-The Democratic Watchman. Special Notices —(leafiteme, Blindness and Catarrh treated K ith the IttMcrelt suettemn, Iry J INAkes, , Vt.' I'l,ot...rotor of Diseases of the • Elytt and Ear •• real College of Penn /ids s peeialty) In the Med .ylvaniii, 12 years oxperietiee, (formerly of I eyden; ISM Arch Street, Mille it p ,timonials• can he Keen at his office. Th. uunlieal faeitlty ere invited to neeompany their Patients. as he has liOneerets In his prartlee,— Artificial cysts Siuterted ithout pain. No • !doge f••r examination. I,,rint vo Motniont.—Yosing Men's tiul•le to ilappv Marriage tend Conjugal Felicity. 'l'h„ humane vies , of benevolent Physiclans.on the Penns and Abuse , . Itteldent. to Youth 111141 lv lianieta seat In sealed letter envelopes fie:. et charge A•ltiress Howson, AsilaCt.lTlN, Itox. P, Philadelphia, Pit 'NOD fibbertioemento 111:NSI:1) '1 II I UNITED STA l'Es Irmo Rm.\ V. (' THOM & (Nl'S t, EAT 0V P: DOL Err s.l L 1: op Cretton•, • IttlFlrk"Sllver-Plntv,i l% /LW.lerY, Lvnt h vr 811.1 (11.11114110.1.1. fit 0,1 . ry 11,4,11;11 , i, 14., I o so.i.tla the uniform prig, f 7r.11.1,A1t and not to /.. pni.l ..11 kunn Si but nm ILI .• It. rp, L , • pr,l popolar and .... , onoma,il aPOltorl of 1110. cotintr) I 1,,11...• for •al.• too on ini• .1 'RI., I.I• .I • Tht Is/ any aolilre., t,t 41.• la .aaa tacli. la pay for iapaago, prlnaa.:, It P, llaal al It Option 011.10 • , slur 4.11 ....lA.', .1011 L. fur tiLd• I •flog !-• Jr ran Is it s• II el.. 00•0 ..liolll.l arta.P4 „,. tho nut I 1, -1 mold line NI.. I ),41:ir 1., I Actintiged ler II nee-Bottled Ike ..king I soter, yieti Choice Irgo • \anrty oftither Article...llN. I LI . '1411,• 1.1" i, ~.iitprt, l ng itni fitl lilt, nit taw or v. he'll ...mill he (might ut City r. t. for fl.titity tli.. TI:B3P1 Tr) AGENTS 6.-• 11.1 . 1.1 . 01111111•MiOtt In Al.;. no. Ho; Lrlt (IFllllltll% ANI)f :no the f.tllevtlltt< art. 1,44 • Nlu.lcet Film! k, m, 4.r Almtrian [WM, 21) Yard. emton Ix..lv'. ',mare Vm.l Sim% I, r guilt m.leon, "let of gteel IlLul.,i Kolk eg and I el..- I. mho fl.l }low, I'. I'llt ter 11. r.ltr ealra quality (I.th llom, one I/ large nit, Linen Ti,u Or. Alhambra kpith, lloneyemob ttmlt, (sottaKk, (In, It Whitt 11te.1 1:t pint* Ire4t quality 11 tArtiw Delon... one dozen lanen --mom N. 4, 1 ism, A..• Fula A (I.IIIOF sivrv, tNO r 00 .r o • the follow tog art liry r, ill of ~ r Sprlnelel.l 1111 - e, 4l Yrt,l4lSll7,linig. ..fair llotieverunt• (ZA lender Wmteh, or In 1 Width Wit, rpinor (loot, log. .I.4uly'm I Wool Lanc.i•ter yult. ArVutrit TrArfr ver•l4tw.o4 Mti Bottled Iterolving Cantor, 1441 ••1 I,,rry 111.01.11,1 fattier., with Milv. r 1141..4 Fork., l'iti .•1 . All Wool,lllankein, Pair of AlliambrA 11,1111. "0 Int& or Mary 111,4 0111tIt Fight '1)11111 I'letorial 100. 1.410 engro , l”ty , 1r 0 .