Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 20, 1870, Image 1

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    Bellefonte Democratic Watchmat
13Y I'. (11tAY MEEK
Ink Slings
—Another of the DENT family has
b ee n appointed to an office in San..
iranci"co• Ie the connection never
to run ?
—lt is said that (lea Timmins Wilt]
R %NCR most formidable iival for the
Presideney in 1872, nad that is the
re:0011 why 1.11,v59r.s elljQyed his fuller
fl I t.. 1)
—lt Hikes thirty-six houses, we
ire told, to contain all the "soiled
d ll C 4„ of IA Cross, Wisconsin. If ere
11 field for the exercise of Christian
is Rn iDY bad lAA leg broken
on Ateh treet, Philadelphia, by n bar
Tel or ale 'falling on it. This ought to
induce everybody to join the Good
We learn that 'corsets are to be
taxed 25 per cent. So that hereafter
, t N going to be more costly for the
ladies to kill theiii!elieie - in 'this way
than formerly
.loti 1. Im4 I,een reelocted
1 . 01111. i Commander a the G. 1. IL
1,,, i ,•,70rtr Own" wa.+ telling other
uomle Co do , mtwliing lie didn't.
Imw to do liiuieell.
There 14 an A piadt•ifi LnL< which
ttewhed It', punnd-t when (July win
one. old, or I.', pound+ when IC, min
toe, nid --we forget which. Either
I‘llN. Ws a he —kely glory.
—The edttor of the LetriNtown I)ent
nrtnl 1i144 been presented with a cab
bage head Front reading him paper,
tte had I , ,rtne•l the opininn 'hat Brfitli
t r wai a cabbage head him
u\l a hag introduced a bill giv
Irt , J equal rigLitln 11.teb+,
pi l 1 t e conveyance 4,
cloirch black;
rtniiparative, blacher, Pilperlative,
—A hand thieves has }JkCII
li , trovered in one of the towns un i the
- , ttl.tititiw river, Michtgan They num
herabout ten, and the way they go for
the dry goods anti "ti sots is sgony to
the closefisted dealers.
- mean wretch of a Ito‘, not far
—lr,nll here, the other. day took all the
r..n. lily little Foster nod len,
r I It 011 'l4 . 0110. Monier,'
earil it of cautioning their
-I;RtNT has purchased a 732,000
Lowe at Long Branch Who furninh•
ed him the money is not stated, but as
T has never been known to spend
RN) of Lrs otvn 111011ey, somebody else
11111-t hate flanked down tie stamps.
7 In \\':1011100n city the Radicals .
ltor.rylit into three factions, and each
faction has a cat oblate for Mayor.
This rrangement is agonizing to the
and they hat+ been for weeks
in a terrible stew to find out which is
"de 'publican party." •
t tie of our Radical exchanges, the
Huntingdon ranbe, admits that the
e‘idence in the How tan invetigation
CILIC. "places that gentleman in a very
had poivition." Yes; and a court of
justice would place Mann in a Norse one
—the penitentiary/
--A little boy in Kentucky saw his
mother give the baby laudanum. One
day, when left alone with it,he thought
he would give it laudanum, too, lie
did so, lak not judiciously That
baby don't keep its mother awake lit
night any more.
—Two girls named TRo, T 111111
MARY FLoim, in Philadelphia, were
committed by At.Deast liost‘ift, for
attempting to break into a house. In
thta epe, the At DERV %N, COlll pa[4l4loll-•
ating the misery of a trout in elicit a
dry place Rs the lock up, kindly sent
a little flood with it.
—They say 'Old AX . 9
boy baby
at night very like a mild eat..
l',eiivemi he I 'tine and ..unrise, Scut v
-1. a a lit. He ins
been heard. iliiee peveral (ice/11110118
th In kind, to mutter something that
sounded very much like well, it
wasn't like anything good, anyway.
—That body of Radical rascals now
sitting in the Capitol building at Wash
ington, under the name of Congress,
has been plrNing the devil with the
public domain. They have given
away to railroad companies alone a
tract of land seven times as large as
the State of Ohio, or one hundred and
eighlytwo millions of acres, and have
bills before them fop the giving away
of four hundred millions ofacres more,
about two thirds of all the arable pub
lic lands yet belonging to the nation.
