Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 24, 1871, Image 8

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    The Democratic Watchman
htlio , Morning, March 17, 1871
—I louse to rent. Apply itt thiso(liee
--Eggs have been /14 ' low ns.lllteen
cents tbie week.
--Itynd tkenuth t of " Land for
Sari)," by J. S. B tOrn hart, in (motile!
Sheriff Woodring is already
boasting about his new cabbago and to
--A cave has been discolored at
Shorthdgo & Conqtny's limo klInP,
36 feet deep
r. 1). (Inman proprietor of
Garman's Hotel, sailed for New
Yoro on Tuesday via Pen 111Sy I VIM la
—A number of the members of the
Young, Hen's Christian ASSOCiatIOII left
here on Tuosthty to attend Um Conven
tion nt Altoona
--The Good Templar Lodge will
1), , t oleo ngnin until Nliimlity evening,
the 1711 i of April, Whim it it rimmed
to remrgani, it iiii 0 new
1)r !rah., having built II
,tall , , ha, torn away that HllVlellt
edilirr, Whit long reared 1(4 glooni,
pi1. ,,, a-like front on lloward Streit
11111111. r, a t eteran Demo_
(rat ut Ides township, dted suddenly
last Friday light, of
11(1111 lic was about sevi.tit)-sir
of ago
—\lr Aiiio 1l ullm , of t6r Ono
hii taken unto hini,elt a wife, in the
per , en of Nle, Mollie of l'e
huntaa The, happy event.weurred
the rltil 111.111.11 t.
--MI Jacob late of the
post-ollice bookstore, has purchased the
stock of \lr Jlclntire,of Pleasant Gap,
twit will soon go into the dry goods and
grocery businews there
--Isaac Lytle end John (l Loge,
, were in Philadelphia last
and got back home (lit Fildit3
right ,ide up NV hu h the nano• wo ore
glad to he able to record
--The entertainment given by the
Boggs townAhlp tencheri' inAttete 111
M lehburg on the night of the II th in-
stnot we., we nre inr , rmo,l, a %,ery am
and satinfactory one
--Mr. Joseph, !toyer; of Howard,
and P.INV McDowell, of Marion Wwn
ship, hale bought 'IV L. Gordon n
mill property at ay ... ward, paying there
for the F , oto of $13,:411)
—We belleve the Bellefonte and
iIOW•111.• T . ll .. ilrmtil company In tellit to
put II [I It rom of 111. ul it i• nLut
th lint of May Il aill Lc
elipal It) ti, I 11 E11.11,111 !"1.%,
--11 r George Homan, the popular
pr priet.t- of the Big Siir,ng
will give iinothei of
in hush's Hall, ore the evening of Kni.
ter Monday, the 10th of April. Tii keti
one dollar
- —About one third of the roof of
"Engle Chapel," near Curtin's Wort...,
was destroyed by lire on Sunday last,
The krpuldtran says tine has been the
place of warship, for the Method let's
there for kixty years.
—Eminent gentlemen, ,occupying
rooms in the front of the Bush House,
should remember to pull down their
blinds before they get out of bed 'n the
morning. Shirt-tail prospectives are hot
enticing when seen through it window
—Joseph L NCII, the popular RUC_
tioneer, has IWO oak And pins Jogs ht
Leathers's mill, near Mount Eagle, as
we are informed ty our friend Tottuo
We would call the attontion of wagon
makers and other maifticturers of wood
work to this fact
----A hitting of thesrews of the M
E Church, for the prelent confererup
year, will take plc at tho church on
Saturday, (to-morrow) afternoon and
evening, the 26th last A good attend
ance in requested By order of the
hoard of stewards,
--A little child of a Mr. Long,
brakeman on the Railroad, Innocent
ly swallqwed some creosote yesterday
morning, wh/Cll, it is feared, will have
a fatal effect. The family were 1110 Y
mg, we believe, and the creosote was
accidentally left where the child
gut hold of it
—Mr W. Burkert, formerly
of Rebersburg, but now in the mercen
inn business 111 West Union, lowa, left
lime on 'ruesdisy.evening for New York
to lay in a supply of spring and summer
goo4s. Mr. 13., has boon visiting his
(mends in this county for 501110 two or
tb ileo weeks past
---We were shown by Superinten
dent Magee, some specimens of mup
drawing, the other day, by variou. pu
pils, that were well exiieuted 'did 'h.
