Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 11, 1871, Image 8

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    The Democr tic Watchman.
Friday Morning, Aug. 11, 1871
—Buy your Books st Rankin s
—lf you want to buy furniture
cheap go to O'Bryan's cheap furniture
—To-day (Friday) the griind pic
nic at Old Fort Grovo come , oil. Who
is going over ? Don't all speak at
—Potatoes have boon as scarce in
town this week as hen's teeth. What's
gone with them all? Or are the tar•
mere holding them back fur higher
—Rev. J, W. Buckley will preach
in the Methodist Church here on Sun
day next, on which occasion the sacra
ment of the Lord'., Supper will be ad
are glad to he able to record
the fact that the pic-nic on thy 4th in
stant, for the benefit of the fire compa
ny, netted a clear profit of about one
hundred and thirty dollars.
—C. A. McCormick, Esq,, of Lock
Maven, was in town on Wednesday.
Charley looks good We suppose that
is because he is happy and has a clear
conscience Query—Wonder if law
yers over do hare clear consciences
—Mr Walker, of Horns township,
brags on the biggevt potatoe tops. He
says ho has one stalk of potatoes seven
foot and a half high lie thinks, for
tops, this will beat the bugs, but says he
won't guarantee what is at the roots.
—lf you want to secure your unpers
and valuables from desctruction by fire
or from the grasp of burglars, go to
Burnside S Thomas and order ono of
Farrel, Herring & Co'e Patent Cham
pion Sates, Burnside S Thomas aro
their agents,
—Those two good and gentlemanly
fellows, Messrs. Bill Dillon and Pierce
lideKinney are about starting a dry
goods and grocery store in Pine Grove
We can tall the people of that section
Rot they aro both honorable gentlemen,
and will be an addition to Pine Grove
—Dr. Belford, that excellent den-
tist, is again in town for the purpose of
practising his useful art upon those
whose teeth may need his services The
Doctor will only remain a short time in
town, so that all who wish to avail
themselves of the present opportunity
must apply soon.
—Nothing done to the bridge yet
h y is ittirbst those piers cannot be re
built There luny be a reason for it,
but if so, the public would like to know
what it is. Tho crazy old structure
will go down into the creek one of
these days and somebody get mashed in
to a thousand pieces. Council, atten
tion I Tl o public command you to re
build those piers.
-v---We notice by several of our ex
changes that W. J Hosterman, former
proprietor of the 'Cummings House,' of
this town,was killed by wilfully throw
lag himself under a train of cars in full
motion. We have boon credibly inform
ed that such has not been the case, and
that Mr Hosterman is alive and doing
well, and engaged in a tea store. We
are pleased to make this correction on
account of his friends and relatives.
—We notice several of our typo
graphical friends in town this week
from other cities, among whom are
'Billy" McCollum, of the Washington
l'airtol, Bob Owen, late of the Tyror.o
crate, John Furey, of the Philadel
phia inguirer,lsl arab Huey, of the Read
ing Eagle, and Wes Gepheart of the
Princeentan, at Princeton, N. J. The
"boys" are all hero rusticating,
and getting a little breath of fresh
country air prior to shutting themselves
up in their close city offices for the fall
and winter months. Were wo in need
of help now, wo could go out and get
enough to set up our paper in a ... day.
Perhaps, before they all leas P, we airy
get them to come in and give us a lift.
—David E. Weaver, two years ago
last spring, was a resident of Spring
township, in this county. near Harvey
Mann's az factory. About that time
he went West, to Versailles, Ohio,
where ho has resided over since. On
the 13th of July last, he left Versailles
for this county, with a through ticket
to Harrisburg and three dollars and
twenty cents in his pociet, bought by
tits brother,Jacob Weaver. Since then,
nothing has been hoard from him, and
it is thought that ho hoe either lost
himself or been foully dealt with. lie
was not altogether right in hie msnd
when ho loft, having had some trouble.
li., was low of stature, dark looking,
and bad a black hat and velvet over
alma, with yellow buttons down the
sides of the legs. Ile carried with him
an oilcloth carpet sack, and he. two
costs with him. The Harrisburg papers,
and all others aro requested to copy this
--Buy your Sunday School Libra
ries at Rankin's.
Demooretio County Convention.
Pursuant to the usages of the Demo
crat party, the Democratic County Con
vention mot in the Court House on
Tuesday, August 8, at 2 o'clock. Hon.
