Theteemocratk Watchman. CI BT r. 1 1 47, itallX 30E W. MILEY, Asexama En' Terms, $2 per Annum, in Advance BELLiFONTE, PA Friday Morning, July 11, 1869 DEIIOCRATTC NOKINATLONS FOR OOVERNOR; ASA r"aciLita, OF CARSON CMIXTN, FOR SUPREME Jrbat, CY avs 1.: ruksuiN G. OF CAMBRIA MPONTY Count Coksweitow.—The T .mocrntle voters the several Borottwha and Tee/'whine In entre eounty.„will meet at the usual ',laved hblang elect - Irmo in thelr reepeetive die t rlcta, Oh the afternoon of Sattirday, Ammo 711*, leen, and elect delessitta to repreeent Paid iterouthe and Townships In a.County Conten t ion, to by held at the Demooretic Clain Rooms, m Bellefonte, on Turatlay, Auguat 11th, et 2 .clock, P, If., which Convention will put in nomination One candidate for Aerrembly. - One candidate for SherUi. one candidate forTrothnnotery, 'hie Candidate for Reg later and Clerk of the thphans' Court, one candidate for Recorder, One candidate thr Trenonrer, tine candidate for Commleeionef. , One candidate for Coroner, Onn candidate (or Auditor, And transact such other bnefncee AA mac come in•fre them. The number of delegate,* to olden each dietrint is entitled tinder the lag wpprtiooment It, SA follow,. Itellefonte Bor. 3RaineTp” 4 Howard " I Liberty " Besburg " I Mlles ~ 5 Phillpelourg" d Penn .• aionsliin '• I Benner " Iternelde Tp. I Curtin I o'argiumon • 4 B.iihot, " 2 nring t•Y ItAkTriA •. 2 ilolfmoon " 1 Unigit *. 1 /Inward " 2 Walker -11 Ry order of County C itt. J. It SIIC6EIe Hon. Aaa Packer Nominated for Gov- = By telegraph from liarriehorg on Wednesday we hail the cheering Intel IrgtllCC tiltit RCM. AeA PArKili. of Cur bon county, had been normnaled for Ifuvernor by the I)esnocratic State i'uovention. Thin rezult i we are Ala R] eay, g,tvee general satietaction to the party, and will, we trust, lead to the final and complete redemption of the Keyatone State from the thraldom of Radical Jule. . We have no doubt as to the reirult of the eooterit. The rule of the Radical party has become eo intolerant, nu beastly, so corrupt and se utterly stile ersi% e of republican institutions and. popular righta, as to be no longer bear able, and Ifl the councils ut the people it has been decreed that the iniquitous monster shall perish. TLe Democracy hate every cause to be hopeful, I'or on their side the weapons of war are hull, sanctified, as they are, by the blessings of that Providettee in whose hands k ite wales 01 troth and justice have weigh ed the Itsulical party and found it want alulity. lie is one of the greatest f ing: iqd g e Po. is an old. time Demo- ernt„ and one of the mtnwtandbeet men in the cbm mon weal tli . II itt record t, %%iiiintut a stain, an.l 1)1) uuil eine to note.% er for. lie A% n g o into the canvass unburdened by damaging. antecedent", and-Will make the coateot on our part purely an offeneit e nue ) lIC Of .1 nage P 01811( . 1(116(ms for Ole °nice 41;+)"'",ilr i'entisylvsnis, is ism emiseiii thins financiers of the age, and, 1/) the Judi clout osereitie of hin g,reat talent in tlini direetam, ha realized Fur liitnaell an otnenm. fortune. Hie wealth is eeti iffatol at about tUnty iffilliona of 101 larm, and he pap.' all wildly ,i a the ehalw of truce, OHIO, One 10111,11 . 01 sna tiOrty dim/Nand dollars. All aim great ykealth ham kleen hotieNtly obtaint4l by .lodge tit through the exercise 01 his tool, dinereet judgment, guided by the utuitt eminent tin:m(ll4l nbility , laid We often hear the question " What eauses Finch hard times?" We reply, tite'hard times aro camped by the • policy nod actions of the Radical istr ly, and we will now proceed to pruve ludpe'P.+reta is a gentleman of the I It what ire 11101 110110 for himself, lie can do for the Communamith, whielt just now W•sAily ul oeeti of the set.