Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 16, 1869, Image 8

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    The Disoetitic 'Watchman.
Friday Morning, July 16,1869
—The Rev. D. S Selioedler will
preach in the Reformed church of this
place on Sunday morning and evening,
the 25th inst.
—Our town is splendidly supplied
with the'recnost of green fruits—chol
ern morbus con dens(xl, concentrated, and
warrantod.n9t to fail..
—The Nittany Valley institute, at
Jacksonville, will begin Us next session
on Tuesday, August 3d, 1869. This
institution is highly spoken of and has
respectable' references. Sec advertise
learn that 31r. Sohn c,“.4:, of
this place, shot his dog the other day
because ho manifested symptoms of hp- .
drophobia. Right. We trust n look
out wtll be kept for rabid animals esery
WELL A noNn.—The haying in Penns
valley is nearly or quite out of the way,
the yield being exceedingly light The
,rain soaring more promising, looking as
bright and healthy RS the sterling de
mocracy of that noted valley,
----Mary Murray, cook :a the Bush
was arrested on Tue , dny
Lot, otlietl trka.
Lurk And disorderly and "riii-ing the
ler it ' generally. She was con , igried to
!ntl.rly care of Sheriff Kline
—The night train on Saturday, sron
roue, nn the Bald Eagle Valley rail
road, run, ink, a fallen tree, which had
~t ruel. by lightnin.z., near Port
knocking. ,the heitil light to
Lice and otherwi.e injuring the ell-
-Mr 131:1(1. the ehteri.l 'tell
•1 we lifightp etrect 'pun hin.ed n bvef
Stoutiel 1' Gray, thl. uthrr
h when cleaned and ready 1 , .r
ttt:.,....„.1,ed de t im old r( eTrio l•
hat a mmode, it mu•t hut,
II TrAilVkY - The neW
gibing F•it, Crnek from Spring
V<At.. , r t4.43,141.1111‘ Lilt will Leu
11..rtyly 'tiftnr harro.t. mr
Uro‘e, contra( 1.4 , r, n entitl. l U. 1111111
t for lin• entvrprp , o, tfo• uitlu pr.
of Groal.7 town-11T prams
PF.ITI +III EV --Fran-at
pri-ent, 14 1114
prowling lino\
...Neral others of minor importame we
heal it the theft, one night last weak, of
Go entire stook ,X mtt, in the cellar of
11i Bible, riV,lalli4 near Centre Hall
Wender he ilia not take 8ib1..,- bko,
A throe ctorni which ruh2;h t Mt
ternied a tornado palled o•i•er I'htlihs
ht.*g. Comtre county, ln,t Saturday vv.
uprooting tree 3, unroofing hou,.,
u..! barns, conlidet. iv lex 'ow.;
acid playung the deut..e geherail)
W undergtand the train for roue
delayed over two hour,, and pas,en-
J. ,,r• wore obliged w get out and dear
the truck of fallen tree- 3 before they
4...n;t: proceed
--I)ne of our exchangos chronicler
fact of a little child falling torts
fort from a four story window in Buffalo
ind escaping almost unhurt, just as if
lor, wa, anything parlieularly strange
Loot that. We know of a little four
year old, the child of a'Bellefonter, that
fell one hundred and thirty feet, from
Um i n. on the Court I louse, min got
up without a scratch or it bruise.
YAJAL CALAMITY --Ott Wednesday
hot a gbacking accident occurred at the.
Fcioi l u trun and Steel Works, near
Lewistown. i 'Two emPloYPe , i — John A
.1 LP iri and Geo. 4sarloy,—angaged in
la, it.; brick beneath tfie immense cu
pola, containing near five toes of heated
metal ready for the receiver, hysintut
manner displaced the props sustaining
the door through which the metal is
drawn, and. the entire quantity of butt
ling metal poured through upon the un
fortunates. Barley, was so fearfully
builtPli MtW 4 1 00 his death the as
(lay of the accident., and it is not thought
possible for Junglin to recover.
—-Our young friend "Billy" Gal
braith, met with a serious. accident on
Saturday evening. the 3d instant,. while
out riding with a couple_ of young la
dies. It was Just after WO thunder
storm ofthatevening, and he was tak
ing the girls home from a pic-nic. In
the neighborhood of Valentire's works
the horse frightened at a passing buggy
and the furnace light, and, notwith
standing every attempt to eobthe ang
induce him to go forward, backed over
the bank into the clam, overturning the
buggy, and immersing the whole party.
