The Democratic Witthman BELLEFONTE, PA Cards. JOHN "P, POTTER, Attoyney-at• Law, Bellefonte, Pa. 14-42 AO. FURST Attorney at law, • Bellefofite, Pc 1426 L. KREBS L Attorney at Law, Clearfield, Pa 14-24 WILLIAM J. KEALSII, Attor ney at Liw, Bellefonte, Pa. vattlfl AAC LYTLE, Attorney at Law, ISAAC °Moe with Wm. P. 'Wilson. 16 46 ly IlkiH. ROTHROCK, Dentist, Office . at residence on Thomas Bt., two doors port o f United Brethren Church. r itinl DF. FORTNEY, Attorney at • Law. Mee over Reynold's Bank. T14n20 DURBIN GRAY, Attorney at • Las, Bellefonte, Pa, Office with A. 0. Forst, F,eq. AVON WILLIAMS. Attorney at Law, Office with the Shoriff,Rellefonte, 16-33- 11. DOI3I3INS, M. P., Physician J . anti Burgeon, 011 ice, Bishop iitreet, Bellefonte. Pa. Tl3nl DR. J. F. LARIMER, Physician and Burgeon, Office m his residence near Episcopal church v 131120 IRA C. MITCHELL, Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Ps. Office in Ger mane new brick building. IG 18 M 9 &LUSTRE?, & BEAVER , !u -terus?, at Law, AlleOeny Stret, aa=adtbaDianKond, Bellefonte, Pa. vlonl ORVIB rk. ALEXANDER, Attor arra it Law, Bellefonte, Pic, (Mee In thsparion of Lb* Conrad Boum.. v7nl6 I J. LINGLE, Attorney at Law, qt, • Osceoa, Clearfield county, Pa. Will Facttoe in the several Courts of Clearfield and Oentre counties. 16-0 T i IRWIN KIRK, M. D. Pliyai. elan and Surgeon, Bellefonte, Pa. • e• and Residence on Spring St, one door North of Preabytertan church. _____ IL sit R. F. HAYES, Pays'. • MKS • amuse:fa Bellefonte, Pa. Office at residence on Allegany street, (late Br Tip pie's) two doors below Repuplican °Mee 15-5 S. BARNHART, Attorney at t. Law. Collections and all other legal tautness promptly attended to. Office 2d floor over hank of Wm. F. Reynolds aCo la 7tf LAIR h STITZER, Attorneys at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa °Mee on the ond, next door to Barman'. Hotel. May be consulted In English and Berman •14n3 DRS. R. I). TIPPLE, & E. M. BCH EU RER Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons. Office °Ter WArmnike Office, Bellefonte, Pa. Calla promptly attended, to. vlani iIOIIN MILLS HALE, Attorney at Law, Philipsburg, Centre County, Pa. lections and all other legal hummeas In Centre and Clearfield countlee promptly atten ded to. •13nle M MALL, M. I) , PhyMician . and Burgeon, havinf permanently meshed at Ildilesburg, offer. his professional services to the citizens of that place and vi il:tit) vile= WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attor ney .t Law, will 'hilt liellefotite irt:i fewstonally when npeclally retained In eon Section with renidentenuneri,Cleartield, Penn ',lrani. iiiil6 ....-- P. GREEN E, Dealer in Sewing F • Machines, Pianos, °mane, Melodeons, Sheet kfuslo, Music Books, Spool Cott,o and &win Bilk lira Irwin's bulldlnßß Allegha ky street, 114911efonta, Pa. he. CIIAS. T. FltYliAltfiEß, Whole sale and Ratan Dealers In Tobacco and Clitars—also an assortment of men, cigar eases, etc., constantly on hand Middle room at the Conrad House, oppwilte the Bruek erhoff Mouse, Bellefonte, Pa. •I2n4b WILLIAM BRIAVIs:, Licensed Auctioneer, Bellefonte, Pa, will at tend to all males entrusted to him with rare and fidelity Haying had eighteen years expert since !tithe huaineas, ho Hatters himself that he Can give general aatintartion v I 201 A g. D., Pliviiician and Burgeon, offers his professional ser vices to the citisens of liellefoula end sintuity Office opposite Friends church on Spring 9ipe3t, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. •linZi wILLIAM P. MurciiELL, Prac tical Surveyor 111111 Con veyancer, Bellefonte, Pa Office over Reynolds Sank Particular attention paid to running illnputed Snell, and the unseated lande of Centre and Clinton counties 14-47 P. TIERNEY, JAMES NULL. • rAw and Collection Office of TIEIt- EY& NULL, Ebensburg, Cando . la county, Pa. Office In Colonade Row. Especial att.,. tion paid to all collections In all parts of the United Btates tel ly J. P. 0 MIA liT, ORVIS ALEXANDF.R attend. to