The Democratic Watciiinan. BELLEFONTE, PA The Mistakes of a Night An amusing incident is related as occurring in Goldsmith's last journey homeward from Etighworthstown. His father's house was about twenty miles distant; the road lay through a rough country, itnpasaible for carriages. Goldsmith procured a s horse for the journey, and a friend furnished him w ith a guinea for traveling expenses. He was but a stripling of sixteen, and, reingrthus suddenly mounted on horse. back, with money in his pocket, it is no wonder that his head was turnip!. He determined to play the man and spend his money in independent tray. eler'e style. Accordingly, instead of pushing directly for home, lie halted for the night at the little town of Ar• (legit, and accosting the first person he met, inquired, with somewhat of a con. mumential air, for the beat house in the place. Unluckily, the person he had accosted was one Kelly, a notorious 'wing, Who was quartered in the family of one Mr. Featherstone, a gentleman of fortune. Amused with the self-con• sequence of the stripling. and willing to play off a practical joke at his ex pense, he directed him to what wca literally "the best house in the place'," nn Plv, the family mansion of Mr. Featherstone. Goldsmith accordingly rode up to what lie supposed to be an inn, ordered his horse to be' taken. to the stable, walked into the parlor, seated himself by the fire, and detnand. eil what he could have for supper. On ordinary 'occasions he was different and even awakened in his mariner; but here he was "at ease in his inn," and felt called upon to show his man hood and enact the experienced travel er His person VIM by no means cal ciliated to play oft his pretensions, for lie was short and thick, with a pock marked face, and an air and carriage of by no means distinguished cast. The owner of the house, however, soon discovered hie whimsical mistake, and being a man of humor, determined to indulge it, especially as he accidental ly learned that his intruding guest eras the son of an old acquaintance. Accordingly Goldsmith was "fooled to the top of his bent," and permitted to have full sway throughout the eve ning. Never was school-b9y more elated. When supper eras seerved, he most condescendingly insisted that the landlord, his wife, and daughter should partake, and ordered a bottle of wine to crown the repast and benefit the house. His last flourish was on going to bed, when he gave especial orders to have a hot cake for breakfast. His conflisioa and dismay on, discovering' the nextrmorning, that he had been swaggering in his free and-easy way in the house of a private gentleman, may he readily conceived. True to his bah of turning-the events of life to lit ,r s, we find this chapter of ludicrous blunder- crosit.purposea Iritinall , e.l many ',oars afterwards, in his admirable comedy of "She Stoops lo Conquer • or the Mistakes of a Night."—Front /rving's Liffs of Gold smith.— Puritan M•rality and Teaching. The following remarks on divorce are from the Baltimore Sun. These divorce statistics speak volumes in reference to the crime and vice of the "God and morality States," in which there it no dearth of Bibles and Mon pal tracts : "The article ollisPresident Woolsey, of Yale College, on "Divorce Legisla tioo in the United States," to whieli we referred some time ago, contains startling facts. That article ix based on a careful examination of the statistics of twenty•three States, including nearly all the older ones. The causes of di vorce are given in the various reisql. presented to the Legislature. In Ver wont, out of 571 divorcee in' fire s- •:, there were for adultery 164, willful I. sertimp.l3B, desertion 60, hank.' shl% severeq 136, for refusal to support I with twenty others, most of %%10 , 1, more cause than one were !new loile I. In Massachusetts out of 1,!2n1 .11, or ces granted in about ti % e I.l•re were for adultery 564. 