The Democratic Watchman, BELLEFONTE. PA Speolel Notices. Divoitowc-Absoluto Divorces legally obtained In New York, Indiana, Illinois, and other States, for persons from any State or country. leggl everywhere; desertion,drunkenness,non stramrt, etc., sufficient MIRO ; no publicity. Nn charge until divorce is obtained, Advice free. Address, MOORE A RICIDIRDSON, Counsellors at Law, 180 Broadway, Nu e vaYork City. ly. IT HAS NoEufAL.— In RIFCILSOPOf Dyspepsia, Over Complaint and Kidney diseases, MlMl er's Kerb Bitters will be found a reliable remedy, It has been before the Amorienn peo ple (or over ten years, and Is now recognized as a standard preparation. It in sold by Drug glob; everywhere. possesses the confidence of the people In a greeter degree than any other patent medicine, nd Is endorsed and recom- Mended by physi a cians in every aection of the country , 911 E MESSENGER OF BEALTI/. A largo sized paper, descriptive of Mannar', Its origin and cur, will be mailed free to any ad dress, on application to M. S. B. Hartman & Co., ',ancestor, l'a. 16 34 4w Dry Goods - - Groceries. LOEB, MAY & LOEB are Just opening their second Installment of SPRI ED AND SUMMER GOODS 'FREY HAVE EMI LARGEST, B EST, FINEST AND GUN:APES! 0 any ealahllahnent In t wn • and PCP un at our new rooms, nearloie ponit , our Old stand. 1.01 .B. MAY A LUSH !LING NEW UN DER 17.5 THE HUN w (.rooery, Provl.itn litld General VR S 'lore hnx J net Ifeen opened In A o 6, 11 ER H OFF R 0 W, oWe elegant room lately occupied by t. Y. D. I• 1 V Ell, IAMEi H. LIPTHN, ,ho 11 prepared to sell, at prices to ,u IL the people, hit , cERIF.4 AND 1.1.,/I'lt i , ted Fi h Ilatn, Canned and Dried Fruita, Cniir"etionery, Queens, Glam.', Stone and Cedar UM and, in Lire, every ihuu , ;! shut pertains to his use 01 busine,s, at prices to suri"rllE PU MAC Ile Inleudr to keep the privet. down w thin the jPIWII of every one, and will, at the mule limn, keep the BEST QUALITY 01" GOODS. hood, to any part of the town. come, now, ell ye lover., of Fine Cirocenes end "bleb," and =I and Nee for youp.elf that the ObOVO in 00IT001. JAMES H. I,lllfON, Bellefonte MEI pitINTING 1;s1 COl.OltS A SPE CIA LI ry 'AT T 11.4 OFFIOE. JOB WORK =i AT THIS OFFICE Ory.Goods, Groceries. ANOTHEA NEW STORE! The Largest, Cheapent and Beet Assorted stook of GI 00DH In Central Pennsylvania eas Just been opened at the now store room In Brockerhoff Block, Bishop Street, by KELLER & MUSSER. FOR THE LADIES They have Mika, Coburg', Alpsecae, Merin Wool Halaines, Lenten., Ginghniirin, Prints, Poplins, Lawns, Handkerchiefs, Hid and other illovem, Hosiery, Heintz.- rale, lloop-sk iris, and a general variety of Ribbons, Trim- tying's, Buttons, Braids, etc., at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Clothe' Black and Fancy Cannimeres, Sattinetn, Tweetin, ?del ton n, Water-proof Cloth, Silk, Satin and Common Veetinga, etc., In great variety, and at pricey giv Ipg matinfao- I ion. READY-MADE CLOTHING Such an Overcoats, Dress Coats of various quail (lien and pileflP, Plain and Fancy Vests, Cassitnere and Flannel Overshirta, tln dermlil rim of wool or cotton, Handker chiefs and Neck't'ies, Cotton and Wool en Hocks, Calf and Kip Boots and :hoes, Gum Hoots and Shoes, Hata and Caps, and such other articles an are usually needed. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Among which may he found Carpete,oll Cloths, Rugs, Brown blunting, Bleached Domertion, Drillings, Pillow-ctutlngs,Hheet, Towelings, Table Cloths, Table Covers, Window [Hindi., Curtains, Tickingn, and a very large annortrnent of snob aril- Olen as are wanted by house keepers, and at prices to suit the times. QUEEN:MARE A full nsaortinent, consisting of Tea and Din nor Rota, l'itchea, Doak, Dinhes, and • genend variety of wale that will in, sold by the dozen or piece, and as cheap an it ran be purchase." elsewhere In the county. STOCK I= Conslating of Sogara, (~fern, Teas, Spices Hirniom, Pried Fran., Cheese, Flour, Rayon, Feed, et, , alwayx on 1111/111 and for snip at a Nola!' advance 011 1.01.1 iiirTiley have evPryttling the eltison wants, 1111 , 1 intr.! to ilu hnvinriv by sell trig everything sa the LoWEST CASII HATES tt rn i n , t ”,l prntluen taken NEW E —II A Itl'Elt 11 lase 1)1 •d an FA 7 IRE NEW STOCK OF UOODS If e ,•ry 'noir new morn-rman on hl.nug mirvet , w tutu Wino • =I And vi ill a, low if ilia liiNvi•r. than vllll to, fiellltoi • 1.11/.1. 1114.1,4t0ck comiprirc. In part. Dry t11,114i1. Nt,t,1,11. 1,,,n1Y, t( , ,.i„n,•., uney 1.0n.1., 4 hailing 1i41 , 1 1 / 4 /1114 Flip.•• Itl/011 , A114:"1 , "•. 1100.11.11111 Nab. and Carom Latent rtyle, 6f lbw. 111111 rap. Hate. and Cup.. Carpot Cat pat-Hai,., Car put-Hag,. !text and rhenpo l'aratmlitt, Gym!emelt and Lathe.. M'urnlnhing tttotk, Lad u•tl Mak, and rlrmilarti In Silk anti I Milt, Carpeting. tjrn rrittn,tittectinvrat =1 And everythinK that im to I, found in n Luken wil ni "lul ue."„" , `d'...!"):;g d itinrket priVe pnid vllll2l Bakeries, dke IN' ENV BA K EBY cONEE(4tioNERY, ti,6,4‘...1 A rondo, High Street, Bellefonte, Pa =I at him Ilrvt-r•lur+ Rnk rry nffil el ., od ru „„, vet'n p❑llit with good r•nh 14 Ii I), c( and e,ery (king In him 111111, nut ull 11111011 1114 LA WKS' PI.:CREAM SALOON will lie open during the nununor, and will be kept 111.11110 IVO the by yely Xu'olll, lit 411411111 y of lee el 10101 that Will 10/111001111y Le 1111401111/111d Ih mar 01 11111111 1011100. I 1111 he /011•1•11101 at Vely none. If ly GET(4OOD BREAD BY CALL. Ing at tine new and oxtonslye Hakimr eniablialinnint of J. ❑. BANDS U Font on d ior o Alleghenj farce' wt i rre ßi ho te f h ur e nl2:B every Fresh Bread, Cakes of ah Leek, Anything Kula Everything h. 1.41,ing t 4 1111,1110tOt. Ifnving I'lol yours iu vsp.4 WOO the hunintwit, is 111.11101 It IMO/toll ullO its t•ttll gnnl illitt3o null iI4IIIOIOII to nil to 110 11114 y lititOr him with their 1.0 ri1111440. 11t112 J. 11. -AZNIJS. ItEMOVA I public In hereby notlfled the bualnena formerly conducted by A. Ht**WAN, will +wearier be carried on by himeelf and broth er•in•law, under the firm name of IN B(1811'8 ARCADE, NO'S. 1 and 2. the roome heretofore occupied by Howell & Gil liland, one of which will be devoted entirely to ' , DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS k CAPS, NOTIONS, ETC., ETC, 'rho other one excluolvely to LEATHER, SHOE FINDIE(18, TRUNKS, A. Fuertman very