The Democratic Watchman. BELLEFONTE, PA Cards JOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-tit , Law, Bellefonte, Pa. 14 4 A U. FURST Attorney at law, .131.• Bellefonte, Pa. -14-20 L. KRFAIS, Attorney ttt Law, Clanrtinld, 'a. 14-24 WILLIAM J. KEALSIL Attor ney at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. 1 , 12 n la ISAAC LYTLE, Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Ps. Often with Wm. I' Wilson. IA 441 ly Aitt /YU ('K, Dentimt, at residenea itty'rlinmstm Ht , two *tors sorth of trn Hod ttrotltt,n Chtireh, r 1.401 D(F. FO('I'NEY, Attorney at X.F• Law. 0111eo over Reynold'n •14n2a Q, DURBIN (:KAY, Attornry at It•J•l.nw, Brileronto, Pn., 011iet, with A. 0 Timed, EAq. • Ina A HON WILLIAMS. Attorney at Lew, ottiee with the Sheriff, hetlefonle, 15 IA- T it. 11.. Physician d Hurgeon, llt ee, 13i.hop Htreot, 114,11.40nte, Pw. 130 DR. J.F. I,AI2IMER, Phymician mirvif4urge , m, l, llsc , at %WI rephleneo M.ltteopal .Ihurch Zi IRA C. 141'1' 1 'H ELL, Atti,rnev at 1,,.w, P , PvLpa, Pa I III),', twor• 6u11,1411g 1 , lk kri9ALIASTEIt IW.A Elt i At iN4 tornuye et lAw, Allogheny fro 1, Ihrei, et the. Vtarnond, ttett,•tante, l'it elrnl ORVIS & ALEXANDER, Attor neys it Law, itoll.•1ontl`, i'n ►w - srlorw of th' Conrail limp., ‘7"ltp Atturticy at Law, • leartwl.l eam(y. til 1.. m . a see u rt.! l'lA,trflel ft ;i I !pl , 1 1 .. 11{W N K 111. K M 1) 11) A:4 • t•Utn 111 , l tinrg.,,n, f .1111.ln 11111 h.. , .1.0. , 1,t,( rti Tlt. R II A ES, l'wo+t • It VI t /011,44) , I, 14. !Moe r...1.1..11, nu Atti•Kittly htr , vr, fl•It, Pr 111. I se door. pti'dwin ItN If A ler, Attortwv at el • I,aw tollaelikm. and all ,011, r legisl IN, 5,..1111 1 (15 ik11.11 , 4‘ t., 4,1 m V It,) iv.l , t4 A k I , 7lt 11 1.. t. llt .: ST ITZ Fit, A th,rni.c4 R I 1 mr, to 0. t,lle, hl ‘ , ll , t• ,10 the 11011 , ,11A 11 , II d. , ..1 I. Ipmmts, . ii,,tvt Oki A y tr, t•onrult.• 4 l to Etlglo.ll MIA 10,VIOOlt 1/14(t.4 D It 0 TIPPI.E, 11 S id , N0rg...”,, , I 0111. OTVT 0itC11.44 1 .114 pr.onvily MI I I,', II \ \ to , rnes lit I'hi , ll ,o lire I ••1111.• t tottilN t :tat ,ttt / t i • t bit 11 f.t-ttlt ut Altt/ it /.. I OW, it ti/eti ttP tit/ tr ?%I H M I), , tt lnn I. MO hh‘ll‘ls 1,4•11, ly MX 10 , .1 111 I MO( 4111,1 r, n 1 , , thr t .t 1 that NI ‘Nr M 11 11.1,141. I,t.r a wltl ~tt It. U. prl. • •t•.. 11 lti el 111 k I. taltl..l 111 4,1 '1• II \I ith :art" Po ila° L 1 ; It( I.N 111.111vr m Sow mr. 1 . • 11 , 0,/, , 11. a," mu-,". " r. rig. 1 , “'' , 1111. A' 1~ Klan 1/1 1; ISA It( ; \V holt' t,ale 1,31, 1,.‘,6.4•41 ,t11.1..”1,1,/, ^ of 01. (1i.r. Lo r i hut! 6u I'.‘ W 1,1,1 \ P,iti r , %tit at /anti to all t.a1..