HOW THE MONEY GOES 1 Something on for tiler N - payers to C. $29,000,000 BTOLYN-$20,000,000 UN- A(VOU N'EED BOR-$300,000,000 4 00N14 IVIIKRIC THE AVOODIIINIC TWINETIC $1,000,000 of the people's money stolen from alto steamer Gulden Rule I $2,235,000 missing while Secretary Boutwell was Commissioner of Inter nal Revenue. $8,000,000 missing through U. S. Treasurer Spinner. $10,000,000 missing in the Post Office Department. $8,000,0 00 missing on account of sale of arms, vessels and munitions of war. $1,000,0 00 missing on account of sole of iron-clads to Peru, $20,000,000 missing on account of collectors of Internal Revenue. During the past two years the receipts from customs, internal revenue and other sources aggregated $800,000,000 Of this SUM about $200,000,000 has been appropriated to the pa) meat of the national debt, while the 'expenses of the government' were estimated at $300,000,000 leaving a balance 01 $300,000,000 unaccounted few Is it any wonder that Republican ofnl hold ers can albird to keep expensive car ringer, dozens of expensive horses, ened servants, and houses worth hun dredA of thousand' of dollars? Is it any wo nder that all the lending men of th e Reptililnan party are living in a style ter beyond their income from their saltine+, and yet mnking money ? Iv it any wonder that millionaires in civil Id , biome bankrupt in endeavoring to live in the same style as government oiri, ink who era nu ppo+ed h, rivet vi, PIII• arle4 i: , 8,000 to $25,000 a year it any wonder that Republican 'Suite Agents,' who have fulled In gat enter c,rti amass $200,000 to 5:100,000 to fipor scut , ut ',1011It!,` fir the State,' or that Re! übliCon State officer+ are afield to prosecute ailed Agents for embezAlement ? $:010,000,000 missing In Iwo peas I $29,000,000 known to have been stolen, and $20,000,000 more, or inter nal revenue, me—ong under very sulo ma, circumstances! Is it any wonder that busine-s lo and that tax-pa Pr% are volliplitllling Is it any wonder (1110. 1,1,111 A men are leaving the Republican party and rally• ing ender the banner of the Dernocra cy I— heading (hz,elle. The Cholera According to 1)r. .lohn •. Peters, in the New York Medical Journal, evert outbreak ol ibe Asiatic cholera beyond the confines of liriti•di India may be traced lack to 1 1 indte.tan, through it continuous chain of human beings aflected with the disease, or through water contaminated or articles stained with their dejecta. This article shows how festivals and pilgrimages serve its the distributors of this fearful cotta gain, catching it up from its original seat scattering adroml over the world But what most 11111,114981 .4 a western reader of these descriptions of Eastern life is the absolute defiance of all stint Lary laws and ii)giente condition oldie people of those crowded regions. In the Wages the huts are huddled to gel her in masses., and pushed up to the sits r l,zr 01 the 1101 do or tanks, their proierting rtes ulten meet . while the inter% ening spates, impervious to the ruts of the sun, are converted to the aunt nurlrnn purposes, used by limit Soul's io common. The pools of hgnnl filth, Mien coveting 1511,01N1 Billlll1 - e fret, by actual 1111.11411 p•iitent, are ol some of these villages ?don,. er we are told that there 14 110 811( . 11 thing as a pomp in all mum, and all their droik mg water 11.111/11W11 from the large ponds, or pools, or tanks, or from open wells and is alwa)s carried about In leather bags, Insole of Sheep Skill, whirl! Clio never he properly clensed, and are often of rise for several yea's. And this t iltliy liquid 18 used by the :wises to dilute the milk which is sold for the public consumption. lioutitlee, there are people in America who w ill be shocked at our want of faith when we mays that what those regions want most tiLllll ileXt. 