I,yrrect idea of tho physieat e..listruc
t,ii of tho countries delineated Map
dr.,wit 11114 b4•COMIO a ri!littlre in the
public schools, latterly, that ',riddles to
materially advance the study of) Geog
Tlll, II EU INN I NU. The engineer
corps went to work last Friday to locate
the branch rend frbm this place to the
and of the mountain. They have es
tabledied their headquarters in Bush's
arcade building, and will prosecute the
work until it be finished. Thus; the
first step has been taken toward giving
Bellefonte another important outlet,
from which, we trust, great- and bene
ficial results will flow With the com
pletion of this road and the construc
tion of (lie Lewisburg, Centre and
Spruce Creek road, a now era will dawn
for our town. We may then expect to
have reasonable rates for freight and to
be able to transport our productions at.
n decent price. Manufactories will
their spring up, and business take a new
start People will come here to lit e,
and Our city again renew its growth
' and prosperity. We shall lutist no more
dummy but shall rise to our true
position as a !list class mercantile and
mener+wter , "4 t""ni "'l he the envy
pl ale of the central (outwit or the
e• tighlfully ours
the natural adsentages to sus
tain as I Ili I 1101 widens and
4h, Tiarri , V; views f the past dissolve
from emit, niplation, WO shall) et reach
and 11101111 t the goal of all our hopes
Belletonte to boutid to become is large
manufaetio log town. She has a desti
ny to (111111 so brilliant that etch her
most. sanguine (111/.l'll doe`, not yet even
dare to dream of it, but it will all come
in good time Nor do wA beho%e that
this tinno„.l4 so very far in the future
Let those who now sneer at es keep
their taunts for those whom they will
better lit We hate taken a step for
word in the march to greatness. By
and by the reward of our patience and
perseverance will come to bless and
crown cur elterts
---The warm Weather of March has
bothered the ladies somewhat. The at
tine.pliere Car oppressive to admit of
their wearing their full winter gear ,
and the) but n t got their spring Hums
in order yet For their benefit, we
venture the opinion that the cold weath
er is //t . /.1 /111(1 that the present balmy
period will emityue, with the excep
tion. probably, 011 . 11 churlish day, now
and then We believe we are going to
have an onpreeedentedly early spring
Nevertheless, it would be well enough I
to keep the mufti and furs handy, iu
ease old Iloreas should return to give lib
a parting blast
--- Probably -the finest store room
un this part of the country, or, in feel
anywhere outside of the cities, is that of
our friends, Irwin tke., Wilson, hardware
merchants of this place. It is 126 feet
deep and 30 in width, and built occurd
mg to the latest style, with a stairway
leading , from about the middle of the
lower floor to another fine ripartruent
uhos e u h lel, , like the :tore 1 1 0001 proper,
is 1111011 chuck full of goods belp,ngfng to
the hardware bratmli of trade The
building is Finely finished, handsomely
painted and grinned, arid puts ono in
maul ~r n tlro..ela..binnllo...l 1101190 o n
'Lark -t streets, Philadel
phia "I here is 11 194 division toward
IL roar the sales-room, behind which
kl l l/1. 6(11V0 department, and the
cellar Is filled with iron, arid all sorts of
things. The sales-room is constructed
se as to ul we . ), be well lighted, and is
1/0 1 :1 1 r permitted to look dark or gloomy.
The goods are arranged in the neatest
and most tasteful manner, and every
thing kept scrupulously clean
r large show windows in front are ar
ranged with the-beat taste and make a
beautiful display of the lighter arid more
brilliant gouda. It is really worth while
to visit this store just to look at it
There is none like it mashie of the cities,
and the whole structure coin mends itself
as entirely ahead of anything ever at.
