The Democratic Wat j Specie! Notloes. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIA HAIR RENEWER. RENEWS THE HAIR TO ITS ORIG INA!. COLOR WHEN GRAY. !tenons the nutritivthe hair.e matter whinh nouriahea RENEWS THE GROWTH OBALD.F THE HAIR WHEN RINTRIS TIM MIAMI, WILT liAlitTO WILLS =II SEAUTIFUL HAIR DRESSING I floe bottle ehows len offoctsq It. P. HALL a Co. Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For lisle by all dealers In medial:so. 14-24-41 r." —Deafness, Dlindnestrand Catarrh tre4ted with the. utmost success, by J. lesiaes, M. D., and Professor of Diseases of the Eye slid Mix; (his specialty) In the Medical College of Penn syirsola. 12 years experiehce, (formerly of Leyden, Holland) No. 1105 Arch Street, Philo Testimonials can be seen at his °Mee. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in Ills prsictice.—. Artificial ees inserted without paln. yharge for e xamination. Bruns TO MARRIAOL—Young Metes Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane views of benevolent Physlelamen the Errors and AIWIROPI Incident to Youth and Early Slanhood, sent In sealed letter 'envelope* free of charge. Address HOWARD RIDIObATION, Box. P, Philadelphia, Pa. vl9n2fely.. Eng onoobo, &t. HURRAH! HURRAH !--CITEAr New York Store, of EMIL JOSEPH k co We have now Opened One new store on A LL ECM ENT ST R EST, ( Me Bride( Buticling,) Where we keep on hand a floe cheap and well escorted ,tnok of \ Mom., \ Mit nb, \otlune, Splendid Flock of Fur, ism Fur, I'RNISH I NG GOODS, CO V ER L ETS, NAPKINS t, M BR ELLAS, LINEN TABLE COVERS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER-PLATT WARE And It great variety of goody too numerous to mention• B.—Particular atilMtion paid to the re pair of Watehea, ckd•ke and Jewelry, and a !hat elmota Watchmaker constantly on hand , all work warramed OM* l a ta alld mall profits," 1A our inotto A liberal dierount to the trade Please give 0 a cull v11n2,-tf REM EN DOLTS AMOUNT OF EATH HR.—The undStsligned'has.ll2/ 1 t received the most extensive lot of Leather, 'rom the New York, Baltimore and Wilmington markets, ever brought to this place, eennleit'g of sFANBH SOLE, UPPER. AMERICAN KIP, FRENCH KIP, BALTIMORE CALF, 'IL FINISH AND BRUSH MOROCCO, KID GhoVE SKIN, WHANG LEATHER, LININCiS t SHOE FINDINGS, ei every description, all Of which will he sold • heaper than can tr• bought nt nny other sstah ilshinent In Central Pennsylynnia. Ito has also the finest and largest .14T(4 ()? (1,6T11 I NG,. 'STOCK OF CLOTH I 'NG, 111 ItcllnfCole, which In noldut much prleen that the purchaser of a nult %111 PIM. From Fire in Ten by Kiviog him a cull, also It magniflcent A •••ortruent or 'hat MI Ihe purchased at city pi !CPR, tnanther anti list“ and Cal., Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Vlatl.l4lL, snit a grand A .ftortment of all of whfeh are offered for lEilM= NoTICE: —Any row having rin iinantiled we ount Of long *taunting should call at MU, will 'let(le, or sattid actiount will be eolleoled by 111 w. I tuts ABRAHAM SUSSMAN. CATABILITY rniserahleiuta, that ~cream and son. I • nttn my ttelettates garden wall I hat howl, and bite, and quarrel, and light Anout the middle of tlic nlghtl 1 our ati4night mustn't,. 