The Democratic Watchman. BELLEFONTE, PA . _ Friday Morning, Ootober 22,1869 THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY IMMI —We elotice tlut employ ment:of Mr. Rom of Clinton county, ris ono of the teachers in Our public schools. friends of the Na /tonal hist week worked op the "murder" ease on Alleanny street, neconhng to the InteA. le There's been more talk than damage. —The Lutheran Church, late the Epkeopal, has liven undergoing repairm and now/ presents an appearance or coin plot() renovation. Mr. llackonberg ry the pastor. "Jenkins" at the National of fice ha. been attending a wedding. For further particulars see last week's Recount in that paper of the marriage of 3lr Roberts and Miss Humes. —Mr. J. G. Kurt>. has painted an elegant sign for Mockler Jr Co , of the Bush House grocery. Kurtz excels in this kind of work, and really handles the brush with the Highest artistic skill --A notice of the entertainment of the flood Terniihir'ii lodge cf Anronsintre; on the 111th ited. , reached 119 too lute for insertion last week, wh c•h 19 our excipie to : the society for the non-appritrance of the same. _The imprournents In the rear of the court hour are steadily progressing Our borough fathers are bound to have things cons relent We suggest that Brown be sent for to pass his opinion upon the arrangements, Our young friend, Andy ('ook, left this place fur Niagara Falk, last Monday on a pleasure trip. We Andy a good time, and expect to hear a graphic and vivid description of the Falls when he returns. —We noticed in a store window last week a %pry handsome picture of the fair (;rounds, with the crowd in atten dance, at this place, taken by it r Por viance, of I'll iladelphia Georizo 0 . - Bryan has then' ' for ,ala nt his book store. —The Snowghoe railroad company are about 'Aiming lip a line or telegraph between Snowshoe city and the intersec tion, which will, of courise, connoct Bellefonte with that place We under stand that the work of putting in the post; has alr;4ll4ly begun —The "'Sanctuary to the Lord" on Allegany qtreet, now b•ing built by the. Epwoopaluuc el wzrov:ation, IA approach. Ing completion Although not so large .s the Presbyterian church, it will ner•- erthele.s be, abundantly ample, and a credit to the town as well as to that Con rev! t —Our genial friend, Mr. \V II II Baum rd, N•q aloe, \I e('rurkrn,• Isle of the Repribbran, hnv bocortie r•un neet...l with the .rah../If( In an editorial i t It F..rnee find F r rio. 1.. r. 111.111 t t.. thine and 5., our plen.ant t 'lend Gonl.l, "beekonefl" to 111eCrt. hen All rnzla, gentlemen Ito% Mr 11 . 110 v, who revolved 11.1 call from till. Pro , bytorinti church of , pl.c.• to int•tor, has not yet arvit owing tai n 4evere siekne , s by tsli . o 11 he been 10111 , 041 A let ter f rose 111111 WWI read in the pulpit la-t Burobty by Mr Ilughes, wifich states that he expeets to be here by the first of November bothloil; or the new street along the east bank of Spring Crook, to conni, t street with Linn and the Milesburg pike, has been commenced The object of the street 51,111.1 to be to bring the trail, and travel from that di rection directly into OW business portion of High street II fact that may possibly not be agreeable to the business commit pity 011 Allegan . ) . street law card of our young friend John F Potter, Eol , will be found in another plan Mr Potter was admit ted to the bar at the hilt term of our court, and now hangs out his shingle for the benefit of the public. lie is a young snan of fair ability and passed a credita ble exatrilhation We commend him to the favorable consideration of those hav ing busineatairn ourittw courts. —The work on the Presbyterian church edifice is progressing finely and rapidly drawing to a close. The walls are already lathed and plastering has begun. By the lit of January, 1870, it fs expected that the building will be completed and ready for occupation