J. G. Meyer was chosen president, and
John Holler and J. Newton Wolf, sec
retaries. After the presentation of cre
dentials and a call of delegates, Dr. S.
H. Vanvalsah moved that Harris town
ship be allowed four instead of three
delegates. C. D. Keller and W. K. Alex
ander opposed the proposition, which
was decided in the negative by the con
The convention then proceeded to
the nomination of candidates for Assem
bly, when the names of John H. Orvis,
I'. Gray Mock, Dr. Philip Fisher arid
Dr. J. 11. Hoopesovere presented. Pro
ceeding to ballot, tho result was as fOl
- :
I 101( r.
or I
1.1 44 .r
I'. Gray bleak having received a ma
jority oral! the ;otos east, his nomina
tion was made unanimous, and the con
vention proceeded to place in nomina
tion candidates for County Treasurer.
John W. Barnhart, Jas. F. Weaver,
Thos. Yearick, Dr. Jas. 11. Dobbins,
W. A. Kerlin, Denial Dorr and J. A.
Tibbens were named, when balloting
proceeded with the following result:
II 21 21 41 Rj 71 81 0;1011
Barnhart . 10:101 7 1 81 6i
Weaver . 12:18119,20120122 20241 22,28211
I'eariek . 26 28 20,120128 26'28j29,28130
Bobbins . 12,1509110'18 Ti 11/ 11/201151 0
Kerlin II
Derr. ..,
After the first ballot the names of
Messrs. Kerlin and Tibbins wore with
drawn, on the fouth, that of Mr. Derr,
and on the sixth, Mr. Barnhart. On the
eleventh ballot Col Jas. F. Weaver,
having received a majority of all the
votes cast, his nomination was made
unanimous, and the following names
presented as candidates for Associate
Judge. Richard Conley, Wm. Love,
Henry Dopp, Wm Allison, John
Rishel, Wm Cross, Jonathan Kreamer,
Jordan, D. Z. Kline and John
Ifosterman • Following is the result of
I f,re.
A llni n
Rinh I
113 M
hrt am.•r
On the 3rd ballot the namesof Messrs
Allison, Kreamer, Jordan and Roster
man were withdrawn. Col Wm Love
having boon nominated on tho second
ballot, and Capt. Dopp on the fourth,
the convention'Tuade their nominations
unanimous. The following gentlemen
were proposed as candidates for County
Gunn , --i. nor John Bing, Ilenry
Dunk le, Samuel !''aster, Wm. Riddle
and George Meyer
John Hing
Henry Dunkin
Samuel Foster
WIT/ Riddle,'
Geo Meyer ..
The names of Messrs. Riddle and
Duekle being withdrawn after the sec
ond ballot, Samuel Foster received a
majority of all the votes cast and was
unanimously declared the choice of the
convention. District Attorney being
next in order,J. F. Potter, Aaron Wil
liams, Wrn. J. Koalah and D. F. Fort
ney were placed in nomination, and
the convention proceeded to ballot.
The name of Mr. Keaish was
withdrawn after the first bal.
I.)t, and on the second, Mr. Potter
Emving, been duly nominated, be was
made the unanimous choice of the con
W. I'. Mitchell, of Howard, was
chosen by acclamation as candidate for
Uot t inty Surveyor and Robt. Holmes, of
Marion, as County Auditor.
The nominations having been gone
through with, a chaltman of the Count•
Committee, Mr. D. F. Fortney, was
chosen unanimously, when, on motion
the convention adjourned.
J. 0. Ida Yea, Pros.
T N Wot.rm,
Sec rotaries
—Josh Billings promised to lecture
in Philipsburg not long ago, but acci
dentally disappointed them, a notice of
which, we gave last week. The Jour
nal of Saturday says:
laicals—lt hip been decided by the Phi
Lambda Association to procure Billings to
deliver kis lecture on "Milk" at the earliest
ossible dale In the meantime, all persons
holding tickets of the association for his lec
ture on the 25th ult., will have their mijaey
refunded by calling on the person of whom
they purchased them, or on li. C. Williams, at
m o ffirk's drug slot o. The apology of Billings
seems to be accepted and, to his credit, he it
e md, h e generously offers a fair maceration
to the association for their loss, This I q In
Justice to him, This action proven that fill.
lings In not only a humorous philosopher, but
a gentleman. 'the Phi Lambdas are worn al
most to shadows discussing the subject with
passers by on the streets, and 'milk,' sweet
sour and chrdled in flung at them till they are
ashamed to look a cow In the face. The but
tons oidered to anticipation of the lecture are
now offered at a discount.