tempted in this town
Messrs John Irwin rind P. Bender
Wilson, are the owners of this fine
brick building, arid partners in the bu
siness. Their trade is a large one, and
is daily growing They deal in over.y
th Mg that can be imogined as belong
ing it/ their lino, arid can accommodate
any demand. They keep two or three
gentlemanly and obliging clerks, and do
business systematically. A large gilt
anvil surmounts the befitting, „arid a
beautiful sign marks the entrance ,
—We happened into the hall of
the Y. M. C. A , on Monday night
last, during the progress of a meeting
that had been called for the purpose of
forming a Sabbath School Association
We found our friend, Fortnoy, in the
chair, and a debate going on in refer
-1.11C13 to the expediency of establishing
such an 1 soot:intim). After remarks by
Messrs. Lyon, Blanchard, Beaver,
Stitzer and the chairman, the
question wits decided in the affirmative
and the association resolved upon, II
y stit.or, Esq , was chosen president
for a term of three months, the secrete
r)ship to be filled by each warning for
itself, arid the meetings of the associa
tion, to be held on the first Mondays.
evening of each month. Two.questions
were eh"sori for consideration at the
nexlatne(.l.4.4, namely : v Whiit are the
elements of suceea in Sunday School
tea, hine ?'' or something to that effect,
and "IN hat is the best method of con
trolling obstreperous pupils-V The
next meeting will be held on the first
Monde% everimg in April
—That ex tillordi-
nary paper, the 801 l
than which there is
the country, gives tl
names of the moral
town, of Ivilom It
Itollefouto is .proud
Samuel Iktrtilk
Benner 11,1111/1111,
/11111/.1 Moillgctnory,
Frederick iltirrot,
Frank Aniiitgcitie.y,
Wm. I' 01111.111,
ifm Zellar,
F I' Mak,
Jahn I Potter,
11 I , Pot !Hoy,
.1 (•
'f Hale,
The allllll ;onion,
1.11110 Lytle,
J P !Arline'',
i.tiorgii Potter,
1131 ry l /dentine,
Sllllllll l l 1.11111111,
lotonto Republican,
nono loss able in
ho following list of
young mon about
."‘ I[ero they be:
(1. , ,ta Cook, •
ninon I/ 11.111 pr,
Barry II
Janus II Mel: hire,
!tarry Iletringlon,
i4/111111 7.ll.lnernlnn,
1; cargo Brew,
John Limo,
Alnihno I)ooley,
Adolph Loeb,
John IC‘n 1,,,
Jame.. Mei lam,
A I: ,
Wm I' 114.,
And:ow Cook,
W i (Vagner,
I nane) A Bailey,
Moral felloww, them. Of cour,e they
be. We don't doubt it a single moment.
Don't they all go, to chute h and to
Sunday ' , CIA', And to 1111111111 , 141
and to prayer-meeting, and to the fill . ,
trod., and to Iho Young Alen', Chris
tian Association; and to the billiard
room, and to S. S. Con ventumQ, and to
Roopstairg, rind to temperance meeting,
and to the theatre, and to "Pilgrim"
patiornma , :, and to the I?cpublirent office,
and to "other places" when they get
away from Noma? or cottr,e, they do
They are all moral fellow, —eery one
f 011.111 Arid ItAilOrtinte i.v 1,1,011,i
them Of course, frdie i - ,41,1
We (.1111.1't to Nee 1111 Art Ho ru nett
week '4 Re/tub/tern, g % n list of the
"unworn' tis , (.4" in [own, ut the 'head
of Which, WP would .ugg,e•t, tki Id very
npproprinttly be put the mono of NV,
1V Brown, E..q.
--1110I,ebannn .1(11THISe/
nor Item of Irtst weep about tho two
hop of on SAIIIIIOI :Itch miry, of (lint
thoVtro in this town lia.t wee(.
trying to collect moray on thou. hullo'!"
"diccluirgo," anti in iiriswur to Our
inl ruuit un in the neater, bnye
Lebanon elan and dotr k eep her poor 1 , ,,
vv Len oink chaps stint off „„•r tlitt y to
tied.. a I - A.0,14110 w In prevent the.) Sall/
nel Nlelinniey liver here, lint VIC are led owner
th it he Intl, the whilo el Ivy we miller
think tad Ilut 1111 I• of tie It,. 011,1,1 to ttr,
Mt Kittlirty'n, and that probably the milf , nut
I oieloporitry Ito i II otr/inelli •
Mr M, Innry it boy prett large 011/1 .
