H .--;;--- , ~,,,.1 1111111111.....9*, ,isn. ,w., roe. -4.1 on the mattreils, and was the last ono hroariteßigl a t * . i; i S itil s rillig a i d . a ', A t 41 e eon ear ~tie p non 0 0 ,, The seat was twelve inches high, and the chains bet:jobb' the iironi(Oltiter: firlti were so Short theshe alwqrs' hid' to Oe ~,d,t,A, to her beat, 'Elhe'Wseso'sick at one time that the court was compelled to adjourn. On the'llith of July, about midnight, i was conveyed to a steamboat, and ar rived the next day at Fortress lilonroe,, And was thence taken to the gunbonti Florida, 'rho irons on my arms were tempordallg.resnoved, but Captain Dtft ton, in charge of the guard, ordered envy Lillie front to be placed on me, when, General Dodd, chief officer in dharge, more humanely, countermanded his order and had the irons agalnr emov ed from my arms. I *as taced for se curity in the lower bold of the vessel, and was compelled to descend itby a lad der. The rounds were fur apart, and, as the irdis on my fact were chained but a few inches apart, my legs wore bruised and lacerated fearfully. The hold where I was conAned was close and dirty, but :ifter two or three days I was allowed on deck' in the day time, but was closely *larded. I was not itllowed to speak tb one of the crow. We arrived at Fort Jefferson, on the Dry Tortugas, and were handed over to Col. Hamilton, com manding, who placed me until the next !day in a casemate. The next day I was brought before Col. 11., who in termed me that he had no more strin ;Tut orders concerning me than any nth ..r prisoner confined there. , I managed to get along comfortable for .t while, though to some of the prisoners the officers were very cruel. One man by the mime of Dunn, while helping its unloading a government transport, got held of some limier end imbtbed too treaty, for which ho was taken to the gnarl-house and tied up to the window frame by his thumbs for two hours General Hill then ordered him to be taken down and to he inado to carry a, t h ir ty-two pound ball, but as the hang ing had deprived him of the use of his thumbs, he was unable to obey. The ,dicent, however, put two twenty-four pound balls in a knapsack, and compell .d hint to carry them until the sack gave . way from the weight of the Iron. Ile. was then tied op by the wrists and gagg d in the mouth by the bayonet from 8 n. until the next morning. Ile was then taken down and thrown into the ;curd-house, but was so exhausted that he had to be removed to the hospital It was decided to amputate three of his fin ,:ers, but this was reconsidered He ,Tht, however, the use of his thuyb and two fingers. This punishinent was ins ;icted by Major M Connell, officer of the day, and was carried lout by tier ;cant Edward Donnelly. 1 Another poor prisoner, named Brown was ("nee eICUMA by the doctor from work eu account of sickness, but the _provost marshal insisted, and tindini. - him too ill and tacking strength, suede hen carry a thirty-two pound ball. lie btaggered under the wJight, and was compelled from weakness to put it down. He was then taken to the wharf, and with his legs tied together and his hands tied behind hint, a rope was placed around hu e and ho was thrown into the water and then dragged out. This was lune three or four tunes, ho begging fur mercy most pltionsly. lie was finally 'eked out of the water and ordered to return to his ordinary work The poor wretch crept off, apparently thankful or any escape front such torments Captain don't-ph Rittenhouse was officer ..f the day and his orders were curried ~at by Corporal Spear. During the later part of last October I was placed in irons and compelled to work with amartned sentinel este. mm I did not know the reason fur thin, for 1 was unconscious of having green may , ifense, and had conformed to-every rug alatiou. I wits then closely oonflned, nod allowed to cronnumientn with no one for four months Thu pretense for 'his, I afterwards learned, sprang flour ca attempt of Dr Mudd to escape Uolonel St. George Leger I l ren fel, aged silt '-five years, was taken sick and went to the doctor to get excused front work. The doctor declined to excuse hint. lie then applied to the provost marshal, who said he coil% nod 0%, use hint If the doctor veultin t. Gretifel thee trial to work and daikd. They then took hint to the guard-hume,tied hunt up for half It day, and twin took loin to the wharf, tied his hand. behind him, tied dm legs together, and put a rope around tis waste There were thr... officers, 'cavity armed, who 411 . 