respectfully requester all his old friends and enstomery, who Mayo tinsel tied weeminte upon Ids books, to cell and net tin the earn. miller by note or ,dherwil., but WA. wk..), any of them to fail to call and see hill) In his new place of brininess. Come and see us, we will lake i leasure In Showing our goods, though you do nut wish to busy In-12 HIIHSMAN R FLEMINGTON MILLS FLEMIN(7I'Wg, CLINTON, ti)UNTY, PA NI oult lEEE The undersigned having purehased the PACKEIt & PACKER, le now prepared to receive orders (or nnythlog In tilts lino of buelunnn, and will givo thin same .-- prompt attention BZEI GEM SEE WHAT WILL HO! A Illualnomo Now Si Fogravtaa and a ,iIIIWS n prim No idonk o 1% fill larli Silo gut ut the Lunn of par I to II rlll,rr I.orloy n If get,' of the Rhone, the I floinlowit..l, or Ilio 11111,1 Chrlot oho If oro it gorili d Ly dealer , and 1.51,...15 tho haml+ , nu Pit find io • in Stool F:ngroi V., "fief Sil 1l1) V Pf heal Is a Korn of ort every I foir et Itoliler will posittir ly draw 0111• follow ing fo ftror PANIC PRICKS PA .I( PRICKS PANIC PRICKS 'I containing twenty eta rionm all t 1 1 ,14 lei n eon 11 ,011.111,.. ought, ,tlll•k ;•,‘ "IA 'I [IF I'll 'I Ill.!, \ of 1111 ilere•l rill the hat 100/1(11 1 . 4, tt %h."( on il,trfith 0 lime k tilt 11.1 1 . 1. Illg liar ' if • SY, tip So ~ , 1 1 I ftrit, with NAP per t• ., chol, e ht.!, H 01/II A 10011:iell 4.3,1,110 .2., SI AND,M, ISM. MArIIINI.,I very cheep =I =I MEE =1 11=!=21 at lOwemt ',deem = $,710 1111. to141•11og ..1 11 /B.l,ing Marlllll/.4, 114,..1/ qurllr of Art, and g• 111. r 1.. , 1.1 011.1 /11/1 11,1, :all , or I 1r.1,1 att 1.. 1,1/1. 11.1-111 111 I ./1 Illur $1 Imo, +4/1111/ 1401/11 615,141 and I'mLrt I'm rellnn Ilmbr. Ilan ha. di a% mit will t.tki• 1.1,,AV 40,1 11. , trig , a 11 . 1 / 1 01 AI, i.k di•inklite 1/4 . 11. rr, 111 41 , 111/0, lit kV! • I•••• -• I•• t••• lot ••• :•• ••• 1•• 1111.1. I 11•••ir • ••11trol .t 1 11,11 • 'ld I kg 1 Moth,. I 011111 '1 I 111 1,41,, Inn.. Is It fI I ofly, f Lff ., 1. o ` - 1,111 of f sf sl.fol and 1. 'hvgi /1111 , 111 ,o , ffoff \\ in If II of Iff oft f tiff loirfl Fon, t . flo . f 111 of 14,11111‘ I. 11101/, N 1,11111,/ .lavol• A llffirger, Defllllll, I%lRry 1/11111, and 111)11 r 4 11111,1 g Ow stookltolflf ' I Ile iffiffffints of 111, salt, Is 1-Ifflifly If. male„ lLo . • 1,11 off 1111 . 1111.111(1,.. off Juno], fliffl full the efil •••fttst... Jam., I.: Iliguult, Attorney at lAtsv, Propti dent 111.1riry Slllll.‘ (I,f I hot lino 4.r meno44, it 44" 1t4.41 liidgedy, 11111,1 St t it•lnry aIPI %Tanager (;1•101g1. 11 1(1,...,1,1 1 i•0r..1 11..1. Nln., ill , Speaker thi It. I.4(kar , :.•111111. II11• 1.1,1 1.111 I,llm age it. 1W /111111 g 111, 1111. }llllll,, II 1. 1:(.111.,r 4.1 ltin l'ap• I, /1111 111 1 OW 1 . 11 , ...1 gencial ly. ( Lek. 111141 1110111111 g givpp (Iry for every 4 , 110114 ( , ml w ail the moapytk IMI (14.11.1 all yimi 1.11 1.1 grip rid .flier, CAW/I.IISE , LAND ASSIWIATIMN Sixth 11/11/ A - 1011.Stx Wilmington, /hi Xlll be ,eet 111 811 perele.nie m Ire,. ler tem 11111111111811t/ 1 /11 It 111 gIVO a .b•1x11.,.1 • 11111,1 ul 0111 111111 1 118111111414 frlllllllllllllll 1 mle. rue nietp,e s for 11x, will phi.