Tut Ptc-N 'lc of the Logan Fire
Company, in the Second Woods, on
Friday last, wns ono of tho most success-
ful occasions of the kind that wo know
of. Eat ly in the morning the fire boys
wore astir, and wore soon joined by the
Sellers Zounves and the Unionville Ca
dets, after which ail marched to the
grove to partake of a most excellent
and well arranged dinner, composed of
every good thing imaginable. After
winner, the dancing began and was kept
up nll afternoon and until into at night.
Our musical townsmen, Messrs. Smith
and Kline, assisted by Messrs. Scheid
and Young, of Lock Haven, furnished
the strains wherewith the happy feet of
the dancers were kept in delicious mo
tion, and the enjoyment never flagged
until musicians and dancers were
obliged to quit !rem sheer exhaustion
It was a roost happy afternoon and eve
ning, and will long bo remembered by
the ladies and gentlemen present as a
season of unalloyed pleasure.
The Firemen looked exceedingly well
and had their engine decked out in gay
colors and with much taste. The nullt-
ary companies, too, were a groat addi
ion and helped very much to enliven
ho exorcises of the day. Tho majority
of the soldiers, however, left on the af.
ternoon train, thus depriving themselves
of the pleasures of the evening.
We are glad to learn that the Fire
Company realized a handsome profit
from the lemonade and lee cream
stands, which were most !dignity pa
tronized, as, indeed, it was right that
they should be. Nobody works so hard
for the salvation - of lives and property,
during a llre, as do theso gallant bo).
in rod, and wo aro pleased to think that
their unselllqh efforts have been In this
way appreciated by our citizens. May
they have liko success upon ovory such
There was such an abundance of pro
visions on the ground, and so eager a
desire for more "dance," that the hilar
ity was resumed on Saturday afternoon
and evening, and we believe the pro
ceeds were added to on that occasion al
so. We do not know what we would
do without our are company. The
"boys" seem to furnish all tho amuse
ment that is going.
Mies RACHEL B. Bun:vein's —The
death of this estimable and greatly be
loved lady, who was at one time a resi•
dent of our town, will awaken a feeling
of regret throughout this entire com
munity Mrs Burnside was a lovely
woman both in person and character.,
and the remembrance of her many acts
of gentle goodness and christian chari
ty will long ho a pleasant memory In
the hearts of her friends and acquaint
ances The Philadelphia Day, in ari
obituary notice of the deceased lady, In
its issue of the 4th instant, thus speaks
of her
I' 2' li 4
17 17 3fli 7
l i r27'2 . 27.5 97
2 2;-1-
22„= , 1,,14
91 2,-1-
31 6 1 - -
It 9,-i-
The announcement of the death of Mra
Hurnside, which took place at Harrisburg
ye•terday morning, though not unexpected,
will nevertheless sadden the hearts of en On•
exceptionally large circle of friends Mrs.
Igrnside was the eldest daughter of Senator
.Visierno, and the widow of Judge James Burn
side, whose sudden death by accident a few
years ego shocked the poblic, and douldltins
104 , rtelleti the years of the estimable woman
whose lose we are now called to deplore She
Wa. one of the wornsollest of women, of In
telligenee an rare an eornprehenni•e and )(rite
dial, le•out, the unfailing friend ~r th,.
needy, and it in leeianary (linemen She wan a
woman riot tied with the chi rushes gree
en, ever ln•artng rent in the quiet and new,
souring dignity of her presence %omen
hood came to her early in life, rushing her a
el/1111114.1111011 to her parents and a s tr o ng tie
in the fatuity circle It a ppit t es. t o t ier con .
