The liemocratic Watchman BELLEFONTE, PA Cards. JOHN P. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, P. 14-42 A 0. FURST Attorney at I laA w, Bellefonte, Pa. 14-26 DL. KREBS,' Attorney at Law, .Clearfield, Pa. 14-24 WILLIAM J. KEA LSI!, Attor ney at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. ♦lYn le TSAAC LYTLE, Attorney at Law, A. Bellefonte, Pa. 00low with Wm. P Wilson. 15 48 ly HIL. BOTHROCK, Dentist, Office . at residence on Thomas 81.,, two doors north..6fUnited Brethren Church. •12nt Office FORTH EY, Attorney at • Law. over Reynokrn Bank. v14n20 bURBIN GRAY, Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Pa, Office with A. 0. t. Ea% • L2n6 A ARON WILLIAMS. Attorney at Law, Mee with the Sheriff, Bellefonte, 15-ri- 11. DOBBINS, M. D., Physician and Burgeon, °Mee, Bishop Street, leforde,ns runt DR. J. F. LARIMER, Physician and surgeon, Office at his residence ow Episcopal church. •19n20 IRA C. MITCHELL, Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Pe- Office in Gar net'', new brick building. 1 1B M9ALLISTES & BEAVER, At tormTs at Law, Allegheny Street, oitheDiAnnotut Bellefonte, Pa. •16n1 ORVIR k ALEXANDER, Actor we at Lew, Bellefonte, Pe., 011ie e In Um-Aeon of the Conrad Howie. T J. LINCH,E, Attorney at Law, Osceola, Clearfield county, Pa. Will j= ies ttce co ln un th tl. e:leteral Courts of Clear,'leildAnd IRWIN KIRK, M. I). Phyli eLn and Burgeon, Bellefonte, Pa. and Residence on Spring St., one door North of Presbyterian church- 16-34-orn R. & R. F. HAYES, Pavel. . cun • sosoctons, Bellefonte, Pa. Office residence on Allegany street, (late Dr Tip ple's) two doors below Republican office 16-6 JS. BARNHART, Attorney at . Law. Collections and ell other legal business promptly attended to. Office 2d floor Over bank of Wm. P. Reynolds Cokle 7 tf LAIR dr. STITZER, Attorneys at- Lag, Bellefonte, P. °Mee on the on& next door to Garman'. Hotel May ennaulted In Enaltah and German. •14n3 DRS. R. I). TIPPLE, & E. X. ACFIKIIRER, llom•opsithic Phyolchm• old Burgeonk,• Offiee over . 1 1ATC101•1 11 °MOO. Bellefonte, Pa Celle promptly attamied to 'Urn JOHN MILLS II A LE, Attorney at l'hilitothorg, Con,,re County, I' Collections ■nd all other legal — haialas in Centre and Clearfield counties prompt Iflttee• dad to •13n14 GM. H A LL, M. I)., Physician . and Burgeon, having permanently rated at fdllealturg, otter. his proftinalottal Cervices to the citmena of that place and vi ttnlty • I Intl WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attor nay at Law. will rinit Bellefonte professionally when epeetally retained in COn /action with renidenteounnel,Clearlielli. Penn rylvania. •7n16 - P. GREENE, Dealer in Sewing F• Machines. Pianos, Organs, Melodeons, tlh•et Music, Muds Books, Spool Cotton and fleeing Silk Idrs. Irwin's building, Allegha. ag street, Bellefonte, Pa. 16 IS-IT CIIAS. T. FRY IIAII.GER, Whole pale and Retail Dealers in Tuber,' usd Cigars—also an assortment of pipes, cigar isisea,ete , eonslantly on hand Middle room ad the Conrad II•oise, opposite the ItrockertiolY [louse, nvilrfonie. l'a •12n4.5 WI ',LIAM BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer, Hellernnte, Pa, will al ined t o all sale, entruowd to him with care and fidelity Having had eighteen years experi ence Inthe business, he flatters himself that he watt give general satisfaction. •12n14 A• HI HLER, M. I) , Ili ymician and . Burgeon, offera hie profcaelonal sm. I. the chtsena of Bellefonte and vicinity OW et oppeelte Friend. church on Hpring elb-e:,,t, Bellefonte, Penneylranla. vlInT3 ‘,VILLIAM P. MITCHELL, Prac tical Surveyor and Conveyancer, Bellefente, Pa. Omen o•er Reynoldo' Rank Pattleularattention paid to running dloputed fines, and the unseated laud,, of Centro and Milton counting 14-47-if E P. P. TIERNEY, .JAMES NULL. k N iaw and Collection ORlce of TIER ULL, Ebensb urg, Cambria county, Pa. Witco In Colonarle Row. Kepeclal atten• Ron paid to 111 collections in all parte or the United States. Ml 7 Iy J . 