'Thii'arnoe Ste!cer. The following is from an old story, by J. K.. l'aulking , the novelist, and first went the rounds or the press about thirty years fie. -it repreoents a con ! s between a, ,member of the Cabinet and a hangerson far office, and is very suitable • for the present time. The Secretor); was called from his bed one cold winter morning to attend to business of the utmost importance. Ile found a queer, long sided man, at least six feet high, with a little apple head, a long queue, and a face critically round, fte rosy as a ripe cherry, and the following conversation ensued: my friend, what situation do you wish 7" "Why, any; I'm not very particular hut somehow or other, I think I should like to be a minister. I don't mean a minister of the Gospel, but one of them Ministers to foreign parts." "I'm very sorry, very sorry indeed there is no vacancy just now. Would not sOmeler place suit you ? "Why.y. r " answered the,. apple. headed man, "I wouldn't much care if I took ,a situation in ope of the depart. meats. I wouldn't mind being a Comp. troller, Auditor, or enmething." "bly • dear sir, I'm sorry, very sorry indeed, but it happens, unfortunately, that all these situations are at present tilled. Would you not take something else? . . My friend stroked his chin, and seem. ed struggling to bring down the soar ings of his high ambit ronlo the present crisis. At length, he answered: -, "Whyr-y, yes; don't care if I get a good Colleotorship, or Lnspectorship, or Surveyorship, or Naval Agency, or anything of that sort." "Real y, my good sir," said the Sec. retary,"! regret exceedingly that not only all these places, but every other piney of any consequence in the °ov erspent is at present occupied, Pray think of Something else." lie then,after some, hesitation, asked for a clerkship, and finally the place of inessenger to one of the public offices. Finding no vacancies here, ho seemed la vast perplexity, and looked all around the room, fixing his eye at length on me, and measuring my ileightli from head to foot. At last, pasting on one of the drolest looks that ever adorned the face of man he said : "Mister, you and I seen) to be built pretty much alike ; haven't you got mine old clothes to spare !'' TI , IN COLUMNS IN A NUT-SHIELL—Ar- PEAKANCKS AGAINST LIIM ;' TII Z TRUTH NI His FAVOR. —A N. England uTarclight loin;; a large business, requiring several clerks, a short time since missed several articles of value from his store. He de termined to watch the habit:rot the young men, to discover, if possible l which one, if either of them, was untrustworthy. There was one of them who appeared particularly active and faithful; hiacireas tl4 in ferior to that of the other clerks; and was evidently not particularly pop ular among them. The merchant learned that this young man remained for half an hour or more after the others lel t, with the door of the &tore locked. This cir. cumstance awakened hissuspicions, mid he arranged a plan to conceal himself in the store, so that he night discover what occurred when the clerk supposed him fto be ituobsurvod. Having sent the young man' upon' an errand just before the hour of closing, he entered his place of concealment. Th. , door was locked as usual, at the proper time. Tho clerk at once began to sweep and put the estab lid-intent in order While waiting for the dust to settle, he was seen to go behind the pounter, and taking 'something from beneath it, ',lace it in the breast of his coat. The merchant was now alive to discover what had been taken, and what was to be done with IL. The young man went to the window and sat in silence a few moments, apparently examining the package which he had taken from his breast. The mercharlt was not left long in doubt. His cletk soon fell upon lime knees; he saw that it was a Bible he had been reading; and now he of lered aloud a simple and touching prayer, for himself, his mother, and sister, his employer, and particularly for a brother clerk, who, he feared, was yielding to temptation. Alter he had finished dusting he left the store, uncon scious of having had a human eye upon ham It is easy to believe that the mer chant was deeply affected by what fie had seen and heard. This clerk's sal. sty was increased several hundred dol lars a year, and he was given the posi• non made vacant by the discharge of another whore criminal acts had been discovered. MIRROMIN rns 1101714 E.