collections and practice in the Or Winn.. .Court lb-2 JOHN D. WINGATE, D. D. S. now occupies rooms directly over the store of !debars. Harper & Brothers, a few doors north of his former residence. Sets of teeth inserted for ae low as $lO,OO. Particular attention given to the preserva tion of the natural teeth. Call and see! 7-10 Q BELFORD.D. D. S. Offers his kj. professional services to the citizens of Centre County, office over Wilson's Drug store, one door below Irvin & Wllson's Hardware store. All work Intrusted to me will be exe cuted In the best manner. For full sets Vulcanite - $BOOO Upper seta - - • - 115.0 0 Partial sets at $2 dollers per to pth . . Please Lite me a call. 10 14 WANTEDI- A number of first,clasa but ter-maker, with whom we can contract for a eonetaut supply of FRESH Burl ztt during the setuion, for nun. KURTZ & STRAUB. W ANTED ! Poultry, Cabbage, Apples. Potatoes, Carrots, Parsnips, Turnips, Korse• Badeleh, of a good quality only, at the new Bellefonte market, for which cunt will bepaid. lett KURTZ &STRAUB. Osirds. • T azonoar Sworkaotn, WIT' W. G. HANSELL, 21 North 4th Street, Philadelphia. Importer and Wholesale Dealer In CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENEIWARE, Original Packages constantly on hand. 18 -16-em LA PIERRE HOUSE, Broad and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPITIA. J. P. BUrrEttWORTII, Proprietor Terms per day, $3,80 16-16-1 y EDWARD W. MILLER, • 'ma McCOWN a BICKEL, 12PORTIVAS ARP AUCTION tOIIICIII 01 HOSERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS WHITE GOODS, 331 Market Street, 16-1• PHILADELPHIA 11SCHMIDT, IMPORTER OF WINE, GIN, BRANDIE 4 AND CLARETS No. 226 Vine Street, =ID cEam JMILES KEPHART • with BARNES, HERON CO Wholesale and Retail dealers In RATS CAPS, STRAW GOODS AND FURS, .in 150.1, Market AL Philadelphia. ABAUM, IMPORTER AND . Wholesale Dealer In WINES, BRANDIES AND GINS, BOURBON ANT) RYE WHISKIES, No. 1224 ()alio*hill Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. GEO EAGLE HOTEL, 227 Noun Tam Svuxi, Between Race and Vine, R. D. CUMMINGS, COM Furniture NEW FURNITURE STORE, 'BUSH ROUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA SIIROYFR I t SON, Dealers In FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, Parlor and Chamber Seta, SOFAS, LOUNGES, BUREAUS, WASHSTANDS, WARDROBES, MATTRESSES, Az. Particular Attention to Ordered Work REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. UNDERTAKING, In All Its Brsnehes METALIC, WALNUT, ROSEWOOD, AND COMMON Call ETEI A twaye on Rand. RH ROYER & BON T HE oLD ESTABLISHED FUR it UMW and bedding wareroomo of 11. R. LEWI.4. are the cheapest In the city. He la now sell. lug parlor au Ile in plush, hair cloth, rape or terry; walnut chamber wilts in oil or varnish,. Cottage furniture, all stiles; bedding and mattresses, various slum, cheaper than Atte. tine prices; carpets, every variety. Come and nee and be convinced. You will save money by giving us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. H. It. LEWIS, No. 1430 1434 Market street. Next door to corner of fifteenth street. FuRNIT Ult E WARE ROOM. Howard Street, Bellefonte, Pa., 'where Bureau s, Sofas, Lou ngea, Hat Racks, What Note, Stand., Chairs, Stools, Extension Tables, Etc., Of every deecription,qu,tdity, and price, for Rale cheaper than at any other eatabliehebont of the kind in Central Pennsylvania. vankli HENRY HAMLIN PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY JOHN BRACIIBILL, Manufacturer end dealer In HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Beano Brim, Sau.ssostrs, Pe., Keeps constantly on hand a choice assorment of Mattrasses, Sofas, Chairs, Lounges, bed. steads, Ac. A very fine seleetton c‘f WALL PAPER, will always be found hi LOW PRICES le-46-ly GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS RIFLES: DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL Shot Guns : Revolvers, Ammunition. Sporting Goods, Rifle barrels, Locks, Moun. tinge Gun materials to. Send-for a Price List. Address J. 