Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 01, 1870, Image 1

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    Bo'Kanto Democratic Watchman.
)E NV. I , Mt EY, A 'wpm T 6 Email
Ink Slings
—The Lent liner! fur ladiea are the
town nails, niter seeing
Mot is," think lie's not a bad fellow,
titer all.
_ln ,‘Nchange say the corn 10010
ell \Ve ha‘i, one on our toe that
.It,n't feel to well.
_The roluuteer has just
coalphiel Its 56th year. Verierlible
I.,(ll.espeeted sheet!
--New York girls dress very plain
l‘ now. They only wear liiso
-P,ihfeen fans area part of a Mara-
Nly'a outfit. What a fau—cy.
—_“LoNusTREE'r is in Wasbingtoa,"
1 - .414.7.-.l.lAerc , are a number of long . streets
t heir, anti avenues, too.
—There is talk of reclining Minister
Mori ir Noeibubt the administration
Is ank 10 send a %ionic man
papern tnlk 01
01 their party. It has no
halite, HU% e
-Democracy' ;4,11,444 the nomination
that it will court the negro vote. We
want—wouldn't have it.
wan) a .11povixt thecur
tool the lip." Thi. w 'ghat IVlcirru-
Hting alter Ii is rejection by Coil-
—The bill to abokli the franking
privilege•fitileil in the Senate Iry three
.otes. Those three incii'v fIaIIICEI
,n yht to Le hell np to unn•erval scorn.
--WHITTEMORE, the Radical ('on
;:resqiiinn from Smith Carolina, elected
I niggers, war refused his Heat by the
lii/inp Ifouse of Iterresentati:es
_“(ieorgia has produced a cabbage
Lead four feet across.•' Ths is a cal ,
page ueac and we eftbbaged it from a
newspaper that is given to telling ca
nice little tight is going on
among the Radical*, of lluntingilon
county, Snarl away, canines; the
Pernocraev will take the bone natty
from you both yet.
—The big kilns have gone hack
home again. They prefer the wilds of
the forest to the treachery and deceit
hir'c around Git ver'S political
—The(food Book says, "If thine
offend thee pluck it out and cant it
east it from thee," but an Illinois farm
er casts his eye over a torn field con
taining 5,300 acres. The Bible (Ilan t
say anything about a corn field.
—There will he no State t;onrent iun
I,y either party in !lia State t lll+ Irk ar
ISut the eongreasional and v
con veations will he the Tilogt
of arty that have been held for at low:,
--"une hundred thousand head of
Texan cattle have already
through the town of Belton, (hi , sea
on, on their way to northern mark et-..
We guess that none of them. evOt got
up this way or else our butchers %%mild
Sell meat cheaper.
—Some of the "solid" Ittulmak of
the fourth congressional district of
Philadelphia have nominated teen NV
R. Tilos As for
. Congrevs,net liking
Judge KELLY. nen. Time ha' accept
rol the nomination, and 0114 may Lc at
nasty burr under the Jutke', 3 political
—Most of the country. papers
throughout the State will not
ring the Week or the “riiiirtli It
takes printers about file days to reciiv
er from the effects of the patriotie Pine y
that light up their bosoms on Independ
ence day. Th'chcer fir glor'fis
—FAaNewoatru and Itc;ridta lime
had a fight. The lorlier Ffll , l the lat
ter took a $2,000 Cue whet' he "bath, t
orter," and linfrai responded by call
FARNSWORTH a "coward and an -
sin." Hall's true that the Railicall
say about each other, what a misera
ble Set of rapecalholl6 they must be.
—Sonic of the trains on the l'etin
vania central railroad now run at 110,
rate of 44 miles an hour. Well, a
man's life in this State k only worth
$5,000 at the outside, and a mutila
ted limb only /3,000. 'Thais what
TEARY Raid when lie Signed the calam
ity act. So what's the difference? Tt
won't cost the company much if - they
do kill a dozen or so.