—How many a parent has found in his child the glass for his own vices I Happy indeed, if any on e he so wise as to ace the reflection before it is too late for both himself and child A laboring man who was extremely addicted to swearing wan one day at work with a yoke )foxen near his house. Il e oxen not wo, king to suit h inn, he began to whip them severely, at the Millie time uttering volleys of blasphem ous oaths. The oxen breaking loose from their harness, ran away, while the titan, in a passion, pursued them, and coming up with them at the house, be gan to whip them again and to swear as horrible as before. His little boy, who was just old enough to talk, began to prattle his profane oaths after him. No.sooner did the father hear this, than his feelings were powerfully wrought Upon. lie paused for a moment, drop. ped his whip, and sat down and wept bitterly. A' flood of keen reflections at once rushed upon his conscience, which produced such an effect that he found peace where forgiveness can ouly be had —at the footstool of Xerey. KINIS Wp7ws ensile brightest flowers of earth's existence : they make a very paradise of the humblest bowie that the world can show. Use them, especially around the fireside circle. They ere jew els beyond price; and more precious to heal tho wounded heart, and make the weighed4nwn spirit glad,than nil thb' 'ter blessings the world can give. i il' ~~~lPtßif4^--~~~CIADI~a _~. Bhottltruvr Otrtt. I" ALLWANY 5 1 1'"FiEET,' B KILBMONTX, PRITN , A, • HOURRAL tb KINN, (Proprietors.) A first class hotel—comfortable rooms—prompt attendance. All the modetn convenienies and roasonoble charges. The proprietors offer to tho traveling public and to their country Mends first-class Reeonl - and careful attention to the wants of guests, et Ali times, at fair rates. Careful hostler. and good stabling. An excellent la. ble, well timed. A bar, supplied with the best of liquors. Servants well trained, and ovary. thing requisite In a first class hotel. Our location Is In the business portion of the town, near the post office, the court house, the churches, the brinks, and the principal plecise of business, rendering it the most eligible piece to atop for those who visit Bellefonte eh Cher on business or for pleasure. An emlA9,O, WWoarry passengers and bag gage to am all tralila free of eharga.-14-21 CONRAD HOUSE. Allegany street, I.l4olofonto, Pa., opposite the Brokerhotr House. A HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, licensed by the Conrt of Centre comity. First class bar, restaurant, rooms and atabllng Per /WM dealrlns meals and lodging, at fair rates, can at all times be accommodated. AN EXCELLENT BILLIARD ROOM, with three tables, new And In perfect condition, always open At proper boors. at reseal rate., (or the Inver of this pleasing And excellent game. Perfect order maintained in the home. Pro fanity and disorder promptly empowered M Ace'. not allowed to frequent the nalreon nor to play without conpent ofparents or _gliortilans. Meals at all hours. hot coffee and bia alwnl s on hand If LINE, IMMI GA RM A IT'S IIoTEL—DANIEL GA RMA N, Proprietor This long-established and well-known Hotel, situated on the southeast corner of the Din mond, opposite the Courthouse, hat Mg been purrhaned by Daniel Germain, he announces to the former pntrone of this establieltment and to the traveling public generally, that he has thoroughly refitted hie louse, and in pro jillred to render the must satisfactory /11,11111. modatlon to all who may favor Idin with their patronage. No Trains w ill be spared on his part to add to the ennvenienee or comfort of his guests- All who atop w Ith Min will lind his table abundantly au pplied with the most sumptrionn fare the market will nfford, done tip In style by the most experienced rooks, ills Bar will always contain rho choicest of 'Autry.. Ilk Stabling is the bent to tow mend will always he attended by the moat trustworthy and at tentive hostler.. Give hue a call, one and all, and he feels confident that all will beyettbrfled wait their actromMudfit ton An extrefle . ht Liv ery Is attached to this establishment, which strangers from hhroad will find greatly to their ntivnntitge. vStiZ2 EXCHANGE ITOTEL, dun, P&.