he Democratic Watchman. OUR TERMS T. II i " D Emoc AT wart'![. MAN" is published ex ery Friday morn ing, in the eity of hehefonle, I7t, by I' GHAY VEEK,ut $2 per 11111111111 p J (Mid ertelhi ta i ia• oanc,); S4::dt, when not paid to Wham..., iSM $.l It n 1 purl benne the expiration of the year; lOW no paper a ill te diseotihntool until sli arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publeiber Paper4adl not rid 01110 f Celli, rollilty warm p rmi fur ~,1 1 ,4,„ All Adveriisein nts for It li‘ss term than three timlthy, 211 cents per line for the tirstihr,te nisurtions, and 6 vents n line for melt addi tional insertion Specis!• Mery olle-11111r1110r1 . FA Mortal nonce, '2 5 cents per lino A liberal discount mule ill 1101 , 1.114 alter tieing by the gunner, half year, or year, as lot vivre =I One inell (or 12 (ince Ott. , t rpe Two inellex. Three i ovules ... (pouter 40(1111111 lt , l I , e he.) eollinill tor 't I One vOllllllll (to - lo In , 10-1 • Job l'rmting t.,..ry kola dun sea , . and /111,10411 11, \ ATCIIII , , I,tbk eh, too , . n•tylio.l *lib a Pone! , 1 . 1 i., 1111 ell rylllllll4 In tin Irpli 14: e¶l‘ Cat' , / .4111 , n , 111.1rtti , ( an , / ,it low. -I 131.+ I , lit, I= %.1 NH I I;. n. f =IEEE Cards \„„rr,,., A. It's D. [.., t t.r I W I. I f; I A. , \ I I: ,I. 1. ,11;r TT it. will( it( it' K. 14•Itt ts(. I Itt s !ee • ln titiql r. 11.1.• it....m N.. .1 oat I.:112-• F. r( iNTN I:Y. ‘tt , riic% ttt Ulu t• r Kink lq - IMIN \ttorn..v t it I • 1. B 4 l',l, I Ott, Sl,l, Fll,l, 1.411 II I ) ( )Itl'.l \I I) J • ..„ rg ,„ n "the It -11• I it. r.11)1.• PIL I ill' n u .1. 1 . „1..l .. 1{11311:1t. -1, 1;0 , ,irgomt. 'tb r 2114 lir rrrr • 1 Il v LUST Flit ISE V tc, ‘11. 1 0,.1i ) 1411,4• E POrth of th,• Inarti.,l.l. 84 11. r..niv, 17,11, Of VIN I)Eft. ttt.a. nevs FA Law. 'Belle (onto., l'a , I tthee IN the ',talon , of Otte I on ow/ lime... .7rt lei Till /MAS FOLEY,Attornev at Law, Philirioiritd entree county, Po Spe NMI attention given loth.. collet lion t QM Fr 111 )ti. H. 11 A E, M. J). .1'1) vs' elan ant Surgeon. I utire Itoqin . Second Rloor, WATCPINVI Butiding, Hell+b,n re, Yr. LA I R hSTITZER, Attonievn at L ate, httlief.mte t teth , nn n the ttatotrott, to t I , 1” ,, r to t.ortrittn 4 f Itttel /11 tty tro r..n.iiltell in kliglimli x1..1 I,* rfnAn • 14n3 II I) 11..moTatlis4 I'Ly-a tun and v,trg. on (olte.• re to the Fir.t Rank liwliing beller.onte, Yw l,nl lv prosoptly attended to d),11 N MILLS II 11. E. At titnivywt t Plilltr.hilrg. I i•nirei iitintN i Pa •.P.,•t1,•11. oktpt nil other I. gal (..iitri ,tn.l I iiArti. priirnptly MEM TIIIIN II( 11. 1I I\ M I) I. Inn .•nd OM/ e ir the ~1.1 • LIP w. lig.1•••• I, ran I, pr.d.