The Democratic Watchman. E E N E, PA ISAAC BUYS A POOL! = Hannah • My homeward Journey was delayed at Buffalo, Whose people were profoundly stirred eon cernlng a Horse-show , And being, as thee knows, a great admirer of good breeds. I went to the concourse of limb valuable Meade. The 1414 lot of ten boraem was brought forth, when I got there, In gigs,—so frail each seemed like n deliimion and a mnare— Beatrode by drlvera—meet foolhardy, es It seemed to me,— Who drove like Jelin eon of Isimshl, even fu• rlously I I plekod the beet among them, in the twink ling of en eye, And—winhing that 1 could atVord that noble mare to buy— 'a I turned, and to I before me I beheld n noisy Crew Thronging n tent, where one was Belling home at vendee Ho mentioned several horn°. sold already. "in the peel" I did not ask what "'mole" were, lent I might be doomed a fool, Much ignorance a silent tongue will frequent ly disguine, And even "a fool that holdoth his peace is counted wipe," The favorite being yet tinPnl , l. 1 thought 1 would he 'quart And hid a hundred dolltpe 'eye nom° other got the marl, It wax not near her nitric, yet the words were neareely void. Before that rapid auctioneer •oelferalod "Mold I" "What horse 1" asked he "That sorrel mare" said I "and here's thy !my," He took It and returned 10 me a bill of saki straightway, My soul was swelled with rapture, yea, ex ailed was my horn, ht thought of chread horse-denters so egre giously shore I thought how friend Joh. I)ean would eorel my new ware! mare, A. our old earry-alt I.llppeit by lien, on the thoroughfare And verily I chuckled Inwardly, enough to -ttat" With think lug how noose leorld's people WOlll6l ham to take our divot My Illltntrige were dt.torbed by elle., 01 The recoco ing There , " And the whole drone rli-hod by, pelf melt, led by my NOM.' Mare, Away they went, anal when I soaked "Where fore tli a reek lean intro ' Why, Shad m" replied a byammier, "'TM the three-maturate rain.' "Anil le thin race (or nn ntey 4011'11. II I is," said he "Nay then, as fin Ult. sorr. I roar.• . 1/111(1 •hall toil h.•" Anti burning stilt iinpntienee, when they rattle .01111414(1.111. 1 •rode up to the eorrel noire and oeir..ul tier by dm rein. They fiercely cursed, and pushed me violently to and fro, Which qlliekly e/lIIMPIi the ials of my wrath to overflow And, Rh ...ling up my lot. With any suspender% I went In To get the sorrel mare or else chastise those 111..11 Orrin ' Up ro.lied two n, rout 'cis with clubn, and LLh one veqt.e.l me by 11. Sllol,lder, anti Invited me to vi.nt Itlw•k Slam! "I know no eolore.l frolitle named Maro, - replied , But they premed me with an urgency that w.oild not be dented let rafter all I 411.1 not ace that fertmle, ,lark and richly, A1t110..0. they 1.1.10 t Me all the afternoon In her •elaele Th, i m y i n n till*. 10 find my 1111‘,, 1111 i at in FlinirlJVl It 1% uypolettitk tout.. , WIN to Kee k tier high AID! lux. E= My 101 l •.f.lllO tint w tining " •ti 111.1 twit nndn ddNixr \• tli) I rpprllyd" int Priiiiitirtit eit, it .«r•rrM MEM ~I'h;l?I'll lIF HON. WILLIAM A. WALLACE The Iniquities Radicalism SPATE FIN A NCEA DISCUSSED EVANS 1.1 1' I 1.1•..1( )II The Infamous Registry Low =I 01. CAIIIIIIII I come 10 till 11/ 1110i1 Hllll my heartiest thanks 10.1 only fur your present ratification 11l my /11.11.1/ 4111 , 1 the hence nn 1.111111 r•elneiit 111 my film career, hut al-44 for the unity and vigur ul ‘I/111 -iippurt at Illy elllrllllCe mit, 14, 1111,111 11le 1110 e tears ago, and I shall he 1,41111101 h In 111,r•ell Mid 10 1111 that men hold dear aml sacred, it I shall eier betray the trust and confidence 11.4,e things et ince You and the 11l I;icarlield have Mali} inter 44ds II common ; many it the streams that and their simrre here, traverse in greater strength the county 4)1 lily home, and in their annual liesliets hear to market the products 11l your lore-Ir 11101 nl tars. tilde by side the sourly lumbermen of both navigate their crafts with skill among, the natu ral Impeolimerelm and arlitivial okutrue inon+ that a miAaken slate policy 11/1M allowed 