--J MORROW:N. Propriet or. Thin old entablinhrtient, tinting been !meted by J. Mor . rinon, rhymer proprietor of phi Mor rtnriii Monne,itiffirt - en entriely - remetlCTe rind roil/mi.-hod, sad supplied with all the modern linprovementn and (sonvenlettoea nee.oootry lo n first-clrun Hotel. The dining room has been removed to the flrmt fl o or, 1111.1 I, now noncom", and airy, and the rhombers aro tar well venti lated, and the Proprietor will pude/aim to nl/11,e his truest) perfectly nt home P11•4..ng”, for Bedford Springs whl find thin the molt nblo 10.oppilocpluee in Ilocitingdloo t t tit.L.9lx. TIE FNIT's;GTONT HOTEI,—IT. GEE' - - 11A itT, Propriotor He respectfully Inform, the nubile generally that he now occupies the above Darned note!, Where he will be glad to meet nod greet Ids former friends, and receive a allure of tho public putronage Ity at riot le•rsonal attention to. Ole jiettill“ of his business, he hope, to ba able to render satisfaction to all who may favor him with their putt-n:11w, His Bar and Table will be made a specialty. His Statile In gotwl and will attended by careful, attentlie host ler. An t• arellent Livery is attached to this e .todidmient, which •trongers will find to their advantage. Give him n eat), one and all, he (eel• eonfident that all will be satisfied with their aerommodatlons v13n22-ly M OSI b i u A rg N P ON 014(41B1.401;:t,A,I.'VnI,p1;LItNnr- This long-4,..tabil.thed and well-ktiov‘n having la•on purchased by John H firny, lie Announce. to its former patrons and to ihn public generally, that be liar refitted It thor oughly, and in prepared to render the count satisfactory accommodations to all who niay favor him with their patronage All who atop with him will find his table itbundantly nut, plied with the twat fare the market will afford. Ills her - will always contain the choicest of liquor.. lila stabling la the best in town Velvo lon a call, ye weary-laden and a-hungered, and be will give you rest, confident that n'l will be satisfied with their accommodation• f-Itagos run to and front the house. MONTOUR HOUSE, LOCK HA ren—E. W. IJIGONY, Proprietor 'fhb; elegant Ilona, formerly known as the "Washington House," on Water street, le now reedy for the meeptlon of visitors and hoard ers It has been elegantly furnished, and Its table Is always Nllpplied with Ole hest. Visitors to hock Haven will flud thin the pleneantest place In the city. A free hos convoys, the punts of the house to And from the various trains. v14n20 'garble Efitorto. ONO It THE DEAD!—AND 11 ewe money lot huylnF your Grave team. at the extensive Marble 'lard of W. R. FELTY, Near tho Dupot, Itollofonto, Pn , whom ran ho found, at all thrums, a very large ■nnofm«nt of MONUMENTS, TOMB AND HEADSTONES, And where he will be prepared, with every fa cility, to manufacture to order, Every Description Of Work, In the highest idyls of art, on the shortest node, and most liceommodatlng term.. Ho propiieee to pay partieular attention to furnish- Mg the pubile with everythhast in the manufac ture of Mslble; therefore, [hone desiring any thing In his line ran be accommodated by calling upon him, equal to any city works. rlln2e WM. FELTY.. _furniture. FURNITURE WARE ROOM. Howard Street, Bellefonte, Pa., Whtlfo Bureaus, Imungem, B ack e, What Hat Backe, What Note, Stands, Chaim Htool/1, XX tension Table., Etc., Dr every description,Qua nntliitrice, for Male rheaper than at any other establishment of the kind in Central Pennsylvania. yBn2a HEINRY P. HAltitia WHY No' MAKE MONEY,- With our Stencil and Key Cheek Outfit, and try moiling Novel and attractive sr. Mcleod Circulars free. Stafford Manutirekur• Wit CornPenV. de Fulton street, N. 1416 12W. took E‘ Sr 'Atatlonerg. GRAND OPENING! GEORGE O'BRIEN, has