Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 26, 1870, Image 4

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    The Democratic" - Watchman.
_gmr _ . -
Terme, $2 per Annum, in Advanoe.
--L- -
Friday Morning, August, 26,1870.
rill coN(iltES ,
L. A. !.1. 3 ,1 . 1i . EY, of 1,0( k II ‘N EN,
(9ubjeet. to the .10e141on of the Itemoeratte
Congregslorm: t on le, envy)
FOR SEN 11'1,R
etnhieet to the tirrinion of the loemocrutie
Senator - nil Conference )
JOHN (;. SANKEY, or Grocii
FOR .nits commis , loNEß,
4'm. R(lirlE1,1), 0, II timis
)1t Al. urruit
D12..1. 01 I'vrroN
The Ticket Niggers will Vote
Fe , Congress—R' it A liMqT ONG ,
For P W 11 ), r\
Per AAsont',l,—R II Pt NI 0.
C,,r/zynission, , —I , IN I El, MAL , ' \
r Jun, r,,r)intome,nrr— II l'Nltl Mr IA
Por Au,i,l r .11111 \ I '1 if, ,Mll,
Democratic County Committee
The !olio. log ore the names of the gent',
men nppointed an members of !he Beinoerat'
to County Committee for the eneuitg year
Bellefonte Born , N 7, Kline,
" W WarrJ—S, A Megutsttou
11nward Burn —J W Gardner
Milestairir Bort, —('ol Wearer
Phtlip•bnrg Boni —('hen lei Monson
ITnlonville born —T .1 !•vary
Renner T. l . —II I. Barre)
Bogie. To p —Jos I, Neff.
Ru rn oil'' Top —Barnhart Venlheffer
Curtin Top —Joseph McClwhry
Berwnson Top-1/ (I Meek
I;regg 'fop —(.surge .1.1111,0 n
Hain,. lop —Bon. J. b, Meyer
Half Toy —John Miller
Harri•'fa p Wlo land
Howard 'fop—Manuel Leathers
on lop —John Q
Liberty Top —Thomna I mule
Man ou 'I —P W Mrirowell
Miles 'I op —lir .1 1/11111,1.41
Patton Top —l' A Sellers
Penn 'fop Ei.enhotti
Potter 'rwp —W Kerr
/1 , 1.11 'I o p —G Met.infrer
Show Shoe 'fop —J II 801 l
Spring 'fop—John II
Tat lor Top ru F I olderwood
l'n ion Top --Joseph Alexander
Balker Top —A
ortli Top —L I' Jones
Ii 1 SI ITZEIt, (linernion
Exactly Right
The gallant Itemocract •of "ura
Northampton" county have no idea of
being imarepre'sented or of allowing
their representatives who Bays faded
to do Oleir litity to get a party endorse
merit, through personal tasoriteistn.
From a notice of the ploceedings of the
Democratic Convention of that county,
green by the Eamon Argn.+ i we Yet the
A seene ww. enseted in the,tynntrititie... P.Olll
a .
ht., aA a IllalLVf 11f mix., Pier 50 it,. laro
priety tt, relating Anning the rei.olittiona 1110 Chairman of the t iiionatmee,
11r V ut,lller, vim one toolor.iing the I oorse
the Bon Mantel M Nan .Luken, our ptettnnt
tt•prenenLatire in f:ongrenn A moron
-It ike out thin renoltitionwan atiNtantenl by
,i 1 r Judge Lieut. II I S l / 1 111,,
Alvin, sr ip t lend atit,e lie.. gel/114 Merl
took the ground that Mr 'u 011 Ankru runt
Kt -rly neglented hit lint log Iwo 1, Pt , -
1../It front his neat 7 mit of lith tiny,. dot ink
the, late nentonn of I ongrenn, and that kt
he wan, there tie VON,' for improper nail ob
non totin rneanotren, tnyltnting tun tn. on, tat
and Ire non 111114.41 land grab I,li F.
