Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 06, 1870, Image 1

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    Nil i efollte Detocritic Watelman
• T,
Ink Slings
—The editor of the Globe says that
Huntingdon intends to burly its fossils.
The Globe man had bettor get his coffin
r einly, t hen
—Tyrone has n new paper called the
m a de. It will have to keep itself
pretty sharp or somebody will gat after
with the Whetstone.
—A 'Radical ineniber,vl the Illinois
constitutional conrveseion, has 'teen
sent to the lunatic asylum. Better
Fend them all there.
—They have a military company in
Huntingdon. which has received 75
mii,kets. They'll shoot somebody tip
there yet, if they aiietinreful.
--They made nn attempt to aserta
-44-4nate the Enircrftr - N A VOL EfIS
.I.4:tace, the other 4lay. But it failed,
iv all such attempt:4 ought to
--T R‘l ,of the Sl u ulmd, vet. , nil'
the 14,11,4041,g bad In
dims in Iranl , effiv-olerud
t,,,n‘icole: Ain't ton ar•lianiol of
Itiltn-n~;11~\IS tiVIIICn the t•t4 ory
,t. 1%; lul , l 111111 llsat. a ,argro
v. 0111.1 011 r ,lay Fit in 6w Prat. 11%rim'4 k 1ci,.311%0111 , 1 beQaflirirnl 10 kill
I'\ll/ ICON ' S Mall.
The l'hilat compares
Avith the Ir4rneliteiii tool
ufl to to r.tie the 6nnd of Cud in the
"hmancipatiou - and the "I:‘thlus. -
Whnt tomfoolery!
—.l Bible has been left in each of
the committee TOOIIIB 111 the Call a / 1 1 at
Wt1+11111g(lin. Many of the members
vheh them up curiously, and risked,
kind of it hook's this •'
—The best man in this country to
false the census at the present time is
BEN lit 'MLR. He has a knack of ta
king things that any other man would
scarcely ttoptirc in a life time. .
—Oven, of the Hollidaysburg li!rgis•
icr, says he would rather ride in a pro
(ession of niggers than In one of white
"copperheads." Anil the white cop
petheade are willing that lie shall do
just as he wants td.,
—Jonsi Sairn, of San Fra.icisco—
lbeky cuss—sold a flock of 'sheep for
- )(land afterwardswasluoky enough
t,, wave it all in a faro bank. What
Inrky chaps sortie fellows are, anyway
—A bout the only thing that
lsANr's administration has proved it
self successful in, has been making
"times so hard" that sheriff's sale
notices are stuck up on every pcist over
the entire country.
—The Presbyterian chur n It at
Wagbts%ille WAS struck by lightning
not long since, and totally destroyed.
It would take something harder than
aetroke of lightning to make any int
pression on some of our Presbyterians
Spring bonnets are beginning to
be a subject of discuenion, among wives
and daughters, and of considerable
cussin' among husbands and fathers.
As usual, however, the women will
triumph and the men pay the millinery
"Oh, isn't I happy
Hinco I got me, a wire
Tra la, la l" cy,
—There are Kono,ono horses owned In the
Villted States, and their estimated value
amounts to something more than the national
dela —Errhetny.
Now, let the home owners, if they
want to show their patriotism, sell
their "animiles" and establish a sink
ing fund, for the payment of the nation•
al debt. This could be done as slick
as geese grease, But will it? We
guess it will'nt.
—Our Radical Representatives at
Washington are complaining about the
ventilation of their Hall. They say
that it is continually fdjl ,of foul air
and had odors. Jugs Covonr, in a
speech the otlit.r day to prove the ' ne•
cessity of better ventilation, declared
that: "Experiments., which he had
tried showed conclusively that the fold.
re air in the House was immeaately
around hid seat." Shouldn't wonder I
—MomAs A. SCOTT, Vice President
of the Pennsylvania Railroad, has de
creed that hereafter two of that coin-
Pany's trains shall not atop at Laneae•
ter. For this, he has got the MIMI
gencer in his wool, which declares
that the councils of that city will • at
least forte the railroad company to
move their trains through the city
aceordftl to law, anyway.
