The Democratic Watchman, 'BELLEFONTE, PA Friday Morning, December 17, 1869 Horace Greeley in Bellefonte That remained rhilopopher of he New' Fora Tribune, 11011.4 CE I►, having . imast need to deliver n trettire In It ellafonte, (tire aut)joot which alit bo annbuneed In tine time) tI,o undersigned have the gratification to anmainco to the cillsens of thot mainly that Mr. URI-- LIT has appointed TLIGIDte JANWIRT 1870, WS the oeraxlon nn which ho will ineke himpp pearanro before a Centre county vithent Thu' hone of ffonArx IiItILLICT In co-ex .nsivc with the Enghtth language, and; though one of the m.o. erratic. I.e it certainly one of the Moat renuirkablo men or the ago. As of (or of —We "interviewed" Frank “reen the other dny, with a view of giving Fiume account of him extensive and handROMP drug store, but am we ft)rgot to write it out in tune to he met up for this week . "' WATCIIIIA4, the lOrPllll,tll 1111 . 0r1114 114 that it will have to lie over. llowever, we'll attend to it in can and Demoepin ) he will not appear m+ a our next. Yee Neu• York Tribeine he in known Ihrotighout the length a n d Itrendth of the land, and, from a journalkti, polut of t tele, he stands second to no living man Everybody has 110arel of Idol _everybody wants to MOO him, And clinosAly to know what hi• looka Ilk° will do niiivlt to Inuln large audience Coming here Under Pl.lllOlllll lionpice4. 0,0111 Repot)ll partizan, and l lOlnurl ah. and IGgNhhoan• art inVit , Vl 14i runx' nml hone hlm Thotielset% for Mr h•elurn are nwo, tw , ml/11TTAlit,ifirlook,notrImt - by ■grnt. throligh.mi the cram} r*OgeMent , %ill be made foi 4eeliring reser•rd will he in Nilelitiallee to VIM Burt 0,0.0 holding \ ell 110111.111 to tioOr p/ACPS nekVIS to till s purt 11 ‘ .. holvw !“) Cenln RrePeri ell .1.111, 71ee nln 1.0( r) luuly COM/ %V 11 II BRA IN Elt1) JOE W FIN; 1•:1 THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY -IVe , •foill be happy to receive tur key rre,ent, for Clirf.tfom and .S; I,_. %% 'Year's Ttot them In, friend. --The , fl,,w 14 ILI I 14.. n.. again 111).1 ti\ sa mu 'u• tle of tilt. hi...1.411-I,elli shut 1 1 14 w el, made ..ur .tr....t-r •o It vol v 1. , no more Th.. ..f.a. , ..ti, t 11.. 14 wa merry I rf --.\ n..w frig on it 11..wair.lizr..1..r the •,irrint..:ol onoe of it Rev. r !mot, of Itrlidli,r.l county We tie, t. LI that wuc h Mt 15 brink rumnif...t..4l —Hutu) E \VI tro h, , former ly of that votout , :if nt --Jourrun. at ( . 141111,01u, 111 -hot a lt..ttsk tro•wtor ITlg ur tw.) in, h,-• rrpprpp tip t.. tip of wing:, with it rk ~1 th.• 2nd in.t Mr W. I: t•. Ln,., an . % (' •otre rap bent that. A pert) Inz) •t )iu~~ i% I • Mir fl•,111 NI:1111111(0 h bit) ,t,if Tr “.11. pi.r.oliatiii , 4 TI gr,l g no , 11.% 1.4 In lit•ro tai Slonclitt an,l dn~ ui.;i~i• L~•i 'l'6. ~~~•n• .~iiuir it telith.d. 'Anti the pertortmine, ire ,Itid U. 1, I , i” , li , t % Iliii I I.,1" VI I I , 0,/ 11. f.. .1„! 1 hat otir I 0.1, 11 , ..!, I M. 6. in I, k 31.. I but ~,tr lain I r “ird t vale ii, \r , l 1 =ME %4 I, • Ili% ME r I 013 not no% Iwiri th tl, 1.1.,0108i 1.% .p: l• • thy • I 1), dr 44( 1% 111 r 4 ) 4 r,lt I Ilo• 1111,1 , tip•ln Lilo ,hk)r, 4 t 4), nal fru , lit tli A'f to In% LN I/ tt !LAIN m. r,:- -IJ,,lis t.. 1 Ih 'IiiL.)IL..IIIII4 run- :,Is.l w r Ilfl-1,11.1- t . b mt. . lit. f1...11 1 .1 , lit I,'hfl-1- nl r I 'Z,I I t , l I , t lun•iJ f 1111.1 :lie. and, irN C I'rof :t I,tl I:rttG• N,,v y.Ol, I) k% 1)0 g' on at lir, id 0 n•il4, • o'oo ntort.t.o aro 1., Li• 1,41,1 :`,l,irt.llll on I I .