Our Presbyterian friends will then have the satisfaction of knowing that they possess the finest church edifice in this part of the country and one of the finest in the State. —The barn of Mr. John Wagner, near Milesburg, was destroyed by tiro on Tuesday night last, with all its contents. Eleven horses Rad eight cows perished in the flames, together with a lot of harness and farming utensils. flow this fire originated, we aro not informed, but its disastrous result will 'be a serious loss to Mr. Wagner. We do not know wheth er there was any ineurnnee on the prop v or not. A hoot 300 1,11.411,:15 of wheat. were coneuuw Tittc Punmc ScflooLs.,—lt is gratify ing to knew that the public schools of this horMigh are, at present, in 11 high state of proTerity. At• no period in their history ha. the nttendance bei nudd•reus or 'nor() interest been 'mild fested in their success It is a flintier of congratulation that our people tire so deeply enlisted in the cause of education, and we augur from it it hopeful and happy future fur their children. One reason, probably, why. we have such n prosper,iii4 stet.. of tho4s in our public school-, iv lat:t Unit ho l prcs- Nit corps of teacher , iv one of convtJt•rn ble nhil ty and evp , nence. At the heed of the schools ns Principe!, tvu Juts c, in the person of Mr,. DANIEL 11. II ASTINIIS, a teacher of talent, ene-gy, learning and practical rilnlity- 41 lllen %%110 , 6 nun how to tiirgoinizt• and cola of --how In direct the talent:l of OItION 111 •111,01411 nate imqtiori., so la to secure the great -4,t amount of good to•the ...chook r 11114 111111116 , t ' I'd the, quaiLLV 111 Ins arrangement of the different grade., where we find Mr. W II 11 , - It It, of Clinton e tint), iro-tallotl na tonclwr of dm GI rlrt' II , cltool Ifs 11. rr lwen it por4..mtl 111,111/11 lira IMO Of ours fir t "" )"nr. a ,t, ""' t w ` ' "' l' " iw ": 0 hoard hrm look”ti a m hu G h *T1.14,,,f r It faithful 111141 1111...111g , 11t -It )taro. man «ho .paro,nu pains for the miproN anent tho.t. un der Ins charge In the Senior Gram mar , eliool 55 (Ind N 1 1 ,.. I: VI I FIT, huly with whom We 1131v1; no periimal /IC4lllllllltlllitY, hilt of whom wo hitre heard good opiniote+, end who, we have been ensured, t. lolly competent for the im a nrlitn! po , t which she occupies. In the 3unior Grammar school =I preddeg Daris is a young lady of this place, and has been connected with our school, before She is a well edll ext.' and capable teacher, and will bring no do+credit on ber,elf or tier la, stturn 1114 , RICIIECCA .1 St . (11'.11 HY, of tki9 phicv, I- another of our young lady twicher., She ha+ cluirgi , of Ow I nto.rouNliate. school, 'lr! In a teacher of merit and r, lib, I ties In the First Primary eekoo•I we lied VISS V ITTIE WE ‘TER, also of this place, a young !ady of tal ent and a popular anti esser,ffelsr tea;h• er —ostrig its yeat,,hot not the leq4 ap preetated lor all that. The Second Pritstan school is under the care of = hkewtge of ‘gtr town, xs Ito hag been Connected with our 1..!lools for some years, and who is ark nowledg,,l to he a talente‘i oan l areomplighe.l instruet rears Miss Caldwell is a holy of will ration. and ha , al aaia been popular w oh her pupils The ah,,‘ e ;‘,1 , 1 gentleman romps+r• onr Viuril.l cii rrnrhr•r., aril we grr•nt ru•a-un 1.1 )101.. thr•z 11, in all girl general ~.;itt.farlion. The number of pupilm at pre+ent ui the schook, m,t7o—more, we are told, than hate ever attended at ally prey! oos time 1414. `1,•11,1111 term 1.4 011ie 1110111114, anal a I MMO' ex:t1111/131 PM well be :;even at the end of each quarter, ind,ung Wile week litre are COIIIIVe tel with the school 4 nn alino.t coin plete Mel of geographical apparat uv and one of timith'n large iprgaro4. In concluding thin imperfect notice, let UM remark that as long un we eon Untie lo educate our ch ildren and youth, jnnt no long may we PC peel. to he bles4 ed with