- The Democratic Watcoin-an. BEL:LF,FONTE, PA sister Brown Gratifies her Curiosity. Wesuppose everybody who lives in a city has sometimes wondered what those curiously painted images are made of, that stand by certain shop doors, with a bunch of cigars in one hand, while they invite the customer to, en t e r with the other. Some of them are as hideous as they are disgusting, and we often wonder why such leer ing, vulgar images are used to attract customers. Sister Brown was one of the primest and most correct maiden ladies, but she was very curious and prone to gratify her inquiring mind to the ut most, and that was why we were all glad when she met with the following rontr•edtmps : She was going home from an eve ning lecture rather late at night for a single lady to be upon the street alone, w hen it occurred to tier that it would he a favorable opportunity for her to ioamine the new Indian • image that hail been set up on the street, and which had puzzled her a good- deal. She had often asked of what it was made, but had received no satisfactory answer; and had determined, when an opportunity did present itself, to ex amine the curious figure. The opportune moment hail arrived. Sister Brown looked in every direc• non, and feeling certain she was not observed, advanced towards what she supposed to be the image standing in the shadow oT a deep recess, but what, unfortunately, was a policeman. Sister Brown gave him a punch, pinched his arm, then gave another pinch, all of which the policeman bore in silence. Then she attempted to take his hand to feel lor the cigars, when, to her horror, he returned the pressure with right goodwill. The astonish ment of the maiden lady can be im aged but not described, when a grunt voice cried out— "tilmer Brown, what do you want of me ' The policeman said he had seen a good many folks travel, but lie never saw a woman measure the ground as Sister 8., did when she went round the corner. She was cured of her investigating epirit, greatly to the relief of the neigh borhood where she residedi - for the po liceman described her examination of hie portly person in a manner that turned the poor.woman to great ridi cule. Sieter B. sap' when she looks at shop windowe, now, that if there le any thing in the world she hates, ire lapin. and the perliee. There are more people than Slater Brown who w0u1d.,112 benefited by well deserved ridicute,'if uothiag but ridi cule will cure them of their ill-timed curionitY. A Vest R{M IRK Attr.a RAT.—We Of• It, hear stories related of the wonder lul running and knowledge of the rat, but one is told—says the Ogdensburg Y ) Journal—of a recent occur rence in which a real old gray rat was the hero, and the incident whereoftook place in that city, which is equal to the best. A lady who has a number Of flue hens, to which she has devoted a good dell of care and attention du ring the winter, in hopes to obtain an early and a fair crop of fresh eggs, was surprised at the meagre result actually reached. The hens made noise, in singing and cackling, enough for eve ry-day layers, and yet only occasional ly did she getean egg. The lady at length' determined to watch operations, and ascertain if pos sible the cause of failure. She saw the hens go upon the nest, but if she was not present when they came off no egg was found, AL length constant watch ing and wailing solved the mystery. A day or two since, a hen came off the nest and commenced cackling. Al most instantly an old rat came out of a hole, and running into a barrel, which was thrown down upon its Aide, and in which the ben's nest was, at once nosed the egg out upon the ground, then laid down upon its back, and get ting the egg between its fore paws and nose, commenced squealing, when two other rats came out, and taking the rat with the egg by the hind legs, dragged it, eg g aryliall, into the hole. If any one can tall a more remarkable rat story thin this we should like to hear it. DIATo Of Sett elevt..