42.2 per (•t..,(.. for desertion 586, or 45.5 per vent . for cruelty 122 or 9.4 per cent , I 1 for ,iti temperance and 21 miscellnricouS. Here the large ratio for adultery is startling, Can this repteseut the real state of the case? In out of 3,- 801 cues of which the cart-tem are par ticularly assigned, there were granted for adultery 835, for ithecocunilnd Deg' lect 1,040, .for cruelty 441), for Intents perance 196. Western Reserve counties 14ave much larger portion 01 divorces Lion the rest of the.Stitte. These counties are cimipmed .r puree of the and il.e leaders in all In Vermont the ra h° ilivorce4 to annual mar rrages i()Ot4 r tin seven years a total 01730 divorces to 15,710 marriages, or a ratio of 1 t., 31. In Massachusetts, fora period ot four years, there was a total 011,022 divorces to 45,372 mar daces, a ratio of 1 to 44. In Ohio, in 1866, the divorces were 1,860, the mar. 50,579 1 a ratio of Ito 26. In Connecticut, in a period of eight years, the divorcee foot up 2,910, marriages 3 3,327, ' , ratio of Ito 11. From Prue- Ida we have some material for inetitut' ing c comparison between that country Of loose divorce laws and the State above. For instance, in Connecticut, where the whole number of marriages was 4,978 in 1866, the number of mar riages in vrhinh both purties were of foreign birth were 1,208. Deducting them we have the ratio of 1 divorce to lees 'than 81 marriages. In Prussia, in 1865, 85.914 marriages and 2,001 Aimee' ) ratio 1 to 25. • These statis. flee go to show, that, bad as the west is in the facilitiee with it affords for di. yore.). itlitte received rather *pre than e.. Its Share 'of oditun. "There. is a general loosenenneon thin subject In the legis- Ware nt'aiont of the States, which is diecreditalde to us as a civilized peo• ple and initaicat to the happiness and virtue of the country. The Origin of Greenbaohs According to Irving, in his "Con quest of Greenada," the invention or greenbacks dates back to 1483, and is attributed to the good Count do Tendib In, commander of the memorable fort ress of Alhatna. The venerable Fray An. tonio Agapida thus relates the circum• stances: ' happened" he observes, "that 'this Catholic cavttlier at one time was destitute of gold and silver, Wherewith to pay the wages of his troops; and the soldiers murmured greatly, seeing that they had not th means of purchasing the necessaries from the people of the town. "In this delimma, what does this most sagacious commander? He takes a number of little morsels b( pa per, on which he inscribed various sums, large and small according to the nature of the case, and signs me them with his own hand and name. These did he give to the soldiery in earnest of their pay. 'ow, " you Will say, "are soldiers to be paid . with scraps of paper ?“ Even so. I 'mower, and well "paid, ton, tie I will presently make manifest; for the good Ccunt isened a proVamation ordering the inhalni take those morsell, amount thereon promi to redeem them at a futu.v time• with silver and gold, end greatening with severe punishment to all who should refuse. The people, having full confi dence in hie word, and trusting lie would' be as willing to perform the one proellthe us he certainly was able to perform the other, took these curious morsels of paper without hesitation or demur. '•'Thus by a subtle and mist !nitwit lons kind of alchemy did this Catholic chevalier turn worthless paper into precious gold, and make his late im poverished garrison abound in money." It k but just to add that the Count de Tamhtla redeemed hie promises like aloyal knight :and this miracle, as it appeared in the eyes of Fray Antonio Agapida, ii the first instance on record of paper money , a hielt line since inundated the ckilized world with un bounded opulence. The True Story of Cinderella The story of Cinderella is familldar to every one, and yet there are Om that treneure it up as in any respect!' true. But it hag a foundation and a reality that really need no fairy god mother, with her pumpkin and her rate, to make an