The Democratic Watcihnan. - ---- ri - BELLEFONTE, PA. Death of Phoebe Carey Our readers are more or less familiar with the names and writings of the sisters, Alice and Phoebe Carey. Alice died about six months ago, and Pinch° followed her on the 31st ult., dying at Newport, It. 1., whither she had been taken by her friends in hopes of re• gaining her impaired health. In a lengthy and interesting notice of her life and death, the Tribune relates the following beautiful and instructive in. cident in connection with the hymn written by Miss Phme—a favorite in many christian families—entitled NEARER HOME One sweetly Polomn thouliht Conlon to me o'er nod 0 or; I'm nearer my home today Than e•ur I've been before Nearer my Father's )1011MO, Where the many manstone ho; Nearer the great white thronh,, Nearer the eryltal pen. Nearer the hound or life. %Viler° we lay our toil dens down Nearer Inaving tilli erns, Nearer gaining the erown Hot the waveti of that silent sea Roll dark boron, my sight , 'flint brightly the Itthor aid° Moak on IA shorn of light 4), Ir my moral feet Hari , minima gained the brink hit he I 'in fluor, lionio Even to-ley 011111 I think Esther, perfect my trust, Let my swilt reel in death 'I hat her feet are firmly set Is the stuck .if a Irving faith A gentleman in China, intrusted with packages for a young man from ins friends in the United States, learn ed that he would probably be lound certain gambling house. lie went thither, but not seeing the young man, tint down and waited in hope that he might come in." The place was a lied lain of noises, men getting angry over their cards and frequently coming to blows Near him sat two men —one piling, the other 40 years of age They were betting and drinking in a terrible way, the older one giving utterance continually to the foulest. profanity. Two games had been finished, the young [nun loving each (line. The third game hail pint commenced with fresh bottles of brandy, and the )oung man vat lazily hack in his chair while the elder shuffled his cards, and the young man looking carelessly about the room, began to limn a tune. Ile went on, till at length he began to sing the lo tom of Plimbe Carey above gwde 1. ' the words,' says the writer of the story, 'repeated in such a vile place at first made me shudder. A Sabbath shoo' hymn in n gainbling den !. lint while the young nun sang, the elder stopped dealing the card.i, hi.ired at he singer a moment, and throwing the cards on the floor en claimed. 'harry, where did you Oita time?' 'What tune?' .'• ~ •\V , that tune S kt', l• I , _ I; , s ming atom X0„1 ~ .1 alum Ito had been II ihe elder repeated Ihe earl in 111.4 eyed, and ti •ail lie had learned thew Ii It Sllll.llll Meilolll In America the elder, getting lip, 'come, Ilarr‘, here n %Vital I won (rout go and live It for MIMIC good lair pove. As lot 1111'. all God sees lot•, I Lave pla)ed Intl last game, itad drank my lust bottle. I have misled )1,11, Ilarr), and I /till (Let: ine you, hand my hov, and nay that, for old America'," sake, it for no other, ton till quit thin lidernal laitone , s Cllr g entionab who tellv the story (origi !tally published in the lionton daily new') saw these two men lease the gambling house together, and walk iota"' anti lei arm , and lie reinarke . 'IL moist he it voliree of great JO) ill Miss Carey to know that her lthiel, hate runuolte , d in tilt hearts, have lees the 111.