—Seltantyl le deal. Ire was the leader of the Cau casians in their frequent revolts against the Ruesinue, and his lollowere looked upon him se a man inapired by Ood. b'rom 1824 to 1831 he commanded the Caucasian army in a war against the Ruesians, which bore the character of a holy crusade; but he wasflnally de feated, and at flret reported killed. Ile subsequently organized other revolts, and was for a time ~ucceasful, his op erations proving particularly annoying to the Russians daring the Crimean war. lu 1849, however, he was cap tured and taken to tit. Petersburg. The ltusision government thence forth held hint as a prisoner, but cup plied him ample means to live in com fort and men in luxury. Ile wee re deatly allowed to go on a pilgrimage to the holy places of the ittollatntne dan faith, and while on the jourityy died at Medina, in hie seventy-thTrd year. 13chamyl'e career has verred as the theme of a sensational play which had 4 long run at one of the Paris theatre& ais experience strongly resemblei that of Abdel-gatier, the leader of the Algerian tribes, who for many years sAer hip downfall was supported bxx the French government of Napoleod ILL —A Province paper talks about animated fragments of shattered rain: .owe.' The writer means ladies. Eloquent Appeal. The Ilonoralile gunnel S. Cox, con cluded ' is speech oirthe Ku Klux bill, in the following eloquent appeal to the Radical ninimit .lesist from their bloody work . By all the le,,ons I, have col ed front history; i v the gritees who have paciliF64o,llllollH heretofore; by the perils o smothered revenge and se cret circles which I denounce; by our homes and institutions by all thittsia ennobling in thought and ignoble in mere force, Iloik you not to tempt the coming party by such excesses of power. Do not teach us bloody instructions I Lead us not into temptation I You need not perceive that your shroud And grave are making. You need not put your ear to the earth to hear the tramp tramp of the coming Democracy, for you must have felt that the constant neglect of urgent duties here, as to taxation, commerce, and amnesty, are demoralizing and destructive. I pray you pause on the brink. This legisla tion will rebound. Savo us the hor• rors which follow such inconsiderate tampering with our traditional And written liberties. Save yourselves if not your country. You have in your ranks men of splendid reputation and ability. Many have left and are leav ing you whom you were once proud to claim. In their honor do not cut your blossoms of the past off from the pa rent stein. Save the country as a band of States, not as a banditti of roving mercenaries or Paris Reds. I make my prayer to OM for that mercy which we shall need in that hour when the execution of such a vindicative law as this is executed by the will of an abso lute dictator, at the behest of a party. I make my appeal to you for that Con stitution we are all sworn to support. It may be that our Constitution is like what some one says, of the sword of the Black Prince, too heavy to be wielded by the pigmies oh our time but if it is only a relic in the sanctua ry, let it be an object of reverence for what it was it not a term for what it is —honorable in its rust, if not in its edge. How Daniel Webster Prepared His Speech.. In one of the debates in Congress, which suddenly called Daniel Webster to his feet, he made a brief, but most eloquent speech, apparently without opportunity for previous preparation. In the course of hie remarks, he threw out the following sentence, which has eversince been admired as one of the most harmonious arid expressize in the English language. lie was speak ing of our military conflict with Great Britain : "Our fathers raised tlteit flag against a power to which for purposes of foreign conquest and subjugation, Rome in the height of her glory, is not to be compared ; a power which has 'oiled over the