4P:OCIENIART, = ORVIB A ALEXANDER attend. to colltottona and preetlee in the Or ohstsueGourt 1n.2 JOIIN D. WINCIATE, D. D. 8. now occupies rooms directly over the Mere of Meyers. Harper A Brothers, a few Aare north of his former residence. Bats of teeth Inserted for as low as $1 41 ,i 1 0. Particular attention given to the preserva tion of the natural teeth. Call and see I 7-16 Q BELFORD, D. D. 8. Offers' his 1.3• professional services to the cltlsens of Centre County, office over Wilson's Drug store, see door below Irvin',6 Wilson's Hardware *lore, All work Intrusted to me will be axe. ogled In the best manner. 141 r full sets Vulcanite` - $lOO 00 Pa 'Upper se sets - • - 1118,00 Partial sera at 10 dollars per tooth. Please site me a call. 16 14 WANTEDl— numbewof liras-glass hut. ler-makere. with whom we can contract for a eonshtnt Ntlpply of FRESH Hurl Lit Miring the eeaeon, for OLSO. Kuirrz t ST liA 08. WA NTED I— • Poultry. Cabbage, Apple% Potatoes, Carrots, Parsnips, Turnip% lloi se. Baddish, of a good quality only, at the tier Bellefonte market, for which owls will be palc 1611 KURTZ kßTltgillt Philadelphia Cards, F r uILODORE Swriestoan, RIM W. G. HANSELL, 21 North 4th, Street, Philadelphia. Importer end Wholesale Deeper In - CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENBWARB, Original packages constantly on hand. te-taem LA PIERRE HOUSE, Broad and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. 3. P. BUTTERWORTH, Proprietor. Terme rr day, $3,50 16-15-1 y EDWARD *. MILLER, "ITN AIcCOWN A lICKEL, ISPOSMS ♦OD k 13071021 ]OSU*I Of HOSERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS WHITE GOODS, 331 Market Street, 15-1- PHILADELPHIA DM Dr SCIIMIDT, IMPORTER OF . WINE, GIN, BRANDIri AND CLARETS No. 226 Vine Street, =I I MILES KEPIIART v , • with HARPIES, HERON CO Wholesale and itetall dealers In HATS MPS, STRAW GOODS AND PUSS, Jo. 603, Market St.. Philadelph Is.. ABAUM, IMPORTER AND . Wholesale Dealer hi WINES, BRANDIES AND GINR, BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES, No. 1214 dalotohill Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA CEO EAGLE HOTEL, 227 NOILTIS Tama B.lllJaf. . Between Race and Vine R. D CUMMINGS, 12113 Furniture NEW FURNITURE STORE BUM] HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA SHRO YFR i t SON, Dealer, in FURNITURE OF ♦LL KINDS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, Parlor and Chamber seta, 'SOFAS, LOWVOES, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WARDROBES. MATTREIMES, lc Partieubtr Attention to Ordered Work RRPAIRINO DONR PROMPTLY UN DFALTAXING, to tat Its Branches, METALIC, WALNUT, ROSEWOOD, AND =I Always oo nand. BR ROPER h SON T HE OLD ESTABLISHED FUR NITYRE and bedding waroroomo of H. R. LEW IS are the cheapest in the city lie in now sell. Ing parlor suits In plush, hair cloth, reps or terry, walnut chamber salts in oil or varnish , Cotiage furniture, all style* ; bedding sad matt eeeeee ,•arloos allies, cheaper than Auc tion prices., carpet., every variety Come and see and be convinced. You will save money by giving us a cull before pur chasing elsewhere. R. 1.F.W18, No. 1430 1434 Market street. Nest door to corner of fifteenth wool. FURNITURE WARE ROOM. Howard Street, Bellefonte, per, where , ureaus, Lounge', Sofas, Rat Racks, What Nots, !Banda, Chairs, Stools, Extension Tablex,Eto., Of every dearrlptlon, quality, and price, for sale cheaper than at soy other establish...ant of the kind In Central Pennsylvania. van . oo HENRY P. lIARICIS PATRONIZE FIORE INDUSTRY JOHN BRACHBILL, Manufacturer end dealer In 110USE1101 D FURNITURE, Bram' Eiram, Bausirowirs, PA" Keeps constantly on hand a choice assorment of Mattresses, Sofia, Ctpslre, Lounges. bed steads, Ac. A very One sadeotton of WALL PAPER, will always be found at LOW PRIONXI 1646-17 GREAT WES.TERN GUN WORKS RIFLES: DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL Shot 0901: Revolvers, Ammnottlon