•.t1,1 of the bre,,, , , of two tempt ed and erring men, tin the vide 01 the globe, a revolioom to lend It het ter lite. It Warl it are Of grt.,l' joy to Niiss('prey, ns t%, , lotppen Io know. Itetore 114 bee a private letter to an aged bend 111 title city, with the prnit oil store and (atilt:thong ill, comment, ettelose the liy Intl and the etoly tor 3.111, not beedit.e I am Lain of the l,lti.e, [tot devao, I thought ),,11 woal•1 till a peculr'u ill terest in them when ton knew the hymn wad writ en eighteen years ago (1812) u, your House I consumed IL tti the httle back third story be•l room, one Sunday morning tidier el/111111g 1101111 , from churell ; and it mike., rile very happy to think that any word I could sat I, is illlll , 'Mit' WIOII.I. ---Tale Ittoll ilk , I,oily ,Clll - 011 ut the pro-pert at OW I'll4lllllg ell'ettOO, and aro re-orttn.4 i'1.1•1 - k .•1100111 to ai , tinl defeat to ord,r to prop to their Fink ing h no , e, the N are ti-hinq the aid of the Federal er nment, nn I, with that end In view, Rept one flamer, of tlo• Fllth cong,.. , ootitil .11.0 met , r W IS Matin,tho I nrididah f u,diet in Attorney, and Ger end Coro.. the ,•ati , 11.1”1 .. for 5..• Itritor, 11:1.,It . en nt Wa , line!ren to tinl retary te Miler the rep lir ol geveral Ow l'hdadolpida Nuvv Yard, w6trh W4lllll 1101.4,01t1110 11141 Of It ploynannt or a large number of 101111 i al outside hands In other wards, thin!) Is a deliberate proposition pending to eoloniz.t n largo number of voter-tithe yard thorn, and Mr Robeson liti , tens to accede to the remi , d. The Omaha anti Quinneleing are already at the Philadel phia yard, and other United States ve.t sets will shortly he ordered to that mint. —~Viteun~u haw vorli sixteen lea high, and the tendency ixetill upward. —The Itoche4ter Exeress rcportm a shower of small fishen m (hut city, in a heavy rain recently. —A. bill has riveted in the French Assembly far the greiliml (11,benilinent of national the guard. A WONDERFUL DREAM There Was it limo When dreams were Ilnnly ittoteve.l in by nearly the entire world. I,initit ,sod warriors sought to draw augui ot - 1 1Ceefla from their nightly v Isom.; statesmen —so,t, its there were tit Oh., ilays —Outlast t heir policy from the admonitory e 01.1 . 41.1 whichois they firmly bolieved,was a his pered into their 1111 a during the dark hours of night by good angels. In short, the sukwrstltous belief in the truthful ness of dreams was woll nigh universal arid ho who scouted at these midnight royals Bons of mysterious spirits was looked upon as little short of an infidel. All this has been changed in this latter day. Before the lull orhod glories of civilization the darkness of super stition has vanished as fly the shadows of night before the potent arrows of the god of day. l'ooplo who place any faith in dreams aro now few, and aro apt to keep their belief hid from the great army of saoffers. And yet it Is perhaps too much to say that dreams aro always haseloss visions. NV° have often read of wonderful dreams; dreams which were afterwards fulfilled in every particular; but we are ft PO to confess that wo never believed them to be more than the coinage .1 11,1110 rim - Hume writer's brain And beenese we have hitherto been so incredulous, we have hesitated to test the faith of our readers by the relation of a story, to which, some three or lour week. age, we hap