surface of the whole globe with her possessions and military posts, whose morning drum•beat, fol lowing the sun in its course and keep ing peace with the hours, circles the earth with one Continuous and unbrok en strain of martial airs of England." Its he sat down one of the Senators congratulated hilt upon his speech, end alluding to the above passage,said that to hits it was inconceivable how Mr. Webster, in a speech so manifest ly unpremeditated, could have formed so perfect and so beautiful a sentence, which with hours of study he could not have improved.Mr.Webeter. replied that the passage was not extemporaneous ; that in his summer vacation he had visited Quebec, and while standing on the massive and almost impregnable citadel there, looking out upon tire wonderous scene of natural grandeur and of nature's lovelinessestread before him, the idea oqcurred to 'his mind. lie immediately took his seat upon a gun, and with pencil and paper,ffiketch ed the thought in the moat appropri• ate language he could at that moment command. Upon arriving at life ho tel he sat down at his leisure, and wrote it, witlt many interlineations and eraeures, until lie had modified it into the fornibl words which satisfied him. tie then laid it aside in his attentive, memory, to be used when occasion should offer. The opportunity arose upon that day. 1 h.• “r 3, Sheep." Some twenty-1h e years ago, when I was pastor of a church in—, I took occasion one evening to attend a so. cial meeting in the church in that place. As is their custom on emelt occasions, one after the other rose and gave in his or her experience. A ft er a time, a man in humble circumetan• ces, small in stature, and with a very effeminate, squeaking voice, rose to give in a piece of his experience which was done in the following manner : 'Brethren, I have been a member of this church for many years. I have seen hard times; my family has been much afflicted; bin I have for the dist time in my life to see ill) pastor or any of the trustees, of due church cross the threshold of my dam' Is:o I.,oner h al he totere.l this part of hie ex iwinenco• I hal, lie WAS allddell• ly jilt, rrupted by one of the trustees, fill aged 111t111, who rose up and said 1,, a firm, loud voice : 'My dear brother, you must put the devil behind you.' On his taking his seat, the pastor in charge quickly rope, and also replied to the little mall as follows : 'My - dear brother, you must remein ber that we shepherds are sent to the lost sheep of the - house of Whereupon the 111110 man rose again, and, in answer, mid, in a very , loud tone of voice; 'Yew, and if I'd been a fit/ one, you , would hn\' rotted me long ago.' ' The effect upon the audience call be better imagined than 'described. • —There are seventv-eight worn en now regillsrhy ordained preachers in the United States. Pat and the Poet-Office Clerk; 'Faith, an' have yez her a 'other fur me, yer honor?' 'Whet name?' a , ke.l the urbane of fieier" •Why. me own 1111'np, roorse W n x eke?' •W IDA I your flume?' coutiuuea the otli,•oil, 'Faith an' it wax me lather'y afore me, an' would be yit, but hey gone dead.' 'Con fon nd you, what do you call yourself?' losing his temper. 'lledad,' saps Pal, firmly, 'I call me ad( a gentleman, an' it's a pity there isn't a couple av us.' `Stand back commanded the of ficial, with dignity. divil aback shland ontil I get me letther.' 'llow can 1 give it to you, if you won't tell me who you are, you stupid, thickheaded bogtrotter?' 'An' is that what you're paid for— abuein' honest people that ask fur their rites? Gi' me the letther, or be the• whiskers o' Kate Kearney's cat, cast me vote agin you whin I git me papers,' 'Yon blundering blockhead,' broke in the now really angry clerk, 'can't you tell into how your letter is address ed?' 'f)bressedl flow PllOlllll i t be (threshed, barrio' a sheet or paper, like any other? Come, hand up wile.' 'The deuce take you I won't you tell me who you are ?' 