The Dem6cratic Watchman, OUR TERMS. T"" D EM( WRATic WA'relf. MAN" IR pithltethed every Friday MIMI- Ing, in the 1111,7 of Bellelbatet, Pa., by P. GRAY MEEK, st Pt per annum (if paid trif fiy in ad vance); $2BO, when no paid fit ailtitnee; and Vs it n t paid Vefrire titeletpifittlett of the year; and no,paper will he until ell arrearago la paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papery will not be sent out of Centre County enters paid for in rvicanre. All Atirertinemeuta fora logs term than thr,,,, months, 70 (lento per lino for the final three insertions,"and M 1 yenta a line for each rul!li- Lionel insertion. Special notion , one-half more. Editorial noticon 2t °mite per line. A It eral dhaMitnt is made to penman miner thing by the quarter, half year, or year, as f.l - =SEM clue inch (or IS hues thin type).. Two Inchon. Three inches quarter column (or 4 1 .5 Inchon) AMU column (or (Mt coiomn (or lo Job Printing of every kind done with neat nook And dispatch, Tho WATCHMAN OMPO has been refitted with n Power Press And New Type, and everything in the printing line eon 15.4 eve- CUted in the most artistic manner and at tint loaned rates. Terms—CASll. All letters Should ire addressed to P. (MA) Bellefonte, Pn. Jattuary 1, I R 69 otarbo. lAL. K R EIN, Attorney at Law, . Clearfield, Pa 14-0 T P. GLENN, lA. PLyeielan • , mrgeon,Know-tilion, Pa. 14 17 WI. WILLIAM K EALSII, A t tor. now nt Law, brnorontv,l'n ‘l2nlit H. 11. ROTH ROCK,• Dentimt, tlf re In Bunn's Arcadia, Room No. 4 4po oti,l ft.!' 'vVintry SQ Rill N(; RAY, Attorney nt , Lnw, Itollefonte, Offici• •Ith 111 Furnt, En . $12116 Jlt. 1)i)liliINK, M. D., Plip4Pittn • and Surgeon, 01110 e, 10101°p Strvel, liellefonte, ht. Vl:lnt _ _ M 9 .1 1. t 1,1 . 5 . T E It - ftl Az, teow.ll.l::\ orth 01 the I)ittmottol, Ith t 7 tt Iti RV is S AL EXA N DER, neye at Law, Rt4lermily, , the liarlertt of the Conceit Meow --- - W. F. 1.11111 Rrirmin, (Mire Ind door of 00111- 11f111511 ,4 e, R. II'( s I to/10 Tl LARTMEIi, Attorney nt . 14i*, Odle. ottlt tho Diotriet Attontey In the Court '.-!2 F. FORTN V.V . , Attnrney- at Lan. (Afire with%lux .1111.20 D. $.r.1.,r .1. ('Us N. I Nt; lIAM, Attorney tit IP) • I.lta, Ngeni san n d I 1110,•y• Clect Tvi,gl4., Siwvtal till eollemlou of Malmo, v1411'.4f 141 N MILLti HALE, Attonivv LAM, Phili pohtfry I entre Gotinty, •,Ilectiotta awl all other 1,01 li4ine , in elitre and Clearti.dd nuntil , l prottiptl 11..1 to Nlllll4 T IIIIN F. 1101,A II AN. M. r)., l'hymmon fuLd. Surgeon. 41 rg. I .thc4. In OW '1.114 . enn .Iwavo 1 4 : (wind when not nrofimCrionnlly ell koged 14116-IS IZ. I). T11T1.1 7 ., IlolrlPoilatitle Sorxvon wrico , Lnd floor of roorttrl Fioa Hn, ityllefooto, In promptly ittlymieol 10. vl.llll BLAIR sTiTzEtt. Attornevm at LAM, Bellefonte•. Pa nf&•n on the Ittettettet nett door to a ttartnatee Hotel May nee ennetilted In English olio ORAY MEEK'S 'job 'Printing .111. glo•ny Pt lielloCmt•. .11. • o••onotion of linto and Fancy printang. /lone In Ow neatest manner, oiol la pro el be low otty rates A 111111,Eiti Physician and Nuneaton, offer. hi. eiroft•AAimuil pier to oillZonin of ilellefonto puml V %wry 01 v