10 remain and has permitted to steels:inflate and render hazardous the conduct of a business the annual t Hine whereof tar exceeds the much isniated iron wealth or the State; the elope, 11l the Alleghenies and their both in your county and in our. , , teem with buried wealth, and hundreds id bus) tuners grapple wan iiatt,re in the recesses of the mine, exposed to danger and to death, in the effort to bring it to the light. In the pursuit of their laborious call ing, this class of your people and of ours sufler common deprivations, en dure common dangers and eke out a like precarious existence. The raw material betided beneath the surface is valueless without their aid, and an e„n• lightened publ icpolies, as well atCthe interests of the employer, demand that the business shall be fostered and those who conduct it protected from danger and from death. In advancing and inaintaitimg the good of these two gran interests, Common to the whole of our people, I have been and alkali pe earliest and watchful, and in the et fort to advance every material interest in the district, 1 trust:ever to be found vtgdant and faithful. The first duty or a representative Is to hie own con stituents, to advance their good, to protect them from ill. I now turn to the husineSs of the hour. I= We charge upon the rx.publi earl or ganization repeated violations 'ot its plighted faith, wanton disregard of the official oaths of its rulers, abuse of power in defiance of the constitution, destruction of the elementary prim plea of republican government in th e enactment of oppressive laws and 2n pritettcal administration; invasion of the rights of the state and the people ; unnecessary oppression in the imposi tion of the public burdens; reckless extravagance to govermental expend' lure and nepotism, negroiqm, immor ality and corruption in the daily rou tine of civil administratum. All of the surplus earnings of the people are wrung from them by the annual ex penditure of over .S-100,1X10,0(X), when the sum of $250,000,000 is sufficient to conduct the government, pay all its pensions and interest and reduce the debt annually at least $30,0001X/0. In this enormous expenditure and in the high rate of interest paid upon, the public debt i n I . ollflde "the fruitful source of hard time«, indivnitlo.l in debtednesti and personal bankruptcy." Hordes of unnecessary officials and ongs of corrupt and reckless men in fest every department of the federal government and swarm at all Its seats of power, and these gangs of plunder ers are made rich by the enormous MIMa of money taken annually from the hand of labor. E=l At the entrance into this campaign these great questione 01 governmental policy might well receive calm consol erathni and close scrittint , Lit lar overshadowing three, and above and beyond every question of mere adminite traitor!, itt Trio VITAL ISSUE or Tile LINE Oe DeAvil Or RISIMIIIM Ail IN4TITUTIONS. Tid - e r Important and emsential propose 110, now formally presented to the American people in the deliberate en tic:intent (.1 the ku k lux and bayonet lle them a government of law Is destroyed and a tyranny IN en. throned ; It government of force is et& stittited for the reign of the people, iirlatorial power is rested or one man rind the civil power is subordinated to that of the bayonet. These infainolin laws are practically the dtstrliction of Meal pelf government, and their mis• chievone tentlenc len and dangerous powers are themes that should arouse the ii-dor and umpire the eloquence of every lover of free inatitutione. If the people endoree them, they sound the death knell of their own libertielt. The ultimate design and present purpose of these outrageous laws is the election of Grant in 1872 Force and trend under the forms of unconsti• tutional enactments, and the unscru pulous Ilhe of the bayonet, if need be, are the means to 6e entlAnyVil In the coming coolest, and it the people of the north to these elections shall not emphatically repudiate 11,,e 1/11111111,111H lice presider dial rooted of 1872 w i ll be settled I,v blond KIIVA and car nage "Forewarned is forearmed A cli q ue of corrupt men control cur state goverment, manage and Control the finances of the common wealth and rem her treasury in their owo intert.t mot to the grritt prtpolit of Ow people.. %%111 RI I , rill ti , o•l 1 liciff , .l., ( ou, ter With, the len , ear , ienilinv her I, than Plitt mignon do la, hiusi into th • treasonl.l the 111 Il wriinv by taxa Uun Ingo rhr V:lrfilllgl4 1,1 the people, 44 111141 the 41111 e debt tt 121V11, on , 1 . C1 . 