'Monk log tioto, Apd if you don't atop, with all posathle I'll canna you to ',natter, Double Quin!, lly heaving among you the half of a brick. inonxtrour cat, with hack like au arch, fah you, npecially, hurry and march; Better move off, air, Or, you may depend, Thin kirk will give you a Oftreina Bran I And you, old eat with mutiny voice, oti can't conceive, I would rololoo, get a good shot, and to knock you flat, yon horrible, howling, old I Well oak., yowl on, end I'll nook repono ; Ind think nbotit filernborga clothea; M nertftorrYintibe tho tiong I'll ming 'if the olegani stilts for die opening spring. D.—lt will be to the interest of all aho intend to hny Clothing, Dry Ctionia, itroeerlea, Hatt, ' Cam Boole oboes, Le., the rooting sea ''ort to call on ho offers by for the Intgert :o.nortenent to tx, found t and At prices tio4 can I, t e. has onrpaaintti anywhere. v 14017 ADOLPH STE4DVBEIID. AGE,SITM I READ TIIIS I We will pay agonto a rolary I' , week and °spot/arm, Of allow a largo oono ainndon, to poll our new and wonderful Invon• !bow.. Addrosa, M. WA(iNk:lt AF 14.15 fan • Marldlall, Minh, 0t72 60)014ITrS11Xo. man. GREAT4BARGAINSI-PRICES REDUCED! t HOWELL, OILIALAND a 00 Sirln Bush's Arcade—Roome Nos.l and 2.1011 ALWAYH AHEAD Haring pot returned from tho oily of Phila delphia with a large assorttient of .They nret enabled to sell.nt, L OLD FASHION PRICFAI A largo variety of Ladlea' Droso4 Goals 14111111(41` DrellN (100(18 Latliote Dreloi Goods Great Bargains In Musllns and eallenes Mullins and Galleons MuslinsandCallenes Ready-miuto Clothing, Ready-made Clothing, Ready-made (lathing, Our Oahu and Carudniereg, Our Cloths and raarinwrom, Our Clutha and Caanimeres, Caper DO ezeollod. Department avdonliMen every one In aveort ment and low Woo& Dry Goods Dry Goods Dry Goods Sirup, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Panned Fruits, Jellieg,Dometdkrand Foreign Frufht, Cheese anti Pastrieti of all kinda and every other argyle logging to the (t rocery Department. . al. kinds, Clothing, ('lothing, Clothing, West itylen, WE WHOI.Ef4AJAC AT PHILADELPHIA RATES. , T OVi ELB, 7 .lkir-Farmers, Meehanlea and Laborers nook to your Interest, lino dollar saved, la one dol lar In your ixicket. Tlitn call and see at what astonishingly low price% HOWELL, OILLILAND lk CO Are selling Dry Goode and Grocerlea No trouble to nhow Gooticli* If they Pro not an reprenented, we will pay you for your trouble. Igli_lk,n't forget tlke,place IMMO flour anti Seely. MZI:=I2S pACKER & PACKER, HAVINU purchased the M=KMX Are now prepared to furbish all kinds of FLOUR AND FEED cARPF.TIN AIRPF:TIN(oi PLASTF:R GROUND AND IN TIIE STONE, Their friellitier for mionifacharing everything 'Dinah) , invilifiolured In (IRV (0 M)1,14 imy (41,010:4, i)14.1 IiOODS, Are ittAlulle.l by Any othor emiabllmltment In lb country. All urtlet.4 promptly littende9o. =1 THE WI'ORE formerly owned by J. P. Pucker, and tro prepared to fortdah Stone (Joni, And a graaral Ranortmeat of Store 1;0.11. Mao conntautly on Wm,/ roar, Corn, Outn, Chop, Cann paid for Grain and Country Product, Buy your V wr, Fowl aud Balud Hay or. PACHER & PACK ER, IBM CENTRE COUNTY lIANKING OOMPANY. Receive Depoedta 4 And Atl4. Intereat; Diavonnt Notes; Buy and Roll Gar. Nom ri dem, Gold and Coupons. HINNY 811100[11R11071, Prooddent J. U. littuarmr, Comabier • M. THOMPIIOR. Z. JerARLAND. J. 1. THOIIPSOR. TIIOMPSON, 