Just received tho lorgost and most oom photo stook of BOOKS & sTATIONERY, r i over brought to Bellefonte. itt the LEADING NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, 80. will boicopt on bond Subscriptions will Mt rooelyed for the various Perim'arida of the day. Parties ordering through him may feel m aimed that their ordora will ho promptly nt. tended to. Room, corner of Dunlop and High 'limas, in Bush's Hotel building. vi4n9 T IVINGSTON'S BOOK STORE (Entablished In 18464 At thin well known ontablhohmont may be found everythieg in the BOOK LINE, whether TEI EOLOGIcAL, CLASSICAL, LAW, SCIENTIFIC, Olt . LUMBAR An.oxtorodyo ansortmont of FAMILY 11114L04, with or without Photographic Platen, ranging In prime from ;hi 75 to 11.4500. Alec ni l Day and Sunday School Books In general usu. BLANK BooKS, BLANK BOOKS, Proprietor STATIONERY, et,. STATIONERY, (40 Prompt attontion given to ordrrn A Ilhara dlnowunt mado to thoeo who buy to Awl MI NEW BOOK STORE ___. WIMIJISALZ MID RITAIL Books, Stationery and News Rnsporiims. JACOB IL MILLER Hip purehamed tho Book, Stationery and News estatillahtnent of Kinston and Bro, on Allegheny street, near the Diamond, to which he line Just added a large invoice of goods, such as Is generally kept in a well eonducted Book Ind Stationery Store, His II loe k consists of TherrOgleal INNIP•nI, Law, THlm o eellannon Sunday School, Si•hoot Books, Time Books. Past. Rook" and Maraca. Every grade and prlee of rap. Legal, Letter, Bath and Not Paper, tine Y • rernd, Paper. Etna lopes of every detpription and Prive. rang, Ink., Ink . ..tan/Im, Era.eva, - Itnt,ber trannparent and common Slate., Slate Pene Land Penclln, Crnyonv, et, Allso,-Itnily and Wnekly Papers, Mows rtnealtnrliaheret Mniittr, whtrgesnitptarnr Legal and diuttleea Blanka,rionidantlyon ?rand, Alan Intrernal Itneenne ' , Ramp, at fare. We In aim° Whnlranlr agent for Iroehinan'n Celebra ted Writing Fluid. Voontry morehant• -would do wall to roll an cannon.. my mock heforo pnrehaaing where, as I eon +ell ot lllMlllrnetuten. BooAx gni to on', when flimirtol vl:Ino:114-ly WANTED !—Ageritm PR')F PARSON'S LAWS OF BUSINESS 11 1 th Mt /arse-teens and P'orev, for all Drama, bons, in err,/ Stele of Me Union. by Til F.UPII ILI to PARA iNS, I.L. 11, Professor of Law In Ifnryard University, and Author Of many Law Books A saw laic. Tea Evvarrtner. Explaining the dutas, I oblaeorsonn of oil the relations or a, weitiin every kind of contract and gal fthligatiOn A correct. ',mammal, raal safe Ormsellor and adviser Givllig di 1 ,, i11 , 114 for every proceed rig, and shoo nig how to draw and execute ev ery kind of legal instrument. ESSENTIAL TO Every Farm. r, sorry Meehan le, every Mate tifeeturer , „Orr). Pul.lic Officer, Every Landlord , every Tenant ; every Ex.., taor , every Adrnlnistnator, every (Menthol, every Minor , every Heir at-Law, every Legatee, every Ap prefab..., every Mariner, every Anetioneer, , every Broker, every Notary, every Blink Officer, en- . cry Jtvalee of the Pear° ; every Connignor, every ei...ritf, ev ery rnil, Sheriff, , every Se leetM4ll , every Comminvi, ner, every Married Wm man; every Widow, every Trader, , every Market trout, every Citizen, er• ery Property-holder. Indlnpenvable to all who would knot their Halal. and rimier, anti posses. the mean, of tranneoting unaided their own 611.11110/411. So pinm,,full, orrernfe, and complete that no porvon eon afford to ho without It Embody ing in popular form the result,' of the labor and "may of the most popular and aticeeveful writer o(iew book. In the country. Vi'ezre 'IN nays the Paler AIMED roe tr. Exttuove ter ritory anti no ronaprfirion Send for our deseripti•o elrenlar Add mss PARMELEE di CU., Philadelphia, Pa. Cobacco s 2,egaro. N EW TIIRACCO STORE. LEVI A. MILLER & In .1 11 Butts' Now Brick Building, Wholesale and Boleti Dealers In To II A CCO, XNUFFS AND SEGA RS, All kinds of Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Sagas eaxea, Tobacco Boxes and in fiwt all the Yuri -01111 kinds of goods generally kept in a coin. Fiala Tobacco Atom. A splendid line of (lonia Furnishing (Mods cum,datitly on hand Also, agents for the sale of the celebrated Burdict'a tiltoe Blacking. 