famed to be an occidental listener NVii have finally concluded to tell the story, premising that the lady who tolls it was formerly a resident of this county, and that, from the circumstances, in ho ley(' her story to be strictly true In the State of Ohio re sid e d, smile sit month ego, 114 they yet do, it family, formerly iir this county, consisting of lather, mother, and several children We are of course in possession of their mimes, but 11 , 1 the dream was related in allXed company, which we happen -I.d to 110 one, and as the relator hest 110 Idea that /I . 'lllolll repor ter" Wll, 11110111, and finally, 114 WO have 110 authority to mention 1111111e4, to say nothing or pi b_ iishing the facts, our readers will pardon us for belllg a illllO indefinite In the family mentioned above were two boys, ono about thirteen years of age, and the other perhaps in his third year. Use day the older boy approach ed his mother and asked her if dreams ever came true She told him they did not, adding the bundler sat ing that "dreams al Way s gu be c'Mrsres." The singular question awakened her curl .si ty whet fie anent by pi,- potaiding it 11110..1100. 11 0 told her that Joi Mid dreamed, the preceeding night a very ugly dream; tl at it had 111111111111 M 101.1 very uncomfortable all day, and that it relieved him very 1111 fell to lu n ar her tell him that dreams never came true l'pon being pressed to re late lit, driallll, u,n 11111 so 111111 this Is 111 10 111 What be drained Sown I. the distance from the 11011. 1 0 '4/Inil. , istern containing water, who h the unruly use for boushold purposes. lie dreamed that his :nether directed him to bring her soar.' water, that in obedience to her riluest , he went to the I-tern, removed thecover 111111 1111'1'1011 1010 111 ' 1. 0- , • two 1111110'1- 0f w liter , that irf ter doing this, he went to the w.,,i ; ale, pp, 1..•.1 p two sticks of wo o d 1111.1 111 , 111 to his another; tlo,t all tune 1114 little brother was 1.1:1%111L! le t he ri..l. , hborlaaal of the OM., u ; that iteur...linlely alt. r bringing in the wood ho the 111/lloe for the I 1.0 r icons , that ho thought h. 1.. ...I I 1,411er calling him, and nll 110 •1, 11-klll2. if .he had called him, b. bo r. 101111 tit the 11041111 V" IMit 11 , • .ol a must 1/0 tllO next 110 11" 11' :mil lir coed.] •eo , that tho • inl lied not cidloil I it :t 40.1.01 111 II ut t6rt OWIIIIOIIIO id r_ toen uncoverod ci.torn driettnod It I W t I iii ithor told him to hunt lip IP. lirl lirothor dolt they •ettreh.l J . ..? 1,, 11,.• tune without ili+l,or.rinL., 1,1.11 1.1110'11 , 111 , r Milt , ' it , c••• 11 010 114,111 . 111111. f1.11.,V 111 111,. without ot 11,11,111 .' • ' 1,0,11 11 , 1.. 111 e t•T tern to Ow ~r I. , ( trillhurt r, iihrr, 11 111 -I 14 , 1 11, 11. 1 111 r. 0 , d 11111111) LIM was tlllllll do•all 'l'll,. b.l, wits 11110,11 .1411.01.11 hi- terril,lo ~..1.11/1, 1111. 1,1 .11,1 1,11)&111141 111111, 11111 11111101 that 111, .11, am tam. 1, ,,, 11 nit ti..w the wonderful part el this •Iretini 14 111111, 01 1114 , ul f,1111,111114 , v0,,0111,1 ofel.l week, ll'. I• 1111,1111 1 , 1111 , r 11 inti , the i 11, i• thi 11115,1 b., , 1 1 , I, 1 , 11. 111111111.1 In• the 111011 who Wit 111.011 by to 1114 dream The 1111.11. who, hnd 1.....11 u, the water but It I.