% tCW of a first financier olden wiLo. I , n man of varied and ex Lerthi%<- incurillation, and a statvsnian ot CL linase than ordinary 'ability. Ile 14 14 tri44,014( educatniii, and only a rew yellow slime rave the i ttttt ease sum 01 five losullned tkotattrol dollars to is- 410% the 11,ehigli W'roversity. lie lire luau, and has been more or lerei netsociated with all the internal ibrovemente of our State. He 114 pecu liarly a nian Of the people, attrl, al though he has at Ai Brent titnem been honored 'with their cnasildence inn pub lie way s hi* never been what so many public men are, a chronic poi& cian. In short, he is just the man we want for Governir, and his selection shows, that the people tinterstss4 tln f rir own h esentiee. lie will undoubtetilly be.efected over Ocone by a large ma jority, Hon. Cyrus L. Pershing. lion. Crites L. Posaame,ol Cambria county,- is the Democratic nominee, for Supreme Judge. He isone of the most . 1114tingultthudiaaiersiin theiitate, and aman btrati•greet ability. !e rep resented tlm Cambria district lo the State ,Senate for a long time," acid le considered by the legal fraternity to be one of its brightest ornaments. ills nomination in a .111981. excellent one, • • and his presence on the Finpretne•liesch will add both,oaidlity and dignity lo that • Our Candidate and Duty. The news from Harrisburg, of what was done therrhy the 'Democratic con vention on Wednesday last, ought th, and Mill cause great rejoicing through out the whole State. The nomination of Hon. AIIA Pstliga is one of the t cry best and wisest selections that could have been made, and is the first NUT toward the complete and final• over throw of radicalisin in Psnntylvania. The representatives of the people, as senibled in convention last Wednesday at the State Capitol, seem to have beet. possessed of great wisdom and [mar ened by the most - unselfish considera tions. Personal prejlidices were swat• lowed up in the desire to do a great deed rot a great party, and to give to the Democracy a standani hearer of whom they might have no ream( u to be ashamed. r' We must confessthit we are entire ly satisfied with the result. The refec tion of el 1111: PACKER. Ili eminenf ly it proper one, and will awaken the most intense enthusiasm among the 'musses. Ills name itself is an arm of strength, sufficient to pull Amen the pillars of the Philistine temple, where in oar Radical enemies hai e ensconced themsel. es to make sport of the gr(litlit+ and troubles oft he people; and, its the campaign progresses, he will gather around him a host of strong hearts who will follow him into the eery heart of the Radical camp, and win for the I* mocracy of the Keystone State a most glorious and signal victory. It WICK/Yen us, thfkefure, to enter upon the campaign wisely, tigorously, earnestly. tet our actions he charac• ti•rized lit the Millie WlllllOlll that has gken Its so noble a candidate, no that se may not, by any folly of otlrs,loosc the fruit which has budded for tie so promisingly. Let us be cal in, cool and determined, always remembering that our cause is a just one 111111 that the ,111)1i ut eN II are uell nigh numbered. lluelon 'Tt , I Marlon " Iton " PO ter " 7 Buff, " (With " ikirettg Tsty I , tr " Worth " ME= Let the Derturerney, then, go to work immediately, and organize thoroughl).. 'rile first gun bap, been tired, and the armies approach each other. Kee to it, l)einucrists, that your centre is firm and your flanks well protected. Don't allow yourselves to be surprised, Wit always Inc active, vigilant anti brain.. begin wc/land begrir uor. Tire work well begun is hall done, anti so may our past reverses teach ins future wis don. Who Is Responsible ? First, t hon, t he Democratic party are out of power, awl have nothing to du! with the tioverilinent of the rottritr, which is " run " by the fLaAlicals to nun theimielN es. The Diunocraey, havin; ! ' no aay in the a.iimitlintrntioal of attain., are, of course, uW. responsible for any thing that goes wrong. They are at present Innerly " looken; on in l';utice," and utterly without, influence in the conithela o f the adigninistration. somently, we think it cannot lie I tel that they are not the comae of the hard tuner. I iard times are generally caused by financial iiiimmanagenient official oiyolen, and as the Democracy are not now known in official circles, there call be no mismanagement of the finance; by them. hiecon4o, ',the Almighty has done II is slkate to wake the, tones good.