Aaos,T, ACKERMAN, of l;eotina,ldr
merly On the stair of the confederate
Gen. 'Nokias, has been confirmed by
the Senate as Attorney General in the
place of Judge IloAtt resigned. What
have the Republican and Plain Words
to say to this? Say a few plain words
about it, McGaimas, and Beall N,
pitch in, A "rebel . ' in (la ,'T's
net I "Treason I Tren , -on "
VOL. 15
A Hot Day Soliloquy
We begirt to write this article or
item, or whatever it lila% prove to be,
on Tuesday morning, n ith the mercu
ry dwity up among the eighties or nine
ties. The .atmosphere is altogether
warm. In fact we don't feel the least
necessity for an of ereoat. We don't
even shiver. We hear the 'minion ing
of Spring Creek running just by the
sanctum, and it reallj , ounils good to
us. We like it. ' It IP suggestive of
cool lintio,ine,i lemonades, icicles and
"sick." In sloitt, the weather is hot
—too hot for cool tort. We rant write
—We IVOT - Vllll . l OM, -We
can t 91 rt I tl.uc rl , p; 111 M I
I etl V. It! 111 t %,,11111 \VII! \Ve
perspiti. Ire,•l. .rich theo‘tvun't
he an oodaliii..tit snow •froii, if) ad—
vance of the ,eaffon Hope hi
" flits hind of %%cutler to 1.01.1 pel.l.3iik C.
It tako , , tr o many lint collar, to Iserp
appe•trarice. The Hutt don't
Rhine dof%111111 ) - tt 101/114 110W11. We
Beeill to hear nsizz," like 1 . drop
of water on a red hot store. But rte
must write eq, if That'.+ the
word. There's no getting, out of it.
typit.setters w ant copy, and it won't
t ore. 1111 tour est
they might catch us at it, and then
they'd raise a deal of a loss, although
there ., lots of theni steal from us and
we lie% Or say 11 word. Itut what will
we wide? Th at . Q the quel!ton.
ell-4144111:1111441e4 the members of the
"swill' society that whenever one of
then' :t-Ice a 411/e4110114 that he can't
or loin.elt, he's in for the &mks,
but that won t ans Wet here. Besides
we are a temperance man, opposed to,
i1.P141141114441,44 prolletl4llleS, We titu.rt find
an answer to that question, but how 'to
do it or whore to do it o, %%hat rubs Very
hard against that perlloll of our phi A i .
(.31 '44 ,Iclll 4-1114140.41e3 to eeel:1111 brain-,
intellect, thought, 'et ccteia, of rot,
cl cetera. We ought to be up in the
Presb‘ terian church this morning, the
bell at which 19 IletV ringing h lr the
dedication, but we can't go, because
we re obliged to stay here and tints
"copy." Wllarit confounded nuisance
by the way, the cry of "cor.y" .omr
time, becoMCs to editor. -c , 4peciall2.
a hen tboy hate none on hand, a:, in
the present instance. Writing edit"
rink 111 hot weather may be all ierN
nice m theory, but its Just the rein-.
wee 111 practice \\ e don't like it
we utter lid like it, and no wouldn't
d, it, it we didn't ha\ e to.
ISiit it tie keep on blathering about
nothing, we'll hate , imie cop) )ct,
such na It Hi. 'tut an) thing thi, Meek
j ust to till up Politic. ii dull nod
lo,)! IllelfUl9 duller, and t‘ ept-t I•eel to.
day as ii e didn't care a continental
damituni rube
. 1 actum coition v, lintlJer
ac ever Nee or hear of one again.
Tlrings are going so like the dickens
that it looks as it the people had made
up their minds to gi%e the country user
to the pullUi own arid the devil, and we
iiee nhv ae need bother our heal
;Omni, it, it lien nobody eke doe..