\r‘ ur,l ,ireet. on Lit, a on of to it idol, belonging to Mr John Iloy, tan away, heading tip Allegany, and turning the corner of lii-hop ,:re , t, to the Co 111111111 W, UOll , l. Here, it they NN.•re 4eciired and fivitimed tun pied, but, breaking loreie mirnehow, they again turt..4l, and, retracing their courde, final ly brought up against a fence in the neighborhood of the cemetery Doing thwrun n couple of ladiei and a boy were thrown out, but we belie%e nO one woe . 1f1:111r4 . 11 Studs animals , mtight to be carefully watched, --Among the law ntudentondmitted tygto bar during; the lant terra of court *us our 11111,1- worl.m4 and prumiAing young friend, Aaron 'William's, Attho time our foimer notice wlii writ ten w.• were avt aw.tre of Mr Wil. Ilam•' whinedon lii fart, hr i 4 •114 . 11 ft niodr.-i, quiet gentleman, that we dui not kin... , 111 it very rooentl%, that le. t tint •t Ung to enter the leGnl i•ror..- sibitt :It tvo tioint,•ntiond!:, 111,1 . 'll 111 1)111 11 ii.11,,114,11- 1111; 10111 WO thn ntlit.r young zontle men who have obtained permi.inion from the court to haw!, out quit. shinglps.. —We learn, with much 'regret, of the death of ex-Sheriff McCoy, of this county, at Philipsburg,-at his residence, on Thursday of last week. Sheriff McCoy wits one of our best citizens and his-decettso will create a feeling of gen eral sorrow throughout the county. Ile was prominent as a candidate for re election last fall, but withdrew his name front before the nominating convention The Sheriff wrisn firis and consistent ad-. vocate of the principles of the 'Demo cratic party, and his loss will be greatly felt in our future conflicts with the ene my As it man and a neighbor he was greatly respected and beloved, and his loath has left a void in the commiinity in_ which he lived that will be hard to fill. The retnains were brought to tlilesburg, on Saturday last, and in terred in the cemetery at that pace Requtescat ma pare. -In the orphen'm court salem ndver wed 'by "I'. M. Ilall, , •, the typeN lamLe.cek read Friday and Saturda) ! the 18111 and 19th of Jaeotnry tnmtettd nithe 21.4 t and 22d, am they mhoold have read. \Ve have ninde the proper rorrection, lipase% er, and the, , e ealem all take place on Frtaav and Salnt day the _let anal 22d ofinnuary, IS71) See ad.i.ertimernent. —Mr ek rif the Watchman brims Ilnait hi. new I /IM•,. flew flail, Spring (reek, Turbine 11 flier Wheel, Aro ,1111.1 well 110 II 111. for he in 14hool n. co.ily Kit n.41.•41 an ' tin fttnri for an viil.Jr In he. In till. fllvll4ialle WI ',I coming np next Slimmer to tteN . 111111g4 pr 00,1.1.11 .11 the NIIIIIIII Chllllk A. s, stot i.. itround ustbst iirrnb/. I'mne on, k eatlemen, —shall hn hap py to nee you. Show you the 1111,_Nt office in the state, rind, 11 . 011 come In the pummel', ice II astir for trout out of the ganctittn Sc in loin 111141 , r•t:11111 tfntt our od E• 1 , the plea ,, now tt tit .! P & v.lll, oiler the 10.4 f Jenee^N, 7 , 44101 ir1+4.4.44-441 with one Of the ... t on- good.. and netem boast-% In the city It mutt. little whore Ed g 0..., hi. rt.— t0m... , will go with Iwo h •h tl. pretlao.t pair of hop. , in Philadelphia /IN, is 111 , 1 by a 1. •rialer it- Ipal of the. pllic..---eßpt It I) Ctim p.polur ho.t of tint Eagle Ho. Lel -Ali a Pig!' patoter ;t I hardlt pos ;..tift... to exer.l our. friett.l, .1. (1 Kurt V. , ti lle Itti-t itt-tt voiliplet...l a ntagittli cent H , :11 1..1 MaN 1.0vh.,‘ loch ;•-41,11 , 11;:q1 o- 0.1;outtl4ol, 1. , %4111.1 all 1•,1%11 It ',frill \ t I,l•atit% lil ii .1 (; , trl.