The youbg ladles were rescued, with
great difficulty, from their periloui
lay Mes'srs. Galbraitb,Ackhoff and
Bulger, but theNorso was drowned. It
was a valuableetnimal, and belonged to
31r. Isaac Lose of this place. Wonder
ful to say, the buggy was not iniuted
particle The horse was taken out of
the water on Sunday mtwningand bur
—We hate leashed the par
ticulars of a duel that took. place just
outside of the borough limits, a short
time ago. The parties to It were a
couple of school boys,, who undertook to
apt , the "manhood", of the, "code Of,
llonor" in order to settle a dispute to to
which of the two was best .setited' in the
atfecticms o r a sweet young girl, who,
because she is as Modest as she is sweet,
and heel nothing to do with the silly
proceedings of her boyish adinirers,shell
be nameless hero. But we intend to
give the names of the two chivalrous
young gentlemen who thus aspired, by
it show, of courage, to establish • their
elfin, to the favor efsthe fair girl. One
of thou was aloe of our late President
Judge, "Jim" Linn, and the other is
boy by the name of Irvin Ilagerman
These two,not being able to live happily
together in the "wide, Wide world," on
account of the fair disturber of their
dreams, vowed to meet upon the bloody
battle nod, end wire each other out of
existence. So a spot was selected near
the grale yard or the glass-works, we
forget whirl), and the twain, with their
"seconds," repaired to the solemn
ground. The terms of the duel were l i
thi4 two pistols should be loaded, one
with powder and ball and the other
with powder mil), and lots were to lie
drain for chubs pi, s tols and the tir-t
shot Linn was the lucky "man," and
has uit chosen bin 1 4 . 1 " I 10,1 to•kvb his
position, at the word, he banged away
at Ilugorman, who,, whatever might
have been his feeling., did not fall, nor
lies hr Ikurt in the 1e:1 , 4. It 1511 4 now
lii- turn to Are, and he raised his "di.s.t.
in iron" and advanced upon the mina
tura, judge But. just at this point,Linn
roe 5,,l inside wai-teolit and pulled
out another pistol, at sight of which,
Hagerman s cotirag• - ‘ aid iiTiTrhe took to
I ) , 1, 1 ,, m i d m a de for town, t•ugetting,
in hi- xp•ty to ~cope a hound in his
Lead all about the wound in lii ,
mitt Thu- the du. I ended The so
ir' Linn - hoarser,
the f... t dud he w tiiken into the c•,i,
lidenoa• of the •.`4,1141-, .11.1 11.1
ilstol with hall, and ho es,. nil.
\ 1-ed t 4, take a third einpts I.l , tta sling
order t•• 'care 11w:en:inn after he
lin .1 S that. • after all, Hagerman
•111,V. , ..',-t urtt
tic tiic, thinlo'cz it all Ili tihcrc
p- l.n,u khct% the it 1c.14 thing N‘II ,
w:<l them. wit , ti't any Attitgrr in
the itinltt•t. It thc car-
%Ulm:4 r 14). ill, 1111.1
\4l‘lll. V. •11. m f”r tilt.
I,rik "mart, Nl 4 . (111111. -110 3114.111 d
t!.u- di-um:J.l.4i the .1, %%h.. loll4llt
1•..1)!Ili r .laN
A 111 rig nllho Itrto k
rh .fl 11.ukr. .01 Sllillr.14” , •v nine , th.
{ii 11,tiktit, .•r Rl!tor
, nt
c, I ri“rth hthtrit%
goth•li up II) NI, 11.,11,81
K r4Olll Wlt• ontl ww, 4 1 4 ,m.
WWII i 11•1.1( t.. 11.11 , 1, L.: 4 .n1:41
11.0-1., 1.4 , 114 .1 that. 4011 ,h-
4 4144-111 A 1111111‘ Wi•f 4 o 11 44
1 . 4 4 '41:01, 1 4 11-4 4 41 11104414 till 711 I icn Blair
a.- 4 hail - ram' 4,1 thr and alt , r
11.1 or, After ranging of tho ,on t :'•\Ve
drunk irt,in 0,0 •11111 0 C:1111.1,11, %\ ,•11 r.• 1,.
4,1,41 Inton hard, Barri- :did
ifiLh r, lut r 44,01 r..gidar ttn•
I.' 4.111114, It, it,114,M,
The ut of the l'hio .1 41,,h 4
Itt .1 1. , s.l,l.l.,j,rlittel by r apt SIMI),
“1..1,11,, , , rorlt r.• I
1,1 I , I, I , ral I teal or, 111 . 1, tIV unl :9,1,1,.1.1
• tlo, Di 1 Itt .tion fi tiol
ni.,111.1) Ana 1u1. , • 1) 1 . 1 0 •1111111ii • 11 10 by I I.
4 • Th,• 011/ 4 • 11011 11 11
'lt-I e1.04114-iitly hy V% V. P.r0,411, of the IL
• Th,. chro.t 1/1111111 , ti011 '-
10,1/1111.11 1 11 11111 V Copt [Alio
' 1t1.4p.,rp1.•.1 to by 1;11
111011, I.I I IIIIYIII/1/ 80 , 11 , 1.4.5(ti1
“ F.111,14,111 . y • 11111114 • 1 • 1 ,
(111 d In. 6111111 trriut.ll laughter lay shoriff conly
r • Tho nlOllllll 4 s•r
ti,nlr) " Maj I' It 11 il.un r,
t,, rrnn.t.•r' , h•pArt.lll,lll S ri
II "'I oui Ilia hapallat
other. mesa: ' ll•aaapaanal•••l to, It, Ir Kline
12 "111. , Itogtilor ha. , * how ti the
wtrnotll)• • •'1 dletpllne •11 loony a fiord
I,l' kontton.l,4l la. lay l opt Holy
IL ...Floe otitto.r4 of the Army 1 opt Hotel,
twos r..414n01-11.