11. Johnston. Great West. ern Gun Works, 179 Smithfield Street, Phut burgh, l's. N, B. Army °whines, Rifles and Revolvers bought or traded for. 1626 6m PRINTING IN COLORS A SPE CIA.LITY AT THIS OFFICE. INAeroksitt Tailor*, MERCHANT TAILORING, EE!.. tabltehmerit,No. 1, Brockerhoff'sroef. fhe indersigned takes pleasure In informing the Mamma of Centre county and the public generally, that he le just opening a Splendid and] RitA Assortment of liorsic and Datnentio CABSIMERES CABB I M ER ES CASBIMEREB •nd VESTINOS Which hp is prepared to make to order in the latest and most fashionable styles, for men or boys. Goods sold by the piece or by the yard. no also keeps on hand a full line If„ GENTS of every style and variety, consisting of hate and into', straw goods, mind In or linen 'Mirth, undercloth for summer or winter wear, sus penders, hose, neck ties, collars, both paper and linen, handkerchiefs. Thebeet manufac ture of kid gloves—" The Jouvin"—a full as sortment of nice., colors Ac., on hand. This eaMblishment in also the headquarters of the Singer Sewing Machine Agency. JOHN MONTGOMERY. No. 7 Brockerhoff Row, Bellefonte Pa. GEM TILL IN THE FIELD. ' l i . o my old friends and customers, and to as many new ones as may desire to be rigged out IN WELL PITTING, SUBSTANTIALLY AND FASHIONABLY mode sults of clothes, from any klnd of ma terial they choose. I have a large and exeel lent assortment of FURNISHING GOODS CLOTHS, CASBIM ERES AND VF,STINOB, From which garments will be made to order in the Peiunnem►. MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE QM Please call and examine my line stock. I have plat bought my goods during the last panic, and defy competition as to prices, dura bility and fashion, this vide of Cumberland Valley. REMEMBER THE PLACE. W. W. McCLELLAN, No. 4, Brockerhe R9w, Allegheny St., I am also agent for the superior and cheep WILCOX t GIBBS SEWING MACHINES, which should be seen by all desiring a mw ch Inc •14n16 LADIES, ATTENTION I HERE.B NEWS FOR YOU! MRS. NANNIE DARE would respectfully take this opportunity to In form the LADIES OF BELLEFONTE and vicinity, that she has Just opened, In the room adjoining that lately occupied by Miss Kate Reed & Co. , opposite the Bush House, one of the finest and twat selected stocks of MILLINERY GOODS, ever exhibited 10 any town outside the citiee. This 'dock consists of bonnets, hats, ribbons and Flowers, of all style. and descriptions, to suit every variety of taste and every Shade of complexion. She has also Ladies' and Children's HOSIERY AND GLOVVI, Trlmmingn, Notions of all kinds, and In fact everything for ladles wear In her line of but Anew, Confident that she will be able to please, she requests a share of the public patronage. ItYledy MlBB ci H PRIEST, TRIMMINGS AND Notion. Store, next door to Ladle.' en. Buell House, Bellefonte, Pe. flare Jo at opened a lot of Pacific Percale at 28c, worth 36c. Black and white and brown and white calico at 12!.ye, for shirting's, shirt waists and ladies' dresses Lead, brown and buff linen for ladles' soil children's suits—new shades at low prices. Ladles' white gloves only Vic and 36c. flood and desirable shades of colored kid gloves oleo Jouvin black kid gloves A new lot of men'e, ladles' and children's hose MEM A few more of those good Buffalo brand alpaca. from 60c to 75e ; also line brilliantine., English grenadine., crape yetis, black E n glish chinta—All of which we are selling cheap. Ladies' colored corset., only 900. Closing our stock of parabola for the season —now Is the time to buy. Lace collars, linen collars and cuff., gen to celebrated 'Boa' paper collars and cuffs. Fancy fan. from itoc to $1 50. Ladies' and children's Lelia from too to 750. And all staple lrirrunings, !ugh as—alpaca skirt braid, ii-yard pieces, Ric, Clark's spool cotton uci; pine sc. New style hair nets,--conatantly receiving new styles, Ladles' And gent's ties; new pearl, pique and ivory buttons. Marseilles fringes, glorpa, Ilmintmrg edging, el ciandkerehleis from lon to riot:. lient,s has• kerchiefs very cheaki. A few morn ladies rosily made sults, which we will sell cheep Also closing out our stock of children's and ladles' trimmed hate very low for 11.1 to It 3. Remember the place— TRIMMINOS it NOTIONS STORE Next door to Ladles Entrange BUSH HOUSE. N. B. Ladles' wrappers, suMi, shirt waists and Children's olothea made to order. 