the invaluable pnvrlegei of cit tl a n d rchgee uv lihert y. Encourage the nehook, then, to the end that the people tray he %.I.e WILI happy and the counts great and pro,perous. --David Martin of Walker town f. ship, this county, met with a sad death at the Indianapolis depot, in Indiana, on the evening oftheSth instant. Mr. Martin had been to the West, and was returning home, when he got aboar I (il the wrong train at Indianapolis. Dis covering his mistake, he WaY told to take the Jeffersonville train, which would carry hint back to the depot. Unfortunately, however, when he got on that train, it was just hacking on to the main track, and lie, supposing it was also going out of tow% jamped off and fell. A locomotive passing at the time to take a sleeping ear out of the depot to attach to a Chicago train, caught and ran over him, crushing hie right leg to the thigh. Ile was iturne diately conveyed to the surgical instt tote, but the physicians testify that he was lifeless when he came there, and that lie ne%er rallied afterwanht, al thought 'avery means were mita' to re. store hint to consciousness. His friends hrought - the body home, and in terred it in the Jacksonville cemetery, ' this county. —lien John S Miller, late mem ber of the House of Representatives from Huntingdon county, and Gen. A. I'. Wilson, of the suoteAi re, paid, our •,im•tn•n a iot on Wednesday morn: ing. --A disastrous fire broke out in a woollen building in the rear of Loeb, May & Loeb's store, on Monday eve ning. last, between six and seven o'clock. hich voinmunientAl to the store rough and ev'stuallyto the dwelling of Mr Turner, adjoinin g . The St( re and the residence were both under one roof and owned by Mr. Tamer, and the upper stories of both were ruined. The tire , gained thu roof, an() the ontiro upper part of the building was burned. lad the walls not twig; of brick, the whole building would um.itibtedly have been destroyed. But the 'efforts of the hove company aided very materially in sav ing (lie lower story. The walls, ceil ings and floors, however, were seriously damaged by the (hauls of water poured upon the building, and much other dam age 'was done in carrying out the goods and furniture. We do not know what the loss of the mercantile firni is, but be lievo it is mostly covered by insurance Mr. Turner, we understand, haul some insuranee also, but his hiss will never theless he sorb, s, as much of his furni ture was injured by the efforts to get it out of the house. During the progress of the fire, Allegany street was one dense mass of people, the ladies turning out in great numbe,,, At one tune the Conrad If Olive was on fire; and fears were expressed for its safety, as also for the safety of the hotel stabil.; 011144 , 4 h (Pi y its rear But that region was 'MVO,' by the effective working of the hise *rid the calmness of the evening The we-tf.rn Union Telegraph company adi pied, on the 1.4 instant, a new tariff or pm,+ that has barn in of preparation for o‘i.r two vrnra. Thl,l thrift rednees the 11111 rate.. coicode-1 rally, and brillg4 the benift, of the telegraph to the doorA of the pooriot Tiu.tivera u ll reduction on the old rate for all the office 4, hived nn tilt line dts lruur is 1., and 20 per cent, find the rati-t are uniform all over the rinintry The We.tern Union graph Company are itlao "tonna.' rig other phut. for iocrea+ing the the ielet4rapli to the puldie, - one of %lot h ending of nte•♦uge+ riti' requiring immediate at greatly reilue-d rates " Th.• o f rrittor for thic company-At tht• pinta is ithr viiiirtitiiint and iddiglllLt frond, N% I. Malin, Fo•al , a etipablit, 01111•14•11 t and trtintiirthy gontlotitioi ,t It t uu,h V 1,111114 rn y oarti, Mr Malin ttlider•tand4 hi, 1)11•1111 , 4 thortitighln , /11111. it ettroftil and Watt , trtil gunrdinn ,it the etilittiany'4 inter.-lc 10111 out of 111. 1/11101.. 