•r to Iht. r• lil r 411‘ Mt la,•-liii at prc. 111 rt•- tu I. I 11 lith•III:111. WI 1.n% t. I 1 1111 Hil• 01H -I.lf unn MEM IMIIIIIMIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIII WilffillENM MET ❑n 1,11 r t•WI I r, I toll% r . T11 , 11 0 11n•i 1 , 10 1 , 111 to bot Ir ., Ohl impd- The itr4. i, th. Mmi,l:l\ , T.l. 111.,‘ lila 111 /1/ n‘, 11,01, and 1,11 In n .1 t" Ihul nt4 !llLln•nan• u x1'111111,41 L, 1 ,re Clin,l 1.. II It \l,lllll I,lln IM=ll I it r 1.. ‘ll,l-. A ‘l , lli II I: I..ititi 111,1( 110.,1, EN \111... Tip. . I wirt..ll‘ 4,loinnatp,lo3 in the ti... borough %%111 0111'11111CH/4' 011 W,dne, , iah 'll)t.e. 22nd, anti Pontinne Ihtrt• 1111)'M . Inult•uty will be exantint•)l in a\ the brAnt•ltes purent•d daring the tourier. l'arenbi and friendti are cordially in vited to attend, --We beg to acknowledge kilo prey cm ore set of "White's Newspaper Files" from the agent for this county, Mr. It. A. KinFiloc, foreman of the Natienuf office. This file ift rut to twenty Sizes, and is probably the most OM% eniciit. thing of the kind extat.t. Nra pipers , sheet mash., sermon-,, leet tires, essays, bills of scream, re f eipts, letters afid inantiscripts of all kinds (-An be neatly and conveniently preserited by it,. and is just the Hong tot editors, business men, clergymen and all per , ions or orderly-disposed . •no it WI Lit that expectation. lio,acnt mods to hay,: in their possession. The one ef the following circulars to every different sizes of this file can be seen teacher in the county, in November, at the Nat/olio/ office, or at the book- end from two to throe to every school store of Mr. George O'Bryan, who has Laird. All the teach - Ts named io 11,,, for sale. Thry tare ellertp :f eSrrri have 1,0r.n p} onnlly CM thy: kt tti.“l.% ii,tt 4 , .111 • MEIER I ' 4 . t I Agin—lt. el.r 14 Ili /.11)1, .01.11111111111 /I. 1:=11•1! own, .41 11(1.1, D H. HATT! vG9. • Prin Pu nue Sono()La OF FiatotritoN Twr Number of schools, 16 ; graded, 2 (at Pine (Grove.) Number of 'male teach ers, 7; female, ft. Average age of teach ers, 21 yenta. Of these, one has had no experience in teaching, while seven have taught tore than five Vicars. Eight have attended a County Nornjal School, One holds a County Profeition4l Certifi cate StverizoiNe Scheel. Thin school iv well arranged, anti furnished with all needed apparntus- 7 globe, arithmetical blocks, . maps, zoological , mottoes, pictures, writing tablets, ther mmneter,call bell, id= register, and a small:: but select library, kept for the use of the scholars, iSze It is praiseworthy to know that all these articles, 'et:rept one set of outline maps, are furnished by, and belong to the teacher This school iv taught by Mr, Isaac Kreider Number of pupils, 20 Krum ri nt .School—taught by John A Weaver; number pupils, 35 Oak Grove School- T Miss Sallie A MPPk, teacher ; numbprof pnpik, 20 Centre School—Mr. C. B Hess, tuna er, , number cif nupik, 37. Galesburg School —M ks Heckle F. Canon, awber, , numbpr „12. tilurhrySelmol--Mrs+ Sadie 1' Adams, Omehpr ; number of 31 Tar/pole School -- Henry 3 (;nl l / 4 4., leacher , nnnibrr 01 . pains, 22 M;iriqvitie Srhoo/ but, I) er, t, aoher , ritilto,wr of pupil-, 92 Furnerre Shoot --11 1,1 .1 01111 i 11 SlT.C..rtnirk, tvitchor ; ntitiibpr of pl - 32. ' Keptrr's Sehno/ -Men ita