--:= - Therein t nofaiiiiiie in the land. 1/ti the contrary, the labors of the liiinbandnien have heetrtlessed with a vent yield of graine, fraite, and regetableN and the present crop will be enormous. All over the country there is abundance or good alum of this life, and the earth, teems with plenty for man and beast. Therefore, the charge of hard cannot be laid upon the Great Author of the.utaverse, for lie, in liw abaud, •ant and merciful goodness, has git T -en ue " enough am! to spare." Thor orrasiess, tinny but one. iipasow sky Oa Ames ire not, good, and ',bet reason may be found In the course pur sued by the Radical party, which has, impaired the,puttlic eyedit andmtsuch enormous burdens upon the peop le that even though they were possessed of Cfolcondst's wealth they would be un able to bear such mighty taxation. It tiny be well for the peortle •to reflect that as Clod has blessed the country with abundant harvests bad the Demo cratic party is not M power, there awl be no other reason muter heaven for thespressing, grinding hardness of the times we lire now experiencing, (wept the wasteful extravagance, uniwisest legislation, and wholesale robberies of the Radical pal. :Plinth of —The Obio..Democmcy have nom inated Major General W. S. Rosectimve as their candidate for Governor. Gen. &mires:ors is tanliliarly known to the "Boys in ,-Riue,""and, in fact, to the whole country, as "old Rosy," and Wag oho of the tallest and most successful generals of the Into war. His nomina tion would germ to indicate thal the Democrats of Ohio :. tend to fight the Radicals with thri^ own weapons, and 'appropriate to theirown ant someof the thunder %villa that party has iso often effectually used against them. (fen. ROSECR kNS was Minister to Mexico under Mr. JOHNSON, anti 'has just re turned from that country. With him on the ticket the I teinocracy will sneep Ohio like a nhirinind. nut nomina tion is equivalent to the death of itatil claim] in the Buckeye State. THE 1. 111 0,7E11 INTF.I.WENCEit.— With all her errors, her fanaticism and her lolly, Lancaster county can boast of as good, trite and reliable dem-a-rats and democratic: journals as any county in the State. Among the papers of the State posaessitig superior merits, and dmerving a large share of }acidic patronage, the Luncamer htlethgeneer stands among the first. It 14 not old) vigorous and Ift Its oproFi , tiuu to the iplituty owl wrongs of rad]. cidigni, but able and fearless. No t ru. er newcotrat than it.‘ editor, 11. 11, Smell, lives, and If the readers 01 the WATCIIMAN desire another good I temo cratic paper, they can get it by paying tuu dollars per s ear for the Lanemtter bark/facer. Club MICA very low. Itancratic State Coaveatioa Great Harmony And Intense Enthusiasm I Hon. ASA PACKER Nominated f Governor! C ILN L. PERSHING Nemiulal for Sopreme Jo* The Death-Slow to Radios( him 1 Tile Democartic state Comemitiori met to the hall of the Hotime of Rep renentativea . l Andoienday morning at 81./(11 half !Qat. ten o'cluelm amid ime called to onler t.)) Hon. WI. A. WAL LACE, Chairman of time Democratic State Central eointottlee. Colonel Ck Mtn, Vs, .14)1IN C. it k* and DA% 111 CII.I N JILL, Fwln., acted an tem u.ornry pweretarieft COL read the lira 01 dele gato., utter which lion. Wthtt tit A WALLACE, Chau-snail 01 the Slate 'mil °dl tce. tuldreemeti the I.oll‘entioil. Wt omit all epeetites this week for Whitt 141411 . 1 . 81111 lion. WILLIAM Jio).xiss, of ingtoti could), wt 4. til el, 111/1.1.• tempo rary chairmen, who, on taking the ehnir, made A' very happy speech A committee 1111 permanent Organ lick tem ware thee appointed, w 110, in altermulu, reporica 110111. emAiti.