the votes cast, and were declared duly elec ted Trustees of the college, to servo for three tears. Tim following rpsolutlon wns unan imou4yincloploil concerning tho roam no , nt of B. Morris Ellis, Esq , of Ly coming county, from tho ourd of Tru tl'OR TlO. l Ihn 1121.01,•• of tlilq tooeting br tetl• ~•4 to II porno, 1.110, for the tillere4l hn 1,,L , * Oaken nnq the to.r. IVO he hn. rentlured 1 , , 111)1 Trtiritney 1,,, the hint Es elve yearn Ur Caldt,r, the rreAidont of the Col lege, beit.g called upon, game an Recount 4_olp v 0,01111.1) of the Irpitltotiot , w fin li we. 111 ;1 ,111 , atirtfact , o V t.l ull pre-ant fI o , 11011. , 11 ticomonl of 16e 00- ( 0 0 ii. o 1 . 1(.04... , , taken at th(.ll 11•:4 oding day, admit( )114 fetoule, 1., Ow l a v ile4l.s of the e4dieg, on ti •/11114. 1.1111. Oil WlllOl nlOO4 In 11 , 10,/ilo , /, nn , 70 , •IVed With filplllll - 1 . Hlcoring win , delivered by .1. , n1)1, 11 N. Nle,\ll)-tvr, F.,rl , Itev 1)) (Ll,-.on Rtid (:).11 of our 1-4,1t0 lulvii rotit(on to r , J„u•t• over the groat iiiiprot ut the Agricultural College, and thy• tot its rapid ads iiticoinent In l,•w Witte! 1111%, l'itkr,‘,l lir, 5 election tho ~ f , t (4,lvriti /lava nvarly dotildod ; and marl!, more have pignilled the rut-pone Junk S F 11,5 T r rfa =MS coining Sabbath The n.v..ri.sid gent!, rOUgh t l w VOU nes). of our young friend, Mr Janie. A M Chum telegraph operator at Julian, we arc able to inform the public at to the nacre of the man recently shot by John !7; Thompson, while trying to break into the store at Martha Furnace Mr, M'Clitin inform.' us that his name waa Samuel ilutehimon , that he was born „1 AJr.on, Ne•w York, and Nn. shout .18 ) vArh Oi .1411 Tharfe•aJ 111111 I's broth er was at Martha Furnace on Moeda), and bad the grave opened, when lin re cognized the features to be those of his brother 1t,., was know, as a noted character, and was last seen by his brother at Elmira, New York, on the Nth of .Junta last That portion of the Masonic fra ternity of rim place, known as the Knights Templar, will leave here on M•onlav next for Baltimore to attend the grand conclave of Knights Templar in that city on the 111th instant. A number of the Knights were drilled here on last Thursday night, the 7th instant, by Major Pifer, nn 010 VV . Lott" pavement, ittl preparatory to the grand doll m the monumental city Their ~ ,,luthalh were tolerably well perform ed, but they will doubtless be much improved by the time they return. - —Vote the whole Ihmiocralic tit-het. Irmo 111 , ' • ni,E4, down to Cllr It 1 II i, ill •, ,11 1011 .1 . rat to sill lieges should be cart for Democratic 110111111evS, and for 1110111 onus. let personal Iriendalrips prevent you from adhering to your principles, which can alone be put into practical operation by voting for the candidates of your own party. --CENTRE COUNTY AO.RJUULTOKAL BoctlLTY.—The exclusive privilege of keeping stands for refreshments within the enclosure at the fair, to be held Oct. 3d, will be sold to the highest bidder. Proposals will be ravioli ed , addreoied the undersigned, until Thtirsdn% , Sept 21st, when they will bu opened arid the award made. WILLEAm.AmturoN, Secretary. —Buy your school books from lion kill's 110,14.1 Book Stoll). —On Sunday night last ,the vine known as No. 1, at Snow Shoe, caved in. Fortunately, it choose night for this peculiar freak, otherwise it might have been our lot to record the burial alive of several good 111(91. As it is, they lost all their tools—a lose that will be severely felt by some. Mr. Sommerville, we believe, lost several small cars used fur the purpose of con veying the coal from within the mines to the echtite or railroad care. We de plore this loss, bat had the high tat , if? principles entertained by him and where of like ilk, been buried there" will, we could have solemnly respo n• ded amen, feeling assured that there inns t fly no loos. —Rey. Mrt Cutter, of hinesburg, Pa. is expected to preach at the Union service bell under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. of Itellefitte, in the Presbyterian church, next Sabbath ono week, 24th of September --The tallest corn stalk wo have ecen for a long time with sent us the other