Sporting Goods, RID. barrels, Locks, !Noun. Gags Gun materials to. Send for a Prloe List.; Address J. H. Johnston, Great West. ern Gun Works, 179 Smithfield 8 , Pitts burgh, Pa. N. B. Army Carbines, Rides and Revolvers bought or traded for. le 2B 8m . PRINTING IN COLORS A SPE. CIALITY AT TOM OFFICE. Merchant Tailors. ~ L _ M Ellq - NT TAILORINGyg ES hment,No. 7, Brockerhoffarow. Crandall ed takes pleasure in Informing the °Weeps of °Snits county and the public generally, that he is Just opening a Sidandtd and Then Amorbnent of FonMrs and Domentia CASSIMERIN and VINTINGS, CASHMERES and VESTINGB, CASBIMERES sad VOSTINGS Which he la primared to make to order in the latest and moat faahlonable styles, for men or boys. Goods sold by the piece or by the yard. Ile Mae keeps on hand a full line of G.E I, NTB of every atyle and variety, consisting of hats and taps, 'draw goods, muslin or linen shirts, undorrlath for Pummel or winter wear, sus penders, hope, neck ties, collars, both paper and linen, handkerchiefs. Thebes% manufac ture of kid gloves-.." The Jouvin"—a full sa• aortment of shies, colors in., on hand. This establishment is also the headquarter. of the Binger Sewing Machine Agency. PIIILADKLPHIA. JOHN MONTGOMFRY. No 7 firockerhotT Bow, Bellefonte Ps. •12nle S TILL IN TILE FIELD. 'n my old (Honda and eluitomere, and to a many new noes ria may desire to be rigged out IN WELL FITTING, SUBSTANTIALLY AND made nuke of clothes, from any kind of ma terial they rhootle I hare a large and ousel lent assortment of CLOTHS, CASSTMERPN AND VFMTI NOS, Prom which garmenth will he made to order MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE Meant. call and examine my soe stock I have Just bought my good• during the last poem, and defy competition as to prices, dura bility and fashion, this aide of Cumberland REMEMBER THE PLACE. W. W. hicCLELLA N, No. 4, Brockerhof Row, Allegheny Sl., Ism Klee agent for the superior and cheep WILCOX A GIBBS HEWING MACIIINF4, whlc•h should be seen by all dealring a ma chine. •14n16 L ADIES ATTENTION I 31 Kit E.s Nh:Wti NUR N't)ll I , MRS. NANNIE DARE root,' reepectfullp take this opportunity to In form the LADIES OF BELLEFONTE and vicinity, that she ham Just opened, in the r adjoining that lately occupied by MIAs Kate Reed ('o , opposite the flush Howl, one of the finest and best selected stoelti orl ever exhibited In any town outside the rules 'Elite stock conetsts of bonnets, lists, ribbons and Flowers, of sal styles and descriptions, to suit every variety of taste and every shade of complexion She has also Ladles' and Children'. E:B= Trunrnlngv. Notlno■ of all kinds. and In fart everything for ladies' wear In her line of but ■loses Confident that she will he able to please, she request. II share of the publie patronage. B PRIMT, TRIMMINGS AND Notlonatitore, next door to Ladles' en trance, Bunn House, Bellefonte, Pa. Have jtiat opened a lot of Pacific Percale at 28c, worth 3to lilaek and white and brown and while calico at I Cl,,e, for alibiing., shirt waists and la , lles' dreaxen Lead, brown and buff linen for ladlea'and children's sults— new shades at low prices. Lapse' white gloves only 2.5 e and Me 1 ts-21-2, Good •nd desirable shades of colored kid gloves, also Jonsin black It td gloves, A new lot of meal's, ladle' . and children's hose A few more of those good Buffalo brand alpaca. from 8O to 75c, also Ilne brilllentlnen, Roglish grenadine., crape •elin, black English chink—All of which we are selling cheep. Ladles' colored corset., only iloe Cloning our stock of parasol. for the season —now la the time to buy. Lure collars, linen collars end cuff., gent. celebrated 'lion' paper cur and cuff. ll Vaey fans from 20c ill 50 Ladles' and children'. bells from 100 to 750. And all staple trimmings, each as—alpaca skirt braid, &yard, pieces, inn , Clark's 'pool cotton On, pion /4e. New style hair neta,—consiantly recol•lng new styles. • Ladles mold gent's toes , louts , renrl, pdpm and Isory Gootl"ols Marseilles frootKes, glooop.. I ,14 edlotlng. Ilandker. filets from 100 to Gent s . h•m. kerchiefs •ery cheap. A few more ladles' ready made sults, which we will sell cheap. Also Closing nut our stock of children's and ladies' trimmed ham very low for $1 to $3. Remember the place— TRIMMINGS & NOTIONS STORE Neat door to " j ading Entrance BUSH HOUSE. N. B. Ladles' wrappers, sults, shirt waists and Cistidren's clothes made to order. 