Pretty soon Radical rascality will leave
the country without a foot of land it
can call its own, and all bestowed reck
lessly and wastefully upon irresponsi..
tile railroad companies.
11lair I\ 1
VOL. I.►
A Hopeful Sign
Messrs Fgaity,lom%sov and SAWYER,
Radical rutted States Senators, seem
to lime got their c)rsopen at last;antl
are now advocating the removal V po.
litical disabilities at the South. They,
contend that there is no rebellion there
now, and that that people tthonlil bead
witted into lull and flee COIIIIIIIIIIIOII
with the rest of the Union. Opposed to
them are Mpirrov 1111 0:1., St MNER and
others of tOtt ill., who thore to keep
the South in perpetual subjection, ni
order that the part) to which they lie
Inns nits• not lose its ascendency, and
that they, nehviduall, inay retain
their places in the council chninhcrq or
the I{,pnlAw.
WI. 111111 1111, 11111,1T111•1. 1 (.I VIV%Vg
4)ppcffients 11-1 Pt;;
ge-ti4e 111 1101,1 1 fcll 111 V We
'hulk 114lio4vs the le‘elopmetil QF 3
in,re t•efiiiitielit among (44(4
1114 r maker'. At least, a gi,e4 nw rea
rioll to belie e flint the tallaties of the
Senn e are Nit going to hat e thing.; all
their own way much lunge& anti that
the conaert atom; and Kmiricrat,t will
ere long control. the legimlation of Com.
grmis into channelti that tell irrigate
the political soil , of tire entire ctuintrt
and make the note oppre...ted and down
trodden South the peer, a 4 she once
tent , of anv other portion of the Union.
The senator or . rt pre-mitati% e alto
will at thii time I up in place in
either House til Congre-.,and, under hit
I,OICIIIII 01101, say-that dime it rebellion
or tiece4-tity for continued federal in
ten 111 the Nmuli, It either a
kiitoe or a tool. That people are as
willing now to re-iitne their relation to
(het ',emeriti flits ernment INtlie people of
l'etinmylvania are to continue their's,
.‘II then want is it chance to 41low their
good faith. Thin opportunity such
Radical Senatorn l)a 110.,
tit V\Fa nail other+ aranot willing they
should lime. Hence, it 14 gratifying
to knots that the , v nien hate round
nn element in their own party that 1 , 4
dispoHed to tilie , titin the propriety 10
their coiirle, an l 111 speak a g oo ,I I or.l
for that suffering people I%l ' ll/ 1.16
t o h e : Woo e d t o be g 1.1 1 ,1 and latthtul
We trii+t the rea,on:thle, thinking
11lell of ILe Radical part) it there be
%Tillch we are .oweionet ,114p0 ,, ed
to doubt- -will gi% e heed to the utter
ances 01 their rest•onale,
men, and no longer put faith in the
Tlol.y. blatant Ilernag.)gues %sin) 111t1e
so inane year+ led thein whither‘oeter
they IAOIIII. 'rho luture glory of tlo
country depend+ upon the harmony
and pro+perity of the , (rlnill% 81111 the
Iraternal feeling of the people for earn
other. T h can only be attained
through charity and good will on all
11111111*, AIM the first step toward it %%ill
he the speedy restoration the South
ern States t• their former states under
the constitution. So may it be.
Its Time
"We wnht
such are the ,torls an, heard pas
ming the him 01 laboring net e‘ery
Alai is it ally ampler?
Does an) one think strange, that the
great toiling, sweating, hack aching,
tax-paying million., are growing reel
less under the disgrace of negro equal
ay and the hardens la:Union fastened
1111011 them h!,Oligiel demagogues
and public thieves, and are now is ish•
ing for a change?