entertaining Isle. It Is RN IoIIOWS : In about the year 1730 a Frenic}i actor, by the manic. ofThevennrd, hied in Paris Ile was rich and stalented, but he had no wife, and we may be he% e he had never loved any one, but gave all lies anecdotist to those ideal characters that ho «itil.l represent so finely on the stage. One day as he was walking leisurely along the streets of Paris, he came upon a colibler's stall, and his eye was attracted by:a dainty little shoe which lay there waiting for repairs. Ilia inonagination began niediately to fiirni the little toot that must lit such a little shoe. Ile exam nomad it well, but only to admire it more and more u n going to Itt , t hott.e he Meetnol hnunte.l by the I.ttle shoe. Ile lan ried it tripped oter bin Hoot , : he could here the hitt4ie of itm tread—ill tart, there way nothing among all hi-. ele gant treasures that Beeine.l to low !tali so beautiful. Ile went to the , tall of the cobbler again, but could learn nothing in re gard to the owner of the shoe. This only iticrear.ed Inc eagerness, and made him more determined, to know to whom it belonged. Day by day he dlslippoirited, but he was not ths 1:0.1 the little foot needed the lit i'e -tot., and The% JA•t the ottl4i a poor girl whoa*, trfireuil‘helongei to the humblest nines. But the ardent tor thought not of caste or fitnitl. Ills heart had already pronounced the liitle one Iris wife lie married the girl, with no question of what people would nay, and telt joy enough in hear ing the tread of the light, iambic feet through the silent room., to pit. 111111 lor the sacrifice of people's apprut al. Thu. 111 the true story of •inderella, and from which the child romance sprang. Wii A l' A 1 4 1..0m...err F. Is —One °Nile editors of the New Orleans Times ha• received a busines. letter, of which the followoig is a 11/be/heel wiry . :tom ons '27,1h7 0 11,111 N Etielo.e.l fil! 11 hut the 44.41 Is PteS,enf~ I C • • • r. Mi•asurtng our corre•imildent's anx iety by his liberality, both gratitude and ,coniptiseitni prompts un early reply Hat ing once pas•ed thiough a similar condition of inciital exhitostion in en deavoring to comprehend the Schleswig. Holstein questake, WO feel for our friend's dazed condition over the "Ple biscite," and shall On tefore proceed to answer. A "plebiscite" I , a thing only a few "feller," can [l[l , l..lst:oul You when in tho cour-e et lumen I I eat., the polity of a gotternnit•itt in it, tian.ceit • dental relutiona with tile political cool- omits of 0 Stall Itec , tme imbued 0 irir the spectral analysis of abnormal influ ence., infringing upon the perpetuity of institutions at mice nugatory to the abtruse interests of theocracy, why then a deceit respect for the opinion; of in in kind require@ the pr,tinulgation of a popular analytical ticititle , to. kti which " In short, it," 1 , Catrit. a "plebiscite'r" or, 1 . 01 , 0 r French for ' Ile, • don't b"tich r .• ire." There. • B RIC IfASI TdrNo rug; 'ot nut two hundred, tiritmen , l fruit treo, xl• though thoozht he hn4 hi% hand. , full of tin toir%ory lai.inP..= already. LegitE .&dvertisementsl 1 PENNSYLVANIA, CEN.I'IIP, Co.. SS I, J, H. !Morrison, pie' lo of the (11- plan's Court of Sold county !Morrison, '' Centro, do here by oortify, that at an Orpha no Court held nt Beilefi t te, the Vali My of April Is7o, before the Honorable the Judges of ontd Biafrt. Ott motion role was granted main the lotilrs and lege' representatives of - Jitarib ',tanners, de ceased, as follows, viz. • 'Those living In the mom ty of 'Centre ,are Mary Leathers, widow of Just-ph jA./1011.1,, thy ceased, Fredrick Leathers, lion lei Lethere, John Leathers, Elton Klnoh, John Emelt, Mar tha Ann Hair, (whloo )(lit-Let Ina Heenllu, (wiii• tor), Christian Beeline, Jacob ins:lobo John P. Pehoss, anti 'inane De 1111.2. ills wife, Saintly' Denials., John %lithium, (au , lying husband), Williaml pet, In \ band), Manful Bechtle. Mary m'', (wido w• Leathers, Philip W. Barnhart,. and Rot