10-15-6 m. A GICNTS WANTED I Liberal fndocements to good agents, to canvas for an entirely new edition of Bishop Stevens work on the " Parablu of She New Testament" Address JOSEPH GILMORE, General Agent, Willett's port, Pa. 16‘214t* PRINTING IN COLORS A SPEC lALITY AT TIES OFFICIF.. CLOTHS, CLOTHS CLOTHS, FUNNAIIING GOODS, FABIIIONABLY FURNISHING GOODS. I= MEI RICI.LITOPfTT., PA Pane y Stores MILLINERY (I(x)ps 16151 y --- T -- MlBB G. B. PRIE3T Planing Mills. BELLEFONTE PLANING MILL -- • W. V. HUGHES, (Fluooeasor to Holmes A Company.) ..—Manufacturer 0f...—. WRITE WEL(2III WRITE TALLOW TALLOW YELLOW 1 PINE INE • PINE FLOORING RD.-WHAT:GRA BOARDING Of various styles. Doors... Bash._ Blinds IlAulAers— And Moaldlznp SCROLL WORK OP EVERY DESCRIPTION . Itrackate cawr it' Patterns Patterns kid. Having a "Buckley,' Patent Lumber Dryer' connected with the establhihment, I em ena bled to manufacture my work from THOROUGHLY SRARODIED LUMBEIL air. Orders from Contractors, Builders, Dealers, And the Trade Generally, are respectful' solicited. BELLEFORTE. 0/01T11.2 00 . PEIVA I= MseeLaneous. 1000 °`FTs ußiNti GIFT CONCERT AND DIRTRIRU For the Benefit of the CHARITY. In the City of New York, And THY. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS ORPHANS HOME, Washington, D C To he held In Washington, U C, under and by virtue of ► permit from the lion. Consmis• stoner of luternal Revenue, on Thursday, July 27, tall, positively. After the Concert the Commissioners will sward to the successful ticket holders LOUD Gifts, amounting to $ , 000 consisting pt deslrabl• Reel Estate to lialtirpore city Ilia county, end Washington county, /dd., Bonds, Stooks, and Cash. 02,0510 Tickets only will be mold, at Sil each. Hon H IitoCULLOIRJH, of Elkton, lied, Jortfilti. T. CASTLE, Baltimore, kid. Omen. TtON. JAB. & NIC.GLEY, b. C, Pataburg, 21Nstas. 6enersl D. Hunter, 11. M. A. Waahing ton, D. C., Hon . .isarii". Negley, Pittsburg, Pa., First National Hank, Hagerstown, Md , Applernan l Co., Bankers, flagertown. Updegreff Huns, Hagertown, Hon R. J Brent, late Attorney General, Belli more, C. F. Abbott, Eser, 71) Post office avenue, Bahl. Tore, Jahn Fowler Eaq • W. H. Myers, o ? W H. Myers Bros., change place, Baltimore. Deed of the Real Emilie certlfied to by counsel In the hands of the Truces. Tickets and Circular, can be had of P. C. DZVLDI, 011111/1141. tom, Stationer and Printer, 31 Nunn street, New York. To whom all communlcatloas should be addreesed Tickets sent 'C O. D," it desired. Send for Circular containing List of ['Haas, Ac Uood responsible ♦gents wanted 16 266• CII ICK ERI NG St BONS LII\ BRATED PIANOKS, reduced price'. ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, &C., T. H. CHRISTIE • 008 MUSI( BTO U E VESPER STREET, LACK HAVEN, PA 11=1 MR. CHARLES DOUGAN, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, GRAINER, PAPER HANGER & SIGN PAINTER. FRESCOING In ell its branches neatly executed. All omen to be left et WATOSINAS °MOO or at the Cum mings Hour.. Country orders punctually attended to 10 217 , ro w E i E TO BOOK AGENTB.