11 . .4 our Ho.t. tn.l if " Elottloolt•
ly r,..p0nt1t.,1 to I,y Cow. W. W Brown
Fhi eetkel the regular Lunt, after
Yrror.l ..f liunk. r 11111
7110 Ville I IN I r 0411 I ..•n4lrmvi
were happily sung arniti Trent applause.
Mr. J Kurtz offered thn following
volunteer tons`:
•"1 he Triumph of the of the war t a
•In4lb-stt Pot of du• Ih , elnration of I ntloptoi
ii..l4l/4111111.d to by ('apt Pnimerm.tri,
Capt. Ilutchinfon then #rtVo,
'The memory 111 the falleit f .rtetrwlee
which waa drunk standing and in si
Thus ended one of the pleasantest re
unions we have attended for a long
time We trust we may have thepleas
ure of attending many more of the name
—Through the wisdom of our bor
ough fathers the tax-payers of Itellefonte
are to be assessed an additional tribute
of about three thousind dollars to lay
the Wzekoff tut Jor nent in front of the
Bush Hotfr, from bridge to bridge.
This is Radical economy.
—The Penn Hall Academy Will
()lien on Tuesday, the VI instant,
:instead of the 23th, 1 11,4 heretofore ero
neously stated.: See advertisement.
—Gipsies in town on Tuesday trad
ing horses.
—Mrs. Petliken's house on High
street has lx.en handsomely remodeled•
. —Candidntes working busily and
looking somewhat anxious.
—Wot any on Tuesday. Dad for
—Don't like to oo Whitt' folks and
darks ys tipping whisky glassen.iageth-
—Crnzy Stino preaching Dutch Ar
mom the other day. Boys tenzing as
--Bellefonte Indies rigninit the world
do our
of Which mean ,
th of corumwtiily good. Ihtd
for tho doctors.
-11ot woather and dry throats
Good for the 4oda- water !non.
.1 tibtlant over the moini
—ltudienls looking blue for same rou
-11thuit0 dull in town now. anal
ca l god
-11 , ItS of fr.tit this year Poly+
crop going to to enormous.
—ltrowr building on cortn.r of
Main and I3i•hop progros.oW •lowly.
—lf 1" Stiti..r improving
—RpiNeolnd church on the hill untier
grdnz reptdr , .
—Germen 11111,11i114 up tho fine I,r I,
additeet til hi , 11,414
A ftyrmon , hower. the order of the
-114.111.fontg. otfiro clo.ed for
repkir. '
—11.4 .I,•‘‘ it It
—:s:o terinit
yet. Cutigretzat cl 1111
—UIIIIII ii 0011t..1, )V1111.4 rat], editor
anal ex-editer 4.11 an i e-C10:1111 bu-t the
ether to Ltht
, 11111111-11111 0 1 it
m, .1, the ,tro,t ttt th 4. °ti: •
--A uhth by the nftntil ofliohn•ton
yoltht; awn of about 25
or .11 )411.1- of ago, N ' iL-• c 1 ,1,411.4114.41 to ~nrl
h. 1' ,4 4,11 M441.11i3 111011, 4•lt 1111'1 , 4..4.f
IT 111414 111111i4 . 41 EMI-, II roach
nu.h. r w Plithp , htinz, on Sattirdn%
nik;lit !wt. fur a, As. 1+3..0 het.ii able
the 6 t .trti. 1 1 ,
dzu. kitti ):en ,/,1111-!,.11
st.od aw • ...i.uuw4.l. Thu
1111111 1,114441 4 , 11 :"stintla)
.lohil,ton to .aid to Ike It Nowl:och.
and Influentially rottheetetl
Slttnrlity, the 1.1 In4totnt, 4g
rin.4 the thus I r .t..rin, a belt of litjlt
nint.l -truck stittf on thy top of
nrc:l4l , Tho 1, 11 v. IL+ 0111-
splint,r,l, but TI dennoz ,
don.. to the building. Ti.,, fortunat,
re-ul, au, 11 ,1 11.111111. 1 . 1411.141 I) 010 N 1 ire
att•t, 1,, .1 to tim. 4im , rting ti elee
tn. 'Jul.! alto nn othpr hums l
?I ..111 MP ITII, i
(.1. • I r %LI F. • I 1••,1). •
A L:t bitd
1111.1 A wa i•n" Rt. Zion, on Thur•dii)
July lit T., Nay that it wa, nn
nth, cuccri.:, wou ld t H .. to my
Th, hall was ertiwdril boils ninioot C/1-
pacit, and quilt. it- many vo•re "bilged
to I , T - rutin ontar door'4 For threo full
hour', the audience were kept in a lite•-
re% olution —dr'', king deep the m•
strutting draught. of fertile gentu , The '
consisted of locturc., orations,
declamations, d iiilogue.s, original esui s
arid tableaux, intersperkal with music—
instruniental and vocal. Space will
permit mention of hut few of the per
fi,rniances. The Zion string blind enr
in attendance, rind under the leadership
Gordon, E. 4 ,fortned xery io
feature in the exercises The
band - produced nitiokie si,e7r, than the
strain• of an Eolian harp, or Arcadian
song,,—and aI 1 ile i.e Harris conducted
the class RI the audience
wio held toe 111011 /II rapture (for led
entesi pamg friend, J L. Twitm)or de.
livered a very eloquent oration on, "Tli.•
true end of education." Ile ovintaal 1114 ,
most profound thought, and depth of r
peach was not wanting. Hit C011eillliI•Ii
1, ) taking a summary view of the field
of ethics se con nett.] with education.
