Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 15, 1870, Image 8

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    The Democratic Watch Man.
Friday Morning, April 15, 1870
—Thu weather for the last few
days has been beautifdp--
—.Remember the spacial election,
for Justice of the Peace, to-day.
—Next week, Nell)? 'gasket! 's
great story, Wearing the Crum," cowl-
-- , --Potter township has,thus far sob
scribed $301,000 to the stock of thO L. C.
& S, C. Railroad.
—An eagle measuring 7 feet from
tip to tip, was shot by a Mr. - Ertel, of
Penn township the other day.
—Potters mills sows aro very pro
ductive. One, „belonging to Mr. Sleek,
gave birth In it MUT of 20 pigs recent-
Town Into tn. Piny (rove, thin
enunly, sell for $lOO per ter In Con
re (all, areordtnt; to Fred Kurtz, they
sell for $l2OO to $1 rOO i ) p•r tore
-L m 6 nI l i th.• lint hniat.r. of
Wl'Firllll4 in nelt wveh'h
NV 7 (1.11/1 A
---i ; 11011 . I , #
IV bily In l'onn 1.04%11 , 11Lp
namcd 9'1101114
years old, who can Istcl, 7 feet and
inches high. Ile weighs no pound-,
and is f feet 9 in height.
-1)r .1. of Nitboly
HO), al1116.11'n11:his hooßehold Ciirnb
turo, on Wedoe , obty, t) '2l)bb inct I,n
-dies_espeeiralv should !Mena lhn , nb.,
as many de.mabl.. artieleA will be gold
=Tilt AMr.ltP Di.
pol)11.11e,I by C, J' s' ~.k!
Co . Advrrttsrnt Agotit , t r No 40 Park
Row, Ne%% York, contains n full and
complete Ftatonivtit of all facts about
newspaper: which an vidvorti..•r desire
to know 'Clic s - übscription pricels'EC .
A 8 - raiso or TROT T
last, George Miller, a t ming. 0)87) 2 . 4
siding a short ilbtarice above town, on
Logan 'A Branch, caught, and brought to
this place n itring of trout, numbering
fifty-four, the smallest of which weigh
ed a pound and a quarter If there is
any one, anywhere, who can beat that,
'e would like to know who he is am*,
where ho fishes
()—Mr. Robert Tate, who
was sheriff of Centre county forty years
ago, died at his residence in Clinton
county on Wednesday, the 3Mb/ultimo,
aged about SO years. Mr Tate's oppo
nent was Maj Neff, whose death we re
corded last week It 14 worthy of note
that these two mew were nearly of the
same age and died within a week of each
Ct•Rlc —The following is pronounced
an excellent remedy for lung fever or
galloping consumption, which disease,
tt said, can be cured within three
days It 14 114 follow Fla one ounce
of Epsom salts and ono table spoonful
of saltpetre together inn bottle, with
water to dissolve them This for one
dose, to be gi4on every other •evening
for three evenings, feeding only bran
scalded and given thin and lukewarm
FINE CATTLE —To-day (Friday) at
tha'elaughter house of WV Black, Esq,
will ho butchered three of the linnet hoof
cattle that have ever been seen in that
town. They ere young ktoors, And wore
raised by Centre county farmers, two
of them by Mr. Michael Grove, of Ben
ner township, and the other by Mr,
Jacob Bottorf, of Harris township. The
two raised by Mr. Grove weighed pre
cisely the same, 1286 pounds each, and
were Bold for $l9O, while Mr. Bottorre
weighed four pounds more, and netted
him $9B. Farmers throughout the
country can seeby this that it pays them
to raise good stock.
—An alarm of fire was raised on
Tuesday last, which crested some ex
citement, as it was a very windy day.
Ttie cause of It all was the igniting of a
stable in the rear of Mr. John T. John
/W/4'4 residence, on Spring Street, from
the burning of garden truck which,
luckily, was soon extinguished by a
coutile of buckets of water in the hands
04some energetic men and women. As
sate as the LIMOS were discOvered,
oteee' of the tire boys made all baste for
their engine, but • bafore that arrange
ment firrii , id the fire had been put out
bkle men and women aforesaid
Nyhich verifies the proverb that "a
stiiteh in time saves nine."