•41 , 1 fir Mill; A, I i i a r.nr• II iintlrt wrvl Slo I tooldt• litgrrrl Moot ltun , Rifler/me, Hl Lt rp•t• Ring`, t, t Nrdn Fan , y ( 10.111,r root l'ant.. and \'ent l'lttt.ott (oxtrts yulity). Nor Mpten4l,4l Rotor Illtt.okylo., Va.,/ Plaol Wnrsi 1,1114,41141A1, Y", win l'ort.ottior t.itt-rt.11 , 1 %otlin wn.l Bow 1.1.1.•0ditl Alitit...ot lii. Pat It•ro tolver litoolittO toted Hind. I:Ar r. I t , ltot lion, Ni.4l ,li.. pair Ittitn,l. Table COVer“, with one tilt,. dintlro Napkin , * to untie li, 1L or,e•ter'rt intipridgl.linetinnury, (Inn° Oa Fir itddlivittal !111 llfe•oenrtit..l , ln4 I I oulAr inn.1411.111/t 14ry, cr.. '., 61 I , tqor, nt. plea+• take tiotle.• of tlii• Ito /.,.1 ...nil gallica, but in lobe r your Mob, from ene upa art] Make year letter. %hurt and plain as visible TAKE I'4ILTICIII,AIt NO110: OF TII IN Sat la rur♦ nod Nana Ninnev 711 all( a+em by Reamteeeil I otter, %Which van ...Ili 110171 n ot Thu. way o(...triing 'Y l" I r. 4]7 "th.rl.llgui VNt . "01 remp,nril4.• •• unlemi Porno Vreciti Sit. Send y'Tur .14 I PPP m WI., magi MUlle q . "i!t , Ntl^-tN W I. Alzi (lure snort . ann & lit FlaiAg rotor klO our gr..ut DNA AM VANCY 00011 S CUTLEIL\' &c., &c., &c., PREMIUM RATEB OF 811 EKTING For Club Thirty, Sixty, " " Ono ilondred, All ether premiums in rune ratio EngenialAm?, Llsi, with new •nil utoful articles. ' Mates. 800 pew amiss, sod sample. Bent to way tree. gletiesse be ;miry particular and send mon .7 by registered letter. Addreils all orders to J. It ihoi P• 0. Bat C. A Slink{ WAfITED FOR THE 1104 sad mete of the Trattoaal Cepl- TAe mast startling, Instructive, and en testa/Mae tam* M the dej t . , Sead for stroMme, sad see ear terms. *Ad U.S. Pubilshiod Oen na MU Breslow et, . . vlealtew. 55tobeg & erinlnare. IRO NS I DE STORE ____ Pllll.lll-1111110i, CHNTRE COUNTY, J'ENN' TIN, COPPER ANI 8111.1.:T WAttll and whol.n-aln and rebel dealet in 811 IV H HOLLOW W %ICI• takev pleasure In nano/m.lllg to the whhr that Joi heel. conmlanl Iv on liana, ,r 1 0 of the larg est at.ortnielits of goods in 1114 line ever brought to this section of the State lln now has the celebrated IRON HIDES (:00I: HTOVF III.• kJ gent OVI•II runic nano In the mar6.•t: lour all the :1(111'11(1m,, that MI be pill .41 It StOrg.; largo oven, high .under pit and at tint 8111111` time n deep Rho a large i• vlonilo.l top,. uar LT tails in ip4 own ith oltoatlod flue boxer fm coal or »ilk 110 1111% :Ilan the - emitinental. Iwhinit, ' , armor, Dayirght, Niagata, Charm. Herald, oio still. itrioiy of thu ho..t pituaw,g ANIt II EATUSII liTtlNll4 Pt et ery PIP 4Prlptlilll, ritmlit) anti prlf, .tood,•n, and V, ilk,. NViaole.ttlo (Jr 1:onsl. mnnn[nrtur• , 1 neatly nod witL lln• r r ,I.•m L. ..1%1.• , . from Ihr mnb•rinl In Ihr marlol Mown, Plow 1 . 011114 111111 I 111-1.4,3,1(1 In n Koittlen,rof nil tb.rwrlptii,tl (.4.o.tanth tln liana rte .1.•r4 for otter: I..l.,elting 1.. llwir 10141 m A,, ..111 109 promplk 1 , 11.1 I, find 41%1111111 1,11 1,1.1.4 1,, •I 01.3 , 14 r t. rill ',Uhl,. kV,' tip...110110M 4 11l nII r.• .I 11 t -e• 11l 14 I 11d.