In:. P. L. Fisher lectured on, "Air and
it- relations to life," in which he ex
hibited no small amount of knowledge
in pbysiologi•al science. In hit lecture
he brought a large body of fact* and
principie. within the narroWeet coMpass
of lucid press, libitum. After the above
lecture a song was sung by Mist Bello
Rupert in cnnnexion with a bar-room
seem. In this song the grief of many
a inother'4 and ti iagliter't heart, was
vividly depicted ;—a shadeof sorrowful
feeling porviided the horde of the entire
audience A number of very interest
ing essays were read by , the ladle* on
icsitotie topic% of the day—all were re
markably well rpm/err:a( The celebra
ted , neatly-di-eileed,lumay German orator,
Prof. Rodenhauser, was then introduced;
who, while *peaking, kept the audie)ete
In a perfect out burst of laughter. /Af
ter concluding the address, he tcalled on
his "son John, the renowned musician"
to entertain the audience, which he did
with niost excellent music from a hand-
In conclusion a very impre4stve epi-
loguti 'Was pronolieced 'by f 3 .• Wolfs
Twitmyer. In his conclusion ho said,
"May you never be Allowed to wa
anything pertaining to your happiness
and success in life is our paramount
wish, and may you never he visited by
the dark clouds of adversity is our de
sire., When your souls shall he freed
from the frail tenements of clay,—may
they ride over oblivions roaring waters 1
in chariots triumphant, and in the 1m-
mensity of space cap the climax of your
mission by entering into rest eternal.
With so mmb we bid you a reluctant
farewell." The exercises were contin
ued till about 12 o'clock, when all re
trred highly Plated Tile literary tact
and talent of-tho ming ladies and gen
tlemen of Zion is not inferior to that of
surrounding vicinities ; this was plainly
demonstrated bytheir actions. May the
people of Zion have many returns of
bueli brilliant literary treats.
—Hermit hands are said to be very
srarce. The Messre. Valeminet4 have
obviated the difficulty by purchasing
three of the Illinois IfurveAteri, on
which the hinilers rule, three men are
only required to operate the machine.
Two of them ere now , in Pueeessful
oration on their finite, near their ore
the creek road, and
the tither ()nolo , Furnace farm.
We ndripie our farmers to go and see
then,. at all who have seen them, env
they are the Machine. ,
EDI 1..1( 11 A I I uMA '1 • Perini}, me t
recommend OW 1181111 4 of Sof.omul. Ei•
I t n :it, of lluttici twp , fts n ClUididatv
for the office of Itar•ord"r at tho emmitlg
Lon Mr Etlitip.r iv it ‘tmineh
11.'1111,1 ' 1'1a, !111 , ill V. It% •• lawn true and 1,11-
.14014 U. the rally, it. able and wall
qualified for that p. , ition, and spoak•
1111.1 rlllllll 11111.4111.4.. with
...111111 till.• 11 1. I 1)11
%%ill pay a In -t conAidarittioti to hi ,
11 \ I N
Business Notices
IV ,11%
1111 Wt.( ;4.114 !•• U,, , ?•••14 111,•111 01 • • n',
.I'l , 111 1 , 011 1111 1 0. M V.,
‘1 , 1.1c. ,041/1
- :fl , l 111 7 , 111. I.
•kliki I. 111. lo•_t n.l \ 1,,t fig yin 11114 .1
1.r, , . 1{ 1, 1
',motion .P1111i1) , 1 114 111411f/1 01'1141
.-iii the
I h.• I”rttt th. I .11. 111. Io 11,
,^ SIAM It I. II .1 /11 411'..i1.•-. , 141 ,,
4 h tr..•tet. 111,111,
)0.14 'II Nlr it •1101111) uI 'II
nil NtNIIII that t , i.l it I. mill Illy eta tli .1
1.13 t .It. .t i. J. II til
gni o '1411111140h Iloti 4)4t0 - go", nt
p.horg , In ono "I th,•
of 1110 `Lola It t• by oil- 11Z1g1.41. r
d•lt-him ol the 14111 , 1 In oollirtil
11“, k
kr, •1111'1 I I,• rkk ti. II
li tt it • rt.tht.'" hlrn I...•• 11 to iv 114-4 int
111%111, wd .14 “thlng ..1 Wit htn.l
• —o rn, 1.1.1. r. Imip
r r lip gt 1 . 1 ,1. ).1P
.1101 X111(1• hot c 11l t. N. II It. 1 •1111 P
ii./1.14/4-I•111).1 i / 1111. • h trp.