tawny milliona of antra of p111,11e• Innda t,,
mammoth railroad rorporntlttlin Tiler roll
4 1041 , 1/ that there rant. plenty of worL for Ikon
1.4 rat in rept enentat leer In rangers , to ,r 14,, /tll , l
I liar It wan the duty of veers Mari tent In
M ash ingtoti by ill*. fletnot tact. 1,, Slay the re
1111 , 1 fight the infainott• anlinnota of the ltlw k
IteptittlirAnn with nil their triton 11.1 all their
M t Nlntettler defended Mr ten Aul. en
After thorough duccußinon Ihe moll.. to • frit.,
.18 unpeonnuelr, afferent
To thin action, we would rekpectful
ly call the attentioll,of (Air radical
readers. Here watt a Democratic rep.
reaentative who tailed to do his duty--
who imbued with the Apra that run
ertot mpeculating officiale, voted away
the Inn& of the laboring rneu of the
country to thieving. monopo
lies lett his neat In the !louse
1,, lien he should have been there, and
in other ways misrepresented hill peo.
pie and tailed to care for their interests
as a faithful member should. Return-
Ing home he sought an endorsement
at the hands of his Denitieraim-conatt e
tuents and that endorsement was anon
inumilly stricken out. The Democracy
of his home refused to stnltift them
selves by endorsing his tours.. when
they knew it to he wrong,
How nutl i ke Itaifinalist') this is 1.0.41
any one ever hear of a radical conch
tueney refacing to endorse an office
Folder, becalse he had done wrong?
Wheee, or when %tam it 1,
The Democracy of Northatiapton
county refused to endorse V .0.4 At KEN,
because he had been absent when it
was his duty to be in Congress, and be
canoe lie toted for the infamous "land
grab" schemes of that body. Every
body will ray the{' were right. What
then !mist be the verdict of the people
on the proceetings of the radical con.
sentions of this district, which not on
ly refused to condemn W. 11. Alta
Fraosu fir hieing absent, for voting for
t he 'land gralins' Air coolie importation
and every robhing scheme that was in-
Induced in Congress, but actually en.
Is 111111 :I in as 1 , 1 get bun
—The editor of the Huntingdon
Monitor propose!) to piddled) "only a
smile" next week. We wouldn't tin it,
if we were him. NVltal..)) the lice of
telling people all about it—whether
fellow ham had uril nine "tni:s;
eet repro 7 Lei the radical a dozen.
party do as the Democratic party does
--repudiatc•their representatives when 1, Prom the office of the L. C. &8. C.
they do wrong, and the men Who are I ,
railroad company we have received
in office will be compelled to du right •
! the following note and resolution.
or loose their positions.
When Radicalism gels More partic- 1 , 0 1.7„.. 19"1 . 2 ;1 1 , / , th s 7; l
. A l l % 18, la
in a hat it undertake..., it ,‘ hays you Iloopy of n reat:ltitlon passed by the
reptegeatal ices more particular ul board attic 1.. (' RN.C. It It. It "'a" mol , .
A.. It la now of the utmost importnnee that the
what they do. •ml log he commenced title tall,you eannot too
Let the people judge between the mill
trongiy urge upon the people to hurry up
lion of the Democrats of t,he North'', scll as to give liberally to
11 nivel the inereie.ett (nett of work
niptoa district and the' rdtcals of
this, and ear which is right,
--During the net hours of the
late session offongress, when an ob
jection to a bill was fatal, lion Sam
uel .1. Randall, and a lea other Dem
ocrats, who were skilled in !mill:mien
tart/ usage, took their stand m front of
the Speaker's desk. and by the peremp
tory declaration, ol,ject," l slopped
the passage of 1117111 V schemes of rob•
bery which would have co , t a tax rid
lien people inament.e 4111114 of inoney tt
they had been allowed to gp through.