1111 her 1. 1801 war , lea than thirty on December I, IS7O, at oser thirty one millions. Seven debt, tuts been 141111 and more than c.trtv three millions remain to hr 114•4•01111 , 141 for. lteelsleas expen diture, extrataganee in administration and misappropriation of assetill are the several I. ads under which this money van he fume; It la for those in pow er tAI 141104.1 04 ft 11 hands (0 the people, Or vacate their places, fn Illie emilest it IS our bueinena to rlonely 1,11 , 1 the doings of the men in power. I,el ns see in what they have been I,TIIO. OF OATIIM, IJIMAPPLO A NON This issue directly the management of the shale final. em. It ,our auditor general's office be watch vigilant and pure, it is a check up on every department of the govern meal, amt a perfect safeguard against. petty stealing, embezzlement or rob fiery. In its mire admit' istrat ion alone can the people find protec tion for their treasure and speedy paprient or the state debt. II the people place the control of this depart meta in the hands of a weak or cor mid man, or give the ,amt revers lies 01 the commonwealth into the keenmg of one who from personal pderest or po 1111(1I sy pat 1.1 eer ye. tint ob e y,. (Mu se who make the treasnli n untrue 01 profit and of power, ILr will lii the mad of the pre4mit hour recur in rapid PlleCetll4loll tit ern integrity, watchful vigilance, fidelity of the for hest character and implicit obedience to the law as written should character ire the incumbent of this important place. We charge that some of these vital qualifications have been found wanting in those who now iminage and control our finances. We charge that the republican candidate for this office is connected, by [personal inter est nod political sympathy, with that ring of the republican party that runs the state treasury and mismanages its finances. We charge that those who adminis ter the flnances of the etate and audit its accounts have broken their oaths to support the constitution, have vio lated a plain statute and have misap plied the assets of the commonwealth 1112MIZI I=l These are grave'.charges. Let us see the proofs. Under Lite last- demo cratic stale administration, the 00Poti• tution was amended by a trOeisiOn that looked to the gradual but ackalli payment of the state debt; by the con• stitution Mesit a certain asSete and rev enues belonging to the state were de voted to that purpose, and it ordered the legislature of 1858 to select and apply other resources to the same itm portant end; and the' conntitutton in section 4of article Xl. expressly or dered that none of these resources should be used ur applied otherwise than in extinguishment of . the public debt, until it was reduced below five millions if dollars. The legislature of 1858 did designate these resources, and tinder these provisions all of the motl ey arising front the proceeds of the sale of the public works, heir net annual income, the income or proceeds of stocks owned by the state, all license fees, collateral inheritance taxes, taxes on bank charters and dividends, on corporations, On auction cominissimis and entries, on writs, etc , ohs public offices, on foreign insurance agencies, on enrollment of laws, on pamphlet laws, on tonne of money at interest, on tonnage pistil by radroads,all tines and forfeitures, revenues from hinds, es- Cheats, Accrued interest, refunded cash, and gills to the state, was to be inviol ably applied to payment of the state debt. The auditor generill tool the state treasurer each s\tt .t, - iito lie will support the constitution of this comi»onwestrili That