Mechanics arc out of employment;
day laborers have no work ;fartnerti
receive nothing for what they raise;
merchants are unable to find custom
era for their goods, and general Plague
Lion of all kinds of Inteine.e4 is to he
seen everywhere. Still, the tax gath
erer goes hie rounds, and from the lit
tle of the laborer, the mite of the me
chanic, and the hard-earned dollars of
the fanner, lie takes whnt it need., to
serve the capacioua maw of (lie bold
holder, who lives in ease and opulence,
clipping his cOupons, and getting his
golden interests—what it needs to keep
Sambo in idleness and him children in
school—what it needs to feed the thous
ands upon thouattudm of needless otfi
vials, that a reckless find profligate
administration has fastened upon the
Taxes, ruin and planation for the
olkand Wine, and enßeaind opulence
fo/Ilndliolderm: and idleneas and food
and free schooki and efliee , i for negroes !
\VII° Wong er:l that a " change i
;It e us a "ehangoi" and, we wili
.how pm different "tr u ce,' limes
whra laborini.t Men can }An e work and
get wage 4 for it—when mechanics
will find employment Joni have pay
for lapner. can rare wheat
and get a price for it, and when the
Lune and einpx of the country—the
lione.‘whard-ttsted, winking m 111101 1 ,4—
can live and gel along, :ji , v‘ell n. the
inin,k-44ented eltpper. ofic•on
I;l‘,e tN a change, 1111,1
Itnud hohletn ti itl pa their (mil taxes'
NeLin,e4 %%111 keep thrinqed‘e4 '
' once t..cliool llir o‘vil ellll hen '
The nlllllOll4 0l olii e !hitt
( . 111 , e the e4imitr , , ,%orl,
illeni , el‘e 4 or HtArycy
Iron-loril , wr th e i r tiu n in
Ant !
Ind the whole tinny ot hanger 4 nu
to the riddle teal who 11111 V Inc otl the
toll mel heart -Relit-4 of the o%crhur-
411'1111 I/1\ -11/9 4'1,, 11111 be Itirtiv,l 11111 , 1.,
tO labor for themsel‘e or to .he atol
a , . they pleaqt.
'; 11.4 a change and a. I\ ill gilt,
oil 1 ‘ 1 , 4 ood iin cA
What next?
\ hill lino been int rodlice , '. into the
Senate liv that olde nige,er trout
stielin-gilts, Senator St (INF 11, which
(lie darl,e) the equal of the
'dote man rn etirt .lle to
he accorded the same prat lieges in ho
led+, theatres, piddle env evanct4,
churches, cemeteries, do , that the
uhite uian ellio, 110 11131Ier how 1118-
illNieflll It may be to u Jule men or how
little n accordance ,vitli the proprie
ties or decencies of lite In all re-pests
he is made the white (min . ,' equal, so
(nail), aft lie has been politically, and
herein the prophecies of the D elliocra _
er lime been fulfilled ry (he ten letter.
They told the people ears ago that
the Radicals would not i•tiip until they
had divested the white 111:11I 1,11 litx
birthright, and rae•ed the ignorant,
(fro , cling darkey to places that (I ere
onit intemled II) be 111101 by the super
I 011" race
l'udt•r tilltl bill in
malt at iii peril that a landlord dare
relic,. to gi%e a negro 'I room in
holi-e, or a ,eat at table It I, on
ly at iii.peril. that Elie I adroad tom ,
ditetorlare 1011 , e lo lei a negro ;well
- suit
CHI' lir Heat he It is
nit at his peril that tlw theatrical
manager dare rehu.e to allow a negro
to enter lit, pristite boats. It is unit
at his peril that the tru-tees or sextons
r ininc4ters of our churches mat re
lit-e to seat the filthiest larlse‘ . by the
side of the •weetet.t white lads in the
land, It is only at hiw peril that the
grave tugger may protest against bury
ing a 1 egro belittle a white man. It is
only at his peril that t steamboat cap
tain nay refo , te to give a negro the
heft berth 111 ills Seip,el or the first
place at his table.
Doubtless the bill will paa.. -4Ve
have no hope that it %sill lie defeated
We time Made up our monis that the
present Congress Is Intuitions enough
to do an)thing, in which opinion we
are jit-ftitled by tin past act-. It
more minium.; to do the people harm
than good, and in eery way has the
appearance of using to letter them.