#4 Bi liv for pertrittrietki Prv,taehl yl the C611%0114010. iiik 111 chair Mr. &Whit u.r.A*lfitute ill elite awl elo eilient add ruk. w hieli tie will hereafter. The 'permanent atieretariee were W. A. tit TitiN, 'Wu. H. t(a.s., JAcott ZEHILLR. 411:0Ri;E 11. A Ite- WrltlVu, lIUNLINGII 411. The lilllowhig y(44)1101°11 wall rend and toIINIA.I H, WAWA. rtott thp. Omit/Poi I,ario•,l, With tfir tleopee Aoovk t rr,,l IN. death ofHon At hold Phunek, 11141. of Vonlngo vounty, who sax eluted a rfolrgato 141 (MP hety, and that ,Sil relotioni, of lite, [oil 1,11,0 and primal, Mr. PI •r NUM a model of parity, onrthy of (141161441os) of nil who .urvf vs him. The Committee on Resoltitionfi thin made the following li3p : The democrat.," of PennoylVanta in convert. lion natal, do utianlntously deoluru— I. the fedlerol government lv Ilmite4 in power 6, the grant. euuti4lnoti In the Federal Co•netitittlon ; Quit the axerelee' of doubtfol oohetittitiohul power', in (11 , 1110;rollif to the !tbs• natty of the government and the nvfety of the people, and the demderatle party will never comient that the Etta.. of Penns vitals mull xurrownierMrr,wet tight-of foefWeelfie.vetel merit. .T rstifietelon of the pi, posed' fifteenth theedment 'to the Petters' Iset .tradissi—sussakbarat of limo Iset igesiature, end their refugia to ontimit the pane Ia 44 01/3 Of au' people wrm 11 dellherste bressit4thskfoltettlUitttllted-fh QUtraftt ORA every~ •eltisen of the Suite. and the resoluudn making such ratification should, lot promptly tepeshed sed the striaudniest submitted to the 40, people tit thertts ti*eptance otrta it r i n. 3. That th Seth pun y if iv &a is oppose loco') err ng upon t negro tle right to votelhrull we doemphati lacy that there is any tight or power in Co a or Oise whereto impose negro suffrage la the pew pie of this State In opposition to their will. 4 That reform in the adminfotration of the federal and State governments, and in, the ntanagement of their financial affairs Is Impel , peratively demanded t. Thid i thetnovemelit now being made the amelioration of the condition of the lal te. log man has our most cordlateo.ow.rollon. U. :Piot the kegialiation uf the la en republican Congress l'oufkide of the Setiatittition," the diaregard of the molority.therein of the will of We people and flancity,of the ballot box, In the exclusion from theleneato In Congreas of rep resentatives clearly elected, the extablisinnent of military governments In Staten In the Union and the overthrow of all civil governments therein, are nets of tyranny and nourpotion that tend directly to (he destrOctionlof al/ ',- publican government and the creation of the %oral, forms of Ilexpottam , 7. That our soldiers tend sailors, who carried the nag of our country to victory mustbe gram. fully remembered, And all the guarantee* giren in their favor mint lad faithfully carried Into execution, - A. Equal tightened protection for note ranted and native-born enigma us.bome and abroad; the aseertion of A merlean nalinntality which shall contemned the respect of amigo powers and furnish an example and encouragement to people struggling for national integrity, cote attention& liberty and Individual rights. s. That the present interne' reventm and taxing system of the getter& iresernMent is grossly nniwit, and means ought at once to be lidopt.ed to cause 11 modiflestluil Melva. The report watt tweeted mud unanimously adopted. The convention then proceeded to ninhe nominations, when MR. ' PETRIKEti nominate,/ GuataE NV. Cols. Mr. PIMA RUNTY nominated Dmtirt. hi. Fot. Mr. UEORGE gsos nominated ARA P4(10:11. Mr.J. C. CASS/LAT _nontirtniell Gen m. Mt ‘141)1,p.5. Mr. SurroN nominatt.4l On 4RI E! RO t.ERS. AscoNA nominated Gen S !lAN( (Irk Mr. 4 1.1. we ~ , rt : I deem it my duly before proceeding to a ballot, In isdiall of ah honored name, In ohalf of one a hwy., I know the people of Pennsylva nia will ILIWIISI delight to honor, io present :en expraanlon Or hip sentiments befure he is Wooed