oppottli,• Friend. church run IncHiP Aent. t, Ittliefoute, 1111. Z M. II A I.L, M. 1)., Plivnician . n .i iti t meon, having permanently -ated at Milamlitirg, utters hia profeiotional aervicea to the ellisens of that pliv - e atoi vi cinity Ylltt22 - - 11.1.1A51 A. WALLACE, Attor ney at Lave, will %bait lielleiginte, pry enitionalTirwlimi-oplirrifirrrefatnerl in eon n....tion with rerildent Clearfield, Perin mylvania v7lllO R. S. P. BULKIIA RT, EClertle l'hyBB.lan an .Stnryoon, Front Street, 411 11 11Cp: rg ,;l h m i a . Ze rth dl i asa l : r atom hnn plod m rum 8 a. m to 12 m., and from twoto nine p to vlTh4r. T 1). wiNnATE, 1). D. S., Dent• . o tat. OMPri on the corner of Spring and linirto 'greets, Itelle(onte, fa. At home, el - perhaps the tirst two a...L.41 , 8141m0nth teeth extracted without ruin. e7nle jr(),SEPiI L. N EFF, Aucti.inecr. Those who hare property to dlaposo of will do well by addrertalng J 1. Net, Roland. Centro County, p. Mr Net, has more expe• tlenee, and Is better qualified for nMlln either store goods or farming utensils, and all Mimi material to be disposed of, than any other In Central Pennsylvania. •itnl-1-y CHAS. T. FRY BAROER, Whole- Rain and Ratan Dealer.. in TObareo and Cigars—alto , an lanioirtmt.nt. of poss,atastr !mann, etc , ronntaintly on hand. Middlo room of tho Conrad }tonne, opportito the Itroekothoti flonne, Italinfonte, Pn v 12041, WILLIAM BROWN, Lieensea -Auctioneer, Bellefonte, Pa., will at tend to aitealea entreated to him with earo and having had eigliteen year. expori• b ence lathe usiness, he flatters hlmeelf that he elan give general Ratlatnetion. voonin J) IL. J. B. M ITCH ELL, Phymieihn ami Hntgoon, itelletente, PA., *III at tend In profeenional esti. as heretofore, he reetteetfully offer', hle serviees t.i his Mende and the puhile. Office at the Itreekerlicif Hots. ' vinla WILSON Jc IfiTTeffISON, Attor ney., et Law, Bellefonte, Pa., 'Cone, Bonn and all other legal bulginess In Centre and the adjoining Counties, promptly attended to. Otte. , In illanehard's Law building, Allegheny otreet. SAMUEL 11F:1.F - 012D, D. D. S. of .I.IA ....13pliftn9w Utiles() of Duntal • • gory, respeetfuny otters lam professional ser• vices to the citizens of Rellefente and v lctnit He has spared no Means to acquaint hlmme f thoroughly with every Improvement In his a To manyyears of personal IMperience, he has *might to add 4he imparted knowledge of the highest iwthoritlea In Dental Science. He simply &aka that an opportunity may be given for Mr work to /weak Its men prated. ()Mee, In the house late the residence of Samuel liar• fits, deevased,'on I loliard street, vault; ly LE= VbitalsrApta Carlos. TT SCHMIDT, IMPORTER OF WINE, 61N, DRANDIES AND CLARETS Fa SW Vine Street, TIMM E DWARD- W. MILLER, (Late of Young, Moore & cb.,) IP.AAII P. CIIALFANT, AUCTION JoIIIIRRA IN IinSIERY (mom =I No. 67, NORTH THIRD ST., PHILADELPHIA JMILES KEPHART, • with BARNEK, FIER(01 CO. Wholenale and Retail dealer , . In El El HA TS !MPS, STRAW GOOD,S` AND PURA 5 0 $O4 7 10 In 15 12 20 70 3. 15 .40. 03, Market Ht., ABAUM, IMVI)RTER ANT) . Wholl,nle Dealer in WIN&, BRANDIES AND (]INS , 1101'ItItON ANIAINE W11191(1E9, N. 12241 Callow/11/1 Sired, - v 12117 PIIIL41)1.1111 . 