Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 27, 1870, Image 8

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    The Democratic Watchman.
Friday Morning, May 27, 1870
—To-morrow, SAM yity , is (leech':
alion dity
The fruit ere) groin crops th rough
out the county, both promises n rich
Aar% est
--A good one horse spring wagon
can be purchased cheap by calling at
iftis °Mee.
—lndications now are, that the
Sual. - House will be full of Summer
boarderetho present season.
—Quite a number of trees on the
Tills around town, show the marks cf
lightning, already, this S'pring.
—Farmers and Millers will find if
b. their interest to rend the business no+
tics this'weok of Sager & Irvin.
—The wet wentber for the pnst few
41nysTins - been bevornblentlt4tst to One sort
of oven pntion---inveni I p linkers in (lii'
mond-pie .business.
—A benutiful =finite tree in front -of
the residence• of T. It Hey uulde, E.( l ,
vrtis broken down by the storm en Mon-
lay etening
----Within the pß't ten days Belle
inite lin , had twenty-Oil - en new coinery
of thew came in the night, and
without any clothes On.
--W. S. NteFenters, formerly of
this place, iv said to be serving a term
•f two years in the Kansas Penitentary,
for grand larceny
—A kind of a strike at the Glass
Works, in this place, stopped operations
last week, and will not be resumed until
alma the Ist of Septetribtw.
—The borough dads, on Monhay
sight list, elected Michael Runkle street
commissioner and Cyrus Strikland su
peridtendent of waterworks
—Ono of our dairymen, we wont
say which, apologized tho other rq67ri
wig for tho quality of his milk . •by say
ing his cows gpt caught in the rain
—There are now ten Lodges
Good Templars, fully organi zed, armed
and equipped for the campa i gn against
ripgiwrd and red-eye, in this county
—A very ierious rumor prevails in
Sown to the effect that Sheriff Wood
•ing is about to throw away his old
draw hat and purchase a new ono. Wo
,ikopo it is true.
A, --Mrs. Hess, wife of Mr. Wm.
Less of Unionville, while stepping off
flier portico one day last week, slipped
and fell, breaking both bones in her
genatnrial fight for mongrol
nomination, in this county has narrow
ed down to Barlow and Wilson, and LO
is it looksve4 . rynuch as if Barlow had
the inside tra-cic-A
—There rs n man over in l'rnnr
♦alley mimed Feidler or Fidler, who
las a talking crow• it will aqk a Mall
how ho is or tell him to go to the devil
with all the sang from{ imaginable.
--A reduction in the wages of the
Wowing men about the iron works, in
this county, has recently been made.
Another evidence of mongrel good
—Farmers down along l'itt,tany
Talley tell us the grain crop in that sec
tion will not be inure than half a crop,
.a itreotui t of the fly, severe winter, and
spring freezing.
--We notice by the papers that our
*ld friend; D. P. Bible, Eni.„ formerly
of this place, ii now engagOd i.e the
*grant husiness—organizing the Ifyde
task settlement' of North Carolina.
—ln order that the thing may be
done fairly among brethern, there will
be in the next Mongrel County Conven
tion, one negr, delegate from Patton
township, and two of the same stripe
!rem Bellefonte
—Last Monday morning a heavy
nin set in, accompanied by thunder and
lightning on a modest settle, and nen
tinned to fall the whole of the morning,
making one of the wettest times we
base seen for along while.
--A pair of colts belonging to Mt.
Wilson Calhoun, of Unionvilk ran
away on Saturday last, smashing the
boggy, injuring Mr. Calhoun and his
son who wore In it at the time, and crip.
pUng one of the colts so badly as toren
der it almost worthless.
—Mr. Howell, formerly of tho
Douty House, Shamokin, has become
pertuor with gr. Rikard in the propri
etorship of tho Bush House. Mr. How
ell has tho repolAtion of being ono of
Ole beat intxtiovls in the State, and with
Rikard will make a pair of "hotel
ids," that will be hard to beat.
—No report yet from the Treasurer of
the borough school fund. Can any one
toll us why ithis is 7 Why the provi.