111111 nlwatn make.. It /1 ',Milt. (11 1,1111144. the ',UMW, a, far it coast-tont hot tint) to lint oat ployer4 \Vti anti pleit•eil to 4111/ illat we e4/11,141.11 111111 11. I.4ollll,etellt 1111111 highly pritioir per.on 1 . 41 f the 11,11(1011 li, (Kali- learn that a 111,4 1111)111‘11 . 111 arid Loll highs% rofflwry was effisf 11111101 on 81 . -114 , 1 p street 1111 Wwllll.-.1:11 11101 t 111.1 1.1.1%%e1 . 11 the hours of 11111. 8,1111 ten 0 1 . 11)e6, 1,1,' two young ro‘t.liff, , , who ft4Mllllllle4l IL Mr I'lllllll Mll , ,er, ut 1 ' e111,,:111.•1, us Ilt• aiw , g the 4trfal. of loot whu•h Iu•, In order to Ifel t rod,i 01 lly-111, on , eot•d In gi,e lln taking lot ket book, the scotiii drek snatched it out of his hands and taking Iron it all the money it ion tamed, litteen lip returned II to him empt, and then made tracks I hie ot the partly., a )(tung by the name of Itrown, hailing Iron the in ighlorhood ol Val tome s forge, hay once been arrested and Is now In Jail, but the other chap is not known, and at the pre-ent Writ mg has not been lound This in one the boldest Ittiol most brafen laced transactions that ever took place this tots n. - The lireban Bell limmr., 1s ho made Hall It m 10.1101 1 ,4 lamt e‘e. tong. are reit:ly worth going to hear They make mast beaa(11111 11(111411, holding the itinliesive spell bound It pointively entrancing tA ['Alen t.,) the dolmmile melody. Kate lireevoort to undoubtedly all align), come down for the especial felicity of the musie loving children of earth. All who heard the performance hilt eveniiig will go again and take their friends with thimi. The company will perlorm to-night and to morrow night, giving a. matinee to morrow afternoon. Let them have a full house, for they deserve it. —Mr. A. C Schnell, of Junction vity,•Kansas, gave us a call on Monday last Mr. Schnell is Itegister and Re corder of his county, having been ehtc• ted to that responsiblu office by the De mocracy. As Mr S. is well acquainted with the lands of that portion of the West and (.specially With the State Kansas; and is agent, we believe, of the Union Pacific railroa I compile- fur the sale of lands, all perions in thiS part of the countti who ant cipatq,,going west, may obtain valuable information front him by writing to him. Mr. Schnell loft for Kansas on Tuesday. —our friend, I). F. Fortney, Esq , did faithful rervico for the Domocracy during the late campaign by his ,efforts on ti, .Lump Alillo,ol n•t attempt riW wade . 0.1 11%MI aULL LLIC Dist week of the contest, Mr. Fortney was one pf the speakers ehosen by the chairman to attend those initetingsy and the way he performed his duty in the premises was sufficient evidence Of his ability as well as readiness to servo the Democratic .cause. Mr Fertility 14 a eivrous and caps Itle speaker. Base BALI,•—We suppose the 'Lock flatten Independent will grumble over the following defeat of its champions :it Lock llaven, on Wednesday last, in the base ball contest with the Indepen dent Nine of this place. Our boys b.•ut the West Blanch Club of bock Haven here, and now they have Iteaten them in the return 011ie On their own },roved. As it appears to be the province of the indepeadene to growl at Bellefonte, we present the score, which follows, for its ct►hn con sideration : Bellefonte IVI.St 111,1101. 0 R 1 . 1.1,.r. x X 2 4 Frederlekr, e I I I curtllhe ( 2 4 rwintrymon, p"1 11 Lithgle. I t I 1:11(ord, 2 I :I l'atnplu•ll,3 II 1 3 3 I Chnimmrs, x X 2 2 rf 3 210 - I b 2 2 ler, e 1 4 44,44 ti, If 2 41 Harry 21, I) 4 511:imiep. I, f IP 4 11/t.I log., I I I :I Cook. o f I 2 WulierM, p 2 .1 Ponnl,lxon, 2 .1 ME l'rnpi,—T (' nipple tivorers—Bre% 1111,l Mellomkey. --Mine 110 st of thn 111141 'kfr A I) Ilikaul , im winning golden npininna for hlruvrlf tiv rr hinoll.m.l This li 11411 Is 0110 of the Onl,t awl bevt in Contra) Pennsylvania, and iv ealetila- led in every rels:et to render guevts comfortable and happy Mr liikard 10.ISLed at accommodating the publ ic by Mr