• I IlIt11•11,i 1” 10111 NM. , art and 611,111 V 113,141 1,1 r 101 I • rr-tr r• Irr rt *IN , 1111 hr . Irr Ir.. tt,tit• r.titta..•ll‘l , I Itt• can ow •• gotteral kctit,tl rt.alll A•!1!lil,l:3. hi- %or 14 - v, to ltt. atoi )t.,1) lott , 1t.11.1 , b11t0, Prk \ I.ttt IV 1 3 , I I. A lirlt•ftetlte, Pa t Ms., I , ler /fry tO k Vlbrtivular attention paid t., n tuptuK 111,1/111111 (ties. 111111 thy itit•watotl law(' " . 1.11 tor, 14 47 If 1, 4 1 I'. 'l'l I'. It N EN' , .1 Nl'l. I, LAW lill.l tioll "MP.. of 'FIKR -11..E1 * NULL, I:loqieborg. /11,1111 in .mikty P. ' , Me.. Row I 1,11 Uou 1.4 , 1141 Jill 1 . 01114 , 11111101 ill ,AIL y.,1,. tol 1111 11)11110•11Silkle* 1,7 I y elI. P. G EVII A WI, ALEXAtiIb R y4en.l. to vonnell , inn ,w,l yrttetn•n in the lir p1, H e..1 011 rt. Tim N I). WIn;ATE, I). D. S. el ~.w mmitten rooms Illterllv over the .........i , ' ' stole LA Ml'S}, Harp , A itiOlhOr,, a 1 , , , 4.1 ,, 4 - oerth et ht , . 1,1114'1 it•rlial, , flf • V r ~,1 - ol to•f th 111" , •II1 , 1 i.e a+ lilt I +OO , tat 4 444 44 444 44 11 , 1011 glit It to tt, firer., I'. ii..i. il flit• itttlll,l tve,lt I Mil Illoi ,O, , 7,1 h S 1W1,1:Mt1), l) 1) S. I‘l , S. pr(16 , 11.411l1:1) ni•rvier , tO 11, eltttt) Of Over %V 51 4 .1 , , Kin door 1,..10w ',on, A 1 1 0 . Ilul,ld ro store. All o /mkt )ntrisole 4 l to we .111 1,1, es° mint in tho boot iintlinor Fur bill ot LW Vuleoulto • Stu 041 11:111..r - - nuto at 32 4.1.411 af t, pet t/./A), 111 r 1.0 t•t111. )1, 1.1 WAN'rEI) I ,- A uitm l 4.• "r Litt .141 • r "..1 f 4,110.1,4111 .lilrlrlV irl i• ICI • it 1114 Mr mamm,llr C4ISH irit . /,•ki i• WAVIED! • 311,ttn,11,1.1 tj p,••• 601:. 111:11itel, tor Li. '1 • • 111,.rub , 11,41 i /, Philadelphia Cards. THILODORS SWINERORD, WM/ W. G. 11ANSELL, 21 North 4th Street, Philadelphia. Importer and Wttotoeelo Dealer In I CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENBWARK Original Packages constantly on hand. 10-15-on, LA PIERRE HOUSE, Broad and Chestnut Streetn, 17111,A7)RI.PIIIA. J. P. Proprietor T4iirrta per day, 111,50 tG~7 E DwARD W. MILLF,3I., WITTO MCCOWN & BICKEL, IZPONTIARII AND AUCTION JOIIIItAII or 110SRflY, GLOVES, NOTIONS AND W 1:f tioollB, 331 Manta Street, 14-t- I'lll I,ADRIA' IA TT 80IFM !DT, I M PORTER OF H . WINK, OIN, lIIIANIIIKi &NI) Cl,AltrPo ==3l2 taILES KEPLIAWI J • with liA H.N ES, II Elt4 IN et r Wnninnele end Retail donlerN In HATS I:A FS, STRA IV GOODS A:V D FURS Sfitrket St , A BAum, 111 IN )ICL'EIt AN I) Wlioteemlo livitlor In =EI C=l Nu. 1224 C4/totohttl Street 12n7 Pli ;LAPP:U . III A, PA I 4 AGLE 111)T :L, 221 TturAD Snag?, rietw - pen lint, At.i t ine If U (1')1‘11!,,,i,t4 Furniture N Ew Ft' RN ITU