•W 11111111 On 1 , \SR. It , ' 111,1 a 1111 , Ir a, tarts, /1 1111 W.I 11 , 11 Vl` theii•ndo•r to mak., the bent 1/1 h 1•111 .1.11 t• IVI 1114 11.0. WII 4 tenthly alfeet bv his little brother , tragte death Ile le rani.. I,llssessetl with the 1.1., that lii e,uolrsne,s had cawed the deitth of II Is brother, and for n 111111, It was 1 . 1.111,41 he would 1111115/111 1 1 1(1.11111' Ili,friends ienllls t•il luvl Iron, the fitt. and by Ireoping 111.4 111 1 1111 V 1,11411110.4 I'lll - 1 , 11 .4110 r things 11..p.1 111 1,1111 1 1, In restore hint 41 his 1, , r., , e 1 4 ,1 11 , 111.1 , M. 'rt., tooth, Ills,. 4, I ,lu d ilito the (i pilo, 11,11111 Unit 4 . 11 owe ..1 411•111 , m 1,1,1 1111 , 1. 111 . 1 . PIll1fOr• ,I„, r, 101.1 I• 1111 1 ,• I . 1.1. •I. t• r n' Isll I.. 1.9 friend- , who r -1 ..1 till- 0..1111 IV \ 1.. 11 1, 1 , 111 14 111 be one 411 111 ittre4 wonderful events that it hits been our [troy't co to record, aid it suoiliS to prove quite conclusively that therd ore 411111 1 ) things in dreatn.llfe beyond our Ilene 4 11 . course It Wl.llhl folly to Say Lllllt all dreams .1 re pi - it. , ry of the future, or that people hlearld endeavor to rend the future by 1111 . 11111 i Of lho r„„ t „.‘,..a of the,, but as a 4•44rimis coin, not mare, this I'l4l 111 l I.N.lriliv of preservation. .Esc th r 1 —The Grand Duke Alexis is now on his was' from Russia to this country. lie will meet with a grand national reception, in token of American appre. elation , -denly friendship of Russia town , ,is ills Uninted States on all occasions. To The Front I The line of battle ie marked out. The ranks of the denmerney are in motion. Every men is eNvecteA to do his duiv Il n i oolllrllllllo 111p1 111110 10 insure a gland 10111 0r10% 1 10 . 1111111g VlloOry at 111.• 1i.1141111 October. I.ei IT stem einulaiion and gener ous rivalry lie encouraged between Ihe various voting divisions, and let each strive to outdo the other ni increasing the number of democratic votes. We have a cunning and a desperate foe to deal wi,th, one who will serUple at no weans to aceotnplish desired re sults. Trickery and bribery. Intimidation and corruption in all its forme. , r Money, promisee, and in tact all lie enginery so successfully practiced in the past,sis to be used now, in the present campaign, by the Radical lend• era, to get kohl of the public Treasury and plunder the people. Forewarned let the democracy be forearmed. See to it that every man it; at hie poet and undoretande his duty. There ie tolt a mingle name on the Staie or County tiehet hut an hottest man ehould teel proud to vole tor. Then, let no one antrer to the ex• tent of a mingle vote, and Hhun am you would ',onion, the luau who ahke you to deface your ballot by eeratehing name therefrom. Let every Democrat make the tri umphant nuccems of the whole ticket a permonal matter. Hunt up the young men and get thdhii eithmted in the fight. Counsel with the old men, and let .union, harmony arid Democratic inn poll len be synonymous terms in every township 01 the county. There in, at leant, a clear Democrat I'i nuijoniy mil ~111. 1 4011Salid 111 the coun ty, and it should he developed upon a permanent Mous thin tall. trpon the result in this amid it few other counties muneeptible of propor tionate increase in their majorities, the redemption of the Commonwealth from taxation and oppression—from the shoal 01 corrupt politimann and hanger , on, it has led out of the pub lic crib -depends. United, determined, Indnulunl etrort, 1V 111 lll'folllldlNll tio+ and reward Howe who bane battled for It, WIC!) •uull :t vietory on the 111th of I t; toter, 11.