/I. .10/ -I/ ill.. wilt 11i...,
I.! pr. 140.1 1. ,no, ~1.1„, . nI.•
rn,. , .Sits til lr
I.rp. u , t • ...A 4itig ant r ,
it. U. t tit. rcp.itt 1. , 1 I
nalii a )1 , 1,1,1,,,,/
F. l ll I'l4 1t 'l. mt. li, s .r• in
i't , •I R.
ROO Nll ;114 F I , S 1 .•I
01 , h:tiz. I .1.. 110. .I 1f...
I A111)—%! ti, to %Ir . it II
tkingi,l, 11111 r If 111.1.•r•I , Itrg, hill 4 too. Kt-
11 , 0141, II
The Bellefonte Market
Thoo foollomlov or , . rho. otoootolloon. op to f•
ittli ti,•• • • , •••1•111g vo.h.'o 000 r pap., Nelli
51'1,tio H lo.•.ot, too r I $1 20
Ito•ol It 10 .11.• r 1.,1•41. I I 1 0
Itro, too 1 0
room, .Iko 111,1 r I 75
1•• r loto-11.•1
11:0-14, , per 100,100.1 1611
twr 1.11.11. I
.•r••• •••I, p•T IMO , . 1 5 Oto
Pootatow., twr 110.1w1
! „. r to
1.01 p• • r pllll.l
/$44,n/ //4 • r 1, 4, 1111 , 1
113111, prr pW.11 • 1•1
11• 4 1 . p , lllllll .
Illsts4lr, per p 500.1.. .
Itotg., .
lirgotool twot rrsql
NEW Rbbertiormento
rrlIE GREATEST Tilltit; OUT!
Tim .nb.erlb.r., propriainr4 hotaph t-nnt
tmr'• 1mpr..r.•.1 FIN 1. t for Ilor•••. t.k.• ;dos.
•lir.• In Informing ill. r.a.larm of thn N sTn
lion, iiltt Choy Aro manufacturing and Polling
At •neh to l•• within the reAelt of All
owner. of They Irv. eliesipet, hetter.
and more diir.l.lo h.tit inv FIY Net ever of.
feted to the Thwy •ire liAndoome, light,
and m 3,10 oft her loather or t gine,
They Irte• .14. win-1n....1 04 p.tent right
for Centre And All the Adjoining rnnntle• of
an Article that ovary lionnetnewl, when water
hae to 40 e.trrledl any dietanee, allatild hare,
With It a child eel% nerry mono water. aly .11a.
tam..., than a grown portion cAn with the oral
nary 'locket It coat• bill little. eaten any
entatint of labor, e. •nre. the w.itay right at
your door•. and la indlapentorhle In every-re.
For p rticul ere ietireeiier rAll nn
14-21 3m VANTShiIt it A DANtii,
Wilhelm. Pa
Prif.l6; for nimumming ceuxtidates for ter, Wilt 1,
ns follmos Asrembly, Agri", Treasurer, Pita
thonotnry,lo,oo ; Register, Rennier, Oonnik•
siortrr ftl,oll, (111 /MIA 110 HOT( Will In , 'Forte 'ln
trs4 pool fr,, in roirrerare Conono morn /lon • I I^•
forieniroultroy prrson4 for ~fluev
rho) i for
(hr role or fin croft ;ler Nat.
WF two nothoritott to annonner the name of
Col. W. W Lots of Prottortown•thip, rot a taaal 1-
data for Atotiotthly, tolltioct to the derision of
tho It .rnoorollo ominty 0011 1. cotton.
WlLnju...nnthorlto.l to announce 010 11111114
el 1f 'O,, , of Snow Khan tau nnhli
AM II candidate fur Shedd', nub ject to the duple
lon of the Democratic comity convention.
WE are nothoriatol to announce the ntunc of
I. L. Nrrr of Ileggp loahlahip, ne n emell , late
for Uherltf, milleetto the tleclalon of the 111 , 171-
ne1...1r °notify eonvent lop
wt.: ore ntithorljed to 'moon nee the name of
I„'ntt Weenie/01 of NVorth too tothir, nv n
fir Sheriff, nuitject to tho decision of
the Delneeralle county een Vent inn.
WE nr.• tilithorlz.•.l to nnnoltni name of
F. F BRIM ton le•htp,ll4:li candidate
for Sherif]. *object to the demelon of the Dein
. •
rieratle county oonventlon.
p: are aulhorixed to !mammy° the name of
fivorrrro 'Mix of Spring toWllol.ll.‘, n condi.
ditto for Slherttf, xubj,•ot 11,41i01111,i4i011 of Ito
Ifeotorraticrounty , OM 015i1.11.
WE art. mitliorlsed to ,inttotintte the 1131111` of
Moo it! "'U[\ Of it , nnrl soxndlllr, at
for Sheriff. rnLJrrl to ft.. &el %10111 If the
Itothterutlt comity r.ttint 4.111 ton
WI.; fir. Ititt.... - 1,••.1 In ....notinco . tho.