01/0 spectators 'rent the wharf, I timid sty- and hear ruts my window The colonel asked hem if they were going to throw him Into the water, and they elle w..ra,"yes II then jumped in, and beettitse he e,1111 , 1 net qnk, thmy drew hint out and tied about forty !Mends of Iron to lute 1,,,,, and throw him into the a ater again, aryl after hn had trunk twice they pulle'il Mtn out again, and then tonipelled hint to ge to stork. The officers who had hint in hand Clout Robin:soil, Lima Pike and Unlit/tin George \V Crithh, as -isted by Sergeant Michael Gleason and assistant military store-keeper 1.; T. laekson, who tied the irons at hi:, legs. Captain Samuel Peebles tied up Grenfel Mr say ing that, " lie W)0, capable of do ne; anyOttle; ' Colonel Grenfel ens forced to scrub end do other -4111.111t/1 workwltett he proved firm was so ill as to have refused try, eat his rations for in . week. All the offieers hated II retire' ant aceount of a letter which appeared in a New York jasper, which they said Grenifel wrote, about tying up the pris oner Donn —wit telt latex' Wn.., 1. ruth Rd, es others and myself were witnesses. to the ifgtailis it related. Ono very storntY night Grelithl, with four others, obi:aped ' iii a stnall boat and was IlViditidd) drOW11::" 1 141 near the fort Ills escape was db.- , o‘ r.red, but the steno wits so sex el e that it was- dimmed toil oangeNsfs to pursue thorn, although a steamer was at the wharf. l.irenfel frequently declaretl 1 his intention of running atmy et any` risk to escape, rather than to use it in lin own word., "to be tortured to death at the fort." These are only two or three instances of the many acts of ere- ; elty practiced at tAO--lort. During my imprisonment sit' Fort &damn I Iversen' I 5 very herd at, iarpentoring mid woed ornamental work, making 4 great many fancy boxes, R)O., out of the peculiar wood found on the adjacent Wand.: the greater portion of this work was made for officers. 11:Iy, my industry in that di rection I won some favor in their eyes. -"," • .rtes wde released in March of the present year by,ithlatiVotayinsupnis irs,, ,; (Signed) E.DMAN SPANGLER. Clotting. $2 TO $OO WANAMARER & BROWN. —MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTH INO.—GarmentR ranging at every pries, cut In every style, ready mule or made to order. S. E. corner of Sixth and Market fito. $7 TO $26 SPRING & SUMMER OVER COATS.—Mollon, Silk Mix ed, Fancy Cassimere, Chin chilla, 'leaver, etc., largest: variety in the city. OAK HALL, SIXTH & MARKET Streets. $6 TO 145 BUSINESS SUITS, BOTH Foreign & Donneetie Goode, excellent styles, B. E. cor- nor Ellrqi A MA RKETEKA, OAK !TALL, WANAMAKER d, IWN $ 9 O To $OO DILINS SUITS OF ALI, the desirable styles, suitable for any oreanlon. WANAMA HER ,s. BRoWN, MXTII & E=l BUYS' surrs S)l $4 To et', fromn" and Drenn—neweAt stylen and bent yin.; goods WANAMAKER. h BROWN LA itiw,ciArrillNG tiousr SIXTH & MARK ET $t $7 TO $23 BOYS' dz. TOCTHS' CH EN TERFI ELI'S In great Vario ty WANAMAKER AND 141td1WN, SIXTH and MAlt KWf St I eetp. $2 SIIIRTiS, UNDER-CLOTH ING, a n d GENTS' FUR (.OOI*I of every kind, 10 NIIIIIIII advance on • coat, WANAMAK EH. AND iVr•, (ink Hall, Great Houve,lMAth A Mar 'r ket titrocta. v14n14-tf *rbools. ACA DgMY A SELECT 5C11001,1 , 411t IurN(,(;F:NTLE 31EN ANI. Seat,11 open■ on Wednesday, September 1 , 77 rt, with every facility for the education of youth In all the entities which eonstitute a liberal and polite education. Sperial attention le alien to Manic and Drain ing. %neat Muslin in made a regular branch in the course of study, Mid if/ LIIIIgIILLO all the pu pils without extra charge Th., Principal in Remained by art ample Corp.. of tried and capable tear ltere, the 11,111,11 aim helng 10 Onetime the morarcultitre, and general rehitement, an well as the Intellectual improve ment of the pupils Each ei holier OW/ In line state of indiv 6111111 111/41110.n. Percale who %lab to place their children a here there a ill Ira no nocensity for change till they hate completed their education, are in \ I to vln it 11,1.. S 4•11001 Parent, %tut wIAlt to hate• their Ilangliterm hoard Ina Ilr tho 111.1titU ~,,, 4.11 lind plearinut iIOMPII, and lit reumoririble rates In the town Fur further putt( Warm uddre•aa, lie, J P 111 . t.1i ES v141,54f Prinelruil NITTANI . VALLE 1 I N STI 'l' U T E Filzth Term .4 thin I .41ttition. 