onili required them to apple all these toones to the payment of the debt. Have they done so? This can hest he settled by ex allotting their own reports al d newer taming what they have received from these resources and what they have paid upon the state debt. Taking up the live fiscal years that commenced December I, 1865, and ended November 30, 1870, we find, flint in the year ending November:ol 1866, they received from these sources the such of $3,757,746 ; in 18t17, the sum of $3,645,017 ; ui 1868, the sum of $3,423.564 ; m 1869, the RIM , of 5(4,560 in 18711, $3,881,0114. Total received in live years, $18,271,911, every dollar of which, under their of ticiitl oaths, should liaise been applied to payment of the slate debt. iI am this money beet' typheil? in Dee I. IR.', the whole dept wax 1.17,4711 .2.49 4, 0 I 1,•,• I, I P7o, II vt Who!. 414.101 inthlsll,344 1.17 In, r. si !mid on 111.. debt .11111ng limn.. 3 VIII, Was, 111 lA.. .51,W12,111l In 1867 2,2n7,111.1 In I mi.ri 1.974.690 In I niVi 1,P01',.2.1.1 In 1,4711 . I /41.1,ti1l I °tat Interest paid Whole dell nod 'Were.' plod $l, L',l,/x'l V. hole 00..e1el r.+4 al to pity 10 111 i were 1N.:71,1/11 Leaving a t,Ylunee o I 31,017 4:•! 111 violation Of law, 01 the con alitotion and ul ollit•Ial oittlia, host• liven wrested trim' their pOhe and OtherWlme thlrol4l,l oI 'niche facts cannot be denied, tool thee tietnottstrate the llght ettlootlerat lion that It rettohliettri official places+ upon his oat 1. of °thee. If 10 thee'. tignres we add the if ... 4;117,1MM) the , re eel,etl from the general government or 18(1.'1, w loch shookd have gille to pa) went of die elate dela (for the milli.' ry Moen IS MCIIIII.II 1 , 1 the ligonett I case.) and i;et'ilt, INK) for the one per ce id, intere.t the added upon the !-,(100,000 p. , 1 a per t ent. loan, ens , darine the three INII9 and IS7O, and the 1.! I I.llllle, St. 11 , 1.1 that . -I 11.. di I.( lint'l• 10 I'l rc.lll, 10 ex"l belt loelllonn mule than it the plait, pollee of tiotett.lotet.l IS:t7 had Is en ear I •l• 1 / 111 in pri,, I. 10 1111 11111 1 i,lli I' 1111 ”1111 1111.1 1111 "411.1 lelll 10 11 of hurt 1 1111.1 1 1 i.te 1,1 and figure» ut e tl l e 51111.1...• I'pou Ihr IMO! wlin 100% haltellll and I . Trel/11%e lintOrio, 01 the S l a t e goo ernlioOil we clotr.jt ruttier wanton neglect 4if !Iwo. ',lilt utl Jour-, Ur Corrupt rolillivnio, 111 t ,,l wii i e went of the polite toone)w. II elf her lot-01...11m0 lus•jitro, !het Uri' 111.111 10 till the places t6ry liul.l, and they stud those they seek 10 plu•r 111 powrl should he repudiated by Itll outraged "h U m ;291,1)00." I . llle Evatot doh to too recent awl too plain in its glaring deprat ity lu need detailed explanation That 1' . 2.91,11011 of the lieitple . 4 money are 111)W 'U1 4 11111%1 . been lor month.. ptt,d. In the 11111.14 of VI 01 pat titer ht ntL, Or it the of [he, ittlici tt Ilient, , elvett, it , it Ittel (had tney du not atlettipt to deny That they relit,. 10 111•COIIIIE lOr or live it Over in eiptadly clear. tilt regal right or chum or 01 claim evirin 101 111114 IN gen tally admitted. That 1111111 tvithin tlitt Inualhti menhir Ott Plate trettottirt I, the auditor general nor the govern 'new attempted to secu re th e iniffiey to the treitmary it tiodentable and in not denied CH 11 /1,11% ;f11:1 reason he eivt ' qi 1.. r Ilie ul.nulule poleme gen the HI:Ile Ire:1411(er, Illr lour ~nn, in regard to the doings of I tun 1111111 L anus, H , llOlll Ihet Hlel !heir po lineal associates entrusted with power over millions of the molter 111 n he Iwo pie? Why wan he out (tiled to settle :lIH HAICIII/lIIH long since in the office of the auditor general? Why has the state treasurer been HI/ lenient with this large public debtor? Are they Ile Int. Job, or are they sun ply liieompe lent or their places? Why Is It Ilia' vitt! ptorean is In-Heil, %VIIII lardy and leisure like aim rity, and the debt", warned belore the process Irnrhen I he sheets ? Why is such it prie Sc. I .;" nt 1411 Iti II HIM Hie elate tient lad hint to Dike 'lie taimolvelit INNei 1111 she pity the costs? Is II 111/11, leo the iedione winding of 'tile law ' a lit 3 pia.llv opinion ttlay be blunted 11111 dolled Ly Inpee of time and the debtor , ell4l 114/111 gie rive? Is 1 11111 the . 