-..1..na11y rrn GNI. kI. 1.. NI I • . and. :',141.,,n, Ilaflng permanently Atovi nt Mileslairg offer• hp. pyormeelonal rrv. • M tO , t% I.'ll* ut that late. and tt ‘Nr i 1,1.1 A NI A WALLACE, .Itt.,r at lA,' wit{ ,n•lt It, 11. ("nl , who r. l.tinn.l In non till with to , 11.1ent 1, 1 ,111.1.1 Pen. bylvanla y Attorn,y at I.off r t) Ir. ttnne Pr ,, MPtIY IMOW r. stun glion ht tho, having lands or pr.p.rt♦ for •xle Will &aw up and lIATe hi 4uuwlriir•d 111 , ,Igyr•n, Ai• Itßfr»ln rnevinn...• of , rtti Nide of niiMillyl,oi/90MIte I 'miff If 14 ft C,tA T yBA BI; ER. .alt. amt Retail !niftier. in Juid 1 'parr-10w; nit ro•ivortinent .1 Cigar . a• i• • n 4.1141111 th v I •inrinl li ii.. lONNO`lite r h .ti Horse, Ifeilrfonte, v 12114.5 WILLIAM 111111 W N. LleeTine.l Aq.•tio,lrer 14.•11..f,nt0. I'a, will at to nil at 41 1.11 aO. at , and Oriente 11.. mug had eighteen • exp• gni,r tutuhu.wen. he tlattiiri• hviiiiielf that lie rail give ge neral viatiillivrtion. rOatgro 111 BIER, M. I) , owati nittt „ L A . Stirgetat,,,tfery proie..lonal ger vie., 01 the .11114.115 of liellefont.. and VfT .s oppootts Vrien.fm Spring 91k.et, Itellefimte, Pennqylvanla •Il WI 1.1.1 AM I'. M ITC!! ELL, Pray- Ilea) Hiarveyor and Conveyancer, Bell, (ante, loa ()Mee over lie)noldn' Bank Partioular attention paid to running disputed lines and the unseated lands of Centre and El= J 01'N I) WINGATE, I) I) 8, lieutist, Itsllw fonto Pa, thankful for pest favors would, ra ac w etfi t ily solicit a continuance of tit., ..erne, Ran the right for Centre county, to use lir, 1. flacks patent improvement in dental platen That this in an Improvement the written e•t dein, of ,tome of the heat and most talented dentists in the United Nodes ran be produced Office rights for aide 7-16 E. CHANDLER, M. D., Holm' , patine Physician And Surgeon, Belle fonte, Pa. Office 2nd floor over Harper Bro's Ulm:v. Residence at the °Mee. Imr= lion. C. A. Mayer, Brea. Judge, Lock Haven ••1.. A Mackey. Pres. Jet Nat Ilk„ ” C (' Whaley of the 'Clinton Item , N D. Mackey,Telter tat Nat. Bank, " 14.-42 SAMUEL. BELFOR.I), D. D. S. of the BeUlmer* College of Dental Bur. gory, respectfully °Miro hie professional Be r. Pleas to the Maseru§ of Bellefonte and vicinity. He has spared no moans to aoquaint himself thoroughly with evet7lm rovement In his art To menyymo of experience, he has taught to add the imparted isnowledge of the highest authorities la Dental Science. He tmply askethat an opportunity ma be given Ow his work to speak Its own e. 01Bea on second door over Irwin It Ilson's Hard ware, store Bellefonte. Pa. vl4nl6ly DUI WING IN COLORS A SPEC AT• TlilH OFFICE. ihiladelphia Cards H SItIIMIDT, IMPORTER O / F . \VINE, (ON, lIRANDIE9 ANI) CL&RE'I'S = vllO2- PIM, vt Pl , l,l'lll\ T,l EW ARD W. MI LLER, 114 anite IT J. I' CII LFADVJ ,) WITH & COM PAN lIPORTZIIII kMD AUCTIpi roonros or fileS E BY, GLOVE S, I 1) s • AND WHITE (10o1),1 4 , • 12N Ali Act, And 42.1 Merchnnt SOO o f, 11 I 11111, 1)E1.1'111% MALES KEPHART J. !iAIiNES, ER( 0: Co 3 $$ $ l2 7 10 I', /0 1. 12 20 1 Wnolonale and Retail dealer.. In OATS ¶:4 PS, SVM IV (1000 S A ND PURR, go ,r,RAMlllicet St , ECM BA I'M, IM 14 MT ER' A I) Wlwl.