—The reason why the Fifteenth
Amendments couldn't have the "Kali of
the Houtieof Representatives at Wash -
liTgton Ibr theii celebration the other
day, watt +because a great number of
lice were diecorered enjoying them-
Relves over thc...llseerehee in the gallery.
Th e nigg had been in the habit of sit
ting in the gallery to listen to the dc-
VOL. 15
bates of their Radical friends, and left
these little crawling mementoes behind
them to show that they had been pres
ent. When the members found this
out they decided it iiotildn't bil t healthy
to give them the gall.
The Presidency in 1872
A , we • haic Chief Justice
(Iliac thrown in our teeth as the nest
Pemocrnuc I:undulate for_ the Presi.
dency. 'We thought au had dulls with
his man. We thought niter Lie fad
tire at the last Detnocratn• Nattouttl
I' , inventhui that hi 9 tor:tin:al barque
\Nonld not again intAst our lkinocratic
twirlers. I:ut Itnerutn 'ante
Lcu, and i 100104 'it'n‘r as though this
tzreat 111 , 21p1e awl apo-tic ut negto
equaht) again to hi' hrou4ht [white
our people.
lal as ne are concerned, we put
test against hai leg ami thing to do
with Salmon P. Chase. We have
alder and better and t ounger men in
our rank', to lead us on to ictory and
political regeneration, a (Hotta stepping
aside to pick up an old,nhite•bairetl,and
brain softened, demagogue like hint.
We wonder what liediberats are think
ing of that they can even entertain
such a preposterous and_ destro . i ing
idea as that Chase may be the Demo
cratic candidate for President in 1572..
Where is Pendleton and Hendricks
and Vallandigham and Holtman and
fiov. English, that ac should stoop to
raise Mr. Chase 01 the Presidential
chair. Qur own Judge Woodward
could lead ne to a glorious. victory.
Why, then, should we lower our proud
crests to the dietuni of a played out
leader in the Radical pay
We want no man who is not a Dem
ocrat, and who is not identified with
the great principles of the plirty, to be
our leader in 1872. W 9 are disgusted
with tire tempiwizing and compromi
sing policy of the men who have here
tofore assumed to be our leaders, anti
shall hereafter refuse to follow them.
We went energetic, vigorous, young
men, not a set of old, worn out politi
cal female: With a 1111111 like Pendle
ton or Judge Woodward—men, who,
to the most eminent ability and great
statesmanship, add high moral char
actor, there could be no doubt of our
success in 1872. Bia put Chase upon
us—burden us down with his black
political record—hilt greenbacks and
hie (turkey B—and we will see the bot
tom of the political ocean beyond all
hope of resuscitation.
Gentlemen, no Salmon for us. We're
fishing now for something more to our
liking. The Democracy can't afford
to nominate Mr. Chase. Such a nom
ination would be an abandonment of our
principles, and the greatest calamity
that could befall our party.
We have more confidence in the
good sense of the Democracy than to
suppose they will be guilty of this
suicidal act. So let CHASE chase this
nomination as he may, it will certainly
elude his grasp.
"Give Pbor Tray a Bone."
As hungry it pack of hounds as ever
stripped at a post, is now to 'he found in
the mongrel party. Many of them
think that because they have secured
the negro vote, they will be enabled to
do with the it bite men of the State
just as they see proper -ran use him to
assist in electing just whoever the ne
groes want, and then rob him no much
as they desire, to fatten their office
holders and feed darkeys. Believing
this, there is scared) a leader among
them but is !oolong tior some position
into which lie expects the niggers of
the State and the white masses or his
party to place him, and the consequence
is that already sinus twenty aspirants
have announced themselves as candi
dates for Gubernatorial lioiiors, not
withstanding the fact that party nonii•
nations for that position will not Inc
made for over a )ear from thin time.
The ones who are licking (heir lips the
roost eagerly are Cul. Lithe Davis, of
Philadelphia, Gen. Selfridge, of North•
ampton, late clerk of the House of
Representatives, E. W. Ketchum, of
Lateens ()minty, Howard Day, the tali
colored African orator. Gen. fhirtranft,
of Montgomery county, at present Air
ditor General ) Col. 11. L. Cake, of
Schuylkill, now in Congress, G. Daw
son Coleman, of Lebanon, formerly
State Senator, Sainitel 'Jul I, of Clint
berlitml. all Old pOIItICIILII, James H.