111A, PA IA -1 Alll.l. HOTEL, ' 1 4 Vi NORTH Tab STREIT, fetwoon Rare and 1 , ine R P. CUMMINGS Tl2nT2 --_ A USTIN CURTIN, 11 N ith N/CKERSON et- MOSEL ) Mann fnettirern of and Wholesale Deniers In 'ter rT'S 4 8100 No. 435 Mark ot fit reel, DEO B URNS SMLIVKER WHOLESALE GROCERS It}tof)r( COVIMIStBION 41F:RCHA NII 1.115:11ark nt Hl reel, /11,,m I 4 .IFtrl . r Co,.lr.—•of J r. • Co. v Jon 12-t ktl( r MI, in 7iTl jr arming . ilutOtemento =EMIM Thr tnolormignrel refenretftilly tnylle, the M. tent non of fftrtnmr, g 04hing to mtrelsorm form Inmlrments, to tho /Alm trig Motentool tyntelm nery, to vt it GP.I4IcS PATENT sELP.REITI,A TING-GRAIN sIiPARATGR, cLEA'NER I3AGGER, the littot.t Improved ti rnln Thrl , ..her 3nol liclrre• power, ,Irlieti either hy getir or belt, all furnirhol complete in. In different parlit. ns thrniretl ;rut. ..whine I. not only it t lintfer, but will clean your grilin perfectly lean, ready for market, at one operation, ()WI) HARVESTER' .1 a reaper and ❑tower combined, with drop or Platrotin ter Ishii, if desired Thou sands of those reapers are In use mud glee 011. tire iiatirdar•thia. Call arid set . Llll.lrn purrilisriltim. and I will tell you their merits (heir suprnor IS not In 11113 rounlr). I illllo also on hand for sale the COLUM BIA HOILSE II A Y RAKE, Pre pntent Thin Crilumbln Rake In notoil for mg superior teeth Ilmy are nutibt of the Mint Ennlinh steel. I,ot it hr unibirniiimt ttint 0 0 ptirnon Pork the Columbia rali en but inynolf my ugotflx. 1 'IWO' &le. the, oLLiNGswinttil PATENT ►futwe lIAV for wale, manufactured 10v John Itod.l.,'Dayton, ohio, to %horn the (told Model wen awarded by the Now York Stele Agricultural Society, at the great national field trial at Auburn, N Y., July 11414, hoer also for nnh• the WILLMIGIIIIIC GUM HPRING PRIM w ide', eve r yb o dy knows to Is, the beet In line Also, BURDICK'S rArNT RAY A HTRA lV CIPITER and owvaral different Until. of Hay Elevatora. 1 hayn eonatantly un Ital,t ell kind.' of W., pal DI 00 I". ' T E 0 It OET wean and examine tho alwrvo donerilieti ma chines, all of which are g l or Rile by J P ZIMMPIIMAN. • Ntl 6 Bunten Areuthi, !letterman, Pa yol4nolll-3rn FARMERS NV AWING FEN, Milo I( ARVEHTER, NEW YORKER, or any miler ItAPER OR MOWER with • Self Rake, Dropper, Front or Rear Cat, or a Marhine thndCuts both front rear, and has no point that the knives do not wprk freely; Pratt and other trey Itakee, Giint and pin Drilla, Grata Anti ChavarHoparatora shovel Mown & Cultivntorn and auy Implement of auy description, should (odor diem of MRLAN AIIA N, STONE 49c ISETT, • OR 'MEM. AOENTB, toy they hare the&•; i rgert and beet neenrtinent of Agricultural Alententa and the repaint that to to Cite Mate • Partners Look. to Your Osou Interest and buy your Mae 1,1 nom w bore you can get Uao rep•trivin • ml . 9 , ute'r• warning. 