A house belonging`to Mr Dixon, on
themidrosni, we understand,, was also on
fait thetealne
—H. 11. Williams & Co., have a
new bestial; a large, handsome. aristo
cratic looking vehicle. Calculated to
carry + dead persons comfortably, and to
Wt . :litres+ tha lookers on and followers af
ter with an idea of the defunct's re..
,Thtts, with the inore4se of
the'. Needled profession among us, we
lawmen Intweees of he*OfOr a fact that
0061 04440 403 ° 0 4 0 9; 4 .
&doss ead aoliulinakiw l ".. We
hiti4, *ltiideiltoof,Ae orgitthr
oustj: twieed,we would not joke upon
thin nubject for the world, for thin is, in•
deed, sa very #Yrat, Wok.
"Tux SgutuEsuir. —The 'Radicals
nominated Roland Choeaman for Justice
of the Ponce, on Saturday evening last,
amid great excitement. Tho caucui
was a very largo one, and the
dates numerous. here, as everywhere
elso;'the lust after office among tho
is groat, and they Ught and wran
gle among themselves like so nitiny curs
over a paltry bone. T4o anxiety mani
fested to stop into a dead man's shoes
was unprecedented, and shows the utter
shamelessness of thedrirkey party. Tim
following is the caucus vote :
Klinger - -
Kingloe - -
Brow -
Those of the Radicals who pretend to
first-class respectability now assert that
Chessman was nominated by the
"roughs" of the party, meaning, of
course, the soldier ()lenient, which was
mainly instrumental in his success
now Captains, Montgomery, Butchison
and Lytle with private Ham, Nichol,.
and others, who Worked so faithfully for
Cheesinan, 'iv 111 like this L . :1111 as applied
to them, we ao not know, but thinl.
they will scarcely cheri , ll the
feelli,;!,, In tigl world toward the
broadcloth elernent which '411, , at
ignorancy and incompen•nce
and doh. lion the "mail ' candidat..
\\•e will pi,t .ay to' them that should
the in getting put
an independent caudelate, the "r o ogl,
nominee will get none of their support
This shows tin , extent ~f the sympathy
which these plierPatical creatures feel fir
• Alf.shcc Graham, the crilored
for the Appetit , not t
been 0011-Itlere.l In euuru. at all 11,,
bows or, has probably been put off with
promo) for next tone, and has c•on
-ented for the present to indulge in robe:
ate 141.:1111- of future l,rolnoli.Tl
A , 'for K he Ire. 1, beaten
NVe feel for him Ile 1• a friend of oar•
And we know lie went lu the trouble of
tkoit metstarh-r , anti- gowt.e.s
pressly In view of Ow .1 11 , 41 c ,, 1) ip It
is hum ntable to think that so taw h
money has been sunk in dyes vtnd hair
grease But, W inny, itiy boy, take
comfort It you Inivii't , got the ,miire
,hip, you have the moustache, which
you might not have had if you had not
looked forward toward political prefer
ment Be comforted, and try it again
—i lin I'l ',min v
Squire Klinger laments in secret the
ingratitude cf Republicans Has ho not
been a faithful party man ? Did he not
work like a hero in behalf of his politi,
cal frienda,and was ho net mainly instru
mental in securing the passage of the
special act giving us the election now
instead of waiting till next fall? And
this Is his reward !
And Chee.eman, the .rough"
dnte ehucklea over it, and swears he will
be elected But don't be too certain,
Roland Soldier and all that you are,
there I. nrr under-curtest working againg
you 'rho .rough% ' are not popular
with the broadcloth• They'll do to
~hoot at, but not to vote for Take
Are, Rol, that you aro not rolling in
the mud after the %0i1.... are counted
EAsT Elt —Monday next being Easter,
we suppose there wall be any 'amount of
broken eggshells From a very learn
ed cotemporary, we transcribe the fol
lowing account of the origin and uses of
the day "}taster is a movable feast,
being the 111-.4 Sunday after the full
MONII which happens upon or next af
ter the twenty first day of March, the
vernal equinox) The period during
which it can occur extends from Marcb
22d to April 25th—thirty-flue days.
From this feast--the Christian passover
—are calculated all the other movable
feasts, as well as the fasts, observed by
Raster is so called from the Saxon
"Octet," rise, being the day coin
memorative of Christ's resurrection ; or,
as others think, from the Teutonic god
dess °stare, whose feast was celebrated
early in spring.