•,le Ponlyr In MEM \ ',rig, AND ityr. 1221 Co/h,1070// MIS 1 4;1,1•: 111)1'1:1 MCI =I tVIVI 11 R.." WA \ lilt it II ( I v121)2.! Pro,lp r ,k 7 II n()LES ILK Ro( KIM It 1' e(,)11 tlO t, )N luL 111, o'l4, t .I Al mxry Itt Ks, - ~f B h .13,111..2., Jr & :4 Krit,-Jr —of S Srtme. , Jr 1111.2 r) t Ml= l) I: NV I) I (1 N F. It ' II C., I , ,ng Iron knew n that th. old .•tal, 1,1“ 4„arld a/ II .1,•kPol /RN/7172 MO BY Irlij•t, 111.11" ,f II It 1.1-:1,118, 'lt 1,7 h. op in edy I. mew telling 1111.11 Hair I lOttl R•TA ,kr "terry %%alum I hand'', t,titt. In oil or I arni.dt 1 "itag,• I , or tattnr, , , f 1 ie•R ‘ ii,i1)111/1 and \l,,ilr It, rit , lkt• t Mayor titan atit•tion pat e. I "me nod ...t• 1014 be c0111.101•eti l , Ml\ mon, 1411 tog 'lt 11 Call 1.4,, 1 ,,,,,1,0,111,2 ei..whrr.• H }} LEV% N, Sn 1 STRET 1 ., to-ml t tioo, to; vor hfiventh Flour, Feed, Etc el , FLEMINOTON MILLS P1,F.31 I Cf.INT( ,N, roti,iTY, PA V I. 0 t K FEED CORN ECM MEM IMRE The un,ier.ogne,/ having purelmwllbe. FLEMINGTON MILIISr4 IZZEI f,merly owne PACKER & PACKER, In now prepared to n•wne In 1.1. hoe a tAPAitteme, .(141 ye the earful prompt Attention EMI Sewing 2blschlne SEWING MACIIINF um: SIN ;ER ;•;,\VING .MA kniong 1 , 1 , 1,111 g inaehinen, mute by the Sin!, Mantifosot taring goal y, rank with the highext Their marianettirtng niaehinee, hare Initi; been known ae the heat for niannfaetiirinK purpogeo !tut within the past few years, they hare pip en /Tv, at attention to the proinetion of a FAMILY MACHINE d'e . •iti nod to win much favor I=l The mantling, whioh they now offer Ix quiet Inght-Winning,snople, Goo, noinelene. Its screen sorter. for MEI HEMMING, BRAIDING, BINDING QUILTING, TUCKING, CORDING FELLING, GATII ERING are simpl"nd easily understood, Its delicate though enduring and tlreleari muacie■ of iron awl steel, do all the work noiselessly, better, and few si tit deny, - Faster than hand can dolt " They urge tholes wishing to purchase a ma chine, to examine all the other manufactures before buying , as it will for Itself overcome all the °Welton, to the other mach/nee that ran be brought against it. Machines on hand for pale and exhibition, together with a full and complete assortment of SILK, TWIST, LINEN, OR, COTTON TRIIKAD nd nth*" accessories (or the machines by Agent. Garda. Furnishing and Tailoring Establish moot, No 7 Rrockerhoff Row, 144&1y. Boßeroute Pa. J . P. GEPHART, ORVI A ALZXANDER, attend to eolleetiona arid practice In the Or phithe' Court 16-2 N111.11,1:11'111% ).1 I= 4.RAIN P L A Hj EAR =EU MIMI for anything 130Y1) c. PACKER I'll I N 0. W. W. MONTGOMERY I= Dry .reaaa, ,erOcries =I ANOTHER NEW ST()REI The lArgeet, CheapaM(6lll/ fort Apreorted Mock of E=l In Central Venn.) IVlolia ass Jll4t NWT' 01 , 0111,1 at the 111,‘ store etmin m breekerhia Block, Street, f by I=l FOR THE 1.41)1E* They hare Stik s, f'•thurgs, Alpneens, Mrnrtns Wool