1110 proprietors of the oho) e, hare alt, gttcd up an elegant Restaurant In the same building being determined to make the same Niue] to, If not superior to any. thing of the kind In Central Petinnylvania to be conducted on the European Prinelple. The patronage of the public is respectfully, ttollob tad. v14n17.1y --------- - - T WAIN, SPRING STREET, . In room formerly oceupled by Minn Dare. beside Jinglere ntorn, taken pleasure In prnnontlng Wpm public bin more than %lewdly large variety of MIME S BRILLIANT 000TH !,, .! Comprising a eolnpletit assortment of WATCH En of the most rellablo and Oncost manufacture JEWEI.RT, Plain Rings, Brooches, etc., o In .great variety and of most exquisite style*. In fact, everything required to garnieh a lady's or gentleman's table, and at prima to sult.dt. Watches. Clocks and Jewelry Repaired on the moot ocientille principles, and warranted, Work done at ehartdaotlee, Don't forged—J. H. Halm, J. H. H. Hahn, next door to Harper pros. Ths6kful for past favors, he will try to merit continufmco of the Harm, vtionou LE6M: BLANKS LEGAL BLANKS, lIIM geknetrg. .. I=ll 113noto & i etotss. ' TIT E PLACE TO GET SHOESI Everything new end mit-ranted! t i xxx) MX)11000000 COX 111 I 00001.100 00000 P • I=l BOOT—AN b.-SHOE—STORE, (Ono door A bovo Roynold's Bank.) Have J ust opened the most complete assort• meat of everything in the ROUT AND SHOE LINE Ever Brought to Bellefonte. Their entire stock, which is the largest ever opened isethis place, wee made to order from the boat mate rial. It woe purchased (or each, and will be sold much lower than any other ran afford, who ?niys on time. They are practical work men, and everything sold will be guaranteed an represented. Repairing and custonowork promptly attended to. vi3n2o-ly BELLE FO NT E BOOT AND SHOE STORE. G-R-A-11-A-M d li-O-N KANINAOTORZIAS OF ARD DRAMS DI cENTS . FRENCH CALF AND CONGRERB LANTIi.AND Having addeA 'largely to our former stock, we can nseure the public that we have now the beetielection In Central Pennsylvenia u( ° bailee' Buttoned, Pratt Lees, tilde Lace. and Congress Hoots and Rhoda Mann factnrad from the hostvery hosting Move KW, Congress, and 6ithnorsl of the moot fashionable style. =I Wlth . nr without honk. Al.'', n full aqmortment of the latemt payloo of Wasp. and Children's Shoes Mi.gem' m Children', Shoop Miss il Chllidren's Frhoes. Alto. p.11;11.14 stuck of It Clomp Sbeee, 11140/1 we rvvA, nfoont, and wideb we an selhat clionpor then the rlieeprert WI. lIIV Ito en I' I.lllllitint lon of our goody., end tho pAtronerpr of tio. public. VIYnLMFIy 001' AND SE( IF: MAN UF AC:TO RY —The ritarmlgnetLroxpoeirnily On urine tho eitizene rd liellofnnto mad vicinity, that he Ito.....NlAl•hrd • find ten HOOT AND SHOE MANI'FACToRY Next door to Morgnit'a liutchni shop, on the nottheogt wide of the ,Jiatriond, when he witilre plen.ed at all Ibnee to watt own customers ii.• being no Keperieneed 4Vor Raton eustomers ran rest totsured that no pains will tie .pnrod to render youtplete satlsfaellon. tientientan, dies, and vomits caul he aceommodatod with the beat se , 800 18, 800 - IN BOOTh, yl') YHOES, HI LPPSO, HL IPPEIN, HI .1 PPEIIS manufactured from the best stoock, and in the latest etylee Repairing of all kinds promptty attended to. vilnls PETER WirtANON Marbtpare—axes. }TA 121 MA HE I HARDWARE Tlreplocu to buy [ , ==l The subscrilmrs would respectfully Inform the community that they hare opened► corn plate STOCK OF HARDWARE comprising all varistie• of goods in that line which they WILL HELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Their +lock models of ail mortoorbuildersitardl were, table and pocket Cutlery, Carpentern', Ma+on's, Plarteror's and Blacks...loex Toule, end Material+, Nail+, Iron, Horse shoes., and Herseolhoe Naila,• Bops Forks, Chains,Shovols, Axon, Urind Stones, etc. Housekeeper's Gouda, Saddlery, Carriages trim• minas, etc., with all kind+ of COAL. OIL LAMPS, And the different parts thereof, together with a complete neeortment of the beat PAINTS, 01L8, VAKNISFIES, Eta They hope, by' ntrlet