10411-41 m. DYKE! I 11- NOTICE! 11—All persons are hereby notilted,that no we. r shall he drawn for sprinkling the streets or pavements except previous to 7 o'clock A. 4., and after 6 o'clock P. - M., during the nionthe of June, July. AUgust and September. A penalty of S 6 will be inourr•d for /nab and every violation of thfil ordinance, By order of the Town Council of the Borough of Belle. fonts. R. VALENTINE, Pren't. JAME% IL KANKIN. BeceY. 18-23-31, CLOTHS, CLOTHS, CLOTHS, and VESTINGB, and V ESTINGB, FURNASHING GOODS MD BZLLZTONTX, PA Fancy Stores. MlBBO. B. PRIIIaT Waning Mills. BELLEFONTE PLANING MILL W. V. HUGHES, (Successor to Holmes a Company.) Manufacturer of. WHITS WHITS II HITE YELLOW YELLOW, Y EA, L 0 W PINE PINE PINE FLOORING ..A.ND...WIATEIBR BOARDING Of various styles Doors... Bash Illindß CE=I SCROLL WORT{ OF EVERY DEBCRIPTION Brackets Brackets Of all Patterns Patterns Made Having a "Burk ley,a Patent Lumber Dryer' connected with the eatablichment, I am ena bled to manufacture my work from THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMBER. SirOrde re from Contractors, !wilder', Dealers, And the Trade Generally, are respectful' solicited. BELLEFOFTE, Cams Co, PIXII.I CETEI DE iscelaneous IMPORTANT TO FARMERS THE FARMER'S 90 -OPERATIVE • -it MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Clover Creek, Malt county, Pa., has an Im portant moral. Our motto, no Ilre, no pay, Is worth enfunquestlonable amount to the Farm: era, they can have the use of their money un til nooded and still have a good and safe secu. rlty. EVERY APPLICANT IR A MEMBER, For further Information apply to 1.. G. rousr... Goo. Afoot, Clover Crook, Pa. Or H.B. Garner, who will travel through Can tre ociunty. 16 1m • 000 1 G FTEL ...RAND GIFT OONCERT AND DUMRIBU MEIMI pourrminu ASYLUM OW TILE EIISTEREI OF CHARITY. - - In the City of New York, end THE SOLDII2IIB AND SAILORS ORPHANS' HOME, Weehingion, D. C. To be held In Washington, D. C., under end by virtue of • permit from the lion. Commis-. vloner of Internal Revenue, on Thursday, July 27, 1871, positively. After the Concert the Commissioners will award to the successful ticket holders I,olio Gifts, amounting to $60u,000, consisting of desirable Real Estate in Baltimore city end county, and Washington (wooly, Md., Ronde. Stocks, and Cash. 152,01.10 Tickets only will be sold, at 1112 each. Hon. H. MoCIMLOUOIff, of Elkton, Md, Major OEO. T. CASTLE, Baltimore, Md. Cbsers HON. J AS. B. N WILEY, lig„ C., Pittsburg, Major Unmoral U. Boning', U. B. A., Wanking. ton, 1). 0, Hon. Jas. B. Negley, Plitabarg, Pa., First National Bank, Hagerstown, Applemion A Co., Bank•ro, Hagertown. Updegraff Bons, Haoriortown, Hon. It. J. Brent, late Attorney Unworn!, Balti MOM C. P. Abbott, Esq., 20 Post °Mot avonud, DAM more, John if. Fowlett Eeq., W. 11. Myers, of W. H. Myers A Bros., Ex. change place, Baltimore. Devil of the Neal Estate certified to by counsel in the hands of the Trustee. Tickets and Circulars can be had of P. C. DEVLIN, GRIMM. ACM" Btationer and Printer, 31 Nassau street, New York To whom all communicalloss should be addressed. Tickets sent C 0 D.," If desired. Bend for Circular containing List of Prises, do liood re/I'm:J.lWe Agents »awed In 25 5w CHICKERING Sc SONS CELEBRATED FIANCES, at reduced prices ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, &C., T. H. OEIRISTIE A CO'B., MUSIC STORE, - VESPER STREET, LOCH HAVEN, PA 1640-1 y PRINTING IN COLORS A SPEC lALITY AT TILLS OFFICE. T'-'AsviLo HARDWARE WORN. Northwest corner o Diamond' Northwest corner e Diamond, Northwest corner of Diamond, HSTO Illware on hand, and are daily receiv wg, eve line, ry for