'Faith, I'm an Irishman bred and born, seed, breed an' gmyration. Me father was concur to one-eyeil llarvey Magra, the lIITICeSH. sarner, , me mouldier belonged to the Mooneys, of K . I mat hound. You're an ignorant multi disciple, and it you'll only creep out on yet. hole, 111 welt yer hide like a new shoe. An' tin ye gut any satis faction out u' me, me name's not Bur ney )'Flynn.' 'Oh, that's your name, is it?' said the satisfied official, seizing and shuf fling a pile of letters. ''lire's your letter sir.' Good Advice Spurgeon sententiously expresses a number of thoughts worth remember ing, m the following appropriate sell ienres, which he publishes as "advice gratis :" When you see a man with a great deal of religion displayed in his shop window, you may depend upon it he keeps a very small stock of it wi thin. Do not 60080 your friend by his looks; handsome shoes often pinch the feet. By no means put yourself in another person's power; if you put your thumb between two grindere, they are very apt to bite. Drink nothing without seeing it ; sign nothing without reading it; and make sure that it means no more than it says. Don't go to law unless you have nothing to lone ; lawyers' houses are built on fools' heads. Put no dependence on the label of a bag, and count tb• money after your own kin. In any business never wade in the water where you canuot see the bot• torn. Keep clear of a man who does not value his own character. Tartu SiasNati Tiitssi Less than three short years ago a well known gentleman of enormous wealth, one of the leading citizens of the State of New York, accidentally met in journal publication establisitinent of New York city, a very poor girl who was employed there as a folder of pa pers. This girl belonged to the lowest walks of life, but she was of irre proachable character, intelligent, with some little education and with a fair degree of good looks. This ex-mem• ter of Congress, this man of huge bu siness talents, and the possessor of five millions of solid property, was so pleas ed with the appearance and good sense of the young girl, that, being a widow er and inclined to marriage, be made her a proposal, and was, as might nat urally be expected, accepted. It, due time a quiet, wedding came off, and May end December made the usual bridal 1011 r. December lingers in the lap of May no longer Ti,4• poor newspaper folder u sten.. IV today blooming is.dow, Worth in her own right half a million of dollars I—Day Book. The Sprinkle Family. Living at Marion, Smyth Count!, Virginia, is a gentleness named inandorse Sprinkle, the happy father of eight interesting children, six girls and two Wye, who bear the following names : Memphis Tappan Sprinkle. Empress Vandalic Sprinkle. Tatnia 'Loin Sprinkle. Nyrtle Ellmore Sprinkle, (boy.) Okeno Moiette Sprinkle. Og Wite Sprinkle. Wintosee EminabSprttikle. Onyx Curwen sprinkle, (boy.) The cause assigned for giving ouch singular namen, le that'Stnyth County is sprinkled all over with the Sprinkle family, and when their names 4re men tinned, it is 'John Sprinkle, eon of old Jeese Sprinkle,"• and our particular Sprinkle is determined that when any one of hie children is spoken of; the public shall know which particular Sprinkle it is without having to refer to the paternal fineeetcur. gentleman traveling in Ire. land odd to t very importunate beggar, you Ist all your teeth. Tile lleggnr (le time I parted Huh:r 1 % .1 - nooiin . s for am to dp: —Tbe Glenwood coal breaker, neila,' CaOttn, dale,'contalna 700,00,feet of lumber and COI $lOO.OOO. nelbmold'a Column H EN in"r. itumiioLD's r•.nup.nnt Fluld EN ICAUT (,NAIT PIIJ,:, Component Patty—Fluid Extract, Rhubarl Fluid Ex tt eat Catawba (irape Jlt leo. For r C.. 1111,11111118, Jallll.ikl.. 11111011% .111 k, rt um, cuntive not4, tux. Purely I, egetahle, containing nu mercury, 1111111,1111 X (Jr tieletet toll' tit Jig. These Pills area fileaniint purgative, super