100AiOf1 nt JACILNIMIYILLJ. COHttO CO., I'M, Mill OpHik OH TuF4DAV. .ki I:voiy facility sliordwd t. pupils of both xer, tor acyltring a thorough English, Scientific Joel Classical .duration Special tittention given to those who Intend to teach. I to.truellott hi va•_nl stud Imttrurnental tothoe to all that tiepin.. It !halo+ forniahtel nt the lowent priers TUITION FIFASt ON AISLE p, %%1 1 . M r Yrn Prtit or Olt .I ItH /ADS liarmuraera —Prof I) M Wolf, A "I . Lon aster, Pa.; Rev. J I'. Hodson, Howard, Po. It.•. Prof J A. liters, A. M., alt Ploweant. P, Rev .1 7,11ei s Bettefomte, , std I' I; I, le in, \‘'alker, Pa 14 27-o.` _ U NION NEW BERLIN, UNION COUNTY, PENN'A tiWit term ant 4 . - .ace ‘IN.UST 4th Thh. imititotien aljl have tlmu 'itim,,9llo,lol,,,Ptuielml, VeNl4OO. 414 (matla away all embrace the (;reek, Freneli, .std rot man Langliagea, du, e mot high 4•t• Enaltall and Mimic. The tPIIII. %YID ,irIX nimierato; a' ,1 a frill enlist of teacherl tit 414 employetl. 'rho clisalpline will he 'mild all.l Item, awl Napalm, will I.e spitred to Kite tone and • heractor to the inatitution. For partlett lat Mil I en• the nulamraber nt Neel/OIL II II 01 Aligns! lot, ;atm wards at New Berlin, Pa Ittrlpal El= N , rricE I'o FiCIIIHIL A 51,041011 of the I . 4 ul re I 'minty NOIIIIIII 111011.1 L1101;011( I'.d oi...l'owdy Sup -1.1 Intell.l.ll, will I'ollllll.4'W , at \VERN ESDAy, .T IT I, Y 28th, 1569 and vontlnite 1011 wv.l( 4. N lee-. nreellargi..l e coop! a Umell litftlon fee, %tittlelPtii to pay Ow ansinlMlL Warhers. Benitding 1110111 $ . 1,10 prl week It M M AGEE, Oootterly Stpe elitemb nl IMM PENN 11.1 ACADENIY. . The r, rood lens 01 thi. inminution V. II 011(11 TIT EHMAY, .1 t Thy 20, I,iol Itiou kohl to 814, per titiortor of ten week, MAI dillg furnished roottla can be had qt renpoprbie rates. Special attention will bo . giren Co those pee, paring to teach. J. T. ROMIT Eft, A. 11, Principal. MEE ANTZ Dl FLIITY TROUBAND DOL,, In' worth of fIALN, tor whteh the YY:e n BRAIN text market priee 4111 be paid by STERNBEItti dk BRANDIES. .7.114.A15kir0.... nalMo4l Neto ibertiot es 11, ARAREVIKE. A good qlt o A t merchnndleo and tixtureB F(YR HALL and store room for rent. Owing to &protracted Illness of the mentor partner of the undernigned they wish to felinettien the mercantile business nucceanfully carried on by them in Snow Shoe Centro county Pa., for tiro bud ten yearn. They (Mr tbr eels theft EN ' , IRE STOCK, of merchandime and Iltrturett, (all of which am good and saleable) consisting of a good anti general sumortment of ALL KJNDS OF GOODS kept In a country aterp They Mao otter FOR RENT their large and oommedione store room with grocery teem anti feed Melee attached, ale sleeping and clothing rooms medairo. This • decidedly, the BEST BUSINESS LA WATION In Snow Shoe and one of the targeted and best arranged country store room■ In the county. To any person wishing to go Into the business thu Is a RARE, CII NCR lIP this place in the beet hip , teema location in, the Conntry. ALL ACCOUNTS 1111 reminningunoniled on Augnot 141, InGO will twt 101 l for collection... A. CrIIkSMAN & SON MEE groolen & Elaucben / VENTS WANTED FOR THE SIG II T S AND S E C It E T S r 1 - 11 E NATioNAL Thu most startling, instrortate and enter taining hook of tile 1111 T Hood fur Circulars and see our terms, &Irons U. H. PUBLISH ING CU, 111 BROOME HT NEW YORK 4w A DENTS WANTED FUR • \V() I) E Rs tar Tif E wotti.l) Corriprtains Startling Incidents, Interesting Scenoit anti NN,onderftil ,Incidents, it...a - atilt:Tem, all Agog, and among all People Itr C (4. ItrotElgtigittt. THOLIIOIII ILLIATILATIO , II by the moat diatingnialini Artist.. in Europe and Anwrica The 'argent, boot illuatratoil, moot exolting, a lug, inotruetivo, ohlortainiug.. IltArtlirlg, blllllOlllll., and RttrilletiVO onborription book e. er plibii!bed Mond for (*onion., will. tenne, at once Addreec UNITED STATFA PrI3LIPITING CO , 4w 411 Itrtwone Street, New York. 53,500 Per Year to Nell "Wonder of the World" lddress 1 (1 T I 1:1%1N. Pittaburgli, Pa 4w A Witlip coNstIMI"FIV ES. 