14(4'A 121/VII, CO, Bankers, Agricultural rollegvrostoffiee, Centro County, Pr. Receive Money on lihipoalt Lend af ou rollotetel Seetirfly; Piny and Pet (40v. Seeerlfleat Pay Intereel on Time Depoella; Illeeotint Nnten, etc.; Oolleet. Notes., elf/wan, etc.. In all parte of the United fitatee vl:tnaitly F. REY NOLDH h CO., BANK . EIW, Dellefonie. Bala of Exehqnse an d Notes Dinoutintod Interest Pair{ on Special Deposita; Collect one made Placer& peon tly Semitic( . Exchange on thh 'FAefern Ciii(l/1 eTTlPthhtly on hand and for Male. Deposita rereirell.y7nl6 NP.,w . GooDs, NEW Goons, NEW GOODS, Worranted to *wit. OUR ROCZRY BUSH'S ARCADE, ILOORM NOS. I and 2 ILIMINOTON, I's imm:a FLOURING MILL /titled ❑ny, !toil, Pork, Salt, Bran, Heed, etc it3an king. 12213 Zing &lobo, (Smartt's.' NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES. MOH RA7718 RUBBRD OUT. GOODS AT OLD FASHIONED PRICE We-HOFFER. & 13110.'81M Would rempretfully Inform the world and the rot artnanklnd, that they have knit opened out, and are daily reecihring a large STOOk OF 000D8 Or ALL KINDS which they are offering at the very lovrextmar ket price. DRY (MODS. Consisting of the Intent styles of Figured and Ijlwin Alpacas,. P o igured, and plats rlt Vittel Delete°. Hhepherd Plalda, Black Slika, Bummer Ina, White riotols, White Counter , rumen, Linen and Cot t ontillect n gm, Check s,,, (Xinghatum, s,'• Flannels, etc., flhepherti Plaid italmornltt, Meek Cloth, enrolments, Ve I retitle, Corduroy, likutucky Jeans. Drills Ladies • Clanking, Plain Coln re, Middlesex Cloths, Repellant's and Plaids of Various Colors. • A Onl Tine of Clotho, Cnsaimereit, Matinetta and;Vasitngn, all kinds and pricett, whit+ will Le Hold cheap. We have oontitardly on hand a large and well neleeted attiek of all kinds of Vretrirry, Grorerter, Mnekerni, salt, etc., etc., Which wa will dlepoxa of at the very lowetd, earth 'wham. All kinds of country produce taken In ex change for goods, loot tho litgkest market yr% ees allowed. FRIENDS AWARE TO YOUR INTERFAT For we feel satisfied that wo can stilt your tastes as Men as year purses vl4nl 4,VIIf,WAYS AIIrEADI-A. 4,rgx , A N DER A SUN, M 111114•1111 , Pfinter tie., 11111 6 thwt, are now offering ttrllie public at the ',meat Panty prieen, GOOOH . OP E ' VlittY - 'I4IiiCRIPTION. `,.. A. ALEXANDER a HON, Take this method of annottneing to their ' s:ft' , mortals friends that they hays Just retutned front the Kant with a. new nesortztient of yea r , sonable FOREIGN AND IXIMEHTIC (+OODB, Which they are selling at Pilch priees that purchasers will find it to Wieir Interest to buy of them Their stock twaffaists of D-R-E-8..E1 CF-0-0-D-8, Brown and Blenched Sheetlngri, Shirthorn, Flnnnetn, Curodmeren, Bonnet., Hbawle, Cloak., flat*, and M.l-1,1,1-N•E-R-Y 61-0-0-D.S. MEN'5......AND.... .B 0 Y.5.'