«intent In contribitting to thin happinese of
1, 9 )
12, 11
3 4-
Zll 22' 411
those by whom she was surrounded The
filvartire of life to her WWI the sum of good it
could be made to embraee, sod It
lit nurpritte none that her end waft praem
It to study to take Bootee hat front the bur
dent, of other. and lay them upon herself was
noble, she wan, beyond most women, noble
'ho theme graces were added that jewel whose
hirtre always eclipses Its setting—synod and
di•cnntinnttng common sense Borne down
by a complication of ii s he endured all
without the murmurs which loco Is only too
eager to forgive and Taunt over at the last
The absence of a favorite sister, Mrs Me
Veagh, wife of the United States minister at
Constantinople, somewhat eloinied the bast
ening day., < f her life, bell even this cloud
was ethos, away at time W.I. and she pusncd
away comforted by the presence of the living
whom she loved, and from w limn In death
she eannot in npirit bo , 1111/14 , 1 11cr
then shall ari•e and call her blessed
II 2
Jll 27
7; I
THAT ROA p —A friend of ours 'spoke
his mind" in our sanctum a few days
ago, bitting somebody, we don't know
who. We suppose the fellow he hits
will know. Ile said "Was that rue
swearing, did you ask ? Guess it was,
but I didn't know you were HI hearing
tilleyoudidn'ttakeanynit's What's
the metier? Matter enough, I should
say Just ride once over that abomina
ble Jack,on v Ile rual from Hid Wont,
down and you will not ad,: soy tome
questions It rs en.ei4li init I, it •,i,
swear. Why, I am S, ire all over. I
didn't count, but think I am rule w
saying that toy borne trotted et bust live
rods in the ten miles—possibly not more
titan lour. Where are the supervisors,
did you ask 7 Somebody said they were
dead—if not, it makes but little differ-
OfWO—they might as well be. I tell you
It was lucky for Job, when he was turn
ed over to the tender mercies of old Sa-'
tan, that the Jacksonville road was nut
n its modern condition. About half
•f that rood, in It strong, cart, would
have made take his wife's advice,
doubtless. dldn't know but that I
should !Inv( to Stop and have my horse
roshod nt I ustyville, or whatever they
call that alf way place. It is a dis-
L the township. Hope it may
grace b
be fixed up soon
—Coffins, caskets, burial eases and
burial robes always on heed at 0' Bry
sn's furniture store.
TION.—On a recent visit to the beauti
ful and brisk little town of Rebersburg,
wo found the Normal Institute In a
flourishing condition. It puts on no
ostentatious show but pteves itself, un
der the efficient management of County
Superintendent Magee, ono of the best
institutes in the State. It now num
bers between GO end GO students, and
has arrivals of new pupils almost daily.
It is thought that the Institute will
number from 70 to 80 students. The
special purpose of the school being pro
fessional improvement, all the students
are required to pursue a certain course
of stu ly proscribed by the Principal,
tending to that end. All aro required
to recite daily in mental, philosophy,
school economy and methods of instruc
tions; also on alternate days physiolo
gy, map drawing, pennmanship, &c.
As to the other branches commonly
taught in the public schools, such as
written and mental arithmetic, geogra
phy, grammar, history, etc., pupils are
advised to take up only such of those
as they are roubL dafficiont, in. The ob
ject of the school being not so much to
teach those branches in themselves, as
the manner of teaching them. Pupils
should be proficient in these branches
before ontoring - thilNirmial school. We
were informed that it was only as a
matter of necessity that classes were
formed in these branches, as the teach
er's course is suficiont in itself for the
short time. The rules and regulations
of the Institute aro selected with many
modifications from those practiced at
the different State Normal Schools and
seem to have a healthy and beneficial
influence. In addition to the lecturers
already announced, N. L. Atwood,
Esq , will lecture before the Institute
on Thursday evening, `opt. 14th,
----The meeting of the School Board
on Saturday last, resulted in the elec
tion of Mrs. Ruth Ward, Miss Carrie
Sayers, and Miss Jennie Morrison, as
teachers of the remaining throe grades
of the High School, unfilled at the time
of tho issuing of our last paper. All
three of the above teachers aro Belle
fonte ladies, and ll have had expe
rience in teaching. Mrs. Ward ts , wo
think, a particularly good selection, as
she is a well educated lady and taught
many years before her marriage, as
well as since. She was formerly con
nected with the public schools here, end
was universally commended for the
skill, care and rapidity with which she
advanced her pupils along the difficult
paths of learning. We have personal
knowledge that Mrs. Ward is an effi
cient and careful Instructress and thAt
she spares no effort for the improve
ment of her scholars, nor Is she over
appalled at any obstacle that may seem
t. lie in the way of their benefit. Sho
does her duty as a teacher courageously
and conscientiously, and Is, in every
respect, a capable teacher, to whom her
pupils never fail to become attached
Ifer school government Is among the
hest. We esteem her selection a fortu
nate one, and congratulate the School
Board on this display of its wisdom.