Campbell, formerly of Schuylkill, now
of Philadelphia, late minister to Swe
den, Wayne lii'Veigh, of Clieste-, son
in law ofSettator Cameron, John (less
na,"of Bedford, Chairman of the Com
mittee of the Whole in Congress and
fottnerly t ef the Charleston Convehtion,
Harry White, the Indiana One House,
Iloraee Porter, one of Grant's
Nose wipvi4; James L. Graham, the
sattetifin Senator front Allegany, who
deserted h i s pulpit, to play penny dog
for darheyilimil; George P. Lawrence,
of l'itodittrg lbllinglelt, Senator
from Lanca-der f n
worthin g t,„„ of ('heater ('oust.,. mq()
Thom.. E. Cm•bran, at one
tone ,lii,loor (kiiiiral, Planet, Jur
(;Car\'n Seeretary attic
ncnith, now oi Itauldiin, trinel ld
It. .1.
the pig metal poet id I and
Col If. Campbell, of C,tmlo la, now
Surveyor General.
To thki 11- .aught %1.6* iippropriately
he ttade,l the wow , of idoont two lulu
dry l nil fiuy thouttand More --the en
tire mongrel ',arty iu the State -nig
gory black arid white - nq noire of them
were ever known to rc4ally po,iuun
no matter how tunall or 1, let that
they could get into, nil Ike off the
labor of other's, without w orb dig then
I yen.
The McFarland Trial
J ttstict., public senitdient and out
raged virtue demand the acquittal of
DANIEL Mt FARLAND, 110 W on trial in
New York for the murder of his wife's
seducer aria paramour. The evidence
thus far prwluced allows dial Mr. Mc-
FARLAND committed that act—for it
was not a crime—under the impulse of
a tit of temporary itumnity, brought on
by his great wrongs and the unuttera
ble misery -of his soul. Ile loved his
wife devotedly. She was a very beau
tiful woman, and his heartmtrings had
twined around her until she had be
Collie the idol of his imagir.ation and
the joy and solace of his life. When
Rum Aansos,then, crept into his house
hold, like the dastardltthief and liber
tine that he was, and stole Mrs. Mc-
FARLAND'S affection., riding her virtue
and making a cuckold of her husband,
what wonder that Mel' at, ND should
lose his senses and go about seeking the
Isle of the wretch who had turned his
once peacefdand happy home into an
earthly hell! But not only did Rica.
ARDSON seduce the wife—he stole one' :
of the children, and thus rendered the
unhappy man still more miserable.
Under this accumulation of dishonor,
misfortune and misery, MeFARLAND
became posseseed of but one idea, and
that was to take the life of the infa
mous scoundrel who thus dared to in
vade the sanctity of his fireside and
rifle it, of its dearest treasures. Ile
accomplished his purpose. Ile shot
and killed RICHARDSON, and for this is
now on trial for his life.
Wa are no advocates of personal ven•
geance, but what man, under like cir.
eumstances, would have done less than
McFmtamcn did? Let et et) one ILO(
himself this question, tical let hin, own
answer plead poor Mc FARLAN D ' S Clllllie.
A set of scoundrels are now at work to
sacrifice lion in order to shield their
own guilt. IfoickcE fiat ELY, BEFICIIER,
others, all lent the carrel ion of their itp
royal to lily it tionnino.', nefarious put, nod it is now neree , ary to hang
Mi•FARLiNo in 'order to vindicate
themselves. For link purpose the?,
have fitrnoilied the looney to Fe itire
nine counsel to alibis( the iiroiA ion
and bring the moot ili.reiiiitati wit
neßsen into court to testify agirtini.t ?sr -
Firm %Nr. But it will nll fail. Public
sentiment is °vent lielmin;„:lv inn One
prisoner's favor, and we believe he \r ill
be acquitted. 1161h:inf. Phrtittetit /111t1
: Ode lawyers are eonilttri iii::. t he defence,
and justice and virtue lending their
:lint on the same_side. We believe it
would he a dangerous piece of business
to attempt to hang Mn I° %RI. Oil/ in
New York city, in CRlse a verdict of.