..... W/CA R. Hate, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Also, ft roes. rtes Hardwaro, t.tueensware, etc., etc.; all of which s 111 tw disposed of an Ins as they can be purchased outside of Phllatlel t'all and elleeele Our Mock "l'he half Is not enumerated. All kinds of country produce Laken In et change for goods. rlion4 A ALEXANDER a HUN. H AMMEN SECIILER & Co., DZALZAB IN C=l 111111111 FAH Mit ICF.RIFA! Keep conetnntly on hand a choice and carefully selected Mock of FINE FINE L FL NE FRIA! FRESH CHolcE FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY wElt . GROCERIES :. ORtICER lES GROCERIES ER lES ... RUCERIF.S Yronli Tub Oynterr, Tenn, Prime Rio Coffee, I'mile Sirup', Dried Frult,, CallitetTlllllto , ' ff • , : s ~ f ; / good old Java Wlleo Foreign Frulte /yr Corn Meld—. Superfine Focally Flour lAgget's litfoirwliefti Flour. fingneoured Hamm. Cholee ;fairy Butter. Prime Retory Cheetie, X X Porto Rico Huh log Molateten, Extra Rte ti gottpx, , White timer Honey, Etc., etc., etc. Remember the place HAMMEN SECHI.EH. HAMMEN SECHLER, HAMMEN SEEMAN, ' Bush Honse, Ranh House BP:LLEPONTE, PA v13n16.1y Cotbing—eallorhig TILL IN THE FIELD. Co my old trienda end enatomerx, and %o tut many iimw onex as may desire to be rigged out IN WELL FITTING, FIUBSTANTIA_LLY AND made sulta of elnihtt'frona any kind of ma terial they ehonge. I have a large an excel lent amortment of •- CLOTEIFI, CMASIMERF-4 AND VESTINGB, From which garrilenta will be mj,de to order In the MOST FASHIONABLE SitYLE, Please mill and emmlint, my fine Hoek. I have hint bought my goods dttrini4 the kit tnow. and dely eonetltion as to ',rives, darn dlily m and fentiton, OAR skis of Cumberland REM EMBER THE PLACE W. W. McCL ELLA N, 4, Brorkerhrff Rote, Alleglien`y 11FI.I.P.FONTP. PA. I ant Woo !went h.r the ea or and cheap WILCOX & GIBBS . §,L+4lhl MACHINE A, • which mhould bieltoen by all desiring a ma -011110 Vl4n3 A/iiit:R('lfAN'l'l'A 11,0 It I N“, taadir.hffient, tin. 7, HI orkerhntrn row , CO -' l"unlersigne4l taxes pleasure In Informing the ettlrentt of Centre county and the public generally, that he Is just opening a Sigendal mu! !etch Assortment of Foreign and Ilt meiktic CASES ERA and VESTING.% CASSIOV and VESTINGS, M E RS and VD:IVMM Which he In prepared tit wake to order In the latest and most fashionable styles, (or men rir boys. Goods sold by the pleee'rx, the yard s He also keeps on hand a full Hoe nC 0 El\ TS of every fdyle and dencriptlon OM MKSSR:4I,AZARUS Az MORRIS, = Hare, with a view to meet the Inerramed de mind (or their eelebrated Perfected Hpecta clem, appointed Watchmaker and Jeweler, =I A. their sole Agent for thin place. They lime taken cure to goo instruct lons, and have eonficience In II Ithilitv of their agent to meet the requirements of all euntomers. An opportunity .111 he thus afforded, to procure•, at all times MlN.etaelem l'nequallett by any for their Strengthening and Preset, lug Qualities TOO mile!, rnnnot he said no to their Supe riority ulter the ordinary glaroren our,,. There Is No Gliatcrmg, Wnecring of the .Sight, Duzinemi Or other unpleasant sensation, Ind on the contrary, from the le•culiar construction of the Lenaes, they are St Nti and PLEASANT, eatisiug a feeling of rt Het to the wearer, and producing a clear and tlintinet vision, as in the natural healthy sight. They are the only spectacles that Pretterre an well an ARPifflt the Sight, and are the (UL% PUT le • enune the Hrnr Weltye tattling twiny )earn without oliange be ing neeeesnrYt CA IIIT'ON —Mr George W ratton.tlenler In Walelien, Jewelry. etc , 111 their ONLY Agent oppolnted In thin place. We employ no Peddler., pIIILAIELPIIIA tk, ERIE 11. It WINTER. TIME TABLE.. Minuet and eilrein route between Phllndol- Oita, Bailin - lure, Harrisburg', Williamsport, and the GREAT OIL OF PENNSYLVANIA. CLEO kV!' RLEEPINO CARA I in .11 Night, 'rr*ltir. and niter Molulny, Nov. a, INGE. the Trellis on the!Oita nfd Erie Rai4..l NWIII run ns folltoss. Mail Train 10:46 p.m 110 Lock Has en....... 9-31 n.m do nrrts et. Erie OA° pin .Erie Exp. km en l'ldladelphia Ivso :Ldo do do Lnek Haven . 