'Solna a short and practical treatise eil the nature P 31141.14, and ',purloins of Pot lawmen l'oromarapttent, H, am/stint, and lArtia ; and their peer...awn. ft catment and cure by In. hatettron. Kent by 1111 ill free. Address Q. VAN 111... MM ELL, M U., It. West Fourteenth Street, 14-2.5-11 m THIS IS N“ lIM By eand Ing 3, rent.. with age, heigh erlor of eyes and hair: you will ro,lelve, Iry r‘ turn mall, it Porreet pletu rg , of yonr (attire Intl Lund or wire, *ft h nano And 41G04. of tuarriagi A.blre%n 1t Fu \, , 11. D[l.l, NI. .24. Fall.. N 1 14-2:,-1.14111 CHEa P‘INTING 101111,4 the I . EVOII/1 (',lit COIPItitT, PtINT (et,. tjng 1112 .111 paint It. 11111 l •ti a. 2,10 lb. ti f ( OST LEA lo I• Pd. and wear longer For Addre.. S 111 lW• I.:N Set Y , No I'4) N Fouaro =EEO Al; EN W ANTED }t )it 1104 OF TIIE PF:RI,111 WiINIEN IV NEW Yi /lIK ; Or 7Ze rule, ll°,6l of the (irtni The tnort •t.trtling revehtlion of 111.1 , 1.. r iffle.t. NON 1 ~r k titre kty l nnuirknul A rt•tt,.• ru y \\ ntneu of I'leiugurp, - "NlyLrrle \lumen " an.l t 1A..., thoroughly it ntil.l A. 141 1, It( 11(11, 'nu. Net. 1 kork It(rok Co., I r, NILY.II.III sL. ISPW 01k pf Pi )1 Cl' N'l"l'i N E«'4l'.‘ I'l iltusTEßs. hifatimiseleir), :\47 77 A) 7s Friltisi ,tivet, Nips 1441 k, is 110. flirt Prita• I .t 144 w sr figure 1,10 tiny 4)(114.1 Ism-) n 1 tub trudo natiiples /./Mt (sidle/ .4)i ~,,, It-irl ENT•4 \V ANT 1.: I Fl /It 'l' II sEt itErs I REV!' riTr .t lsl% 414 11p is. lot 111'1'1 15 sin \ (11 , \11 , 11 . 1111:4 1114EILIkkl .(11.1 ( 1(1 \ 1 h, , 441 \ 1 \ 1.)111 / - It 4 ..111,11, t III , 101(11114.SW. eNt., 1110t , t, 111 , 11114 W..% Mid 11(11,11,111,1. 11N I,l* l'Elt Agellt,tl.4 m.. 4 tine 11,,e I NI,1111.0.14:11, , 111,11 A .111 #.0,.,110. Is In A dayl Ili.. II i,117.1,1, ,11 In dny. One In Itleridllnk GM in Iwn ,nd null lolny ,111. 1),•m lot) to 2111 A, • I. 1111 , 1 non. "lir term. :Ind I. lull th.• work Ad. ilro4. 140.1. 6 , WO },14,1 , A ( I'lllll.lll, PI 111 1•lIl 1. ry11.1 . 11 I 1 1 ,11 1 11 ~n( irrtm IN 11 11E Lk iZ L . IVILI t ' )lEDICINES 1'(117 TAKE. rtm of x11t0140.4 liy of tl-work of hoft.l 441 /mod, mini Ivel 4114 4 11, 4 41 Or .oTnet lung lin igt,ittling drink w111141‘) 110 r any ill lox 111111 g thing, whxluer unrlvr the 11/11114 of lii r othen‘lor. Such at doles gilt' joxl. uu4.11 .tteowh b, your w vary 1,0,19 omtl hid the o,em to Ih1• Jaded horne lull 110 nnn , • 0,414441 44 2-iintilltult% 111 , InJurrwo 144 N4111,•-11,•111111, 111141 urn. ' ALWII .4 I h,ll , lwl•d by 1161 4 111 4 151 , 14/ 111.1,T10N : , IEIO,'INE AND INVlovitATou. Ir it TONIC unit GENTLX STIN MATT to NOT attended by 'lntern* What it gains for you It maintains When It iefreshes body or mind, it it-noshes u tilt animal .dimigth that (.0101-8 to stay We are WA I e.•otlinwridltig teutotill ism in the interest of Amy ,Gotton; bat 'l4rog a nd extended ,rhirt V11ti. , 111011,11e4 tie that ho ho e•oi to to the bottle fur tent 01 recupera tion, will find, its he keeps at it, that ha Is kin dling a tiro in his bonew which will eonstnue like the Haines ofperdition TIITII from it Take a tonic that ill refresh and uut destroy. Do.itTn Net 4111. Ir for sale by till Druggists. Pt ire Ono Millar. See book of Ce'rtlflrAtem that ACCOlllpanlen each hlttle. 14,-25-1w ss• RINTISkV:DXF,CUTED THE moat ImproNied atyle' at this arnica ' JOH PR MECO—EXECUTED IN A VERY superior style at the WATCHMAN OMCH ELM VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ,AT PRIVATE', HALE 1 The large and valuable Real Estate held by Eta, Wzn. I. Villson, In hip own right and by thehairs of the late Wm. Mary Wllion, In tot ter Townxtilp, Centre county, will be sold at private sale, on 'tonne to cult purchasers, ax follows : Ist. A lot of ground atlfelning the village of Pottora Mills containing about SIX ACHES With a large Two-Story Mansion, Two-Story °Mee, Stables and other out-buildings thereon areeled. The grounds nrouliti the bowie con tain beautiful Shrubbery. It in lh all 'respects a desirable property, and in well situated for busitican purposes. ' 2nd. A tract 'of land situated near centre Hall, adjoining lands ef Peter.. John and Geo, Hotter, George and Daniel Durst, Francis Alexander, And otlitan, ecattain lug FOITIC 111 , NDRED Ar TWELVE - ACRES AND ONE 11 NORM) AND'. 