More of the, law requiring an annual
statement pf receipts and expenditures
to be published f?r the benefit of the tax
payer of the borougb, is dlsrogradod by
the sworn Aker of the law? Tax
mere would like to know what's wrong
—what's come of their money 7 Can
the Treasuror
We think the physical infirmity
of a little fellow in town, who has ar
rives] al manhood's years without its
bodily •developments,' should exempt
hint from the torments and tensings of
certain class of persons, built young and
(dd, who seem to think it it sign of
smnrtness to plague and worry him
Wo have often pitied the pour little fel
low to an extent, that made us feel like,
slapping his tormentors over lie has
neither tho physical nor mental ability
to defend himself, and his poor little
life is made wretched by tho worrying
and 4 torment to which ho is daily subjec
ted to by People who ought to have
better sense. Of course they will say
they don't meal anything by it—they
Ito it thoughtlessly. Wo don't doubt it,
but it is ju.t when brought into coq tract
with such cases as this, that they ought
to think the »most seriously. Becalm
(,;(y has seen fit to deny to some the
same mental of physical capacity that
.110 lurs bestowed on others, is DO reason
why their lives should be rh borsht) to
them by the teasing, tormenting or con
tumely of their fellow'. (In the, con
trary such Ideptivaluins should entitle
; them to the kindest treatment and the
rimmating charity We hope
these few lines may be taken in all
kindness wild pots fvll inhes,led upon
tho eyes of any ono who so far forgats
I his dignity or manhood IL , to Indu lge in
tl,e thOngh and silly pastime to
which we have alluded.
\Theta pity that all our thorough
fares are not lined with trees. Nothing,
wo think, adds so Mild] In the pictur
esque appearance of a town long
lines of maple or some other kind of
growth Every builder of II house and
every owner of property ought to plant
(tees before his rpmlenee, and, as t.llllO
rolls on, Bellefonte would gradually be
gin to assume the aspect of a city em
boweled in the midst of tt cool, green
grove. 'cVliat more delightful, on a
heated summer day, than to pass along
streets 'refreshed by cooling shadtiws
and green leaves, among which the birds
twit and flutter, and the breeze whispers
in soft, soothing zephyr? Portions of
our streets are well shaded and orna
mented now, and the pleasure one feel,
in passing through them, makes him
wish that the sumo taste prevailed all
over the borough. Let us have trees—
trees in abundance. With the art of
roan, let us associate the still more beau
tifehrreations of nature, and the result
will be increased happiness to all and a
higher appreciation of the Divine be
neficence that has given us such a grand,
beautiful world to live in.
—Wo understand that our energet
ic friend, James McNitt, has taken solo
charge of the extensive warehouse of
George Itlymyer & Sons, at Milroy.
Mr McNitt is known to many of our
farmers as one of the most obliging,
gentlemanly business men, South of the
Seven Mountains,and the firm for which
he is operating, has long been known as
ono of the oldest and most responsible
firms in this section of the State. if
fair dealing, liberal prices and prompt
pay will build up and maintain a busi
ness, at any point, the public can rest
assured that Mr. McNitt, acting for the
,Thyruyer, will ifucceed at Milroy.
Centre county farmers who go over the
mountains to find a market for their
grain and produce, will always receive
the highest prices in rash, be treated
courteously and dealt with fairly, by
Mr McNitt The Milroy markets, cor
rected weekly by him, will be found,
regularly, among the market reports of
the WATeil kt AN.
GONE —Our gentlemanly, oblig
ingliffable, efficient, distinguished, val
uable, modest, intelligent, discrete, cour
ageous, brilliant, unassuming, jovial, re
tried "associate" left us "all atone in
our glory" on Monday last, and pad
dled for Philadelphia. If any of our
friends in the Quaker city see him, wo
would commend him to their kind care
and considerate keeping. He is away
from home--among strangers-out in "the
cold and beggarlyelementsofthe world,"
rind we earnestly entreat them to "lead
him not into temptation," though his
"spirit is willing," for his 'flesh is weak '
He was accompanied by Hrainerd of
Naltunal—a paper that "onceltpon a
time" flourished In this city, but is now
"no more—no, not a bit.
' —Two young fellows, both stoutly
built, and both a trifle inebriate"; in
dulged in fisticuffs in front of Sussman's
store on Monday last. They went about
it as awkwardly ea.thoy could, but gave
each other some pretty severe blows,
much to the amusement of a crowd of
lookers-on. • After the fight was over,
a young fellow tried to take one of the
parties horn*, but he didn't seem to
want to go, and fooled around unio of
ficer Petty nabbed him and marched
him up street. The other chap, when
ho saw the officer, quietly slipped out
of sight.
—A barn belonging to Rev. Peter
Fisher, near Spring Mills, was st f ruck
by lightning during , the storin on
Thursday night of last week, at :4, burn
ed to tho ground. Jour*-hones were
burned to death, and nosily everything
in the barn was destroyed. We believe
the iOlll falls not altogether on Mr. Fish
er, but partly on the tenant, who owned
the horses and other things consumed.
