Democratic Watchman. BY P. OKAY MEEK 111, V. FUREY A`4401 lIT 14101T01: s, $2 per Annum, in Advance It I.: I, I. I.: \ 'l' , I'.\ y Morning, December 16,1870 ocratic Editorial Convention I.l.lll.wrallt. I w , • retpl..ut..l4i• 111 14,p1r..t) .111,111 IN" ht. .101}1 d.n • 4.1 141111111 1 . 11* Xl I.llWk. P 11111.111.11 oolltottolatto , t o t to ,I alto txert , tupt tlil .1 lit ill \1 ENE= fill IS u•gnr.l .1 1.1 1.. i.r. ••• , )1 it tI, I% .1 I? \v NI Fl I wino, tat, I .11t o nt Bidding, for thG Irish Vote ure-ont ”I tile 411-Ite, 111,1 Itl TI lII+ lirt , plivl . e. the great -Beech htlor 111 W ‘x. utereQhli in lite et,t,lrttc !Z01.0 , 1 it ftek I. %% I:1 he 1‘) Lt,nty • II ir1i•1•,,,,1-11111 ol n 11:11' l‘llll I ri1 ,1 :111.1, ihr i•li Ir-rit /1.0 tri 11,1 i ‘k n% I a heitill", 11,1 111 EEO L,• I It, I I It . + 1114 // tr •111 t“ 7i tt•ir ILr •'[ try •' B , : I 11. t iNit• Pr ii~ • :ui 1.111 I ling 1 . e '.. r1% 13110 rountr% hicl ,4,lir ell $l. c% ere I •I'. « uvelt -.•, 1,1‘.1 t‘ar and in ?lot feel ,IllooKed M ro.=ll inln her rontilet 1114( to obli , ,!e Mr. ni , .l Wm. prophet, 6erieral it.m. 1)1 cour-0 two shArii I , tl urirte , i l‘lll otth 1.11g11111 , 1 I be ver% he Intoi , under other cireatn.tanCO3, tt Imt Cher are not foii•di h in .rani nl, and hot al p,st hr• -rtke of inviting their country here to %Ohe` lor Mr. “lit \ T for I'IC-1.101C%. Cold,' the latter utnke our hr the liher:itom ul Irel•tnd. ••ul l In• r,nuit hula of Iris bring c4,ntrol tht• Irl-h, T0, , ...1h1e, he 11171 V ft.. Well trlithio I anti 111.rts I n 1111.1 m .+ . 1:1111. of ii tint ‘o4.r t• lot% nmllt nn nrorr cautet. for a with Kl‘7lat‘ , l than We 1111V6 Err itil,alotatltFt of the moot) I.k lIIH , talk aboot • and I he us M. Lilt es err I•o.l% tinder- ,1-1 . 1,1( thi. I. all for I.liiiral el rh, nu 111 i , L•N (II the ah,ill • It, I Xri 0 the .1 WlOllllO (41 Irish, and thus secure heir %otes hit 1'72 But they re( bun their 110,q, lo,r Ole !rich 111»r I. (tells to the arnitigentetir ive -111411.1 , 1 II e %%11,,1e lung eau “t: Ihn.vsl) a lin a di-. rtii, Id 11,. !tt• it lien ME 0 1 .1.0,.0“, I%e hope Ow% will ri tie to watch their nweenteii in urger 1 , 11 tier Iti 1.110,1•1 ••• ha' Mie 111,111 , 1 !keel Ved All I. ~1 lw to Il !hem, foil %%.• trile.l dint die% will alt• lot the 114,01% lIIHI lien c..firvaied )eitiocraQ Env al wa)m pro% riehinati . - i.e-t !Herm), and it e•-en the %Mum of former find r day,. Ih, not he decrismd, there ril A merwa. The l'ar at 111,1 H WRNS pruleend it , lll prom -11011, id able itl protect cud pros Eureka 1 1,1.4 the Me. -1»» to KIWI/411111111PP 1.1t4 been settled. Ilut LEI 1.111/ ,•,)nie Imme. lift %NT hxn at la-I -r 1111111 In Ileeellt tile 11p1141111t o' This in h% nlnal or no less a ,mage than Itmivitr k, litviiiher 01 ( . ..tigre,-s from 111110, Jule defeated by iien LEW CAMP TO 111101 1111 111. Ideeding -•11%.• (hi 1,6.0 has applied die Minister to ta.l.lplekt•ter, 111111 Si . 