Urhant•s, Laster., (hogloino., Pophtm and other t•Iot t••t, li•o•lerr, Balm, nth., II••op-+klrts and it K••nenQ • variety of Itlbl••ms, fnm• !mop, N•lttnns, Woof., , at the hot 11l 'IVY FOR I:EITI.EM EN They hair Illnek rend /line (1011,. Ilbit k and 4:1(111.I., hl , ll.l , ..Wnter pn.of( :NO otinle , lmm.n Vl•%llngr, et,, In great Nall. IY, au/at lq WI , git sag ` , 1111SIA( . - 11toll H1:\1.1 M \ (I,ll'llllNi Suet, lit er. tro trritutut tont. titlttl It 1111.1 1.1 11141 .11.1 F Witn it. tit Itt t.r .'llan, littntllur r t hu rtt and Notu•l,Tp, 1 "tit., ntUd N ttttl- Iti Lt.., I nlf titol It tit fi....t ',WI 11 , , , ,1111,r1)%/ 0 01 • lail , i , / ,1•4 Z'ttittt null( kit. 11 other art let,. . 4 lu re 1,11 tlly luttl..l. iliil*SEll(ii,i) 11,,fig alir./4 11141 v V , 44 14444444 t I Ariwt4,l , ll4 10110 , , Itllk/w, 14040 Nttf.lttl4, lIIUIU 114441 I /.414..1te., 144'4111,1g5, P 1114.1-4 ho4ing44.sll4•o4t mg., Tow, ling 4 94i1414 1 14 - 401.4, 4 4 / 4 /4444 1 441 erri. NiwLre 1111 m1+, 7u king+ /Ind ry I irg44 a44,444rtitio lit 111 .114.11 Ilft I OH+ 1,4 111.• ennt.d by 1itm4444. 1ic441444r , oral al 1 , 114 e. 10 Still Fl N , WA n•—c , rtmcnt. ~ 1 1, 2 and Nu !ler Sy6l- , and n gl`ll. of w RI , 111111 • Ni ill be VON 1., lII.' or picce, and 114 1.10,1111 e, It rnn I.• pur, rhenritere tut the county • r, EftiEr4, ETC Con.l.ting of Sugar., Coffee., Tea., Spires Sirup., Chee.o., Flour, it4COlll, Feed. , alway• on hand and for aide at a small athanoe on rust 1!!Ml=1 IThey have everything the eititen wattle, and intend to do Witham; by selling everything et the LOW EHT CASII RATES (train and produee taken v13n47 N E,, s'l't )1( E.— Altl' ER 13 10 i..s, ExrutE NEW STOCK OF GOODS Of every demeription, at their new store room on Nprinig street, which %Or!, PA \l(' l'lt ICES PANIC I'ltll'F:4 I= 1212i=t21 And will hr roll an tow if not loveer, than inn 1* r. , lllllleirwerhere In thnl !wetter. Thetr mtork rumpnu•. in part, Pry (..A, Nuttun. Mi11111..7 ,voOdid. ROI/JO/IPP, (ioOling arvi hhoor Soot.. wnd ShOep, OtS and Shoes, liars end 01p. styles or flwu Arid 1 . 410, Hats and ('aps Carp. t-4. Carp.. t- Bag r, rarvet /tag- 1«.14 and cheipent Part.ol., Gentlemen and Ladie• Furnh.hing (.444741%. Ladles CloAkpi sand (in•nitr. fu Sin. sand Cloth, Parprttlitc. rerten,citteettem:trt.,..te fiTATIOPiEn Andererything eine that I to 1.. f,,,jr,,) In well ad.. krd emmtry more I "emir', roiled taken Ilidip•lilintp. for Boidld, and tlo• hiKhrat market Pried Paid 1111121 ItG _). PI ER'S ST( 111 I ttraek.rhotr. Row, nest 1.,0r( It> Nat 2e, In when. a fresh supply of Sprlng and Bummer good', In endless VA 14E1'1 EN, AI ET I Eti, N'ARIETIES have fulit been recolie& Conaiiiiiing in part of French Ilnd "I. 11.1.41111 • Ble/MAW(' 3 / 1 , 1 Unhl • h • d Mu lino dheetings Print, of every Style awl Price The eel ebrstted =I Gents' and Boys' Over Ctiata, Sults, Pinta and Vista, Under nothing, Hate and Cape. Ladles