—The National is defunct. it rot
pired with /last week's issue. It had
been sick a long time, but vigorous
remedies and careful attention kept it
alive until Saturday last— (hi Friday,
its publication day, it was very low, and
did not make Its appearance, but it re
vivt4l slightly on Saturditir-and„ with a
great effort managed to get out. The
effort, however, was entirely spasmodic.
It wits tii t i i Ninch for it, and it deceased
immediately after.
'Well, the National was n good neigh
hot. We lime(' refused it anything it
wanted to borrow 'We rather liked it
It was about as decent, probably, as a
Radical sheet could be, and Wile, occa
sionally, sprightly, varied and enter
(tuning. But It didn't do to tie to. It
swamped the Kinsloe§— it swamped'
Gould—it swamped the stockholders—„
and it uould in all probability have
swamped Brainerd, had he been pecuni
arily interested. But, with a wisdom
greater than that which induced him to
put confidence in the word of \V. ii.
Armstrong, M C., he shifted himself
clear of its failing fortunes, and now
hasn't n tear to shed over its Ifllllllllllllie
n happy Notienal! 11141 A te
rul (anderle g i
The death of tine Nahuna4 in the let
pqhf II lujor Li of
, on, John 'P. Daniel Ithoad , , A
Villentine, Ed Blanchard mid E M
Blanchard, the stock holders of the No
tooml, have bowed to Brown, ai.fl
now beg of him to take their pipet and l
easel, hi, Whip user them jm.t. ns he sae.
Beaterfit and Sherthilge r the other
love stock holders, refuse to knuckle,
stick by the National, and urge its con
tinuance, but their rucking (Tool no
good. The National "goes under,'' and
Brown and Hutchison becomes the
Ina key', of the money power oialie mon
grel party They have put it, velar on
their neck in orlier to break down the
Notionof Hereafter, their howls will
be different. They will be for capital
ists—for the rich—because it will
pay them better than to talk for the
hard listed, snnburned laboring men of
their party They will doubtless pre
tend to be great friends of the working
men of the mongrel party but mark our
words they are owned by the kid-gloved,
cologne-scented aristocracy of this place,
arid their pretended friendship for the
laboring classes will be the merest pre
Until kicked overboard, for wanting
to do as he pleases, Brown will be
steersman of the ridmal craft in this
county. Ile will be weather-cock for
the coupon clipper§ of the First Nation
al bank—for Ills twenty bakers, and the
fewr fiends of Lord Armstrong ur this
The demise of the Nu zonal does not,
however, end the fight -in the radical
ranks. It changes the ground a little
and gives Brown and Hutchison the
temporary advantage—that is, the ad
vantage of being looked upon as the
the leaders of their party in the county,
and if the individuals, whom they now
boast of triumphing over, can be little
themselves enougt to fell into ranks,
arid hbey orders from Bill Brown, it
may, to a certain extent, end the battle
Wu hardly think It will In fact, we
happen to Amu, that It won t.
—The follow 1.4 the amount of
County and titate taxes levied in the
different townships and boroughs of the
county for the present year, It is a
matter of inttrest to tax-payers
Bellefonte 2224,741 361,7.1
Mlletiburg 3 V 7,49 40,44
Philipsburg 714,10 '15,47
Howard 24.1,52 27,1,9
Unionville. 17 1,78 17,24
Benner 1 202,59 104,01
Burnside 191,45 24,00
Boggy. 1011,54 02,6.1
Curtin . 217,75 91,01
Ferguson 24511117 144,113
“regit 211,0.00
Raines . 1008,95 1221,2
Harris . 2902,10 217,41
1112!Moon 7 POO (41,44
Huston . . ;444,70. 35,t1e
Howard 0412,8) 51,83
Liberty 1,41,71 . 0,,89
Milne .. . 17111,47 1414,50
Marion 1194,04 48,24
Penn 14.1.5,J1 120,52
Potter 145,14
701,12 .411,131
Rush . . . 771,112 91,115
Rprlng . . . 20181,11 .. 1.111,36
Snots file ot. . 4112,02 52,11
. . 273,21 J 23,49
Ineon 32104 32,61
Walker . 1004,12.. . 73,35
Worth. . . 273,40 .. 23,17
OLO SOLDIERS A few * yeiirs more
and the old , reterana of 1812 will be
gone. Out of a list of some sixty odd
in this county, but ten rPriinin. .I,•hi
Bony, Charles Friar, Wm. t; m
Gill, John N.flllRll, G • t A
John Shsil• r, :lilllllA, , t,i
Snavely and Peter Weaver. The wid•
ows of but five of the others are living-
Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs Margaret Bar.
thurst, Mrs. Catharine Harphitm, Mrs.
Ann Bryon and Mrs. Hannah Strok.