before the public for the °Mee of Gov ernor 44 bin natty., State. I hate In my p} e. arasfon ft letter written by General Winfield tl H .1 erm•lc , dated on the 21st of last May In which he explicitly and dlntinetly declares that he will not permit id, name to In to,e,r nn a cluiltildatu, and that In a Ithout resort talon. Peed that letter to the ('hair, that It in ,v tae read in the Intel, of flits Convention. Ali plause.) r President. that .ro w lli not do this great and honored mime Inf tint Ice— d° the taut a wrung LtY w,ron,4 — lu feet, an outrage upeushim-111111 10/hil min tip..ti the vettple of his ntlte State and emit try In n position In whien he does nut wiall lu be placed. The letter w•ae therLby etkatoAs, aot followo : M•yrr Mat., Mity 21M, lsoi.t. Dins SIRI had the pleasure to recettepair (sour -May first Ost.., µal before tearing Washington for the R est., my welipolloll sb duties presented me from promptly replying'. your otommunicathin : s alrountinanee In he for I snot as well prepitred W egprefss to you trtr Views tM n to now—and by haring promptly Written I would lotve nVolelell the up pea rano. of hesitation M) views on the stitoject, concerning Whirl, poi, have inbireseed me, have never chnuge.l, slot I hare fully •xprerp...,l them In all permed) she have in any way eommunlcatol with me to that end lam adverse to intruding myself moon the pubilh, knol have therefore eier 10;01,104 writing anything for poblleatlon, a/- though I hare nuthortsosid my evirrespoittent to tiny other proper Of my Sentiments • • • I feel highly honored 17 pot preference shown by my frlenois In old Nor thampton, expressed In Jhat letter • • I lewd say anol withont reeervittloon,that 'trot, existing elreurnstanoes I cannot permit the use of my name In the convention shortly about to assemble Were tin civil life, no ills tinetion M 1.11,1 he gretner to me than u z bovenor of Pennsylvania I have followool the profession of arms since totiyhousi , and now, bin lug tiequired considerable rank to hot soh t.. nl undo., the service Iliealole, Ido not wish to enter moon a life in which I know I have hail no experience or education • • There are atom, Who could sere your inter este totter than myself .114,m the people a ondti Ist pleased lo honor, and would render more . etto it ot pert Ice to the people of Pennsylvania thou tor. If I inn I rudit your robeokent servant, Wl:groin Wert Ilevc.tcs Mr. t)m,titt NT', on leak green, withdrew the Ilnllle of DANIEL M. FOX. nie name of rti kRLES RINGERS WaM w it lidru‘s n The vim', ention then proevedol to %it,1b.,.t,1/44 rebult, : Nati (Le. 11 nne4,••k . . MO:uattl Iv* , 11 CASSMAY tt ithdrew di4 flame of (ieneral A Isetxmil 6wllot wits then taken, tthkth eteetulLtedletee-thllowle: MEM CEEB I ot'. Abt P t(► f K (L? then , ieLlareii the nominee of the eon‘eotion nwitl the great e.l enthitotarmi. lIorE (A u, L. PF:Ft4III , I6 VOA thou non/mate! for Som-eine Judge. Thoo• nominamow %ken. Iceci‘ 01 111 with the wildest puthrzAirvirt, the people Appear Mg hall crazy wall delight. -.lnolge PAvicelt Wan nominated for (:overnor by the L)enwx•ratie con. w elation aulid floc gTetttegt This argneu well for our .neeren. —" 'Ph ree cheers for our slate nom igCCw. tt~.wt!ll('a~rr3• i,'en,' e3-I 4 1 114 43 thirty thoingithil TUK Tlf 0 r.4.--Our ticket i 8• said l'r,A• 6—Putmikst CLU Mid PROSPERITY —A young holy oat Weld Married 11' looking mutt," who had heel' a hoarder in he, mothers house only forty-five bourn, and whom she hail noier been or heard ol ptlor to his taking up his abode under the roof of her pa rent The day following the 1111411 . 