e Barhart his ride, Samuel It. Leathers, Benjamin F Leath• erkliarnuel Leathers, Jacob R Loathes, Frank lin Bechtel, Emanuel Itupert, Sarah !tuition, his wife, James James, anti Mtn N. James his wife, Nathan James, and Helicon Jinni's his wife, John Cleverly and Sarah lies et by his safe, nod James Boddie. Tho following ten mimed tire minors anti have for their-gun:Alan,' od blotto, Fredrick Leathers, Andrew Linn. Franklin Linn, had Robert Linn, Mary C‘illiarns-Stonin E Thomas Nathan Recline, C lii-ehtle, Daniel Beeline, and John Buller David Bevil. tie, Joseph, Beeline, Lydia Bechtel, William Redid°, Rail Humid Bechtel win , m e*lt.l mi nors and hare for their guardian -Michael tiehanek, Sr. Martin Hoehn° is a minor and line for lilt guardian Edward Ressler of 1111. noir. Louisa A Itayptiolitz le n minor and has fo( her guardiail John Retinal:el of Indiana, Mailmen E liiiehtle and Larettit I !toddle ilia both mini - inland have for then guardian Ilar• rlet litehtle,ofJahippit Indiana Lwii, linehand of Barbara Lem hers..ieeil of NliiHßls; Mary Hither, Abraham Butner. %William Fortin, and Elizabeth Feartin lota it, all off lumen enmity, Pa Shwa, Maly Shn,, and Joseph Boddie of Venting° eon illy Mary Vllerry, (Hilo, and tterihtie, of the same Oleo Fredrick Beeline, hi. • unli tioehrinn IN dos, 1 ',..t 1111,, 1,1111,0'1 1,111,14011, r\ an, y to wlte„farnl, 'l' Itilinbal tar Willa,. °all, Auna M 51artiliall, his WIG, 1111,1 1 , ink lit 11. Itimiliarger, all o! a lose nddn•n+ n 4 unknown. Harriet 'teddy% fa Moo 1, of George Rutter, t nitro tying husbun, ll. ,Cal ooh Bechtel, David Bodin,. 51 ielidql East, Mary Any East, Iti•tr'lTif , •, Adam Fred Inge r, Susan Frettingordiiii N 1f.% Enidimel Hand, i, Cathadini minder, his do, Sophia 'iodide, Le, I lieoldel, ti lan Reolitle, 'Jimmie. %%Minion, Susan Willnon.i, his oil, .huidi Rutter. Pavia Butter. - Hook and Nary Hook, hit Nile, all of the `itt, id Milo John Ituridiarg..r. Norsk log husband) Jeffer son county, John Mittistillas, and Marthl (mnistilla., lilt wife, .11 Beech ( eT, 111111/Irl.l Et•11/1 ,,,, 111 11 Ell/.1 1 4.111 11,41.14., or lieedi Creek, Clinton county, Po .Ineepli 11, Linn, o(Tottkvillo, 1111nola, John Halwlek, lilt 11' llidwiek, his w Ito, Margioet ill Linn, Wil li/int I" Linn, John NV Linn not Nancy Linn, all of hentinil county, Illintos. IV I" ',rattlers of Iltirlatintairg, Pa. Claris Tlionni. :111 , 1 \ 11111 , TllOlllll.l, hit wife, of Tna 01.11114 "'Mini) , i•ii. Illinois •Hailiel Cook. Elizabeth hie ails lan,' Elisabeth H,4iLlte Thomas 1114Kiii, Edna Higgins, his airy, It Marti Ilan net Man tin, ht. wife, NVlllitini It..•lntle, /111 , 1 ,1,•'“,• 154,100, all of tile State of Mimeos, :humid 'toddle, Jonathan lid lilt 4 , 11111 t,e,a go Hey - I.hons, all of (Inuit elpinity, Indian". dnlin I,,adyear 111111 H 12111,011 Into 1 , de, ~ 1 ! lif,,VlAostyville, Pa Attar , do , WMII 0111, per may 1,, , het, nvy.l legal repro., mu tires of 101111 .1/leol, 1,1 , 111 her., deeeto.r.l 'I n come loin the Court on the (once la 1 , 1 , 111,111 V of ‘llgll,l 11n. ct Mid 110Cepl, or t. tus, 1, /lc „pt at the ,altititlon and appral.inent,or `dam ,oust' as by the real estate el still deCell.lll , l .11,111 , 1 not ire 401,1 In TI•11,11111111y Vil/ereof I hare hereunto not tam hand and affixed seal of said Untirt rat Hellekinto the 15th dz . ) of April A It 107.1. Sheriff' I, W c-n 'V.I 187 . \". I S„eryr f .1 II utDLiNo, AN! A, 1 I,\ no: t I I, J. II Mt rrlvon, Clerk of the , irphan • curt of said rounty of 'tour , ' that at an I irphati•• roort held et Itelle fonte,tho edh day of April Im7o, I wfore the Hon orable the Judge. 