But a little while and these old tolks -
these links that bind us to the past-will
be gone, and all that we will know of
the trying times of our grandfathers,
will be what tradition and history hands
down to us. Forty dollars per year is
the beggarly pension paid these old sol
diers, and the widow, of the oust that
are gone.
—Wo have been informed that a
dwelling house at Clintonville, a little
place on the line between this and Clin
ton oounty, was struck by lightning and
burned to the ground, on Thurw4ay
night last. No lives were lost, but tho
inmates were scared almost to death.
oM A o'l F, NTS. —OHO day
141, want( t tilSt/1111g man in the employ
of Merit Miller, of Bruithvalley, cut
tee entirely oil of one of his feet; n Coll
lido of days afterward a son of Air. Mil
ler fell and broke his arm, and a couple
of day; after that, Mr. Miller himself
wits thrown from his buggy down nn
embankment and fractured his thigh in
such a manner, as may, probnliy, (Tip
ple hint for life. "Miifoi tones never
come singly."
A GOOO l'id (,\N 111 Al (AN h ELP A
110111, -II I; Smith, of 11111 Lancas
ter 1),,,(,l r, who ha, boen on
a s sit to (75 pi May, pays the following
will d,served compliment to that most
popular landlord, Mr. Georg() Bolton :
I leteb. ileptuil greatly for •illeeePS upon the
W. 11111111100; of • thrwit. who have the mating..-
.I , ill of I /WM Thcre i.lllllOll Illeuning in the
4lang “1,11 in 11, gn uI (0110 N, hilt he
en. 1 {tool, is hitt. .11111" a lii mloln4s C.
1111 , 11,41111 1, 11 t on the American pi inciple of
hotel keeping requires a combination of tat.
'trio of a rale ender Ito w tio would sueeeed
.how military prel•141011 111 010 tint... lug
of of et - repot., while he mert4
gie-•t4 with ii ,ilpring and unridlied
rrrlit4iii,••e of itlitimer lle count remember
feces which he ling %era hilt mice, and he able
to leen!: lie nidltiliale , of norm, reearded
Irian erne 10 time on big regkler—lda must
he voiy Illrernlln providing for till the 111111 tn of
nn ovieling publiett and methodiently correct
and aeoncrnionleln Iho rnotringement of ht;
11111011.1 taiainese tramaciitions Nten of the
.I in. we lin o• attompti , d di...erlbe or, ram,
hot they foal, fortune? Mr t;eorge
proprietor 1,1 tkle lierriebur%
and part prone , ' tor and ...tin manager of tIl.
11°11 , id t lg. May, 'I one of those
i.ii 0 urn of tt limo it /111 It , if mllllllll , Field .. /01
Kl.lll follow and ran It eel.
keepl4 !Mt. 01 the he•t and need popular ea
tabloliment. , In the count; s Ile mak , a 111
j.i.te.i+ le. I pel leetly ill home, and Moto , who
pot up with him 'UV not 0111, mime to return,
but, as they on no, they recall the Hues of the
h• .1.1
fhe Ireton, along life', weary w•y moot ollen
'I" thrill', he line Mulct hM worme•t welrumo
ot 11111101
COlllllllll4 oecuplee the most
itllglltllt Icontirm on the Island, lull the hand
notnie., ground..., 111111 In 111 /lit It• departments
do admit - o,ly arranged se. It I, well conducted
Flo , Tr or Rrnrz, r— To the W M, Orneern
1111.1 1110114'1h ..fltellefoniv 1.041 e, No 2111, A
I 'I V. lierras, II the citapen•alioll 14 no al
I'r,l,llenee our Ink, 141 , 11101% JlllllO . l
McCullough, 1t.,, boon onlltal from our toid•t,
11 het elle, It In duo thnt this Lodge, of which
he en. a venerable and renneeted member
•honl.l w ~ ,111,..inprominto manner give ex
pn , .rioe to nr re are of regret and bereave
input, le - ,•fore too it
Theoh,/, 'I but In 4 , 11 r Into Brother
a i f, . nh , au we have been long
Brother and felines-eitlse•n, we ree•ngelz
ele•me•nts mon! ennobling aMJ elevnt
mg In mankind
et, hat we ever found hint • (quo
Me.on 1111.1 a shining filuetretion of the beet? ,
o❑trlmr.l t )rder.
rd. Thet while we deplore hi, lose we
re...gwre in it the hand of Itim to whom nor
111 other ban 'Wile to receive tile re w ard for
well filling
lb ROdrol • Thst our Individual and wised/de
of regret and sorrow over the de
of ,1111. late Brother, be embodied In
1,40h/imp. and that a copy of the same
br fore cried to the widow of the &reseed
That this Lodge now be draped In
mourning for the space of thirty days.