The egg at gaiter Js an emblem of the
rising up out of the grave, in the same
manner as the chick, entombed as It
were in the egg, is in due; Wee brought
to life. As an emblem of the universe,
the work of the supreme Divinity, the
egg had a place in the theology and
philosophy of the itgyptiens, Persians,
Gauls, Greeks, and Roulette."
—Ratioulo---A little boy, aged eight
or ten years, a while crossing the race on
the fdot bridge just opposite the office of
the Snowshoe Railroad Company, un
wisely and' without considering cone,
quenoes, tumbled fn. No one saw him
and the poor little forked epenimen
would undoubtodif have been dellwned,
had it not been for our gallant friend,
Andy Cook, who, sitting in his office,
was aroused by the splash, and nobly
plunged in to thevescue, thereby, wet
ting and perhaps spoiling a first-rate
suit of clothes. The water in the race
at that point is perhaps live feet deep,
and the little boy and hie parerite, who
ever they are, undoubtedly owe his life .
to the unselfish and generous bravery
of our friend Andy. We say bravery,
because we have no doubt but that he
would have jumped tato water live
times Mb fittep for theism. purpose.
e g
reaC t"
e_ry, by Miss Nellie
Marshall, entitled " Wearing the Cross,"
will appears next week.
[For the WATCUYAN.
at the school-house at Oak Hall on Tuek
day evening, April, fith, C. Dale, Presi
dent, in the dhair, The minutes of the
last meeting r being read, the
,subject for
the evening's discussion " The Potato
and its culture," was taken up. Jbseph
,Baker was the first speaker, and, after
showing ono dozen of now varieties, he
spoke of the origin of the potato and
showed that from a nauseous tuber,
growing wild in South America, after
years of cultivation and •improvement it
became a staple article of fond, for mil
lions of the human family—spread over
almost the whole civilized world: He
spoke cf the 431.i.eaP89 and th,ir ;
he said we ire all henelitted, noire or
lees, by the potato mania z -that thn
Chauncey K Goodrich, Albert Breeze,
and ethers, who, after years of toil,
have produced our best now varieties,
are public benefactors. Mr. 3aeobSher
said, " 1 am an old farmer, but I am
aware that farmers generally consider
potato raising a small business This,
in my opinion, is a great mistake. It is
n bil , trie , that will pay, if done well I
raised myself, sumo t ears
he-hel• from one acre of ground, and
did WA COO, Me more than fltr cent, 11
hu•11e1 Potatoes will wear out and the
ought to be changed Mr John I.
Po , ter ly:14 ILo 110X1 Spf , ll.l,l'l' 11, , •nid
111' hwl rao.ed potatoes s,icres.follt' ,n
Lancaster, Va , and in the State of I ov. it,
and knew them to lie a paying crap ,
but here, in Pennsvulley, he thought
it would nut tiny very W , ll for want of
good market. "Here again," be .111741,
WI, "find the need of a rodeo,,! "
) ' ll ILI IT I. M , }ROM Mr
u jiol'lL . l A ntitliberalls,%
Ina- 111 I troci , 4 of erection, and to be
OrPrltVll aythe beeutirt., more
....tiled. I. really mtoniiliing, and
li. ,101 the y built uI an
provmm, st.ring through tram
tel run from Lo( k Haven to Clear.
111.1.14ir the accommodation of water
men, mid will continue
, 4,1.,11 Conductor Curler, of
the Clearfield Freight, had hle toot i.e.
ore ty (lit, 111 Thar d ay, by the falling
of an axe from a stove which he was
rzig• from tt ear The are .ar ls oi s In
great tt e lengthwise, splitting it nearly
in two, only the skin holding it together
upon the tinder 'side ---Referring to
the organization of a Building and Loan
Association, the Journal says We are
pleased to notice this stride in the right
direction and are confident of the suc
cess of the undertaking. Everywhere
we hear of the good effects of these or
ganizationi+, in enabling the working
roan to procure a home for himself, and
nn class of people should fold a greater
interi , t in this movement Next week
we shall endeavor to point out tionoe of
the benellt, to ilo der' ell Iron' It tfieffl•
bITSIIII , rn the 11,soellal oil , and (.% 11111 I
to our reader. the lima.. of 1, 11111111.1114
the 1/1/4//1,.. of the 0,1•114.‘,
A 4 we go to pre, we lenrn amt. the
4ob.eriptin to stied, 111111)11111. 14, 1 04 )
hare, --ttiutrwriptions to the build
rig fond of the Stapled I•hurt h of th,
Owen 111 . 0 very Tbro, Lt:t•lttltt
1111.11 !done have contributed $lOOOO,OO,
one of thew fhtilreg hit name upon the
li%t for i.", 00,110, and the other twit fur
$25 0 , DO elicit.