9:ho p m do . atrivecii4lo likou Lim EitTil 3 Moll I'Voo 1.411ad01phin......... 800 n..m do do look HAM] 1 ,46 Pan ,1 11 ~rri,elll,oek Haven 7:44 p.m —LANVIN lltD.- 1 i Mall Train leas v., FA.... ........... ....WM n.m do do LAwk. Ray0n,.........Min p.m do arrl%rn l'ldludelpithi 10.00 p m Edo Exp. hoavom .... v..... &VI p.m do do Lurk linen 11:10 u.lll do arrlvea Philadelphia 4.20 p Mall and Expreto. eontleot with 4011 Crook Allegheny River Ititilroad. Baggage e tow ked t h rough. , ALFRED L. TYLER, Den. Supt. ',*inttbrn . s. 'W BLACKBIfITII 6.110 P. The people of Bellefonte arid VIC in ity n very •eapeetfttily informal that the. tinder &nod b loosed thit Blorkerflith whop on Howard Street, Itellefonte, where he wl I boat nil timely prepared to do any kind onakr f in hin line. i'artleidur attention paid to ronfng Wagons it iiiiggies. Repairing Farm impleinunte,etc, All work guaranteed, H9n I 2 J. A. S. MALO--v. FAE3IILONAIII,Y FURNISHING GOODS CLOTHH MEM CLOTHS, FTlRl'il t fili ING GOO DS JOHN MONTGOMERY 3eluettp, &t. I=l G. W I'ArT(IN = vlart.t4l) itaik-tioatm I==l U unsE-HlloElliLit abberthsemento. BILL HEADS, L E T 7 7 • EN VELOPEA };very businean mon P hou id have a printed heading on hie Lettere and Dille and hie Card printed on Me Erundope. The cheapest and the bOet place lo get them Is owe Office of the lin DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN CIE lieconve onr stock of paper w ovary variety I. pitn•hgged frov the munufartureno al the Lowent Priem, tutd, ota Iwetlft ler for printang ILL the rust Intl lit the 140.1 style, tire MIME svEity Kim) oF JOB PRINTING =1 1/ONII: IN A trn I= 'PHA JSEFJFM CO,XPEI,IIIION gstobes**EhOxiax 11101sTSIDETrOftV I ---- G. S. PLEOAL,I PIE itgesauno, CENTRE COUNTY. =I TIN, COPPER AND.RIE and wholoaal d retalF dealerlr STOVES TERS, HOLLOW WARE .0 in annoenoing to theUhl le t hat stantly on hand, one o f the hog mu of goods in his line ever Is section of the State. He now ;Wird• IRON SIDEfi COOK 14TOVr, the largett oven coot stove In the nsarkeilf line all the advantages that can be put on a clove large oven, high ender the itch pit and tit the came time sideep ash pit, aico n large extended t w it . neeLt.Liaediltn fire it . o: i i in c. e— m F o tfi r i r w eises Ile has also the Continental, Lehigh, Flamer, Daylight, lipeitr's Anti-Duet, Niagara, Cherm, Herald, ete., with every variety of the best Pittsburg Manu facture, PARLOR ANON EATING STONES of every description, quality and price. Tin, Copper,, Bheel•lron Wooden, and Willow Were, Wholemale or Retil, mannfaetured neatly and with the mole slew to service, from the ben' material In the market. Moyle, Plow Point's and Copper, }lnnis, and Iror Kettles, of all description constantly on hand. Orders for Spouting, ]tooting ; and other work belonging to their businexe wll be promptiv tilled by experienced and skillful workmen. Braes Copper and old Mean' taken In - change tor goode. 