seding cantor oil, salts, Magnesia, etc '1 hero toi nothing more acceptable In the stomach. They give tone, and cause neither Hansen nor griping indite. They are composed of the /Inuit ingredients. After a few day's 114 e of them, suet, an Invigoration tat ,they 0111110 system takes place an to appear inirentoun to the weak and enervated, whether arising from Imprudence or disease II T. ild.nbokrx Compound nuid Extract cniavelia Grape Pills are not. sugar-coated ; sugar roared Ihlln pace :through the etornack without ills solving, conantitiOntly do not produce the de• sired rdleet. '1 Ilk; CATA t RA PE 1'11,1,`, being pleasant In lasts and mho, du not ne• ceininate their tieing sugar I . olli eti toil are pre pared according to Pliat many and heintnity, and are met l'atent Mvgliemes, HENRY T, BELMBOLIEs (7,)NCIENTIiATFAI (I)3ll'l,l'ND FLUID EXTRACT S A RSA PA HU LA, Will radically exterminate froth, the symteta H,•rofnin, Syplilli4, Ho r•,.. Ulcers, Sort, Evi.•, Soto. 1,..g+, Sr,O NI tajt It. Horn 11.4a1, sAlt ftbentn , Can ki.r. from I% lilt., %11., lilandalar Stream • Has), 9•eller, Illittion of all Is lirtmle Uy•pepnla, and all /Il.'•n.r•. I hit,• been 12.1(10/111.114,11 In lIIP M)Venl year. tieing proper.' expressly for the abo•eefolll• plaints, Ito lik' purifying pi tipert ieo 11.111 greater than any oilier preparation of sarsa parillalt elves the complexion n and healthy color I restores the patient to a state of health and purity Per purifying the Hood, reinoving all ehronli• son ~t inn anent diseases arising from an impure state of the blood And the only reli.thie and etreettial known remedy for the etire of rail,. and .01'11 tog of the 1,011.`1 , .111,`,11011,114 the threat anti !eV. 11111i1,111 • 11 1/11111111 •4 1111 the tai 1 1 , 113 011,1 • 1, 1 , 11 and till newly erupthinn of the tilt In, awl beau. I ifying the etiiiipll,l"ll, /I EN ItN"l'. II EI,NI Bo tf,li S NCENTRATE t 1.1.1"10 EXTEACT B 1 CHl', THE 6HE r 1011:1tETIC. had cured every case of diabetes In which It has been given. Irrital lou of the neck of the bladder and Infernal ion of the k itineye, nice, talon of the kidneys and It'atider, retention of urine, dimettee• of the nrostate gland. stone In the bladder, (.NlOllll4, gravel, loriek•dust deposit, and mucous nr 11111 k y discharge., and for enfeebled and delicate constitutions of both PM lon, attended With Lilo fnitowlog syinp tome Indisposition to PIIOIII.II lose of pow er, 10118 of memory. difficulty of breathing, weak nerves, trembling, horror of (Menu°, wakefulness, dimness of •Imion, _pain In the bask, lint hands, flushing of the body, drynene of the skin, eruption on the fare, pallid noun tenanee, universal lassitude of the muscular system, ele Used by persons from the ages of eighteen to twenty five, and from thirly•ft en to fifty five or In the decline or change of life, after confinement or labor pains, bed-wetting in children. Helmbeld's Extract Euchii la diuretic and blood purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of diaalpalion, and exemisea and Imprudences in life, Impurities of the blood, ere, superseding eopalba In affections for which It is WWI, and ayphilltie affections—ln theme Macawes used in connection with Helm , rose wash LA DI FA In many erections peculiar to hullos, tlitl Extract Ruchu Is unequalled by any other remedy—ris In chlorosis or retention, irregu larity, painfulness or suppression of custom ary evacuations, ulcerated or schirrus state of the uterus, leucorrhma or whites, sterility, and for all complaints Incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or habits of dissipation Ills prescribed exten•l•ely by the most eminent physicians and midwives for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes and all ages r. If ELMBOT, D'S EXTRACT RUCH II CURES DISEASES A RISI Nu FROM IMPRUDENCES,' HASITs OF DISSIPA TION. ETC., In ill their stages,at little expense, little or no change In diet, no