—A fltindily school eon vention voni
inenee,l WP11114.,13y
afternoon, and elo,ellye.terlifly
We have no report a+ )et-uf Lbe
ceedtngs, other than that the folh,w“4
rp.e•tions have thus far bee n duo ed
"The work Of the Sabbath Selibol T, !tell
er." "How can we secure a better attend
dance in the Sabath School 7"The quali
fication end duties of Superintendents.'
"How can we best interest non-proles
sore of religion In the Sabbath School 1 "
A, new presiding officer is chosen at
every meeting. Gen. Beaver presided
on Wednesday afternoon, H. Y. Stitzer,
Esq., in the evening. On Thursday
morning Rev. Cleaver was In the chair,
and In time ifternon Thomas Hoilahan,
Among those taking as active part,
we notice our friends, D. F. Fortney,
John G. Love, 8. D. Gray, Elms., and
—The Re-publiean Is wrathy because
W. H. H. Brainerd, of the National, is
likely to be appointed deputy marshal
for the Bellefonte district. The Repub
lican wanted to control that appoint
ment itself and now writhes in an agony
of resentmentovet the fact that its Influ
ence has been/et aside and its advice
not even been asked. The Republican's
influence cannot he so great with the
powrrs that be as its editors would have
us believe, In this instance, at least,
the elite organ has got ahead of it
—We notice that thq Borough author
ities of most of the boroughs of the State
are publishing their annual statements
of receipts and expenditures. - Row
comes it that our borough dais have not
made theirs public yet. We suppose
they are aware of the (act that an act
of assembly, passed andapproved during
the session of 1868, require!' them to do
so, or be liable for a severe penalty. We
would like to know vary ;ouch whit
amount of money they have expended
durini the past twelve months—Who re
ceived it—and whet for? Can't you
comply with the law, pet for once, gen
tlemen ?
rKII.BONA.L.—JIICOb Bostorman, Esq., ,
of Haines township, brother of his Don
or, the Judge, put in an appearanch in
our sanctum on Saturday last. Mr.
Hosterman came to town to lift his sixth
commission as justice of the peace, lin of
ficio he has held for 25 years r having first
been elected in 1846. Our old friend
Hosterman is one of tile soundest Demo
crats ih the country, end hits taker; the
Democratic organ in Bellefonte over
since it was Otst started. fie is
still in vigorous health and bids (Kir to
live many years. We hope to often soki
lout in our Alen.
—John Campbell, Esq , of Huston
township, dropped in to see us on Sat
urn++) lastalsv. 'Squire Campbell don't
hke the 100k+4494 things politically. He
is one of th(rinipectors of his township,
and would hke to know, how election
boards can reconcile their oath to con
duct the election according to the pres
ent election law and constitution of the
State and yet allow darkeys to vote, As
required by the fifteenth amendment
The 'Squire's head is level, but we be
lieve the unconstitutional registry law,
nmended,str+ lt es +rut the word "w hite,'
and the oath will no doubt be adminin
tored under prm.),illll4 The 'Squire
kntt hi, I rtio , ti,rt in n'teL , :nl And con
swat atrial littht Ittal with thm't
ml that is tht•
Barntir4l, lormorl: $
(I , llverinv, Si vi ru v ~t
turo , bripti , ni, in ‘Vnnt,c,fin,
I . IIiISIn, Inv print pliten I,r rvodr,)".