11V.M . V. W go ndun to repreenta this Gmeni aat the Court of St. .Ittioce4. It torte our sorrm% mg hearts, how to know that Gen tit K 1%11 lIN fOr t.everal weeloi %et, in •11 tone %%Ito know" Int( lint Ite et make up 11111 mind not to pi nt Vee guess he had better go. •re isn't any earthly chance of Ins ing back into Congress, and this is , i t his only hope of keeping in pub llnd he not halted be- !no opinion~, and gone on and le-i(.l the real of Gen. CtminiEl.l.,as It lim l 1111,0de.1 to do, 1114 Itadt eolopeetH 'night 1:11ve been lime nigh liatre giseo Imo the` r eent to 4.11 Le nll,ll t elected. lint it 111 too The [kitty daps hate ex ill nod he oi now about to step out of l_;otigre-H For ilopt,lit least. ‘‘.i. emu Go/I, even 'lvor tiire Iron) the Ilon.eul liepre-ttitlilive.4 //o.s loin o'er...Li, England lo dia gravv u. I lo)).N. e „, l'are%%ell, Com. SerfF•ll,' If the xv Ind- he t 0,.•;1 1.1 1. lit.l (lie von %%J1 dml g 4 toile. I. the of ":%lerr.e ' Titeie, I,etivr Iliad von .1 IA In n., oil doll 1. 7u,1 hrll; N 4,11. I r ‘4.11 aril 1.04,111 e 1111 . 11111_711111 . Z -.IIIH. Tl% A.t,i 1.,. A uuln I ' llll Ill;' k %,I/1r 1.1..i.11 :11111 111, Nwir lUnr 1..•111;!. 111.11 1 ' ,11.1'1. I.+ :1 ni,?.zer In the mei ITV and .In •ollie tillle I In the 1,01,,u e hi, in 311 Ow 11,itm ,shi and ai -11.111 :it ant him lif thAt inn 1113% 110,1 m ~ir f 11111 , 0111 W nl Hie The Pennavalley Rail Road We 1,11 , ,,v 1110 111, IL, IIU; . I•I~., ,. ,1 1 1 , 1 41 H. 71 , 1 01.1, ck cr‘ lor41.1•1•el lot f,11,"{“.11 I rig r.: r • li . 1 , 1• 1.e., Fit Nv4,rk .111r,11.. the prli, .1111t . 11111. 10 . 11 root., 1..1 1 1.1. (r....tert. end (hi Ne.derda% the , *darted from T. non.. to , Pihe I. , •.II 111 the t0,‘...1.11 , the lit,. 111 till VOlllll% 11/111 . / .10.1• 1 lip 110 . 1 f 1.111110 , and wonttwee the ipion re.iiiired 1.'11 .1, 111, /11112 1 1'1 . ander-Inn.! the peo Ill( 01 that tiovicdoo are work 11...1 , 1v to e..iliplete their- The #l. 111/ tlf t In tirade the road /1• far silt a. Bonk -1.111..2. or the end of the 1110111011111, 1101% Int! the peol l l l. of 1 - 11.0. the iiiiinont to 1.1111 , 1 It not only throio2h their own town.hip latt throo.2ll the we-dern part of Ilarria, lia. i tirole the tnthireettient of on the Fergliuoti honk, n 111 . 1"1, 1 -111' 11111111 I . l'e the tinder.tand and appreciate The road will be built tinnnyh It Fer.zionnn town.hip 11 1 111 falt.f..lstilell . lll 10 grllle It 11 -1 1111 8.1/11S 1/ 1 1n! to Pc1111141,111 . 11111 Pomace. At the hilverit calculation till. co .t i..4lhlton, thirty thoio•aii.l of which hmse already 11/.1 . 11 1 1 11110 1 erlt./..11, il . llllllg 11111 tell Ihnnaand to noon. Tilly they could do 111 ft day it they .aw roper 11E1 We hope the 3 will do it. All Ile -1,1•11,i% 1111,11 thleir action now It It, for thenl.ellrs filet nrs asked to do lunl ‘$ hell' Ii the . property ow ner that towni.liip who cannot fold one iii the amount he has already Ferguson needs a road IN :WWII as any township in the eiihnt‘, and rather than lii Horniu ( .1,:o it wit or It. h.% as 11 %L:/1i14: K1..11 evers ,%11,) ear) do.l6le•Lis H •r r• Late Publications Tilt: l %D C` , FRII ND for danuary,lB7l. Deacon A: Peterson, Philadelphia. !2 50 per annum The :dew Year number certainly ,urpti.sen this Queen of the Monthlies has hitherto accom 'dished —two steel plates, one of them an ex q uisite "Desdemona ,' a colored two paged steel fashion plate, superior to anything of the kind; a colored Lanip mat , it pretty fancy woodcut, "My Little Lady a popular piece 01 music, and a most profane variety of