We'te tried to tell good, wholesome
truths in the NV AT.IIIIO. l ' or ft long
tulle, but they Fecni to be like seed
fallen on 1-tozly ground. IVe wonder,
though, it it nut) not be possible that
a tVW hale taken tuut, and will alter
while bear fruit to te , tify that our la
bors hake not all been in vain " If su,
we N‘III :4111 be encouraged to nark on,
tp pile of hot weather and the uppar
rent apathy ot the people.
Thank Congress will hOOll
alliolll l ll, 11.101 01011 11 1 011 nut have to
keep uncleot sp wan) rascal ' s. We ' ll
have a little breathing time then, and
think we shall led better. Next week
we intend to rii-ticate, because it ' s
.1111, and probably we
11111.) ( 1 01111 . 1110 I, 10 0111'110d , suniew hat
ecapet roi, to tell the troth, be
twccu %UV and Rad
ical rap-rallJuns generally, like Ritow
and 11.1twiditin and °din . intolerable
111111^11,Ilee-, we have about hrul our
Ittimas full, alphie shall be glad of
But here comes the "imp" for "copy,"
and %se Anil Just cut this short 'and
anticipate his Bich Just now isn't
tit all plea-ant to our
There, on little devili—taktl' it and
The Democratic rlitocial Con
venom) m-sembleil at Altoona IN Toes
dac allernooli, Bali h POMEROY' rani;
el On Monday.
Now he thej,ight go on
round tht Plat:' Boys'
' There i , nothing like being men -
straight forward, linimd, feat he
ternoneil men Dien alw hill neit'ller
cringe nor cower, who will allow no
master to crack Ins whip over their
hack., or permit no party to pu,ll them
to the wall.
And theme , t the kind of men
who compose the great maF•Sey of the
white laburcrs of !lily wintry.
'Hwy ran be ,keened, bccauso flay
tro hottest and Lelleve otlitra to he t.o
ISuI flirt• can br hetrftv,l,
Li% e editideTicr in tlit 1r 0%%1
Mitt 111 (hi
%Yu;/uut!6 spit upon!
You can't linnet; tlo .fo%en tont
then kick them' for hoot
Intaring iroin them pi etty thottly at-
ter get up
This ft, what Fl:l.(alfaiii wynil Mid
ing out. It derene , i them nilh vr , on
fit.ti of plent ) ) and pledge. , of
performance of Jul It h(tra ) ..,ltii,n,
solo the hand of tt titl sts , he It , (ri,
preqaive legislation fri tam' of tla ,
money 511arlss who now Ht at ea-r an l
down and now attempts to
their necks the heel, to niggiitilimi
and the bloated form; or bonded itri
toe raey , the) 'Wom l tiol.'ll
Rule t huty In the filthy gutter to moil
grelis'm %%here diailiealt-in wont , ' keel
them, and although derail (id anil lie
tra3eil they will not be de 'firs, if
"Hound the "old flag ' they are ral-
1) trig.
The old flag upon isluell mp Int-erib
ed, in letters of"lino,; light - -This
is a virban'tnan's go‘crutuent made Lv
%%bite met' lur nlnto wen, and bq the
!derma, white mint
There mti 110 ibnehmg nun. uu
ken, -no desertets, but ev-ry hour
rum the ranhs of the people's (ITN . "
orq, collie noble hearth I omen In 11 , 1
IV under our banner tkini er) the
war go on.
1,1 it go On'
Itadicalt , a) ha- ma& aar ai.oa rte
ry Intere.t, 11}0.m e%er) hole, 111 ,,, I 1 ISr
ry prospect, 11110 n every at.l
on the vet\ blood (It the htborint. , white
country The gratt, tod
in;.; tort aro now rcady to ,-trikc
hack. and Ow Llua, ahem r tall-, will
he a learlal o n e
For the nigger atel the hotelhol.ler
Itadteal ism ;thew Ittv, lariee-e , l tt the
nigger tool buiellwl.let it tutt-t 110%V
!Mils ell!' ILA eupport.