° 114 Owl: 1,. 0,1 Mee 11, 1.1 Iy NEW STAGE fil)GTE.—lierealte , the Agricultural College adage, will Wail Pine llrovo for Bellefonte, at 51 , 6 (,'clock n e a 11l leave the College at 7 o'clock a m, an. run via of is-Mont "End of Mountain," place of via lionserville, an formerly Return lug, It will leave Bellfeonte at 2 o'clGrov oc k,e, p the College at 5, anti reach Pine by p. M. JAM FA JACK, Proprietor. lIIH. NIIL MI , A 11? NEATLY ANL) LiX- C 11-.l , lTiousi.v puivi Dry Gonds—Olothing 100 sq` 0 ItE s NOW ITEI A ' NEW FllO4l I=l SUSSMAN & GUGGENIIIMER, GROCERIES, BOOTS, 8110F,f3, IMEIVED Flour, Food, Etc rzEui ORAIN, P LASTER [ZED orals] MEMO FLEMINGTON M ' I,LS, formerly mime WY!) c PACK ER Prizes hist, v.rtli Irvin SI (111 lo 6/511111). $2. bol WALTHAM Es =I =1 =1 AT THIS OFFICF Watchmaking th. Jewelry WATCHMAKER! MR. F. C. RICHARD Denims to Inform tho public that ho Is now Spring Street, next door to harpers' store, Bellefonte, Pn., Whore ho fa now prepared to make and repair WATCIIFii, CLOCKS, JEWI..II.ItY, Promptly, and on the moat reasonable terms Tieing a good workman and having had long exporienoo, ho nclioves that he can ren der Wirt) satisfaction. 16-30-Iy. F RANK P. BLAIR, (Successor to J. 11. Ilahnj PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, A ENGRAVER, BELLEFONTE, PENNA AI.BO, MOILER IN American, Englieh and Swine Welchem, Cloche, Mho Jewelry and Silver-plated Ware, Watchee Repaired on the most 1 SCIENTIF C PRLIVCIPLES, =I GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION I=E! LODI) FELLOW & AlanufActtired At short notice Solid Gold and Silver Jewelry Manufactured to order. DON'T P'OROTT TIM PLACB, No. 1 111181 f 11011 HE, and No. 2 BROCKEitiIOFF COAL, LIME, POWDER, The beat Wilke. Barra anthracite coal from lialtomore Mines, alno Shamokin udhmolte coal of all Fuzee prepared exprenaly for family tree, constantly on lianJ and for sale at MUM LOWEST MARKET PRICES o,ll , .llTerm of eon! will plena*, note that our coal As housed under commodious abeam, which adds to Be value. We now have a wharf at Look fla•en for tran...ferring Wilkes Barre coal from boats to cars, and will supply e u.lomr rye by the ear load when desired, iron) the old Baltimore mines Limn burnt with wood or coal for sale at our Kilns on the pike loading to Mllesburg 1' 0 W I) E It Agents for the smile of Iniponts powder at wholesale—stock on hand Merchants will hod It to their inturent to boy or us. ()Mee and yard near Mouth EMI or It. H. V It R. la•pot HIItilal,11 , 1:K a (1) 134111 Bellefonte Co /A I. ! CuA I, I I CUA I, 11 Having oreoloti flow 1 , 1111 14111.1111 and new 1.',411 - I.ollle. ) are prep., dto 1 1 / 1 - 11fflfl the very brit quality of WI LK ESIIA URI tio, t. ,S: or EMI L= sIIAMOKIN WAI„ ME IDE to nll who muy wunt the mine at the OEM REAS4iNABLE PRP EH or el 111, k of tho vory bent in the market tod will hn dehved at the NitfltiliflCO 01 all l'itrile, In 81‘,114.1..1,t(1, AS I,OW ASTIIE SAME QUALM' 1==!! All dila:1181.41 vllh .1 l' nil his 0i111 . 