114cLANAIIAN, RTONE h (SETT, • Manufactgawnr and Drator• In all klndo of Agricultural frtggemento, daysport Foundry and Machine Shop ROLLIDAYOURG, PA. SAMUEL GILLILAND, Agent, Y14n2043in Ikrgaunt°, Pn. =I ?hp Gooto , Se 4srwrico. A NOTHER NEW STORE! .41 Tho Lnrgoot, Cholipoid, And float Amporlod stock of • PHILADELPHIA in Central Penmylrnnin bay Just been opened nt the new etote room In lirookerhoff Block, /bebop Street, by MI They linve Silks, Coburgs, Alptrestut, MPrlnnl, Wool,lleinines, Lusters, Gintrluous, Priors, ropllhn, Lnwns, liandkorclhlefa Kid tool other Glove n, ,liopiory, rots, Iloo[eskirts,llllll n ketiontl variety of Ribbon., Trim mings, Buttons. Braids, ete., al the lowest prices. FOR (iNNKLEIVIV.I.: Thor have ignek and IMO,MIThs,IIItwIc and Pitney Cagglnierta, Malt [pet Tweods, mot nll.l, Water-prnofCloth,Hil k, Satin and Common Ferriage, eft., In great nrlety, nail lit prle..+gis lug sat 1-411 e. Ur). SUP 11 fVI ov,reryd.4, I Ire.. (Mat. 14 yortmim opinl 10.41111 d rive+, Nom mid FlrneV t •••11,. /18.11111,1 . 1111.1 PlllllllO I I‘ernhtrts, der+hirts moo' eotton, Nei I. Tws,C. la al amt en Cull' mild Kip Ihlpts awl 11.1,44 awl Shoes lints 1111.1 I “p+, and 14.1 other iirtl , les tie Ire l 11e1111111y 111.ede.1. IMEITM! WM II 111 LAM:1,1'111 A • gi•EEN:IXV A I: I.: A full IMr it el 111%,1‘ ,, ,c if Tie, 011,1 Din vier kM teee, ht. her., It.liv L, 101.1,14. situ II g etlo-nil vialety marl/ that it ill be 'meld leV t hn (if ,Ll . ll v••• • va , puval, avol lAA t rh.ry. tl It rvm Ire purtetatme.l ella,teeree In the eutialty. I Itt ERI Eav l'onqlot4npg of Slignr., Coff..n, TPIO, 8,11(4.1 bit tqln.lirte , l Prititt. ,•1•• , ‘lwaym on luuul • MA ealv nt .115011.1, . On Oo•t• StrjrThtly liMe , erythlng thr rititru WIIIII4, end intend to do buedni... by rolling t• erythlng at tit LOW F.ST ('ASk RATES (.nunnrl talo In4l NENV STO It E TI ARP Elt 11111 "pep,' :In .h•nurtpU , ni, ut thd , lr 10%1 , 01181111 rig wliit•li w, • i 11 = And will h.• mold ,w hew If Ind i 1, 11.r. 0 3 . , ‘ cmi iNIIOIIII.I rr mthte Aretiow 'Moir stuck (01111111..1•14 n. part, Dry (...14. Notiof.. M illtm.ry f Fsro “oods, I"thing • It. yda and Shoe.. 14, Foin itnil Shoo, linota and Nauru, ICEIM • !Intro anti 114,.• Latvent etylen of 1110 and I 11.1/.. MALI and Cap. (..rt.,t- Bari, Cqrpt4-16411., Carpet. Nip, lielFt and chenp.pot P1VH141.114, lirnlb.m4•n And 1.9.(114 0 . FlirliiAlin@ 1.8411...4 I 'lot, Pi and I • lrenlAr. in And everything Oki , tilltt to 10 IN• round In A well ron,ekrd vomttry rt,e , l'cotlfitry prooilic taken in klSny, (,r and the 10,04,04 ttiorket prime paid IBM Gentle render, don't In the world allow the Inn portant (met to enewpo your Inlaid that the plane to buy your New Spring and Smuttier Uiiod* of every ileneription,wlo4 , li hove J net Loon lodight at pinto prietna, wed taro totw wrrlving and open. ed for libitum:titan at the old and familiar plane you often About, Zinnmermitn & litinthor HIS, nue Arend , Bellefonte, Pa. Other people blow, hot when It eoinee right down to nolling hotitnit girods el wap, WO twat thc, whole crowd, We aro offering splon4l,l Mock of Ladles' Dream Goods, IVlkfta floods, Notions, Hoslary,thovaa,Hfrning, on, Vs'vela, I.l\ COM, FAgtngs. Trlintninga, Call eon, Mnallnx, liekluga, Flannels, Clothing, Shawls, Carpals, Cotton Corpat Chain, Hoop Elkins and rormets. Don't !where a ainglo xvcbit i) about hard times ilnd high