w ith terreatilt), awnonntispat sp Oven, but kis? , neither Ottitne room a! present. liialfiae it easy, t se the aisth's mitgnetla throe, e xe , how and for many months have been great lydisturbed by eoemical influences, and as we have recently made our annual transit through the nebulous belt: and as the the eunta surthen is 84 ow • itif meat ilisflgured by aa unusual umber of spots, and an the moon on the 7th instant passed between us and the sun, thereby causing an additional magnet ic disturbance upon the earth ; and as we on the Pacific coast are now caper lanci „,on, ng an unusually protracted dry 0 the inviariable prieurear , pf s e polors in this part of the world; A* t h e oetroing.and many other potent reasons, I predict A, heavy earthquake 10 *apiece early neat autumn, as soon as moist clouds float into the dry veporlees atmosphere. 9: 'REGISTRY LAW !I.! WHAT lIIIHT BE DONE . IN ORDEE TO VOTE! , READ, EXPLAIN AND CIRCULATE! SHE THAT TO A NAMES ARS ON THA EMI TO 11111 Darocs►Ttc VOTIIIIIS or Wlll7 11111 N NINNIIITLNANIA Your'attention ie directed to the fol lowing explanation. of ►he new Re Angry Law. • Read it,. carefully, in order to . ascertain what is your duty in the premier, and then see that your manes are placed upon the Assessor's hiti. PrATURALIZIM Will see that the Republican Legisla ture has imposed additional upon them. Let them comply Hilly with the requirements dale Law, in order that they may vote for the party which has always stood by them. 1111111114. Ai/I/1110$ ' $ 141 T. One of which is posted on the honse where the election is to be held, and the other is in the assessor's hands. You have a right to examine them, free of charge. These lists should contain your name, and the names of all other quali• bed "voters in the district ; they should state, if you. are housekeeper, the num. ber of your house, the street it fronts on ; your occupation ; if you board, where and with whom you board ; if you work for another, your employer's name ; and opposite your news should he written the word. "voter." If you have been naturalised, there will also appear the letter "N." If you have merely declared your intention to become a eaten, the letters "D. I." If you are between 21 and 22 years old, the Word "age." If you have re moved into the district mince the last election, the t letter "li," will appear op posite your ame. Make it your personal deity to see Mat your name is upon Me list. Do not trust this matter to any on. lee. HOW TO OMIT 11110111TOKID. If you And your name is not on the hit, go yourself to the assessor and make your claim to be put on. lie is bound to add your name. Ile cannot question your right. Yon need not discuss the matter with him, your "claim" is enough. Give him also your precise residence, occupation &c. He w.II mark "C. V," opposite your name. ♦TTIND TO Till ♦T ONCI If you delay until within ten days of the election, you may bet your vote. NATURALIrED CITIZENS You must show your "papers" to the assessor, in orar to get your names registered. If you intend to take out your''ilast papers" before the election, you must show your "first papers" todheasses• MM. See that your names are on the list. Those of you who do n. t need to have "first papers," and intend to be naturalized before the election, should get naturalized first, immediately, and go to the assessor with your "papers." AU naturalised citizens must take their "papers" with them to the polls, unless they have been voting for ten years in the same district. Yott must take your "papers" with you when you go to vote, even if your name is on the list. Do not forget this or your enemies will deprive you of your vote.; era! The law in relation to the payment of taxes is unchanged. If you have paid neither a State or county tax,MP sewed within two yeah, do it witout May. Take your last tax receipt with you to the polls. Do not delay registering or paying your taxes ; attend to the matter now, for tear something may prevent here after. JAVIIII H. Harino, . Representing tie Rtste Committee for Western Pa. ---A very forcible