01 said Court 4)0 tootlitri, rule was aranted upon the helm and represent nil ye, Of John WI•A deef.11.1..1, to some Into the Court on the fourth Monday of A uguet next and av, ept, or refuse t• to t ept, at the valuer then and Apprai,einent or %now vuopo- why the real estate of PAH dinevaned s bould not be sold 111 testimony whereof, I hare hereunto Set toy hand end Ittlised the seal ..f rourt at Itellefonte the Volt day of April 1471) St,rirrx 1,170 pi II 3loiltßis.N. 1)1% WtmoDRING, j tif I)EN NS YI, N' N lA, (2EN - ritE Co., I ,1 11 Morn neon. ierk of the Or• tort enol comity oft entire. do bete I to tnerffe, that et sot I trphan'in wort held ISt Il• U. fettle, the Lilt t 1 t) of .11 , 111 1.71 t, IlortornWe the .Ind; , t ~ 0.1 art tln 'notion ruin, war lattlltt.l ninon the heir.. •n.l tepee.. ninon to. ot•toolten ker olevene• ..1 t I t ',no into the I our! nu the 1 0 111(11 MOII 10 01 ‘111(11 , neat. no ...' O lJt. Or I eftone to tne. pi, at the 11010111011 111.f1 Itprrlt.elllolt, Or ov 4,100 , why OW 1010 101/11.0 of anon! de -1,0,1 ,11.11.1 not .1 1 / 1 I honlininne wheret•t 1 klerellllto net my Ina t,.1 .nuol 1.111 enl the seAl ..f nal , l ULU till Bello !. hie the 1 , 111 tiny of April lei. , rule mu1t111.4 4, N. cle.k 'May 2Lth, 1.70 I •, :I ct 6h,r, P", SY IN.\ NIA CENTRE Co., a , I,J If Morrt,ott, vied.: of the Gr. wino s f flirt of said e01,111 , y of Centro, do here. hy 4,1111). that at An I )rphan's Court held at fp• 110.1111.• Ow „nth .1a) of April 11470. before the ll.morable the lodge+ snot of f ourt un motion rule Alv grant. d upon the heir* and repre•eilteth vs of George Wegner deceased, to • 1).1 • thin the Court 011 thi. !worth Nlonday of ‘ogost used, And aceept, or refuse to neeept, at the valuation anti appll.l3ellllllll, 0r rhow why lilt , real estate Of said deceased 01011 H 1,1 In temlnt , Ftly whereof, I have lily h.001e,11,1 Wised the m. it of maid t ourt ILL 141 . 1144,1111 . 111 , 2.101 .111) . Or April 167 1 1 Sheriff - 4 ottli e,) 51 Z.. 111 1ti7i), ( .1 5101{10,0N, ‘1“1/1 , 1(1N4., ) Clerk, 4/ 15 21.4 it iSheirt:l rip() HEMS 11101 LEGAL la sr‘ of WM. not ice that, by ''role of ttrit of l'artition, 'wow,' out or the I , r oan.„ I „Mt ni r ,oitre count), and to Inc directed, an lopie,t will he held at tilt late renidetice of 11illittin Wagner dirty/tat J, in the itrattattip of Haul , and county of Centre, on Satiirday the I,tli day .1 June. A II lulu, at In o'clock a In ot raid diy for the pitrinc.e of making cant icon of the Iva! 0-11111 , 01 arid tinceaand to and aitiont; helm and legal rerot,o•lollliVer., ti the ,tine call lie ,lona 111theut prejudice In or spoiling of tho a hole, othelti too to value 111101 the ',MP' 111 ~,, ealfig 11l .111111 111111 . 1111i1 pi. , yOll may ho irrent•llt, If )01/ think roper Sheritt a office, l U. WOUDRIZiIi, Sheritl May loth, leg.) 13-19 1 O TIIE 1.1 EMS Kiel LEO A L REP. REM ENTATIN ES of PETER Slal.F.:ll eased tuba nonce that by t woe of it iv.. of Pat titton, sinned out of the Orphan'' Court I Centre county and to 111444 itiraoted, on ill -4111044i. Will i.e held at the lute ;earthen. , of Peter Soylrr In the townahlp of Walker, and enuoty of f7ontre, ou Preis, the •its d.ty 44( 4luly, 1070, all.) o'clok a 111., of raid t la ,het /ire pinip44l4• Of Making latrtiOnn erthe tool e•tale 01 a , .14 deeeneed to anti fitting hi• heir , and legal tepteeentatlree, if the sonic ran he ,ionepreettlite• to et et the a hole: lothertslae 4/ //title /1/141 appraise' the flute ateetrtilnti to law, at whist time and plate, yeu may he present, if you think proper Shi-olti'm allies. I 15-19 May loth Pau It %V. 1 1 4)01/RING, Sherri. rro Tin: HEIR, rind LEGAL REP ItESEN'fATIVE9 a( REPHEN GEARS dccea•et l take node° that, by virtue of a Writ of Partition, touted out nf the Orphan's Couri oft entre county. and to me directed: an itr, .010•1 will he held nt the lute residence of Bet hen Geary. deeemed, In the townsolp of Pent e nd !lie °aunty of Centre, on Friday the 24t. et, et limo 107 a. at hi t plat, !ft ti n nukingpartition of the talal tp , tate d0e...0 , J to and .0,004, hi. iwir+ 11114 legelotyettit ee, the ~,, n he d,,,,„ p 4,1,1,e,. to or iiee Ihtg 111 , 4 , a,t11,1•1111., ,11,1,e4turalee the alum aeetudink to law et e hit h tune and instil von tufty beltreser, If ,4111 thlllk . propls or . elterltr. t t