Inconvenience, and no ex• posers It causes • frequent desire, and Vhs* strength to Urinate, thereby removing structions, Preventing and Curing Wile lures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Infla matlon, en frequent In this class of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous matter. EN IV! T. II ELM BOLD'S IM PROVED ROSE WASII cannot be surpassed so a face wash, and will be fowl I the only ”peelfle remedy In every species of cutaneous alfeetton, It speedily eradicates pimples, spots, scorbutic dryness, indural ions of the cutaneous membrane, eta, dispels redness and incipient innamation, hives, rash. Moth pelohea, dryness of scalp or skin, frost bites, and all purposes for which salves or ointments are used, restores the skin lo • slats of purity and softness, and In• puree continued lima action to the tissue of its vessels, on w depends the agreea ble clearness end vi ity oomplexien so much sought and 'anti/red. But however val uable as s remedy for existing defects of the skin, If 'l' Ilelinhold's Rose N'asb has long sustained Its prineipal claim to unbounded Psiottnegs,bY posuseseing qualities which ren• der it a toilet appendage of the most Superiii. tire and Congenial eharanter, rombining in an elegant formula those prominent requi sites, safety and efficacy—the Invariable couipautmenta of Its use—es a preservative and refresher of the complexion. It's sn ex clellent lotlete for diseases of • Syphilitic fie tore, and as an injection for diseases or the Urinary Organs, arising' from habits of dbl.!• pallets, used In connection with the Extracts Buchti,Bersaparllla, and Catawba Grape Pills, in such dleessee as recommended cannot be surpassed. Full and explicit directions accompany the medicines. 'Evidence of the most responsible and rails• hie character furnished on spplfcation, with hundreds of thou/lands of living witnesses, and npward of MAIO linsoltatted certificates and recoramwtory let Sere, many of which are from theUgOest sources, Incinding end. neat PhyttSlane, Clergymen, Hateamen, etc . The proprietor has never resorted to ther pabition to tile newspapers ; he doe. not do this from the lint that his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped•np by osruilestim. HENRY T. HELIABOLD'S GENU - kt.i . I' REPARATEONS. ballrered to any aoldrees. flemfre from otr serration. Establiehed upward of twenty year,. epld by druggists everywhere. Ad. driest' lettere for information In oonfidenos to er army T. Belmbold, unto and etternist. Only depot. : II t flehnlbold'e drup and 4:Mendota warehoue No. 504 Broaftwa , 56w TWA, or t 6 H. T. almbuld'e medics depot, lot South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Ph. Beware of counterfeits. Ask (or Henry T flettnbold's 1 T eno other. ladeay Dry Goods.. AUCTION! AUCTION ! The underßhgned having bought the 1.111111. NOP , k m nett by Ueorgo r I,i ..14. Bop., Itolleronte, , xpo, IP PUBLIC AUG l'itjN, comthencing on SATURDAY, APRIL 8 ,18 Th The stook consists of Dry Good., Dress Goods Notion., Carpet., Clothing, Hats & Caps, Bouts k Shoes, Groeerieß, Conned Frut is, queens ware, Cenitrware, Glimeiwaro, Fish &c., Ate This unction will be held the entire afternoon and evening of .Saturday, the oth lust , and the afternoon and evening of the Nall relay follow ing, the lath hint, sold will lie continued from day to day, until the entire stook In sold. In the meantime goods will he mold at private, Halo at coat. Ile ilekiren II to Inn distinctly understood that no goods will 1,0 reserved, but overything sold to the highest bidder Teams —All Amon under ton dollars, ennui All autos shore ten dollrs, nix months credit by approved neeurity. Afternoon auction begins at two o'clock, evening ituctlon at seven o'clock. in II .lAM h. 4 It LIPTON NEW (H)DDS AND NEW PRICES HUM RATES RUBBED OUT. GOODS Al o 1,1) FASIIIoNEI, PEICE OfirIIOFFER & lilto 'Hlie Wonl,l respeetfillly Inform the world and the eel