1411014,, sharp and deri• sive ' remedy of a Warrma and. 111111 et ment for the palpable crime would dis close to,the wronged people the names and, places of those who have shared the plunder and who planned the rob bery? Why is the man who bits told the people of the wrong done them re• moved from the place tbht earns a livelihood for h i insel I* and family 7 If his statement be false, confront hint with the criminal anti proye him what your (inwardly attach upon tom as' Bern , to he. The truth is patent; the job complete; the ring has robbed the treasury, and four year's silence and tardy and ineffectual action when pressed to the wall, demonstrate that the financial officers of the state are either deep in the plot, neglectful of their plain duties, or incompetent fir their places. They will lie equally comfortable^in either horn of the (b -un lemma. Are these the men possessed of stern integrity, watchful vigilance, faithful to their trust and obedient to law, to whom we have entrusted the finances of the state? Can it be that the people design to place in the de. partment that passes and finally ad judientes their own financial transac tions, the pet, protege and nominee of these men ? Who does not know, a ho so blind as riot to see the groan out rages upon the people that such acorn lunation can, and; judging by the past, will perpetrate? Stanton is the noun nee nl the ring that runs the treasury, of the men who misapply the assets of the wale, who aid and abet embez zlement and wrong upon the people. Elect hire and you initiate a carni val of Claud, an era of corruption,such lIH flits commonwealth Ilan never seen. The control of vast financial resources, without direct accountability, places your seats of boner and of trust within the grasp of the very men aho have already dishonored our stale, dictated the nominations of governors and sen ators, and, with the money of the peo ple, controlled elections, by contribu ting to wholesale fraud therein, by de bauching nod manipulating election officers and by the foulest means main laming nu I perpetuating their own power. , IQAVnO at 6 (JAIN ? In the success of the democracy we find the solution of two quantities of grate ittitairtittice; the repeal of that practical denial of the capacity of the people of Philadelphia for cell govern 'lseult, embodied in the regoitr% law lor that city, and the settlement of a COI, gressional at poriottiment Just to Loth ',aril,' and equitable in all its detntis, lie-ides these, we win the vantage ground for the great battle of 1872, in which we choose a governor and a President. Victorious now, we are in spired with courage find with hope ; the battle will he easily won against a despondent and demoralized foe , de tented now, %NV lace all uphill contest with the prestige of success against UN. I 1441,e,11( plllllllt , ion all thinking linen recoimite the truth 4,1 !he,e practical propoolions, and I 1.1•1.1 s to arouse tun io e.iriiiititess, to energy, to deiertnin work to will this light =MS ‘oi 11 E I.4VEHN 0E1041.1.vf r 4 ? -TIIE lIE or TIIV. 11,1ERWAN PHINCIEI M.— =I The registry law tinder which you tide commits 110 l\ 1',111,4 upon your people, tit leaven to yt n the tree choice tour elefition officers in the 114 , 11 tilt win usage and familiar statutes point out The people with the ballot select their judges and inspector of ions, the party that preponderates i. if Irbil It the feWer nn it. lii 1111 . 111111 ,, 1111 upon the hoard This has 1"01111. t,t I e recogni zed as a Iniclain ilege ftwong its, and Ito Ltol would ill/ 11, t would ;like trion them the 1,, 1 , iiiiifose these °nicer., arid tie n foticient nejise of Justice grants if., minority their plain right of it pr. sentation upon these boards. ' lll, 1- not the law 111 the great coy of Philadelphia, The people there hay, 11 , 1 right to vote for electiOn officers Thet are &mint!) closed, and their potter i.. vented in it Ward of aldermen elected for an en - Wel) iliflerent plurpll..l . //ere 1111 . pro pie elect the assessors and they make init the registry list and Wiwe upon it the names oh the toter. floss the board of aldermen appoint the 1111 . 