guilty should he rendered against !rim.
lint we do not think It w?!.t_conie to
that. Even .hotild it do no. the etIlVII•
rive clemency of 0.0. 110r1911N would
intervene to save Mr. 'Atoll' % RI, INII from
death lor simply vindicating his non
honor and striking Il Wow in 11 efpnee
of the purity of the 'Annie-tic health.
stone. • ,
The Tribune and the barkeys
We call the attention of the negroes
to the following extract front an edi•
tonal in the Now York Tribune
..:Theirighte IKON conferred have been wrest.
ed Guth unwilling prejudice. Their exercise
ell! be jeatomily wntched, and our newly en
ancluved fullow.eitlvenn nntnt remember
that neither ronititutions or good will enn porno's
neatly snore fr.o.lin to (hoot who nf glen to make
Flom u(h it i4,,rthy of it"
That is, the Triitune means to say
“Niggers, remember the 'party that
gave you thp -priviltge of voting. Al
waN e exercise that,privilege in that
party's , (avor. lie sure you don't vote
any other way; spite of all we
lime done fOr Non --in spite of dip filet
that ae woo:on - Ile , ' your right
to Note into the Cimstitiltion in the
•thape anti Amendment in spite of
the fact that the ballot is now in your
hands, ttr mitll taAe the 14110
. fram
you and owe 711111 C p C»land you to a
.isle slartry. 'Remember, now, you
are to have no opinions on any politi
cal subject save those we put into your
months, and if yon ever dare to vote
the lhanneratic ticket or any- ticket
that we don't approve of, neither:cons
solutions not amendments can prevent
us from undoing all- we lime hitherto
done null putting you - into even a worse
postooa than you were before the war.
You are not to exercise your own judg•
meat in any case, but are to vole with
les, for us, and for those for whoa. we
tell roll to vote." •
That is the meaning of the above ea•
tract, and that is the freedom which
the Radientit have conferred upon the
negro. Ile is the mere tool or crea
ture of the Radical party, and is not to
be aliened To set up his own political
household. In case lie dare to think
and act for himself, then lie is to be
shorn of his political privileges and re
tnanded to a state of servitude. This
is the condition the darkey' now occu
pies, and it is the condition he will
continue to occupy. Any intelligent
negro can see this for n i mei f. Fred
Douglas has already seen it. Hence
his speech in Ph iladelphia, on the
2flth instant, in which lie counseled,
very sensibly, the negroes not to be
controled in their suffrages, but to cast
their votes for whomsoever they pleas
ed. The Radical party is determined
to rule or ruin, and it will not hesitate
to destroy our of its own elements if
it cannot rule it. Its last desperate
hope is the darkey vote. If it loses
this or part of it, its power is gone.
Hence its attempts to intimidate and
frighten the negroes into swearing eter
nal allegiance to its commands.
The Right Kind of Telk
Some months since, a few policy
Democrats, headed by .Tvo D'IIyRNE
E 411., JOHN CA V PIRELL, and a couple
of others, who for the pot-sherds of pco
lineal preferment would be-daub therm
mongrelism, attempted to
drag the Democratic party of Phila
delphia into the negro eutfrage camp.
They got control of the Deinocratic
head .plarterz of that City, as well as
control of ttn organtzation, and under
the old Democratic banner was trying
to rally a part) of negro-4afrrageints
opposition to the parts that has forced
this disgrace and crime upon the coun
try "They ii cut It high for ft Whorl
time. They run it eirong for about
three weeks, at the end of which tune
the honei.t, ,unterritied, unpurchased
I Untie:iry of that city had become
no di-go-led uith their ili.graceful and
cmituill plan-, that they deserted
them in a body. and alvitt, ens - weglts
after Mr. I ) . 11 tic-t broached: l ll4i
ne.)io ilocti Hes, nt the corner
tick the turtfiture, fix
tone- merything belonging to the
uhich t ) iii stye find his
initi 119,1 _,u! control Of, nap 50111 at
puhhe rate, nel the rooms clo,ed.