E STOU tll''Al 11,1 It El.l,Eri PA sit Rol FR .1- Ft'lt 1TI" RF uE ALL KtM,4 BEDSTEADS, TA 131, ES, ('HAIRS, ( . I,3cMlcr 1.01 MJE.ti lIVILEArs, WA.SII , ;I'.IN, BELLEH ) NTE I.L A NING iii (t f tEM , tcl' Rt, Partivill,r A tt , hir '4+ thderol Wtdk. , W. V, II 1 . I; /.7, ti, 1:N/' 11;011 {% Ml TL I'\! i,Kl.llil\i;, In All It. [lran. ben, ( Nu.:TmAc: Am 11 , 11 I II 1:11 Krn mot, it %C: i.. A , IL .1:. PM., vhnre Nf, Lem n gem, I nl Itll , kh 2,1J1114%, 1.,1t4.11..,1011Ta1iten, Its r. hn L.• Mr 11 t ill every ,le4erlll4lon gull v, mtvel pr levv, for Artl4. ,•11..•ap.•/- thus( \ e.tn6lu.h.•nnt ritr,.l /t •nn • tn Hr.% P 12 AKIN PA Tiii,NIAE IIuME INDVNTICT 11+11\ ISlirl~'lll%ll.l Slum fact rf•r mi•l ,1.•alor 1n II ol' St; II 01, Fl' R IT I' A', Seam) H , 1411.L1F0111%, PA., Heel°. eon.lantly nn Ilan ,1 A elmfee wolnrment of Mxltrxanee, s„fx+• cheur.., I ngen, bet• Ae. A very tine v,eleetton of WA LL P.l PEI? wlll ulttu) 4 tut fotltt , l ut 1.41 W 1 4 1L10EM 1/..-01-1), music !IR:KERING ;:;u\s CELEBRATED NOEs at reduced prices ()KG A NS, SHEET MUSIC, &C., T. :H. CHRISTIE k CO'S. MUSIC STORE, V ESVE li sTREE T, LOOK HAVEN, PA I 1 ta-24 ly - WONTING IN COLORS A SPEC 141 TY AT Merchant Wailers. MERCHANT TAILORING, ES tabllshment,No. 7, lirockerhott's row. Tho undersigned takes pleasure tit intorming the citizen% of Centre county and the public generally, that he la just opening a Sldandid and 140% Ahmorbnant of Foreign and Domestic CABBI M Elt ES and V DST IMO.; CAFISIMERF2I and V ESTINUS, CABSIM ERE% and V EISTINGS Which he la prepared to make to order in the latest and moot fashionable styles, for men or boys. Gonda sold by the place or by the yard. /le also keeps on hand a full line of oEwrs of every . Vie and variety, ennsisting of hats and yaps, straw goods, maim or linen shirtn, undereloth for N11111111(.1' or winter wear, sns penders, hose, nook ties, collars, both paper and linen, ltandkereh to fa, The hest Ilifilltlfae thre of kid gieves—"'l'ho JOUViit"-14 full as sortment of sizes, colors he., on hand This establishment in also the headquariere of the Binger tieettig litaehing Agency. Jon N MnNTO4OI.F.ItY. No. T BrookorholT How, la.llrfnnle PR. •IEnIN TI lA, IN '1'111.; L - 7 To my old friend. nod o110101111.1"0, and tr, many new ones as may diodre to he rigged tint IN WELL Fin i U, SrIiSTANTIALLY nun matte snits 01 nititites, term nny kind of termt they I 11/1N A 1810 811 , 1 Cit...l lent nantirtznent of FVIt>INIII\~. +.+u+l+H ,~ CIA)T118, CASSIMIMES AND VF-STINGS From Whirl% gunny 111 unll tltk runde I , onfur =! MI FASII A ItLE STY LE PlotsAe rail nn.l et,tuttit, ml. 1111 , ` I+l ,, ek I hart' py , t htmght ml. }(twit. ,hiring the lArt PO. , Mid tt.