11 to make out the ftglnlrY 11P.11. , and invari ably appoint two Itepublicans tel one Democrat. itch the .11 . 111111•I'll114 I'll'o It democratic assessor inn it dennwrat district. There the board appoint two Itepialilican. and 1/111, Democrat ti ere, i/ , 11,.11111, 1. 11i11111 . 1 Itelmloll, 1111 ~ 1 1 ) 14111/Cr/Me, and the 111/Ip/I'lly ri/1111,11. rli , ll•r the 1 111111111111 td corrupt 1111.1 desperate men thin power has grown to be 14 11MAt fruitful source of impart ty m the elections of Philadelphia NI en are appointed its can vassers Whit know no law and recognize no H3eititiii of morals but the success °I their pant and Ilse attainment of their own he'll.' ends 'tin] t hone of theii designing lead era. They without heintation ntrike from the registry lists the name• of voters who 'ISO 11111 y 1111/4111k11, /411 , 1101,1 thereto I.lll' 113 1 / I CS 111 111.11.11. who Bate tin SIIIIIIIIW of right hi Nllll'. No Irv( potent rxists hi prevent (hear tofitinous owls. Here, m u (IVlllol . llltle dititril elect the judge and one of the iiimph• tors, and the republicans elect the other. There, the hoard of aldermen select the election officers in every ills trit t, and Invariably choose the nom who do the bidding and suit the mir poses of the reptililican tit the boards, and in the selection of the huar.l of nide:men pike , 1.. care to choose HMI ;ill4l republic:nos who will do the biddtne of their party Irinutitt and almost in vane id, select Illiterate, weak or con mitt ble men as democratic election °divers. By the election of shrewd and tinsera • [allots men upon one side and 01 111 competent or corruptible men upon the other tie door to fraud slnl tt rim! !- widely opened find the pont% ballot in !merle I. Sii, 1„ • luny emlii• 11l he Ih, u, Ike cllt 1 , 1 Philadelphia, mid the voice Oilier Imo pie is stifled by the wilesand atachipm Lions of lawless,men, acting under p,)e forms of an unjust statute. Canyon; lists are •doctored tr, ballot boxes are Stittled ; returns are hi tared ' forged rind manipulated, and fraud and violence in their worst (brine are resortold to in order to maintain the political supie• mad) of desperate and evil men. The tpati remedy for these wro,hgs consists in restoring to the people the rights taken from them and in oraldrig the general law applicable to the city of Philadelphia. In the recent session of the legisla ture we sought to amend this law by allowing the votes to be counted in the presence of the judges ot the courts, by giving the courts the power to put on names left off the registry by mistake or fraud arid by giving the minority of the board of aldermen the right to se lect their due proportion of election officers for each election district. Un der the dictation of the men who are now upon the ticket in Philadelphia, this was refused by the republican house of representatives, and we now come to the people to demand the re peal of this unjust law. Its gross in justice is so patent that nearly every republican paper in Philadelphia bait' condemned it, but it serves their pur poses ol fraud and false counting So reckless and bold have these men be come that they condemn public opin ion and openly proclaim their inten tion to count Ilovnsclor3 in. They reckon without their host if so daring a game be attempted. The democracy of Philadelphia are aroused and deter mined, and with public sentiment upon their nide, they will do what is neces sary to secure a fair count We have the votes and we have the physical power of the city, an well as its moral support and popular voice, and we would be worse than tools to permit a gang of desperate kllnVe4 to count us out. Fraud, false counting, forgery of returns, riot, bloodshed and murder, all arid each in turn, have been perpetra ted at the comma,' I 01 this lawless men who