But ilic llentoelace of the cidt--nut
to lie -nor to lie dismayed, lie
curi-e a feu debauched men, whom
they had lent t k eil to honor and respect,
noul l have deli ed toil debased thew,
iiiiiiiedintch organized again, stronger,
Inner, more iletet mined than before,
and sent forth to the world the follow•
ing communication of prtnciples, ge
the basis of their organization:
The Sky, Executive Committee or
the Deinocroitic party of Philadelphia,
rrtiresenting and protert•
iuy 119 I , it , TP.f.• 1114 P M -rifle 110111 AR
evtouicies (Ipoili It to lies
auiv ai hrhulT of the
, Io .1‘•(.111ro•
I. TI.:“ the the ITtli•
te.lStttte. , %%;\ - I.y the litthers
of American freedom to Le the basis of
the system of representative democrat
is government, by which the eove•ei.o
ty of the States could only be main
tained, the Federal government estsb
lished, and the Union of the States
11. That the Deinocratie: party was
created to proglaint i and defend this
system of government,„ and for more
than half a century this great party
gave the blessings of ronstitutioiral
government to the people of the ITni•
led States, from Maine to Texas; and
from the Atlantic to the Paeitic„
111 ThTt the strength of the De
mocracy became its weakness, and
an unfortunate division ill this 111111011/11
party, the enemies of the Constitution
(a minority of the people) gamed the
pnliurnl lemer in the l'ederal
hell thus enabled to rule,
began to scheme to establish them
selves as the governnient, in defiance
Of tine Coli , titittimi of the Stales.
IV. That from l'4lo to the present
hour the enemies of the t'mistitution,
in the Federal Congress anti in the State
Legedittures have devised plans trout
time to time which, by fraud-4 the took
flagrant, crimes the most wielted, force
the most brutal, violence the most wan
ton, and min titter and open viola
tion oftiWr onstittition of the United
States, have stilivertel the dearest
rights of the people, destroyed the in•
alienable rights of the citizen anti are
now maintaining power, thus gained,
by the force of /VIM,.
V. That dreading the retributive jue.
tire which though filmy is sure, and
which is preparing itself to ove rw h e l m
them, the enemies of the Constitution
of the failed Staten have undertaken
to justify their acta of fraud, and revo
lution, and violence, by a pretended
amendment to this Constitution by
which they hope to gain exemption
from the effects of the sober eecondi,
thought of an outraged people.
VI. That the Democratic party, re
lying on the power of the people,
which misdirected by error, will cer
tainly be led at last by truth, does now
proclaim that these so called amend
meats to the Constitution are unconati
tuitional, void,' and of no effect, because
they are not amendments to the Con.
stitution as that instrument pertnits,'hut
are merely Congressional usurpations,
consumated by fraud, force, revolution
and violence, in open defiance of the
letter and spirit of the supreme law of
the land ; because they never were sub-
mitted to the States, or adopted by the
States which the Constitution recog
nized as sovereign and independent
governments, but were forced upon a
subjugated t people by military despot,
ism, and can never be maintained as
the acts of separate and sovereign
States, anil therefore are not'and can
not be proclaimed as the supreme law,
which only can be ordained as the
Constitution provides—it must be or
ained, by States de jure and de facto
represented in the Federal government
on the basis of separate sovereignty
and equality.
VII. That on behalf of the Denio•
cretin party of the city of Philadelphia
the City Executive Committee hereby
protests against the frauds, violence,
usurpations, and revolutionary acts of
Congress in forcing its usurpations, um
der the name of the so-called amend
ments of the Constitution, on the peo
ple of the Ur. Red States.
VIII. That the Committee hereby
protest against the acts of Congress
whereby the Federal judiciary has been
corrupted, overawed, and subjugated to
obey the direction of
branch of the Government, the better
to enable it to destroy the Constitution
of the fathers of the Republic and es
tablish a despotism in its place.