13 lu I.:tiered lionise, or faille =MIMI Will receive prompt attention Sadlory H u I , I E I) MANUFACITIRER OF FINE HARNESS, HORSE CLOTH INU AND 1,300T5, NEXT LOOK TO HARPER k, RHO'S, Bellefonte I Leg to Inform you that I have lamed the above store, (or thomanufacturo of FINE HARNESS AND HORSE CLOTHING Bellefonte ban long needed a First-Chinn establishment of thin kind; and my endeavor dila!l be. by tilting nothing but the best miller. lel, and employing only first-Mans workmen, to turn out work equaled by few and excelled by no manufacturer in thin Country. Bentlemen can have their horses carefully meanured at the stables, for clothing, boots, eta thus inniiiing a perfect-filling article, and imparting an additional grace to the style of the steed. Di-29 - SCHOFIELD located on =1 EEI Coal. LI M E ME To nny person producing any Mlldielnollo in show hair its runny living, cures ati lie Firivit ' s V 515155111 t liarux , and a fitilher vonard of Slim for any care of N1'1111144111 or If hennunllsw II trill not ro, his ILltotirmato Hy fop In used 111 w nn ily only, pleasont to the taste,aell gilarallll,4l free from injurious Itrogs It is not n loit the itelentilie prow: iption of Jos P FlUer Al Professor of Ton wology and i litunistry grailisafe of the celobratod Unlvorsity of Penn. oylvtillia, A la , Ix.ll, whose eSNm profeoolonal fife his.. been devoted specially to thin (cease, onil hen 'oral Ll 4, COlifided fat ufly thereto, j 1 his preparation iv bohove.l, y, vi lentiously, tinder sob sin mail, to Iko the only pommye ielinble, infallible specific et er disc otered Isn endeu , e or confidence In Ito v, /Jade, no ono ii„i iegal.signed contract will he for tided without char ge, to any sufferer avoiding b) t'ller It deft rll,llllll of affliction, (ha contravt nelluug ford) the nurnber of bottles it afrltllted to tire, and In ease 01 failure, amount paid for the Med,cwu ohec chilly refunded. Thin fair and genet 011.4 oiler ocenrely p, oteots sufferers fr funek iiiiposltioll. and useless a: penile tote til money Mediesil ndth e, with certiti votes from prorninent Physivinno, florgyinen 1.11• , w h.) ha \ 4 . 1111111 alt.r all other metal' In. 1104 1 . 111.1..41, men( by !ell,. gratis Ainleted eordially invho,i 1.1 write for ndvlcu to the principal office . to Smut, Fourth otioet, Philo dolphin. Pn Ur. limier o Itheurnatie Syrup Is nohl by • It. tie ly I=l S A. MLQUISTION, Bellama°, Pa. MANUFACTURER Glo 1:11t1411AG1.1 , 3, BUG Of ovory doserlid ion on hand and made to or der by.prat-elans nieelionles Being a moll eal notebook', I Wollili warrant all work 141gIv. natlniavt ion 11.4.pna lag ioroomptlto otttootallooot to at it, loo t , .00t / PII 4,11. p. On "'Milt) Storer i/1111 the DUI/It Ito Itioly MIIMESIMM LIGHT CARRIAGES, BUGGIES & SLEIGHS Repairing done with anathema and dispatch AR work done at short notice and a arrantro to give entire satisfaction M I LE 3' CENTRE COUNTY, PA 1 I-23- ly Legal Advertisements PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF =I =1 Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania. De it Raeotneti by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the Commonwealth of Penney/mom in General Assembly met, That WO following amendment of the Constitution of the Com mouwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or refection, pursuant to the provis ions of the tenth article thereof, to wit: AMENDMENT. Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Article of the Conetilution, and insert in lien thereof the following: " Alittete Treasurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the Suds, at such times and for such term of service ma shall be pro• scribed by law." JAMES H. WEBB, Speaker of the House of Repreeentatlree WILLIAM A. WALLACE. Speaker of the benato Approved the fifteenth day of June, Anno Domini ono thousand eight hundred and beventy-one. _ JNO. W. OEARY. ) 511 Prstpa ed and certified for publication purau "xi to t Tenth Article of the Cone Mutton. F. JORDAN, 8 tory j of the Commonwealth Office 13 . ry of the Commonwealth, arrialtrurg, July Rth, 1871. MEM A DMINJSTRATOR'S NOTICE I -1 Lotter. of Administration on the estate u( illiam Grove, deceased, Into of Gregg township haying been granted to John Grove, residing In the same township, all persona Indebted to said estate are ten eby notified to make immediate payment, and those haring clainna against the same to present them, duly authenticated for settlement JOHN (MOVE, Administrator if lVm. drove, Deceased. la-30 ot• ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Letters of Administration on the estate arnea C. Murphy, dee'd , late of Fergu son township, haring been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves Indebted to said estate are hereby notl• lied to make Immediate payment, and all har ing claims martinet the NOM , to prevent them, duly authenticated for settlement to Bellefonte, Pa ) REBECCA MURPHY, Aug 'Pith, 1871 N - JOHEPH MURPHY, 111-33-0 t ) A dmanutraturs Druggists. r ELLER & Jmuirrr ZA E=l DRUGS, M EDWIN ES, CHEMICALS, Ar also all the STANDARD PATENT MEDICINPH A very large an• sortment of Toi. LIT AavieLts, Fancy floods Soaps, &e., tc. The finest qual ity of It •ao a POCIRT Kriess, Hotssoas and RAIOI4I. WALL PAP.. in GnLAT VAtIRTT• I'HKSCRwrioNs, compounded by competent druggimte at all hours, day or night. high[ euxiomern pull night bell ZVI.I.EIt R JARRETT', Itinhoir St., Bellotonte, ErEil Medical NF,l l l{.ll.(ilA, V.OOO RILL PAID qnrriages. = SIMMER & WILLIAMS, 11Innufneturern or Sewing Machines. THE BINGEIt MANUFACTURING COMPANY AT THE woßtape FAIR, --Constituted by the nnmen oho people— Receive the area yAword o Oda HIGHEST SALES! And have left all 'irate far behind them for they Bold in 1870 One Hundred and Twenty-seven Thou sand, Eight Hundred and Thirty three Machines f . being more then forty thousand In advance • their pales of the previous year, *nd IWO forty-four thousand more than the sales of auk . other Company for 1870, as shown by arlfr following figures from sworn returns of this sales of Licensee. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANt Bold over the Florence sewing machine cow pony, 110,173 machines. Sold over the Wilcox & Gibbs sewing Machine company, 98,643 machines. Sold over the Weed sewing machine cos pany, 02,831 machinee. Sold over the Grover & linker mewing machine' dold"olv'e"tiliV. 