Ilhus the people may see that the
Democratic members, although in a
minority so insignificant a•+ to he pow.
les., nevertheless did what they could
to stop the wild and corrupt legislation
of the !indica! part. We fancy we
can see that small lint determined boils put to WU?,
oilmen m fount of the Speaker's the necessitj, of Centre county waiting
imvoig, I tit,.it,t,t.••
,rowera R a d ica l until the load I. completed to Mifflin..
robbery was Whimn tel to be smuggled iiork IS commenced here,
through. There i, no telling how and phut wrir 111•1111te w • tnt H that the
much these men hate .aveil the court- I `hole roil he unshed along
try, and the thanks of the people are ately. Ferguson township boo, we are
ilue•them for this bold and consei- creilitalik informed, fl , good as raised
entions ihmeharge of their duty. its amount, the people in Huntingdon
It is just such Men as these that the are reads to guarantee the amount re.
Demorrae'y proposie to return to ('on. gum , ' of tlitatimmil what IS needed to
grow this fail, and this is why we ask t h e work to be begun on the tipper e nd
the people to' support our nominees. Rh well as the lower end.
We want to remodel our national Let the grading he comenced at Ty•
council and fashion it after those leg. rote or Spruce t 'reek at the same lime
islatne bodies of former days, to he a that it is to be 10 Lewisburg, and we
member of which was accounted one will find that the people along the en.
of the higtiest honors to which a man tire rout will do their duly. Gregg
might attain. If the peop l e will sup-too nolo!. is rend% tir the engineers any
port on—if they will for once lay /Wide I day. Let them be ‘cut there at once,
their party prejuthces and help us to and before' they git the line located
elect good, honest men to Congress-- within its limits, either Penn or Potter
men like It 01)11 I. and Wootia nom, will be reads for them, and by the time
and those other noble spirits who stood i they get through there. the next town.
up in front of the Speaker's desk in the shit` will he rem
face of all the frowning, serowling Rad The only township in the county,
icalism of the.late Congress, and oh- we believe, in will, h there is any
jected to the pet measures of Radical j trouble is Harris, ambito the credit all
pirates when such objection was sure I large majority of her citizen., be it said
death to such measures, a better, i thae they are ready and a 'thug to do
brighter and happier any will dawn for I all that is asked of them , but a few
the country and the people, who have I milividuals—Jealous of personal
so long been groping, blundering, and terest cart ng nothing for the pub
falling in the Egyptian (lankness of he good, or the de‘elopment of our
Radical misrule. I country, have set lir opposition to the
_ _ ; enterprise, because of some Trifle local
____-The Ilrpublirun ol last week at interests or personal advantages. Now
tempts to create It mount tin out or a I we do loupe that such narrow minded
mole hill, taking fur a text the failure news will be abandoned. It must he
of our respected friend, Mr. SA 1, EL I Wilt where It can be built cheapest and
Fitreti, to receise (Ise nomination fur to the best advantage, and whether it
e'ounty Commissioner, at the hands runs here or there--'on this side of a
ifthe Democratic convention. BitowN town or on that—should I:e no flue,
ri doubt, thinks that he can make inn in the matter It roast be built,
r believe he is a very great- and we hope that the people of liar
Iv ahlrseil Mall, an undertaking that ris township will endeavor to do their
will, we thick, prove too heavy for
that editor's cabbie Mr. FosTsa re
too good a Democrat and has too much
good senPC to allow the sully babblings
of a man like Itaon to alienate his
affections from the party of his choice,
simply because he did not receive a
nomination for an office that he did
riot care two cents whether he got
or not. As far as we have been able
to learn, our friend rust k .101:4 1101
consider himself "slaughtered" in the
least, as Brion s. bloodily terms it, but,
on the contrary•, is well pleased null
Mr S EY ' S nom ',noon, and e Fes
sew his belief that not only that gentle
111101, but the whole Democratic ticket
will be triumphantly elected. There
IA one great difference between !UM
and Democracy which ititowN,
in his incoherent ravings, seems to
have overlooked. tha,‘,, that candi
dates before Democratic conventions
always make up their minds to abide
by the result, lie it what it may. Con
, heTiently, they never stir tip a ruin
. push afterwards, as is generally the
ease with BROWN and his_ party. Mr.