Reisiniol. That our Borough papers be fur•
wished with a copy of these resolutions with
{1 request that they be published
ei Smoseuoas,
AnoLra Lou, }Comm ilia'
Bellefonte, May 1.0, 127 e.
—Our neighbors, Kitts Reed t Co,, ars filthy'
up this week with • handsome assortment of
dress goods, such sa Nainsooks, plain and
figured Holum Lawns, Orange lines, Alpacas,
Poplins, (litanies, Prints, Muslin', In , whin!)
they nay they will sell so cheap thieves cannot
offer in steal Their Millenary department is
idso toeing tlecididly improsed
go, and see them next door to Watchman
Late Publications
111. Fuarn—A Monthly Magazine of
Literature and Fashion Edited by Mrs
Henry Peterson l •ruts, two dollars and
hfty • ante a year Poldtehed by DIOI.OOII
Peter+ou, Philadelplita
The , teal plate for tiu•, the June num
heT, is a pretty rural picture, natural
and amusing Thu Fashion-plate is
very gay, and the engravings pleasantly
suggestive Patterns of Children's and
Ladies' Fashions—bats, tAnnets, Sec
The literary mutter, as usual with this
magazine, is fresh and entertaining
Tes Ote Vo•se—A Monthly Magazine devoted
In Literature, Science nod art, and the po
'Meal Principles of 1776 and 1640 New 1 ni(
nutrias Dunn English, editor, tan Eerie,
❑orton A Cu , Publishers. $3 per annum
The June number is out, full of life,
interest and value Of all the inagit-
Lines in the country, there IJ none as
valuable as the Old Guard, and every
family in the country should have it.
Tin New ELICTIC & Mur
doch, Baltimore, Publishers 11490 per an
Some of the most Interesting articles
published nre to bo found in this month
ly It is nut only interesting, but in
structive and entertaining
Business Notices
—Wa understand that Mr Butz formerly isf
Shamokin, will open next week, a eomplete
°Teen Grocery, In Room No.l, Bitch 11011.1., on
Dunlap street, where he will keep, all the Dine
frock flak, regirtsblee of all kinds, fruit and
leery thing Indite line It h. ,Lis illielllloll to
order Just an the market demands, and r0t...-
41240/0y will bare freak sleek eonatunll)
—Do you anyild rug In the harolwarollno
-- , h , n von %111 11,1 II ttt, Irwin
Pll I I. V. , i•I if ho , ll-11, urn Hint of
goods they •01l 1 o lt•rilwitro Moro In lho
country cum holro, and no firm le more
obliging or soils chitaper.
Corns all ye good oustomors the truth I'm go
ing to tell,
That Boassins t 'NOUS are doing tery well,
They'll supply you with good merchandise,
and sago what you sat,
At prince that DO other Arm, hue ever done so
Th"ir shoos will neither Weals nor crack,
For they put their mimeo upon their hack.
Their apices are pure, unadulterated they are
Far more wholesome than impure spices oan
he found.
Their Teas, Coffee 41; sugar are lust the th ing
you wept,
As pure, cheap or delicious, get It nowhere
you can't
Such merchandise, generally, Is nowhere to
be found,
It gives such malefaction, that Its now going
the rounds.
If you purobase'from them, you will never
rue It,
The worth of Your money, you will be sure to
If the truth must be told, they don't humbug
the puplie.
- 777'11
by having your reaper gnash+ . dreamed ./11‘1
xherpohed hr the coming herfest, attnli rnlit
good as new b3t Sager Irvle, at Greene At
actoiy, Mileshorg. Millers will find it to their
advantage to have their pinks dressed by
them ita they MAIM n apeehtlity In that line or
bllkinONS,Ahh siork waritolool In Kivu Nittl,fir
don. Platitlng end Shingle knives made to
order , They ate also tesonfitentrert of
eliarnition Printing knife, of %1114.11, they
hare county rights for vale.
I t iorgo Pifer's Wain ainnsed
solf by itinning away on Monday last.
The Bellefonte Market
The following are the quotations lip In 0 o'•
clock Thursday evening, ahem our paper went
to press
%%line Wheat, per . - 111 15
Rol Wheat, per bushel . 1 DP
Rye, per bushel...... .
Corn, shelled, per bushel, ..
Oats, per
Barley, ta•r
Itneku heat, per bushel--
Ploverseed. per bushel .
Potatoes, per bushel
Eggs, per dozen.
Lard, per pound. .• • • .
'I iilloa, per pound
flutter, per pound...