Black, the gentlemanly stir rinten dent, and by Mr Cook, the areompli•-b -ed ❑ n d pt II tO clerk These gentle men all understand their bwonesr, and the com.equenee is the "lin.11" ranks among hotels as A No 1 The /IVO is nolsrsi for its attentive winter., its sweet, clean beds, hanibuone room, and comfortable furniture. DeeuLedly a delightful place to stop A C.i'an The citimins of Bellefonte and others who were present at the fire on Monday evening last, will please ac cept our sincere thanks for their tindeav tosove our goude from the fllitnes And tr ' li Mr Levi Milhr, Mr J 11 Balla and Mr Win McClellan, we are under particular obligations for their kindness an furnishing us room for the storage of good's saved from the !Ire 10EM, MAY cSI: !Awn Br: LIcrONTIC, Oct. 19 IM ---- 7 -Our friend Ilo.terinim, tho Cummings 11011+0, on He hop street, has °lngle.] IL first eln+s restioirnot 111 1111 house, where he calculate+ to supply the piddle the:winter with nil good thing such 111 oyster+, turkey+, chick en., soups, 1111 , 1 "•1,•11 ' 110.11•11111111.0 a jolly good f.diow, and know+ just en /I,IIV how to keep n Good 011 'odd l‘ lIHAT ' l'vvriiilf..!4 the Coniiiiing.. 111.. r....tauriint will b,jnst till' 111111, nor such ri.fro,lion..lll. a. 111.. IIIIII!r Ilan may rid 1)r..1) in and p.n. - -Vor -cheap a first-rata, al n.),t n w, unly IP , II lislyka 1.. w -.manta° f,,r a 1.1111111 I . lllllllv - 'Home ' Cooking Stove with pipe and 11 neee.-ary cooking utensil. For fur her particular , 111.11.111, at Oil, 410 i,, - ( . 111 Ki-h1•I, f t.,wr .111 V: 114 in our 5t11141.11111 oil I. It liravi• R oil hurl worL I lig' Ih•triiierat and crnr4 I anti ll to ti faith Ili. wa, For the W trllllll t. It EXP . -M . 1 4 1,4 -- "Aee.orollulg 1.0 I .4tolohle the pheement olrolnol op. o floe 1 , 1e.111 loreV 14111+ notice the I lllZorn, n l It e l, rs _ fain .00lirrel.looter, from lofty unitllll7l%other, 11, 40 110/14 . 11 in tie hio koorv, !idol (I...plash 1/I the wild lurk h. 1:Illtool Brethren ti,in Itelier-burg, 1 le•itroi along the geolgy pool IVo. were led to un NVl•fille•day i t 1• 1111114, lb ('her reneeia , m , by ....turning th.. mini. a... 186'i, to 101(1 ••. the clooollitt I..(etel-e.4 or roloo kOf +portstmitt'r Iltielerlikk at the ytoto of the Coll! 111.411e1e I Itiortileole A 'I limn. 11 the ktro 0.,l ,iir letyned 4 7, 11.,wi in; wits the order of exer- of bent 40. eorktemoololio hoo k ,. cit.% Mil.le Prayer, Rev \V (; b y Mr • who I. tborouiSb Nagle s‘tiut,o,ryU n ttt on, ' inia.”.llsad therefore fully K urati.m - .11110 want, of Alio h IT llit., It/lefty (hilted It Ile—, Ph I -- 1111,1 e Jennie 11. l'"r "b. - up ..1 .". 1 Pee. :\leCortni; k, Centre Hall elk goo 10. Geo It Itr)eil m, -1 14urh House, ()rat Vr,•-pe.l it v or A fllerleil, .) A Ib'll.4'utl• Runkle, Centre 11111 Nltt.ic ()ration Reunion, .1 11 Chatham, eatlnn \lll.- le Beek!! V Canon fort 3latildn fa . % ette, .1 A Weever, Pinegrove 1111- Oration—Education,.l II Zeigler, Iteber.btirg \l ate Ex tem pornneuua T .1 Stool], !lambi!! t ; Valedictory Oration, Thiamia NI. Weaver, Byilefffilty. Music. Itylw ilictp,a, Rev W Engle talent ot the 4cli‘aol is very good Part or the feektllll4 wits done by the school and part by a club in the school 'no, Itebersburgi string band 1,,11 Ile'! 404.1 very and entertailling tektthe audience The first Speaker, M r K line, in an appropriate arldreQs welcomed the faculty arid citizens to the exercises Mr C. B Hess's oration was grammat ically constructed,well composed, consequence of its being well committed was every well spoken. It inist have made an ineffaceable impression on the mind.; of his hearers Ml 4» Jennie 11. McCormick followed with a beautiful composed essay mi ions in which she lampooned the ex tremes of paying too much attention to them on the ono hand and on the other too little. Mr. .1 A Runkle's oration portrayed in elegant language that. although we were at one