“4,1.• . VP2IIII-. A S r()I;ISING I:( 11: \ 1) ihr vtiddi.lllll,lt 1t. , 1 tt And foPIPI v1.1%111111%4 eN4 .11,11 I• 4 A 1;ra,11. ,, ,... olod,rtito cl Pitt , .1.111.4 the lienvie.t , t p,l dipaple In tonrh,•t, all It Mil. of Pr....e,1 Warn, pltell :1. IHRii ran , . I ul • ndr • l., Wn.h.ht.inr, nil .1..0., f'nnl Itnrlcnt., Vngrtnfde• 141orrovior4, lirnty Strom, a. 1 :the Tornern, I • .'r It. ~t ern , •P•, Stove I'q,e•bf nil nnu•. and lll'ti4l' ANIFI:1( ‘N AN!) An•l m fut, v. rvtliing Ilmt VIM NI filllll , l In t he•.l PMO,hll•lunl•nt. north we-t. PltllitolelphilL Er= low )Fiso. Ityl'A I RI NG =II 111 !tri0:1...1..1A hol,mh or t.•trul nit.] Id .ti .111 f y 1(1. , I 11,11, I- roro pri , •llfoong mho 4. Jahn I. I gt.t.td It prm tlOlll 14011.111 tli 11.1 It 114”., Jt1•1. 111/11 to pleit+e tile 1111,11/.. 0 1 - /tie ./1 km‘l4 lot 4 n nittaikn fir ntrt trnn, roprTrrill-14-1,1%.1- aAte.. .1 : 4 D\ ItE1:411:1t, I , (.uudiy, t tbo .btrl.ll..nll..rly upi...l by A 1:y Au It. llefolito. =EI 1tE.11) AN!) l'lturlTl sui,, , :iiii it., Ifir.Aul I II r. II LA P ti T ,)% Vi Mo'T YI'I:•TAVTI AL TIC WA HI. k Wll MIRK', it , • .1. t. not to lw d1111..11V nny .111 , tio .1 low of 1111,1' "1”.111,1 lIIIIIIIMEEMMI I (11' ,11's WA 1:1.: Itl 1411NIEVIS 10:1 Gin lir. I.1(Y 1;tolloo FAY( 1 , 1tE. 4 .4 n)1 , 0 h :411 . 1 • 111• Y have on band, for older the lat.e.t . • • Ttption MIME \i; ,1,.11.11\t It i ~.11111 L indo r,r wrrk r•iwil• , Ana d In KlYt• POtt,fit• (11VE TIIEM A el i 4l v VI) 3i3aiterr, QTonfectionrriff:, T F: NE NV R.IKER Y, t/ Ir. OW nnly OW. 4 , 1 Ile, 10114,11 ,41 , t Iho windily of BEAD, (•AI( V-4, I'l FS, %NI) oNVIVTIONE HI I$ al. /‘ its unti I•Rt:AM. 21 yds,. Hho+l.lllA 42 •• 66 lu W 41401111. He (VON 1111111kflil to the public Ltr pavt fa•nrs and hopes by a close attention to hie honlar.N4 to retain the patrotiego of his many ft lends Ile has the facility In gel up the most famhiolial , le cakes to he found any where tilve hint avail • 1,14112-1) GET (iO() BREA I) ItY (;ALL, leu et the IleW and extonnlN ,, {tnki•iy entablipolinwrit of Opp°.lte the W mew to (Mee, on Allegheny street, where he furntehee every day Fresh Bread, Cake, of ajlkinds, lice, etc, etc., Candle., Spires. Nuts, Faults Ind Anything and Everything belonging to the business. Having had yearn d( experiened In the businesa, he flatters himself that he eon guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. vllin42 J 11. SANDS ll= =1:1 •WAIR & STITZER, Attorneys at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office on the lmond, nextiioor to atrlTlOU'll Hotel. MAY be oonsulted In Engllch and Germs rl4 i 3 I= !II moo Net or, of (lieu! in MEM E= CIES= =II /II ply it find I 'heri [owl IME ME =II =EI EINE I=l J II HANDS Dtl GoobB,—..fittp! REAT BAI UAINSI-PRICEB 1.3 . It EDUCED! HOWELL, 611.1.)1.A1 , :1) (:O. 414-111 Ittigh'H Ar,41..