and appropriate little sermon is the following firp,at very common - text. Let every Radical and likewise every Democrat, ponder it well : "winos, o, wows?" The "little boy bloats," across the street, Ln an agony of expeetant Inqui ry, tusk— "Whore doer Jodie Packer Ilve T' No qUeetion could be answered with greater ease, Judge Paaksr lives where his tradu. OMB never wiir. lie lives in the affec tions or lA* poop's ,of this couhty in partioular, sad of the eommodwealth in g.eneral. ' He lives in thegrand improvement* his genius and industry have projected, and carried out to sucoeseffil conch'. aionso , 1?a lives in the bus* Sum of Id corn. triunity, whose prosperity is due to hie own indomitable integrity and perse. "it '364 Ati 'the ioteatei iron horse,as it threads the liteep of our mountains, and rushes through ouriValleys,carrying to the markets ot the world the rich products of our in. eihanstible mines, made accessible by his derseveriiig energy: He lives in the platitude of the miner, who,itiennicee in him the car tier who finds a ready market for the "black diamonds," and by rapid and cheap transportation has placed the products of our mines in every market. He lives in the stately edifices his munificent liberality hats erected and dedicated to the education and religious training of the youth of our State. He lives in good deeds and noble in spirations, and his memory and fame will be a enduring as the mountains his enterprise has reelaimed from un profitable wastes, around whose sum mits and over whose precipices he has laid the iron bands of a progressive civ ilization. He lives in the good of the'present and will live in the marble of the ilk ture ; live, and his nanie will be a household word, when the little fellows whose only hope for notoriety is in as sailing a great name, will be forgotten and the coming historian will search in vain for evidence that they ever ex. isted. "Where does Judge-Packer bye" Carbon Democrat. DEM.OORAT IC PI, A,:r FoRM 1. That the halerni government Is limited In power to the grants contained In the Federal Constitution ; that .the exercise of doubtful constitutional power. in dangerous to the eta lty of the government and the safety or the people, and the demociatio party will never consent that the State of Pennsylvania shall surrender her great right of local self-govern• ment. 1 That the attempted ratification-of the pro poised fifteenth amendmont to the Federal Constitution by the radical members of the last legislature, and their refusal to submit the same to a vote of the people, was a deliberate breach of their official duty and an outrage upon every Milton of the State, and the resolution making snob ratification should be promptly repealed aad the amendment submitted to the people ell the Polls for acceptance or rejection. S. Thad the democratic party of Penneylre ala is (opposed to conferring upon the negro the right to vote:and we do emphatically deny that there is any right or poweein Congress or else. where to 'tepees negro suffrage upon the peo ple of this State is opposition to their will. 4 Thatreform In the administration of the fesieral and Mate goeernmenta and in the management of their financial affairs ix 'helper peratively demanded 8. That the movement now being made for the antellonition of the condition of the labor. gig mambas oar most cordial cooperation. 6. That the legislation of the late republican Cemgress "outside of the Constitution," the disregard of the majority therein of the will of gasps/mule and smelly of the ballot box, It the excluelem from their mats In Congress of rep resentailvee clearly elected, the establishment of military governments in States in the Union and the overthrow of all civil governments therein, are lots of tyranny and usurpation Ong lend &meetly le the destruction of all re• publlosn government and the creation of the worst forms of despotism. T. Thal our soldiers and sailors, who carried the gag of our country to victory must be grate fully remembered, and all the guarantees given la their flavor must be faithfully carried Into enecution, a. Equal rightaaed protection for naturalised end native-born cltisens at horns and abroad . • the assertioa of American nationality which shall command the respect of foreign powers end Mellish an s=ample and encouragement to people struggling for national integrity, con stitational liberty and individuni rights. S. That the present Internal revenue and lazing system of the general government le groa•ly unjust, and means ought at once to be adopted to roues &modification thereof. • Clotting. $2 TO 080 WANAMAKKR it BROWN —WEN'S & BOYS' CIACI• ING.