It is the people'. t) rant --not their
Itirt whether this infitinou,,,ilkigrace
fill and cowardly thlng heroine a law
or otherwise, we are confident there
Vrirt be it nice time iu Irving to enforce
it. White men mon*/ submit to it, and
that's all there is of it.
In the meantime what are the Imo
pie going to in the way of voting?
Are they going to Continue to support
the party that has brought all this
upon UP, or are the) going to stand up,
fair and square on the white 1111111 ' s
platform? We trust the experience of
the past will hiot. be lost in the future,
and that the sentiment of the people
may hereafter be made known at the
polls in overwhelming majorities for
the Democracy.
--No observe bx the William
sport ~Standard that our old-young
friend, .1)+1111. Gambia, :-q , n -"of
Judge (iambic, tins barn admitted' to
practiee law to the .everal courts of Ly
coming county. ' ii a talented
"limb," and will make a good advocate.
congratulate him on his promo
The bond holder) mover root plains of
"tight tunes." Ile , its nt Ills ease, in
opulence, clipping coupons, and reeeiv
ing gold intertit on. rug.; he loaned
the geoertinient, when it wanted men
and nioney to inake Sunibo a toter,
and the Southern ;-;tates military dis-
the goverwsent %%anted men
The man just !tem.s the way from
hint, I,iolisli enough 101w:het e trial tie
was nas tor the "pre , ervation of the
nhouldereil hit musket, and
marched to the front. Ile gate the
goternment it leg, before lie got hack,
and 11(eN% 011 the one he ha-, left he
hobble-1 round ti !niche what he can.
Ile pats tate., on eterything lie has,
rein 10 the curl. leg lie hat in plate
°idle and Noel iiiie lie left ditto
South, lighting hir negro equalit)
The govOtiiiitent. wanted money.
bond holder said "pay me my
intere , Cin gold and lend yott
mine." The got ernment didn't draft
I it, like it did poilr men --it did not send
',royal( mar.dials and cowardly array
otlicers to hreah into clie.t , and take
trion the rich, :14 it did to break into
and talc poor men themselves.
it agreed to pat 11int lus "gold inter
ekt •' Ile handed (ever forty dollari in
gold and got a hundred dollar bond tor
it. Thtt kind deem, hint air dollars
inlro,r, Ile int e , te.l all ho
1,100 l in the .ninle arty-.}diving fort%
itclollari for one hundred d.ollar bond,
t e has drawn his interest yearly mince
en rears. II is forty dollars
has brotight him hack tarty /tree in in
tert.,t alone, and he still has the bond
her 14 100 lir payt taxes upon it.
•I•lie MC gatherer never calls at his
door, for his properly e. all ire bonds.
Ile don't feel the "tight timer" and
con , equentl don't complain.
Ile, till , 1110041, never oinking, m ill 1. think-
Ing. .1111 In thinking,
I that ho eiAlln
Heil .loo',
Not n (4.'0 of Inv, he — a Inhher, Gtt
anal la's'
Ile enn other+ ornzy wllh hard aerk
and hngrrn .ore
kto im). t 11 .• 11111,01 , , tli NI,. an. nit many
retiiiiirei mire
' , hall ) —riermi kr,
'Flint is the quiestion. Shall they do
it evermore ? Shall me work and sweat
on :And on, simply to raise taxes to paye'
t 4) this bond-holder, who has been
pant mer and over again for his loan
to the goveratnent ?
The party that made this infamous
Largo'''. to exempt the moirey of the
rich iron' taxation, stirs it would be a
•'national disgrace" to refuse to pay
lion gold for his paper bond or to corn
limi to pay taxes on them.
NVOIII.I it not be an much of a di.-
grace, an it in, to make him crippled
neighbor, who gave )earn of him time,
and One of him legs to the government,
pn)tin taxem for him ?
IVa4 not the poor man's leg to , got)1
as the rich map's money ?
Th e 1)11 City 7'lary 14 to he enlarged.
Keller be rant ion., l‘fr 7'i ri , .yte --it take.
m n e) to pohhsh a big paper now a
King's Learesiv the !Mlle
01 a neat monthly jamt established. A
motive of It will be found tinder the
head or "Late l'uldteationm."