Miss Sayers and Miu Morrison are
also capable teachers, and will doubt
kas do gold service In the cause of
education in Bellefonte. Miss Sayers
taught a portion of the last term in our
High School here, and Miss Morrison
Is another part of the county.
The High School now embraces the
follswing teachers .
Plot. Hastings, Miss Thompson, Miss
Hunter, Miss Weaver, Mrs. Perkins,
Mrs. Ward, Miss Morrison and Miss
—Tho Cumberland Valley Mutual
Protection Company, the agent of
which, ha,this county, Is Mr. Isaac
Haupt, has been the first to respond to
the cry for help from Nano of the suffer
ers by the late firo in this place. On
Wednesday, Mr. Haupt roceivesk . s let
ter from Mr. A. C Sampson, the gener
al agent of the cornpanjr, akelosing a
sight draft for $714,80 In (sibs of E.
graham A: Son, who were insured in
that company. Mr. Haupt also roceived
a letter from the !IMO person, enclosing
a sight draft for $35,00 In favor of A.
0 Furst, to pay him* for damage sus
tained in moving out of his ufnco on
the night of the fire. Prompt pay
ments, like this, of losses sustained, are
the 1,, .t ,•vidence of the solvency of an
11,.11r/inc , / 11“1 1111.1513 will CON
tit in comiiimid the Cumberland Val
ley Protective company to the people of
this community.
—Mr. Levi A..Miller,of this place,
lately in the cigar and tobacco business,
has become manager and chief clerk
for Mr. J. B. Awl, signalizing his en
trance into that establishment by
a reduction in prices, and ordering
a handsome new stock of goods. lie
says he defies coin petition as their goods
are purchased at a discount and conse
quently they can afford to undersell all
other houses. Mr. Mi Iler is well known
in this corriluttnity man enterprising and
and reliable business man and his con•
nection with Sir. Awl's store will bring
to it hosts of his old customers. Levi
means what lie says ; so,if our readers
want cheep goods they should call on
How TO DWARF T Tony.—taco
Greeley rodents the following asst sure
moans of destroying the prosperity of
the most prosperous town. There oan
bo no doubt of its efficacy your
wish to keep a town from thriving,
don't put up any more buildings than
you can conveniently occupy your
selves. II you should accidentally have
an empty dwelling end any ono should
want to rent it, ask three times the
actual vtiluipf it. Domand a Shylock
prico for every spot of ground that God
has given you stewardship over. Turn
a cold shoulder to every mechanic or
business man seeking a home among
you. Look at ovary nefftouter with a
scowl. Run down the work of every
now workman. Go abroad for wares,
rather than deal with thoso who seek to
do business in your midst. Fail to ad
vertise, or in any other - way to support
your paper, so peoplo abroad may not
know whether any business is going on
in your town or not. Wrap yourselves
up within yonrsolves, and cover your
selves with a coat of imperious selfish
ness. There is no ototo effectual way
to retard tlro fat nib of a town than
actions like those enumerated, and there
aro people in every town who aro pur
suing the abovo course every day of
their lives, and to whom the above re
marks are most respectfully offered for
their careful attention.
--Wo saw hosts of good fellows in
town on Tuosday from all parts of the
county. Many of thorn visited us and
wo visited a good many of them, and if
they were as well pleased as we woro,
why then thero is a general satisfaction
all around. Some woro for nfi and
some were against us, but all wore tip
top gentleman and good Domoerat4.
May their shadows never grow less.
—Charley Glenn took a picturo of
tho Logan Fire Company, during thior
paradu on Friday. Wo prosumo the
WATCHMAN is to be presented with
one. If we don't got it, wo can't, of
course, say how nice it is.
--A large lot of justice's and
constable'e blanks, blank books and
stationery, just received and for sale at
the lowest rates, at the new stand,
corner of Bishop and Allegany streets.
--A sort of a rain-slider has boon
put up over the ladies entrance to the
Bush House, What they call It exact
ly, wo don't know ; but it looks some
thing like a Chinoso umbrella.