attention to Mutinous and a eowitant rare (or the afteummodatlon of eutitoinorn to merit and receive a sham of the public patronage. Building and *awn will find it to their advantage to call and' RXAMINE THEIR STOCK. J. & J. HARRIS, No. 6 Rroakerhotra Row. DEM 13131:M=1 OLMES & ESSINGTON, MAN. lifacturers of Superior Refined Cast le° AX P. 9, Double Dille, Pole, Bole and Pool ing Axes, and Broad Hatchets of videos pal tem., manufactured from the best refined cut steel. ADAC:rub Hoes Mattocks, and Railroad and 'Himont' Picka. With an advantageous location and superior facilities the manufactur ing, we can supply the trade witha SUPERIOR AXE, At se reasonable a price as can be had any whore In the country. Wane. nothing but the Wea r i* b a u t ut an u a r m u ro t t u e r terlete u r workmen, butr Axes are all warranted. Ordertraolleitcd. HOLDIFS 1 , 12n..95 Idlleahnrg, Centre Co., Pa. $lOO TO MO Per Month _Guaranteed.— SURE' PAY.- - -fhtlarles peld weekly to gents everywhere. welling our Potent Mier. tneing While Wire Clothes Lista. stt or write rot portloolars to the GIRARD WlttE MILLS, 261 Notth 3,1 wt v 14020 ow A NEW APOTHECARY. and DRUG STORE, location In BROCREBIIOFrB NEW BLOCK, Bellefonte, County of Centro, Ponn'a The undersigned have the pleasure to In form the citizen,: of Bellefonte, Centre.elinton and Clearfield counties In general, that they expect to he ready by Monday, 2tat Inst., to opon their N} WY DItUO STORE for the accommodation of the public, and they hvrehy extend a cordial Invitation to all who may ho In need, and wseh to obtain FRE4I9, PURE AND GENUINE MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DRUGS, and such artich , a as are kept In a first Clans Drug Store lately selected with /creel care and discretion In the Minitel' New York and Phil adelphia, by the senior pprtnor of the estate liahment, who has had 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN TER ART. He also speaks, reads and writes the Glerman language; as well as the English tongue, being fully as well acquainted with the Nomencla ture In that language of the business us with the Latin and English Terms and Teohnleall ties of the Art, and hence wo can, and will ac curately and carefully compound Physician's Prescriptions, in either, language, and shall do so by day and by night. We modestly ask for a share of Public favor and patronage. Our Mock oonniol■ of Pura and Genuine Jteriannu. Chssincats & Drugs, In all their various forma and styles of preparation used by regular physicians. We also [coop a largo naaortment of the floes( EXTRACTS ANT) PERPTIMES For Ladle/4. (AIR, NAIL and TOOTHBRUSHES ; CLOTH EH PAINT aid VAR kisit BRUSHES. The VARY FINEST mad BEST CUTGERY • COMBS of all kind+, ritylex and quality/linch as IVORY, GUM and lIORIq BIRD'S CAGES and BIRD PIEED. ZINC• ti IN OIL-CHINA °Loss LINSEED OIL, PIFIII OIL, SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE, and all the FANCY COLORED PAINTS, DRY and In OIL FURNITURE and COACH VARNISHIN, and also P MARRCARFI.4R, and a few approvad PATENT Id EDICINI:SI and !wetly, a woll ooleeted and large stock of IV .1 I, 1, I' A at reuxonablo prlcor, vit. • FROM 10 CTS. To 1t2.50 l'Elt 1201.1.. PLE ISE .... GIVE . .A. (ALL ZELLER t J kltitETT Bellefonte, Ph., Jona 10. ® 14-t.ll GREE:s;'S DRUG STORE.—Room No 3 B B II I) 119 E. The under signed respoctfully announces that he boa re mover ble Well known URDU AND CHEMICAL STORE, IiAITFIII4 Al VEIL 4 (' All ERS, to the new room (No 3) under I3ush House La tel, which he lm• fitted op for that purple, and haring largely increased his stork, to now pre pared to furnish his customers with pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT Al EIACINFA PURE WINES. AND LIQUORS for insdienl nem Dye Stuffs, with almost evory article to be /Quad In an establishment of this kind, ouch as Horse and Cattle Pow der, Coal OM Aloohol, Linseed Oil, Glass, Paints, Putty, Sponges Also the hugest arid best vollection of VERFIIMERY AND TOILET SOAPS over brought to this place. Tobacco end Chinn of tho most approved brands, constantly on hand. Ao would call tho attention of the