IX. That the Committee proclaims
its abhorrence of the fraud, force and
violence by which Congress is usurp
tug all (he powers of the Government ;
and it deplores the weakness, folly and
incotn potence of him who now occupies
the lixecutke mansion, where Wash
'ington watched over the first experi
ment of constitutional government;
where Jefferson proclaimed the true
principles by which it could be success.
fully administered, and where .Jackson
proteeteit both the — Constitution and
the triiiOn of the States—a Union the
Constitution only could create—by !lig ,
patriotism and firmness.
X. That as die enemies of the Con.
smut ion, having failed to "restore the
Union, re-establish the Government,
and give the people pettee,'‘ now de
elate that they are unequal to the task,
and seek to bring to their aid an aid
nbich the Democratic party do not
court, a race, which is only to be, in
tact, the instrument by witch the ene
mies ol the Constitution can maintain
power nt the sacrifice of the constitu
tional 'government established by the
fathers, the Democratic party ask the
governing or white race in the United
States to save itself from the debase
ment of being ruled by the negro, ana
thus forced to live andera system of
government which Poland, Greece,
Jriland and Tuba would reject,
—.--The delicate operation of trans
fusion of blood has just been successful.
ly p,rformed in Ohicriko, The patient
we„ a 3 uung lady aiicaoot hopelessly
f , teted with consumption. Thirty six
nce' ( .f Mood were taken from a sister
end Iwo hrattrers and injected into her
eill4, and she is now recovering.
Spawle from the Keystone.
1 4—
—Altoona has been enjoyini • her publter
Ores recently • tlt
—Ebensburg has commencid the building
or her new JVI. , 1 01 "
I vad ing line thirteen building aseoedations
They mint pny.
—À nom limo table dent into anot on the
Pmina. Railroad on Monday.
—'There are no hundred and :aixty-aix
John 81111018 In Philadelphia.
—The Lehigh Valley Funnies, at Coptay,
n eex
,t,hirty ear loads of coal per day.
NlTan caught a Lout near Tyrone
the other - day that was lOilnehes long.
. NO. IR
editor of the Erie Cbtonopoition was as
saulted on the 34 instant fur publishing abu
siv articles.
—.l inn') named Barnhart from Wltrren ooun
ty, had hix pockets picked to the tune of 1,000
nt ('orry, n few days ago.
In this State for the next five years,
there will be a fine of twenty-fire dollars
ha shooting a partridge.
—Connelly's Dramatic Troupo "busted" at
loang•lown ThtFt lathe troupe that "wouldn't
give a d —II for printers ink."
—The session of theflupriAne Court of Penn
syli nolo for the Middle District commences
to littrrishurg on Monday next.
:—The number of pounds of minis sugar
manlifliettared fn Springhill township, Wash.
ingtou county, Ps . , la estimated nt 32,000.
--The Philadelphia l're'ss of itlonilay say+
"for the first time within living monitory ther
1101 /I gni/Oiling house finhitt iy open" in that
lohn fell over a high ernbank•
nient .tt Station, I' It It, on Sunday
ain 1., and aWI au bitil'y hurt that 110 Wed the
—\ edual has an axe which
uue 114C11 In commit murder with, and amyl
ihnt dchuqucnt auhyed Ow, hod bolter pay up
llhout a<ing
—The, la•morrals of Bedford °guilty, after
113 tog Ihr Crawford eounly mystem for one
year -In youvention, by vote of 20 too, have
le fumed to lilt ilelegete Aystem.
—A own named Robert If Burnside commit_
led enleide In Erlo lent week Congo, falling
to make u favorable Impression on a female
a hem he loved. Lando= did the work.
—The seeitu4 amulet horse fair of the Lam
cask t County Agricultural Palk' Association,
will he held on tho let 'blend 34 of June next
Premiums ere offered to the amount of $34530
M Thomna of Plum township, Mer
cer county, was killed while plosang, theother
Jay, by Ida plow hounding from a rock on
which it struck, and striking him In the bow
el. •
—Mr Patterson, of Delaware tp., Marasr
county, ham a Durham bull, 93 months old,
which wolglis 1,215 pounds Ile also has two
p*a, three years old, which weighed 2,355,
.t 11<,l1 for $166,55.