['rider ifs black flo!!, 4 i , "1" ) "
fringe 4, no friend of the todfn;:,, fax e d
white man is -finind , uv ,lefewler of
the Government of our father- , or pro
tector of the purity of blood ut our rave
is enrolled. It is carried by loud
holders over nigger-, -and it is with
that armor that %%bite net are now at
(.;an any one doubt the-result ?
How like a red-hot iron must the
facts which are daily elicited in "Con
gress, and to which members arc coni ,
pencil to gni. utterance, horn into the
marrow of Itadical sewuli.lity I „The
any of the tratirgresiror in getting to he
hard —like the Jordan of the negro
IA instrel4, 71 hard road to trill el Whit
teniureliail the dour of the House of
Representatives slammed in his lace,
nod a ludicrous, vet amusing scene oc
carrel shortly arterwitril, in ellich Mr
Parnswollll accuntsil ften. Bullet
taking a tee of 1.40., Limns:tint dullais
from a seeker after(' patent. Ittitler
made a defence, but did not clear his
skirts of the charge Ilia are nut el
Butler awl Whittemore in enviable tin
salons compared with such inen as
I iennis Met'artli.N, the New York salt
m onopolist; Samuel II oilier, of I\lihss.
itelinsetts, the pug iron monopolist; and
Morrell, of tbia State, the liemstiner
steel monopofist These persons, %rho
have voted and used their ialluence in
the Rouse, during a long session, to
legislate money directly into their Own
pickets—not by hundreds, but by tens
of thousands—are now compelled to sit
in their places and hear men denounc
ed for offences beside which their own
are as an Alp to a CitisVoil sand bill.
There they l eis, Iloofar, Morin and
McCarthy, listening to debates, every
word of which must make their faces
tingle IN ith filiarne. If IVliittemore is
Iltltit to enter tile Ifouse,tliey must ask
themselves ought not we to resign'? If
4 ....„.„..e„
ilk maiti'd
Pant lint ler lins ;lone wrong, have we
the till t to look honest men in the
taco? It for such small offences men
fall into ill-oepute,wliat do we deserve?
IV ill not the lions, now take up the
eme per . sons and any others
who 111:1,) tie sondatly
ingl \ I,i lug for oppressive laws by
wlucitlttliemsel% es %icre benelitted,
and game 1 money at the expense of
thi general tielture? Will not sonic
lionulable member look into this great
and ocanilalous abuse ot trust? Bail
a- Pint ler and \V hitiewore are, they
' , hold,' be treated with as much lenien
cy as the other rogues %Th . () are to be
nnnl 'thin Congreseional purlieus;
an,l there p,, , toinct hope, now that faint
It tend , are th.turlong the Raaical
vamp, that the truth will not, and that
each otientler,wdl 'fleet with the pro
per plinlhhlllellt. When rognetti begin
to blow upon each other, the full bean
t‘ ut the .ttiry in ptet stirlte t.) I. vett
ttliaed.-- Pittsburg Plod
"Accepting the Situation."
l'inler this title, there is it spirited
riper in 'Fur (11. i, Jlt, ten, tie- July,
lurk comment:us in the rollwring
()ire of the most eminent Ft - ill - tielo .
w liters of England of the laid century
- , d% is "No man can be too Hie ,, ii.m.
oi the glory of his country, nor too
angry at its ib usage, nor too re‘entre.
nil against those whiyaliti , e and betray
it ' It is riot a little' inspiring to the
heal t and brain of one, in i he,. i ollaps.