770,4.7170,4.711mua n L e .1 1:1 n n e e 8. company, h 2,071/ machines• Hold over the Wheeler & Wilson manufactas, Mg company, 44,625 machines. all of which is mainly owing to the pepulartlir of what In known as the "New Family Bowles Machine," which Is now fast finding its wear Into every welV , regulated household. Far Circulars giving full particulars of Machine% their Folding Cear•li of many varieties et wood and knish, their Attachmente far numerous kinds of work, which, till recently, it was thought that delicate fingers alone could perform, as well as particulars about MI articles used by their Machines, such as Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil, de.- do.. apply loony of their Authorised Agents or to N(IER. MANUFACTURING COhf PANT., 468 BROADWA Y, NEW YORK. Philadelphia Office OM Chestnut Weal. ZIMMERMAN PRO'S & CO., Armin Is Ile I leroti te. r.. 10 27- II ducational =lEiliiiiMi 11 EI, I. EFONTE, PA. LE= Location Admirable Building., Spacious and Convenient, TEACH ERE RP UCA TED, TRIED A, = Instruction, thorough In all the departments of 11 complete academieslr ft, so an t4l jA pure thu Student (or of est Colleges, Mg teaching, or for tontine. I fe. Cl teAl, 1111'HW Is made u branch in that regular course of study Sperml atiention given to moral oulture and general refine ... nt NEXT MFASIftN begins on WRDNFSDA 11"„ September I, teal For Circular, REV. J. P. 11UGH FJ?I, l`rlnnped Steamer A NCIIoIt LINE STEAMERS. BATLI4, EVERY W EDN Fk; DA '1 AND SA I Ira. Y, 7(1 AND NEW YuRK AND GLASGOW Calling at Londonderry to land MILL, and pa.. Renters 'r le Steamers of this favorite Tine are' ben expresaly for the Atlantic Pannenger •Trail and titled rip in every respect with all Am modern Improvements calculated to i 111412110,1 tie safety, , ' , III!, t, 0111.1 ronurnienee of paw engerm Pio.. airs Payable in Corr/mum 'ro 1:W.6411r lIILIYOUL All I, Losinosaaaar. p,,,t (.„1,,„ , ,i,.. ~,,,i 1!"7', orronling to Lora t . on. Olthm /return ' lt,tet a, 15113,i, securing to tit twill's- rnuriati u,td Interwar Itair rl9 1 .tire`, tip., I'nrtl+•n sending for their fricniln ur the .4.1 y cats ptireliana ticket. at red uteri rittee For twill, particulars apply to HEN filtirl II Alt.,, 7 Rio. N Y HANK INA IHK IN, !neural... agent., Millis ICcEACin Rifles ME Tll LI )L) IRE i/ESCII NEIL, iil'N smmi, 111111 I . ollooVeil 10 1110 more known ma No. S 110.11 I. t n /01.• dour to 7lnunnrinrn, tiros • whet - . he Is Just opening outs Coto pleb stock out ERN I= Rase Italia, Bata, Keys, and general Spot'ling Ara rhea i.nna !natio and rupalied and nu ranted 14-32-1 v lblachinory WM.l'. NCAN [nUClALlieloll TO TODD • DUNOAIIj F()UNDER Sc. MACHIN I= PORTABLE AND STATIONERI ENGINES, TURBINE WA7'EI?:WHEELS CIRCULAR SAW MILLS., MILL IiIACIIIIVERY Works near P. R. R. depot. 15 40 ly TO OWNERS OF UNSEATED LANUS I—Notloe Is hereby siren to owners of Untested lands, In Centre county, that there will be an appeal hold et the Corn unlealoners' office In Bellefonte, on Thursday and Friday. the Nth and Itithdnya of Septem ber next, where all permute feeling them .cbcn aggrieved by the late sutsessment ran mictui If they see proper. 'I be Bald I.;ngle and weetern town appear on Thursday. the 14111. and ante of the county on Friday the 10. By order o the Commta.loners. 1043-17 \VAL FUREY ICI 'rAcliLte