-I(onin4 Nom. I and 4-60 ALWAYS AIIE A DI Ifitving fort ivtlittied from tho etty of dolphin otth I,rolillll.llt ~f NI V. \ NEW (;(101)S. They my etkabl•d to moll I "IA) FASII LON PUICESI A larg variety o 14idies' i.nork LitelNe (kwalt. 1.5t411.,• I(n•.M I , p. 14 I, list It. r.“ 111,. its ,and ( Mil.llll4lind I n 31,1 01,.111.Vti0 19t , 1111/.lf, v:0) 111.10 (1.,1111111r, I uI oldie I halimv, \tut r tr. 1 4 ,1 tr, 41 / 4 .:44411 I .•44414,14.4,••, hil , 4 440141111444 4 144.4411f404{,, Isir I 10: I, WI I I` •IIIIr•1r4+ I .01 f , : 1 4 .1 =ME= I tur 1 , 11, V, IV (Pll.- iu ,1%.41 , 1t ni Ili 1111 d pr ji • Illap Stunt, 11, I fr.. rfinn...l I riot,' .lethem, 1)..mr,.11,41).1 Fm vigil Fruit., and irll.•+ molt 41101 1_ , 11.1p • 411, trlieln ht, I.)t)Kirtt: to Ow Ornorly partliwut. R 1; \111(11.1.'SAI \1 I'II MIMI Ihrrftrtur Ntoollslo , and I J 0... t 0r.' !not< to your 1M,•,, it,,,l“tlttr OM' 111 1. y , .1 , ri P and 4.•. • ;It Willa liptolll,lll/I,ly tinwrri, 4:11.1,11.AN1p Atel..ll t toK I Ary awl I hwei It a 48-No trinfi . nr. in Kinn, :inn/. "i 4 If the, Kr/. lilt 141 , NI 111 pay you troutAo fie get Cif.Gila e I=l I=l I , lical . 1 W. 1 .1 llt U N. Fur,. Fw X. I II I PI, 1.1.1r0 14 , 41:1ng tako an inventory of atocl, nu nt.o. and to I=l ,11111•11 for that pi, pose st TOW ‘,Ol, our Yllt11 , 1•1 0 1 . 1. or i 1 v. , ) i I.+ MIMI MIMI= 11,,. i ~ O v i 11 1,- , 1. It. 114 1/..: / (; tC htlICI•11 A 141 4 • 41, 1,44‘ *Weir», &t• Rrs muituis w. Or/ I NS I I=l ith to nnvt Iho 4•1,.1 .1 .1. mmild tar the, ehrlondeil 1•••r1, 4.1...1 Hpri la eke., appoint.•4l =I WIIO tin, lier hilt' few rl.•r frUno.lTi, J'\ Am their sole %gent 1 . 0 r thlm p 13., They ha... taken 1.11 , to give fill needful hist ruetion.. and ennthieheo in the ability of (hell xiront to meet the requlrerni n tr. of all enotonter4 An opportunity will to' thus afforded, to procure, at all tune,. Specific.lem l.y for their Btrengtlinnitur autt,l'reserving Quithaw.. Too !mini.. linnet Ire said its to their Slip, lty ihe ordinary glit.som w ,nn '('litre is No ilionerolg, Wavering the flight, Inn-mem Or other unpleasant sensation, but on the contrary, from the pocullarmnstructlon of the Lemma, they are SOOTHING pod PLEAHANT, causing feeling of relief to the wearer, and producing a clear and distinct 'lslip'', as In the natural ktealthy sight They are tiro fatly speotacles that Preserve as well an Assist the Hight, and are the CHUM? because the Ilan always lasting many years without chauge be ing necessary CAIIVON.-11r. Goal Re W. Paton, dealer I %Vachon, a 'lrk n, Jewelry, ote., In their ONLY Agent appointed In thlocintenne. - We employ xi \Peddlers. • vI3ILN-ly IDri Goobo, eroccrico NEW (WOODS AND N Intl CFA. HIGH RA TES I: OBBEn OUT )01 )8 AT 1 ASH IONE!) PRICI =I MI a4-114IFFER & Weotit..k iesln•rtfnlle rift in tin a orld turd tlu• teAt othlanltiml, dint they hitt e• opened out, unit are daily 11,4•IVIng a large• svicK OF (ii)0118 lIAIJ, iir\DS HIJII . II llii *lo I'll,llllg at taa van laa•'4l tnul t I=l t ,are ~f I 11 , I a. Figured Awl Ali , a . 