May loth Ic7o, J 11 llt`,.. — Wtltditttl:4ll, Sheriff t, ' Schools " S (11001, IN THE If OUNs TA INS," AT IiELE,croNTE, PA., Spring term begins WI:DX IrNG IY, APRIL 13th, 1879, with et ory facility for the training or youth 01 both or noi, in eh that constitutes a liberal nml thorough he plan of the In. stittition ounitnunnt throe separate departments Ito the noconnthitiation of three different clam ors of pupils First, ft PRIMARY DEPARTMENT here Children %111 be carefully Instructed In all the Elementary Engllek Bnm:ties. Second, INTERMEDIATE DEPAATMENT embracing a thorough coUrse In Orthography, Reading, tiengraphy, Arithmetic, English Gutnimar. History, l'onnuttuthip& Book-Keep ing. Third, a O)LI,EOIATE DEPARTMENT, embracing all the higher branches taught In flr , t class Berrilnarleii, Including the Latin, Omsk and French Latigtialters, nglneerlnlig, Litigate, Natural Bidences amiativanced Math cmatimi Mt .o AND pn,wtionro :TIMM regular Ibtanolk eq Hi the couree of study and will ho tho plitahl without extra charge Knell erholnr hes n due share of Individual nthultioll INSTRUCTORS lIEV. J. P. 111:01IES, A. M, Tiincher_ of Ancient Lettigititgen and Natural Science, REV J. V. R. l!tirnlE / S, A. M., T ta, her Id Atalhornatle+ and English Htu du•N, ' M 1,451 MARY E SNYDER Teacher of French, Drawing and Literature. = 'j'cn'•h.4r of Vocal and [oat rumental Music A llinited number of bowl ran have a plow. ant home with the Principal, where every ne re,,ary attention I+ given to promote the moor. at. IW/11111.1111 comfort of thnee committed to 1114 cote For further partieularm, addrer. J. P. 111/1;11E9, II If, )1-tnrytn i. Watchmaking ac Jewelry F RANK P. PLA IR, (Successor to .1. H. Ifithri.) PR teTICAL IVATCUMAK ER, JEWELLER EN(;It 11 F.ii, 14 ELLF:Fi PE'SNA ALSO, DEALER IN American, Engliall and 8w1.44 Waletwa,Claeka Fine Jewelry and Silver plated Ware, Watches Repaired on tt w • mart .SCIENTIFIC PR I.VCIPL ES, I=ll GIVE ENTIRE SATI.SFACTION MASI)NIC MA tR4, ' , DI) FE:1.1.4)W & =I edswitarture4l , mtort notice Solid Gold and Silver Jewelry Nlannfontured to onnor, DON'T FORD TT TLE PLA CL Next door to Iforper Itro hhom, hiding Mt next Hugh, liellefonte (:entre county, P. IrelB Printing. J 3 ILL IfEAI):4 I, E T 'l' I.: 'R I{ EAI) S EIVVELOEEs Every hu•lue•s man should luau e a printed I.etteni aud lAlln and Ids Card On hi• EllleilPpeu , 1, elkeape , 4 awl the ne - t plac e to get them IC It the “thee of f i he DEMiwRATIC IVATCHDIAN EEL 1i,',./411.$ 011 r $(.014 or paper In every variety Ir pnrrh+,+rd (mm Ili,. mnunfu•turrr, at the Losiet , l Pricep, rui,l mir faellition or printing nt the qmallo.t en al and In the heat .tyle, are MEE "S, lilty KIND OP JOB PRINTING „ IN A TrY,S, THAT LiEF IFs .13),1114.111 rumitnre S . IL WILLIAMS & C 6., Wh.)lenala and Retail Dealers In GOTTAOE FURgITURE An kin& or TURNED WORK Plitil l tilehod to the trade at CITY PRICES TURNED PALINGS BALVSTERS, and RANI) RAILING, furnlnhed to Flulld(4P Irpholntering,Rerinl ring Fortilture and ovPry thing portalnlng LO the buttlneset promptly at 11=1111! Nactory: nom. Blanchard d Crig. Plnyttng UNDERTAKING We Rho maRK , OFFI 44. nii . (l aitittol !liberals' ‘rith thu most ELE“ANT FIEM2RE ever In this part of the country E=l OPPOSITE THE BUN! HorSE. 14-32 lIELLEFuNTE, PA pivnioN IZE HUM E I N DUSTRY JOIEN BRACH 111 (1,- Manufacturer nod dealer in HOUSEIIO LD. FUR NITUR P,', gPLINO S ltsu.r.votvra, PA., Keeps eitnatantly on hand a cho leo assortmen of l‘latull.lBl,, :Way, Lounges, Lied steads, At• A very lino selection of WALT, PAPER, will always Iw found ;U. I,OW PIiICES. 