18 not to bc lidded but to be drained, and dint until the gospel of cleanliness can be put into prat tice by the people, the gospel of Christianity will be an ineomprelierou hie and useless mystery to them. A good board of health would do more in the villages And cities of India than all the wiissionaries that inn be Rent there, Why Should a Man be a Democrat ? Dams crests are in favor of in horo , t, a to lligent ndministration of the gos eminent. Ikeale, the Democratic pnrty is the purls the people Because the nation owes all it has in greatness to the early and judicious ap plication of Democratic ideas and theo ries to the administration of its affairs Because the Democratic party is in favor of a government of the people. ii 1.01111.0 it is 111 favor of a plain sys tem of government, “void of pomp, protecting all, and e moting favors to none, dispensing its blessings aliko upon the high and tan low, tan rich and the poor." Because the Democratic party is in favor of a government not of force but of principle. lier•iitise it is not a senatorial party, hut orit, whose principles are alike sacred to the people of the North, South, East and West. Because it is a party opposed to 'any kir,d of tyranny over the minds of men ' lieenti.o the I>emocratic party is in favor of makteining the flenerid Gov ernment in the exorcist. of its Cori/alto tionel powers, end of porrilott log to the Suttee ell the liberty 1 oronwit•rrra•e with Iho maintainance of a sound civil government. --It is curionm, bit !rum, that if a man have him left hand amputated, hie rildit hand immediately becomes his left hand, and ho may always be described as an off-handed fellow. UPON WHAT PEOPLE ARE TAXED. Our present tariff duties are purpose ly made obscure, so that the masses of the people will not know exactly how much they are taxed. 'There are duties ad valorem and duties specific, duties by the square rod and the square inch frequently combined together in the same article. A gentleman pre viously engaged in commerce, who un derstands the subject, has taken the trouble to compute for the Cincinnati Enquirer what the duties are upon a few leading articles. Look at the list: I= On his salt, 108 per et. On his pepper, 140 " " On / riee, 85 On his soap, 70 " On his starch, 50 On his candles, 40 " " On the sheets of his bed, 55 " " (In the blanket that covers him 240 " On the carpet he buys, 0 80 " " On his window curtains, i; (In his knives and forks, 35 " " On his window glass' 55 41 On hip pitcher of water, 40 " " (In the hat that he wears, 40 " " (In his stockings, 75 " " (In a silk dress for his wife, f.O " " (Ina dress of woolen, 100 " o n a shawl, 200 " o n a handkerchief, 35 u siso THE MICH MAN, On lila bonllB, NI/TIMM; TIM FARMER IA TAXED, no his hoe and spade, each 10 per rent. lln hew horse shoes li7 " " Iln Ii IH pIOW Iln 1114 clininH 100 " ( )11 Ina Ilarnf , A I 11l 111 , 1 Illitlii HftW lin it penknife SII '• '• (i it ifinner can 3a " " Iln an iron liooip band " " =1 ()II 1114 1101111 S Could ingenuity go further in Hillg hug 0111 those persons the Icitst Oils to hear lines fur OppreeHlVl. Itillaii+1110!)? The neres , nriem of hie lure taxed the highest.— Buffalo Courier. New Advrtisemcnts NTI E, fli%1111; IA (Inv rill. 11111 eltninfid 4 114 rill hnrivii and y•fnr eaelt, t I" itg II Nt•parottm and all ..f II .• fur I,Horiging to Inlni V.. n.. I,:uul hat log I. , ancti hint I lini • I.y cant Inn and done ninvin , t ling n 11 Th. ni Ili MI I • 12.1 Iti IT ILE lk_ " YS T 4 1N E Et)1:1' \Vt)ILKS ll=l ,11 I Rh" ET .5777 EE7 il(i, I'.l 11\\1'1 \ MAN C I RRIAOP .1 ND 771/; BOLTS, PLo ,f NOR W.I I (' I llieLl / x (!,7 .4, ItRll'(;N .I.\ leooF AUL 7I4, sew MA" ///NOEs, 11l WIN STILI I,t t,,‘ 'S of I • titre I comity mid to Ii• 111 I,lqoll, (hero will to. ex pometi to wittily 1.1111. on 1110 1111.111.1, 111 llowar , l tow it.)111,. rift the loo.ron VII O f lirogritr4l 1/11 l'll , l/iY, 11111'211h 'ober, I/171. tit I o 1,,0k M Tito fol how real ,•.Inle• 1,4•10nu10t4 I. it,. 0•1111.• 1,1111, 1,110/, g 1•11 1,I•11, to wit All th 11 111. t rit 4. of lan , l •itioio .1 In le./1111i011 and ritool 1,1 (olio. , 11010.1411 g nl ix land 'bunk ill11)11 'lllllllll I Hetet, ort •ooliti flu] Ix flexueett, trt one hundred tool 'llxeoty six rt retie, to .ttiem , I hlll.ll north sixty d• tfrt etimt thirty Ix.. perch...lbn )1 .1111/1 111.1.1 I ) lona of t toliti ti er ty .1, on., lOW 1111111ln tl 1111/11 , x. oil, rt 1. hes to,i ro•t t It. to WO Int t , ltok, soot., sixty olegrt. s, Vll.i 111111. !WI , It , . I" 111.. 