—The children et the Orphans' Home at Wo-
ineledort, Berke county, received about 2,4UU
Easter egg, as presents from the Reformed
clitirchen at Lebanon, Reading, Sehuylklti
11►ren, and oilier places.
r ftroorge, • little son of Wrn. J. Itatew, of
Erie, aged about eighteen months, was' left
alone for a few mlntes, one day last week, and
In some manner fell heed foremost Into a tub
of water and was drowned. --
—Within the past two months Mr. Gorsuch,
of Mill Crook, Huntingdon oountv, has loot two
daughters, one non and his wife by typhoid
reser, and at loot account', Mr (land two other
oonn were down with the disease.
—The Age nays One Major Calhoun, of this
city, takes occasion •t all meetings of nagroes
and radicals to state that he once belonged to
the Democratic party. We suppose It Is upoo
the same prinelple which make. a eyprisa
boast she had a v Ultimo mother
—The Sunbury Democrat of last week nays.
l'oiat tom are • drug In the market, and hard to
.ell rd 3MI rente per bushel, here Several ark
Ingle from York State landed here this week,
and the owners were somewhat disappointed
at the strange market and low prioes."
—The Gettysburg bbonpster has the following:
"Mr Wm. Anthopy, ttnteeer, of Hanover, last
weok slaughtered a steer which weighed on
the hoof twenty-ode hundred and fifty pounds.
This flue aunimal was fed by Mr. Samuel G.
flueeringer, of the vicinity of McBherrystown.
—There le a law of the Blahs regular); all
owner» of unpatonled lands to have the cams
patented before the first of June. After that
time they will ho sold to satisfy the liens now
entered against them In the Prothonotary's of
floe try the Attorney General of the Common.
—The bireensburg (In) Prau sitys that agar
ireenithurger, when he goes to see his girl, a
little weal of that twatis,:carrien his floe boots
under ilk arm until tie,resiehes the gate, when
he dlitr,, /Ito slogan end marches into her preee
one° as fresh and shin as a new blown purni•
kin blossom."
--The Philadelphia Doe of the 27th tilt., says
that peeterday afternoon tile roof of the eon)
tined w itcpplier'a coal yard, at the eouthwest
corner of Broad and Race, 1011, anti about 150
men and boya, who had gathered upon It to
nee t Ile pr.owitnion. fitninge to any, not a sin
gle to r4Oll received an Injury.
—A lady In North East, Erie county visited
the esmelety In that place one day last weak,
accompanied by tier ludo hay. After some
lone 1141 was missed, and upon search being
outdo, I,iv ha,ly was found In Is small stream
hit 'tee, by the grounds. lie 41 supposed to
have fallen down the hill into the water end
—Tito Alto 01111 Park Association contemplate
!MI tog it race on !Ito 4th of July, for 11,100 pre
1111111114—f1141.prVIIIIIIM, sl,lat for !torsos In liar-
St ot.) to Ilrttt tool to second horse,
..,,teent I SIAO for pointsln harness, dlrtiled as
thfi t t, &t'ht, free for Al horses 1 har
m,v4, $',(K) to first anti $l5) to second • fourth
ro no tug lace, $l5O, 5100 to Brat horse $5O to
m. 0.011,1
—un the 22. i yinntnet, Henry Michael, of
,Inek , on tonnship, nand about 13 years, was
eomm awl to prteon by Justice Striekler,
elmrged on ath of H. B. Lonsadorr with ha r
ing, between the let und the Bth of the present
monkli, broken into the Sunday 13ohool room
at Herndon, and stolen the penny collection,
amounting to about It Young Michael was
assisted by another boy, who gave bail for hie
appearance tit coort.--BeNtary Democrol. ,
—tactician or Rum.—Two thousand two hun-
dred timber wale Pune bool o pal le the Basque.
l ia n a . an d Its stibutarjse this moon, nipilion
oishutten hundred last season. Computing
each vait at twelve hundred dollaral (which is
abbot their alerasia worth), the 'aggiegatt
value of the whole' nu i mbet is two million MX
hundred and forty thousand dollars. Front
thb. some Hen ran be firmed of the Immense
1,,,,tv In the northern port of the Hint° and
ho extent of the !umbel bade.