no doubt tun ~ 1 . 1,1111111111011 with /11111 ler
Oita) /inn elf, wlie doi s the het. y work
Before wn reeeited the .1,/verti ,, ,,
num from Harrpi townThip, this count ,
called title our 44111 re and told up , that
the 111101 . N 1 C Kinney to whom wo
was living in that town...hip , that
he had once livaat in Lebanon, but wr
now there. Yet the ida ha 34 he
lbws live in Lebanon %Veil, a. the
thing g i, getting mixed, tie II drop it
Ito r.i —A f6w,„,days 1;1, we had the
pleasure of stopping with our genial,
jovial, vfliole-souleJ friend, and former
townsman, Capt. JC I) Cummings, the
popular host of the Efigh) Hotel, North
3 1 iiltreet , Philadelphia 1I r Uti in in ngie
to th., SSW , , 'lll4 null, obliging and
Inrol-lord WWI when 111 thin
place, and his house which has just
been snow, from the top down,
one of the eumest ak)ppingi pine,r in
the quaker City Kiery neon in the
house hai been papered and painted
linew --Irbil furnished New carpets—
new furniture and new bed, You
would hardly know the place now, but
if too th,ere "nee, you will very
coon know that no pleasanter plate can
be found anywhere
persons should be
careful how they tall. about their
Otherwise they may get into
trouble. Wu say this fur the reason
that some person or persons,—WO do not
know who,--have circulated in some
parts or the county a report that one of
our most prominent and influential mer
chants hail hung himself, when the fact
is the gentleman was never in better
health of mind or person than at the
present time Last stiMuirr nr r i yl
story got afloat that thi, same pi:`rsori
had died of apoplexy. Now, this is all
wrong, no matter whether It he done in
fun or earnest. It is calculate(' to in
jure a roan's business, and to create trou
ble It has the appearance ~f malice,
and if the author of the story should be
found out, it might go hard with hue
—One evening last week an acci
dent occurred at the re,idence of edge
Barnhart, in Pe gg , toau.hip, which
wan a miracle in that it del not prove
fatal. Mrs Barnhart, wife of the
Judge, wont up stairs in Or dark, and,
as she thought, wiggle!. h..r room,
unfortunately, Va.. 1..11'
and fell head long .1. in e
brcrrisilrg rrlir• niie rir: I -l.r.rni r •
till, other, nod otherwise lo I -
self oi a frightful fill /I /I,ll'r Dr Itor
worth, the family physician, Whil
mor..ed, and the old Indy fit doing
well as can be expected fur ono of her
age. She is about eighty years old.
—'rho name of the post-niastor of
Tyrone is James S. Plummer, In
stead of fluidics, as we erroneously
stated in our notice of the post office
there two weeks ago. it seems ho i t s
not a wounded Soldier, either, ns we
then stated. Be this ns it may, he is n
good officer, and hits the bent nrritfiged
country office that we know of in the
—Gen. Beaver lectured in the
Methodist Church in Tynnor, on Fri
day night last, under the auspices of the
Y. M. C. A.
--The Repileaan4n, in a plea for
patronage, has the following:
Wn nro prtipni od to do all kinds of Job 'Worlt
nt the Repubhcan 011ie.,. 'We are reputed le
print the smallest yards, as rl••11 as the largest
posters. We do our Bork nen, and at the
most riuonniable Titles nee tenders will is
11101111/Or 111111 .0 0 1 / 1 111111114 a Diploma from the
County Fair laid hall, for the bei4 'Thou 111111
11111111110111)11 I, luting." 'Nieto Is no establish
nom! 111 the County van say as 1ltu•I1
why? Because no other office in
the county competed with you. Not
1.11•ViklISo they couldn't compete with }oil,
but because they didn't think about it
till it was too late, and they didn't
knowliefore-hand that Sou intended to
put any i.peennention erhrbrllon YOU
got p Imint " simply heraion yourg
the only printing hituted, not
bect.ll, 1' 111.4 , 1111e1 lor to the W A VII-
I! t\ n , Ihr lleporit the .A;in T i e.l the
Arichirr's, or KinSlOn'S,lis3oll meanly