•ry c,•fritot•t it v•lt 14• ditrn• ',W ry and InAhion, thIA 1.1.10 of t'ttittlx.riatttl Valley REMEMBER TB E 11. ABE W. W. M(i'l.):l.l.AN, No. 4, Brorkerh , ff 1:otr, Allegheny St, I sin also sgent for the lattio , rior land cheep Vill,CoX A GIIIRS SF.WI MM HINES wiis , h sleathl he seen by nll d , •.rnng d tilt, ehin,. Planing Mills In 11.1111. , RI mpinny 11 HUI /F 10117 E =ME PLOORIXO A ,VP IIIeATII.NIe DOA EDI NO I=lll 122 130R01.1, WORK OF EVERY IiERCRIPT/ON • • Mule t 0... „ (Inter ffavfng .litirktfiy,ii Non! Liarthor Dryer' connootod with Om I am mut birmi to manttfitcturo my work from 1110 ROUGHLY SEASONED LUMBER. *4-Orders from And the Trade Generally, are respectful! eolloited. 11E1.14E1 1 '0 FT Pi, uatersit Co., vl6 itla PilfleA CLOTHS, GLUT Ile, CLOTHB, FURN,BIIING CWOI)4 FiSMONA)SLY 121811 Ell= Nlailufret o.: t•r '.l YKLLOW N. I. 1, f' Y o ) INI I'INF PINt Uf %.1-1,,t. EEM :811uttern..N. And Molll.lltw WAR ty Bra ki t 1:1=1 @ID on rectory, Builders, Dealer', Twassy Stores MMIBB (: B. l'11.11;:8T, TRIMMINGS All Notions 1-nore, nett door to Ladles' en. trance, Bush House, Bellefonte, Pa, Have Nat opened n lot of Peellto Percale al MI, worth Me. Wool( nod white rind brown and white collo° nt IVAc, for elilrlings, shirt wiiloto and ladies' drosses. I,eaA, brown and buff linen for Itnii&and rtilldren'a moils—now anadus at low prlcea. I.ndtes' while glonns only 21. and 3fie. flood snit tientrablo 11111111 VB of nelored kid glons., MN° lonv‘n Mock kid gloven. A new lot of men's, Indlee' and ehtldren'a hope, A few morn of thane good fluffnlo brand Minton. from 60e. to Vie; alma non brllllAntlne%, Engll.h gronnttines, mane velk, blank Ehgllsh eldotr,—All of w Melt we ore netting Cheap. !Attlee' colored cornett', only 110 e. Cloning our mock of paranoia for the autumn —now is the time to buy. I Ace collars, linen collo rx and cults, pate celebrated 'line paper eollarn and cafe Fancy fun,. from tlOe to 91 b(), Ladles' and chlldren'a bolts from 10e to 75e. And ell Maple tritnmluto, ouch an—alpaca skirt braid, n-yard 'dooms, 10u; Citalen spool cotton 90, plan New style hair note,—constantly &receiving new 'dyke, I,adiea and gent's tins; new pearl, pique and ivory buttons. Mrtrealllett (limpt, gimp., Hamburg edging, etc Ilandlierchlent from 10e to tone Gehl,. use. kercblefa very elleatt. A few more ladle.' ready made which wo wtll cell ebenp Also closing "fit our stock of children'. and iadten' trimmed itst4 very low for $1 to V. gement/a, the //net,— MIS:iI; It l'lllE,l N(ITI.!Ns sTultE \,,t 1.11.111 , 1 Elltlllllli II()USE ti It 1.n1i,., enlpplwir, rIIIIM, .11irt IVlllO , l* .0 I 1,11 , 11 , •n n e 1,114, 4. nub lr it) oral, 14-) ',Mtn TUE V FRY A RTICLE NV STED 141 THE I,AlotEs ==l Mr. ItU I her Jn.l 1, tat taa flan l'ltila .1. Iplat. ma. in valattlaa 1,. 