11tK0 the "floe looking min" departed, whither, nobody costs:owed fur the youngledy has slime dis covered. A tueiit dee.i . nr nimccessaiy walling Is made upon thelnihJect of tide young lady's misfortune. We think berpuniiihment is not snyenore never° than is deserved. A girl, who could marry a man undrr such eh - comsat:Mee must. beAtensetild of Vtry queer ides, Of so chit propriety, and entertain strange netionn of the reaper/sad/Mee of the antrriodetate. ' ANOTHER PAQ 4 ROW : tIg,,,HIS; TORY OF ISILDIVALISMo • Statement of Speruiler, one ofthe time of thd Lincoln Assilialnatlitnl, plot—Treatment of an Innocent Mat —lnhuman Conduct of Radical Offl alata—Atilitary Justice in tures at the Dry Tortugas—Fiendish Conduct of Army °Moen. None of our readers have forgotten the trial and sentence ache seven or eight persons charged with the essessi . nation of MIRAMAR LINCOLN, on the night of the 14th of April, 1865. The justice that was meted out—the op portunity given the prisoner to prove their innocence—the ' fairness and equity of military tribunals, and the humane (7) manner radicalism has of treating ita victims, need not beguessed at after reading the following statement of BOMAN SEANGJAR, who was OHO of, the convicted at that, time. Setztotert has just returned from his terrible im• priaepmeht at the irry Tortugas, from which he was pardoned by President Jonssott. At Uric ,limp of his trial almost everybody believed him inno cent and the military commission doubted his guilt by sentencing blot() six years at the Dry +ortugits, and giv ing the others a life term. The milita ry commission was °lionized to convict., and it oontyieted. Abundant testimony is now at hand to show the vastamount of perjury on that trial—perjury exac ted by fear and dictated by malice. SI`ANOLMR • N allusion to the witness WEB:11%1.1N being 111 the abduction plot is important Walcussn's testimony, it pill be remembered, hung Mrs. SPRR ATT. The horrible atrocities perpetrated upon the prisoners at the Dry Tortugas are enough to hppal the stoutest heart. They show the miserable tyranny of the petty puppets fitmioned there in the pay of the goi eminent, who all deserve to be hung as high as Haman, and should be met with the scorn and con tempt of eery virtuous and humane citizen. The officers spoken of by Mr. setNutdot, namely, Gen. lift, Major MeCoissitid., Capt. EtrirrasHOUßE, Capt. rtERLES, Capt. Caine and Lieutenants Itounssos and Pies, Sergeant (I'ttainnt and the store-keeper.) ACILSON, and aIY (hose other dirty villians, whose exis tence is a libel upon the Immo race, sbould be arrested and punished for their cruelty towards helpless men, but we mupissie nothing will be done with them wad they find their merited de serts in the boiling caldrons of hell. In their conduct can be seen the nni mut the vindictive, murderous par ty which they serve, and of which they are most fitting representatives. Wull not the blood M every honest freeman boil with indignation at the thought that such barbarous crimes are tolera ted in this country ? The following is Mr. SP tINIGLKII:IS statement. sworn and subwntxxl to : I= I have deemed it slue hi truth to pre pare for publication the following * t a u, ment—at a time when I hope the temper of the people will give me a patient hear ing—of my arrest, trial and imposorl sw.nt for alleged complicity in the plot to assin,oiiiitte the late President Lincoln. 1 have sullered much, but I solewehly fo vea now, as I always have wail ~rec 1 wa arraigned for trial at tins Visshiugton often's', that I inn erstifely Innocent of any fore or sifter kudwledisc of tkie crime which .1011(1 Wilkes Booth cumuli tied— save what I knew in omninon with ev erybody after it took place. 1 further solemn', assert thistJubn Wilkes Booth or any other person, never Di/4100mA to toe any plot, or intimation (44 plot, for the islialuctiou or assassination of Presi dent Lincoln , that 1 did mit know, when booth leaped from the , bor t o th e s t age ot the theatre, that he had shot gr Ltuculit; lima that laid out, in any way, so help 1114. (Sod, ussi-t in his escape; and Pfurther declare that I tun entirely ln timaint of any and ull horges made tigninst isle In that (01111w1/0// 1- ' L ever knew father Permeate, Payne, At%erodt, A m.l'l AL,, F rod, or arty of the s m called colts raisins, nor Sidi 1 1 41 , 