rtlu,lom e , lyncher, number of pupil, 12 (Mae, S 4 1.1 -- M i•s ligio Gm-doer, tenelier Thin ; tenehur at tending minim] convention ui Hunting don county' I'inr Grove tiranimar --Teni• portirily (.10.141 Thii st•hool rwittireq (11-ciplinurinti Pine (I , rove I'r ma ry Se1 , 0“1 -- yip glover, number of 1.01,11%, White. //all Sch,-,,,/ 111,111:In, touk,•ll,•r, , numbur ul pupil , Branch Kid° I, true lwr ; 1111 PO' lllo.t ul the IibOVI. Ft 11001.1 bus r• 111.,11 ft tutu throo to five vveel,., but ttre I of yet full, the children lwit in 1113111‘ been kept nut hotly, t•r to t ni the fall wort. Parent, should Arne to ,end their r hud ir, n to hlll.lslur ut,1114 vholf Of our ~lr„r7 ft, err, All Ow above ,chool, With tho ceptioh of two ..r ihrrc, art in the hand. te4t. 11.•i4 -aro will nrrhl h I Int iwrr, t nrd r, in door, and - telich:n4 thoroligh and selentri • 1,41r 1 / 4, ever} :"{ , • ,14.. , .nited ‘1,111) t 1:.• 1 . 0 10,1 , ,11:2: 11n• 611,111/- % , (hi% , G.111••1,11•4'. ' , 11“10•1, l ' o•fltl .1 11, in. 11, Ind 1;1.)v.. t I ('oiltrt "'A:AH/1. it 1., I; IL I: ( I,- f: _:. Thl • i 1 / 1 -.11I.:Alt.11 Lt . % I) 4 4 , 1 t, I ui Ili IS Ills 1 . .•1111 a } .. i111.1c 11, I I!, It • 1}...11,•\% ii.Ll Ills. is it•ts !h , til-s•nl I'. t1:1',1 i it • it, 111111 Iron LuiJl lit!u i 1 r t hen Pi "0 th• 1,01,1 kl:ittit Tot , o V, I , I t IrJ 1111 Bunn tol Co . old, 11. d in Ilnfdt•lt fArt,tlliro \VII,, it•plm.•,l bp•ti i)11. , lo! 411., prai.4. 1.1 gra.liti.; Cwir L. 11 , 11 , 1•' ilp• tot t tr 1 . 1 Tlr.. n rr.;:it. Lot 1 , 1 , 11 , 1, to 111 , 1 it. L 4/ 01 , 1n,4% -~gym w,,u1,4 t:/ lt • ttt it I .1.111 1 1)'• H. 1 ,1,1 ill 1,111, .•I ..1 tho .1 I Vallt . `4l The titteriiiniree at the above 11110 IA Irony l.r per real N molter of who base not Om term fruit, two to tell, ui the dif ferent 0,11111/1. AII the above wh001... will supplied i call belf, • :-; 111 . 4oi g i. practiced IIT all e-xvept Lim (tak Grove, where it will intriAlliced instruct.ion givi•ti iu I'llyaiology, drawing, and Phonotie aliening ni near ly all. li.. M. M. TIIK ThACII MICA I NSTI FAITIC ar Lietv- Attu. —Thu Twenty-third annual aessuni of the Contr.,' County Teachers' tutu will convene in the Digeiple Church, at Howard, un Nlontlity, the 27th init., and continue until the night or the 31,t instant. By request at the Superinten dent and fur the niforina'iop of teachers and lire public generally, we uppoud the pregrAnime ul . oxerei.e+ Superinten ll,'i it M 4 . 01• tiny; evfiry confidence that this will lei ono . of the 1/IWit I and inter...tAi , 4 ever 1144 in the ,eount v, (14,Irtf> the piibrac to al- sequently go to the Instjtuto prepared to fulfil creditably the duties assigned to then'. The 1 / 4 following is the tiuperitt tendent's circular • To PIN TNACIININ AND SCHOOL 1)I 1 HNC - 11/ICS OF CENTRN Our Annual County Institute will be held thi, year tit ill/Ward, commencing on 3iiiiblay evening, Doc. 27, at 7 o'clock. All buglers, and all who aro prepar ing to tee b. will be regaided na mom burs or thin Institute. TIN law contemplates that llon•di of I)irec•tor, shall .Grant Teachers the time to attend the Institute, mil count the chuff r Director; ere re- itittuletl that thin (1019 not nonlhet with tint tiflitlavit regnirtal of the l'reolinnt of the ' Itoitrd ' rhe plan titlopttd h) it MIM- I her of dt , triet., Inat )(tar, of len4thetting the tern' ono week, by itayine; the Tend,. IT, rot . their time, toot ropy ,N lb^m to attend