—A new daily has putt been started
in Philadelphia called The Bee. It
about merrily and 86140 like
e‘er3thing occasionnlly. It is spicy
and lively, and will doubtless be a sue
--The Altoona Daily Sun in noticed
am having appeared. It shinen in
Another part of the country than thin,
though, for we travn't been favored
%%kb a Hingle ray. Can't be touch of a
Sun, (literal!.
—The Pittsburg Comnieicita in to
rejoice in a new afire.
—A new paper has just been started
in Corry, called the Daily Republican.
Who are 48 proprietors or editors are
don't appear in the paper.
et.aymN Dare just' issued in
New York the first number of a splend
id weekly newspaper entitled Wood
hull & (la/fin's Weehlry. 'lt is highly
lithrary in its pretensions, and is gotten
up st) le. It will he pri
marily deemed to the vital interests of
the people, ma will (reat of all mat
ter.' freely and without reservation.
It will be the organ of no Fstifiit
# lot
, 1 ,
Is It?
ty, but will advocate suffrage without
distinction of sex, and especially ailvo•
cafe the election of VII rlptlt C. Wrion•
ant to the Presidency. The Weekly
is a line, lianikorne-loolsing sheet, and
is edited with undoubtedly ability. We
Wl4ll our fair cotemporaries notch time.-
disturbances in Italy
continues, — says an exchange. So do
they herd c anihwill likely continue just
. 0 long as the reins 01 power remain in
the hands 01 our pre,ent political 111/18
Mrs. We in ere told that our war 'warn
it war for the Vnion arid the Constitu
ion, and that as smin as it was over,
things would reiert to their former
states. lint such has not been the
case nor dues there 1.1 . 1•111 to lie a prob
ability that Lt ever- will be the case
Pm. , loii, prejudice and hatred seem to
he the prevailing characteristics of the
Radical party, and these have been the
bane of all attempts to settle our pohti
cal dtiferencea. By and by, when
Deniocrac once more attains to power,
lye shall hate the pleasure of writing
better ti
lunatic son of Itt.Ntir
ale ireat Amerman slate , inam died in
the \Q)lnin at Le ington weelc or so
111 , name LviL4 Tit r o no ßE , and
lie hal Veen an inmate of the ino.ila
iion nearly all 11114 lite. So 11 ,eeinn
that Goo, is giving great glft4 ard great
hatittine4s to mcn, sometimes al.o gives
them great sorrows ; and ito doubt this
htitat le sort was Mr. likr's heart skele•
—The mongrel committee of the
'_llth Ward of Philadelphia has, for
Vice Presidents, four negroes and one
small white man. It in a cheap nay
to buy the nigger influence; and if the
white fikomed mongrels of that mini,
ran, for the Bake of the ilarkey vote,
stomach the stink and stigma of hay.
ing their organization presided over
by theme black bucks, the white men
of course, of other parts of the state,
will have no objections. Every one to
his own
lion 1.. tan, one of the best
rill/ens (dour State, one of the purest
men of the commonwealth, a gentle
man in every respect, tool a Democrat,
whose course other leaders WOlll.l to
creatl to themselves l.y copying, died
lit los residence in Towanda, in Rater
.lay morning, the 14th instant The
goal old I /enioeratic part, as well as
the State, can ill afford to lose 11101
like Ilon. V. L. \VARA,. 111 , 4-,lace
a ill tout soon be tilled.
Burning of a Railroad Train
Last Tuesday evening's eastward
hound - passenger train on the \Vent
NViseonsin Railroad met with a terri
ble catastrophe while nearing. Tomah.
The iioods in the vieitilly 4 bad. been on
lire for Pole dale, and a pile of aliclpt
hundred hard oak ties, seasoned
two years, which were placed along the
track a'outit, t%elvv wiles from Tomah
were soon stil9ect to the dertruclice
"The danger to the train," says the
Milwaukee Newt, "was not apparent
until the engine had turned a curve a
short distance trout the fire in the road
and was nipronebing on a down grade.