‘ WIII torever, wipe out the anbetit wee and ahadoW of liadtealintit he County and State. This IS no woe lor laggarda. To the front, then, every Democrat, and let the result not only be nn Overwhelming Democratic victory, But a total :tint complete Rout of lindtcaltr , m I A dog Artillerist Thera are• many interesting stories of dogs, ills strating their sagacity arid ul most lInTIIRN intelligonce This is ono of a flog who dill 11111 V r artillerist so well that ho won a battle Slllstlipha, it strung and active gray . hound belengtng to a Captain of artillery war raised from his birth in the ninlAt cum r+, always inasiiniiiinsial his mat ter, and exhibited no !damn in the moist battle In the liettost VIIVII4effI..IIt 4 lio ri . 11111111.•ti near the canner , and t ar med the hal netteh ill les iteinth A t the 1111.11.'1'0 , 1e battle nl Fenteney, the master of M 0•0.1v1.11 a !nor - I:II \veiled At the reetie•rit when Owe; to lire Ilion the epee,, linil several et lie, eel lei were streek to Ihn earth by it 'II. ha I' e his 111/I , L , r lit •Ir•••• 41,1 1,1,•• tl.. am.. Dart 11.,51.•.1 itt that tulle n bolt 4.1 Free, h r. Ad \ 11,,111,z tai, will, it W k• ;11r11...1 th 'MI lh • t.lll ft -1..1 1 'll oitol ,101 it 1.. nt • n., lit, n, 1•1, r trt .1. •ii i., k1t..41.11.ini tloh nil :In. to thl• I 111fifii I/ vi. IPi l• .hilt woo 101 l the t 1,1.1 tho retwiltid , r to.dc to llltrltt A rt..r thi, tat .1 tho .1, , ,L! lay dawn Fad hoar hotly tir hIM not -lc r, lii 1...t1 1114 W. 1 , 111/1l ft 1.111'n• -iv., hour- wit.h....t t.mar.... llc wu. at will (1131- ,111\ 1 . 1,10,1'11 by 1.11. i 1 . 0111 , adv. , of lhn 111 , .•/1-1 , 1 Th.. •il I hint t.tray.limind WWI to 1111. i firo.ontod to (:,..,r , •O II rln h.•i him Otkon cart. or 110110 V r d .1 Al the liepitiv Attorney General ot the Stine, WI, tine:tithed the embezzlement, has been removed by Governor (heart. Amt why' pause fie exposed the thieving raseality of one Of 11114 (Henry's) political pets ! Mr. M'Cliire 11.4e4 pent dearly lor tin charging what seemed to him to be his tluy. \V ho can doubt that the Over nor was a party to the when by which the people were to be red, eel of $363,523.85 If he was not, why did lie seek to shield Evans, his I lip' honest agent, and go still further 0.1111 11.111010 11.01,1 OltiCP lhe gentleman who ferreted out this deep luta scheme of plunder? There are questions whheli demand an answer at the hands of the Governor if' lie wishes to east Mr the strong siemicions dill. now rest upon him.— Ellh. Donor, at. : h.. Itadteal party In North Uar olndn h..realter he known as tho "WI nch party ": .h fellow who styles hicrelf n, " Major Smith," and moupies tho I,odtton of of tli North Carolina 1i...tir0...1, conlesh.... to have drossed two hundred negro wenelto , in nden'sclothei and Vi •ti`d them at the polls In .lohnfon county Under tho bayo net election I/I iv no one was permitted th..v voted without diffieu It% . ro.thor Ir.wel In Grant's crown 4—Thomas A. Scott is said to be Prfoident of two, railroad companies, V tie President of eleven and diteotor of 'ill irty-four Dry Goods, Groceries G lt EAT EXCITEMENT ABOUT TEA: AND COFFEES JUST OPEN) 1 A NEW LOT 111 0 TEAR ANO COFFEE.. 