81X P RCHEN Thlt+ tract in now divided Into TH KEE MOM one of eighty acres, one of one hundred and fifty acres and ono of one hundred anti sixty four acres respectively, with three setts of flute buildings. That part lying east of the turnpike containing about thirty acres will ho divided into small lots to stilt the peoplevof Centre Hall If desired, That part lying west Of the tnrnpike will be divided into three Wm, of abont ono hundred and twenty-eight acres Tacit, or in any way that may suit pur. altasors. • Jrii. A tract of lend near the tilt! Fort," ad adjoining hinds of (too. Ihiciik irk, John If. Keller, Jacob Arney, Merl Foster and oth er,. containing THREE CR IttiNDES AND KED AN SEVEN D TY FOI'R FORTY TIIREF: A IZEBIBEI Thereon ereetelb la st:oomplete set of farm buildings and two extra tenant bonne. This tract will be aoldan n whole—na dlYldt , d by the turnpike-4min sneh other sith-divinicmil ax tuny be donired The two traeta 'ant described contain !Ando of the best quality ‘v blot, in in exeellenteontib holt, many of the improvement', being Itlmost new They are I-elicited by the heat roads 111 the county They out be divided vo no to give a attflielont amount of good timber land to each farm. Inquire of Dr. WM. L WILSON, at Potion. Mille, of the tenant, on the property, or MeALLISTER k. BEAVER, Attorneys-at Late, 14.47.1 t. ltrt.u►oart, Pa. ORI'IIANS - COURT SA LE.--ity virtu'. of an order of the Orphan,. Court of Centro county Otero Mill bo Pohl nt public tootle nt the Court Hounn In the borough of Bellefonte on SATURDAI THE 24TH DAI i*" JULY AT ONE o'CLO ICE' P M , the following minable real estate late the property of Jeremiah Mayes, deaeaseil ..All Chat certain tnesnuage, tenement and Intern,' bihd ;MIMS7I "Mutner trrwriship, °Acre eonnty Pennsylvania, known aa the Fulton farm adjoining Malley thou Wain, on the north and lands of M. and C Kepheart, on the south, containing one hundred and eighty Hvo agree and thirty six perches and allowance more or less. About 3441 acres are cleared and inn good state of cultivation, another balance le well timbered with oak and chestnut. TLe fartn le well improved, having a large storm dwelling 110t191., bank barn and other !arm builtlinge and hid 13=1 one of which Is young—Just commencing to Isar It Is located about five miles from Belle fonte and but 2% miles from the nearest Ball Bowl station. TERMS OF HALE —flne third of the pnr elllloo money to be paid In eonfirmation of sale mid the bid •e In one and two years, with Interest trilfo - nrniii4.4l hylwaffi and mortgage of lice premises (;) , ;(1 W 1{I'MlIA11(i1:IC kiln', of J. eratah clec'd. 132131 Li MS FOR SALE. • The rahxcrlb•r offers at private /We FORTY-TWO Li ri.!'3, Unmetleanly adjoining tho borough of Bello. route, lu a hsttio termed an Colercllle, Pleasantly attunhol Put e cater on all of them The !wet of Noll Low Taxes, and waPranl•d titles There IN II ,plen.ll,l writer power up on (him property, MA magnificent sites for manufae • - JttIIN crux 14-24+•m B iT(a;lEs FOR SA LEI BOL LI NG ER & 110.41;ISTION, Lave on hand and for lode at vary moderate Prieem, THREE NEW BUGGIES, , MKSECONII 11An) BU(.OY, gotten up In the hen,. Ittylo, good leather ttittningot, and sell ?toothed .11 orery respect. 14. ZIA! Fort SA LE A VA LI'A ISLE HOTEL AT PRI VATE SALE The hnolerrigned ofter 4 fur sale him TA V 1:t1 , 4 sT %.I) IN t' ENTRA CM ! times to tho Mileetatrg etailon, (he bonne In new anti to doing a good imelneus, It le the Itenlthieat hwation In Control Pertheylvanla. There toe FIVN LOTH lwlongtng to the prop erty, nod frith tree, of all klntia In firming onter. Thin In 11 very dettinthle property for person n toting to engage In the hotel htl• noun. and 6;i flivreAntilflll4l ,, lll , Nrl It In one of the hem lu Coallre eottuty. Ally person xtele lag In pnrohnee a home, call on or ad drove Om undentlgned at Mllemborg Centre oonnty Poteutylyanin 14-?3,1m MARTIN DOLAN FOR SA I, E.—Th ree new t wo-I/Qi re wagons, two twernithinuld wagons, one ,•art, one trod: wagon, and two boggitsa, to. get her with a variety or plows and t ook.stot cc, will Int sold at ten Pit cent. It. net than I witA value f.,e,A,„h. vi4oi NAN' ITAPPT FOR SA LE OR RENT.—An OVA lent Photogiliph Car. A npIT •to 11- Went, J. H. RA KNH ART;. 3nourance. INSURE YOUR LI FE I-Tit IS may het done for the benefit of those you e roost dearly, to tender their condition comfortabie, should you 110 railed away, or ft may be 1111110 for your OWn.eomtert when rent meeting most • ougen lid, or to discharge obliga tion,' to creditors. THE UNITED SUMI4I B INEUIIA'NUE • cosin...NY, OF NEW YORK, Haishllnhed In teao, hiving imnetis onnotintlng to over 14.01X1,000 invented in bent neontitlen; offerm mr,f)elal Inducement'. to Ityrronit. 