Itl.l CC, of Poll. r 14.'1111)14,114 .41•14...lialttie
1.. r MI., I I. Ow glee th,r)..”,-
I it (11 4 ii I) :s; 0 T A It 1
E nrr mi)11), 1,4 Ih.)111,110) of
('thllllllo.l I) filtl.l pit nrlll , ll.lntit, , , )I• n ) , 11141-
1)011• lot hoollswil)t 4rl. ` , 1 ) 1))) . ) 1. 0 I)». )14)))1,, , ,,
).111).. 1,11111. I 111 1 . ./lilt) ,•on, enlio.f)
NV ;MI hopr Immo of'
1%1 kV 14111 N. 4.1 F., tll I , AII-101.,14
• ‘11.11.11114. lot 11,qt/01,1, 1.. /IP
164 o f th, f tutiv county ,•4.11‘.. Elliot,
11 I' nr° nuthorlte.l to autumn° , the unto , of
11'm r i.t fox n.lllr, n. :I ettleilehtle
ler I MeV Trete.lll,l", .11tijeet t.. the .let
of tlo. ~,,, °rut minty eeTtleethte
..1111..,t In I 1 , .
.11111 11 /11 11 !In. Tllllll‘
1 4 \\ 11. t, nil 11. 1111, 1.0,111` 1 1111 , , 11. 1.11-
.11.111. I-1‘ 'I f. 1-111, .1111.1. In la. 1.
g.f !alit. ',OA, I,lllll‘ 1 aliTifllll,l,
1l Io .11111,17...1 Arm..wire. Ih. 11.117...
I 111:1 r.
` 4 l I \ I .Eltl; 4,f
of lototo Int ...yn to tren.,ttvr t.l“
.1..1.1,1.'1 It,. I 111.• I.llllfy 4,01111•1111011
W F. ire antliorlaed to non ••• the Onto. of
Ilr of Bellefonte te. a eandlante
tar Tron•olrer, enlne , t to t lie Jr,. It 10111 of the
I. 11,1 l'llll. 1.1,111,1 y ~I,vention •
It Fl (' 0 It D E It
Wl' lro nTltiinrl7en - tr , ntnilntin ,,- 111 , n9rfin nf
I, 10 r t 14. tlit• n i.f
t 1,11. I.luint t
V. I, s ire , .m1110,1;01 I nunnniwo Ito nolo, of
1 1 0,11 .1 (.1 1 , 0 y. 1•, t . ,11,1111 , 111.1
nn , I.t,t. L , r Itr•eorter .0.1,4 to Ilto 4••01 1
It,. I h'lllo4 I I.lllltV ClollrVilfilln
Wl'. nn ..1th..r17....1 t.. Itin , llllll l . the num.. nr
root TT Vfmitinot nT l'lnrth.toqlll l .Ally), enfr:
1.. r l 014 A i . 1 ,,
.1.. 1-1..11 4f aid rstre COlitity I Pr, n•
c()M \I IssIoNE It
11 E J•worpli 111#.
I 04,1 "(I r„ r
1 , . „ I !h..
~.1111% ,11,.1110,
ILega If N'ottrro
IN THE 1)1• 4 •TRICT :4)1 . 1,i'r IF
II I. I \ iTi 11 'I ATV:4, for the Irt‘til•
rti 1.1 , 11 rtoiri, AIIII
11111111,k 1 , honk root owl, ihe
oh g r,•... or M.,r• It 1,1 having lip
pill ,110, linikt• from nll hi. .16.1,1., and
oito 1/11111. 11111,011o' 11111111 711111 411. los
of ill.. 1 "wt. wine.. In hereby gii h. 1.11
.1•11/1 VSIIII h.ll/11 p lil thei r aii,l other
11111 .ti,i.e•ii 1.11 t.!.1 thly of
hits., lon% at M , lotfore F. I.
‘41.11111 fiegintei i, Bonk ropt. y it In. of
Illt the 111114. 141/1141•, 111 Itellt , fonte, Ihl, b 1
.111/11 I /W.V. If any hale • wby n ' 11 . ,11 . 11. 14"
-10.111.1 not IL groott..) 1. tto• +oat Moth ropt
And furtio.r. noure 1. hereby guru, that the
St ...tut 111111 Third Meeting', of Coeditor. of tio,,
t.,titt Hank root reoitlrred by the 1711 mot Pith
„tieellon• of .41101 AVI, will he WWI to.fore the
nn id kegt.tet, at the nano. Urn. awl
14-Sans 1 %WS\ 1 ti,E.M.S, clotk
ADM IN D.:TR:crows Nfril
Ailintointration an the Ms
not., of Iwon Batboy, two .1. lat.. of Spring tatti
Imo ing boon granted to 1111 initternignoti, she
retiii•tx nll per•toin knowing thetonel... 11l
a. maid entnte 10111.11, itionedlitto pap
711 1 •11 I b. log plain. to iiilllllllllllllll
dilly) for netilt.nient
A I'll %RINE Stk:sEl
Al NIN IST . 1 . 1 /RS N(yrrev.-
1...tt0r0...1 wiiiiirilotrittlon oh the on•
ca , or Jo. 11 I trbioon, deeeaped, Into .r
itojitifonto, haring boon granted to the undo,
mignotf, mho rooluontx 111 petatinn knowing
then.elven Intlelne.l to nai,l, to make
immorliato payment, and !hope having Annum
again.% the /1111111111 to pronont them duly ahtlion.
tlented by law for mottlomont
1 4-groot SHIA. NAISiI it.OI7.IIISON.