illustrations of dress and lancy work The new feature announced in this nionher, that patterns of all the jack• ii%er-shirts, dresses, are fur nished cheaply and postpaid on ap pin•ation to the poldishers, will be ea gerly aelconied liy the ladies; since it responds to the great practical question that every season presses upon them— " What shall we wear, and how shall we get it made?" The literary matter is moat Vitli an unrivaled array of contritin ore, The Lady s Frierbl 14 also re nark able fur getting each one's best )f triunes and poemm. Four copies, St). Fire copies (arid one gratis), S 8 "The aik 's Friend" and "The Saturday Evening nod" (and rifle engraving), $4.00. Simple comes sent gratis to those who mean business, S. itiasv.a'm Movrno,v, an flimOrated Mapame for the people. leondueted to/ .1. G. Ho[laud. Seril.ner & Co., 65.1 Broadway, N. Y. $3 per an -1111 11) . The January Scribner's, of whioll 100,000 copies are printed, is one of he li,andsomest numbers ofa magazine ever issued. There are no lees than ten illustrated articles, the general quality of the illustrations being far above the average of similar publica tion~. The payer is of extra quality and the type is clear and beautiful. Tlie lending article is an interesting aceunnt. of..l'utrmount delphi, one of the most r e noirliable worl,s of the food in the world. Six teen '4:Helms accompany the text.trom the petted of Nioran —one of the lir-I of American land-ware artists- Prol. Wilder go- , dpv about" Loins of the Air," his article 'wing ele,:11111V Its 111.11r21101. Nvxt comes "The ihddin of the Ire. or I'llra...tile'. at the N4lllll .lore fonmled neon n quaint and Qollle .1111,111 , 2. .1111114 es. iilllll. altll ad,entiire witll-111 111 t. A 1. 1 .10 1 . 111•1 t. The ..tore 1. ap1..P.4.41v Wm.:rated. the lurtnrr • .11' 11,0 1) , 1 ! !.. .21s1 11t MI. 11..11t 1,1•111 L, :t 0011, 111 . V.011111. , C lii• 1111p-1111,1 at , 11V ' 4 . T. 111A.11 . ‘, :Ind "Sllll , I.lll,,irler Ihr '.4orre i nl.. ,- ." nuh pi% pm onvic,xpre- , 1% for ~,,i,„"c".„1. aecomparm , I 11% 11111 , 64., I,v 1111.- Tlit.H. Is also n !WIWI 1,1 11-111 poem be N. I' t o his , It - 11.1., fanny Fern. 111 11it• -I..1,11•+ Forget, 1,.r Ott ri-inin•, ' nTert h,114.1%, \1 al T.iv• • mt. .•.I ir1. 4 .04,1 •11 ,, 1 II 1 ' 1,11 , 1 Ow 1111,1111 _\ $$ it hiv•til "II ni, • i it'‘,!'l‘. i+rrs•n« altd Pal [I/IItiII, nn I ‘,.• 14.• ir ' \t M 1111 l'rti \II II 1 . 1111 s \ 4,1 rsi...zr.ipliv. kriq It `, 111111,. Ilu.r 1'11111.101t.111.1 llnr per 'mum. r)1", M Tile I I,•.• 411 ill'. 1,1.111 11 , 111 Q111,11114"1 .11 OW TN 1 , 4 , 11,11. 1 11 e 11 howl) rowel s 4 , 4 i 1. I.llolf, .llreull he ID Ihr Wet. n 1 e‘lre printer hi the l'ollll IF , . 11.1 tklik an ele;:.1111. 1.10.1• I rit lel, or prt•. , I noon rrwunr .d Art :1111 hicr Wirt 11014 II .4 , 4,lll'lll'la fur ihr parlor as thi What hax the 'lid t, hi i-inho 0,1 r1.,1l 1•, Ih, Wit el :WV 1101( fr . l the AM'', wan Prep./ It , lied 1.••;!r., .11.1rariel, i.e 41 I 1,01162..11,4 ..1 . whit, I lit II 111%.1 , 1i•II re.II•r111( . .pi , 1 1 1 1 111.1' It 111 , 11Tpet1 the sovvrelpity nl 1411• Male ! It armiliilateil ten It Ignored the Court , : 01 illietice! It aletliiiihol ht‘v ill certain part: uC tlie It ereeted military ilepartiiienta