'pet book el, paper', or infermfitlon,np lv to , 3(111IN 11. S INGATE, vl9nlOly itgent,,Th!llpfonte,Pß. - .bet ff - 4 Ito. SHERIFF'M SA LL I By vlrtne ofßuadr a y, no write qf Vend.Ef. leaned out the Cotirt of Comdri Plena f Cent county, and to tne directed, will bee - polled to public sale, at Penn Hall, In Gregg township; 9n Friday, the .oth day,of August , MOO the following property, viz : All that cer tain momenta° tenement and tract of land, al L usted In Gregg townaldp; Centro county Pa., bounded on the North by - hoiden( Levl Reader deoanaed, East by lands of Fredrick Zettle, and ()there, Mouth by kinds of Jonathan Premier, and West by lands of Jonathan Drexler, cow Mining one ' hundred and tweilopere acme, improvements, log loupe, bank barn and oth er out buildings. - Also a certain hom , and hot situated In Gregg townehip, Centre, county Pa., betintiod on the North by lamb of Jonathan Dreffier, cant by Jonathan Dueler, Routh by prattle,. road and Weer by ptiffilo road,,eontrtiolng 2 acres, 131) perches. tmprevementa house; stable, shop and other mit Bdlzed, taken In ere.. coition, and to be Reid as the property of Lott Fo. AIM Male to OWTIMIIIIOO at onno'cicel. ut wild day .1). Z. KLINE, littnurr's Orrice, BaLLzromtx, t Sheriff Juno 18th 18011. J 14-26-ts. SHEAVE ' S SA-XtEtt Tly 'virtue of noway. write of Vend!. Lion! Exponna homed-oat of The Court of Com mon nem of Centri3 county, and to mo.dlreet ed, will be exposed to public male at the Court now, in Bellefonte, on Wednesday, August 4, A. D., 1869, certain tract of land situate in Won town mill p, Centre Nullity, Pn , hounded antitieseril 01.11 aFI MOWN On the north and mutt by tent of John Junt.; on the month by land of Martin Reedy and John Jones, and on the steel by bind of George W. Adam., containing eighty-alit tower. more or lope. ME MI the right, tide sad Interest of the defen• dont, In an* to, another thereof, situate in Miles township, forentkid.'.6ounded nnill w•r14.441 an follows, to wit On the north by hind of -; 1M the east by lands of Pinder, Jones and others, nod on the south and West by hunt ofiehn Jones and ./olUi 1.10 Long, con " Wiling one lituirtred and (WI? Ores more or thereon erected a frame dwelling house and horn, fifty serer clear Seized, liken in execution and to Is} cold Ili the property John De Long AL/ All those several mesmerises, tenements and t roots of hunt situate to liogard township, Cen- Ire eon nty, Pa, bounded and described iris One thereof beginning at nll lekory on the hank of the Bald 'Eagle creek , theneo south NJ° coat, 610,4 perches to a stone; theueo south M. west let percher' to a service tree , thence throne the middle of n bend lit said creek, the ,tile entwite south fei° went, 170 per ches tea White Oak , thence snub course 'Jong the Jones survey, lit pepethon or thereabout )0 , , it lot formerly of Ti Son's; thence by the retinas 1111 , 1 land of Baker ,Heverly to the Itliddie of he public road leading from MII estairs to Lock Haim , thanes down said road nortivile° east, poi perches to s pine, thence north JA° east, It perches to corner of Rudolph Pletcher , ' lot ; Melte' , south 11y east, 4l_ perches by lot or Pletcher; thenceby the, came north lite° east, I'. 7-10 perches to stones, thence by the same north A y west, II perches; thence north 30° 4 . 1.1, lid el-10 pestles to Bah) Maga =Lek by that differed eotrraON and dintwee of the mid legelie south ante thug"( to the plane of beginning, containing one hundred and to i onty-nine arr., the name more or 'ear, op on whle¢ ll Btdp Pllrbace (Vial tho, nottard Furnace, and severs' dwelling houses, a 'dere Loose, office and "abet outhualdille are erected together with the typo] tentinces. A LAO, — Another thereof adjoining the last Mentioned tract beginning at a White Oek, (fallen); thence la land of It. Pleklier and others, eouth 32. 