Itagn, per p 1,111111.......,.
G101111(1 per
Milroy Markets
COrTl.4l`lo.l weekly try GIORGI 111 TIM .t SONS
Ned Whem, I/Yr bushel ...
Hye, per 1.11eh.-1
( or.), peT h 11•11 1 41
1.u.,11e1 . •
Itlley, per 1.11,11e1
Clo‘er Sege, per t/tithel U 01/
Snit, per RM . l<
twr tm; - " 1
• • I ' 2 ' 01/ 1"
Con' I.ln. burner. 1 Sr
• Nli,•OO
Urllwrrs & Itro , 40 South 'Hord Siroot,
,furrilwlt the following up to I IP' 2 , 01
Ill.twut , e•
l' H s'4, of 'HI . 117 Itu 117 , zi
. 1111400 112
111 1 .,f0111 , ,,
111I i "ra. 110,
'c.f. 'lf 5r111 , ,0, III , „
... 11.0 , i Pt, 111
" .. .C.ti . .. . ... .. 11.1.)4 (.1) 111
" Ml'•. 144-444. 14" , , la, 1n.04
li 8 30 I VI. 1; jot, rent. (.) 11.: , ,,0ty 11l
Dot- Comp Int Note•, 11
(.(4.1t1, . 111 % 0 0 114 , ,,
Silver, ON 04 11 9
ion . Pueiflr R IL lit M. 110n,14.
f'entrqf Peciptig. 940 by 940
Union Pt to. Grunt Bonds. 710 47M.1
Philadelphia Markets
The following •ro the quutallon• up to It
o'clock, yentoirdny, Thursday
WI M—whiW
Rye ..
liarley • - ••• . I", 04 1,3.
rover 88.11 787 9 . 0 N 10..
Timothy Seed .....420,
Millar .11 01 42
lAN 10 44 20
View Advertisements
131 , ..NN5Y czyntx COUNTY 8.4
I I, Jlf Morrixon, Vlerk of the Orphan'.
Court of said county of Centre, do hereby eel'
tify, that at an i irphan's ronrt held at Belle
fonte,the Valli day of April 1070, hero, the Ilan
oruble the Jiidge. mf 111.4 4 mitt (HI 1110.011,
rule Was grant e d upon !he'll Ire and repre.ent
no•e. of John VI let deerared, to cenle Into
the* curt on the fourth Mohan) of Augu.t 'Jeri
and aet•ept. Or refuse to gm, opt, et the .gluee
tlon and apprakenient or mhewaraiine why the
n'nl relate of Fiala deco weed 010111.1 not to, unit
In tentilloony whereof, I have hereunto net
my liana 111111lixrd the ■ent of pall Court at
Itwllefonte the 2.51.11d.y or April 1870
Shoran, ut h e
May 2.5 th s•J H /HRISI
D, IV WO , HMING, Clerk O. C
1.5.21-et Sherif
ss I, J 11. &falcon. clerk of the
plums Court of calif county of Centre, 110 here
iiiirtlfp, that at an Orphan's conrt held at
lilletoute, the 25th day of April 1070, before
the Honorable the Judges of bald Court tin
motion rule wu granted upon the hears end
represen tail, es of Samuel Struheeker &coal.
od, to come Into the Court pn the fourth Mon
day of August neat, an accept, or rehire to re
rept, at the •alnation and appralsement, or
show eauce shy the real estate of stud Is
castled should not be sold.
In te.titnony whereof, I hereunto net my
hand unit 'Mixed the nen! of .e.l4lCutirt At Bello
finite the 2.". th day of April IH7O.
Sherill'n om , •o,
D. W. WooL/I(lISI., ) Clerk U C
If. 21 ft bheriff
SS I , J If ‘lorrteon, clerk of t h e nr
phan'n Coal I of said county of Contra do to re•
by eaAlly, that at all Orpban'to Court held at
Bellefonte, the 251 b day of April Im7o, before
the Honorable the Judge. said of l'oort, tot
motion rule ace granted upon the heirs nod
repreaentutlvee of Georg., IVafplardepeaaaal, to
Marie Into the Court on the fourth Monday of
August neat, and accept, or refuse to accept,
at the t altiation 11,1.1 appiannotiont , or 10101 , 1
-nose why the real iqoate of FIVil deceased
should not be cold.
In teeltimmy whereof, I hare hereunto PP(
toy lutml .ml ulflaed Ulu seal of nal.l Coati. at
Ilellefonie the 2511 i tiny of April Is 71)
Sheritra °Hive,
May 2.5 th li7ll,
WI aDRINO, Clerk, O.C.