1'4•1411.1.1.,K eoottortitig lite a. in n.t thitiy io•relie , to it , 1 )1111111114 tIvP mot'. s wit, II 111.11 1/1.1.11 sold .11 the ,Ito•I 11111 of 6,0 11111 1 1 1 4) it 4 iit.en I 111,4, by .ho tlcttt io his hie 111111, :1%111,4 IV, V 111,4'111d thirit IIAtP 1,1 roll,•. 'I 11( ,111• 1 1111 1 1,11111 r the poi, ))))) 111 V 111 hair) 1,1 .11, 1' 11111111 VV/11 - 0101 11111,1.1 to be .totired by hood col the prooliset. N%111.17'. t f%II It 'II,I,I„ 1111.1,1,1 \I I' I I I AS, of 'I hoititv. Ime,t, 4 I xxill melt tit the 4110.'1111W 111111 rho, thirty to rem 'Opining the Aboxe I' I I 1 14 .1)A ItTNER. W ANTED! P. 'l'll 111i11 ' K MAI< INI7 A priti • lical Lr a kitinki i r In ‘1 , 4111111.1 t/Ikll 1111 itileresi In a bill 1. krin, 1114 Ltlwr to to, only inventrrii i iii. ' I lie 11.4 . 1 . 0.ary will I. fist A trim, u d own prrbrri to In , 11 r IMlldoploll . l , U ATi nr4n 111711, 911( ) •I'►► ►.; 11 El IV.; AN I) L ;A L rept-. ••••ntat is n m, • , 1. 4 Prlit • li rli• I'ILSI.II I nlu•not I.y v”in.. of. Knt 1.11.1Lrl "la of the nrillian'n .1 . i eni re i iiiinty 101 , 1 to Too filreolo , l, no in quest cell lai held at the late ro•thivio 0. of f a i i i e a t,oriliin, i iiiiiiiivied, In the toe naliiii or %Valhi r. and County of Centre, on Tinisilag 11, ~iitli Jas' of September, A li 1071, at In o'eloek A 111 iil raid day, for the purpose of making partition of the real sedate of nail do eieineil to and Milling bin heir,. and legal rep renew/Olsen, if 'tilt soma ran bonbon° with oil '0f . ..J..110 , 0 to or twilling if illo whole, other% Ino to anillo and apprwinie the tonne al - - cording to law, at willeh time and Ware you mayl preelit, if you think proper il I, i f witoloiriNil, .kheriff 8111:11 'et (411,... 10.11 ~,,,,. 1 ie:tri :11 TO TfIE lIEIIIS AND LEGAL Reprementallven or John Milliner, de ...wt 'link° not lee shat, by virtue of a Writ of Partition, ins ~,,, 1 out of the (lrphan',. Court of Contra County and to ine directed, an In asst will In, held at the late mildew.° of j o i n , Ai nieier , det.tlgnaTli, In 11141 101011110111, 0$ linillen, and Comity of Centre, on Monday the ninth day of th.biliiit, A. 1) 1871, at 111 o'clock A. 111 or maid day. (or the purpotio of !tsking partition or the real estate of mold doyenne(' to tool among Hs heir,. sod legal reprosentn. liven, if the name can be Juno without m(11(- 11108 to or spoiling of the whole; otherwise to value and appraise the mama according to law, at which limo and placo you may be proooni, lr you think proper 1) W WOODItINI), Sheriff Sheriff's ()Mee, Dellefonto. iii-lit, 4t T O THE II EI RS AN I) LF:(I A L Iteprot/entallyos of Jacob Oramley, de• ceased Take notice that, by virtue of a Writ of Partition. Issued out of the Orphan's Court of Centre County and to me directed, an in vest will he held at the late residence of Jacob Grattiley, deceased, In the township of Mlles, and County of Centre, on 'Tuesday the 24th day of Oetober. A. It 1871, at 10 o'clock A. IllM. of said . realor the purpose of making par- lion of th d o a • 'onto of said deceased to and among hk li• loci legal represontotives, if the cattle rllll I. oi .11 V/11110111 prejudice to Or spoiling er th, , v „i n „, t,ll ep l o.e., the .1 t ,to “heo, 11111.• 111111 idle i• )1 11 too) L. II• .`II' If yon think proper. D W. Vi 1 10Dit Shoriff's 011leo, Bellefonte. lL ' • . •—• • pRINTING IN COLORS A SPE CIA LITY AT 111 IS OFFICE. New fidvertisements PENNSYLVANIA, Centre County, HS: 1, J. 11. Morrison, Cleric of tho Or phan'a Court of cold County of Centre, Do hereby certify, that at an Orphan's Court held at Bellefonte, the 28; h day of August A. D. 1871, before the Ilonorablea the Judges c f said Court. On motion rile 41 . 101 grunted upon the hake and reprementativea ofJohn Perry Di ens, deceased, to come into the Court on the fourth Monday of Novembor next, and accept, or reform to accept, at the vsluatlon and ap prnisement, or to show 1%000 a by the real es• Into of said deceased should not tin sold. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at Bellefonte, the 2101 day of August, A. D. 1871. JOAN II MORRISON, Clerk Orphan's Court, 11, W, WOODRINI, Sheriff, 111.13-4 t PENNSYLVANIA, Centre County, MB I, J. II Morrinon, Clerk of Bt. Or plian'a Court of maid County of Centro, Do hereby certify, that at nn Ilrphan'n Court held at Bellefonte, the 2milt day of A 'twist A. II 1871, heroin the Ilonorahle'the Judge,. of 101141 Court On motion rule wan granted upon the heirs and representatives of Adam Miller, de ceased, to coma Into the Court on the fourth Monday of November next; and accept, or re fuse to aceept, at Bin valuation and appraise moot,. 01 to show 1.111150 why the real estate of 1.11111111`01.111114111.110111.111011111 until In 11 , /111- ninny Whereof, I have hi•relinlo net my hand and Milted the oral of saint Court at Bellefonte, the nth day of Augunt A II 1871 .11/lIN II M()ItItISt/N (ler k phmt's Court. 11 %V WOOIIIIINI7, Sher lir If :16-4t A1)N1IN ISTItAT()It'S NOTICE -- 1,011,., of inimino•flation an the estate al liennonin lintkorieh • into of Hornig font, ship, Contro enmity, IleeelPlell, Ill", bee, grnnitol to Ilv , walor•lKnsrl rooming nt 111.1..• lento, Po All pl•r••••ns nolvt•Nol b , t h•• snot •••• rb , are roop••••••hol Ia make 1111111e , 111111 . pn 11. nt UII , I 1 1 / 1 , ing ••Ininis or demand.. is ill n 1 , 4 ,111 111...1 for soitl•••50111. It lion! &l,) .1 A 11t11 \ll %NI% It, II 51 Aolotitolixtr at," rill EA (11 1.:It; EX AMIN ATI( )N:: j_ Ito I.M, not olrently pn•t hull log hold Os fallow., e 0 r1Inielle)11g at a11 . 011 , 1l A NI It 1.hI , •II lingo Ihe h•••••• o•Int V aIII pooled to halo tho t•1n.14 t•rkantzed noel In 14 , 1.1111 ,4 o III 1 •1111.0 11/1 111 . 111 V A llpilelll,l for s••114•••1• nlll be ro•tnrtol 10 0111•11•1 11,0 ex 11111111113111/11 111 the 1114rll I where they ex pool 1111104 tileV I,llellre tt written ••••0••••••1. n• ilo• • ••••• •or v I hil p•opor !ward , II rnelor. All nitonl.l provi lad 1.1111 paper • pen and Ink NOTHING 1111110. IL. bershurg, Saturday, Scpt 21, ilflillem - Atorotimblirg, 1111;1.111y, 2r, -Mllilwim,llll--day N,•pt 20 tirrgg - Plum Ilnll \K•dnu•day, V•pt Putter t',•ulrl• Hall Thursday, Sept Hal -1402k10,1,04 1 , r141.1y, Sop' :Pt - Put. I.ruyo, Saturday, Sollt Shudoirtoysll, I 2 l'—R•addlo'r 1 , 01001 houro , Tutt..lity (1,•1 t BOOM, A r111111Z10404 $•111101 110114 V, I'll dull, Jul lo Sprung—ltolhng f4pring 1,910/,1 il/1". 114't 7 A Itorn.i.l.• Nlorol.1) ..'1.1..4 k Ir In Nlarimi—Jarknonville, Wednemllay, (h.t,lber %Volt, r—llnhh•r.hurg Tlnlr•dny, net . Ikor.h-- Pori Ma t14,,1ny I frtolwr 17 Furnti,e, Wednesday, Oct.) her !.. N111,..1 , 11rg R lloggr—Milenburg, 4..1• 1.1) llow:kr.1 At Curtin— llowar , l, t brr 21 I 1).0 rt{ 1-04g1•••111(•, t F,r Alllllllll r ..f roglilar EXIIIIIIII/1114111,111.• I 41 ` , 1,111 11 ill 1..• 1.1 0. in It, 11, f )111. 14 1 , 14111111111 g .r who wer.. 11,10.'1041 iron, ni1..00111111, 111 the 11111 v , 61,1 rill •400.•/1 am.). 'mt.. 11111.4 ei.llll rip.. 4, R. , , 1111,41 1..t.4.• it 11,, 1...4.1 It 'f 41 %I. i• I. y () , ,T ()it 'mist, Fire InPotr.two 'go t7l/4 7 1..1.41 by Ib.• FrIIIIk lw I. Ire lll...flint, of Phil,lelithin tc) Trip.te..• Ag 11 , Ilbor,l 1 ollege 1,1 comity, Penn.,' not I0,0,••1 1001,9, for Mill., will rotor, It tii I A It I"\K Agelit Frank lin Ir , • Iroolroneo 1 . 11 10 I, 31 Hell. I)ENNSY I,V ASIA STATE AI:III 4,41.144, , ,i 11 11 -1 Iw I.x 1111.1 111.0 „f wiy for IN7 1 vlll by In ICI Itt 1001111 'I i1e...13v Spideirithe r loth. %%41 ••,,,her _l/ . .11, I 11 tir,litv, Sept , . 1..1 1-1, 1 , olooolhor gooook oro •No 1010. I Ilt• 1.1111.1.1,10 nnll fice , •1111110.111 1140114 ntitpl.• pr, Iii1111:1 11. l 111 rut I I,,•• II" extwpt 1 . .. r .1 I 1.,,r tpr In P•t nna non g.l,lrow.i.itlit "I Illy Sverelltri. at , r.i111.,11 111\ 1' MI /111tP -1 , I'r. SiilV - 11 111. , y I IDRII , O. Mtl ,•1(.1, 1 •.r 1,, , e y 1 , CI .1 W A N•1.1':1)! ro,1,1,04•• Ap P)1,1,11 , ., 1,111,11,, 160.1,0, 0 , 1 , 11.111 y only, MI 11,.. 1100 11.•10,1.