4farBpeelal Inducements are offered to Merchants, who wlah to pnrohane a t wholesale. 012045 READ AND PROFIT, ___. MILESBUIIG AHEAD) THE CHEAPEST STOVES, NORT SIIIISTANTIAL TIN-WARE, r AO . to be hod id !WETZLER & TWITVIHE'S The proprietors, determined not to be out- done, by any ono in their line of business, have opened up at MILESBURO, MINNA., ono oethe moot complete, and che,pe,e4 HTOVE, TIN-WARE ESTABLISHMENTS In Central Pennsylvania. They have on hand, and liming agents for all of the latest Improved. 81oves of every diseription. I urT~r gtov ~ Jed Room Stores, Cook /Hoy eo, Hasten, of every pattern 11111 Tin-ware, Copper-ware of every dekription. 1100FIING 4ID .HPOUTING, and all lands ntgorlc do ttAth the phortemt no tice, and Guaranteed to glee enktelketlon,4 GIVE THEM A CALL JOY FOR THE MILLION! Well friends I've been thinking and fluids up my mind To say a row things for the good ofinankind, And If you take my advice in' what I shall say certain your trouble. are ended to-day I know It is pleasant to be minus the blues, Pleasant to think, and doe's you Cil6ollo. And when peace and contentment CAW easily be found, Why should ye go sorrowing sadly around / Jmit leo the crowd priaalng as If In parade, All hurrying around for Hush's Arcade, Where LONIMILOiII k Hatay, its everywhere known Are selling like hot cakes, the glorious "(I'd Home.' Old Mr. Jenkins spoke these words to me, tin aiOoptented ;mg happy sa a 'mortal can be A. smile of dellpht upon his countenamw He'd been to Lowasansas & finial's and bough t en "Oki Home." A aparkle of 'badness Is Nee* in each eye, As the people le kundreds go hurrying Irv, To think of the Joy' , and the sorrows that's ilnw n gine* they've Invested a little 14 the fame, 4 "tital itome." Now homes that were cheerless are merry end bright, And hearts that were saddened are happy aE4I light, And the children eselairn In a loud Joyful t,oes Pap's ended his troubles since he's bought .os ad Home," And the young and the old the lore and the MO To Bush's Areade are hurrying'hy, Anti thousands of mortals whose trouble" ha flown Are pinging the preisee of the glorWun Home." These celelotated cook stoves sod y thing In the Skye anti Tinware line can I lottud at the lowest possible ragwort • LON Ell E & RENR No, 4, Boob's Arcade 14-IC.V. Bolleguitte, Pa. iSakerv, Confr lelltries T . 1.11 3 NEW BAKERY, H.' A J. McfKAVELL, le the only place where you can get the beni quality ctt TIE A Ftt..B. PM, AM) etlfrPtC4)sd RUN. iil OYffrElifl and.ICP: ekkAM. likoenato. He feels thankthl to the put 'c ftu - past. favexs and hoptsit,by a gicp.e attfialt to Maine.* to retain the patropage of many friends. He has She frallitY to get the tnoat fashionable cakep po.ka totind where. 111Ve him Heidi. GET Gt)01) DILBA I) BY CA-U. In g at the new and extensive 138d i , esteblishment of J. R. FUNlig, opposite the WATCIIX4II 01CO 3 A 1101001," meet, rri eet, where ho fnlehes 6 Or) , day Fresh Bretel, , Cskea'et 011 kinds,' .( . rifle, etc„ etc., . , Candles, BPlasa. . . Nuts, •,. . .... /, • 1 ifivid., likl • Anything' and EverYth# bitintigtng to busisei.e, „Raving had y • ortaperiaylief..a the bpeiness, he fl atters 'Willett that he 0.1 . guarahtee sattataadowta tiM who. way 14,, him with their patrohsge. riln42 N'A. t ,T IRON WARE c=zi Sheet Iron-were, lintserware J. 11. SANII4