—We It sends handsome Prospectus of our gt o /Uusfroted "may Bible cool/slaing over ?'M flue Scripture Illustrations to _jr k Atm', fro., of charge. Address a n ATIOSAL PUBLIoIIIXO Co., Phila., Pa. IG-20-4w THE "ANVIL HARDWARE STORM Northwest corner 0 Diamond, Northwest Corner o Dimond, Northwest Corner of Diamond, Have &Iwo,' on hand, and are daily racily in j, every description of Goods in the Hard want line, for all the mints of the =I Order And ill workers in wood an I metals Their stock of SIIELP 00013 is complete, embrar. lag everything to be found Ina find-chum store; while their stock of In always tull—oonstallng In part of Nails, Home Shoes, Man, Cook, Parlor, and other Stoves, Oils, Paints, and Varnishes, Rope of all *Ls*. and Paoking, Plat form scales from 100 to 10,000 pounds, Furnaces for dwelling, Houses and Churcleao Pumps for Cisterns and Walls, Wooden Water Pipes, of any bore and length, Wood Work of all kinks for Wagons, Buggies, and Carriages, Springs, Axles, end Hole., Iron and Steel of all rases kinds, Horse Shoe Nails, AB Nadi rods, all of which we are selling at the very lowest prices known to the trade. CALL AND SBB OUR /MGR we will bel pleased to show you 01 through, weather yon buy' or not. Our ealesmen are at all timer attentive and obliging• Mel HARDWARE! HARDWARE I The place to buy. The subscribers would respectfully Inform the community that they have opened a com plate STOCK OY HARDWARE comprinktig all •artetwa of Valli ils that line which they WILL SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Their stank consists of all sorteqfbullders hard! wars, table and pocket Cutler' , Carpenters', Mason's, Plasterer ' s and Mack=lth's 'fools, and Materials, Nails, Iron, Horse. shoes, and Horse-shoe Hops Taokle, orks, Chains Shovels, Axes, Grind Stones, etc. Housekeeper's Goods, Saddle Carriag es trim rainy, eta., with all kinds ot COAL. OIL LAMN, And the dent parts thereof, together with a complete assortment of the best PAINTS, 01U3, VARNISHER, Mk They hope, by strict attention to Business and a ooruitant oars for the accommodation of customers to merit and oce share of the public patronage. Builder, others will ire And it to their advantage to d JIXAMINR TIIRI R 5 CZ OMB IMIMIO*re. is .W .W N e WIIUL•OISON4 kgHI . W, utilk• • WILSON Doilatoste. Pa. Bellefonte, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa. HouselLeepor, owekeeper, auekeeper, If ochanle, Mechanic, lioohanle. Farmer Farmer, Farmer, Lumberman, Lumberman, Lumberman, Builder, Builder, Builder, Painter, Painter, Painter, PI , Plasterer, Plasterer, Cablost-maker, Cabinet.maker, Cabinet-maker, Coach-maker Coach-maker Coach-maker, Wheelwright, Whee/wright, Wheelwright, Blacksmith, Black sm Ith. Blacksmith, Wagon-maker, Waxen-maker, Wagon-maker, Miller, 111111gir, Millar, roundryman, Found ryman, Foundrym us . Machinist, Machinist, Machinist, &LAY BY GOODS, .1. & J. HARII.III J. & J. HARRIS, so. 6 Brinekerholl's Row llooka AGENTS WANTED I i A RICH 'FIELD ttt A NOBLE WORK 1111 TUI NW PICTORIAL FAVILY BIBLE, with over 1000 Illustratib'ne, 80,0110 References, A FAMILY RECORD, MID FAMILY lIIIILE, TOE PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE contains a storehouse of Information hat can only reach the mind through the ey e , Its Mourn. tions carry one back to the most important era of the world, and are of themselves a coin_ prehensive review of the Scriptureerepresest !nig the most interesting Views, Character" Symbol. Historical Events,Landecapt Been Antiquities, Costumes, Beasts, Birds, Insects Planta, Mineral., Coins, Medal., Inacrlptiopy and Incidents referred to throughout the ft. ored Text. They attract the eye, correct the erroneous impressions, awaken new thoughts, and furnish 0 views of Divine Truth. As • help to Parents, Ministers, and Sabbath school Teachers In fulfilling °technic+ of the. separate and high vocations—and to all others to whom Immortal motile are intrusted—this splendid Pictorial Volume cannot be Onitßli• nutted. It Is the Yelitlon Moet Suitable for the Family, Most Valuable for am Student, Most Instructive for the Teacher, Most Appropriate for the Child, Most Useful for the Minister, Moat Interesting for the Farmer, Moat Elegant for the Parlo r , Most Profitable for the Study. TR IC PICTORIAL FAMILY RIB,. In with tton to the features already alluded to, con tains the