Vi rr.sT,kmr.NTAitv on the on
tot, of NlArganp; 1 1 1.1Caliaton$ 1141,1 or Pottor
towoohip,tioc'el, having 1/.1111 granted to the
imilert.lnnieth h. regno•t.. 411 pernon4 knowing
theinnal wen o.l..blett to tit 1.1 entitle. to make
Imuloellotto isslvment, and (hone haring abllnqa
to prenent 1110111 duly antitorigoti by taw rot,
14-24.411, 01 1 04 ALEXANDER,
triet ol'Pennrylvanla, oil at ['Wilt...fint
the led day of .11int.„4 IP., 10 , 69 'i . )/0
1 . 1 11 1 1 1 .4 111 ` 1,1, Y ,06 untie. of lan appointment
as r. aosign.Mlles Cloroland and Joseph
Fleming, of in tho ....only of Cen
tro, ond NOa(e of l'onintylvania, within rolti
tilstrld ; who hart. hood toibbige.l hankrityta,
on rroditor'o petition, Try tho l llalricl G.'eurt,tof
%1.. i Ittir.dl
14.201.1 t. Analgnee.
Ttepresentistivois of Leonard Kerntetter,
tir.ollets'Af.:-..Tnik• elude.. that by virtue of 41
writ of PArtltlon leaned out of the Oriihnne•
Court u Centre A 'lion ty, and to ma directed, .n
Ing una g will he held at the Int. rt..l4l4inc o of
Istemanl ReMetter, or., deed, in the township
of Penn and retinty 01 Centro. on Thursday
tllla,lll4t thty of Amport, A. P. won, •t In 44Lik,
A. )1. of .41 ~y for Dip purp46. or of the real of shirt ste le ,to
and anallig Itelrit and 191: roproaentntirtss,
If the name exit be done twit 00( prejudien to
or xpnillnet n( the whole, othorwf.e to vain.
and epernlse the .1110 iteyorglitig to IMW, xt
whirls How and place you mxy pr,..ent If
you think proper.
O. Z. MANE. Shnrltt.
Joaa 14th, lxrn. lX j
114132341 t
1441t4). itliberettoe
pEnsoNs wym Attrii:ci
Cita lokre , thcfr hair reAtore,
rill rolra, anti Ir It has fallen cart, t
growth, 11 , ttalog
II A '8 VEGETA It ki
It I. tho hem HAIR nrSIRSL9I,NG
making Htitt, !mashy
soft, awl KimiNy
Prfre Elio) For PIIIO by nil h,lll
•li. P. ITA 11, tt CO„ Ni
N( /TICE ' Propo.ah4 fo
r and bundling the Agrigkuu
a Ju'l!teflon Turnpike, from they,
lain to the Agricultural College, a
about 2% mi1 , e4,11111 be received
chiding, tho 17th day orJuly , at t
ltieAllloter Jr Beaver, In Bellefonte
be made by the auction, 0110 tulle
111 u rod.
For Hurt oyp, apply In IHG4n6I
Presldt.nt, contr. , Flirlllll.e.
Ad)roo4, Agrleoltural College, 1..
14-28.1 t
kinVIIII4•11111'Ci111/ Ohn admiral'.
the proprietor takes pleasure in le
friends, that be tins refined and ro
from lop to Jammu, met In now pri
eommodstun 11 . 111'N1erd . 4114.1 0 1 / 1 1 . 1, II
)10111/WlB Will 111,0,1. 11111 only nntln
013.1 11l not IN.( XI
11i...UW/0 la h,n pr stud new, Itrl
,p. , u n1..11111.1 un.•am ••
A( EN T.; \1 A NTI.I) 1,1
'L A \S' It t) u 1
r C 'l' II I. I,
/11111111: ? In-tail o••1•,11.
I. of
tpl• 1 1..
I .1)
til fall tile 1 4 111(4 1 4 01111. 1
I;y 1111111F11
(,r th. 1 toil
“Tl•r. l• P. ki n d
1.4k t :1/11114 Vlllll It thr 'Wit 114 1
111,41 41 , 11441 qt I/ 4.-4 —.Sp, 1et.;14.1t I If
T 1414
that \ 1.1 \lll' 111 , . , 1.
:41411y y rot It
11111114 V 1 1 11A11 II 11. 1.11111 11.. I
711 1 1Vr4, 1 1 , 410 11.1111 all , l 14
. 1/ 41. Hl, at
Ilt • .14 1./1 .1 ill) 1144
/1/4 „,, , ,, roofed 7 , 1 ~,, •
411 Oho I 10% , ra • ”,
.11,..echr•+ , ,1 41, r
f r„,. ..,1..