Miele, Furs and Pack• Canned and Dried Fruits, Cedar and Queens ware, Groceries—the finest Sirup, In town. upwits, PURE, GROUND TO ORDER Give him a call before painkusalagelsewhere. The Higheet cash price said for marketing ot all kinds. Po`ite and attentive clerk s always ready to wait on all. v13a38-1y GEO; L. FLYER m.ll biI(CCIT. KAMM. ADUCI M ILESBURO PLANING MII,I, , .. MACKEY .5,:: COMPANI having loaned thn above named Planing MIII, nod onbled largely to Hs fanlhinnl for torah)); Jan hr+lgln ork, are non prepared t fur ntah ri (minx' 111 INI,-I, siirrrEits, and Tnannfactured lumber of - 1)1.1,4('It Il'7 I 1 r% x.ll\l eksli All manner of stork, Radii an Scroll Situ ing it; , Tondo• nfl. r nay nh lho shorie.l 1,111.11 N 14 I 01111,1 , ed .4 pi 1111110A1` and ' , MOM Ad mt., •plie Id Ow PitiquiLii oil the iti•lli Mili 01111 It lIM 1 01111111'W elnellt. Coll.llt , lvd Atilt t 1,.• turll ail uI .Terktval t4t all limes, ttif. !MOW(' in it iingrni 111 luvJtLv .1 tin, In lifiniter , luK It, lii 111 I L. it, of In nig oil 1end...1. 11 in DEC WV4Tf. Lumber,'lied ton yoke dr3(..1 per fectly, and In 11141 %I .rked mid rut lir, Atli not S111:11'E1„ , 1 ND 'NMI K the i...f hat t ag i w on 1,14 i t t “Itt t•S ;melt Niatertal Vio•ltntta that ottrfn dull me tt••• 3.l,3llfitge or. Pbming Jo •SIV And xe fu .•1 perft , tly like ill sayttig. th tl xl I our Ireel, will be ir3egranler.l A SUPERIOR QUA LIT) V. will fornish anything In our line from a door papel, to a •nd at 1 , 11011111,4 , 14, AA eftnnut Litt proro to Le pn inducement to THOSE' DESIRING TO [IVIED All orders promptly filled and II fair share of public patronage, reapectrully solicited MACK EY a COM PA NI MEE B E►,LEP)NTE PLANING MILL W. V. II (I ( . 4m.ressor to Holmes & ( ompany ) very cheap ■1 lorre.t pricen Umt rellgut m1.r.•114, ('mt.rv•llwat FLOOR I,WI AND ,WRA TIIKRBOA RDI NO ME B4'R)LI. WORK OF EVERY DFNCRIPTION IMI Pottern• • . Patterns. . Made . . to . .Order Hee irsi • " ISuckley,e Patent Lumber Dryer' convected with the ealebilehment, I am ohm bled to lutnufseture my work from THOROUGHLY BEARONF:D ',UNRRA filKtrdera from.... Contractors, Builders, Dealers, And, tM trade Generally, are reepeetfull 'elicited. BIKLI.P:FOrrE. COMM , vl5 nl3 Pun'. Planing. Mills C wictur mum? DO( )Its, 4 4,41 1111. A ETS SCIWI.I, WORK, MEM 1.1L,1 1: 1, P,vrirv:TlN INIR I=ll H HOLE 1101'sE M ilexhurg, Pa Manufacturer of WILITE wrItTP F ELL 0 w VRLLOW TELL° w : NE PINE PINE Of •nnoue •tylee Blind• 13111=1 And Mouldings -Brackets Bra. kstx MEE Bardwaro TIME "AN V IL" HARDWARE sToRE. IRWIN ,t WILSON, I ItWIN & ‘‘, ILSoN Iletk {%11.84)1C Nrirt'meat. rorner 0 Diamond. .I\ orilm est eorner 0 Diamond, Nortliwent corner or I.o.nomt, reuer ale, l'a ro•uefonte, l'sli nellefoulo, Pa. Have alAys on hand, and are daily reran , log. eery •leserlalon of Good. In the Ilard a are line, for all t Wants of the Painter, hunter, .1 - '0.11,t-tzlnkpr