—Garmenta ranging at every price, cut In every style, ready marls or !nada to order B. 1 , .... corner of Sixth and Market Ste. 9PRINGI BUMMER OVER $7 TO NC MAI* —Melton, Bilk lif 111 ed, Fancy Caesimere, Chin ehißkeilleaver, larttellt varlet o the city OAK HAL SIXTH L MARK ET Streets. BUSINESS SUITS, BOTH $6 TO NO Foreign g, Domestic Lion& excellent styles, B. E. cor oar SIXTH a INORKETtita 04K HALL, WktiAllAH ER e BROWN DO M BUITI4 OP ALL tho $2O " ' 6° desfrable otyles, suitable for soy ooeasion. WANAIfA KER I BROWN, SIXTH I KARKIT Streets. $4 $) BOYS' SUITS FORSCHOOL, Home and Dress—newest styles and Deal class goods. WANAMAKER I BIIOWN, LAROECLAAIIING HOUSE SIXTH A MARKET Ms $7 TO h BOYS' * YOUTH, CHER. . TERFIZIA*3 In great earl.- ty: WANAMAH AR AND BROWN, SIXTH and MAR- KIZT Streeta. $2 4'O *LW ANIMA UNDISH-axati- MO, and GICNTIP FUR- S 000D6 of every Mod 4 M small advance on /101/4 WAN/MARER AN'? MOWN, Oak Mal, °reit Clothinslionso,MMh•Mar. ties Bpes4. Tl}/1:144r Net° Abbertbstmento, S . . IT. WILLIAMS & CO., , r Wholeiale and Raid Dashes It COTTAGE FURNITURE. All kind.. of TURNED WORK fUrnished to the trade it CITY PRIG'S& TURNED PILINGE, BALUSTERS, and HAND RAILING, turnighect to Builders . UpholsteringjlepairingFumlture,And every thing pert/dittos to the Itueleesw properly et tendod to Pactory near Blanchard a Co'. Planing EMI WAsa Rooms °main, THE BUSH HOUSE. BILLEFONTE, PA FLEMINCiTON MILLS FLEMINGTON, CLINTON, (X)UNTY, PA 1:13:11:1 PEISD ORA IR, coil", OATS, CROP Immediately adjoining the borough of Belle tont., In what is tanned as Colesville. Pleasantly situated. Pure water on all of them. The best of soil how Taxes, and warranted titles. There is • splendid water power up on this property, and mnignitioent site. for 171/1121U6K . • tortes. JOHN COLE. 14-24-em. FLKIIINGTON MILLS, I BUGGIES FOR HALE I ) es., te,es Tile undersigned having purchased the formerly owned by PACKER & PACKER, IA now prepared to reeeire orders for Anything In this line of business, and will give the same prompt attenU•n. BOYD C. PACKER EMI p ODD'S NERVINE Niw Lownon. Ijoup„ April 26, 1869 R aaaaa SAID Fusee—l thought it well to wait another week before writing, to eee If I con• tinned to improve; as I have deen doing fur Immo time tinder the treatment of anew med icine, and I am happy to tell you that I am getting better—even faster than when you were here I commenced the nee of DODD - 8 N BIt- VlNEwitheutanyybody advising tne to do no. When I began with it I could only walk from my bed to the chair. My trouble has been ex treme pain In the head, and has lasted over three years. All the medicine I have hereto fore taken has failed to kilee any relief lam now able to go up and down stairs and daily Improving I conelder the N FAO; INF, the best medicine I ever found, and shall continuo its use, for lam confident of entire recovery I have taken only three bottles, and would not be without In on any account 14-.30 , --4w Very truly. Mae. 1. H. Novi._ CANGERS! TUMORS I ULCERS! PROP. KI,INF, of the Philadelphia Univershy, Is making as cures of Cancer and all tumors by a new process. A Chemicle Cancer Antidote, that removes the largest of cancers and tumors, without pain or the use of the knife, without cootie, eating or burning medicines, and without the loos of • drop °Mood. For particulars, calf on or ad dress I'. A. KLINK, M I), Nn. PM Arch street, Philadelphia, Ps 14-30-4 w. CATABILITY. Ohl miserable oats, that heream and aqua. Upon my neighbor's garden wall That howl, and