time a small nation, we have grown to an enormous size and an ever appreciative bulk of wedth and intelligence. • Sir. J. H. Chathern then spoke and in trlowiri7 torma briefly but pointedly did br -'t • ~ rL:y II II 11 prl/127(.84 nl (.1.101 n.... .t 4. , -1-111 ' Miss Beck° F..panon,reod: on essay on music. She spoke of its influence upon the human mind s dispersing wear in HS and substituting Instead joyousness and mirth, espeeially so in the ordy. She also spoke of the eon nectii'm it,bears with religion. The construction of it reflected great eredit upon the lady. Lafayette found a warm friend in the per-on of .1. A,. Weaver, who eulogized and in forcible end emphatic language recounted his deeds and handled his vir tues. Mr. J. A. Zeigler then delivered an oration on Education and-its influences morally, socially and politically. He de monstrated in plain, philosophical lan guage that it was the abuse and not the ils , e of ( duration that made knaves and t f Ools. lle proved without a doubt the great importance and advantages of a prnrticul Pd tiention. thir friend and eloquent humorist, l're4 Thomas Jefferson Smolt, shopal some of his talent in extemporaneous speaking !hiring his talk fife holler was in a perfect outburst with laughter. The valedictory delivered by Mr. Thomas M Weaver reflected went cred it upon the gentleman and his compo sure was such as to enable him to com mand the attention of the audience. It fully pictured the sadness in parting to meet no more. After thn annotineetnent of the bene diction the audience idowly and reluct antly diapered. Taken all in all, it was a perfect sue mid will long he remembered by the student& PHIL. EZO Business Notice• —'l • h Ur Belford 1. a firatchpia ru, t that he took th,• fir4t premium at the (alt here, prat eft We call attention to e,,r,1 ut another place, and recommend him to the ',oldie an a nit Mini and aelentitie practitioner nun I lend, .lnlum•' l'owern, had 11 pair of 1.0004 dt the fair that took the premium NI r Power. Is It iir.l-etNN% work 11111.1%, nod It1111111(11, itirea b.rola and 'Mora *hat arci not only re mark aide for their fitirwirlirty tint for their ex mipdte neat ne.ol Any person employing Mr Powers cannot fall to la, ant infield. —Every young In ;he country amihl be greatly benelltted by e enure° of study at the Iron City College, aunt In those contemplating hostoe,,,, lir e It Ia 111, Circular, containing full particulars on addressing the I'nneiplJu, Smith a Coifley, Pittsburgh, Pa —Among the many hair prepnrations In the market, It In no easy nuttier tp decide which one of them In mn.l deelralde ("rune It 11.1:1 Ha it 1,, H to Hr•await han been be fore the public inlentt nine yearn, it.•sirtuen tented nail certified to by many leading and Influential phyrdetana of New England,arbong whom we may name Walter Burnham, M 8., formerly ProfennOr'ol Hu rgery In the Woreen ter Medical Inntiltillon, anti in Penn Unice, tute or Philadelphia, who nark, have tined It for rentorlng the hair, where Inveterate erup tion. had reni.teifanrbnt• kind. of treatment, llnil found (lint not only wan the hair hentill• folly rentore•d tr. ten oi 'gloat ho-nasty, hut ntao the dintitne of the nralp completely cored, " also In, Gray M Noolata, N Fl , the leading phvoirion of the Ware where this Hz mantif*etured, speaks of the preplan. lion in this way ' I hale seen it• effects in very ninny ell•lel it will eftllllllly reStere the heir In 0.1411410 kt eintor, it cleans the head of don,' ruff. and lenses the 11141(,:i inn, glossy rind beautiful Ido not thin/. it. 114.• In tiny oily iiijorioun, Inn till the rotatory, beneliehtl. I con therefore heerhilly ree 111111 l lend it to the 1011.1 n. A I lire. %1 li, State Assayer of has leg :intik red it, novitrom the p 0,11 ., hs n ertifio tile, that it in:the /not Infelelflllloll for the inteit , b , l4llltleetennt Of the teeny tie Ile, PI eletrient %%Ilk 1114.41. .nnuu•rn frOM 0111 h high Nicol,, tho4o 51 h., dp4lrp a pt•rfrs•lr,l hair re.l",/ 1111 do nn b,•i It•r than to rise Ilut•n NllOl,lllll ' 4 1111.1,4 1111 R 1(1.:ILVI kittlittltt t. 5 truly t% I 14.10.0,1f,51 o‘ett ..... !ally eJo k.I Ia 001 reg,,§,l ,mr F. in w hin I lii• ha. tlimq ut .