4, I HTiIiLLOWER PRICM. =1 Sold at til 50 w•e are eelling at $1 25 I '25 1 00 1 00 85 Boat 35 eta. Java Coffee, induced lo 30 contra 3J Rio Coffee 28 " OAT.T. AND TRY THEM and wo will guarnoloo you can nave 25 per Bold only nf. tho Agency of tho AMERICAN TEA WMI'ANY I MISS (1. B. PRIES'I"S Trimming, Notions At Varlely:Storo Bush House, ItolleNnte, Pa ELEMI y oUNG&DEVLINO, WHOLESALE AND ItErAll, DEALEHS_IN ENEIIAL MER('ILI IV 1)18E I= On Allegheny Street, Ilellelonte, =Rerpectfully Invite the nurnerotn. roaderw of the Watchman to call and gen their unequalled MEM FoREIWI AND IoMMTir lIRY 00()I p 4 SIIAWL:- , I'A It l'S, N( Yl'll /NS BO( Th S 111)1', G ROCEIG EM, ,{;,?_; They ha% e the largest stock and (71E,I11 , ;tiT GOODS In ren 1 rn) Pentigvh. num DEmANI , EXPEDITION prompt r and ddeel.nm iu I,ll4lnCgei ; timbre williont quibloint!: mqoareneem w II lnrul Yuri I.ult.lrm MIR ONE PRIcE Spitetn mean thin demand, dinpenning Nn -Iwm•litn ❑npw tinily, aml al thu lowent [llll 1312=111 A NUl'llElt NEW sTuitEl LllOll,-41, 1•Il1•APF4'1' ANL) 111..41 'WIT!) ti'D )CI( }F 0 1) kJ; Elt 61.,T1' IN .1 uou NT le 1 .',7 Olt E, [iv. twon opew..l in the Soto root» id ZIO N , TI BM NS, BETZ Sr.. CO They n re" . lII II g AKTONISIIINGLY (11 BA I' PLEASE CALL AND SEE 'MEAL 111-27 Will, & ° AULT, (tinecoesora Loy' A. Miner.) (i EIU9 ti PRO V LSI 0:‘ 111,.14E Allegheny Street, Bellefonte tidying purchased the extenolye Moro of Levi A Miller, lhoproprietor.. take pleasure in announcing to the publw that they will keep eenulAntly on hand, UM elioleoat G ROUE RI ES, PROVISIONS, SPICES, rßuiTs, &c to be found In the market EVERY THING AT ALL TIMES MEEI THE LOWEST PRICES 16-84 y . Dry Goods NEW GOODS AN t) NEW PRIOEB. WWI R.ITE• ralai.ll OUT. G oolE, AT OLD I I-Li to . •;.1 , PRICE so-ituFFLI: & Would respectfully .nforin the world and the rest of mankind, that I hey hoe.. lot opened lath and aro daily receiving a larl STOCK OF GOODS OF ALL K , NUS which they are offering et the Ter) toe el' mar k et price. Consisting of the latest styles of Figured nd Alpaeas, Figured and plain all W° 1 )411111110. Shepherd PIIIIIIA, Meek Silks, Summer Silks, Irish Poplins, White White Counter panes, Linen and Cn ootiiihootings,Check I:inqiteiltickw, Flannels, etc., Shepherd Plaid lifilmorml4,lilitek (71t,t11, I'nsoimeroo, V0110(11114, Corduroy, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, Ladies Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, itopellanCs and 11/11(1E1 of Varjoua Colors. A full line of Clothe, Caselmeres, Satinetta and Veatinga, all knits anti prices, which will he mold elleilp WO have l'Orlrattiltly on hued a large and well selected stock of all kinds of (YoeAr ry, (irocen ccs , Alarkctot, Salt, dlr., etc., It hie!' we will ills pose ai at tics very lowest clash prices. All kinds of country produne taken in ex• ehantro /or goods, and the highest market prl• CON RHOWeII. FRI ENDS A %YAK F. TO YOUR INT EH ES'l'. For we fool mnipoled Owl we tow null your tuol,••i well As your 1111r,t ylinl NV AVS A EA I)!—A. ALEX ANDER A Si IN, M 11111.411,1, Center Co , 'enuffylvfolia, fire now offering to the 1.116 i lhu lowe•Nt eatlt prone, = =I Take ihot inetho4l (Jr antioisiteint to their no -11111:1:1, Iris Lint they too o pis.l retorned froto--4-1..0.,E54t III: :I new iiHsortruent .4.11 r 1 0 (11/Eli;N; AND I.I4OIF.STIC (.4)01)3, IVllleh they ire selling at surh prick., that lain lowers aill find It to their Interest to hay of them 'I heir stork monists of =I =II k 1 , 4 ,‘NI 14411) . 