16-46-ly _t FURNITIT RE WARE ROOM. 110.11 rd Street, Bellefonte, Pa, where Bureaus, Lounges, sofa., Hat Baas, What Note, Stands, Chairs, Stools, Es tension Tables, Etc , Of every description, quality, and pries, for sale cheaper than at any other entablistuc•ent of the kind in Central Pennitylrania. vati2.o HENRY I. HARRIES. Liquors, ATER AND BETTER NEWS Not with tat it tng hard tfmrn, high tare s, tillother public tipproeurloll., Intense excite ment reignx at the WIIOLFAALE LIQUOR ATORE In the marble front on Bishop street, Belle• font., Pa , where In kept, constantly • full sup ply of the 11F141 LIQU()FIS oil priers lower than ran he found elsewhere outside of Philadelphia. His stock consists of the heel old Rye, Monongahela and 1)1,1 Irish ' • WhlAk lee, Holland Gln, (...:ogn lac and other Brandies; Jamaica and Ne• England Rum; ) .derm•iii 1 Madeira, • 4 '' Lisbon, • ...• (Merry and Port Mnnem Cordbdm, and All kinds of fiirnps, which he is selling so lux an U, artuainh vsnl2 A FIAI , M, Agent. _T B. ETV F; • I:l=mi FOItEiGN AND VOMESTIC WINEG.3 & LIQUORS In the morn formerly occupied by the Key. clone Bakery, on Bishop 'meet, Bellefonte, Pa, Laktx ploamare in Informin g the public LhAt he keepA constantly on hand a 'Ripply of elluteu Foreign end Donmetle Liquor,. All eacha warranted - to contain the amount marked. • • • The attention ..! praeilelng pnyslolana la railed tg 01" Pi It E Suitable foi purposes. Bottlex, Jugs, and iletnliiiiii,:i•onstantly on hand. He haa the ONLY PURE NECTAR WRISICY In town. All lig wort, aro warranted to give atttlafaetlon ',ignore will be *obi by the quart, barrel, or tie Ilia a large lot of • BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the ftpeAt grades on hand. Unaftdaat that he ean pleat.* ountorrisra, he rrs o pectfully aolialta a abate of publicyr:ntriotn- Fur Bale. IJC)TC4'FOR FOR S ' l. ?. The dtrbeeilbe j offers atl t I FORTY.T.W.O,LOT '666 66 , 6 6 i !II int.ditittly o.lfelnlna the borough or Belle (wirer, In wbal.lll termed rul Coleavllle. , Ileaaanlty, 41411004 i, •, , t - ~., l'itre nrwePrAt ell of thern. flit. twit elweil• ' .1 , n ' ..ow Tale. warrants and warnts titles. I IlThere 'NA plovild watllto vr4r tap ihle titles. property , , and rnaignlllesnt r tee _ for t 14-24-em. „,. ' LI “ • le,. ,I p.AI,, ititt444J lAIII4 Na4VOYPV aSTORE, (Entublished In 1846.) At alb well know •ei•Altilhni•a4 ins, b• found everything lu th. I • ' ' lttottli c tilit witei4i 2 THEOLOGICAL, CIAB.BICAL LAIC aCIENTIFIC, f , . I 4 , f, Ad extensive assortment of FAMILY BIBLES, • of 3 or or without Photographie Plates, ranging In price from 1175 to g 48,00. Moo all the Day and Sunday School Books In general use. BLANK BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, LEGAL BLANKS, LEGAL BLANKS, STATIONERY, ate, STATIONERY. etc. Prompt attends)* given to °Mom ♦ Mors' dleobunt giade to those who buy to se II again. vl4nl N EW BOOK SWORE ==l Bot Ass , Eltatwney and Nom 111nroriates JACOB D. MIX,LEft, Mae purchased the Sook, eltaitkestirY mad News establishment of Einsloe and Bro., on Allegheny etreet, near the Diamond, to which ho hanJuipt added, a large Invoice of gouda suoh a 9 In generally kept In a well conducted Book and Statiodllrr=fr:"'VTilloeli cionalota of Theological, Medical, Law, Afisoellansous, Sunday School, School Books, Time Books. Pas. Books, and. Diaries. Every grads and price of Cap, Isigal, Letter, Bath and ' Note Paper, floe Preach Alper, Lave everrelis *ad-Priv,. Pens, Ink*, Inkstands, Erasers, Rubber bands, transparent and common Slates, Slats Amens, Lead Pencils. Crayons, eta ALBo,—Daly and Weekly Papers. WWl :lnes and Sheet Music, a large supply of and Justices filanks,coustantlyos hand. L lito i Intarnit - ItervalmiretanniiarThae. Halm shin Wholesale Agent for Lochmaa's Celebra ted Writing Fluid Country merchants would do wall to call and examine my stock before pnrchaslng sloe where, ow I can sell 46 trysemsfaatarers Woes. Rooks col to order when desired. v1.3n034.1y Hotels and Salo* , a B ROK ER HOFF HOUSE ALLEGANY STREET BELLEFONTE, PENN'A HO CS/s'A ./. & KRON, Prcprisiders.) A first class hold--comforiable room.