—(hir good-natured,] mart aifd tittel
ligent youne; friend, Orr}' ICin•loe•, at
(;reen's drug , tore, ha. n line lot of pa
per collar , foi for his own benellt
Orry want, tollinke RS 111111;11 of a
out of them ac he can, and I lie.-etore do.
ro , 11 Aliare of the paper collar patron
:it:, Cull on hint. Iles i. quite 11 clever
. I , IIIIIZ gl.llllenian, and lakes a emninend
able pride in keeping thing. idee
, thvpr. , (l iri
,114,)11 other day \Tr11:01
ha Letla.uusvell fir aonlV
.6111 0 , but we
art glad to snow (butt to pu rvu overuig,
.urveyitv4, which u+fh:n ex -
pusse s
It votaries bus all kinds of windy
anll weather, iy Sf,tnelinu.4linra ups!) the
—Harry Ctmd, formerly 4,1 thn firm of
Haxtresser d Crist, hardware mer
e-Mt/its, of this 'dime, but. new of Coun
cil Muffs, lowa, was in town this week,
visiting his friends and former commin
ions. Harry looks and talks about as
usual, but is devoted to the Weal and is
, eispecially In love with the.region around
Council Illuffm.
—We regret.the removal from town
of our estemiital friend, Samuel Gilliland
of the late firm of Howell,
&Co Mr. Gilliland good to Gek
Hall, vvhere he id interested in a wool
fuc tort, to which, we bell( ve, he will
hereafter devote lite intim uttemion
This eommunity, of which Air G was
one of the. best members, will weitily
nu s him.
--tiro NV Tate, Eng , of till+ !dace,
ho has be e n on a vint to soft,. of the
We.tern States lately, has returned
Mr Tate Teak% in high term , ' of the
,onset regions
Sostetmitoo. Kvett "McCracken '
has a now bait of clothes I When will
w..nders ever cease
--A Mrs. Bingham is to leeturo
the (;))d Tem plars Hail to-night on the
' Temperance of the Bible." Admission
--And now we have Win Wagner
porting a new silk hat—one of the
Thinieet and Hermit. Gentlemen whim
will this thing stop? Alas, we i fear on
ly when every body gets a now hat or
breaks up trying to get ono.
—The editor-in-ebief of this paper has
"moved. 111.1 now resides on Cheapside
in the house just vacated by Mr. Gilli
—Garden making Is now the rage.
We would advise folks not to be in too
much of a hurry. Better be sure the
Imo* is all down brat.
—To-day is the election for Justice
of Peace. The candidates aro Cheese
man, (Radical,) and Klinger, (Inde
pendent Radical.)
-Aim election for the gold-headed
cane between Mr. Bush and Capt. Pot
ter began on Monday morning and will
close to-morrow night.
—We are glad to notice that the Wy
kelt pavement le being cleaned off and
—The repainting of the town eiriek
seems to have attracted gehorar atten
tion 'Everybody is admiring the hand
some that. Could our borough fathers
but hear the encomiums that are heaped
upon their heads for this sieconomoda
ting act of theiis, they would, we think,
sleep easier on their pillows. It tint
every town that, has a council like ours.
—The Repighean is still ringing
changes on the " °cart House Ring."
That editor ought to bays a ring in his
nose. • •
—Dr. }Diger has been sad gobs and
done it. Re „wee nuarrted on Tuesday
evening. The Doctor did kup so slyly
that nobody knew anything about it,
and all the young ladle& left behind urn
as mad as they can be.
, Whereas, It has pleood Divflto Prov
idence to remove !rotor our midst by
death, our worthy brother, Post Grand,
Jacob R. Zimmerman, be it, therefdre,
limolont, That JUNI& visitation of death, An
are deeply Inipri , SNOli With tho uncertainty of
life sod the err-iambi of that taw of" mauls lat.
ter I,ll , r\lliieh speaks to us, in such solemn
voices, from I ho sepulchre.
Rea°turd, 'flint we deeply deplore the love or
our deceased brother, an a man espeelelly !in
,hoed with the principles of Chid Folifieship,
and whose oftli MI duties were ever diselutrgeJ
with ',delft), to our brotherhood.