Apocrypha, Concordance, No ma th Metre, a Summary of the Sacred Troths no taught In the inspired book, together wall no minutia and comprehenelve table% and other historical and explanatory matter,rohtwlyinr the labors of many of the most eminent Rita cal 'scholars. It Is printed on the fineet eaten dared paper, from clear and open type, In one large and handsome quarto volume and Is bound in the moat durablwand attractive mu. ner, while the prices are sufficiently low to place It within everybody's reach Experienced agenta are wanted throughout the country for its sale, with whom liberals: rangements will be made. An opportlinliy of equal promise is rarely or newer presented Its sale, will not be limited to any period, but will continue for a I fe-1. I me, constantly inereaning with the growth and intelligence of the roan try. it is therefore desirable that these who engage with us, shall do no with a view to making the Mistimes a permanent one. Ministers, Teachers, Students, Fannon, Young Men and Women—those who would meet with the most profitable of all employ. melds—ars Invited to correspond with us with a view to an agency. Not a few curb ar e nos averaging from 55 , 000 to $7OOO annuli! profit In Its sale. There is a great want for the hook and a rich field offered, while it will .tents the spiritual condition by constant contact with and non lion, upcin Its beautiful sad eternal truth.. Axents on the Instalment plan Cilia fur. Milted the work In fine bindings This plan le quite popular end profitable In route and large gowns We have an edition of ilie hook, superbly bound, with massive panelled %Mee, which Ilan been everywhere received inth marked favor. Subeicriptlona for the Yletotul Bible, In this style and In this way, can tie ob Wood to an almost unlimited latent, an then is no outlay of money that the Itihin reader can make, which will yield him so rich a rt. turn. We are also the publishers of POTTER'S STANDARD EDITIONS of family. pocket and photograph bibles and teetarnents —nearly 300 different styles—ro well knows everywhere for their accuracy of out, beauty of finish and durability of binding. Always ask for Porrra's Sys/state EDITIONS, and gel the bold. Catalogues containing st) les CM price. furnished on •pplication For circular, containing a full tlesetiptioo Of TIM PICTOSIAL BISLI, with eampli , sheet, and terms to agents, *tithe. Porru'i STaxtuon MILS •1 , 11 TISTIIIVIT Horn. .JOHN E. POTTER t CU , Publishers. 614 •od, 617, Sonsom Street 6-/.7.30n Ph iladelphie Liquors T B. ETT ELF:, C23:11:1 FOREIGN AND DOMEHTIC WINES k LIQUORS. In the room formerly occupied by the Asy stone Bakery, on Bishop street, lionaronn., takes plraeurn In Informing the pubbr that he keeps constantly on hand • supply of choice Foreign and Domaanc Liquors. All caak■ warranted to contain the simian marked. The Attention of imectleing pnyekleae a callott to Itts etoek of PURE I.I4UORS tlultable for medical purpoees Bonne, jug., and demijohns constantly on hand Ile ta.the ONLY PURE, NECTAR WHISKY In town All liquor. ars warranted to inveastudaction Liquors will be sold by the quart, barrel, or tierce He Au ► lards lot of BOTTLED I.N.WORtI Of th• line■t grades on hand. Confident that he can please customer', hi respectfully solicits a share of public patron age. yllo;/ "'AT ER AN I) 111 , 717101. SKW :-; Notwithstanding tiisfd times, high we', an other public oppressions, intense elms meat reigns al the WHOLPIIALE 1.141108 H'loliE la the mar Ole front on Bishop street, Belle fonte, ha, where le kept constantly full sup ply of the BEHT LIQUORS At prken lower than can be found Oibellbrrt outside of Phlhalelphis Hie stodt conninu , of the beet Old Rye, Bow bon, hf ortongah aJa and: Old Iriab Whiskl•• ; BoliAnd Oln, Cogalac and other Brandies; Rum; German, Madeira, Lisbon. Sherry sod Port Wines, Cordials. and All kinds of Birups, which he Is selling so tow • , t °astonish all, 8-12 Jamaica and New England A. BAUM