4444 k IA ‘,,,
11.141 \a IA: I a, I ,
1 4 (.041 a
4 4,1.14 so.. I Sit:111. -.4r; ..t
II I:1 4...4,11 kit 141
t TI,,N
kik oil! ;.r."1.1, I tu.u,
hss just 1..11 i•uied
Lu 110 i 1 , ,
uttli II tICIPRLIN's
L.l'l Nl , l - 11 Itl ~ r 1111.
I 1.. ,
A. n. - ,y4rd. Trnetlrz.fir firr - rf'
1,41 T II I r.rk lighting , irtle%ls.
(1.3. 11 entiortv
.1nr..11 Itnll. t, 11:111/111111( II Hnoru
It 05,r.1 11 .1. r
nt,Nen..n.k Otlio:rm Imp hill( in :v.
I 'iii,
Ht....khoitt.l.o.ll.vr for 1...,
/..tot ~01k..1i I
I rvrto mewl .
Jarn ,, ro r. ut
'roe°, r lerk. . .• • •
tm.lottg ,tklpltt-kte
11,11effloto 1(1,4 marl 1 - g (*., Marne
11 Laiidin 11410.t0r 14. t x tt, r
.1 v Btu Illtart, Isis ITIK
.t lSr,, burr , I 1,1" (.0
\ll/.11.11 , .11
'l,„i,i A I /lin, nn
I II 1.ipt.,11 laying water
kh , ,,11141gr,
I.,hzi NI I.l•rmml, w.,rk nn *tree(
I I II rt. 1. land, 1.) my, 4..1.1
tilll.l t
A : , (,141.1.1. i1t0.P. 4 / 1 1 4 orll 1.1 , l't 1 . ,1 4
1 lorllltlllll
‘‘. 111 "
C le 111 I.el
1%111 1/1..n. 01111111, , 10ar
11 , 11.44.11, (IFIS1p1.11)
1..1111, )1 1., ulOll., id) utg U., t 1.1
shoo.. \I M.1111111,-...5151...
l ~.uitrl L. n, Ltrry. ~ t
1l ui
111mo:hard, :Morn. y L.
I tinvk lnnd four.. on High •11....
.1 1. 1.11., 1.....1.0r
1 H oro. I yyw
John M'lS.r.nott, wall, ....1...1g.
l' .%101 , nw1..r, 00. 4,1 ,
ltenj -malt oolh
kohl Wl•inight, w..rk Spring
Pattie,. Hio•y, work tol
1 .I,
I Hoop', «Ynvt 1.10 n. .
J. A. Kati'. f.•w
1. U re. -t0... for .0111..
ilainageK In 141 , 1 ,.
Po/M . 4 H it 10 . f; eight 4,11 plino
SlotolOoll 1'.1,, I, ili g pipoo,
H It hilitt/a, 1,4),/a4
Stn, klnnd, Inowling yllw
Ini Konitnervillo, ntirt/. • yink
It 1.11,./th. tttowlettpt 11.14 k
It Mn v.l.•r .1104,1, "law "
Trutll../ . littntrln A CI,. wnt.•r I'M
I na, I,lrinltAton, ettattbnory, knn , 'P
lonkt• Ilmi it, ilkonstiv.k In wld. , nwK
Sundry I>eramii, inturerit
N. T.n..or,
11,11 , 1 weir, ArCOll,ll „ II 5,
;;In .11 , 11 f 1, 0401, 40 J4llO I, IS.
To fool roo'd f r 011.4 e
and 1/01..r molIrCor) $41.,..0. 2
BR( Treamlfor
11l settlentOnt • 1:51 1
liy Ito r botielm and rrnl.•r•
rifted . 4 1
" am't of popoinge and ■trr
"Mnlury . . . . 3..
01111 rush need I
Collector,— ....... t
To ain't recd trout bona*
tortuel ......
son't bonolo loelool for
welrk done. . .....
'otrl f
i s re e n
of Illaelotra
calferty end otlier•
ilatoegea It widening
Utah street Bar to
'l'n atit't recd of Bellefonte
Co., .11 •Identl.... I# lo tr
To /m . l reed of A. Hey.
riii•( Hurgcsr. t 1 P
TO nn, t I.leeuoe of 11811 Li go
To Hill I latlanee at sernct. 144 It
Hy ,on't lloronglf order.
lifted $141,6,..5 $1
fly omit Bor. liontlsllllo.l. u,n7
Hy tool Order.. (or not:-
poxil 'loud. lifted :1,414
Ily alei'l yon. A otAtloll'y In .
By :on't sninry. 201.
1.1A1111.1TIF.r; oir Holt
114,mi. In hatolo or oonolry
porson* ............ I.
llor'g orders otnsGonl 101 l 1,5.4$ '1:
Pernirt turret dna on ,tup-
Heat*. Iso4 oo 51
Deduct 4111'1 clue on s.lap
'at 'hank 11l -
lionofonte (h..,
- -.137
Total amount of Ind.•btodnorr•
By nyder of Om Town Council
J. 11. HAIVKIN, rierlc