"Respired, That In this 'tribute of respect to
hiv mr,r virtue., we vondolo will. him herell
parents, Virothers and bixters, knowing that he
lived in that faith whirl. teaches that "whoso
ever IrOlieVe.ll shell live though ho lle''
Resolvni, That our Lodge fool, deeply the
toes we have suotalneih and that we shall ever
refer to the nexocintions of the pent with pleas.
ire, saddened by the painful reflection that
one from our midst in the vigor of manhood,
should fall thus early a victim to tho fixed
laws of our heing,
ftssofterl, That our Lodge room hmlembleme
of our ord.! 1/41 draped in mourning, and that
our brothers be n 4111,1140 to wear 0 0 liddif",
whieli,in common on such occavion., for the
term or thirty days. _
Resedvf, Tlutt these ffoinliit ion, be recorded
among the mimic, of the Ledge, published
In ono of Morn of he e omity l rpcn.nnd n copy
no' nOthell by the Secretory to IIII• Gundy of the
%t fll
At n 4 , t. , 11av , P1 Ow I pr•r tl 11 - 11.11
4101 CO , 1..1,, !PI II nlh, In n. 1 / 1 . • rit
041,4.m1. 41. t It. rt. 1., 1 it that. r nit 1t
I. 11l Iran, a (44illilitt..r to draft re. ,, latioaK.
prt.,olvt‘ 1 , 101 , Veil.. Of thy tininply on Ow
dent), of our orthy lineintwr, .larot) It
Zitilliwrlllnt‘. n 1,11)1,111t ,,, aftt , raard• pt,
.ent..4 pri•ttytthlo Wad
lions, ,t dirt,' 11,11111111‘4,11.111 . 1011,p14•11
Wher...44, Hi. alwive Pro. 1 , 1.1 , ...tiax
r.‘vrioved from otlr :1,, g 1,
ly r.lrrulu.l atul u•ornly mriu6rq tho•Nsf",, ,
1.0 II
Brno/oft. • I'lint in U ilehth of IL ineoll
Zlititile•ittu., 11.1riort I x
4 • ••1.101. I.liorkry one ••1 the r 4 1 14,
1.0.1. of 1 h.,...tri5e.t11.• • lit, ••1 i•••iltillir
ptovene ut hum 1•..4 un •••••n0.•41 nsixt,llltll, and
it' :111, (ffi unt xnr tic 11,11111,. I
8r5,11. , 1 thi• ••••••••1•• 1-• •.1 Ili. tin,
lit•rehr etpre... their .Inet ro i.yrnilathy Ai 11 It
the fantil) •ii the •h•r••••01e.,1, m the Ite., they
hut s• . el.4l.iiineil
Thnt the elnornnan of the corn.
miller. be directed to forward to them I 1 ropy
(.1 three repollitiotei
litxolt,ll, 'I lust theme reii•oltiliosn lie pub ut lel.l 1g.... of our (aunty i...pers
I, I' Itnts, )
.1 r• II odierrx .110/ram/Titre,
W I. his Katz )
--It Is rtintfrol, MI pretty good
authortly, that I-Ihriff Woodring as
roamer' yesterday afternoon. Parttcu
tars 'nal week.
Business Notices
—I( you Want to save money by not purehas
mg spurious and worthless articles, go to the
king established house of Hurnskle & Whom
as. where you eau always he aecommodsted
with a first r lass article, They refuse to be
eontrollod by the mania of purchaltng cheap
anodes at the expense of their cuslumerr
Remember they gine you n per(eeily pate and
good aftll I{eperu•nre liarthllglll )011 11110
it 1 .1 00, 0 .W0,11111111%1 than arty mbar 1 / 4 . 1 . 111.1,
tlu•y 10111. an tottat,u If )oo
went the Lrst ortiac go to But osble 111011,1).
ho till guarantee what I hey sell )00
enterpr,ing 6o•nda, \lct alley &
co , blare )13.4 returned from the• east and nee•
daily ;evolving a splendid lot of fashionable
boot• nod "lines, whit 11 they will sell at very
low pro•e r I hey warrant their work to 1.•
po•t what they reprettent It to be They hate
carnet' the reputation of living lair 011,11111 d ot
keeping an excellent :lock, and dement, thy,
greateat toyer'.. •
City ruLILS ♦aa CoLNTItY Fin to—The broad
plitetillePUOlL whlrh UNfeel to telllet iptelte (Peel clay
pent le and their enlintry frierlelel, ',femme to be•
Ilemt ipt,ol4ltlg away thir unlrrove•J Mod e 4 of
i•lptepllllll)llPeelpiete Leval, b r gil and volintry
%II nee, LIP gethe - , that the people have beemne
In. , re and Moro Illu• oily another m abn,.l
evert re 4 ..... t Elpechilly In till, true In null.