170 perches to Chsatnut , thence mouth to° a ent,l9o perches to n stone, thence north 32 ° east; 170 perches to ~tonne , thence, north 6sl° east Ida perches to the plane of beginning , containing one hundred and eighty acres, Rev enty-twto pereliesand Idlowanees,.fto the mune more or lees, upon which is en:wpm' a }tolling Mill, Puddling Works p•vorld &Veiling houses and Improvements with the appwtenatices A IRO,. Another thereof beginning at a post nn the lino of Joules' surrey; thanes north All° east, Ist, feet to a •tone • thenee south 32. ewe, 2484 feet; thence by a direct line 313 feet to the 'see of beginning MT! Another thereof adjoining the fleet tract,liegltuthsts at a pine; thence mouth AP east, 21 2,-le peahen to • stone; thence north UP east, 87 4 , 111 perches to stones; thence north 311. west, 712.10 perches to stones. thence south 1111 ° west, 1,7 the tract of land find de seribed to the place of beginning, containing Nolen acres anti ninety-NIX perches,. ho the same more Jr less with the appurtenances BM Another thereof beginning it a chestnut, a corner of 'anti patented to Irwin, Thrmnits Co., and above deseriled; thence by the Name north ird° west, tat perebes; thence north east, 'ZVI perches thence south .u° east, 31% perelles thence south 37° went, 495 perches thence north SI west, '7l perches; thence north 20. w est, 24 perches ; thence north 15 . east, 75 pordien , tonsure by land or James tior don and others, uorril 67 0 east, Inn pen ben, to the place of beginning, containing too hun dred and forty-two acres and ninelyusev en per ches to' the sumo more or loss with the appur 0.111111,4. n Mil A certain tract or phew of land attionte In - to. I,lllp, Contre county, Nn, on tho north hy Janda of Joint Irvin Jr. k Co., hil the ellPt Wry fund of Otirirt inn 'let Moot ne, in the• tomtit by laud of ti Clevenetine and on the Neat by !awl of .10111/ levht, Jr. A Co., eontain• lug about tot, aer.•v eh•nred stall under (rhea, with the apptirtenanetee. IIIZE kit the nthtfr, Werra, ithdrightg In and to the Iron (ire In three vortaln traots of hull sit Nate in Centre county nforerund One iheroof In M.ltion ton nighty., surveyed :In ;the warrantee of Jr 1111 l NI Nardi, 1•911111111illg about Iwo hnudrefiLand ten aorer., ',mooted on the north b y handyr John Irvin, Jr, and land 01 holm of .1;‘oot, Harter doe'd , and where, on the east by tit of Jobn Itubb, half men by land of Isaac hinKintliLV rten'tl, and °dicta. EIEM %moiler thereof in IValker 111 the W 1411111111 1 4 1/111111 4 Or L l lll l l4l 'rtiriter, ihro• 11111111(1 4 41 111141 111 44111 . \ .1\ bounded nu 1.14141 north i.e 1111141 01 1, 4 1,1 41141 0114.1 PI, 011 1114 4 101.1 by hind late of lieu) Tighlinan, 41,4 , 11,00 d others In the Mouth I)) the greet leaffieg,freithltalle- Pinto to If 0,14,0411. g, and on the ueet by hind of Samuel Willict•r and other.. inmE And the other then sof In Marion tom nslap, tiottninitt* fourteen !wren ur thereabouts bounded no the ttorth, tondttarni went by las i of 11 ' m I M 110111,nn. l On the oast by land late of Rohe' (leek, doc'd , and Intim Iciloart rot the Amish (ire Brink together ith the tights snarl% Heges at all Chanel herr-- onto Ingress nod higretor In rind 11p1Th Halo! three 11011 mentioned Erwin of I/111d, 10 ,arelt for 10111 entry away all the said Iron ore x ith all the rights and prig lieges noeemmary for trio I inlet end trhanhate enjoyment of rlghtm: and pi in lieges Iterely gi anted, and convaritt or in bottled no to ho fa, die three trade of land mule jorft norerthyjcalt. it., as all) mort.fulty arid At hirp tippo w rat-mote to Deed hook 14, No go 191, together a Rh all' defendant. Intel st , Melted, mlten hi execution, and to he aohl as the property. of tlin lir/ward iron cpru pony. ' • Male ttomomMonert fit Trio o'clogit 'or Isaid days. I). Z. KLl.NE,Sliertti Suzurr'i O►ncu DELUPOIIik, May loth, 11409. f v14n20-18 MILEBBURG CARI,4AGE WORKK, WILLIAMBi , ➢L of LltillT CAR,RINg4, upwins 4 EfL,E/“.144, 140alrink done smith neatness and diatattell. All cork do at ellarL ikotiqe Fuld warranted to give entire entlemtion. MILESEWRO, CENTRE CO., PA..- 11-23-1 v • Viupre. ATER A7iD BETTER NEWS! Notvridistiodipg bard flinsjpg„,high taw, dm other public oppreselonb, nattnse excite ment reigps at the , , WHOLEEint LTQIJOR BToRE 41. In the marble front on Bishop street. Belle fonte, Pa., where le kept constantly • Pull am ply of the I 3 J' LIA4I3OREI, At prfeeslowh} than ebn be found elsewhere outside of Philadelphia. His •stook eon/dote of tho best Old Rye, BQurtion, Mon6ngnliela and Old 14 , h Whlpkien; Holland Gin, Cogent anti other Btandles; and Mew England • Rump LlSbon, Sherry an I Port Wine!, Cordiale, and All kladoof atrupa, talalah ha Is aalltaii...ad_ ow as to astontalt al). •Not 2 A. DAUM, Agent 4 . EMEE3 FoggiciN 4ND DOMTIC wiNt.4 . In