The engineer immediately whistled
'down brakes,' but seeing that this
would stop lion in the fire, he Whistled
"off brakes," and putting on all steam
possible determined to run the gaunt
let. The rails had been so badly
wstiped and the ties consumed tint the
engine was soon thrown from the track,
lumping along on the ties until it *as
finally brought to a halt, with the en
gine and lender. just through the fire,
and a ladies ear at the other end of the
train was also free. The engine and
tender were immediately uncoupled
mini run out to a place of safety, and
the passenger car also disengaged and
removed, although not before it was
badly scorched and the glass broken
from the windows. The rest, of the
train, consulting of one baggage car,
one second class and two freight cars,
was tottirely consumed.'
"The express messenger, saved all
is money. packages, amounting to $2,-
OM The mail agent, Curtis Packer,
was able to save nothing. o There were
five or six ladies on the train, besides
25 men, who are entitled to thanks for
their efforts in behalf of the train. The
men if o r ked hard all night, and at
times the . % were obliged td throw water
on Or back' of the men to keep their
clothes from burning. The cars, how
ever, were burned up in about fifteen
minutes. The engine was a he'avy
one, of thirty ions, and luckily escaped
the fate of the cars."
Spewls from the Keystone
—Lnek Haven 19 excited over the location
of her nee market house.'
-1n Irisl raror sharpener to Tyrone awal
lased n Irvr toad fora half apdollar.
—A Lutton‘t ood treo in Juniata County
lit thirty feet in circumference.
—"I Ito people of Lock nevelt aro moving
for n 100 rill of July celebration Go It.
oety :%Isintlea in Kweer Kompany" is the
title elan eolerinimpant given in West Chepl•
er teeently
Connell had his left hand cut In
two from thr lingers to the wrist, at WlHieing.
port, the other day.
NO. 20
(teary has appointed n darkey a no
tary pull In Philadelphia. • This In the first
ogre-holder in Penonylrani•
—A milt' wan caught In a itheepAnK trap,
in Deily township, Mifflin county, the other
day. ft in said the wolf looked Tory much
animated of httnnelf.
M Wright, proprietor of the ParJ"burg
11,g,t, on the 4th Jost, while gaping, sitaluen•
too tile psw. Or. Stroud was called in and rts
diseed tiso shaloestion. ss•
—The emoblood weight. of the County Corn•
nn•vtonerr of Che.ter county IP nlx hundred
nod ninety-91x poutolc, as renown; Ingram
'27S, lluggerly 210, Donn 200.
—Thomas Ityan diedmiddenly at King's Ho
le! to Lock haven the other day "from typhoid
enaeriniliteeil by intemperance,"
lu tin English, 'llmmait hail too much rye
new well on the Clarion river, abont half
utile from the month, has been tented, and
iv setldlng col in paying timintitles—some
!mutton); lie dndy produets 11.1 high an ten bar
it I.
- bete itt In be a grand celebration on the
Fourth nl July rtl Meadville tinder the ati.pleett
llf the Odd rellowtt e Prettident ColfaC
11.14 nrn nttd an tn, itat ton to del tier the ad
Gamily f.J h l iipple , k of Granville
town,hip Mittlin mitinty,lntie In daily lige two
tint latekets, ninth illitetoen years •go, by
Abram lilysoyer. Ilero'm a couple of buckets
worth having sit
—John P. rocker, Jr, of Fletningten,narrevr
ly eiienped n docking perlinpq, n drown
ing, by pimping nut of hie buggy nig his hor.e
Jumped nver the canal bridge into
the natio, One day 11,1.4 week,
—Captain W W. White, of hock Haven, has
:umea tits military company aoh 64 Ilarpeer
Ferry ritie4. with elli.pc.l bayonets I, the
Captain . * company s counter organisation to
the '1 orlon' Army of the McElhatten,
agricultural community
011 linton county hale determined to hold a
P.tir next Fall. but hart adopted a reeolulion-
Ihat I. raving shell be allowed
. They'll find
it x 111 he Tdull affair withont the Jockey.