pub lic. to lila stock of notions, consisting of flair, Tooth, Nat, Flesh and Paint Brushes, Cutlory, Pipes, Drinking Cupii, chem. and Backgammon hoards, Chess Mon loom. Moen, etc. Also, a large variety of TOYS FOR CHILDREN Particular attendee given 'to preparing PHY SICIA PRESCRIPTIOfin and family recipes. flaring had more than twelveyears expert onee In the business., he feels eonfident he can reader satisfnetion to all who favor him with their patronage. FRANK P. GREEN, Druggist, rl lot-tf Room, No. 3 Bush House D ANFORTH'S PETROLEUM FLUID? NON-RXPLOSIVEI SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE RAFE UNLER ALL CIKUUSTANCa I TtrE NEW LIGET, C. I. I,IIIINOTOIf THE PETROLEUM FLUID. Manufactured by .3. J. Palmer, under Letters Patent, supplies a necessity, as well as a house hold contenienee. It has bean in use more than a year, and Is growing In favor wherever used. It makes the fleetest. and in every (re spect the best light. No offensive odor, no smoke, no grease to soil garments, no denier from explosion In lamps;doruinot injure weak eyes, gives a softer light than Kerosene, can be used with or without Chimney, can hi burned In any lamp with the trilling expense of changing burners. IT IS CIIE-AIWIt =AN' ANY LIGWI' 71:14 C EPT DAYLIGHT. All who wit. It will entiOrsit labia we asyt PRINTING 'EXECUTED IN THE most imptorod style at this Ours, Ton pftnertrol—ExpArrEri IN "A VERY JOB Superior Style M the WATOUIELN OMee Torugo. PURE WHITE LEAD ♦RD EfiEM itinanadbes. AY ER'th 44,12.1.14. L .Pt LLA, FOR PtlitirTlND TB BOTho rep utation this excellent toed Ma enjoy:, IN de rived truth its cures, many of which are truly marvellous.' Inveterate Mans df Scrofulous disease, where the system seemed. saturated wit h corruption, have beakmar Wed - 7"nd, Awed by IL Scrofuloun atroctitihd atid ttleoWirs, which were aggravated by the scrofulous con taminationmmit they were painfully afflicting, hero been raißrally cured In such great rum born is almost every atfotion of the country, that thartniiilitfinottinely nN to he Wormed of its virtues or Men. fierofillotts Ittfentirthe Mast dm'. structive enendep of ourface. Often, this un seen nod Meek todiait ofthe organism .under mines the constitution, and inalien the attack of enfeebling or fetid diseases without exciting • suspicion qf its presenee. Agai o :isoeuiti to breed infectilbuilusittfightnallhe b and then, on Boum favorable occasion, rapt develop into one or other of Its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the I tt t e te l r tir&V e oVitig, g er i tltlo d A ni i.ailfgg liver, or It shown its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulceratione on some part of the boll. - Refine Illtifteeteltiltat nee of sr - buts tlo of this Sartiaparilla is advisable, even when no acting symtoms of disease appear. Persons &filleted with the' following complaints gener ally find Immediate rellef,and, at length, cure, by the use of thin Sarsaparilla: St. Anthony's ire, ROl4O or Eryalpelas, Tatter, Salt Rheum, Scald Read, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Bore Ears, and other erupt one or visible forms of Fkrofu lone disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, DroPer, Heart Disease, Fits, F,pileani, Neuralgia, and the various DI- Cerotts abortions of the muscular and nervous ayatimei. Hyplillia or Voneral and Mercurial Diseas es are cured by It, though a long time is re quired for subduing those obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long continued tato of thin medicine will cure the complaint. Lou corrluse or , Whites. Uterine Ulcerations, and Pentair Diseases, are commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and in vigorating infect, Minute Directions for each ease are found in our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when caused by accu mulations of extraneous motleys in the blclod, yield quickl It, as also Liver Complaints, Torri y to dity Ommnistion or Ittlismatton - of the Liver, and Jallndleo, when arising, as they of ten to, Ironn the rankling poisons ht tho blood. This Sarsaparilla is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are