of mankind, that they Inlet, inlet opened at, and are daily reeeiv mg a tarp • STOCK OF GOODS ON' A1.a....1NDH which they are offering et the very lon ea. rnor kot price Dla GOOD& Consisting of the latest styles of Figured lid Plain Alpacas, FiKured and plain all W" , i I Shepherd Plaids, lilitek Silks, Summer Silks, Irish l i iplins,.White Needs . White Cognter panes Linen and CottonSlieetinsii,Cliee kii, Oinghani, Iteilileks, Flannel n, ate, Shepherd Plaid lial morals, Black Cloth, Cansitneren, Wel satins, Corduroy, Kentnek3i Jeans, Drills, Ladles Cloak tog, Plain Colors , Middienex Cloths, Repellant's and Plaids of Various Colors. A full line of Cloths, Caasimeres, Sat/netts, and Ventinan, all kinds and prince, which will he sold cheap. We have eonstantly on hand a [Arica and well collected etock of ail kind. of Crockery, arecertes, Mackerel, Sall, etc., etc., Widell we will dispose alit the very lowest rash prices. All klruln of country produce taken In ex. change for goods, and the hurheat market prl. eon allowed. FRIENDS AWAKE TO YOUR INTEREST. For we feel Mistipinoti that we can null your taates am well all your puree,. rl4nl _ _ _ LW A Yti AHEADI-A. ALEX ANDER ift BON, Mlllhelm, ( - Ater 'eclnsylvanha are now offering to the public at the lowest cash prices, ROODS OF EVERY btSCRIPTION. A. ALIMANDER A HON Take thia method of nnounning to their nu merous Mende that they have Just returned rom the East with a new assortment of taw enable FuNKIQN AND DOMENTIO GOODE4, Which they are selling at such prices that purchasers will And it to their interest to buy a atom. Their stock consists, of 15-R- P. 43-11 ![ATM AND CAPS, BOOTS AND 8110E6. All kind. of country produce taken In ea change for goods. 10-16 A. ALEXANDER k BON Insurance METROPLITAN LIFE INSUR ANCR CO., Or FEW YORK. AMES A. DOW, /*resident 11,. IIEGEMAN, Vice President DRANCII OFFICE, Parma' . and Meehanlc■ Bank Building, Inni Cheallnuttllreet. Philadelphia. CORBIN, GAFFNEY AND CORBIN General Anent& and Attorney. for Penna., Delaware. douthern N Jamey, District oreolumbla and Maryland. DIVIDENDS DECLARED ANNUALLY. Thirty day, grace allowed In payment ct premium. Large liberty to travel without extra charge, All its Policies noa.lvwfaltableand 100611110Pir tble. G. R. GEARHART, As qt Bolietomie T. R. BATES, Ididl6CibliOniner. EDWIN 11. lUNSLOE, sucumw to &met L. Barr, deed. CLAM AND INBURANCE GOOD COMPANIES, LOW RA T 4.9 PROMPT SETTLEMENT OP LOSSES. Cash and Mutual Piro. Lffe'and At:olden. Pollen written.. Prompt satanical Own to Oa cottattitia er BM Par, 11111C0111 and al/ other ditties. Soldiers who enlisted behne July OW 166!• and were horwirebly diesbarged.Wilitbout revel IDA the 11100,Bounty era now ettlltled to it. •• spwlN 1!. RINBIAI~ Box N 0.711, Bellefonte. Pa. 16-16 Buttoner to Bnm tL. Barr. deed. PRINTING IN COLORS K SPEC lALITY AT THIS OFFIE. a v ariliai r ojons .131tO,K..EltHOFF HOUSE ALLEGANY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PENN 'A HOUSEAL & KRUM, (f 4 roprietors.) A first alma hotel—COM lottable rooms—proanp attendance. All the modern conveniences and reasonable ' charges. The proprietors offer to the traveling public and to their country friends Ann-chum $llOO/21. modidions, and careful attention to the wants of Kneels, at all three, at fair ranee. Careful liostiterriend good stabling. An excellent ta ble, well served. A bar, supplied with the bee of liquors. Servants well trained, and etery thing requisite in a first•elame hotel. Our location is in the business pertlou of the town, near the poet office, the court house, the churches, tire banks, and the principal plaeaa of busbies“, tendering it the most eligible place to atop for thoiie who Omit, Bellefonte el• idler on loneinemoo or for pleasure. An omnibus will tarry pasta ors and bag gage to and train all trains free of charge:l44A B OSH HOUSE, lIELLEN'4)NTE, rENNA., That *litigant hotol, having come under. the ntiporvirdon