11,4 fat Una a 'I t iaaalay,s, and ill ilwry, has raided u. ta, nelecti4.ll ZEPIII \X , ,NI \ PAWL'. \I , 1 %It'sq, l\l• %Nl,' 10.11 ',Art/I'EN )1001 5 , A\ I. ')( Stvritur Voiitx. ( S1111 , 1(Pr (WI." 11., lit!.,, itiol '-1.)It 14, I'M toloi,,tio, “n,s •ikn ,g vur hut% f A AB\ , \I }.:VI uP /.. A\l, \ !.+I,EKVI:s {\l , (I ll.i 11[1.1 I'l3o ne,h (tit lo.ti+, new styles Ithkek tln.h Itlt t.on 1 heap A tI.I•M lot of 11111 K, ‘0111(i• tirotttl tat, 1.1,x it, Ii at, ;MO kn. It (.R1.4 I . 11Alt(. 41:N4 hl WM" 111 , 1.1 x.ll 1:111/14)N4„tr ar I, 'V )unt r“ , •0,10.1 .1.6 , "0 I 11.1 11, in . lip Ire .4.11 i (las iqoWer..t I. in, at MIN %%NNW K 1/1111:'S, 14, 41 tm Xl.l”) , lteih, Itn.h 1f4,11,44 Liquors T ETTELE P.ALLA Uri rffitEl(iN AND DoM R'I~FS he I,l(it'l)l{S i n th.i °+.•y!) , 00..1,1111 iiy Hey morn , linkery,iin {Sixth"), ntrret, PAI 1111 s i 111,111,4 11,• (1111,111. lie It eepw ”ri WIIIIII n iif eisi.k , 1.4 'reign 111111 •.11.141•Alle Ail ,v,trt.ll. I to (00114111 ;111,111/01 1113/11,1 1 Ing pitymlVliii. le . 411( 41 lo tiv• n 14,4 I. 1.1‘11'1)Its, Suitable for int,ltesil pu rponen fitlttl«g, jagn, • ononandy un inn ,l I(4 . lute the I=l 111 !!..1n All Iln wurrante.l to 14 Ivo nillll4(heliiin !M. FULL liy thin yuurt, tertrrel, or 111Lll• U/1. islri"l I.llo'iiitti (If 11, fth..t m ra4ll, .11 1,1.111 !ill eitvlottlern, lie coill.F r$ share of publu r oAron rlltll2 lAT EH. ANlt 131.:1"I'E1t NEWS. 4 N4A • itl,tAnil m g 111..1 11111 i,. high totl n, u el 01111.1 uppfennlolln • 1110111 r..lgit, nt the W HUM:SALK I.! II M 1*()HK: to lh Marl,to front /‘‘l 111+11ov ntri•ol, , where in I. pt l ply of the ItEB'N!,tt3Oltti, Al pr 1 4 ,1.1 lower OM. ran 10 , (Mind elsewhere .11(-ide 4 howk oat Ow 1,:.% K),• elonnneati.,:e and (IN Irish %%keine, liulland (Ain, Cognisse and other Brandies: .111111111C;11 and New England REIM ; °armful, Madeira, Llabon, Blierry and Vert Wines Cordials, and All kinds of tifrupg, which he is selling so low as 1.0 fUltArliflll 0-12 A BAUM. PRINTINi; t N C4ll.Ol{A A SPE. (1,11.1 TY Al' 11116 OFFICE:. Kardware. T"""ANVIL" HARDWARE STORIC. IRWIN it WILSON, LIMN & WILSON IRWIN A WILSON Northwest earner 0 Diamond. Tiorthwont oornor o Diamond, Northweat corner o( Diamond, 71ellefaste, Pa. Rellefonte, Pa, liellefunta, Pa. Have always on hand, and are daffy recetv ing, every 4ienertption of Goode to tho Hard ware line, for all the wants of the llottnekeeper, fintikekonrwr, ilauxekeeper, Mnebiknle, lift.eluoi le, M oe hank, Farmor i lvnw r, Ftsrmar I,iirnherrnnn, I,firrtP,f,rrtan, Painter l'aintor Pnintt•r. Flatterer Plne ten , r Ma r, r,•r 011,1nel-wink e r ' et-mnk er Catnnet-inak er e•ont Irmnknr I 111,11/0•T h- Mak 11r, Itlnekllllliiil iii.l. 1,11»11) illm ke n ulh IVatv,ct•rnak er Nl.