FosTirit cares more for the Democrat
ic party titan for himself, and hence
Lis avowed determination to support
all its nominees. On him, therafore,t be
tiIIAIKEISPERI VS quotations of the Re
' publican's B illy editor will have no ef
fect whatever,
The last Bellefonte WATCODI
generate statements to the effect that the
Williamsport Bslistan says that lion. W 11
Armstrong can not lot oleetod in this district
—Clinton Reptibitenn.
And the Bellefonte WAreit As. is al
so of the opinion that the editor of the
Republican would say the same thing,
were it not for the tact that A RIISTROsai
paid him fitly dollars to say something
else. Ain't we right, brother Bow-
Rail Road Matters
lee.dirti. That the President as noon Al. he
deem+ a expedient, he authorized to piece a
otp. Engineer. In IIXIIIIIIIIIIO, with A VIP. , ill
the road vve.t of 31111111uhurg to the
14. tern Tertointet, or such part. theteall/1 he
only deem proper under the eireumstanees
We hope that this resolution will he
made to mean just what Mr. lixvite.s
I does --"work." Work is just
11bnt i. needed on the Pennsvalley
road —and not dilly by the people along
the him, but by the President and all
errs of the company. There is no rea•
eon the gradrng should not be
commeneed this tall. We have not
the least doubt but every township in
this count —Harris excepted—would
have its stork guaranteed inside of two
weeks, were the President to give them
the assurance that 'engineers. would 6c
\\'e cannot see
part in he :natter .../1 a. to secure. RN
Speedily 114 10ee.114. the location Of the
road, tiht indicated In the re.olation
Do riot let any klight ansanderrttatirl ,
tai. or tealmisleot jeapar.lize, at the Info
moment, the moreemf of this all import
ant enterprote, butt let ever man put
his shoulder to the wheel and pu• , h on
to final COM 11 1 .1. t 1011 tII I,t road which it
14 the interewt of ever• tilatft In the
eountv to COw finedued at tte earl, a dal
as possible
We hear IL rumored that envineerq
are engaged on the upper end of the
L C h S C. railroad, but whether the
report in correct, We have no nee anh ()I
Rover! RI ninw
* • Mr. Alexander, ul Centie,
IM it gentleman of unquestioned sahib
ty ittid popularity ttitli the .Icinociacy
tit Centre, and I 410 lot 110111,t
can cordially unite our party there,liut
neither he dor lus friend., vo tar it 4
Call learn, claim for him the power to
poll a large proportion of republican
50n..., unlit iu such IL county as Cent! ,
this is peculiarly a hard task. -11,41-
daysbut y Car. Palrod
We I üblish the above situp!) to nor
rect the correspondent, of the Putrwl,
in thestatenient that Mr. A LEX , oitirit's
friends "do not clans for him the pow.
er to poll a large ropoction of repub
bean votes." Now this is Just what
Mr. A LEXAVDER I ii friends do claim. It
there is a man anywhere who can poll
a proportion cf the septililican vote of
l,entre county, that man is Mr. A t.rx.
ANDLIti With all classes of our people
lie is popular. Talented, honest, wig
orous and whole souled, there is no
one—even the most sanguine radical
—hut at ill admit that he is one of the
strongest men that could be placed up
oti the Senatorial ticket, and that his
nomination %%mild be thecertain pre
cursor of a glorioom victory
A better opportunity to whip
the Radicals—to smite them hip and
thigh—has not presented itself to the
Democra4 for a long time than trill
be presetitvil this ran, Only let us he
well olgotmo , i and even man at hi-
poet, and our Irwrnp l i • E rennin
Lame Ducks.