ti rof (Iran, ItM call rarely tell a r•ountry
ruan now I/1 the elOtlien lie wears For ao
easily can he, either by gulag hit
Ing, obtwn 141/1 clothlug of Waluunaker
Brown, and at so I,lw prlcaa withal, that he C.lll
Gu an well &tinned as though he lived In the
—All people would undoubtedly prefer a floe
head of hid, grown upon their own heads, to
being bald, or wear false hair : cod it has been
the ■trdy of many of our learne .1 men to find
• remedy to restore the hair when It has fallen
out, and renew Its color alter It has become
gray, Such A xviady has bseil found, and Is
now offerettc the world under the name ,of
Vngetatlle 81cIllan Hair Renewer; and
to verify thin statement, read the followings--
This l■ to certify that I was very bald; in,
fact, my head was perfectly smooth; and lt. la
COMITIMI in toy family to grow bald early In
11/e. I hare now used four bottle, of Hall's
Vegetable Htelltan ilsilv Renewer; and the hair
lota grown out all over my heed, and la now a
natural brown BARTLEY CONLON.
Sam*, .fintneas 00., lay, May It, ink
re,rsonally appeared before me Bartley Con.
lon, and upon oath, says the above gatemen"
In true. M. U. BUTLER, Notary Public-
—We *ere up at Sternberientheother morn
ing and notloed a rush for his new Roods, that
put one alinoet in mind of a rueh fer, dinner, at
eelebral ton or convention. " filery " Ie clev
er, etittert, cheap end handeorno. end it ieino
worefnr (hot eur people almost fight tl are who
Wm into h(e store drat.
lIINTON—On the 2d Inst., at Bnow Shoe, Pa.,
Mr. COMILUI Hi Nemo, aged B 8 years, I month
and 18 days.
Mr. Hinton was a memlier of Capt. Charles T.
Pryberger'e Company D., 45th • Regiment, Pa.
Veteran Volunteer", In the war_of 461, having
eollited on the 25th day of January, 102. ffh
was taken primmer aad mina:led In the lialthr
berry, N. C. prison fo life mouths, where ho
oontraciiti oonotamplion, of which he died,—
Be was discharged ow lbw ad 4 / of 11(4 7 , low
nib was a man that Illaa much respected by the
'Wizens of Snow Shoe, and his funeral was at.
leaded ,iargely by riptatlveallind allAsetss.
Drive or Al liertwasza Lov.-44rt. E.
Bowser, the beloved wife of Division Superin
tendent Bowls, of the Northern Central Hail.
road, expired at his residence In thik city on
,Ttiesday eveningiatiC. Vorifipw persons 1111Y9
pp:messed In a bight* dNodblhe , /ove entire.
spot of acquaintances as the large number of
well.apeaklnat falemde Wawa. She w as 1N., /
Inebriation ellarttlea t end many an matinee
could b' told of weibbestowed benevolenc e
Unassuming, yet: devoted—klwl, awl alive t o
every duty—neglecting none—discharging se,
vred domestic trusts, with a devotion that
made bleat.ed and happy all who come snide
the-sweet home circle—to husband and chil
dren most faithful-kiln 1011 entailoal'hy bet
death, gowns, ',Weed, Irreparable, awl lllliitc.
ally tills the 'h arts of relations and friends
with keenest anguish. The funeral services
wore observed this morning.—Elvairo (lautta
The.followihg curious editorial an.
nouncement appears in the White Pine
Dally.,News, a Nevada paper, of Mardi
14: " Apologetic—At the present wri.
ting we are in the midst or the most
terrific storm we ever experienced any.
where. The atmosphere isnot intens e .
ly cold, but it curls about with n rapidi
ty, vrtriqy and industry not at all
charming The tin roof of the offic e
has gone oft' entire, and ell ha~rltt re
at work without shelter. The 'gale is
so terrifholtat.revairs cannot be made,
and we are compelled to freeze it out,
praying for an early subsidence of the
storm. Under the circumstanees, iris
necessary to crave the indulgence 01
our frietok "with the deficiencies in dm
',size of the Daily Newt , . I e ery 'mu,
phwe, ail imitotriotokly woo,
Ic' lit the cold, 111110reng to lo (n
mow. ,art of public:moil,
the proper daily appearance.-
Canton. I thin, has the ohle.,t
in the ['Hoed States, prolsihkni the
w.ti 111.