4.1' ice tiny 01 them umil they appeared in cus tody. While imprisoned with Awe. rodt, Payne and Harrold, and after th+trt stial s tds was allowed a few minutes curer prl,on yard 1 heard the tlire unite 111 mserting Mrs. Surrott's entire iiiimemice, ati4 acknowledging their own guilt, &undoing the crime, tie they did, etettrely to themselves, but iinpliesstitig the wiluwLa WPlthl/1101 in knowledge oI the original plot to abduct' and a ills fin 'dolling Itiformation from the t umii l ily of Prisoners' Deport ment, where Wolchlutill wee a +lark. 112 E I War, arreatod on the morning of the 15th of April, 1865, and with Sitters ' aue, , h (also a come-shifter) taken to the poliee statute on lit street, between Ninth and Tenth. The sergeant, after, goes tionink,,r me closely, went with Iwo pu. h,a wan to search for Peanut John (the name of the boy who held Booth's horse the nTght before), and made hi - fleemnicii.:. ny us to the headquarters a the police on Tenth stroot, whetts•Joim'and / were locked up, and Rittereptugh was releas ed, After four willinoumnt• was releabed and brought before Judgq thin and Bingeam, and told them of Reath bringing his horse to the theatre on the afternoon of the 14th of April, 1865. 'After this investigation .1 said : " Whitt i to be done with me? " and they replied : " W., knoww,here to tied yoa via 'Yo'ff are wanted," end ordered, soy release. I returned to the theatre. where I remained until Saturday, whoh tha-soldieratooirptottetelrm ofltvbnt.-o the °dicer of the guns gavct an ?Wittily, upa In.Yze 4 l l pea . skip . there, we pit ti,tad at I p: in., and at 1 a. m. *guard wee placed over me, wbo remained un- -Cl 9 a. in. WI eun t d,sy POTAing, when I was released. I did, not.'ftve the thea. tre.wittil thi4a,Y evonL7,and on our return tkis (tAttebee (Om . sna by mune) and my4l,llrof3 lures by I)etectiv e Lager. Iruitead of taking us to th e guard-house, he bald he . ' would accompa joy us hone to sleep there, but we all went to the police head-quarters on Tenth Street, and when Carland asked if v/6 were wanted an officer answeral ii 1, 1 0.0 T returned to the theatre that night; And remitlhed the next day till I went to dinner, corner of Sevoth and (I streets. That over, I remnined f a few minutes, when Ititterapaugh,(who work ed at the theatre with me) came, and meeting me, said : « I have given my evideneo, and 'would like now to got some of the reward. I walked out with Ritterspeugh for half an hour, and on returning,..-6 lie down. left word that if any perUtt call ed for me to-toll them that L was lying down. Two hours after I was called down stairs to see two gentlemen who-- had called for ale. They yield T. was wanted down street. Ou_reaching the sidewalk they plaried me in a hack and drove rapidly to Carroll prison, where I was confined a week. Three days after wattle Detective, or Colonel Baker came to my room, and questioned mu about the sale of a horse and buggy (which belonged to Booth), andi tell him all about It freely and readily. On the day following I'wns called into the Mike of the prison. in order to be recognized by biergeant Dye, who meiiitt head as I entered and then left. (lip subsequently stated that he was s i ttmg on the stops of the theatre Just before Booth fired the shot, and itutsoeing tape terious persons about.) I was allowed on the fourth day of my imprilontnent to walk tire prison yard, but from that evening I was closely confined lied guarded until the next Saturday at mid night, when I was again taken t o t , ,„ °dice to see a detective, who 5(101 "Come Spangler, I have smite jewelery for yeti." He hand-cuffed, me with my hands behind my back, end guarding rue to a hack, I was pieced in in it !Ma driven to the Navy Yard, where my legs were manacled and a pair of little hand-cuffs placed on my wrists. 