YI fit Sher
W A 1 11 M N
X.ST A B1_4111)12:11
JP I• *V rl, It n • I. i
P. ( :1 I AJTlt.‘;‘•Ni Es. I
•,f •1.00.0 • 41( f. reign nn•l .Itoillept I. /la r
1./tonn, dc, In Curia° quality, fur
lb. year 1870,1.01/jet% to pity Men I of Ilreoeu.:
Irwin & Wilson, 'tors.- 8 tio,oo
Wni. F. Reynolds & Co„ bauksrs. Isms,
A. Blernberg, .... 13 ly,oo
J. W. Cooke,— ... -do .... ~ 13 10,00
C Frybargor,.. * .do. .. :.. 14 7,00
P. McCaffrey, A C 0 2.343 .. ..... .1......- 14 7,00
H. II Kline 3 bill d tables Moo
Emil Joseph ,It Brother, store ..-. 14 1,(0)
Levi A. Mille r, . store.. 14 1,00
Jlf Sands baker....... . ... .. ... 14 7,00
Foster De•llng & Wilson, store 12 12,00
Loeb, Way A 1d•I4, store .. ...... ~. 11" 15,00
Wm, B. Savage, store 14 7,00
D. Of. Wagner, store 1...._.......10 , 20,00
Hofrer Brothers, a10re..,... ....... .... 10 2/0,00
R, Brows, confectionary.. ... ....... . 14 -41,00
J. B. Awl, along IA lO,O
F. 8. Wilson, 5t0rti... „ .....+--....-... IS" 100
(.I.W. Patton, store 14 7,00
G. Livingston, store,.... ....... -..... 14 7.00
Wm McClellan, tailor 14 7,00
J.IIJ. Harris, stdra...../.......„ 9 28.00
O. D. Pltarj stars..... 11 16,00
Wm. W. lionWorn•ey Whir .... „... 14 7,00
Burnside Th0ma5 ... ....,,* ll 14,0
Immo Haupt, store 14 tali
K. Graham A Bon, store 11 1,00
J. L. Miller, Store ... ..- .• •• . .. 14 • 7,01
Centre ,CoUnkyr4.lank Ins Co ~. 310,00
Mut A'dvertisomentQ
Ammerman ro's Co., ,
J. H. Lonberger, store..
A. lierklielmer, story . . 1 i
ussman k Guggenliliner, store. 1212.
Kato Reed k Co., store. .......
Cowers k McClain,
11. A Miley, plumbors......
Sliortledge & Co., coal k I ' 4 ,ori
dealel , l ....... ....... ... • Sf I
; In rp
Chit.. Cooke, store. .... • • • ••
!Oehler& Co stole . • • It 7,,
, Co., more . 11
, -
P:l"...t.ii eon, store 7 oil
• li Ina',
tGeorgo O'Bryan, store ....... .• • • 1 I 7,4
!tarp', &Brother , ' store . ii . 2000
FP. Blair, store-- .. • 11. 7,,e
John 141.4'1'111, store
11 l' al
Zeller A .hat relt, store . .. 11 'lye
Keller & Masser. store . le '..11,110
II iitiiilliAll, 2 bill'd litiololt ..., o, ,Ti
G r lion ant, 2 healing ellhe.
.1. (I I(ortz, 2 do do . : *.t0,1,
A. llama, mte're • • • It ova
.1.,11. Ettle,rtore .... - ...... . • - 1.1 hya
110(1114 TO IV NSII IP.
111 , •rov A I.lnn, gI e ~1 • 11
.1. 11. (lurlin, r.lorra " 1,•,„)
I, Ilnn,, brewery•
John.llll.ler, I+ lure
ItN/411,F: 711WNSIIII
1; nolo. A Ilnrtley, r 4 re
Weber .tr4inger, store
vlmrL, brow A. I'll 10
144.1111g$ r 11110'111 411 1.1. to it
10i411.4..1 MIIIIIII k 1,11., 110
1.11,111 ii, 1 - 0, 1r I I 1
i;ehy 12
cou(ifitivnery .
tiltEoo 01% NV) •
• eL I
R If Diluent), .t,,re.
I It F - -f",
F h.q . 1,1 I (Ili F, ntort
1`1.11 . 11..11 h Spigelnlyer, store I
Harp, A (nnnull I. r , store I I 7
A Al ingl4l 4loru
M. M Muswr, I I h. 41
14.41 ('o , *tore II
I, \V 1100 , 6er Ar Co, ,lore I.!
Villinmo, mloro I
.1 I II tore I I 1.-,1
Vattern. Patterson ,t Cu, store 12 1.!