run the republican organization iii that city, hilt public patience is at Imo exhausted and those who respect order and hive law are upon our side and will give ire their support and encour meat in their pre4ervation. Iry the perforniniwe of a Jost net or in the prevention of a gross wrong, public opinion sanctities the means employed. To repent tine vile law, and give those people the riglik that coil pos see., will he tine the first Irmo.' of the victory to which we revue YOU. To re endorse ibis fundamental priiici• ple and in vindicate the right of Lite people to govern IlleolvelYee ni every Joe:1111Y, will he an achievement that will reflect honor upon all who aid in its accompindiment I= The straggle of kat session for a jam. lewelatts apportionment warns um that. we will be otercilem.dy treated 10 our unto oriels 111 the to wit of their alleeeas, In tile littler 14 tlaiillo,l HI lippilltittlient, 1110. e. 10 atil pile to eiingremellilial 111.11• re, t love tair , adds an addittotta argo men! liir Content l'ioler the ,tiratitoutt gerrtnian.ler ml 181,2, eve hate 1 / 1 . 1 . 11 4 /1 . '01 , 11,1d nod tot , raged lin practical 01/i 11, Ilitr tog the hint. lout lettro, ttheu r e duced to an iltiniontor.ot - that it re lntred 35,811 - i ViiteM 10 it oleriioi.rith ettogriot-ratan, wbil , t 17,$(10 vote., weft• to elect it reptiliticao The Wlleretiee bettteett the parlien ui th e whole tote itt i d i ••• tiolik hut. been 1 , 01 nhuul 31,000 tole., )et during thane four tertnit toxty hour repotoltenhn hate I.i.efittetit to WllllOll but thirty mitt tltiiitiierttiit have e ( ' till I 11 , 1 fillet. nuy MON' (potent ticot meta Io r Gtr w,nk tlutn these figure. Show ? I=l ()lir enemy iiltimeol hnnNclf ui,lln our alleged ilintritetioun ttrtptes hence tot ett-y elrtllry Let me tell low to 'lay 101 l Ills. tI aiterttig unrUun to hi. Th" - called finstracimn. and 1 11‘1 , 411,1•N of 11,. 'Non t,eruey ftre In their curl's Hind 111. t 1 1 ,01( 0.111 nk it Fin, will bnnq neithcr Nil n , r ~r llll ,It hi Crept) limit wi1l"11 111 , 1 /11 ,, ' , lt to rail '/.1, new deptrilire . 01' do 1110 ro reglir I There I. 110 .11 , •I1 WOl , l of Ow V(HNLIIIIIIII'V ut oli•1111.•1 - 10 k it, Ith.lllllol Inerto 11 , 1,1,1111,1 r. alleged 'new 1/(i 11 14 1 . 11111 4 11 1 ,1 1(.Zrilt10,1 cph 1111 . m ilo•P ill Ili, 1.1.1 ~, 0 I . (01 • l• (11I• • 4 I 1111!1.11. ~I shortly unlit re.i. I •Ito it "1..1 ~ or iiii 1,1 Ihru eliaeleil Ilse law. In th,- tiller how, as we al ways have dittered, with our allowo nists; we obey law ; their obligations and preach it higher lati. We le filo .leletnore crow our .1 l'el red and tecoghized doctrine, that the control of the goes [ toil of inarag e within the States ought to belong to ill State, and the people; nor does either our practice or our Ilielory .111n1,1 the . lotto. that meta by tratid or violet.. e I'..e prin. il,l. We advo elite are I Ito., upon Nnii II the govers• itient grew to gr. 11,1 Io loiliver, and which the dettiociacy 11/1.1 always enunciated and maintained to law, the right of loc.d tell govern went, the sound practice of constitti tional government, economy in public expenditure, and the just rights of State.. and of the peopl e rhe dentoe r are of lifloi Will collie to die wnu itohrokett front, buoyant. will, 1101,c Its-plrell with confidence, prowl of their candidates, who belong to no ring and have no &titillation with corrupt cliques, whose personal, civil and military record are above reproach. whose gallantry hits been tested on many battle fields, where they were trusted leaders in a lighting corps that ha s been and will be the pride of every true Pennvylvatihtit Tile democracy will be at the polls an harmonious, united and determined party, ready to meet an effkite, ertrrupt and t organization, whOse chief boas they have made the negro the; whose great power is the cur of the public moneys, Ousted leaders are disgusted ealcitrant, whose present Is mainly federal officers and ganization, in almost every lea publican county in the Btate, is into fragments, ctiques and It is a shell, full or emptiness tenness, and it will collapse an when punctured and broken serried ranks of a victorious d cy. ---- -- - A New Reporter WHAT KIND Or A WAY TREAT A MAN ? There are a great many coining along here now a da the F:ast, seeking employrni representini almost all bra; business. fhe most of them up fur tnotiey l and genera)ly c look demoralized. This morn of them came in this ollice• an for 'Brick.' We told him Chief was out 0441-- California, some fun with the boys, when be regretted it very much, tee bon well. That 18, lie had n• Once in liefialo, when lie was a speech. 