Languid and (Aileen, Despondent, sleep lees, and troubled with Nervous apprebete Mons or Fears, or Any of the itifettions ernp tomatic of Weakness. will find Immediate lie( and convincing evidence of it.. Naturallye power upon trial. Prepared by Itr J AX.F.13.4 (29...k g yy s Alllamx., Practical and - Arilltribmixtm. Sold i'v all Vrusstets litauwbere. F S. Wilvon; Agent v014n2:1-2rn AYEit'S If AIR VIGOR, FOR REB TORINU GRAY lIAIR TO ITS NATU RAL VITALITt AND COLOR—A dressing which k at onen agreeabO, healthy, offer Wu] fur preserving the hair. Nailed or gray hair is noon restored to its original color with the gloae and freshneas of youth. Thin hair La thlekenel: falling hair ehacked, and bind- noxii often, thou/A not •Iwaps, ettrod by Ila us. trothins ear restore the hair where the folllclep are deetropi i, or Lesion& atrophied sell decayed. But roudll as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. In 'stead of fouling IM hair with a pasty REKUMOUL, It will koup It ulnas and vliorouo. Ito weir storm' i.■e wIL revem,t3e hair from turning• gray or fallLng ott and consequently prevent bald:mpg, Free from thoeskdoe_terloue stances which mako soma preparations don wrens and InJurieun to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not bar { HAIR DRESSING.} nothing oleo ran be found so dosinsoio. r Con tinkling neither oil nor dye, It does not, soli white cambric, and yet lute lons on tam hair, giving it a riett glossy lustre anti s gracefu perfum•. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER k CO Practical acid Anairtical Chemists, LOWELL MABB. Pam $l.OO lion, A • ent. A, CARD TO THE LADIES! DR. DUPONCOS GOLDEN PERIODICAL NUR, FOR FEMALES Infallible In Correcting irregularities, Remo!! lug (Metructions of the Monthly Turns, from whatever cause, and al ways, successful as • Preventive. ONE PILL IS A DOSE. Females peculiar)) , situated, or those sup. posing themselves to be so, are cautioned against using these Pills while In that oondition lest they invite miscarriage, after which dmo- ninon the proprietor easumes no responsibility, although their mildness would prevent any mischief to health; otherwise the Pills are race ommended aa a MOST INVALUABLE REMEDY For the alleviation of those suffering from any Irregularities whatever, as well es to pro vent en increase of family when health will not{ permit 14 quieting the nerves and bringing back the "rosy color of health" to theaheelt of the most delicate. Full and explicit directions ..company each box. Pries $1 per box; six boxes, ,6. Bold In Bellefonte, Pa., by F. P. ORNW, Druggist, sole meant for Bellefonte. Ladisseby Rending him $1 to the Bellefonte PostoMes, can have the Pills sent (confidentially) by midl to any part of the county, free of postage. Bold by G. B. To, 0 , Lock Haven; by M. Bagenbock, Wilpamsport, and- by C. grown Milton, and by B. D. BOWS, Bole Proprietor, v13n46-ly New York. MANHOOD,. HOW LOST HOW RESTORED. --Just o rkished, • zawszA's ma new edition of oz. cour se. La on the rodiCal Mid ( without On Mae) of gramu or nnumt, or Rem nal, Weakness, lava. notary Seminal Losses Invonurcnr, Mental, and Physical incapacity, impedlinents to =AIM Hags, etc., ; also .osamssunsaa, Assainer, and FM, induced by self.lodulgence or mutual ax. tr*Zaenon. x r'PrMe; in a sealed anvelope,only 6 omits. The telebnted author, to this admirable eh Kay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming arose nuances ofself abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous minor internal medloars or the applioetian of the knife ; pointing out mode of core at once simple, as and *kV factual, brrnemor of which' Well' WREN* matter what his condition maybe, may Cate himself cheaply, privately, andrudleally, Thia IrectuFe should be la the heads of every youth and ;may man in the land. Sent under seal, In • plain envelope, to any addFoto.PootPdO. on 6 6044 of ate eakip t eit two post stamps. Also, Dr. Ctdverweller Mar. ' rigor. Guide,. priee 116 rants. Address {homily Ushers, vlanstly 'HAS. .1. C, KLINE At CO, 127 Bowery, N. Y., (RostoMee Box 4,6116.) anted mere- vlttil-1