•r mtr MA .111,1 1111 a lovatitv nII.I ri,1•in...4 inn Iterettorpleottl, /111.1 t hi. ~, HON+ from tour 111 0 11111/Ml. 1 . 1111, theleptrit tool toy tgontiem the (rattle. Ilk draught+ of generout+ NIIII• 1111. 1.4 Iho ei1.114011 for ..ttort•tett \ow the gond plin, front the /onsinnun having I ..... n cilsorgnnized he the Into ii., 16e hinder%lgUe.l luny and vlrli nin•ly tho Ir fnlurn 14)ellttari Whee known, Oil! plitee will he dilly 4elYel lured LOEB, MAY 0. LUEB Gooos , Nrw Goo. Gco D *so I, 1ir 11 1 . 1, Roo, 444 Jot ri'l , l%l d II 1 4 111elltild mock of fall an 4 wink, good,/ of I, ety' tlvntriplloll, a fall variety of o'verylliiiia It low easli figure, or country produce 1,1..1109 will find nor nr tho sit, nit's of leery smiles or every der, ription In town, Int Ntd-n Lerohkey's, opposite tho Were 11111,01 1,1111.11ng Every now style of goods. rildwms, 'nod fancy generally. she lots on Itawl.l MARRIED clI —GRA M I.E1(-011 Smut.) , 1111,1 $l , oviolter loth, at the pat.on alp. 111 line Grove Mills, by Itev It Hell, Mr Jon, II Co tratr. or Wayne. Clinton to Almon It .leant[ Glll.Oll.l[T, of Iteberidnirg, ('en. I:e. eomny * Clinton ',tiily papers pie tree eot,y. MORRISON -- Mi•DOW6:LI, nn Seitb.inbyr 30111.170,n, at Snow Centro Co Pa ,by the Itt.y W U Wright. Mr Jon?, Moonntot., to Mlra / 01101 .1 A 1,001 t seemly from Scotland. 11 )M1.1 . :1"—WANTri--(ht the Ti luxt .nt the test.lettee or the bri.le'x father by Om be lk J. 31 StroUir, tvost.l.l by the IA J. I. Dm to Mr. Hp:N.11111g COIALC.V, tit 111 boo It LIILL J WAN to, both of Centre county. It t/ EH— On the 14th hint . at the roeddenee of the brtile'e father, ift Bellehatte Pa hi Rev I P Hughes, Prof 1,, H Reimrs' of the Bellefonte Academy, t t M has Maxit E. home, 9113‘11efanto. • DIED TAYLOR—At tho re.i.ioneo of her rfm, fo ‘ 1 111:1...1”.1,.. In I'. bl n ~ r .11.1/...L132.1, x llc yr J .„ The Bellefonte Market The following :No the quotations tip t cloak 'flatirsdny evening, when our pant to prang. White Wheat, per Red Witent, per ........, Rye. per huN Corn, shelled, per bushel, Oats, per 'hurley, per tended:. , Itnekwhent, per 'unshed ......... Cloveruteed, per bindle'. Polntoott. Lrr bushel... , Egga, per dozen ....... Bacon, per ,pound ........ ........., ..... ilium, per pound . Tallow, per pound... „„„ hatter, per petted-- ......... !tags, per . Orotund !gutsier, Per ton . Milroy Markets orreated wookly by Iturui,R IVldte Wheat—per 1,0010 Rod Wheat,--per Barley--per bushel . Corn—per bushel Ryt , —por . Szkß—Hacks , Halt—linrrel Steve Coal—per ion Clover Semi--per Flaxseed.. . . Regal Notietg, A ur)PrOirB NoTicE_ ji The tilltlerttignell all RIIIIIter aprou l the Court of Common I'll'll4 to make thatrthmionllf money,. in ilia 1) Z. litho., E.g.. lIIKKh •lo• u iff of ( y,„, arising from Ihn nude 01 HOWARD 111.1 IN (II 111 0111.11.1 to IL ,•loutte or the dutleit of Idr apeolouo.ifi onto,. In Ittliefonte, on 'rhnr-.llty l ham, whom. nod too e mill ilitt . n).l4 , 4lmq lend if they Mee prOlNtr iNi) II (11:1I MEM A 1)1111 N ISTIIA'IIIIt NI) ric Letter, of .411111 w-t, title of fiat 311.trilil, f,„„ tots totttlit of 1N nlker,i 1.1 ) 0 , 0111 1 , I', )1, 10 ) 1'11 10101t1.11 10 the (lode! 011. Itotoltttot to until e•tete ere In I. .le !mast' 110 011 1 111/00 pi, 111 1 111, 1111 , 1 11, I , 11 ngillie..t the elm, to pr, el mithenti, ninth for totttletniolt II I A UDITOR'S N 4 >TUT,. _ dersigned, Auditor spr,„et the Orphans' Court of Centre Connie to tout di•pfise of the exceptions tiled io entint of John Gray, Exeeiii„r of I Meek, who was one of the Exeentors „ I Meek, and also to report d edriilhrnon 11 I liner legally entitled I. the halo, Kited 1101 . 