'Th ee man arkno that lie was probably as good ter as there was in the count he wanted a Job, putt to get enough to take lona to St. Paul he would take the managing ship of the Press, a Republica; published there. IV iiMing to little recreation sawing wood ar fog up the bowie, we engnged tl lie showed letters of recom me from several places where lie h employed, and said lie was Templar. We gas e lint a (pt. buy his breakfast, and told lon to a certain millinery store, lo the goods and write the lady notice, and then go to IL groee below, look carefully over the arid write them a first retie limn went over to the 'Wisconsin If, across the street and got his hurt and we went home to do our When we returned at noon the trig 'poll' for the millinery e•te grocer was on the table, and tat tom smelled of beer. 'A Democrat c reporter w morning shown throngli the in establinhinent of Mrs le n mag(hic)icent 'splay of ear potatoes, which Mr is sel the low price ul 45 cents at %.inl, ing measure. The fall stile lieges are just received, tin ind(hic)eed worthy to Ibe ',Henn ladies, as they give the of beer for five cents at Ito. W Be still illy s(litc)uil plac e since I lett Buffalo Ili showed us a Western Betters , cut biased, with two rows it and velvet trimming on the hal got up specially for a lady about to bring in twine monk trout the Sunny Side garden t just 01.1 peaches. The II hlc)nd ed ns a wedding hat erected to the fleet ladies of the city trade groc..ry, where everything usually hound at live cents anywhere. She wee tritium , lace gingham —the hat was we ficial flowers Irmo the green that for high? This hat will c dollars a year, rest arothly in IV 141111 his water 1111 . 101. 11111.4 lolliggell when they were green,i also do dress making hie 11 . privy 1.111 , 1111 cash for coiiiiir) p Ile showed us NUlllVemigioneent 1.4,11 it lace carrots and w Luh uotk,it elegalll lemon you know how it is your.elt I in Wahl id 1111111111 g 111 tin. ;Inc celery givids FllOlll.l avoid 11, lOU anal they are thoroughly ripe, are more apt to set well if 11111. hatted 111 the ilium, where the stresses are alw piepared nu nut sill/ells with ries, at their houses at a ill .111. ui s Hall Mlle also k, J ew ,r, furnishing goo 1.., awl. It 1.1 Ik. liasi l l . ll 1. , •..1,1 , 1 a ear I 4,, 111.11 . tO•re . he 1. , lOW It pr..1,11,1y aril I hal - purtrr there 't 11•(.11.f , ri for i,lllll, I 1,1 .140111,1 15.1 t111111 • 111 , r. P,lll IPI .11), Ito Ipt 7 ..1J13 11 / 1 1..,! • "I ul Oil' flowing hum I, ilL)1 else. What commhtmoi I, II m to hire another to take 111 , phi , short time, and collie 1/lil k I. things so learhilly mixed. lasts not, handle nut, nun; 9 vhel , Vo[i gel Il ril 11/1i 11111 DWI 1 3 it. This Inns Mild be we Does the above 1,11 , his statement ? Vii, it Mu Jur, 'l'enirdarm sorrow wheilwr Ibe 'poll' s nows any synipilllllr , 101 on the pall. rut Ihe /lernoci 'it Wour.4 AY PitiNr - ing office, conducted eniirvis !lien, in now In full uprnrunu :ii ingtorr, and In in route a II crArditiort. Pour female emu' , are employed, and the %suris out by them ler pronounced ex in every reviled. There :Ile (hinge in the art ty pow :tido , II !Mint utilize die peculuir iii have for conlnr to ol 11 ,, hone of form *1 ~ _ COM pi 1./i1 . 41 j u 1 , 111 /111. DIEM --Um Butler ham grandfather, and lei trying to 1 , 1 poemible conailituents that hu si A grandfather. —The total 11/1101111i of curl vi,c or worn out while in ettenter , exceed $(1,500,000, or 15 per the whole jabot.. 3