¢ , armak•r ‘l.g.,n-rnaker M fifer, Miller, Miller, Ma I 1 il• 11•, I stit,t And kit w. irk. rot In wood an I 1/1.411.11.1 Their rte. k of SIIELP fitoODS In eoloplete, tonlane tug, toterythioyt to he round lu n flr+t-, PI , re. phUu their ',lock of ❑piAv (.)I* Is always full —constsllng In part of Nalla, Horne tilloorn, (dam., flank, Parlor, and other Sloven, (Ms, 1511.1 111 . 111,1,1 HP. Itope of all aiava and Pa, long, Plat form meals'•« farm Vgi t , r 1 , 1,0•0 pwin.l+, Furna.•es Iluunen and I 11111 , Ern, Pumps for t:lntel Os and Wl.llO, Wooden Wnl.•r Ihp«n, of any Lnre and length, Wood Work of nil kink, (or Wagon«, thiggien, and Carrtagoa, tipainka, A aler, and lioaea, tr i p, andBteel of all afaon A kinds, flora., Shoo Nails, All Nall NON, all of whh•h we me nellmg ni the very lowe.t pr k [WWII to U.' tract, CALL. AND HRH OUR srocß We will be pleased In Nh.vr you all through, vreelher you I,uy ur toll our nalemnen are NA all llnu•s alloullve and .I,IIKICK al4nl lIARUWARF I HARDWARE I The Oleo to buy. .1 A J umtitis would rempectfully Inform the community that they have opened a corn, Mete STOCK. OF lIARDWAIiIi. eionprilti4 all vartettrx ul tooth. Ih that I Ina C 5 WILL SELL AT TIIR LOWEST I{.‘; 'rhtirKtcrek Coo/data of all awl, ofloOldorn bard: ware, table and pocket Cutlery, Carpenters', Mamou's, Plamterer's and Jilaokhonati's Toola, and Matorialm, N4HII, iron, Homo shoes, and florae-shoo Nallm, Rope Taoklo, Forlco,ChalunHboveln, Azei, firtrol HI "HON iloomek etc. eoper's (foods, tlaildlery Carriage!, trim. totoga, eta., with all kinds of COAL OIL LAMPS, And the different parts thereof, together with a complete euieortment of the beet PAINTS, 01111, VARIVIIMEti, Etc They hope, by strict intender, to Ittlxinoßn and a constant earn for tho accommodation of minim - neve to ux•rlt and reeetre a attire of 00 public patronage, Hui/dote amid others alit flint It to their advantage to call and RXAMINE TIIElli STOCX. vitoll J. d J. HARRIS, tio. M 1 liroekerholl's Row ROPER CALORIC ENGINE 124 Chambers Street, MANUFACTURERS OF YIOT ENGINES. 