Tn6rtu•t-tanker t•nt7lnvt-ranker 1•1111. r Millror, Miller, Marhinint Msvhinip Mu•hlnl+t, And ►II worker. ln wood .n J metal. Their abock of RL P 000DS t. complete, *nion.. Ing e•erythlng to be found tn•fir•t-ritoia .tOre, while their atock of ft EAN EIY 4(i)U9 11. al way. full--conmorting in part or Nails, Horse Shoos, Olsas, Cook, Parlor, and other Stoves, Oils, Paints, and Varnishes, hope of all slices and Parking, Plat• form scales from 10u to io,oou pounds, Furnaces (or dwelling, Houses and Churches, Pumps for Cisterns and Wells, Wooden Water Pips, of any bore and length, Wood Work of all kink. for Wagons, 114gies, and Carriages, Springs, Axles, and Iron andStealof all sites A kinds, Horse Shoe halls, All Sall rod,., all of whieh we ere nt the •ery lowest prieeii known to the trade CALL AND SEP. OrT SToCh we will tie pleased to show you nil through, weether you buy or not ihir salesmen sr., st all Union attenttan and obliging , • r 14n1 HARDWARE! HARDWARE l The place to huy. .1 A J i/AttRIN i Th. subseril,ers would Venpcctfully Inft4w t the community lb.t they ilfiVe opened. voin plete STIO , 11.* If kh1 , %1 AILI 1 0111i.11.111µ n 1 111 It , I I X VI filch they ,WILL SELL. AT THE LOWEST PRICES Their stock consists of an sortsorboilders hard= ware, table and pocket Cutlery, Carpente rs ' , Mason's, Plasterer's" and Blacksmith's Tools, and Materials, Nails, Iron, Horse shoe', and Horse-shoe Nall., Rope Tackle, Forks, Chains,Shorels, Assn, Grind Stones, etc. Elouekeeper's Goods, Saddlery Carriages mins, eta., with all kinds of COAL .011, LAMPS, And the different parte thereof, together with a complete assortment of the best PAINTS, OILS, VABNISHER Etc. They hem by strict attention to Business and a constant care for the accommodation of costomarelo merit and receive • share of the public patronage. Builders and others will public it to their advantage to call and RXAMINR THEIR STOCK. J. d J HARRIS, !Hall NOlSlirockeihOff's Bow sEcHLER & WHOLEHALE AND RETAD, PROMS7ONS, FRUITS A NL ob UC yOll ('AN SAVE YoU WANT A NWE tta,4 ED ILIJJ you 0A SA I' E FROM 2-, TO t cENTs PER PM:\ I , ( IN TE‘ 11011.4h14.1.4 , T, 11•11141`k yoT (:AN FIND Till Uw bn»i ~•e•luaw NI /mind 111 ST IF I. E l .ltull lt,ll f , f tltptt Iphia irl.ll rr I•aril) •r I artm, Lumberman Lurnt•erman Lumberman put Ll;Mc3xs, o}:\ crsNEP %is] P- IN I for PIIII ler 111)11 I r I 1: Val' WANT ANY A ItTicji PI t•if r l'ln.t e re r PlaNt erg r IN Tint: PIt.)VISIO,N AI 11111.111E1.1'111A Conch maker Colo hmink r• r Cone Mmak or IF YOU WANT TO BUN Wheelwright.. Iheelwright, V thne)wright, lorlt ( dtqwEillEM AT R.P.UT ref, GET THEM ()V A HoEsE Bisekpmlth Itlu•k "mini ISlackranatt) o? THusE uooDS WAgon4naker Wagon-trsker Wagon-maker, WE RE('oMMEISI) YOU Try 0.) T.. EMI URNSH)E h THOMAS OFFEI: to the public one of Om largevt 111 , 1 • vent se/acted stocks of merchandise, In t county Call, crovinine and see for