• 111 ,rk,o, 1A 1,101 .411 4111 11 , 11 1 1 1(1 ZAAI Sewing aRE achinos sINnI4:It :sIANI'VAcTURINi; (I)MI'AN) VI 'llll. Wlllll 11'y hl,llt —Ct•ipititlsied loy the 1,1110, itho p„oplo Reretre the (ire,, Al 4 o the ii :i s r tat, have left xll riNlOl4 far Itehlati thorn for they ttottl w fall) One litindrril and Twenty-3(0t% That sand, Eight Hundred and Thlrty three Mach a nes I being morn than forty thol,atol in tolyaneo their rale. of tho proyloon vet,. itoi ye • lortv i1011,1114i t the I.llii . n of , all oilier Company Jro IH7II, it. rho., thi following Aguren from forum rettirn. of Ott mica of Licensiott. TIIESINIiERAIANUFACTURINO COINPANI Hold over the Florence sowing machine coin. pony, 110,173 M 111•111110, HOW on the Wl!cot k uibbs vowing machine • oompßoy, 9$ 643 machine, Hold over the Weed new log olneldne COM Sollro an ve Y ; l Ll B3 (ir n o7u " r h & in l e tnker sew log machine company, 711,431 111111111110 M Hold over 111. , Iltowo rani patio , . 52,677 1100 . 11111.1 Sold cater the Wheeler A W tlsun 111111 l ufaetur log company, 44 1,25 111111 . /1 all of alt len is mainly ow Ing in the popularity of what la known as the ''New Family Sewing Maoltine." which is now fast finding its way Into every well reguisited household. For Circulars giving full particular!. of Machines, their Folding (inses of many varieties of wood and finish, their Attachments for numerona kinds of work, which, till recently, it was thought that delicate fingers alone could perform. an well as particulars about all articles ithed by their Machines, 11tiell an 'l'wiat, Linen 'cliread, Spool Cotton, Oil, &0.. Bte . apply loony of their Authorized Agents, or to TILESINGEIt MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 468 lIROADWAY, NRW YORK. Iphin amen Chestnut street. ZIM M ERMAN JIRO'S et CO., Agentm In Bellefonta. Pa. 16.27.17 Sales CHEAP FARMS I FRI HOMES! ON TON LIMO OP . Till UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAND GRANT Oh' 12,000,000 ACRES n( the BEST FARMING AND MINERAL LANDS IN AMERICA 3,000,000 Heron gi (Moire Farming mid iirazing Lands oil i ibe lino of limo road, in M.. STATE OF NEDkARRA, IN TII6 GREAT PLATI ILIA; 1=11111121112= Tlinim limas are In n mlld and heal' by rtlt mats, and for grain-growing and stook raising unsurpassed by any in Os United States. PRICK 4 RAMIE FROM $2 to $lO PER ACRE. HOM ESTEA for Actual Settlers 2,b00p0 Orem of Oovornment Land between Omaha and North Platte. open for entry an HontrAtenda SOLDIERS OF THE LATE WAR ►nro entitled to FREE HOMESTEAD OF ino ACRES, wlthln Railroad Ilm ttn, equal to Id Ft 1 , ;(7 1100 NV( of •4(t. Send for the new edition of descriptive pam ph let•, with now inns, mailed free every where. Addrens I) DAVIS, Land Conlin t•loner P. It it I'o, 11135 MO 11,14114, Nrn ASSit; ErS SA LE Tito undersigned will otter for Pale at the Omni House, in the borough of Bellefonte ON 'I Nth DAY OF 1071, 1!111111 lItIIISE AN I) LOT, ~t,,m9 In Co ntral f'lly, enntnining about nnn nt an 111•,, honnded nn the %.1.14t by the the Build I.ngln lIIdK. t 1 11/ (Vet. Il t l uo nnrlh by tin. rnuel I, /11111114 &Inn 1111111 1 140.1 t. allny Iwo hundred heed on the Pant by al ey ton the mouth by 1.1 411 baba II I . llllrelmii Al''all Ihn Interest I' Shope, Inn eer . 1111111111 If lawd r'nun t n ming I= loottolt by the l'Atyle Creek Ito the AMith, WI t h e Went I.V the rood leatling to the ritlge• tot the tooth by the roled t otiolog 1110.11 010 ,11111 , 1, 011 01cool by hoot, of Jo seph Melt' hot tool other, Sale to 1•1.111,111'11Ve HI In o'clock of x111,1;1113'. 'I erne, fowl known at Me, 'l' 141 11A1.1,, In 3, IR Al 4, iljlll`l . of .1 I . Slmpo plum(' SA LEI tinderrlgned will I= toll DAY (IF 0("11)1tElt, 1471 a VRlllllllll' farm miliinted in lint,,, Inwnahlp Centre I'llunty. abut 4 tnilem viva of 110/11M Borg ,end 4 111 . 11( Centre voillnin ing TNVI ) II l'N El) .I(I{ES, inn, or le.e,,nh,dit one hundred and .evenly erv.ilorawl farm in Iho Irewl of linwntmle laud, Inn high 11111‘n114,11 thil• bulnnro I. 1114 , hut rob timber 4 .,, I1•1•111 r ig .1 oak elle.t• ke stint it wet %iinnlie.l with nnter, by ne‘er fulling 1 - 111111111,4 .lr. um , akin a never (ailing .1.11 e‘celent nnier .111 0 NJ!dm Nn on the farm Hro very ample r•onwlp , llig of a largo 2 ntiory (ram' , .Ixelling, a tenaal hoo.e, large Iniala I.ara as nh ne...