the room fermegly °coupled by the Kew stono Bakery, on Blihqti atbSet, Bellefbnte, At., takes pletootre Informing the polille that ho keeps constantly on ,hand, a oupply.ol choice Foreign and Domestic Liquor.. All casket warranted to contain the artunini marked, The Attention of practicing physicians is called to his Mock of PITRPI LIQUORS, Rioliable fur rnedival piirposea. Dottlem,juge. and demijohn+ oonainntly on hand. He ht. Oil ONLY PURE NECTAR WRIER{ Y ' • In town. All liquor, nre warnmnied to give matinfaction Liquors will be mold hy the quart, barrel, or thieve. +•Me ties a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the ,inert grades on hand. •tt Confident (hid he can please customers, la , reapeetfutly sol4e4ta sherwol-publie—patroa- RV. vienl2 4r Pospeotu• of the Bellefonte " Detnip, oretlo Watchman" for 1869. I With a record of thirteen years of nnques tionwt service to the canoe of Demi - teat ey, for Cauensainn supremacy, for strict °Niel.• ranee of Constitutional obligation., for Stab for Free Trade, and for Liberal qoe eminent, the BELL/MITI = entoro upon Ito fourteenth volmr • with rev newel vigor, with more life, and hope, 4 drtermtnation, than at any other period of history. When In the past many otht t Demi. erotic Journals bent to the storm of 'sluttish.., and bigotry, it battled on regardless of every thing but duty. When many of the friends State Rights cringed beneath the tornedc armed Federnlimm end Tory inomiation, it true to the Democracy of Jettereolx. Win . 1 thousende of the leading mitocateli of pt. i Trade Murre , ntrored to the domination, an.l exaction. of the Paw England Tariff rhbher• and plunderers of the people, it Meld aloft I" banner °finance When Al)olltIontam, and kindredlrnln of Infiunlex, Invaded the right• of property and the popular institution. of POVQI,4II States, It fought the good flght t i the State., and People. The BIRLIMOIII . I. WATCI/111•1111 NM never eonglo for fame by courting Infamy, nor for reward. not worthily earned. It.. record fa before its host of reademand Mende In ell ciaarter., oitA upon that record It enters thirnew year, .4,01, lug tilkailtaneo to the FRONT RAOK of Hutto and National louroalloto, that It tiviv: be enabled to battle on for the Meet ofJodt id • Equality, Right and Dotneersay, with an pi., I n e mdastre to aid in the restoration of et riche., Liberty, thronghonycbe Cnntedern7. • To ni , eorripilehilie purPolo in vie*, we tetildir to Ito proud and OVOrCt of the thirteen years, taking the kind ultit i•- and good will of BRAVE, BAD, ['Nen:" ERED cluas in all parrot of the emintry, toward bat flame for 11 a commenaurate and miefol circulation Now is the hotly for rate and bold t. nod earcild preparetlmia. Never before ur them such need &r oraih i lseitlou and harm,, miol and unanimity among the friends of [Ahern and tivinnexary If Democrat, ' fill In host firmly to the cause for which they havo tided to attach, then Llhetty it loat i tin them ell' their children, and the Illealaithwit aud.'Tyi nor ny of Pe406,1 ip,lll Ie retire " etivinre and monarchial got (.11)1114.11t. 11C,rn7JUICITIdi . he wine, lihentl, plain anti unontrialatioue ep - tem which the rar l et fat l erriteared for 11. worthy cont.. It Jr ae,..llean to lay te, I+o refi‘b..j, frtentle of the DIMO ' CRATte WATeiIX/ti, ttlik• will 410111441111 TO fry.ixn AT tntspoTism c MONOI'OI AND WROMI, and to defend cord uphold tho ConalltutNnin.. the people against Choir eutmlnkr - rl"' nr atraltpd all manner a iobber ofq Allude upon connomort; to uphold &too I nt-a and the righly of the ritny; to Opera. t% building up nen!l npociea of niottoputi.., hi do tin duly (endow, end fully In all than,. The Ltitasromme Illifoitiotr will Ma. , ) It I contain mornwrung and ntlrellarctladlt , trti. ter than any other Journal. ftr Phwavlva , aNi4 will aim to IN worthy orailpisOrt,by Dr n., crab& 4n •,ALL TIV,E rrrATE2, Frlondil domfrltig to ralPo glans Ahdtild for forms, oto. Hingle nubseriptionie, $2 per year In advan.. Addreem, ' tiol;efon!ft, f•-, _ . .. . iroOr OONl"iiit;Crti: 4 *. iil3,posii ' - for buill4lbt eettatil ho tit 4 ,I ?.YZ' talien. Wldtter tetedelitth.WlAl be wad RI the lath day Of duly, Plato and a elflaatka,-, oatt be seen at the realdemea ofthe,aylovyi 1., In Hublentattg. Without all beinthuateal it h` shOUI4 bOaddrdeltod, „ JOHN MILIX.R. JR. 14-'44.3t. 0 . .. 0 Jamsucs