1 2, and 4 }terse rower, No water used Onanot ereplodol No Insurance demanded) Not liable to get out of order) Requires no rklllod engineer t Costa; to run 2.6 cents per day per power. pSYCHOMANCY, a derived from urn Greek FOgnitying power of tho soul, spirit Or mind, and I lends of all human knowledge. Pttychrom In the title of a new work of moo tow Herbert nanoson, A., giving full' in,. lions In lien science of Houi Charinitt rftyc.floloßie Fascination ; how to ette r , wonderful power over men or sonnies at It tracheal mesmerism, bow to become t or writing Altollums, divination, sterility olehemy, philosophy of omens d Brigham Young's Harem, guide I,r rrisr Thlts Is the only hook In the I.:aglal gueLign professing to leach thts necult t o and Is of immense ativantsgo to Men lawyors, ?hymn:bans and esperria4 to lo In mortaring tho ratlortions of the onpotats and all seeking riches or happire, in cloth, $125 ',Spar n„,14,, SI, i/t, bt J Lippincott A. Fo., and r holen, 1t,., ACo Pin lA. Agent, wantesi for book, Medianl Won kit,l', rrill»prr,Jett. Ir Hatllplate free to 'wont, only For ningl, Ma by Mall, and teller, to ngentm, oddrp W. EVANS, publisher, II South tall Na 11..11 8 tycLocK /rill EA. N ECTA It im A Prith; '1 EA N4l l / 1 11113 I{n•en 'l,•i 1'111,,r 1\ Holt nll tlteglen FP., 1411111 0 1'1,1'4 6, f; whnlrnnlr•only Joy lit,• 111 v •1 elk I IP , N 1 illl/ 01 SI )., Hoc `,.1 , 1/i; 9, Ild for '1 h,•n r. /ri Tl4ry CuLt;ATE'S EAU DE ciSLIK ftil I,lor, Itiiill4•r, litithlet It Itottt the dehento. nn , ) refreftliing fry (4)4 , .i1.1,1n Varillll f 01,kgne k(t4pettsolde the toilet I,l' elf g) f g Ilt,ggiggi Mufti fy Ir, „ YT N cm,l,l%Gf the State or Ihmhr)ls Rola, \I 0 1,,, ‘.• sot or 17th, l'hilith•lphi t Ircr 19th, 1.71, Tliorontgli Ire 1 ,, r for pm( tier or mind InKtoeornitc, Moomni,,,l and Indu.l rhd I h, no)•tr I, rt. ntl An lot.•1.11nro I I' , 0. I. rt•l oiretl we ofm. Iii•oo• I 10b ,, , , I tt. y rig in, t.ur,l, • tlgttxt , ll 11, works of 11111oltt, Ahmotl A I 1 11 4 .1111 , 1 • 11t. itl, II i 16.1,1 4,1, IV rlght 11 Ikvel w rig), t CENTRE OWNII cioiPANY Rer4441144 A/111 41114,w Iniert•st, (Ilnl"'lln( N 4414,4, Ittay and , 4 11 litry '+,4 hux•acanorr, /, Sittiocoir, it r ilii)/PNI)N , A tit. IiANK Von Ititrymnn h oltmirymsw P ouridrymnn imrt n , r. 1, 1 1, ‘t.ttrlz U.I/111:1, t,} tItIl(1144.1 ilr ' I 11 , 1 , 1,W." "f 11an{.Inu mo 1 , 14/11/ 111. Il rill I. I I ill OM I 1 1 1,1\11 ,, , , , 11,IIN I 'I 111 r\ll'- \\ll,l.ldM'lll l We wlll it. l.r Imonoy - • And , "(Iv , t Itlo i.,1 I. , W F. I{EY\fH,lr:,(r rr E I(1-4, fit Bills of EXeltango. told tino•n inn , • „ 1111, , .1, 11111,1'Ml 1%11 , 1,1 11 , 4 tal cHt t (I Exeliongo on I t, on t I rind (or IMiIMMI hog. to ttlf ,, flll ta•oiolo , I I', ,1 vii•ltilty that tw tml,f4 Oppllllll.l t. . Ittl•it et , l1t.11,11:11 to 111311a/1i 111, w,.l •4 'ES, I. 111 1.11. 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