—The editor of the Republican re
cords the present of another box of
cigars. Juat as if be lied redeived one
—Buy your Ink at Itankin's
A Card
We have removed opposite the hush Hones
and aro selling M.( billil.llo.l of stork left from
the fire at bargains We are settttng up our
hooks and accounts and will he !fluidh obliged
to one and ■tl to call and settle up their
would say to our numerous
friend. and rush more to please accept of our
sincere thanks for the generous patronage
they halo always bestowed on its
fro heron A Jiro, 4i) South Third filreet,
furnish he following up to the Ith
New U 8 s't of 'RI .
Ll. o'lo, of 'HI . .
. 114;1
113 t,
s's, 10-40's .
II H 30 Year 6 per cent Cy . 114
Gold 111 4 ,
Union Parlor Rll lst M. Bonds. WI
Central Paelfle ILK . 881 i
Union raelfle Laud Grant Mond* 84
The Bellefonte Market
The following are the ,pdallone up to 6 o'
rloek Thursday esening, wilt.ll our paper went
to press.
White Wheat, per bushel
Ned Wheat, per bushel new
Old do do
Rye, per bushel
Corn, earn, per bushel.
Corn, ',belled, per bushel
I per bushel
Barley, per bushel
}lurk wheat, per buahol
Closerseed, per bushel
Potatoes, per bushel
Rgi, per dozen
Lard,. per pound..
Hams .
Tallow, per pound
Rutter, per pound .
Rags, per pound . .
t:round Plato,. Pe r P/11
THE "1)14:140C1tATIC WATCH.
MAN" In puldiellecl every Friday morn
log, In tbo I , tty of Bellefonte, Pa., by B. BRAY
MEEK, at 12 per annum (if paid In MU
IVIITCC), 12 50, Nilifli n o t paid In
tt it not pn (I 114 . 11 , r0 the eyplrittlf)ll of the
, unit no paper will Le 01141
all itrrearngn Is paid, except at the option til
the publisher.
Paper. Will not be sent out of Centre County
.411iml pouf for in advance.
All Advertlsennente forelegs term than thre
neonthn, 20 cents per line for the flret three
Insertion., and 6 coma a line for each addi
tional imlertlon. Specie! tleon ono-half more
Editorial notions 23 coma per line.
A liberal discount la made to portions ether
Using by the quarter, halt year, or year, as thl
lows •
One illol (or 12 linen 111, typo).
flat, hwher
s , t
n t n,
One voloolo ( ( or 10 Incline) ") . •
Job Printing of every kin,/ olowo w/
need awl dispatch. The WATCH)/ 1N 01
been refltted will: a Power Press and No
and everything la the printing line can
outed in tile meet arilntio manner an
lowest rates. Terms—CAß/J.
All letters should ho addronnod to
P. (ell. kV hl h:
January 1, MO. Bellofon
—The Altoona fire department Is
to havera parade in that city on the 31st
instant. The Logan Fire Company ( f
this place has boon invited, and will at.
tend in force, attended by an excellent
band of music. We'll bat a hat there
won't boa finer-looking sot of fellows
present on that occasion.
---Buy your Envelopes at, Ittinkin'i,
—Buy your papor at Itankin'r
Danohy & Co
(jp29o For first claim Pianos—sent on
trlal—no Agents. Addrosa U. H. I'IANO
ata Broadway, New York. la gl AVI
Look to your Interest. Hond name to, ,I
hlreen to W. FLINT a CO., hlolndelplo k
le 31 4w
ted Novena/or 1, ISM Samples free at
all ro stores. H. A. BARTLETT ACO
elp In. Itt 31
(lard Rubber MI.!. A Supporter. Cool, 00t11
fOrtAbh, light, cleanly and durable Vera
rust, break nor soil (steal springs ‘‘oal,,,i)
Used In bathing Mantel to form. B e e,
known Send stamp for pamplet to .1 p
'S 'nu '55 A !lASI/V:l , , EST t 1 1 1. MI•
MENTS, 1317 rheetnut Street, Plolloteliall,
Pa , and N 0.3 Ann Street, Now York.
14 31.1 a
rjllll., LUNG I) )K1:1) Fi)li, m A s.
_L TERNEcE—THE 14 41 WNiVo
111 lIIY LIFE HENRY WARD 141.1,1
Fore to ont•ell any book e‘ or
Prompecton ',mks are not ready, /111,1 ietro ~/
will be *wooled It, reilnirie Agent., o n
application to J. AI S'l't )1,1) t & I
l it 731 Mammon Strout, I'h llndelphls
le 31 .11or
Semi fur our New Price Ll+l. .11,1 a viol,
form will serum pony it, containing full dire.