the IV/Plie tune , or 6 , 1 A-it all, k, in rhap., prererable %S ' n trit , st the Lh rentotY •LEO l'ollllty %VIII 110( bu 10.11111 derelict in t re•pevl. for the I ;tote, prorrly combo ted, ettrtnin -1 Iv a benefit, not only diroetiv to tht, Teaelier., hot inaireetiv to their gelitiol+, Hut whether allowed ihn haw or not, ,t o+n shits/ ever) ' reacher OWl`ti IO the 1.1 of . l . suloll, arod (CO cunfltrntlti OXpeCt ever) tenvher in the eminty, not tina voulahly detained, to fin preßent. Telo•her , let nothttot . prevent )0n from uttelottn,z, for paa ollemlunet.sit 111,1, 11511”. not ark,oin for prolei.intinl /...111; but nom(' 1111111 4' , 41 y 011 fitt`l II line for it, and It•t u 9 try to utak, it so tatinetive and In.trus t V. that no teacher. wheth er 1 , 11111 or not. ellll afford to los., the heaetit 411 single 1,4 , ...t0i% It k your I ie•tittlie, and by pair iittentlatien 1115(1 only trot it tio 'mole trills , sue hil I/,.1 tear th 1.1.• were Ift,", teat t 111 be 1111 inorea., or ItO e ,. nt to properly indwat.• the ue•to••1 in tere•t inntoteited in .e.ittea• tool •• The Errrr.l.,, —Tito t.tLor/ ro, %till , 1191% 1I It TV11111..1 Semoms, or worlsol ••••••.100. during . tlio day, nod lortorli nit ,1 11( 1,1,....,, in tilr es oiling% During L i, in.u -.,•r W A Shappm, NV A , .1 I) II Ifit•tiriLT., E ZiMnur, J I' Smith, .1 II 0 SI 1%, II NV S. pi•r, 11 I) N - ati Prrirztril milt diff•nont IN 111 1, NI 51111.1111 , 111, 11%%-t i , WtioNtiti, Il t% T1111111.\,, II I (.1 hAII.II I 01111/.4,11, till. 1., lliilrr, I)itt Aillmo, NV 'how, NI Coloh, I oilt, liit , Si ms nn,l llu- ill —Ttr• ~.11 mu 11 II• /11141 /1111.1.11,1.,11, rtiiiiii:%•%l b . \ I tin 101 oio‘ itltiit ttiitict, to% ki t -111,1.1,r-hip . 4 1 ti , th" t.Jr, "1 or—r N.,;4 ato d .1r r tol/111111111111,.11, A 1101•Iti %, 11l 1 . 11111,1114,10 r tr;i lu•r• li p,nl )».1 ))), ) )I.)\ 'l'6 • • v.1»,1»), kill I fur, • ~ I • ,• I, s 1), • thom, I r 1 :V/t , . II It II 111,1% \ 1..410 .1 ..u. .t :,•.1 .11,1 1.. Ilig.rte e‘i r . win t ri • it 1‘ %. • ii , tL: With HIM • Tl, -I. will b. d Isom tH• "S“ltg4 of " Ilt :I . I t1 0 •111,k.1% t.,,11, ,t41,0‘1.4 ' 1 . 11 , ,, ,' 11 , 11ii I I/ 1111 1 11 i, .i/rk 101,1 ii„„ 1..• w s t Si,. pr.bal.l 1••• pnrt.,l ili.• I) ti 1v,.11 . , ihi .nd ti. i T .1 I) 1V •i,2,..11,, I' ();.IN I••• \V, II II lir 111114 rd, 111 AA I .I 1 t•••I t.o pi,' !.l I /hi? -t, eurn.•-tl% •• • • •.I 411101 111 •n• 1••, 1.1 't all t 111111 1 , 4 , )1111.//I‘ , I)' 301.}1, 11,1 1 IP • 111,111• t,l • / ," Wlll . ll h 111 • 101. 1 , 0,11 %l 111 IA•111,C11-1• , 1 .111.111 .i.ll ,tilphod tv,lli w, II Tlllllll , ll 1,1111149, '' 'l'. aollor,' Salo —What should o o• for gunJlng tlo•in Sll-111.1 r . I , l lt, tP.0.•11 1150 h,„.1 1.4 .I.irtn .00 M'lMlllier 11)41iitily 9 res,64ors, Rho,. of Uu;onellle, 111111 II II at or or rwr, 11l rt,1111.-1...1 141 01,011 oir the tir-L tum , I{,,trick of Fiiroo•N' 14 ilk, and Scht•nc I; of If olvio 41, 1110 nve.ntl; Iltir;cy Forguion, and Lukens of liu,h, the tlor,l 'not Gunttlittou iwromiletit condi eat" wi ll be plectlA uu Froitty itfteritoori, volon tho rogillar uununl o loeti on o f of th'•[•iy will tolco R. M. uIAOKK, Co. Owl ii to other engagetiwelo, Hoe Thomli fl. fiarrowet, will hot be able to attend Ow tiaittio?, but Ilan. J. P Wichetzhant,!..itziteSiperiatendunt, will, without doubt, ha prohont. .lle will ad (ln,: n Thor iitiy iir Pri• day ev , mitig, 31;'h or :Hit twit Prof Shlinalter, orChit no