1'S 114 Slit)FA k aoht nl I . l , unt ry pr , tiltiei. taken In en lott, tar 14..." 1 " I' It. 1 ‘1,1 , X ItElt A St rs; Books and Stationery. TII E 1( ItOuli )IU retie i veil t he reek•llle.l the received the nter•l, 1.11 1.1 , .eis •.t hiloeh L i IIuLEs.II,E u.r.rAH I“ H Ili ;41()RI. of the Ito.,kn of 1111. "kitieriesin S S Union mei Society" and .II them, pricer, the MI -13'1,11.1111 ANNI. 111011” 01 10 II eilfl.lllllted to 110. ttttt Disc Ile would . ' t iny hi) t hoax . .0111 . 0[11M41 F 1614,1011 .1•1,0014, 11011.1min:4 iieureity of tttttt hr rIII full order. vile, neconiiintlica I,y 1 re +l+c e -lido 113110., 16,11111 K L eIMIII, 01 Llll - e , 111,01, MEM 1 , •I)\VI If. KINSIA)E, Go Moil L. Barr, deed I= (lOUIA COMPANIES, LOW RA T KS. PROMPT SETTLRAIRNT OF LOSSlini en.nli and Munini Fir«, Idle and Arc'den. lee n w r fltt.n Prompt nltention 111111.16 G. the ,Iteellon Pay, Panononli owl all other (Gomm. • rm whfionli+ted before .July 22,1, And vl•ere honorably tikohargefl without reel log the $lllO Downy lire now entitled to it. EitWIN Is 1 \ SLOE, Box No 73, fiellefonte, MAO mteertsor I Mon! 1, Borr, ttec'd. Mr iscellanoous Omit OF Tilt I,lnllllllllo CLIFF!. ANII 14111991CF,CRame It It. Co , 14111Ude11111111, June Lt. let Not lee 19 hereby given that the Bret install men( of Five I/01111ra per share to the Capital Sloe kis of the Lowisbnrg, Centre, and Spruce Creek It It Co, subscribed In the TOVIIIIIIIIpe of Harris, Potter, firegg, Penn and Heinen, centre Cooqty, will he payable out the first day of .1 lily:hal, and the subsequent instal '- merits of live Dollars per share will be circa and payable on the first day of eaoh atfeaeod ing mouth, 'mill the whole is 19011 Pll9/11119111.9 of the *hove itisralimente are her shy required to be made to the l'reasurer 11111111 Ci. at the °thee of the Centre County Banking Company, Bellohonto, Pr JOSEPH M9I:EY, 'fraaairer. FLOUR, N. B. Any person i.leelrlng, can pay the whole off at once It payments are not punctually made, the law allows Ons per rent per month to he charsed in addition. 16 26 2m 290 —f o r first class Pianos—sent on irlol—nn Agenb.. Agereos U. B. PIANO 1113 nroadiray, Now Ybrk. 16 96 4w, I= lIn• Just 11. Jo t 11. pt.t thql eArr Orylll. 11.1 t v. r d'iltiltl ULNA Pier I,llllle. 114.11.41,11te I" go I rr r Ku nrr,l co fir I or.r =l3 =I let LlVlNt.tirkioN, 1t..4t etallrfortte Insurance aoteis and Sa►oons B iJSII BELLEFONTE, PENNA., This elegant hotel, having come under the supervision of the undersigned, they would respectfully annotinee to the public that they 111, prepared to nettommodate them after the style of She beef 'unisex In thn Mess. The Bush !haute Ili a rmignllittent building, splendidly furnished, and capable of comfortably accom modating THREE HuNDRED GUESTS It is shunted near the depot, and convenient to all places of business, and in the best hotel in central Penney) yenta. Its waiters are oblige lug, polite nod attentive; its tables are sup plied with (gory Ititiny in the market; Its stables are firsts lassm ith attentive and humans host lure, and its bar supplied with the beet of liquor. Nor guests from the Mlles to spend the summer it is peal the place I The proprietor Will be lumpy to receive the public as often as they wish to call CLEMENTS k LOWRIE. Proprietors. EMI GA I M A N'S noTEL—DANIEL GARMAN, Proprietor. Thin long-established