—pomp attendance. All the modern eonvenletieos and rwonable charges. The proprietors otliar to the travellag publio and to their country Mends trretwilase &acorn imulations, and careful attention to the waste of giieNtol, at - all times, at fair rates. Careful ho‘tiers and good stabling. An extiellent ► ble, well served. A bar, supplied with the hest of liquors. Servants well trained, and every thing requisite in a brat class hote l Om location is In the business ptrtion of tbs. town, nearth• post once, the sours louse, the eborehes. the banks, and the prinoipal pleees of latalnees, rendering it the meet eligible place to stop for those who visit Bellefonte N• Mar on business or for pleasure. An omnibus will carry passengers and bag gage to and from all trains free of • - 4-2 B OSH HOUSE, paclA:rrorrrE, PENNA. !HEARD k HOWELL, Ploproiors 'fhb. elegant hotel, having corn* under the supervielen of the undersigned, they would reeperlftally announce to the public t6fill. they are prepared to sooommodate them alter the style 01 the hat houses In the noes. The Bush lions. Is • magnificent building. spbewadly f.rnished, and capable of comfortably &sworn modating THREE HUNDRED GUESTS Ilia mituated near the depot, and **pronto° to all Owen of burin's, and le the beet beta. In ventral Pennsylvania. Ito waiters are oblige in& polite and attentive; its tables are sap plre4 with every luxury In the market; ita stables are first cbusa,with attentive and human. tiomtlerm, and Its bar supplied with the beet of honor. For guests frbm the cities to apand the rummer it le rust 04 plats! The proprietors will be happy to receive the public as often as they wish to nett. RIKARD A HOWELL. Prop!.lotors G A RM A N'S HOTEL-DANIEL GARMAN, Proprietor. Thin loopestablishod and well-known Hotel, situated on the southeast corner of the Div monk opposite tie Courthouse, having been purchased by Daniel Garman, hs ammonites to the former patrons of this establhohment and to the traveling public gonerally, that he hae thoroughly refitted his house, and is pre pared to render that most astiafoctory sawn modation to all who may' favor him with their patronage. lda pains will be spared on his part to add to the oonvenienoo or oomfort of Ida gnu" All Who stop vie him will and his table abundantly supplied with the moot sumptuous fare the market will afford, done up In etyle by the Most experienced gooks. Els liar will always contain the ohoicest of liquors. Ills Stabling Is the beet in town, and will always he attended by the most trustworthy and at tentive hustlers. Give hint a call, ono and and he feols confidant that all will be s.tiefl ed with their accommodation.An exponent LIT', ery In attached to thin establishment, which otrangerls from abroad will and greatly to their advantage. CUMMINQS HOUSE. - - - JAMES H. LIPTON, Propristor BELLEFONTE FENNA. The undersigned, having assumed oortroi of tills Moe hotel, would respectfully ask the patronage of the public. H. to prepared to atcommodate guests in the, hest of style, and will take este that his thbles kte suppled with the hest in the market. Good'tables attached to the hotel, with careful and attentive stir , vents. The trailing publio axe invited to give the Cummings Houle* call. 15-20-1 N ATION i kL HOTEL, AIILLEXIX. PA. JONATHAN KREIViaI, Proprietor. Having purehaseti this adadroble proper*, the proprietor takes pleasure In Informing hie friende, that he has relined liunkrefurniehed It from top to bottom, and I. now prepered to so- commodore travelers and ethers In &idyls that he hopes will prove pot only setlsfactory, but pleasant. His table si,d bar, will not be swelled by any In the country. Hie stable Is large sod pow, and Is attended by experienced and attentive tethers. IkSki•ly MONTOUR HOUSE, LOCK HA )1;00NY, Propriste. Thin eloping Hotel, tormeity known as the "Washington House," on Water stmej, tug ready for the rioeepttolcor Walton end ere. It has been elegontly tural!:hodand t. table always ' , applied arlththe at. 'Visitors to,loodt Heron will And tilt , e pleannteet pike city. A. bee bus °convey!" the gguMdl pf the house to tpad frost/ thetlHon trains. SA,LE IDITILKANEATIS AID EX Ptp*tritBtir AT At FFIO F.