ir•burt;, will nlao bu in attroh,lanee, with °alai distinguillt % g. 110,1111 011. A resolution was passed at the last:ses sion of the in.titute floninainiiting tonnh ors, who fail to atom] its • ‘ .l , i'll , :11/ IS• I: • • •I that • Busineis Notices —We would call the attention adios(' about purchasing presents for the Holidays to the elegantly assorted stock of our young and en terprising friends Zeller & Jarrett, on Bishop street. Here can be found all tho now and Motet) toilet requisites. card and segar eases, and fancy Rhoda of every description nil° a good brand of negars. We adv lon our readera to call and Judge for themeires. FATHER HT KINTHR.—Now, that Pere Ilya. Glnihc bam ' , Wind for France, the eta taming eonmerrnent on him 'minim, In this -country, has submitted. The sot. • much excited over the subject of Holiday (tilt.. As Chriatinna la rapidly approaching, the f• %eft°. tnent livereame.. Tho.m In search of articles for presenta not knowing a here to (Intl them, wo would euggeat that Zimmermann Brox et Co, of thin city havu tlio beet display of everything that in useful: that a e hnvu even, and that 411 should repair to the abovo entabilshment and obtain the necenutry prowestla. 'ldet randy for the I lolltlays,"—A large and selected stock or Hata and Caps, Just nit:Owed at Montgtortery's,conetating of the Don Carlos , Warn Wk., Cuba, 81111tod,'Ilan ltns, to., Also a lino seloctenk of Astrtion fencer t•npe, Sootr h Puelfle, Plush, Itronn velvet. Ithin n n.I I•ron pctershrun, black. brown, blue and tbdlm pocket and 4114.1148 nice a )44711,,,1) supply or atilt tY, ender (I , ollllx, glores, collars, and s fine lot of milk sent Ties, Ints,t, 101.1 1V:111A. "cart. 'CI these at MOlltgontery'm No 7 ItrockerhotT few. Old l'ted office 'qt., I end Y for Iho Hull/toes " LE= Mr EDITOR —lllla week I hare paid.tny firrit to our Itollefontw Oytnnw.www, for whleh we nn• whiebtocl to our enterprillits follow urwnnm•ut Or Tipple , I r•annot hot late the emoononity 01001 lh la 04111100 to 0111 pillolu• My ~14c,,•t In thin Inlet notlea to 'cell the nttwotion wfror•u• tor whom u.O 1110 01111111 l swill is designed to th.• tocat ',client In ha In el from Itrituovellient /if Ih•• Op to - tom/3. whi.•h it ort,,, for thr• thorough PI Pri . l.P 141111 410 elOplllPlll of Iho pilynlettl Inttutit. Ihi re alee. l 111. tOtell 111.1,1, yoolig nun awl Mell he laid lie We Hietne OeCataltealn ere 010 re nr le-s contliting. Front inurelni4 till 14111. and often through the evening, they nor .hut tip In Afore ph nee. with le, Call ha' ale health) mein Icy nfbndy , and 'care tIY any op yyttintty of br*.ttlite4 Life pore otitYele air, eavept an they ez, W .) I from their meal. it pf .on enloot help hot wilt, In health front .m It all Ulla Oar II in of In cog end w Indlllr e ta they tie 111, of the krt., and .1,•ph0.• t., hot enene f. rn the eta 'they any they lone not trine el take Now 0, 11.ortril.111.n I. rlortgoo I for, tool I, Adios, Oolt n l trto4l topolt aext•roi-e it „Ii thr grattu.l , •o.) Af 11111 e On • hour 4p.lnt lit the aGt.l4.tly omyloVo.l-4 lib N:r/rol 11/..)1 exorcinel nr Peri•^Ni h •Ur•l v tikIIIK or other nrnr., ernphsymont in a rn.ely biPorieaa ,1 IY 011111 1 41, a t 111,111 1 11,11, 111 vier g \lto dift,.1.4.:1; r. i• the L„in .pent In t a, Uyinnarltirl, 0/11 g'. ,tl, it i ttnldr trt tof nr itch , but 14 re 41 1414 v 441410444 4 . 