ed. -ort ol times, to read a 111'101, 1)1 , 1
tashioned sentiment like the. i The
drift of political writing at hos mo
ment another way. Pot
a 1111111 to be angry now at the ruin of
his country is to draw upon lox head
the censure of a thousand 11111111111115A1W1,
li ho. basing 'visite up their minds to
"nee"ept the situation," can f -re only
"imprudence' and '•iiiiprileticitiiiiity '
in the more ',rare and patzimic man,
who does not propose to "accept" 1111 V
‘.811.1111,t1(111* Wrilell 11allike5 110. 10-5 of
I,liertv trod the destruction of his corm
try. Looking out, through the win
dows of the pre , -ent tone, iiim the his
torn of the past, we find many great'
and glorious example;, which appeal
to is with the power and authority of
battles, and triumphantly %Indicate the
tilailliood and the 511 , :aelln 11111100 who
liar e refused to accede to the demands
of despotism in mery. age. Aristotle
was a member of the Cithinet of Alex.
ender the Great when he wrote his
work on governite lit, entitled Poi ITII 5,
which wan in oppo=stion to en cry prom
ciple of the atill,it ,01 and tyranny (if
Alexander. No ,lidild the general rum
of the politicians m those times were
quite shocked at the hardihood of Ar
i.dotle---they di nouns rd 111111101 all nllli
10.11CIIC11.1.1e," "ustremv," and "inipru
dent" sort of it Marl, who Plll5Oll to
"accept the .-itivition," or to bend to
the le,sons of "manifest ilegtinv." lint
behold now what it different fate time
has measured out to all tlic,-e parties'
While the thmi-a , nl , - of tininl or venal
fools who cried of at tile imprudence
of Aristotle have pissed away into a
%int-cies. oblivion, and while even the
glory of Alexander ha- grown dim,
the bool, of Aretiale curt 'vet', as ari
oracle of rlitical truth /111,1 a IH , IOIII
for all generat,ona of mankind'lie
work of the "extrem. , l ' who you i not
he t+ilchck..l i , , Ow hope ol office, nor
the threat, It pm yr, lives in perpet
ual glom, while all Nt 111. Flenotiviced it
have cone into notlong but died and
(dill% ion Theo I;!IFFFI,IFieFF, their rem
' (tiffs', and Ifi f•lr emvardtee bare, Ilmnk
Go 1, pi IlSiled in II ii their one i)0111 , 1
Tlit Wolllls Willi'll fattelosl Oa their de
casing sarcasm., ern now iit lost its
liilleh 0111011100, to 111(' world as the
once -14 11 /111,1 , W(F11011 "consenatives,”
in hose total virtue and Wl5llOlll C 011141141.--
151, 111 "accepting the situation, - and
cuhrig th, dirt of power like so many.
liiingry dogs This lot of history must
he taken as a les , on to those pitiable
em ,ards in our midst, 55110 ire reduced
to dent last extremity of degradation
which ran see no hagiteity in anything
lint "accepting the situation" of atitilit.•
tea force, fraud, and usurpation. Alas,
ala , , what wretches' what dogs!
...There la another example of a great
and honest writer, Tiler Liners, who,
in the tone of the Emperor Agnstii.,
wrote to ile.colintenimec the silly doc
trine of "11,55.ptitig, the situation,'
which called for submission to wiong
and I I pp! l'hiii Oil.
The same .11,1 Sir Thomism More in
the time of Henry the 11 , ,ghtli. The
winks of Machiavelli were written in
opposition to the "situation" of Italy
whets it was ruled by princes, who op
pressed the people. The same may be
said of the greater part of poetical
writings of l'etrarch and Dante. These
words, notwitiv , Thinding they were de
nounced by all the idols of their day,
have been growing in the respect and
admiration of mankind ever sinu.
And all this tirsie they have been the
fountains from which honest men and
r alriojs have imbibed lemons of liber•
t y and truth. The world is an tnuch
better for having had such men in its
~,,,,,N % tion as it, Is worse front the
lc lon of I:na% es or fools whose highest
maxim, has been to "iiheept the situa
,'• whether good or bad.
The writings of narington, Sidney
and De hoc—those ever to lie reiffeil
iVet e such tieniendous
protests against the political "situa
tion" in England in their da wee
bitten% assailed hs all the ignorant,
or venal, or cowardly ratfof roluteians;
hut they worked upon the piiblic opiti
ion of England until the. "situation"
was entitely Chanced, and this once
tree republic of 1111'1101, was tictually
born out of the writings of these brave
and true men.