pries's; thorn Ic DO evidence of It In nor store. We ircop a toll sa. Holy of coarse arid lino P,onte and !shown for Mot, and Hoye. lirmotifiit French and Turkey Mutocca.lihlutti Laathsg, UntliLin aual llaaa H o ot. and Shoo" for I.sdlini and Children ; also a choke invoice or• gueensware, bilessrtsre, l'Atftes, Sussex, Strops, ,anned Peas and ri.oll Core I'le• We, Ptcead/JIL retsop, Poppersetien, by the qUhrt. and the hest ,d'Hyrtipe; 'leas nn Spiess, *ll at the lowest prices. And in odd Lion to We have An wallow. variety of the many little artrelen whieh Tao to Taal" , op a eomplate en .ortmont. , We are offering great indtteementn An con Hums. Remember, n dollar navn , d In buying goode In minter mode Minn a duller worked for; KU don't *pond your money (untidily, btatoome right Along end got good gouda and full value (unit. at Agents (or the Anierlelin Ilntton•Nolo, Over. Seeming and Sewing Afw•hine eunirmy. 13-I+4 iVOODBi. KELLER & MUSSER FOR THE LADIES READY-Nr,tll; e9,4frItING, OculDS; Amon% whtrh nuty In , (mind earpoin,i)ll C 14,11., 14.4 n trarteling.. Told, 1'1•411,4, itiße COVer.. W1.11.1 4 M ill and+, and n ~ry larw ..ortment of rirti , glen nn art, aunlr , l by 114 m ., keeper+. awl at piler•+ to null. the time. Ii ATIRE R 11" STOCK OP GOohg PkisW I.ItIcES, I'APW: PFtWE.V.A at 10allat pilots, 811 k 100 l 11 , 414 curio.,liliveuroaltreo•te. BTATIONF:ItY HEAD MBE ZIMMV.RMAN 3CNN Ikttittg jHiCU. / IL 11.111ACIEsT , fIAUVEL Anklet; MILESBURG PLAI4iNt} MILL MACKEY .S: COMPANY, haying Mewed the above named Planing nua added largely to ilataellitlen for turning out flilit claim work, are now prepared to for- Web FLOORINO, 111 IND 9 SHUTTERS p00}4.4, and manufactured lumber of EVERY DESCRIPTION LOWIti4T CASH bUtICES All manner of si ark, midi no Sergill Sawing Aloulding4, Itrackiqn, oto , ullr•r any DF.SIREIr PVI"I'ERN on I ho inhortrot poomiblo noble. This eomptmy ',met h•al.lo Alllllll4, no. , of big. Co., 11,14 i.•• 11 r..1.•,11/01 4 , 1 Ow h•liefonte Dl dYsiara C.lllOOll with din will• and In operation at till tune, 14 mie 44 Ow list. •1 ithi.N.% (VICE PILYING Vlll6ll len, the Ininher In aln rrevtly healthy mllllO, IV.+IsIO 11l In v.vnlllg n, emd fn iAlq flittiA to It+ lasting qiiiilittvm, while other runthnds drying delerinriU•+, and render. it Moro liable •ro I)Er \ AND W %STE / ,, inllWrdri...l In It C1,61' w pf•r reelly, and when Worked and putt tip, .111 lint SUR! VEL AND SHRINK the. gong bull.ling4 the ititpetirahee of having twee I. reeled ,00t of I:reen Miterbtl Woke.* that mar:0.1111104 gnu , IN every ndvarttuge ur•r ot her Plaptin9 ,511114 ur thi, and we feat perfectly rrn.• in saying, that all our Work will be icrrynteed, 1+• A SUPERIOR (2IIALITI IVe mill furnish anything In our 111. from ■ Jour panel, to a 11110 LE 1101. RE and at .w• 11 pri,en, 11.4 clallii)t but pr. ° to at an Iliduromont 0, • THOSE DESIIII.N(1 TO EMI). All onionn promptly tilled and a fair •hAre of puldia patrumce, respectfully molteltod, MACKEY a COMPANI , I4r0)-to £DI(UIOD I M RLINLIIAID. J 3 ELLEFI)NTE PLANING MILL ...._ t• 111.ANCHARD e CUM PA 1 (t),1C,01.8,10r% to V 111/UIOIW - it t CI) ) 13!ffIG2=11 vary rlu a; I' F.LLn W I. W Y R I. L 4./ W I mt mile Umbrella., I mbrelli. FLOORING WEATIfERBOA RUIN° (if r►rlvun ■tylen L00n... dash I'IMM GEM SCROLL WORK OF IiVRRY DrAcRIPTION Er! Pattern,. .. Pattern,. Made to • Order "". Having a "Bulk ley', Patent Lumber Dryer' connected with our eatabilahment, we are on aided to manufacture our wort! from THOROUOHLY SEASONED LUMBER Mr.