The speeches at the. Radical meeting
on Wednesday evening were probably
about as weak as any ever delivered in
the Court House. A R msTanso labored
and blundered through the tariff ques
tion, as though the weight of his record
on it was too great for him to bear,
and left his Imarers as much in the
dark, as to his reasons for absenting
himselLfrom Washington when the
vote on the duty on pig iron came up,
as they were before. On the nigger
question ha repeated the same stale
arguments about the Ku•Khur that we
read every day in the Radical newspa
pers, and avowed himself the firm
friend of the 13th, 14th and 15th
amendments-- something which all
who knew 4 lin have never fur an in
stant dophted. Ito said be voted for
the income tax, but at the same tune
believed it was an unwise and unjust
measure. We leave to his friends the
task of reconciling his action and his
words on this suirjtict, conre.sing it to
be out of our power. The Coolie
he touched very
. gingerly, telling
the people he was both in favor of
Clone.e. emigration here and against it
--that he believed in making them
regular citizens of the Untied States
ilo‘ernment, Mit thought that perhaps,
the contram system mlee - W/inch they
come here to work, nu : //a po4stbly be,
' m some tespet•ts,ininrums to our work
ing elite men. Ile made this admis
sion %cry reluctantly, however. and tl
was e‘ident that he would much rath
er lira have done it.
The congressional gentleman also
played the game of bluff a little. Ile
boldly avowed, in the face of all the
friends of Geri, BE 11* ER, that Ise had
no apologies to r f firrs fir his rmerse iii
Congress nor fir the appotntments to
had made in this distrzet It is evi
dent that be feels sure of of his eke
flan--else he would not have insulted
the men who went to hear lime by thuN
openly avowing his own satisfaction
with his course in removing the one
legged and one armed postmasters it
this conitt.
Dr. hTA VE ' S remarks were silly ni
the entreme, and disgusted every RIM
sible, reasoning man in the House.
Ile aspires to the position id. at groat
wit, heel can with much More proprie
ty be pronounced a great fool )
--A few weeks since we gale an
account of the stopping of a,,distillery
over in Huntingdon County, I)) the
revenue officers, whose presence in a
hodv made the proprietor think that
again all of them got at luring out a
the earnings of his little still, that it
wpithi r be ailvery little hut that would
he left for torn We Nadi the party's
name as Mr PETER Beta, "tif Mount
Union Since that we have learned
that our informant was mistaken. Mr.
BE ttR la still running his still. and It
Is 1.111.1 manufactures the purest old
rve that is to be found in that seetion.
The account we gave was literally true,
except the name--a Mr II mEttv, of
Shade 1;31% being the distiller upon
whom the re, enue officers raided—cap
turgid loh apple jack. and put it in pos
? of officer 511 VI ER,rx Mt. lii
,ho, when the Shatter was com pro
mi.o4l,delivered up the keg, from a leech
most of the apple pick "bad leaked or
evaporated, '' as lie explained to Mr.
II wr Rv.
__Th e Democratmof (*Jamul t'.ilin
R, m thim ha ‘e hhtioned the
l'ollou tug poht ICti I creel upon their
'•\Ve behe%e this to he a
1111111 r
white nian'm government, formed by
white !nen for the benefit of elate men
and their poisterify forever ; and so be
het nn!, We are oppo.ed to the Fifteenth
\niemlutent, which wae conceived in
urn f nttt mini totopted by force at the
point of the bay . onet, ni opiituotion
the wi , lies or the people and in viola.
Inn of the l'onNtittition, not only of
the true of l'ennmylvniiit; but of the
I toted Statei,..
---It t rumored that .1 I mEs I'. Co
to It \ will not support. th e Radi ca l
ticket flu. tall. .1 AMES has undoubt
eilk g.ii 1114 i•ves open, and is now see
ing 111.01 e than en er he saw in all the
days of los life. Well, well--strange
things do happen once in a while, and
we are glad that our mend Con eaN
rat come out crow among the wicked.
tome with um, .lAues, and we will do
thee good.