try to uulhe the public belies, in thu
i.ntuce about Moinove.., thu Centre
('ount) Agricultural Society 'mover oll'er
ed any inducements to pri filet s--necer
encounaged the varniu4 offices in the
county to 0111111141.0, and YOU iliW-haWl,
141 your poor little Fpcciniem+ into the
li.t four, clande.dinely, and for the ex.-
pie-A purpose of getting some i_orl of
rrtogrillioll (you Judo t corn what) by
which you might ad vertke y our-elf, as
you have done. Let the ' Agricultural
Society offer it decent preinimin fur the
, IICIIIIIII, of 1.11,r pro., Jul ;ming,
and th'en 1/4 diploma be dllr n lu
the printer bc , t earn II
A '"H lll,4l6 liiiin lal6l s; d
our NI; )Itilliii, one 1; 1 41it
week, on the occasion or Id, 1. 111411 . g
1101110 111.1 newly married wife The
I;;;‘ , had all sorts of titsitruments with
them, and the ;Alt) they nllllllO night
hideous, tutu t slow Ity wa) of pul
ling a , toll ti; the demoniacal discord,
Mr 111;illin met, the party In and stood
treat —u; fat J,l;Veral treats, ill I.lllllt by
the tune 110 wan relieved of his sell
invited triton, the wk.! , crowd w a s
very mu; h "fatigued ' 111 fat t, some
of them were m iiiirear that they didn't
get Mint; MI ILe next morning, iiiid
then, we meter-tanil,
were .eat liir It *mild doubtless hate
heLn a tent Jidly ucrnsian, tf the exeri
C 11.1.4 111111111 been w terribly bil.; too.
-- 11 , 11,1! Of Mr Jacob Smith,
0111 . in hack 01 110 tv,,nl, wag
totally de , troyo.,l 1,3 tiro oti W,.(1t.-(lny
In regard to this oceitrenee We yes
ter,l:l3 revels el the follov. log leTt Pr .
HOP 4111, MAroh, Im7 I
Iheir ,hv 111 edzierllits:irali:ilit ten
1111 k 1 V ihe dwelling 1,111.10 Of ('
1110 1,1110. Ne.t 111
onto entirely deithieveil by
lite, tug, t her cub liethileadn 1411.1 Iw/111111g,
two large containing bedding and 004111• wiutrintiapparel were 101 , 10 Ire.ddeet
!Tinny valtiablii laiiik 4, and papere The la
nu ppnw•.l lo bare ertllKtit from a MI ink that
11.11111. clothing 11.11 . 010 plp.. fin Ihn gar
r,l Mr wituth waii not tit home la hen the fire
(trot tirtginuted and null atiriseit nllllne to
mcii wrapped lu Hain.* 111,. n
011110 and daughter. did all they posolitily tumid
111 1 ‘11(1g11,11 Ilainem, hut tlu• day he log
n with their hilior \ 1/11, 111141, 111111 1111.
ivoiliitatien id the ileighliur. liiiy rels •/11,•,1
the nail 0111, budding. No ithiwattee
(In the 1111111(1
very truly,
--The concert given in the Presby
terian Cloireh at Milesburg, Sitter
, WHY tolerably well attented, and
realized null twenty dollars for the
Prof Stover ha , ' his r lit. 4 in
',reit v good hinging 0r.14.3, and norne of
the pieeeti were well performed The
~t ring hand was an attractive feature
of the oeeri.oen A little girl, named
Currie Green, wni the weet,t singer in
the whole party. 'l•he imtni.t,
McMinn, was very generally commend
ed for her performance
—Our pleasant Radical friend, Con
rad, of Tyrone, dropped in upon us un
Wednesday We found him its a very
devondent humor, politically lie
fearful that hi, party is about to 14 . 0 to
stick. W‘ . it 13 WO 1 1 r Con
rad yin't the only Republican who now
entertaimi that opinion. The Sumner
and Grant fight, the Butler and Blaine
controver%y, and several other matters,
hate idcuit , elllud that.
Tut: Lt.i rc itc by Rev r Stack,
in the Catholic Church, ,in Friday
evening teat, wa4 listened to with atten
tion by a pretty full house, and WAS
really a meritorious and well digested
dwourqe, showing considerable research
and care in its preparation. Mr. Stack's
delivery ii imperfect, however Ile
spbalka too low, and from this cam,
many were not able to bear hini bedte
und..rhtlin,l the editor of the
Rerohi‘r ///l 1%114 .1 , 11 noun inu sill over
' "1 ti‘ ow, Si, nit
\\ :111.1114.1, hut, Is 111 111.11111,11,1111,
110 cars led Linder hi. coat La l Ilut
ir . Mbody would loan him a rain-shifter.