<3rders froth . And the Trade Generally, are reapectfulljaolli cited. • • BELLEFONTE, CENTER CO. vi3n33 PENN .W W. C. RILIZik BAHR afAOKETS, SCROLL WORM, MID 11111oriburK, ht T AIISTIT PRIW W r ITULllig. WHITE: WHITE: IV 111 rE PINE PINT PINK iihutterm • And Moulding• Ilwkets Ilrarkots =I - ~i' Contiscdors, Builders Non. rirtrrirrgi r ill AItIMITE • STORE , IRWIN tr. WILSON RWIN dr WILSON IRWIN Ai Wll )N Northwest corner of Diamond, Northwest corner Of Diamond, Northwest corner of Dpmond, , Hailefonte, Pa. itellafonte, Pa. Bellotonta, Pat _A r Have always on e hand, and oro daily meet, Idic, every vleserl lon of Goods In the Hard ware tine, for all t to , wants of the lioligekoAper o Ifourekoepet, liousekoopor, Mec haw,. MeelinTile Met hauls Fortner, Fortner, Farmer, LtanlperMall Lti Inherlnan Lumberman Builder, Ititildetr, Bulkier, PRI rater, P tinter, Pointer, l'ln.terer. Pln•torer Phrdorar," Cabmet-maker l'abmet-maker Cabinet-maker C"neh-rrinker, Coach-maker. (1311,h-mukor, Wheelwright, Whoelwright, ow. k 111a0; Wigon-maker, . Wagon-maker, agommakar, Mill r, Millnr, Illior, Foundrymat F.aidrynmn Youndryman MIVIIITII.4I Wm tklllint Mr.' hinlM And till Mocker. in wend end metrits. Their strwk of HI! RIJ 17001)S fid complete. embrnel. log ovorythl nK to ho found Ina tiret-rise• while their stork of II F. A ‘' EY 0 00pot Is always full—ronminting In part of Liorae GIAAN, cook, Parlor, Mid Other Stores, Oita, Paint., 1 Vitratahea, Hop* of all alm' and Packing, Plat form wish' from 100 to 10,000 pounds, Fornaeon for dwelling, House," and Churehoa, Pump. for Ciatorga -and Wells, Wooden Water Mt.., of any born and length, Wood Work of all kinks for Wagons, Ilugglaa, and Carriage'', Springs, Allow, and }Maw., Iron and Steel of all alms & kinds , liormo Shoo Nell., All Nall roda, all of whleh we are moiling at the Tory lowrt prloon known to thA trade. CALL AND SKR OUR STOCK wo will bii pions.) to oh/r you nil throuliti, smother you buy or not Our +Memnon aro at all anion attentive and obliging. v111)1 erg 0300 Sc, Grocerico. qn E 0 RO E _). PIFER'S STORE, IN Brockerlioro now, npia door to root 0 o, ix whore • (moll supply of Spring and Hummer good+ In ondlinni VARIETIFX VARIETIES, VARIETIES, hero just been received. Consisting In part of French and Irish Pop Una, Poplin, Al pawn!, Merinos, wool Detaloa*, .BJeac.hod and Muslim, rick Inv% Sheeting*, Print* of every Style, and Price. The cPI 43b1-sated "HALL" HOOT A SHOW Dents' and Boyle Over Coat*, Salta, Pant,, and Vent*, Under Clothing, lista and Cape. ' Ladle,, Shaortit, Fun, and Backs Canned and Dried Fruits, Coder and Queens• warn, Groceries—the flnest filrups In town. SPICPA, PURE, GROUND TO ORDER. Give him a call before urchasing elnewhere. The Highest, cash price p a id for marketing 6( all