441:, ru4nr (4-44 T 1,11, t t 4,44, 11,1 v 1... navy Imp,rhiot t , ii• p,r.entut eo , rillod to I/1141 , 1,4 ten or moo, brow, 44,441 y 11C1•II nom r he . 1 04)11 r, 1 • 01.,11 14 11 , 1 t sloltorlt ex., 14 • brit plen•lnnt (hi 4,41011 that I. Itteoto4l,tlr/ that broth broil, Ti,? 1m w loot .1134 oirth .1 Nrrot ttlo 4 ,•46444•44. Or U 4.• Str , iltytillY 13MIIM=11 grmlt length Pnl I. I :/.1 , ,•14 I SIOICII all Itot t ,, 0 - 011 rtr a/.1 vo rp. r IL 'I 11 , 111 t, - h I. =I lII=IIII =1 MARRIED. ' I i'T 1 . I I 1., 1.. I .. MEM CREINIM SEM lll's. I 11/.1 !: . ' lit, I A H MI 11,. ) ,: k an X 11... Asi II both 4,ll..etitru o.itrttv 1111:1'r - - 11.. itt f.tthe: /" lth 111,,x. 11i 51.1, k 1111114 4 01111 r r. open seldom, A, 0110111..- 1m e the lit metitaa \t, 1/111.• grt,r.l ktrel / 11,111 1,11.4 HMI) lin I lit. I; r 111.1, 11,3 Sit I,mw I de Ile, The BellefonloWarket '11,11 , 4km let; ore the 11110i/111,, lip o. I. . • 10 , k paper eet.i t o \k heat po•I Red Wh, otper I,poliel. . . I Iu It) 0, per Imiodlel. I lA/ Cont. shelled. pee leeittetel, tei Oat+ per letelleeel It telev per 1..1.' 0 I Illiek‘rheat. purl.ueled. I Its (1,1V.,.....(1, pl.! lepdtel .'.ll Potaloult. per I :Irg•4 , per •lor e n . . Lord, pet poll nil IS.P•dI. per pound . limn per pound Tallow, pot p, ttttt Butter, per Itingoi, per pe01Md......... rirotind Planter, per tom Milroy Markets. Corrected %odd) by Uhuaas ULTIIYZI A None White AVlirat—per Winne', ... 61 10 Itod V. heat—per li.hoit .V, .. 1 I 11nrley—per 1,041 I 1.4 . • Corn—per 1m.110.. ...... ...- t': '4 7 •'•'-'•' Ont—per 1.114h0l 42 Ilya—per 1,114114.1....,... 110 Salt—Sank. .. 2 .10 to 3 MI Snit—pariel . .. ... 3 . 2.:, ' :I r.O Sr.. Cool --Per lon 5 lel ' li 011 C10,..r St od—por bout.] 0 co " ' 7 of) rigki•vd b. , '2 (Ili Phl adelphk Markets Tim folios log aro Lhe quotations up to 12 c'el , .elc, yesterday, Thursday Flour (per bid) -. It hi nt—whlL' 11.1 uu 44 47.40 • • 1 :14 I; ,140 Rya .. ...- 1;41.4 j. 40 ..... 1.11/ ft 4) llt ...... /10 (e' Hr. (Jot . l;lu Imo,. nil .. ... ............ .••••• LOU 1 . 35 Clover Heedooo Torptily SoOd . 11atter 35 1411 42 Lord 10 1111 so _ _ w 'arm. o•Prieril Itn v HOUSES AND LOTS ,FOR SA The undersigned °tient forsale Two flovi I r al , I u Into on the Itelletont e nod I town turnpike at Pleasant Unp,'wheteui t t Is erected A GOOD TWO ETORY FRAME Me and Stable. There la also en the lota atl lug young orchard of Apples, pe ße p„ . Re., a never failing t !stern rut the drw_ will . be mold on very reasonable terms, subscriber Intenkin moving to the Went further particulars enquire, on the prerni of It. W. PI 14-48.3 m. PUBLIC SALE! two inner below Ventre Hull, ou The underalltnod will aell At ou le re , ii r il7t l in i l e i V "' n e l loy rood on AVIHD AY Deremher 1116, 18; /it 10 o'clock, A. N., FOUR GOOD WORK HORSY FOUR MILE CoWs, LOT OF YOUNO CATTLE, ]4 SLIO4 TS, in Good Condition planinllon Wagon.l Two }lures altars; Sled, Sleigh. and 1111 other Clisrsolg uss.a.l ou%eil urn Ilso flr e. Ala° 11 or,[ll..LD k MICH:CM FLIINITUrI ~r ertlY denerf rl hill 14-4 JOHN IV coNl.6y. ORPHANS COURT 8,11,E. By virtuo of on order of Orphtu.' Court Cent re e, oozy there Kin rcim•e,l 1„ thu t epolenee or B Noylgn (Wp tleceabed, on FIHPtY, JANCA •.ht nt lu o'rlott, A. TI , all that DisV.WE flit THA(I uF I.A)D In the 111.0 n.fth ,If of,pc. 10 . 1 .1.1..11$ 1 0 , Jrphn }in t, 10,, I.ln. and othrt, In If ItEE AND TIIIIEE t/l'Altfl 1 , 111. all of w Weil 14 cleared, and In Rood haring erected Upon it, A LOO HOUSE, STAIH,E, I, or 4sl a.