bite, and quarrel, and fight, Aoout tha middle of the night Your midnight mulles shocking taste, And if you don't stop, with all poaalble haste; I'll cause you to scatter, Dowb44 Quick, By bearing among you the half of • brick. You monstrous oat, with bark like an *rob. I wish you, specially, hurry and march; Better more off, sir, or, you may depend, Mir brick will fte you a GaBGIAIN Baas And ion, old eat, with squally yoke, You osn't conceive, I would rejoice, To rot a good *hot, and to knock you Oat, You horrible, howling, old feminine Cat I Well este, yowl on, and I'll peek repose ; And think about Sternberg. clothes; And marry will be the song I'll sing Of the elegant sults for the opening Spring N. B.—lt wilt he to the Interest of all who Intend to buy Cloedng, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hate, Caps, Boots, Oho", ha., the coming nos *Oa b Mai on hint, as he of builop lArrom , wort:nest to be round and at prices R4sa can not be surpassed anywhero. vlialt • ADGLPH EITABNIIBB.G. 'PRINTING EXECUTED IN THE most improved style at t►la Ono a. 'acs. ' , , - • j, : RIVATE SALE. •kr, Th• eidelitighed IPriseA• Sele m *Heated In Benner twp.. Centre co. Pik sostAisillit FORTY ACRES, more or less, of which thirty scree are limning land, and on the balance la good timber. The buildings are new. The farm Joins lands of Heseklah Hoy, George Straub, Dr. Falrlsmb and others, form erly ofJohn Noir. acres or more of clew fond, adlotol g this farm, can be bo'll far t irtpfive dollar per acre. A good title will be given by the undersigned. ' 14-34-31. SAMUEL POTTEIGER. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE 8,11,E. The large and valuable Real Rotate held by' Dr. Wm, I. Wilson, In hlo own ritht and by Wes Ohs of lb* late en. Mary W ion, In k*. , ter Township, Centre eountY , be sold at private sale, on terms to cult purchasers, es follows 1 lot. A lot of ground adjoining the village of Potters Mill. oontalnlng about with • large Two. Story 'Mansion, Two-Story Oldies, !Rabin' and other out-buildings thereon erected. The grounds Round the house con tain beautiful shrubbery. 11 is ht all respects • desirable property, and is well situated for business purpose,. 2nd. tract of laud situated near Centre Hall, adjo ining lands of Peter, John and Geo. Ho r, George and Daniel Durst, Francis Alexander, Arid others, oonitti!tES: FOUR HUNDRED AND TWELVE ACRE - - - AND ONE HUNDRED AND 81X PERCHIM This tract is now divkled into one of nighty Beres, one of one hundred and fifty acres and on%of one hundred and sixty rout /WNW Ireelpeftitety, erith" three Nett, of farm buildings. That part lying east of the turnpike containing about thirty acres will be divided Into smart tong to cult the people of Centre Hall If desired. Th.t pert lying west of the turnpike will be divided into three tams of about one hundred and twenty-eight acres each, or In any way that may suit pun ch 3rd. A tract of land near the "Old Fort," ad adjoining land/ of Ono. Odenkirk, John H. Keller, Jacob Arany, Samuel Foster and oth er., containing THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY THREE ACR.EB AND SEVENTY FOUR PERCHES. Thereon erected Ic a:complete set of farm buildings and twoaxtra Jamul honaes. This tract will be mold Li a whole—se divided by the turn rilk e—or In such other sub-divisions as may be doodled. The two tracts last deoeribed contain lands of the beet quality which Is In excellent condi. lion, many of the Improvements being almost new. They are reached by the beat roads In the ootinty. They can be divided so se to give a sufficient amount of good timber laud to south farm Inquire of Dr. WM. I. WILSON, at Potters Mille, of the tenants on the property, or MOALLISTER A BEAVER, A Itorrwaxie-at-Late, 14-17-tf. Baugrotrra, Pa. FILAR TER LOTS FOE SALE. The subscriber offers at private sale FORTY.TWO LOTS, BRAN BOLLINGER St McQUISTION, have on „hand and for sale at ver7 moderate price', THREE NEW BUGGIES, ONE IiNCX)ND HAND BIJOUT gotten up In the best of style, good trlnUngs, and well dulehed In every mope, 6. 