yourself F 13, , OR •EH I Eti, MOCHA COFFEE, in 1 4 evernment Java, best quality R.! Ise, bent °Meng Black Teas, Breen Tenn, I, eting Mlrtqs, (Volden etirnp, I trips, hue sru, , Baking Mr4lllltffeß, Bice, and everything in Itt grocery lint', at the lowest rash prn in CI market, always hs store, St PH1004114: A 'I Youndryman Found rymitn FouhdrYtnan H A I E. 4, ( oLLAIRR, CART WHICw t th nage Whi)in, he great VarlPfy, i• - •en ()lent ((ears, Middle. M art invdo- Check Linea, ( art lat . qem Tug Harne.e, Hartle., liattien,aide Everything in tie. asw (nary in.., at /WRNS/ME S PICER eq , Al.l, VARI ET/ EA, r(i2 , (l 11 ( 1 , order aud warranted to in In the Only place you can find naiviiiiterat.• apicee Try them for your own rail itivtii,a lou tan only find them at a Till nil L EA 'l' II Elt OF AI.!. UI:HI It Jr 14,1?- Freneh l'aJtakine,HpanlehS.de tenth, Vorneena iiheep-ekins, and I.lnillge J.ri ryt , thing in the leather line warranted t Kin, •41 lara.. ti.a. at ItUICSMIDE a 'I Il,A11.:1 IVHITMA N'H cELEBRATED ri 0 FEI lion/4, Whitmateri eeletirated i ho,, late, lialier'n Chocolate, Hinitfi'm I hone at, China limiter, English Picklesi American lea, at BURNBII4. A 'I 111 IM A.' P.IIABBITTH 8 4 )AP, 14M lIM:AN'ti All K roa'n Soap, lailitian'a Soaps, Jon. 1 , . .'. soaps. old Castile, 1•11111 , Pahl. Soap, h'i.' ling's Soap, and a great t ariety of othicr , i•li' at /1l'1048114: A '1 ill f!ilA,' E LA EST A g};9'l' till h ..rr...toel Ituutro and ts6ee, aarrantt to giro aatinfaction, at reduced pre iF111) he at itu I '111.1)I ADDLEUW MICH LEH Hi F 4 ,pota, Ring,. Everything a 41v1.1i , manta for the manufacture of tlllll - 111,14 1./ 10 found at- HUILSSII)E 'YID )310 - • T()URKEY purNEs, ItAININV PF.AI 11E 4 App Itramten, Lemont., all k o: reign Front., Hann Baron, en., , AtifrotWM, KNIVES, Mll4l4)Vt l Dllll r, rrb Hheorelp, Sitadirx, Ito k.••• II". • e. 1111,04, ut 11l It`o-i .% I ,s 1 ill / 6 11111.. if Tnriety un , l %••1‘ 111.4.). xl 111114 AHIDE a Till 13IAS FlHlffflifi TACKLE, RODH, LINES, 11 0010, Files, Hee Halt Baskets, Mr Itig att yourself to cadet' trout. at HIJRNHIDE & TM/MAW IT IS KNOWN TO ALL IN BELLEFONTI , and through the county, thst If you. Vlat a goodjittlehr, go to BURNSIDE k 1110MA 4 ' - _ - Tidll. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID for ' kinds or country produce, et BURNHIDE t TRURO; (TANNED FRUITS, PEACH PIi,TOMATDM Pins Apples and Pens, In res t rsrittt.r. BURNSIDE k TllOlllO SHOE.MAKERS' TOOLS AND FINDINO In all their varieties at BURNSIDE I THOMAS'. NEW PATTERNS Or Oth CLOTHS. la reduced prices, at. AVRNSIDE 6 TRONAS% moys OF ALL KINDS, AT xl6Ol BURNSIDE d THOMAS Groceries GROCER.' =I NO, 11 1111811 )1(1( s TWI) ('ENTs PEP. POUND BY RIIIIMII YOUR 81,10 AR OF ,S"Er/t/, =MI SECIILEI? ,f• I=l SECHLK e SAW/al.:II ,f co 4 1U1 rs, ir,LLIEs. , MEM SF,'l'lll.l-.V.' .f co rAN GFT 151 . toWNi. Eil MAT MAK Di A SPF:cIALTY Rgem,En d. (0.