They km•w Ikea too wall, NVo don't
know how he managed about. the hat.
—Mr. Joseo M. Wilson, cfßuffa
lo Itun, has a new wuy of making hard
soap, which appears to be a bLICCOIO , . It
is white and solid, mid does not wash
away . HO easily as the common home.
inad,soap. We think it a decided im.
provement, espociAlly when used with
Nolt water. Mr. Wilson, we believe.
has secured the right to manufacture it,
and we can recommend itas an excellent .
—Petiiions in favor of tho re
peal of the law which gives tile fines
and forfeited recognizancos to the law
library are being rapidly signed and
sent to Harrisburg.
Mr. Editor•: On last Thursday eve
ning ruin° forty or more of our usually
sedate citizens were the participants of
quite a festal occasion. It being the
liy•th d aim ivy' alley of Ow "wedding"
of two. of our oldest inhabitants, ar
rangenu•ats were made for wordy cel
ebrating it. Stfl in the early afternoon
the ladies went up the mountain side
to where the old people live, and after
having made a pleasant call spread a
long table and loaded lt, with all tAto
good things mentionable. In fact, it
quite groaned beneath the abundancu of
chicken, pies, cakes and fruits. About
the Lime these arrangements were com
pleted, the gentlemen arrived, and now
for about ono hour, things were pretty
lively. The surprise of the old people
was beyond measure, but they enjoyed
it heartily, and all pronounced it a very
happy occasion. The old peoplt thought
there wits one omission-- they had no
prep: her present. Partial -is a "lonely"
hint might have procured several, as
they say preachers am fond of good
thing.,especially chicken. Now a word
or so, about the old couple limy have
both lived to see their seventy-fourth
year They era regular old ;cloning
to the army of Christ, the old walk
-I,,nn 1,11,‘ been to member of the JI eft
‘ahst Church for twinm ty-thl
arid thm old lady for nearly fits 'Div)
are butte cheerful, happy bri-diann, and
are rid nutg tor glory (la) by dn . ). X
The t I rg ioirrna/ lilts
the following items
ttiote rl chopter of incidents occurred
on this ',flinch of the railroad r n Mon
thly II f PrIIOOII At Osceolo something
010111 the FW LIII gut mil id order, uml
conductor Adonis could not turn it to
Its proper place, and thus tell eras 4.1 his
train, wliteh was !nicking, wine run off
the track, and ono person very Iv
injured The cars were not douriged
to any y. 11.1.1,151110 extent but 11111 t II
tune was conmtrued in replacing them
Upon 010 trat k, and dm (Iron did not
get in until curly next morning . The
came ofterhotin the piston roil of the
efigirit. HUM 11.41 to Hugh WS Irani
broke and burst out 0110 of the cylinder
j,icridi, and los train A'll. /11. , 0 det1111111(1
It111.111‘irls• morn. Nolooly hurt and no
body to blame
As an instance of the esteem with
which the late Mrs Ziegler xv/s held
in this community, it to notable that
more than two hundred people, of both
assembled at the station on Satur
day evening to meet. the Nadal train
whu h brought home her remAAA, And
prolinbly mire than that n u mber 4 , 1,AM!
OW 11011 , 0, on the following days, to ob
tio a 111-t I,lok at the features .11 dear
40 the hearts of nil that knew her The
pull bearerg, on the day of the funeral,
were chosen from the orders of Masons
and Odd Fellows, and these orders, to
gether with the lied Men and Temple
of llonur, turned out in a body in m)m--
rinthy for the afflicted husband, who is
a member of all these societn , The M
E Church was crowded during the
servii 00, and few .11- 3 cte 'OIIH ha V.
b,• , •11 t „ i nil tit that ii`...tll l /15 A 4t,.rro
presented t. I•Opt he orders,
from loins to the tomb
—The ontninatim. exervioe+ (”r
the preeenciptarter are now uI progreee
the piddle Rebooke. They base
been well attended by our ciiimnv, and
pronounced generally malefactor).