110110—mak Ingo large caving In c 4,1140111014
sod tomunerstive to club organizers
31 A 33 Veeey Street
P 11 Bei Sett New if ork
RITE. AND DIYHTEKIF-4 OF 311,11No.s:Is.11,
with • Nl' and authentic hi•tory P.Ossoll
by J. H. BEADLE, Editor of the Salt Lai, ft, 1
Agents are meeting with unprecederXt
sitcom's, one reports 186 saw ribs', in foot
days, another 71 in two days. Send for eirt
lora and see what the press says of the work.
NATION/41r PEDL18111:111 CO Phila, Pa
10 91 4w
THE F4)F. OF THE CHllirti
What It ha• done, What It I+ doing and whit
It Filir.•ll• to do Ito power Ito derpolOon
If. 111(.41111,1111y It. fraud. Its reit, .
rntracfra Its Idolatry It. parnecution. it.
hotted of our j. 111,11,• arhoots and of civil an I
roilit loci. liberty It. ntartling It.
horrid w ick cdnenc and Ito Now York Rio.
A I,ook that t. wanted everywhere If
want agents to 1111.rmItifo ft In every roctnt) at
'. 1 '.. 111 - 1 . 01 PO' them littorally Mond f.o .
circular Addreaa ?IF:ULF:It &
M Sixth Mt reef, rtilladridtita.
L P. BROCKETTS popular Itimiory
of tha •
Now containing • full account of 0..
FF:ARFI'LIi:N (ih* TEltkuit IV Pk Rl'.
(4. 1144
4 115
.. 11. V.
6.) 114..
(4 II Lk?,
4 110
(g) 111 t ,,
4 It 3
(4 111
(4 ll*
le rolling beyond all precedent
It is by far the roost reliable and only con;
plots and impartial history of that mighty
struggle and Its morneutoua results (di
page. nearly spirited Illustration•, wit
only 1112 50, tiros) copies sire oly sold It t•
issued In both English and German. and is
I. youth yo—dion the hugest aet ling honk ex
tent. Wide awake energetic agents winded
Tel mg extra Now is the time to coin money
A 11 111 illiAltlJ, Publisher, 401) Chestnut St
Philadelphia, i t s 16 11 4w
e u.„Krrs EAU DE • COLO6SE
Tuii.Er filikv
II has the ti..l h • ule and refrenhing fingran ,
of genuine Farina Cologne Water, arid 14 In
di" , l. to the toilet of every Lady or irvv
!IV man. Hold by Druggists and Dealer% in
Perfumery is 2'9-Iry
11 lo
81) CD )CK
A 0 ENTS WANT E D Fl )12, TD I
IL eontalits over 150 finoongrating4 of {tattle
Scenes and Incident. In tho War. amid 1 , 4 tho
only Full Authentic and intietal ilintoty
that great ronfliet, Agento aro meeting waft
unyrOeedentad suer:edit. selling (font 210 ur
copies Per day, and It Is puldlatiod hi both
Engliali and Lerman
1116 . 1'10r blirtrolAill am being hre
that the hook you buy contains IMI Our, ell
grs•ings and sun pages. Fiend for circulars
and sin Our terms, and a toll description of
the work Address, NATIuNAL Prlif,Piff
Ihti VD, Phila., Pa. 11,2 s
WA NT El P.—AO ENV.; —(
th , u) to moil the celebrated 11011,
CrliE SEWING MACH ISE. Ilan the on
tier feed, !oaken the "lock Flitch" icdtke on
toith 0111000 and In fully !teemed, 'rho bent and
oheapeal, family Sowing Machine In the mar.
keL Addretta, JOHNSON, CLARK A C0.,130n.
ton, Mann , Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, 11l , or SL
Lotiln, Mo.
'a 4
to 115
16 20
20 ,10
:IS 5'
5) lINI
Manufitcturere of
Ropniring Bono with nentnnan and ilivateti
All nml, Iloilo at short notice and wurriniteit
e entir3 mathifaction.
/lb neat
Met, lea
.w Type,
be exc.
d at the
Mll.ESIlliRti, CENTRE cot) N . n . , PA
I 4223-1 y
I.(FE op'