1 wa• put in a boat and rowed to a monitor, where I was taken on board and threun into asmall dirty room, between two water closets, and on a bed of life preservers and blankets, with two soldiers guarding the door. I was kept three days. I had thus been confines( three days on the vessel when Captain Monroe came to ate and said . " ler, I've sornethiog that must bb told,. but you must not be frightened W. have orders from the Soereary of War, who must be obeyed, to put it bag oi, your head." Then two men came and tied up my head so securely that I ce..1,1 not see daylight. I had plenty of Nil but could not oat with my head so mid lied up. True, there was a small hem In the bag near my month, hat I c , not resell that, as my hands were wet: by the iron, At last, two Lc,: hearted soldiers took compassion on and while one watched the other frill, On Saturday night, a man came to la n and after drawing the bag so tight a , t, nearly suffeeftte me, .mid to the guard " Don't let him go to sleep, as we ail! carry him out to hang him directly ' I heard them go out on the deck, where there was a great rattling of chains and other noises , and while I wits trying Imagine whist was going on, and they intended to do, 1 was dragged by two men, who pulled me at time'. • opposite directions. We how , et reached a boat, in which I was pia, el, end were rowed it short distance I could not say then where we stopped for my face was then still covered. At• tar leaving the boat. I was forced m walk some distance, with the heavy mil, still on my logs. I wax then sudden'y stopped, and made to ascend three or f , iir flights of stairs; mind as I stood at the to i waiting, some ono struck mo a sio., - blow on the top of the head, why' stunned and half threw rue over, wl,-. I was 141010(1 a small ro om, wile , I remained in an unconscious eondmi , for several hours. The next tnerniiii; some ones-rune with broad and coif. , I remained hero several days, widens:: torture from the bag or padded h over my face. It was on Sunday v.l .1. it was removed and I was shaven WM then replaced" Some hours a^.^' (:enteral Mirtranft (wino and road tan several charges ; that I was engage a plot to assassinate the President, the day following I was (serried lot military court timid still hooded befor. ,, ,' its members. I remained but II •"' time, when I was returned to illy far Mt ot e r night and day, and aghin presented in the wort 'F Bingham, assistant Judge Adv. , fr• read - the ehurgos against me, and At If I had any objection W the court, I I replied " No," and made my pie, " not guilty." They then wished know if I desired eounsel, and win: t HTIAWI•TiId adirinatiady, General It ter, the president of the court, that I should not bu advwed He was,' however, overruled, but it •• several da) s iltSforo I was permitted gal aid, the conrt in the mean ri taking evidence with closed doer, ' every adjournment of the court, if for an hour, I was returned to nit and the closely-tittinit hood placca e‘ my head. This continued till Jun , 10 when I was relieved from thy , tare of the bag, but my, hands u I limbs remained heavily murteled On one Sunday, while I was con ti at this plats) (the Washington , I was visted by a gentleman of m iddl. stature, -rather stout, with full beard sal gold framed spectacles. Ile neticed ray manacles and padded head. I after' wards learned that he was Sir. Mants, the flecretery of• War. It is prois.r state that when the hood was placed :1 me, Captain Illunroe said it WWI by der of the Secretary of War. thcught, was that, 1 was to be hung, wall• mit trial, and tlys hood was preiatrut'rY to that act - The 6 first time 'lever saw MN. Sin rat was in the, s earoll prison yard, Capit ,l Hill. Pao b y pt nee Mer again until 1! were taken into thh court the first at the arlinial: My cell was on same corridor with hers, and I had to Vag. It Weil tiniol Was taken into court i frequently iodked into her coil, a anion room about four feet wida by WWII) beet long. The only things In her cell went un old Mattrose laid on the brick.; ai,d an army blanket. I could BPO the ironn on her feet as she wee generally