—Ono half the pLiroJwl!, ey to b• jntlal uu confirm/tin.. of uu '/110, -lido. in 0110 year thetvalter atilt AlI in.ured by bond and mortgoge t yleenthoc T M 1141 L 1.148-tn Ad./ems& our 0 111'11ANS COUla 5.% By virtu, of no nrtier totnipti ont I.?lnn.' Court of Lentro t,lint, tin rr 1.1 I nt publlr .isle, at itte 1 . 4.• I,le 111'1 I 1 late J. 11. 'I nylor, fn Howordlownsliip,”u 134.31.12111.)AY, 1870 a , 10 0'r1,...1, saiti Jay, the rullodng rit'u Me Rata ct•tale t SIX ACRES fitenh: OR upon % filch Is erecled A TWO STORY LOU HOUSE AM , I U.l The land I, nll cleared, and ling upun It it, of vart4.u. Lila. 1 ILI 110. 411 8 4L1 —One hnir the 11111'0.1.P f.o f•y In/ 1 . 141 jl/140i 011 00 011110.11011 of (14,1 polo )4 1110 reo.lolllo 111 41111' ) • ear nrUh 11114 4,1 to 1... uretl bond And tuortgligu the prerni,“ IMMO I 1 ( )1t LE!—'l!t. outowcritier idle fiii following Jeacn Lwl p pi i ty, tp 1 ENT)" , ACIi Ei LA NI) .111110 In Ilopgr to:fn.l4, rentre .on n'l py,,y.-I).•fl'ainic I, 1 1,11 hotilioed ll.° :nerd, I.y lunul. of Joqti 11 ntl I,y t)I 11 l' I,y loud , . of John UP 41 i r'.• I t•'l t louu. of need 1. n =I Lll, , I 1 NI 11 t.I P., at Mil. 1,1,1 g MIEN CA , t 21). INOO VA LUABLF, EKAL riti‘ I he Inge end sn11:10,1. , 'teal E-1..n: i lit In I 1111."11 I/I 'Os 0.11 I , ' A lot of grolool 11 l'o,•• Ir• coot. 11111111; 1,00.1 t n if.rve , • „,,. I orth. i wit ',i1 , 141 ,C 4 et. et... 1 ht. P. 101111.1, 01,1 , 14 thu lI.W , i do Ito tottiftil It .... 111 al, It .14. , 11,1tie p1.01..•1iN. /11.41 W 111,01.144 11.1 A till( t. 41 OA 111111.1.1•oiTi', 14111 11 11.1,1111., 111111.. Veto 142H,1 I .•••••11-, and Dlllll l ' l Por , I 0 Al.. 111111 . 1, I ....taluttlt; ou: I) oil, Tv. rim, k" 1%1 0 ONE lII' \M A'“ , SIX 11.:1«IOS I 111, tnu t I. ilovs Ali, luitEL rANNI, iifo• of rolvlit1• lei°• one of filly uoln• fool ',to , ol ono If. fiifr" f' 111/1 111 1 - 1,111•111,1•1. 111 1 11 Gl' I trill linfliilifgo .1 hill i t l l , ll ' ff onintotog nhout. tl 11 ts • chrlilod info milordl I , lln to fool II i• i 11, ' gintri• hLtll II n1r , ..1 li , ' 1,11 11 .ff 111111p1h1. VT 111 I 1 11 V"' fill 111 , 111 111..1. one Ittfoiitril 11,1 Idi I. 1 11 r:wh, In 0113 It 'IIA MI, - oil hurl , re. ud A t Met Of I I ',oar 1111 "o'd ?.."" 7 14.1 . 1,111 Ni; 1:111114 111 lit, 1,1111114111, d Isf 111 JAI f 11.. y, : , 11.1111.1e1 I .bik. UV/ I. ~1:111111Ig MEM TUN El'. HU:Ninth:l, AN!' Foil] I ACRES AND sh.\ p,N t, tot I' l'keleon erected In 1.1 euttiplete tt , ° f f. " buildings and two extra tenant lionser 'I hitt trent will sold min whalc—io .o° l ' by this turn pike—or In such other antral, trial as may be desired. him 11t4r.its it I riot 14 , 4 described caatidn rani t 'brat quality side), In ex,' lieut 'lORYlltty of the imorovement4,Slint tifinu lieu'. They are retuillodiiiio4l o ' 1, rt '" 34• the ellll They en. ha divided no 34 in Rite n knountiot good timber land to each hirix Nityltie of Ur. WM. I. WILSON, at Mille, of rho tenants un the'propetty. McALLISTFAt A Br. Atturioiti Pro.troNTr., 14-41-tf. F OE. SA 1.1',.--T*llike new two 1,0 1 ~, , nttn, I can Nrepod•b:L l l.4, ono trial( mo t or:. and two looorle' g a ther tv Ith II vni illy nt plow, nod conit•ont n , tltl nt lull pw tint Cut luxe, alum for cavh. ISAAC riAITT FOR SALE!—A "IIUME" Coo ipg Stove—timid! Fultablo for all Purdy with pipe, et e. For fit/ Liar I tot flint fnyuue ill this olltee, *alto T M HA LI.. Adnunrstlnlo I..111:1 , Is I i\ u, lE= SIX Al 1.1.4