14- 13-tf FOR SALE. A VALUABLE HOTEL AT PRI DID IT! The uodereigned offer. for sale his TAVERN STAND IN CENTRA,L, CITY dose to the Mllesbutg station, the how.. new and Is doing s good bulginess. It Is healthiest location in Central Penosylveols There are FIVE LOTH belonging to the prole erty, and fruit trees of all kinds In besrum order. This la a very desirable property I,r any person wishing to engage in the hotel hi, sines. and for mereentile business It Is the best In Centre county. Any person 1ei.... leg to punhase a borne, please call on el e I dress the undersigned at Miteliburg Veld-.• county Penneylvanis. 14-23-3 in. MARTIN DOLAN AUENTS WANTED FOR THE SECRET lIISTOR 1 OF THE CONFEDERACY By EDWARD A. POLLARD The oakweedung revelations nod starlLino d riGo • urge made In this work are creating the Intone. deeire to obtain it. The secretpoi. hrni infrigrara,*e., of Davie nod other Confedt no° leaden*, with the Jiidden )I.yeferser, from hind the *cent,. In it ichmood," are thorotivh:y vents/ord. bond for circulars and terms. and a full dneerlption of the work ADDRESS NATIONAL PUBLISJIMU 14-30-4 w. l'hsiodelphia Po. DANF'ORTII'S PETROLE Tr NI FLUID! NON-EXPLOSIVE I SOMETHING NEW UNDER TIM SUNS! SAFE UNDER ALU C IRCUMSTANCES t THE NEW LIGHT, PETROLEUM FLUID Manufactured by J. J. Palmer, under Letters Patent, Navaho's nemtanity,a• minas a boom-. hold coxverdenen. It has been In use tiv.ro than a year, and is growing in favor laborever used. It makes the neatest. and in *wry re. aped the hest light. No ollbnolve odor, no smoke, no gnaw; to soil gannents, no damper from explosion in tempo; does not Injure woo, wen, eves a softer light than Merosonw can be used with or without Chimney, emu be burned 1w any limp with IbetrilUag expense of olianghts burners. IT 18 CH O=M T H A N ANY LIGHT HY . OALIGHT. Alt who ON It Will 'endorse *hoe we saki. $2O PER DAY'.—Agen ts wn t everywhere, ple for vw,, ktam ye. Address BATES. HAINES 1 CI I. 1440-4 w. Ol•velano, ul,to. UM SLR ACRES THREE PARMH VATS SALE ..~.: J~...~ .r abbe tfscmrnto. B ILL HEADS, , LETTER TURADS , i RNVIZOPS. Mary Wiliam. Dan nlandd hare a printed heading on Ala Letter, and Bill* and hie Card pirleled OP Mt Rovelop*, The eheapaat tml the bent Flom to we them le at the °Meet the DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN w 11 1 Iterauw, our rUlx.k of petiwr hi •vary rariNy 1. per.•hwk.l from the teanntaeterent at the I,4ers Niro«. and Oil I faollitlo• for printing st Ins ♦ntnllaet nost and In Om best style. are =I BVERN KIND OF J 458 I.BIBTINti DOWN IX A !ITT LP, fi. r THAT Mel MN oommorrnoll t9l/4 4 3130Y e t t L I C A Utlof:St Thisilliboolirin A114:1U8T 191:al 1869. , Tunkon ham 1e114.20, N.PlanirAla plll l* enganli•d for tha bow eat, or Tomo ere. For particulate addrae. Ittriltzs, Principal. rum q4oVicwkitB, 1 4 t : • • 2 *Rine& pit. BXI4LEFONTE ACADEMY. bEi CT 80000240122110214.TLE Next session opens on WeAmeday, September First, • whit etiery,faelilty for the eduesuon of youth in all the studies which eoastltute • liberal sod polite adneatioe. Bgeellai attention brevets toiled° sad Draw ing." V Mid Made Is made - a regular bramai to the eou of studs, sad is taught Sean •the 'a gile without e Therrisielga alibied by In et triad and espeol4 Umbers JtheuTd= ti baths lo Insure th e Omni Suitors, 'general relloerneti, Nis aril as thisinieneetual Isopremei meat of the. pup/le, sash oubalar bas a doe sham of Individual dttetitleo. Parente who wish to pleee thiltr children where there will he notenteesity forebears WI they here completed thous education,ere in vited to visit tkie Sehool. Parente who with .to bete their danghtei e board out of the Inolitution, eon find plowat hemny end et reasonable rates In the Own. Far r yrtrtitukui. address, Bor. J. P. nurowris. v14044f PrinalpoL U . ' 1..1 lON SCHOOL NSW BERLIN, taliON - COUN'T'Y, - PE.NVA The next term will commence on MONDF ; ns AUGUST 4th. Thiwititution will hare department., Ma/e and Female. The aeon of 'Andy will embrace the Latin, Greek, Trench, and German Langthurea, thy callonow and hihb er Resnik cad Miele. The MIMI Wllll bra moderate, and a full come of teaches Will be employed: The diecipline will be ,Enlid, and firm, and no pals will be spared to Wes , IMO and character to the inatitatiou, For particu lar' Odessa the subscriber al Newport until Aural let, eastwards et New Berlin, . DNNLlNladima =3 lomitOtilg. 'MEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. The people of Bellefonte and rjellnity are very respectfully Informed that the undmv Howard has leased the Blacksmith Shop on Howard Street, Bellefonte, Pa, where lie will be at all toms prepared to do say kind dime. in his line. Part Molar attention paid la • HOUB&SHOEINO, toning Wagons or Buggies, Repairing Yana implements, tote. Al work guaranteed. J. A. & MALO.'v. CHEAP &INTING 100 fa of the P2660T CoErliteo 00.0sio Pate (meting $12.610 51(VD paint sa much as 260 of MIT LE 16*.AD. Lead, and vast looser. Yor ftiteulars. Address B. 16101 IN Boo'y., No. 160 N. Von?* Pospeotue of the Bo(lefoote " Doom erotic Wotohmon" for 1110. With a mord of thirteen years of onmaro. Honed service lu the canoe of Deings•ra ey, for Caucasian ruprenuicy, for strict ober, mum of Constitutional obligations, for Star. Bights, Ow Free Trade, and ter Liberal Gov ernm•nt. the Hasererre "DSMOCHATIC WATCHMAN" enters upon Its totuteenth zoinn • with ow sewed vigor, with more life, and have, determination, than at any other period of history. When*L the past many ot►tr Darn, cystic Journals bent to the storm of remittal- • sad bigotry, It battled on regardless of re, thing but duty. When many of tha,friencb State Rights cringed beattath the Soma* armed Federalism sad Tory altuirAtion, It true in the Democracy of Jefibraon. WA. . thoustands of the leading advocates of Fr , Trade surrendered to the dondnation etui easetiona of the New England Tariff relph.rri sad pleadererh of the people, It held'aleft tennor of Justice. When Abolitionism, and it. kindred train of Inhurnies, invaded the right,. of property and the popular institution, o* seoweiga Settee, it fought the good OW ea the States and People. the MILIAPOIIIII WMPOIMAIR ham never sought for rune by emoting Infamy, nor for reward,. not worthily earned. Its retard I. bed* tit host of leaden and Mends In all quarteM. end upon that record It enters the new year, am. Mg to advance to the FRONT RANK of Slate and National Journalism, that it, me.- be enabled to battle on for the MUM of 'Equality, Right and Demerara:7, with an ear nest desire to aid In the restoration of Arl.l k Liberty throughout the Confederacy., To accomplish the parPA°. ha view, WI p•dnt to Its proud and wsll•kno, soord of the pa. i thirteen Tears, salting • the kind minces and good will of BRAVE BOLD, UNCOIk KRED DEmn CRATh in all puts of the country, toward building up (OK it a commensurate and useful ciretslatton. Now is the hour far sate and bold °Morel. and web!. preparations. Never bwkwe Me/ there such need for organimUow and harmer, and unanimity among the Mends of Liberty and Democracy. If Derhoctate fail to 1..11 firmly to the oasis* for which they have aloe'''• feed so much, then Liberty is limit to them owt their children, and the Despotism and Tyro, - ny of Federallem is secure evermore, and monarchial government per/n00n:44 att0e...... the wise, liberal, plain and imostental4ot "p -rom whloh the patrioktorbero ramrod Ur no worthy sows. It Is needless to say to the reader* omit Mends of the DONKIIIAIIIIO WAVIAOLUIr. dual I will continue TO IPTRIZIG AT DESPOTUOi. 110110P04.9. /ND WRONG. end to defend sad uphold the 4 b• 1 00 0 0 against their :4 004 noliedi--to • against ell manner pi robber ire or* • fr. frauds ski oonguirters; to uphold tr•Le• and the rights grf the eneoy; to appePe th IdtagLot nt all epodes of memepolese. .• ti do lie sty fearless and rally hail The B WIN WATC" , " . 4trah e • - contain more strong gad adardall ode"' " We Lima DAY other !owned in Porwasyte. nM sad will alai to be worthy of tarot hy rh ends be 41• L rex Meade doolttos to robe dots morium gut None, ote. Slagle ratmeriPtiobalg Sor Y•se alt!'"'"'" Address., P. GRAY 1111111 K,