•nnnry 1,110..114111g+ naels an aranlt limtne VI ills ruining whir 111 wagou h0011..e withlll 4•1.1 Ii. ear riage 'mane Img 'mane, snmka g.p.l r Al., firohnrekof vvry el twee fruit Kee.nil to 1101/1. 111 the AKIO 1.'11..1,11;g 1,1 giliolen, gr , iwgeloen, pluwn, ,•114.1 rivs, Ac 11111 e far," a1r.0r.1.. nu o.lopm - 0111w; for 11 vnlnm toh• nln.tnu 1111111.1 it Net) a1e.,0,1,. 6, unn ilkkm. n A+ the Into re.elento• of t-trettel tvattult r tit to .t.ett erre.t-ttle. ti. I thud rthe I trio itm n 11,.n. r . re lertitK the it , l of the .11111 W, illil•reMt in 110 1011.1 1411 - 101 h., 1111,1 I. 1.0 1.1.1 I.lll,lflrulloteet of +ale tie Ipalam on )1 . /11 . therenfter wills wr I d,t, to 1,.• ortol I,) tetted tool mortgage MI prtni.e. I Zit I. MAllli %111. I SPA Nt.1,1 , 11, 11 In Rxrrutartg. VALI'ABLE FARM P 4 )l SA 1,1. .1 onder.tlgtit,l niter for Soh. htA Plantation In Ittquier lo.rn%hlJ I ..nt rt. I otittlV, ta.lvttn.ll 01t.. , batt 111110, front die "r 14 , •11•44.... und I a , v of ••.• on tilt. 111 . 14 Of r , ./1.1 4 it, nnlulnn I , 7 RES 1,4 PLR , II E. 4 of the I. 111111 , 14M0 hind, in a mint 4. 4 1111111/111.1n 1111.1, Kor , p4ll 1..110111g 111141 1,41% 11/1,1 Nil 11 1 . “11111 , 411,04 1.11114111114. NINI 10 , 1111.12014 01 NIX ER I 1,1 N(; IV ATER. licre n!..) t IL thriving 14 lit( II U tU Of I 11411 , , ft 11”41 begining r 'I lie 111,11.• ST()l{ \ \I will,K it, lA, Altaelltnent ' I lie It %RN is n hug,. honk I ritiro , lon Vti mK 111 I,t ,n f. t. with Al nnmh triellis A ,urn I rib 1111./ groin born, 11.4(AIANLl 1, Ms., ' I lit i rt • Ir 31.41 a 111 . ,r, first 4 . 110.4 E reoni,l ill ,. yroinil4lA4. eapahlo ,if u h rodin i ing , linshels rOif tiny ' I no pro,• of this pls., will he r/ l itstinnlile and oflors IS Ilivi•Ntment 11,141 lio011.• to r• 4 ,1 •irotis of I , lll,lling thA 111.11011 , 11 n PlirllA r itio I n IA • 841111,111A1 With tile AbArli flropert)', if d,•. rod, A 111)l }; AND I.o'l' inljoining A very ilesirnlilo rt ., . !dent, fora family to lie employed on !arm or Other VIPA, 11111111 tlllllll 14 111, 1 1r11 H T HII f'“Elt.T IG 2h If fill EA l' 1911)I'ERTY FUR - SA ILE In the boroopli oft I.eole II P. ion Curtin I I h •tree,. Irl the horough lon oo o r f 4 •VI front, t2O feel el..ep and ht. n Ilele etreet .181 leer on wliteh IN erer teal four dwelltogr, No 'Or a* follow., 1, 4,1, and 4 No I has eight roome, Po 2 lot. Ilve room., No .t hen four rootn. No 4 ha. 11,1 i ro ~,,, and ol /ler nevem curry buildings, ale° two wella and aideket fet , mound the property. and a bed of good hrtek 'lily Ilnrk hit• brio,, the prop erty et, llott It Ic potoll44de kllll%ll that the (day a dl make brick and all that eau he made ene he roll without ally trouble at a high prier., 15 per vent guaranteed on Invenlmer I. Al i lfit HANDFUIiD, Onevohi 1101 n. 29em Clearfield, A VERY DESIRABLE MOWER TY FOR SALE. Situated in tire borough or Bellefonte, and known as lbe "•Itlg !spring" properly, consist ing of a number of lots, on one of which is erected an elegant two slot y Chinese Attic frame bullJlug, entirely new; oleo, R tieW stable, wash house, and other out buildings., tin one other lot a two story and banement frame plastered hints°. The ground,. to those houses are beautifully laid out end planted with (toll trees of nutneroux kinds, fancy ' , bath, trees and °hole , ' ahrubbery, grape vines, and flowers Unit other lot 20 by 90 feet, below tho Rig Spring, on which In erected a fine spring house with spring enelosed inn for it trout pond of the first quality Ale°, four choice building lots This propertAl is fur sale and will be sold low and nn reason able terms Apply to RANKIN & IRWIN or JO/IN TODD. 15.40 If Bellefonte, Pa. L OTS FOR SA LE. The eilharriber oilers at private r le FORTY-TWO LOTS, Immediately adjoining the borough of Belle fonte, In what Is termed as Colesrille. Pleasantly situated Pure water on all of them. The best of soli. Low Taxes, and warranted There In a splendid water power np on thin property, and magnificent sites for tnanufac ories. J4)111N 14-21-arn. Democratic Watchman. B