Stich are the greet results which conic
front rehising th are , kpf theMlllolloll
016 pun of ti tie and ht ate men in ct ery
age. All the libert% in the world W 1 4 9,
hunt tithe io time, born of the proud
re-o4ta nee to ILA dilation ' And all
the n-orpation, :di the poiwcal ci Leo%
all the despotism in the world, Callle
fininemuruilly out of the accursed at
rcpt the situation policy. This has
been the fruitful old mother of till
abominations. It teas the last and
only Inend that stood by George the
Third in his battles against our tort
hither , . All those detested lo)afo.,rs of
oar Revolution, who had at last to lee
:1-4 encodes to their country, were Lady
mr "accepting the situation - when Lb.+
potism ruled over this land. Those
aho are now for "accepting the silua
lion - ought to get together m grand
convorrtuons, to celebrate the memory
of their great grandfathers, the traitor- ,
It our Revolution. Those who were lin
"acceptinit thu 4 11Tiii . 17111 . " molerfleorge
the Third, were princes 01 honor and
manhood compared with the wretched
cowardice or y (nudity oftkiii , e a ho now
11i1V1 , -1' Ile people to " lICCI.I/1t - siout•
tom," under the black and dirty des
pmism of Grant and 0/11J:1.....,
Till' Sec/1110rel who proposes In "tie
rcpt the Nituation - when tic ~e cs the
honor of his wife and daughter t Meat -
eneil, 19 n lit companion of _that rent,-
gade politician who tells hid country
omen that their liberties and rights are
all pa , sing away, anti at the same time
ally IneS then, to "accept the situation. '
Charles A Dana and General Grant
The New ',York Sun, a strong Radi
cal paper, edited by C. A. Itt t, tor
metly Secretary of war and
one of the e btori of the New York
Tribune, Ppeaka after the following
famhion of f ;en. tt t iNT, 110 W Pre.ldela
The San pronounce% the President "in
competent, lazy, neglectful of lie du.
11(.4, unable to comprehend them, and
careleen ul i,ertitrming them." It also
term:, Ire administration "had, fuollsll.
weak, cowardly, corrupt, anti Ameri
can, conteCptible at home nod more
contemptible abroad." Hut here la the
artit le
"As for General Grant porsonally, , ti c
have neither spite, grudge, nor reN env,.
I le never rer11:101L14 any pi rsonal l'ar or,
ior we never asked aIQ, thing
save only the appointment of llorace
l irei let as Minister bo England ; awl
us he sent a man there who isn't half
as lit kir the place as Mr. Greeley, Vt,
have lower borne him any grudge 011
that account. But toward Gen. Grant
as President we confess that we cher
ish a very profound feeling of de,ap
pointmeut and dissaLiplaction. There
were few MO) in the t r Ollntr) who had
taken more stock in him than we had.
During the war, when he wits digging
canals at Vicksburg, and was ou the
point of being relieved from his com
mand, Mr. Dana did what he could to
luov him retained at the head of the
army in the Missite,ippi Valley , and
the effort was successiul. But lor his
agency Grant would then have been sent
back to Galena ; and in that even/ he
could neithen have bream. Commander
ut Chief of the army nor P,esident of
the United States.
Next. when he was a candidate for
the Presidency, we did what we could
to secure for him the nommarion of
the Republican National Convention.
and then we helped to get him the
votes of a majority of the American
people. All this we did Simply because
we t bought.u. best for the country ; and
all we demanded of (ieneral (k rant was
an honest, benkabla, disinterested, tind
patriotic administration of his office
Dyes anybpdy think that was too nnicli
to expect o f hint
But instead of this, his administra
tion is had, toolish. weak, cowardly
corrupt, anti American, contemptible
at hotne,and more contetupuble abroad.