—lt eilliniated that one thot•and coal
hnrge x, ..nothouriand boat teeing and one thou
%and t rew+, care ie•en lying idle for the last
-ix meek• along the line of the Sehttylkill
rili‘notion, i aline fly the miner•' mrike and
, Mi.pngo of tho runt trodo in the
- Jose ph U Itln •k well, of Jersey Shore, de
terminml to create some sensation among the
•toll and ,Mild people of that plare,throw hltn
acl into tits canal there on Monday of last
week The consequence was there was a
great Imil of talk about it, and his furter J was
well attended.
- thlef boldly entered the tua house at
the ‘tunny ricer bridg• last week, and draw•
lag 3 ppd.! demanded the stamps. They not
being forthe ttttt tog he seized a toot In the
hatl+ of the wornan of the notice, which eon
',toed .I.boot hair dollars, and ;hastily decant
ed Van Pi as )ail wetting for that fellow
anew heir ,
—A little boy nomad Rlden, near Kelley,
I.olliity, Ma, playing in a field near his
(mb a r. hon.., a abort time ago, and was heard
r)ing 101.1 waking aoiindg dl•treas tin
going to hl. assi.tanee, he was (mind with his
eye.. unnuu silly fixed upon those of a hlaek
and powerless to 5,el away Illa cries
alone pared Ishii
—A dt•petch to the Philadelphia papists
.t atm. that at a Meeting of Iron masters lucid in
t "Minium, on Friday, !he unanimenv feeling
N it f o slop the production of pig
.Iron, which.
rnnnot ho made at current rates without hiss .
and the probability is that within the neat
-misty ilaym nearly if not all tho furnaces in
this vicinity will be Idle.
—Willman Weldon, of Williamsport, Ml years
4.f ng,.. made two attempts to commit suicide
on Friday of last week. Ile tried It first In the
Paull and then ran hie throat against • razor.
Ile wog liineorered on loth occasion. too soon
tor Wm to complete his tittle tragedy, and has
the tilltfortnnetto he living yet. Ills head Is
thought to be out of "keiter."
—Tho Clinton Rerubiseen, of Look Haven,
wirto at en the d•veloprneet 01 the Iron ore
nuncr of Sittany Valley and Mill Ilan, for the
1.4`111.8t of that eity The Repubhcan truthful
It males I tat the lumber trade, will not
lamt their ylgormie growth "much longer, and
that they uni+t have Pelee new avenue for the
exrtnelon of their Imltintries.
4 --11,e Mereer Mapateh says ' A reapect,
Ide young lady was &copy. ( ram the depot.
ii.l.-011 City, by a young roman, a few evening.
41 PICO who, under pretence of allowing her to
the Valley depot, twitcher to a secluded place .
and robbed her of her pocket hook, railroad
ticket and trunk check, and hire her Mot ring
lido ell red. , Ile ought to be hung—after lie hi
—• in Friday afternoon halt Jacob Bice,
well-to-do farmer of ‘Vayno townehip, was
killed by lightning, in tile own house, whlltk
engaged in pointing,stalr rats. The brush
with which he was painting was set on fire
Ills daughter, who was in the room at the time
eseaped unhurt, except her ringers wero
11119b1.41 for a while Mr. Bice's age wan 131
years, 7 months and ft dept.—Lewistown Dan.,
12th net
comnintotry of Knights Tempters, of the Stale
of Pennsylvania, id - ago into camp, In Williams-
port, In the Herdic Park, on Tuesday, the 14th
or June next This will he their sixteenth
annual conclave. Thirteen Commanderies are
expected • Northern, Park, Mary, Crusade,
Uo Molay, INttaburg, Bt. John, Philadelphia,
Jacques Do Molay, Mountain, Mt. Olivet,
IlutehriMion and Allen —Clinton Democrat.
—Ono of otu exchanges speaking of the
Schuylkill miners' strike, says: ttTbe Schuyl
kill county coal miners' strike is doing incal
culable Injury to that region. ,The trade is al
ready diverted to a large extent to the other
anthracite coal Ileitis, and bituminous coal
is taking the place of ' anthracite in many
branches of manufacture. It will take many
months to bring back the trade to its former
channel., and It is doubtful whether Schuyl
kill county will ever recover her lost growl&
The miners so far from benefiting themselves,
are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.