ILL -HEADS, LETTER-lIEADS, ENVELOPES Luery buslneng man nhnuld have a printed heading on him Lettara and liffla, and hic card printed on Ms Envelode The cheapest and the heal place to got them printed la at the office of the DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN, AND \4IIY, Beeatine our stock of paper In every variety la purchomed from the manufacturer,' at the lowest price., and our facilities for printing et the smsllent price and in the hest slyle,nre unrivalled i EVERY KIND OF JOB PRINTING DONE IN A STYLE THAT DEFIES COMPETITION NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between Charles A. Ardell and Edward M. Hturdevant, under the firm of Ardell k Stun decant, was dissolved on the 20th day of Aug. INTL by mutual consent. All debts due to the sold partnership are to he paid to the said Edward M. littirdevant, And all demand. on the same to be presented to him ror payment. The Mod not a will bo rentletted by the said Edward M. Sturdevani. CHARLES A A lIDELL,^ E. M. STUHDEVANT. 16 :143t Dattohy a Co WANTEP.—AGE/ML—(s2o per &JO to sell the celebrated 110 ME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. Has the un der-feed, makes the "lock Mitch" (alike on both shies) and le fully licensed, The best and cheapest family Sewing Machine in the mar ket. Addrese, JOHNSOII, CLA HK & CO., Bos ton, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. 10-35-1 w Dauchy & Clo REDUCTION OF PRICES I= REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS BY GETTING UP CLUBS Send for our New Price hint and n 1 . 11111 form will accompany it, containing full dime tlona—mak ing ft largo caving to C o llbllJAere and remunerative to club organiaere, THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., 31 & 33 Vompy Street, P. 0 Box 5643. New York 16 35 4w CRUMBS OF COMFORT! Paten ted November I, Ind. Simplon free al all grneery eloren. IL Ax IiARTLE'rr & CO. Philadelphia. 16 951 w WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, & HOARSE- BM These Tablets present the Acid In emiildna. lion with other efficient remedies, In n popu lar' form, for the Cure of all 'Throat and Lung dleeniirs. linarnenenn and Illeerntlon of the Throat are Immediately relieved, and statementa are eon ntantly being sent to the proprietor for relief In canes of Throat dittlettitien of yearn standing. lITION—Don't he deeeived by WI Tilden!' knit:Mona (tot only Wells' Carboile 'lrablete. fries' 5 eta per Boa .1011 N Q K ELIA tlltl, IR Platt St , N Y., Solo Agent for the Send for Circular. 10-3.5-4 w JURUBEBAI- is a Routh Irneriea plant that ha. been tuned for many yearn by the mein, al facility of those etiontien with wonderful efficacy, and is a su re and perfect remedy for all dineaxen of the Liver and Spiel'll, ED I orgement or tohntroction of 1nt...0h0,. Urinary, Uterine, or Abdominal organs, Poverty or a aunt of Blood, Intermittent or Remittent Fe% ern, I nilatnntinn of the Liver, liromty, Ringgl.h Ciretilat Inn of the Blood. A tIN"OIiPI.P, Tiontorn, inandiee, Scrofula, livniumnia, Aloe and Feel, or their Concomitant' Mt WELLS' EX'rltAcT .11 1 1:111E1IA, la a most perfeet alterative, and Iv offered to the public on it g7nat invigorator and retnedy for all iffiptitillg, 01'010 blood, or for organic Weld( neon with their attendant evila For the foregoing complainut Dit. F:XTILACT (IF JUI{I'IIEIIA la confidently reeommended to every family as a luittmettold remedy wine]) should be freely taken In all derangement/. of the myvient. It in NOT A I'llYSIC—It is NOT what I■ popularly called /littera, nor la It Intended as such, b u t la eimply a powerful alterative giv ing health, vigor and tone to all tin vital force., and animaten and fortine“ all weak and lymphatic temperaments. .I 4 )111'i Q. KEI,I oGG, Platt Street, New York. Sole Agent for the United Slate. Price one dolinr per bottle Send for Circular 16-3.54%, 9 .500 retniled by one. IVnnted, alien t• picture. eve-vw here. 1l hllnl y , Nur.. lett, It, 3". 4w WVIVI( EE!—Prl7e Candy hoz,.., Pare Stationery heap Jeaelry, &t. , At. Silver watehe+ given grattv to evr ry agent $2.0 Fier Jay tirade eel linggood. NV llontry harm nrid P•olitical Meeting. Send Id . eirenlar Addret.n Mow not haraanv A Co, Pittelturg, la-11 S-41, A GENTS NV ANTED.