It is impossible to speak the truth and
deny that this is 40. It is impo , stble
for an independent journalist, anxious
to discharge his jobigatuals to the peo•
plc, to conceal ?SF pal late fitetS so ;ear
ful so notorious.
The President is incompetent, lazy,
neglectful of his duties, unable to corn•
prebend them, and careless about per.
forming them. lie appoints men to
office simply because they have made
him preseatm, or are hie relations, or
because some foolish caprice „prompts
it. He degrades the count 4 in the
eyes of all the world, and stands trem•
bling like a coward for fear of a cor
rupt and bankrupt power like Spain.
The man who saved the nation as a
soldier is covering us with shame as a
1107.--The weather,
Spowls from 014,K0Y1100
Mr. Hat Lock, of Hollidayaburg, has a thrios
legged .111,k.
—ln Bedford county They have "anal;•
eleven feet long
WI aro hat ing a ppell of weitihrof now th.t,
for hotiteps, la bard to bent.
--The Hnntingdon Olobe the poptlll
- of that little town et 7,2001
—Mr. Alanson IL Tell, of Broekwayville, was
Aron nett In the Little Toby, weok•bc(ore
—A little elilltl In Berkt county wall put
.ont of lb...say" by its norms— a girl of only
lo yearn of ago
NO. 26.
—Philip lit Priee, ono of the most promi
nent nun in 1.0 . 0 k Hoven, died in that place
week before lent
—AI N church nastily, In Patin' township,
Clarion co., several sticks fell, Injuring severe.
ly it number of 1111.01
—A vein or , eaed ore hag been diseovered
near New Enterprifie, Board connly, end I*
said to lie quite rich.
-11 w editor of theN/ortutt Denton if thinks
it ea•ot.r to tell others how to garden thin trie
garden himself Sensible.
—A drunken man, named Sankey, fell foto
st,,ne meek from a bridge, near Iluntingdoia,
the other dny, and wee drowned.
—Thc editor of the Poly Dimity Der/toffee
lois lea, presented with a stalk of clover
111.011 4 11H0' 5 feet and 2 Incllea In height. .
—Hurry Esti , of Towanda, has a horse
shined 55 1312,0 W. Ili, etubleu uro said to be
too finest of any In this section of the State.—
- Solomon Pyles, who win knocked off a
rah 1111 , 1 drowned nt Muni y darn a couple of
co. .11 , 0 %, as found In the ricer at Lewis-
—.lames >I Lain, nho died at Portsmouth,
Ma day ago, at the age of 91 years, cut the
tnt, r, and helped to build at Pittsburg, the
tir.t smambont for navigating western waters.
—The Philadelphia Poet wickedly sari.
.1.4., ere, Geary wivi completely exhausted
after writing his address to the people. The
people ere completely exhausted after read.
—Sl . ontlerera, Take Nutlet) The 'mittens Pro
pt ts .titys "A man by the name of Palmer of
tVe.t IA4)1,11011, was committed last week for
slander Ile was afterwards released on 82,-
•Cs ball "
—Jettenou county ha ft nurylcor ur at.
Perry %ietory, to tirTrtrrfftrrrnfThrtrte+fiwtsher ,
(,f Fro4tborg, who received one of th• medals
orderetl by Congre., for men who perticipated
In the battle of Luke Erie.
—The Altoona Son Is rempolloothle for the
Int ing '1 homily iirity,watchinan at K lttan•
mug Point, killed two Week swims, each five
In length, one day lent week. by .imply
Into their mouths.
—A man named %Minna Funk was killed
the other day on the rennnylranla railroad by
being knuelted off the top of a ear by his head
ming in ertritnet with s bridge. lie rankled
11 wut'n',taboo, and wan young and unman.-
—Fifty,even raft, were got out of Red Red
Rank on la.d. Wednesday, making it total of
I ..s: Lent year about 2,5 1 / 1 0 Were
1110 0111, Which we presume will be fully
vgllnll..l the present 'wagon if nothing unixeu-
It i 001.11 e, —10 . 001.1 ale Republican.