15:0 1.1110. Ile ITS appointed II • day, N ember 341, at his other I/1 II ill alt the time and pines for the ,11.vloirµ.• duties of said appointment It-10.4t WM II 111,A lit, Ind AuDrrmi's NOTICE. The underpigned,linßud it n r n by the ktrphatur rourt of rent, ty to make diatrilettlon of the Ina in the hand!. of inmea P Cohn/ n. r of the holt Will acrd Tramplent of Jane. iwroleen_aed, will attend to the dnro•. appointment on Tuesday, the 19111 , 1.1, .1 la•r. A I) ISO% at 2 a'ehe•k P M .at he, ”I Bellefonte. when and where nil in.r.,1,1 4ntni In 'aid fund can attend If they .e per E W. Auld, 111312 rrni runs NOTWE. The underaltined, an Auditor a, ted by the tirphartn . ourt of rent, ('.nl wake diatrthution of the balance In the of Ihr M. Rt•wart, Executor of John 11 hunt, late of Iturnenle townalop. ,11:1en• and amongat Omen legally entitled 11l altend to dine hints the done, of I, polottnent, at hie office in Ilellefortte,o'n 'I Jay the 14th day of (4 tuber next, at 2 P 111 , of amid day, when and where all pe Interested aro requested to attend and p their elattna, or be for., thereafter del from'coming In on said lund ADAM Ili} A with 01111121 Au1)11 , ()Its . NI/TICE. The iindernigned, nn Amino, led by the l)rphann' Colin of Celli r.• 4 ty, ae metre , diatritintlon of the nun. r. 1 )11111 , IM of Mi. hoel Elovolor ~ 1 .11...01. 1 nu ng, late of Putter 'loot...hip .1. 4.41, In /111111111,11gPli t I. will attend to diaeliwire the dodo • appoint tarot, at 111,1 4,111.... In 1401 , 1,0 '1 hnrnelay thie.l4th ,Inv of uetol,er nest 110100 i A • sold any, where and oh. persona Interval...l ore remit...l,l 111 Olt 11. pre......1 their violin... or he her 11. Al red froth tioming in on sold Niel ADAM WO BEIM A IN I Nil( ATI ut-..; Ni l c !llots of I.llllllllstriii,, , m , 144 e of Henry 11 Molt, of Hogg.. t...1,-I.q alg 114,11 Kt 11111i1•11 id/ the 111111er.wri• .1 ,4ofiN aalebital to said 1..1/11.. ar.• 1. 1 .‘ 114,1 to iiiii 111111aallals IIII•11i agaitint the moon. 1., I,n them, duly authenticated, for Netilerno ni T 11 11 11 1 Atimonfxtril crooltv Sr Maurbcp I ()()A NI( s 1 1. \ 11, 1 , , tip nI ph VA ‘l.l 's 11 1, 171 1 lip "ill 11p1 , 1 ref tirn IP, A\ TCII I: - I? _I;IV (, 'I 1.4 i VPiety num rit 1‘.0.. , ‘ light, 111101 11.11 , 11114 i I VI 1 " in " g d ' Si r 'II N I „ " 11:1 " 1 1 1 . :;1 1 :I r: I I : " Mi) \1:411: KE \ NEM II I 2 rill).11" PA I NTING.-- ( 11.0 It.. of th, I I '1.1 , 411 , T0 oo•III}K 11\ 1111 , 01111 u. 1111011. Lo 1.. 11. i, ii 101 1 111 . 111 1 0 1 , 14. , (118 1' LEA 1) otri it 0114 rm- 0.1111.- , I' I EN, IN e 150 IN P.m, 1 12 Iw 1.11111A.1,41 HENE‘ wmin lt E E 11 E It ' S HEItMoNs IN PLYMOUTH PULPIT, Are 1 . 1 . /141 I v proplo of curry r • 11. W.W.I/ .11 all oncetilt+ ocotillos' Mill I'm 11, Y cure 1 , 111 of 7 MAI bruit tiol r. thought+ 111111 tooling+ J'h o 1110 loth and yourgiur Alf Itt t • I hei mom., owl P. /I)erm, In !Dint aPoOtal,/ , 6.1 biridwg For rule I.v 1,11 111 v... lire trot Iv 1.17+,111111m, 1, 1 Is 9 111 1 1 11 1 1, 11 ,1 /1 1. 1 11 Ill) giving 11.1.. bun , , , „1", ".„,,i ntrt• en, h Ifni; ftl 7) A now rind 7,11J0i10 h 7,14.1 Poi tent ol Bern het voioli,l to all wily nub., Exto oor ;boor./ 'off •r I Pl.l Nl' )6'141 I'l I. I.t/, nett 'l'll t 11111141 i 1 , 41t1N ii! on we, 111.14/1 • 1111,111, 1 111 l+totr7 11 171 '0,7./., Int 1111f1N111 1 111 1 44,1 • 11... 1, 11 prvnl , .t 111 1., 0110 111111/1 1 +4 for - 1. , ! fo,o do//,‘, Sp', tel uolucolnows 1.1 en!, Vllllllll 1111,11 gettiug up e. 11.11”. hp „ tt eople.., 'whinge her for J II FOlt1) A (It , Vol '4 39 Pink Ito., IN 1' 114 , 41 d CONSUMPTION, Bronehltis,.Atttlima, and Ottorrli et by hate/a/ion Abbnll's Inhnlorty Flurd only remedy known that °perm., On the ill ex the tulmorcleN. which lire tla , olt, the etivltles heal, and n mire Itti 'treatment by 101 l or In permit eta 1w only or It/ VIN 111'11111.1..1,, M. I :I. 1 t 1111 11./ .