John 1 Thompson ft Co , bankers
Ilklin WA.
ilson (`o, store 11 I •
.1, M Hoitu.•er, store I t
.1 W tiletn Store II 7.
holle••• 11e Lul6ln , store . . . I)
I;eorge k,, A Son, store I I
N 11 StoNer, store I I is , .
1/. Bess, store
.1 .1 Price, confectionery
J. V Gray At More . IS Il,i
II H 'I I CO ,1111.11. i'
Henry Ailnrn.',..ll,re 14 - al
Ira Fisher store . . 11 7,,
Loral, et Brother, store .
Joh n•on At /toyer, store
S F Kline, store
IL loot e, Store
Balqur Wit or, store
1 , 45 (.0 1,50
1.0 ,0 1W I
1,00 (igr 1,12
20 42 22
A (4
(.01gley Ac Kronkey, P. tore
J.,11t1 Brickley, tor .
Wlloon, Bets t Co., store
114.'4 Q Brothern, store ..
N Wolf, Mote 17 10, , 5 ,
J. W Mholl, Moro • • 14 7ou
11 W K reamer, r,
.. 14 710
Frank & Haines, More 1J woo
Wolf tt fiartgos store . . 13 1,,t,
M filler .l 11ro4n, store It P..
I. 4' l'eltn•n,•torts 14 7.
J li hobo, .tore ... . 12 11;04
A F Iltlggs, ;afire 14 7r ,
T li. Holahan, NCo , .lore I! 11 ,t)
II T Ily "Inn & Co., More II I: ~
J 11 Huhn & Co, I 1 7.0
C 41 Hyman, . 1.3 I" IC
VIC:* N TOW:S[11111'
J W Snook, 'tore..
Jacob Fl.rnhnth,.
Air:ander3 Son,
Ertl.. .k K repletter
J Foot*.
Jacob SI rolim, •tore
A A Kerlin, It 1i.,0
(:raff A Thompmon, f I 1 Dial
11 1 , 11r1nbln A ( o, I i iiiim)
WJ 'I liornrmon & itro , " IMO
W 111 Wolf , . . 1,1 10.0 0
I' Iferine her, 14 700
Javol, Huh,: 14 7,00
Peter Murry, slur.. 14 7,00
Slattern et Broe
I, W Munson & Cu,- . 14 12, - 4
( 44 Ilerlinger, - • .. 44 7,.10
U. II Zeigler & Co, .' 44 ron
J A (Istme. 44 7.mi
I; A ' , lewd. . 1/ I.f.'d
J 0 Surlier, bolder . 14 110
IVrn. Oliver, storn . . 44 7m
I 8 Dubroe & Co,. . . ..... II IS.II O
Simon !toner, ... .. ..... ... II 7• ( ''
J OM. tlirk, .. .. . . . n 10,N)
M It Meyers 14 To n
Jnntes Morrivon,, . .. . 11
A Montgomery 11 pino
John Malian • ... ... .... 1/ I , 4I
I Pan lel Ayers, 11 I"'
T. 11. Switzer,. ..... .
~431 7on
0. 8 Dubree,.. . It4l
Peter Swartr • '' ll IV'
A J (Indoor, &Co : i i FP.'
. .
.. ..... ..........
Iklelink .1I Perko., bunl.e.s. •1011111
Wemley !Wok, More, 11 7 .'
G F. lloopn, .. .. 12 11 , '+'
1/ Reesman. N -il
Wm 11. MeCauPland, . 14 7 '
A. um I 1,..! b. kg al , .rs ... 3 ,
F?ailsl IPorvom, more I
N Srmill. liquor More,— . . It I "'''
Paler 11•eleer, More. ~. 14 7"'
I 1 4
Ivan MI
1.. blelnllrai, stow r.k. 14. , I .U"
May Loeb & Co., More. -
A Crlaaman & Boo r - -
Wm. Ca' onpbell, ........
Grebt & Rambarger,-
J. & 0 Alexander,.....
N. .....
Peters/ Smith
8. N. Marlin
D. Punta, store
J. W. Sirnpeoo,..
J. AB. It 7 .°'
11°°' ' °:"
Ido he certify the above to be a full
and correct oopy of the mercantile appraisel
merit, made by me la and for the 'curdle
'Centre far she roar 970.
An appeal will be held In the commission
Pre office. at Bellefonte, on the 101 h dey ofJunc.
A. D. WO. F. ETV,'
1642.0 Arpraisfr•
I I • 7!n
I 1
I. 1
Ii 1 u
I, pi.)
14 I. ,
1 I I I
I I I ' ',,
sr, 00
, ii,ti
' 710
10 00
1 PI
. 14
. . . 14