of tho undersigned, he would repootritily announce to the puhlio that he in proparod to secommodatO them after the atylo of the but /Koos,es in theritter. The Bush Howie to 0 araigniiieent handing, apkindally pirnisheynd expoide of romforteddy &noon). modatin I'll ILEE HUN DRED QUESTS It le militated hear the depot, and contenient to all pliteem of linaltiens, and In the bent hotel In central Penneylvania Ile waiters are ing, polite and attentive, its tables are sup piled every luxury In the market;-Its stables are lust i•lanti,witit attentive and humans hustlers, nud its bar supplied with the beet of mot o r , . For )(mode from the villein to sp e nd the aolother it ir oval the VIM, propr ietor Will i.e happy to receive the public ne often as they wish to call. N. APLA IN I re4l Proprietor. G A It NI A N ItMAN, Proprietor Ting long-established and well-known Hotel, smutted tot the southeast corner of the bia• mood, opposite the Courthouse, having been purchased by Daniel blarinan, he snuounoos to the former patrons of this entabilahment, and to the traveling public generally,. that he has thoroughly refitted hie house, and is pro pared to render the most satisfactory accem. modation to all who may favor him with their patronage 4 No pains will be spared on his part to add to the convenience or comfort of his guente. All who stop with him will And his table abundantly supplied with the most sumptuoura fare the 11111Iket will afford, done up in style by the moat experienced cook.. His liar w ill always contain the choicest of liquors. Ilia Stabling I', the out In town, and will always be attended by the moat trustworthy., and ten ti ve hustlers titre him a call, one and all. and he fettle confident that all will be satisfied with their accommodation. An excellent LIT ery in attached to this establishment, which turangera froituatroad will find greatly to Chilli advantage. vBnl6 CUMMINGS HOUSE. W. D. RIKARD, Proprietor. BELLEFON'rE PENNA. Tho undersigned, having amounted cortrol of thin lino hotel, would reopootfully aak the patronage of the public He is prepared to accommodate guesta in the best of idyls, and willtake earn that his tables are supplied with the twat in the market. Good stables attached to the hotel, with careful and attentive ser vants. The tussling public are invited to give the Cummings House a call. la•My N ATIONAL HOTEL, MILLHICIN. PA. JONATHAN KREMER, Proprw4ar, Having n 00110 1 ,4 iillo lltithlfaitle proper k ti the proprietor takes pleasure In Informin g friends, that he has refitted a nd refurnished from top to bottom, ano Is now prepared to so• cornneelate lnirelern and others In • style that he hopes will prove not only satlatectory, bat pleasant. Ille table and bar, will not be ezewilett by any in the country. Ilia stable le large and new, and is attended by experienced and attentive outliers. llt•Wly Tobacco. TOBACCO THEJO3T.I THE BEST AT N. RECQS, AT N. 11":131tS, COMIC AND SEE, COME AND SEE, WHAT ELEGANT PLUGS, WHAT ELEGANT PLUGS, COME AND BUY, (X)MB AND BUY, HIS FINE SCENTED SWABS, THE BUT IN TOWN, THE BEST IN THE STATE, THE BEST IN THE WORLD II In FINE CUT, lila FINK CUT, Us SwaiftsT, Tule SWINTLIT, AND THE CHEAHEST, AND THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN. Remember In Store N 0.4 Bush Hotel It to tf, CIGARS Ali D TOBACCO' SAMUEL LIPTON & CO., Dwias I• Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c BROWN'S NEW BUILDING, Corner of „ Allegheny sncl Bishop Streets, BELLEP'ONTA PA Ilesteliters snd tobaceoahroya an hand. Call In and try them. Finest and Intitt dellelons brand.. 10-15-1 SA UEL LIPTO I 00. atistellanson- POWDER listing reached the &gently for Du PONT'S POWDER at wholesale, we shell be pleased to recent or= dam Rom the thide. Until we build a maga zine or place for etoreue,.ordure ehouldbe Ln by the loth end 26th °rehab month. 16 42 tf amowru WIC is# CO SALE BILL . ; NEA:TLX ANA P&DITIOMLY PitiNTRD AT TslB OFFICE