all deacri the want pUon of Goode of the In the Hard are s And Mouldings CECI .Ortter And all workers In wood and metals. Thar stook of RATBLIP 000D8 is complete, embrao- Ina sverything to be found In a first-ohms store; wtillo their stock of Is always foll—conatzting In part of Nana, Some Shoes, Ohm, Cook, Parlor, and other Mores, Oils, Paints, and Varnishes, Rope of all shies and Packing, Plat. form eosins from WO to 10,000 pounds, Furnaces for dwelling, Rouses and Churches, Pumps for Cisterns and Wells, Wooden Water Pipes, of any bore and length, Wood Work of all kinks for Wagons, Ruggles, and Carriages, Springs, Arles, •Uti Boxes, Iron andßteel of all else' IL kinds, Horse Bhoe All Nall rode, all of which we are setting at the eery lowest prices known to the tntdx. Sl= CALL AND WI OUR BTOCH, we will be pleased to show you all through, weether you buy or not. Our salesmen are at all times attentive and obliging. vittil HARDWARE I HARDWARE I The place to buy. The subscribers would respectfully Inform the community that they have opened a con]] plate • STOCK OF HARDWARE. compvtaing all varietiva of goods h. that Ilse which they WILL SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Their stock consists of aH sorts of builders hart* ware, table and pocket Cutlery, Carpenters', Mason's, Plasterer's and Blacksmith's Tools, and Msterials, Nails, Iron, Horse. shoes, and Horse-shoe Nails, Rope • ri Tackle, Porki,ChainsShoreis, Axes, H ousekeeper's Goods, Stones, eta. Goods, Saddlery Carriages trim filings, eta., with all kinds of COAL OIL LAMPS, And the different parts thereof, together with a complete assortment of the beet PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Eta They h6ie, c ar e attention to Bushman and ••constant for the accommodation ot customers to merit and receive a Obare of the public patronage. Builders and others will End it to their advantage to call and RX4MJNR THRIR STYWAr. I= Hardware. IRWIN k WILSON 'awls k WILSON, IRWIN Ai WILSON Bellefonte, Pe , Bellefonte, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa, Housekeeper, Housekeeper, Housekeeper, Mechanic, Mechanic, Mechanic. Farmer, Farmer, Farmer, Lumberman. Lumbernian, Lumberman. Balder, Builder, Builder, Painter, Painter, Painter, PtastaTer, Plasterer, Plasterer, Cabinet-mak arr . Cabinet-maker, Wilmot-mak er. Coaeh-maker Oosah-maker Comeh-maker, Wheelwright, Wheelwright, Wheelwright, &saki's'lth. Rla4ltsmith, Blacksmllh, Waapp-maker, Via/do-maker, Wagon maker, 1111111er, Miller, Willer, Foondryman, Foundryman, Poundryman. Machinist, Mschinim, Mmhthisk fl EA VET 15100L43, I J. k J. HARRIS, Mo. 8 lirookorholl's Row. ECM AGENTS WANTED I A RICH. FIELD 111 A NOBLE WOB,XIIII TOL NIW PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, with ore 1000 Illustrations, 60,000 References, FA,![ . Y RECORD, atm 'FAMILY MIME ts , THE PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE contain' o storehouse of Information that can only reach the rough the eye. Its Minors. lions carry one back to the most Importast era of the world, and are of themselves acorn, prehensive review of the Soriptures,reprermnt. ing the most Interesting Views, C haracterssymbols, Historical Events,Lan•larayes,,,,,,' An qult.isa, Costumes, Beasts, Bird', in., • nig, Minerals, Coins, Medals, Inscritsienn and Incidents refel•red to throughout Me and Test. They attract the eye, correct Ilia erroneous Impressions, awaken new thoughts, and fitroteh dearer views of Divine Truth Am a help to Parents, Ministers, and sahhadi. school Teachers In fulfilling the Mille., ofthelr separate and high, vocationa--and to all other, to whom Immortal souls aro totrinno.l—thni splendid Pictorial Volume cannot be °remelt mated. It Is the Edition Moat Suitable for the Family, Most Valuable for the fitudent, Most Instructive for the Teacher, Most Appropriate for the Child, Most Useful for the Minister, Most Interesting for the Fortner, Moat Elegant for the Parlor, Most Profitable for the Study, THE PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, in Hon to the feature, already alluded to, bins the Apocrypha, Concordance, Peelmh io Metre, a Summary of the Barred Truth, v. taught in the inspired took, together with no. merous and compreben,ire hidden and other historical and explanatory matter, 0n1i,,,.1)444 the labor, of many of the most ern I nerd cal scholars. It le printed on the finest rain. dared paper, from clear and open type, In use large and handsome quarto volume, mid in bound in the most durable and Runway, rum. nor, while the price. are suMelently low to place It within everybody', reach Experienced agents are wanted throughout the country for its safe, with whom liberal tr rangements will be mare. An opportunity of equal promise is rarely or never prnmentiiii it. sale, will not be limited to any period, but will continue fora life-time, constantly s with the growth And in telligence of the e.orti try. It Is therefore desirable that these elm °Dime with us, %hall do so with A new tr, making the businies a permanent one Ministers, Tpschers, Students, Fanners, loung Men and Women—those who would meet with the most profitable of all employ manta—are invited to correspond with MI .11,, a view to an agency. Not s few such are now averaging from $5OOO to s7(oio annual profit In Ile sale. 'There lea great want for tiff. lock a nd a rich field offered, while It will elevate the spiritual condition by constant contact with and convegasUons upon Ito beautiful all eternal troths. Agenta on the instalment plan tK. fir nhahed the work In tine bindings. Th is pi., is quite popular and proiltalifi, i n raj, and large bons. We have an edition 0( the superbly bound, *lib massive pantllt4 scan which has been everywhere recet...i marked favor. Subscriptions for the 1%. , .,u.\ Bible, in this style and ica this way, ran Wised to an almost unilmited extent, as tile rs Is no outlay of money that the Bible reader can make, which will yield him an rich a re. turn. We are ohm lbe publishers of POTTERS PITANDAND EDITION* of family, pt4a, pocket and photograph bibles and testeninnts —nearly 300 different styles—so welt kiln.o everywhere for their accuracy of teat, trait, of finish ■nd durability of binding Maltya ask for Form's tEirnasaan if minor', and gri the bent. Catalogues coetalning St) len and prices furnished on appUalion For cfrculars coetalnint a full deseripth., Of Tea PICO:PEAL FADOLT BINA, with• sheet, ant) terms to ageole, addremr Pinius MTLibAND BOMA AND TDB TTTTTT JOHN E. porty.a (1.. Publishers. 614 and, 617, Henson] str,si. 16-16-3 m Liquors J T B, ETTELE, =EI FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES & LIQUORS. In the room formerly occupied by the hey etone Bakery, on Bishop street., Ltellcronte, Is., takes pleasure in informing the that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of choice Foreign and Domestic Liquors All casks warranted to contain the Amount marked. The attention of practicing pitysician , called to his stock of. PURE I.I4UORki, Suitable for medical ptirposem. and dem Sohn* conittantly on hand Ile her the ONLY PURE NECTAR WHISKY in town. AU liquors ate warranted to give satisfaction Liquor. will be sold by the quart, barrel, or tierce He has a large lot of ERYTTLED 1.1(4(14,1N Of the finest grades on hand. Confident that he can pleafie customer.. he reepeetfully solicits a share of publir patron , age. ,14u12 "TY ATER AND BETTER NEWS Notwithstanding herd tlmee high larci WI other public oppressions, Intenfie cacti" ment reigns et the WiIuLESALE LIQUOR f3T(iliE In th• marble front on Bishop street, Re fonts, Pa., where Is kept constantly a full sup ply of the HEST LNUORS • AL prices lower than can he found elsewhere ontaido of Philadelphia lila stock COIIBI.O of ilia best Old Rye, Bourbon, Illonongah sla and; Old Irish Whiskies; Holland Gin. Oognhie and other Brandies; Jamaica MEM Dhiclelra, Ltabon, Sherry and Port Wines, Cordials, •nd All kinds of Bimini, which be Is selling I.° low a rt paganish all 8-12 and New England Rum; A. BAUM