and well-known Hotel, situated on the southeast corner of the Dl* mood, opposite the Courthouse, having bran purchased by Daniel Garman, he announces to the former patrons of this establishment and to the trat cling public generally, that he h. thoroughly refitted bin house, and Is pre; pared to render the most natltifactnry IlleCol4 Modatioll to all who may favor him with their patronage. No pains will be altered on hie lpart to odd to the otinvenience or comfort of us stit,ts All who stop a lilt him will find his table abundantly supplied with the moat KUM 0110,10 fare the ma: kid a ill afford, done up In style by the mostexperienced eooks Hie liar a di always contain the choicest of liquors. Ills Stabling in the bent in town, and will always be attended by the most triode orthy and at tenth c Mettlero lilt e bun a call, one anti all, and feels eonfident that all will be satisfied w silt their aceom 44 elation An excellent Lie 110 is attached to this e , Mbli..),ltient, which strangers front abroad will tied greatly to their adValilngt• MI=E AV I). HI I{ A HD, I 'r9 pnetor BELLEFONTE PENNA. The undersigned. ton tug n.surned cortrol of thie tine hotel, would ask the patronage of the publlr. lie 14 prepared to iteetenroodete guests in the Lest of style, and will Inko vare that lila tables are supplied with the hest In the unit ket t.ood stables attached to the hate I, cult 4 , nreltil and tittentlr• ser vants he rut ling piiblie are invited to give the I . lllll,lllruc. tilt 15.2ti1y NArI(NAL litlrEl„ Kim, PA IXATII A K fit'Y KR, Pruprtefor purchased this Inlinirnt/le property, lii, noor itit•ssure informing Irtetttis, that Its has irlitteti anti reforni.lted It from top t ,, i ,,, it.0111. Wl , l h 111)4I prepared to se -Inono.len• lINII lel. uhf otherm Ina style that pf Olt not snl) palletuctory, bat 1114ilt• 1111111 bur, .111 not be excelied hyany II l• ir large and tit,, and le attended )i.114 g•ii and m arms I. 110 ier.. 14-28-17 Tobacco r , A l'o•o) lin. 'list tlr.sT t .I'l N. NA 'l< AT N. ISFA'I<'S. CoNI E AND SEE, (;TIE AN!) NV II AT ELEG A N PLUGS, )N IL% I' ELEA; A NT PLUGS, coME AND BUY, (MVP; AND BUY, =1 lII= III; BEST IN THE ST.i'TE, I= 111 , Fl4l. T, 111.4 NI\E CUT, TH E SWEETEST, I . IIE SW IC KT INT \•U UFA II EsT kNi, I N 'l' U W N INootooto, lo Fiore No. 4 Built Hotel Cr. C IGARS AND T(IACCaI NA Ml' El, LIPTON, EME2III T,,lnteco, Pipes, /ire Illti ,11'1\ NE 1V 131111.1)ING, ''.n ner of Allegheny end Mahe ICI I I.V.FoNTE, Ir my• Om 111111 111 I Itad to..nt Ii Iteloue ill 111 1, 11, 1 1l 1111 1,”11•1- =I Stoves and Tinware. QEI)I.-; NI/1:1 -Is 'scalier Greek nor 7 I.lllln, but In .1111 ply (1111 11 - 1(11p01604 10t1110 ul 011 1(0411111,11110a hud a fa lin 10 , 000-hold IN 0101/1 i luau rtitsrunce •Ilrn.•tly 10 (11.1( MAMmoTa ILARDWARP: FATABLIHMENT G. S. FLEGA L, so appropriately named the IItONSIDES The oki "Homo "I ionbido."—hi.n of war... was Kw irt to twl lon am' ))))) bat—LlM pf 01111- nus,t fvultironeliantelei clog the in.iurti mum. llkt, IL Ix ur To •rnx TIMES and doom I leJtver heavier broadeldon at !pager range In the Idistpe of fi'M'V Eft ME CLIPPER, SUBET IRON, .ant MU: I, \V 111,E, homidoB ton thousand other miße.llo, than Any other ostabilehmonts In (I, I‘ mr; now permanently anolk" .1 PUILIPSpr ,r armed and equipped for the frit Kith a determination to undersell a . mine, he respectinily nolleite your 0, vt2n46.