— The new (.()II It Ens,,Si & Sel EMT; ; ~r Ins or TRUTH, II highly polrl- Mended by all ilonorriinglit.nii and OPll. rapid ly Nrnd for tormr, Roil ra t rwltiee- Merits FRANK LIN PUBLISIIINII , 712 16-'lslw A( WANTED - Exr•ln.ive i.•rritury grant,,l on the I.II'I.OIIIAL II()ME Itllll.l. Contain.. over .ME 111a4tralionn In a Coin I.lnrary ‘br knotrlrrifie E.U•1•11111 Nil 01 her. In Eligil4ll and NM. H.•nd tot rln•ninr., Wm FLINT A CO yhilailalplha, Pa, A I; ENTs wANTED F.X me TERMS! Beek openly have leng Wlllll,l n 114 , 1e11y In the ettleteriplien 111,P,Ntliell Will tell at pighl in every (orally 'Hie pum qtr..% I, FA NI lIN REG INTER inn nnl3 w.a k •• !ant whin h Rattan.. this want 11111 and ,trlking faarnlaning an nntin I) twa nd on ua nt h on o v I , n o t o . at anti All uunn , wall a enninl. to windy 11.tory Full part n nlar. 1,1,1r, a g (.1,1 Jlttlh; NI 11 I.l' 1 . 111,11.114,, 719 ..nrimorn street, l'hiloniel phi. 1.. L. 4w AG EN TS WANTED Fl /It 'HIE 11 Isl't /la 111 , THE \VAR IN ED ItGl'E. It I...nt.ittpt over Vg) tine engravings n( Rat tle Seenea and Ineidents in the War,ittail is am only FULL, Al' ENTIC soil OFFICIAL, linitory iit that great i. 1.11 II Agents are meeting with onpreeedenteel slieetinn selling from DI to 40 ev ies per day and It le faddish- Englo.ll and iterirtan I Al 'I - 1 , ,r II .torte" Are being Hr. SI I . the book you buy eont•lns 150 hoe etlgrm•lnt{l. and MINI pogo,. Need (or elreultar“ and APO our term. And a run descrip tion of the work A rid rent. NATION A L PUB IASI! ING , Phlladelphlw, Pa. li,-3 Aur MMIiMM HUMANISM AS I'l' IS • This book, an elegant Iletsvo VOIIIITIC, Con. taming 750 pages, and 105 first-class engrav logs, is an exhaustive and standard work, em inently adapted to lho time". It fully uncov ers the Rol - molt system from Iln origin to the present lime, exposes its baseless pretences, its (muds, Its gross Immoralities, Its opposli• lion to our 11111111 C 81-11001 s and civil and rell• gloom liberty, It shows its Insid iouv workings which strongly'tend to tiring this country Un der full lkornittli control. Prospectus and hooks ready on sppl , eation CONK. PUB -I.IIIIING cu, Hartford Conn 1841.5 1w A GENTS WANTED FOR IiKLDEN, THE WPiTE THIEF Twelve Years among the Wild Indiang of the MEI The remarkable adventures of the famous White Chief and Big Warrior among the Red Skin, Thrilling Recounts of great hunt*, hairbreadth end terrible conteeta with the big game anti 'wattle tribes, Spirited de scriptions of the habits anti superstition,' of that strange people. Their sports, legends, tradition., flew they coo anti wed, scalp, doctor, worship, Re New, fresh and popular. Prier, law. It in selling by the thousands with wonderful rapidity. Send at once for sample chapters Illustrations and special terms, to it (ISRAEL) BROS , Publishers, 721 Snnsotn street, Philadelphia. Is-354w T II E NOVELTY CLOTHES WRINGER! Nothing, except the Sewing Machine has over heel) invented which so much relievers tho labors of the household as the Wringer. But It,, usefulness does not end here. The cooing of clothing is of much greater impor tance. it is often remarked that article's or tine texture last twice as long when wrung in Ft Wringer en when wrung by hand. The Novelty has Cog-wheels on both ends • • The rolls are allowed to separate freely at either end. These, besides other advantages which it contains. seem to be so Incitepenasble to a practical wringer.—New York r rn. N WRINOIR—Has become an in. dispensable institution in thousands of fami lies. And we believe Its great and increasing popularity is fully merited—for the Novelty' evidently possesses all the requisites of • first Ow,. practical machine. Indeed after using one for many months In our own family, we aro prepared to endorse the Novelty as unaur passed (the laundress nays unequaled,)b,y an, of the several wringers previously tried.— Moore's Rural New Yorker. Sold everywhere N Ii PHELPS t CO., General Agents 10 Chamber street, N. Y. zit, 36 4w