Under the nuperintendelice ol
Prot. flamingo our public echuole
have attained & 11 high:pomition We
flatter oureelves they are 11.1 well nian
aged and in to, thorough it course of
progreemion an any in the State, much
of which is due to the watchful sniper
tomon of the talented, accomplielied
and energetic principal. Prot. Haig
Inge 114 yet a young man, but be makes
a tine principal, and ia an able and
thorough teacher. We may hate
nompthing to say further about our
ochoole next week.
--We call attention to the ver
tisement of Reeve L Knight & Son,
carpet dealers, Philadelphia
Their sleek, embracing everything
from a rag carpet to an Axminster is
worthy the inspection of those wishing
to purchase. Their store itself is at
tractive enough to pay for a visit. It
is one of the largest in the city, built of'
white marble and is 240 feet deep,nearl
thirty feet wide and four stories so
height, the Messrs. Knight orcup) trig
the emirs building for their extensive
—We hoar of certain parties who
are in the habit of playing cards on
Ifoloon Hill, on Sunday-, for money
N ie.t . 'tvay to put in the day, eqa.. WI)
•nt It a gi.,l4ala tulle tin last Sunday was
about "(h.r b , 14111e51.1, boys ;
the -on-line of life won't last forever.
- En-Sheriff Funk, of Blair coun
ty, was in our sanctum on Saturday,
corbel.; to see the water power which
runs our presses. Tho foreman did the
agreeable, and showed him all the curi
osities of the establishment.
--Rev. A,. B. Runyan, of Lock ,
Haven, lectured before the Y. bf. C.
A., on Friday night last, to a slim aucl
ince Wo were not there, but have
heard the lecture spoken of as being a
very indifferent affair.
---The other I Inv, w h le the Legis
lathe Committee WAR walking through
the wards of the lunatic hospital 01
Rhode Island, one of the female pa
tients, after looking curiously at the
group, said. "Well, I declare I if
there ain't the animals from Noah''s
Boggs ToiNnship Teachers' Entertain
, ment.
CENTRAL CITY, [ ' A., March '.
Having been a spectator at O w
late entertainment givenLy I.lie . o
township Teachers' Institute, ai „i ,
havingP4ll no .report or it in eithe r or
our cot papers, I trust you wi ll
permit inn to give my impronsio ns or
It 'am they occur to ins at this time
Long before the time of openin g th e
exercises, the large and corninodionii
School room was filled to 'its iitnes4
capacity. 'Elie house was called to or
der by the President, W. A. Telma ill
71 o'clock, opened with prayer, I,v
Col. James F. Weaver, of Mi1e51, 44 .:
Instrumental music by the
String Band. Itoll call, teachers r;
sponding with appropriate sentiment,
Salutatory, by Mr. Elias Ilanco c h
This gentleman's remarks were lima,
tint to the point. Essay, by Mies Lina
M. Irvin, was read m a clear amour'
cilde manner—subject, Past, Pre,,,,
and Future. Music, by the
Band. Lecture on Physical
phy, by Ex-Comity Supeium
llollalian, who in his milal 1 , 11 , 14
style, delivered n t ery int,
instructive lecluie. hi 11,
ALuUu ,I. Taylor - -sabieer, Menmi.
l'ictinem. Ilse sii4.iect math 1 e),
cellent, and tine finely read, a. d 1,,,
nimered'hy all, to Bate been a 111,1
etliirt ; for one so piling, 11Iue4
has but tee equals. I Icelaiimilun, 1,,
E. t' Wood t, Eulogy OH II C,
cl WCl , Mier, Mr. ,011.
1 , 1111V:1111W Will lieVoille an t•
OTlllor, , its Illopellrallee
clear ail distinct. Song, by the I.
smut°, Ile's (knit , This lace, 1s l il„
from the Triumph. NVas
and well received by the audit
Essay, l i%liss Clara Al Ir, .1,1,
l ei I, The Teacheis' atim)-
Music by the String Hand ` , 11111,1i
1 , 1 Mr. S. T. Stevenson fin
al' original composition, gotten m•
for thin occasion, each teacher of (lie
Institute receiving their due allow,m)))
Valedictory, by the l're,hlun! Ile
..poke of the duties of parenl4, and it
great responSlNitses resting oa the
timelier Musiciy the Itand 1 ha ,
resolution , were passed, but ac coll.