—Mr it h' Raker, of Salem townehip died
on Monday morning, the 13th of
J one Ile went to bed as usual on Sunday
toning, and his wife got breakfast the nest
Imp - ulna, and went to wake him, and found
tom dead Ile leaves a wife and fire children.
- a the M littintown Democrat 4
Rt , j , •tr , , lernly remarks
lio a 111 --On 'lneedey of last week Mr.lMilo
r ~,, wed down the grass in th•
emirs ).ild mud it yielded him nearly one ton
tor le, 'the gnu. should he out more freely
111.1 k. Morw Thin would add to the lip
the yard It 14 not neceeeary to
Moe a I hid in the middle of the town "
—lle. ieeteat running ever done on the
Poona It It, wen accomplished by the Paelfie
s,r•t on Saturgleyinornina Net. It
h rr 11114 in vie the run from Altoona to Iptrrhe
hill e, 1141,%tance •f one hundred and thirty.
cre , 11.111 A In the incredible short space of two
hoot. and Afty-idne minuets,—Cbelbras
- I Id. maid keeper' of Indiana, having bees
rofus. •hut up 'hop and refused to
nee,ente“.litte the people who name to attend
fount, and the citizens are obliged to enter.
lon flit re Several thousand dollars hate al
rcady th, n neleteribetl toward the erection of
nea I 4“el, to ho run strictly on temperance
pt Intet,ltet
—A now at Altoona wits awakened one night
1,,,d n w k by a pet eat springing sevend Umess
face On, arising he found a large,
lierre looking log In his room, which he im
noolintvly expelled As the house . was secure•
iy fiedetied op when the family retired, they
loss to know how the etranger paned
John Wagner, aged about thirty
ime eix feet high, with mark on the left
-ideal she weering a brown suit, left
hie iiiime on Friday the 10th mat. He haw not
been hem.' of since and auy information 000
twig iiie ,e !wpm/Amt.. will be thankfully
neon rl by hie wife, Auun Wagner, Jayaburg.
—mrPilte, of the Clindrta Pmerm.l, eels
Mark M Pomeroy, editor of the Deetocea
end two other lively papers, has accepted MI
I n v It+".11 to be proton. et the Democratic ed
dor.ld ..,•ntention which ie to meet in Altoona
on Tuesday next. As we expeat also to be
there, two -bricks . ' at leant may be counted on
—"Brick" Pomeroy and "brick-top," which
ANOTIILIt MUM= —On Saturday night, A
patty of men, full of whisky, had a quar
rel in a drlnkong pt 14 Mrs. Houston,
at IlAtetee Run, SCllUyikill county, and it ap
pears the uipirrel resulted In nothing more
than hard )ford4, arid at a late hour they sepa•
iated In the party were the men James Gar
ner, who was killed, and John Toole, who did
the shooting ICI !MOMS that early Sunday
morning, Toole, who hat been told the nigtil
ix,fore that Garner carrlld a pistol for him,
started for the house of Jamee Cult, where
(lamer was standing in the door when Toole
eat& "Jim, I hear you carry II pistol for MC "
Garner replied that Ito had no pistol hut a
knife, nitkh he pulled out, when Toole cow
meneed tiring at Wm. He fired three ishOte,
all of which took effect about the neck and
head, and al egatedabve,Garner died on Mon
day moat log
A ftvr i.hootlng Toole made his escape and
11119 not been heard of since Ile la about ° 3II
year.] of ego, 5 feet 11 inches In height; Is
stooped shouldered, how-kneed; has sandy
hair, and weighs about lan pounds. He came
from ralifolnia about a year ago, and Is sup•
1,0.0.1 to hare gone to lovr4 where ho has /I
brolllCV lIVIng --Sunbury D.)4loCrilt, 2114 Inst.