kinds. Polite and Attentive clerks always ready to wait on all. vliin3B-ly OEO I), PIFER 113urnsitie Sr Ebomao. URNSIDE & THOMAS OFFER to the public, ode of the largest and Nit selected ;docks of merchandise in tisane county. Call, essinine and see for yourself THE LAROPItT AND HEST STOCK OF warranted Boole and Shone, warronted ..tiaraettnn, at reduced priene. Only t o he round at ItURNSIDE & TIII)MAsr, sPICES ALI. VARIETIES, GROUND To Vorder nud Warranted to be ',Wetly Ito, In the only Pare ybu ran Mid on/Oldie:lo,A apices. Try them for your own nathehrtion Yon oan only find them at BURNSIDE & • .._ 1:11:=M!I ANDP4WS, KNIVES , HPOO,NB. coPFEE , MUM, Sfkovelm, Apaden, tainps. Forktk, (Maims, ate., at THOMAS', HORSE COLLARS—IF YOU DoN'T ULM your horno'm s boulder gntled find limo sons, got good lowan Collar, at ItNsIDE d TIIoM AM' 11_ A ISNPAS, CULLA - RN, t:A KT WHIN. mike Whip., In Kira t t nritty, meat fteare, Check Line. 4. Cart tiearn : Tat( Ihtran at , h ot , itarnenn. etc. .I . .VerVall(lls in the t, diary line, at ItUßNeilbE do FSH [Ng TACKLE, 1101.ri, LINE. , 1100 E ,, Elliot, Men flair Bitaknts, eV , Rig tun yourself to comb trout, at ItERNSIDE A THOMAS' FINE MOCHA COFFEE O ,, Ternittettt jlllll., iyt"lt totality Ri,.‘ kw, Mat tlolong MAO: T4+, Gref.ti T,,,,, oringlitrup Golden Sirup, I.trip.s, Its* wt. I. AgitTug - lAtißtmActi,-Itiev, and el'orythink w ut,.. gwvery line, nt the butt malt poct, to 0, trutrket, alwltyn in Mort., At HURNHIDE R THOMAS' IT Is KNOIS'N To ALI, IN IiELLI.:Fu:s nod through the County, that It you rm. a goal artiela, go to IIIIHNSILPI.; At THOSIAN LE A T R E R of ALL DESCRIPTIONM, French Calf-Alonrhtipaubthetole.lretitet, aterocetto,tibeep•nkluot, end Linings F.tefy thing In the leather I Erie aarraute47 , i. 'at IttrActlon, et 151'RNSIDE it I )M Vl' SHOE.MAH Elk( TOOLS ANH FIMDIN I ,s in all ylrolr , Ilrletioß, at & THOMAS _ SA II L E RS' HECK LKii, HnuKe, Spot., (tinge. Everything a aretAiti• want, Wr t tie of littrita.m, to le fitutul at 111111011 DE d Tit, BAH/IF:TR IN ALI, THEIR N'AIItIETIEd, Children's Canines, Pistols, Powder, Hhot, Caps, Cartridges, 414 'Mom to' T 0.,t3 UN AM, KINDH, AT 111.11thei1DE ♦ THUNIAb' NEW PATTERNS OF OIL CkOTHS, Al roduewl prl, en, at BURNSIDE & THUMA3 IiOTIONii OF ALL KINLIM, STOLItI4 I,7I Oluvea, Pocket hook., In all their vuouty and very cheap, tit 11URN8IDE d THOMAU 11 1 LIRK1 Y PRUNES, RAISINS, PKACIILS, Apt)lex, Orano“, lAnnonn, all klply 91 CZ.n.olia ?rutin, liania, Davos, ate 13RUNSIDS 4 THOMAS CANNEL/ FNUPCH , PEACIIES, TOMAThEn , Moe Apple“, Mb Peas, In grvM vairnlty, qt NURNBIDE t THWIAS' BABBITT'S WAY, WM. HAUAN'S Aft) Koou's Hoop, Dolrldu'a Soup', Jamie Oak itty'm tioapn, old Contito, pure Polio Soap, Ehler- Ilug's Boit, riturkit groat oarioty of other sollP+. at 1517111i811.4.1 rz „.„EsT MAKKET" PRICE PAW for all kinds of country produce, at _. PtURNHIDE a THODIA. 4 ___ - —R .-- - W. HI TM A N 'EI CHLEII3BATHI) CUICI,W, Homo, Whitmore* celebrated Choc°. Into,` Halter's Chocolate, Smith's Chocolate , Chin* Oingex, English Pinkie* American Pick les, et lIIIHNSIDIA & THOMAS' ----- - HITEGIatSB, BHUERNSIDERRING, A T MACKuomns ERFL L