. 1-:inpres=t Ei I;r:',lF IP ,119-
ol by the trimibles and anxieties or the
seeks. It may be said
iii her ease, as well an in that of her
Unen•r 11., the head
Twit a nitro a t•rown '
--IL MILTON Syreli. Esq., is like
ly to be preeented as the Democratic
eaffi lld a t, Contrre.m In the , Hunt
lt to a good
•• frvtilfld
Radical Cooßeis
We h avLsl! to receive
ical paper that orromeFi t
tion of Chinese Coolies, an
quent reduction of the w
laboring men to 30 vents r
In place of opposing 0
pig tail enterprise, the one
anything at all to say aboi
to prove that it will re , n
benefit to the voiniiry..
The Philadelphia Rica,
radical organ of the State& c (i
ago came out burly and si
favor of it. The Tyrone, /
organ of the radicals of
cries, "let the Chinamen
are needed," and in almoi-it
ty in the State, radical paps
mg to induce their readers
that (here io nothing to lilt
Pagan pig-tail:lry
ilaVf. CON erol up
mid intent 4, until timl th
most a 1111 holl of these rI
cent per day labnreri.
thiyc mntry--c owklim! 01
went that litany tritgal
white t'llolerN. Then C:on
to prohibit the ontr,igenii
the ~ r i< nr e 09911, .11
ha, nob ,:oh 4 110 01
Diu rit‘li,
the places of dt. , ,r iltj
ldllte 111011, 141111 Luc , 011.
It to v n, l;tlun•ing men
vatilst, of Ccntr, cotinlv,
S this I,,ctriliu
liadicaler , iii is allowed to
wages will be reduced to
the ral•eatiug, got quit
a•nt4 a dat. That gill
you will get, or Ihere will
6 , r vou. Mr. Ptg-tail
that, and 'the men aho
money out 01 your Lor,
WI. warhed yoil onee
-.Wimp , %%wild Inc la•deni.
It rt , r.v Wi. ‘sarii yivi
rameal dm•trine 1)1
bring pour %vageB ikwn ti
31) cent. per dnv —\V
our learning
Armstrong's Expla
wpm, ;ii on fifty ra
an.l %%hitt. -lour 111 , 6 o
re%el,llV maq
er , 4 (;n‘ernink•rit ti
po , rd Talilt al r,ttilit
thtdj. .1 it ta - attt ini
lew of his iiiatie shut
Iliac ,••• I 1 ,1 1. , 1 14 Il(
Intki t„a till
~%•• sa,\
wLn he:ttd loin x‘il! toll!
1,0 lit 11111 , 1(1,M, 11,114 lu•1
ti' tv }wit It Cain(' 1111
not lii rig awrty at
ntrvt it,' SIM', I
'oil "Iwc:Lip.e 11 el, rniu
halve, -
li)r ‘oting li.r
ol 4 'cingro,, I
holds helmigoig to the
count ry were ‘llh ti awn
mon.qp.dien, w,r did hr
plain alit he r,/,,1
the imp.,rltltion ol 11,e
«hu care cutting the
s‘r,rk 1111.11 ihown In
.111 \
Now, lIM till . radical
pho t %N ill emtik• nut n,•\!
mg tariff find
Inks,' as .kitit,Trop\,.
to oil u, 11•L} n, 1.11
this lH lilarlit% in
pit-. :t I: rill Ili!I .111 Ii li-I
t 4)
it. pen, Lrlt
tllll.llll 01 the lUUII, Itl',
t" Pa -, 4 .‘ki v rvh.diith,
\Vlty, it ire party In th
hil,,,ring 111/11i, It
Ititttiv Itttlottgitt ; r it) the It
,it 11- rnrty th
1.4,r inns. it c4,111r,“1, lui
taxes 01 the 1tt,r,111,,1
Why, if it. part
money, and COl+e,itielilli
it bas refused to turn hi
with it 7
'When Blum • aria:m
more• to ask him
—The ihnu~inui• of
arriving In our country
the interest of n mono'
undertaken to supply all
to labor in the eountir
no Ilistnni day, to prod'
and coniu, i iieut riot and
the ranks of our laboring
it is generally understood t
nt eOlllllllllll , l wore tho
li .•ent.4 n due. n. Will ee
thim rolilingeouP