not hear what they were. Song ii
the Good Night. \ lel e,
this connection, permit ine to sap, tli.i"
the Directors irl Boggs towii-hip, 1 , ,
this iiiititer of Ill`tll.llte., Love .1.0„
more 11)1111 nine other Township In lit,
county. The teachers teach their 1111,
term, viz. Ss days, and these Institut,
are extra The directors pay them -
much per day, for every Institute held
anilProni the manner in which they ar ,
conducted, we bate uo doubt marl
good has resulted With one ur tw,
exceptions, Use teachers attend u i
every Peroiloll
To the CitiZerh3 Of Ite Ilefuute, Anil
VIVI nity, why have favored I/ With II
tuts gerieriiiin the I r pat 11 , 1111 g,
capering nl our new Itcdelon. ,
market, on High street, Ili iir the din
!lewd, we hereby luublirly tertiter iro,t
.new.• tliank. It is t vident that o n ,
rd. pi 1-e I- Oiled hi. I I
genial l an bio, nnl We • hall :11‘‘,1:,
keep the ma tut bet-re lei that rail,
/14 .OWIII.OIIIOO 14 IJe ~-or,. to it,
u.ell ritual- 4.11 of the v.
la mad, holt. r, 11•11, r
VC:4.1.11We., &c are ruin( iently
tory Purity of all ttrti' len told, nn
Su rupuluur t learilimiss shall I iilOiniith
prevail in our market.
The Yet unllntrhed part of our VS
VIVO room in now being completed, when
ever) thing nut kettiLde and to hu pr“
cured will be suriplincl fresh and crop
Again thanking our friends, we trud
to merit a con•tiint iduire of their good
will Krat/ & SI ital. 11
Business Notice
fi:g)re,Bl,oo p, r
elirl.ll/11Y ilellvered in Bellefonte
ket 4,1 fiortz A Straub, *144,0 A
le . Oh/hi/led Id the /...V.l price, or ~nil ord.,
I. fief. Ititiolinrger, Fillmore, t entre vomits
MeINIIItE—CIat.MAN —nn the lath Ingt st
the M l'artttotinge, NI llenhua g , Ity Its., I
leaver. lor Jaunt, } M. Mi - •
%If , retla 1 ortrm, all of Oils a llonly
The Bellefonte Market
The following are the onittntionn tip to I, do .
eluek Tlitirm,lny evening, when our paper weltl
to presto
White Wheat, per iiiiiiiiiel. - II I'
Rid Whilst,per lin4litil I ,
Rye, per lateitel, ............., i
Corn, earn, per looritel, .. . . t
Corn, ratellegi, per 1.11.411e1, ..
Oate, per tondo , ' 4 ,,
Barley, per Ittothel
thick w heel per loo.hel -
. •
(Iloverrivell, per loinhel Ii to
l'olillotei, per ',Untie! . ,
itggtt, per Jones .
linril, per pound .
111.1 . 011 -- Sli ou I d Pre ....
Self, .
Ikon. I
TalltoO'per pound tt
Illittet. per p....n.1 •
itagn, per pinillii. I
fireprel Harter, per ton . It o"
Donavan & liru., 40 eloult. Thud Strum
Philnfra., furninh he following up tu the lib
U. 8 B',, or 'Bl
- ... 114 5 ,;(0)11Y4
....... • • .... 112 (a) 112',
... ... . 110'6* lII',.
lib, 111^ 1
nt 1114,
'66 no w •• ... .•• .• 110 17 6* IPA'
'O7 '' .. . Ilion 00 11 , A,
" , 33i " . , ..110% 00 111
" a'a, 10-40'a .., .......... ..... 100500 Ins',
IL H 30 Year a per cool. Cy . 1111' 4 ' 04 111
Dtu Comp lot Notax, . 1 120_0 111
(Mid 11 1 (0) 00
~ . 100‘,?0, 107
Union Pacific It It. lot Ni . Roods 7,4 - , 00 .00
Control Pacific, WIC. . 910 ov 'II
Union Pacific Land Grout lloodat. (op (al 710
Wo ore propared to fornint Ito vela. , Stiapp ,
of MI denamluatiorin V) our ouatomern, allow
log 11,0 following cliacfait.
On 125 end npwards 2 per reel
" loirt •• 't t•
3.00 " 4 "
We fill and forward all ordereu pon the day
of their receipt.
ciALITY "111 IS orticE.