Le bn. elitetl and liniile•hoi th e c a , r
rear , !PIO now eight% se.irl
ale, wel hfl4 art or heels tt .1:1\ :11 ,, 111
fl()111 his sanctum duns¢ e
tolls! life, /Iv dill writes with elenr.
iiess and vosor. and Intelv
his first ethturiitl, an athireem - to th e
is the first hit pa
per, rvpiued Marsh 1815. 1,1w4 see!,
ilie old ‘etl.lllll relelinlipd 11l rot,.
LIP 111)- , ixth 1,/itorta'
The Bellefonte Market, p
The felleNi .114 re the ilmoalif
el. twig, totr
1t lobo prt
%t ,
it..l %I r Lush, I I
lt~e • r htt-itt I
Khellt , l, pi r 1,11-144
per . , ll , l,llel.
('lnc erretsrl, per 1,1”.1)4.) 1 ,
r 14,114.1
Laid. pl ..
%I .h
141Itt.r, 14.1 ,. p0und......
11/tw.pound ..• • ..(iround Planter, per ton
Milroy Marke t,
Corrected weokly by Geokoz limes& & Worl
Bed Wheat, per bushel.
{rye. per bushel. .
(ern, per bushel .. •
oeu,, per bushel .
Burley, per b u shel
Ib 'V f.r S 1•1•11, p, bushel
sult, per suet. . .
itrouud Plaster, per ton
Philadelphia Markets.
11,0 roilim ing are the quotation, tip to It
relay, Thursday
Fleur For WO, ..... 14.2.5 r.v,
Fu • d
Now Advertisement
yi)u (irt"rim Bilurs
Ski OEB at litolvattot i TOON ' l4
100 get the twat at lit
T 010111144
luu Ket the Iwo. HITT! , at itt amtorr
Tune*, #
You , g..t 1110 bent PANNE/) F/1171'1 , ,tt Hyatt
diet , 1101,0, M
I'm, get the bent LEA'I at lit Ammon •
Ynn ggo, Iho bent I'LL 111$ )1111 ", Nt
ill 11 . 0.101 s 11100,41 CM
00 FYI the best NOTIONS at Buxom,' •
7 . 1001,0111
ett get the bent MY.ItLIIVNIII7.I.:.
ALLY at ill 0.10101 4 Taortna
1: 1 1)WIN H. KINSI,OE,
Saterfarrr to Semi 1. Barr, Jee J.
etwth and Mutual Fire, Life and Aceides ,
Pollees written.
Prompt attention Owns go to tt oollectson of Po'
Play, P4 , 14i0.4 and eat other ,tout.
Soldiers who enlisted behwe July ssd, 1161,
and were honorably dlae.hargod 'without reeeiv-
Inw the Wire Bounty etre now entitled to it
15-15 Succeuor to dbon't L. Barr, dee'd
The Spring Term of this inalltateen will
commence on Monday, April 96th, and con
Onus ten weeks. Pupils' of both owl., am ad
mittee. Resides instructions In the usual
Academical Branehao of Study, the
will be cOndnuad, and exercise.. to Praetle.
teaching establiehed. Tultioh, t 6 to $ P er
term. Boarding with the Principal or in Pri
vets Amities at f 9 ms week.
For further lufoftitlon, address,
O. Y.V. LEltifill
15.14.3 t Pincipal Roalstalrit *code"'
ant other choice seed potatoes for
salegy the
s oubacrlbeg. Early rose $1 pet
Thomas, .1. * Darrld, Bellefonte, and ./ •
Hahn 's, !Altenburg.
1644.2 t JON. BAKER A SON._
at low
t I it .o ld d ig: o 7ree Ap t ,
ply to
161 t-tr. "" • Crig r' ':
-: 1 1
Amli„An old and Sir t i e•O whitowsober
'MAUI* to t too, to Terms Jos ,
AL $R ga (aim
/4464r 1 oJoir Sleet, Bnitorouto.
&M . that: IPotrilona for Llama* to April Tyrol
Court A. D. WWI •
O L Sharp° • Tavern • nosh twp
Rudolph Mulholland " Hu molds tap
Dente' Garman Bellefonte Bore
JNO, Milltilfi,
to ' Clerk of nevtione
I (0
1.11. /
/rq nu I?
14 4
IA 0