1 1•1,11:1 all 11 I h•lnal.• : 4 11,Th1.r.1 Inat.k. Stlallm.no4.l4t., Jt l'ojant , 4, h in. 4;,,,..14, O , anaer 'nom, ',Mom nut(. ',lngham+, liedln.k. Flann..l+, , Shephelll rttsl.h; ea..nat , r•.., Vet' ,•tln... La. 114, 1•II , 1 , 11 , •"P Itepell.tnt'H I Plaid,. of 14 r I/ 11*1 01 or s. A full line of Cloths, Torsi rue! es, So itiel,N'emings, all kinds/111a prices, wlocli .111 be sold chap Wll Illtle constantly one !Mild large end Hell sr•leeled slur k of all kinds of ('owl., rlra a le, MocAtlet, :Neff, of, ./1 svo of .1 the I 1011 111 1 6 ;.4, 1.1 I 11111111 r prudes, In I • i•lunto for ynndv, 111. I, AV, 11,1, •1•5 )(SL f , ol (lint lt II( •141 11. d MI 34 Sour peu.o %lOW A I. ,‘• 1\ • "\ II I: \ 1. \II A IN NI illiwini.t . t ip .11,, /111.11.1. do Iht pubh, , i i pi If I \ I 11\11110N I=l Ilk. 11., lite.til“oi nl Il1111,111(111g I.) thl . ll nu 11.11. t 1..11.01 llutl tilf•V Lwv Ju.t returned tiont 1.e..1 nlt), 11 111 0 . st•H(111.1114.11t ocoujo =I %11111 11 they tile rich irtee4 Oita tttlitttet% w dl filet it to their itttert,t to buy 'lll,l .10. I. e,.te.i.t+ = Itt,ie ti nwl Blew Levi Sheeting., Shirting". PIA/mole. Itonnet6, Sill. 11, !flak - Mil, omit M I Nl:j4v =I ILdxlx.x,lloolnand 11Ao,Itror.•1i. n..llrw, , xll of Inch will iiirp..l.l,l of 101 .” 1,11111111,eil 1/1/110 , 11. Oi vllla I nll andon,l lie Lull IPA 1 ',WIWI lated \II 4.111.1- v IruJ ur. t.,.14.•r1 f.” ‘llll ALEX ASPEN A. ,4 .\ 1 - ) I, EAS \ P 41I EAIH N Ew littotit.llll.l tt, low Pr., Eli I') 11111 W you ut Din (.11,11,5. (;it()( ERI I 1.:114 )2,8, vllll , 1%1 1 111 , (21 1.1.V4W hurter And I gg.t. uud m fitaq rinUallV kr la In et ‘4. v"titilry otore, eurn In. lo•np.11 1.44 110 WV! thillin Willi% hero , el.e. I, B I.N 4.lbilabrlpbia Carb Wlll N 1 IITI , E1,1), '2ll N 1; FA( and II I 111\1 ,, 01 , i'l'UNI7 Vkl I=l %it 1 la ME 1 4 1))1V A ILD M I 1.1.E1t I ette l'ourtg, .I,(w•< ,) Iti 4 l' II I, k , 1 N 'I H)ititri:, IN 11444.4114.1t1 EIIEMEMEI I=lll3 tL ii..: tlettli•rm Itt HA 7:4 ;A TR3 11 (10011 S A ft 'at: A11111...t n: ,14. i1.‘41. Iph .1 1 • 11 \ INIPURTER I) it . Wlmlena4l. Ibl. r 1tf:%,,V1)11.8 .\\l• lAN+ , 114)I \o 11l liifG~nhd/ I, ‘1 . 2117 19111 ! A I'l l AOi F 11()TI:t„ " Nukr. ton. 4rxrrr-d ,111 , 11 , 11,01 p 11.111 .4 1 and V lute, --- • It I/ %I I NOS 1,12n2.: A INT I N 111'1 N NICKRIMON a. if °SRL V Manufacturera of and Wholamale Denial. In 130018 .4 13110 M, No 436 Market Street MID B UR N S it SMUCKER. WHOLKSA I.R GROC'ERS RRODUCE CbMM IHSION MERCHANTS No. 606 Market Street., Ph il adelphia. J. MORMIS BURT,(6-14 B. S. Janney, Jr. k Co. B. BIiUCIES, Jr .40 K Smucker, Jr. k Co. vtanl24f. 1 NEw osT iti,Eit BRO.'S, .n EN TIRE NEW I'OCK OF II 0 O.IRI .4,011141" u, at lb, if. new .store-roam 011 Syl .lag, , 11 lileh %Cie Purehu n 1 I'~\lU Plt ICES, A lid N 111 I.• ' 11"1 I , MA If not loat , v r, than rail I hattni +•IMI•wln • .IltiligneCtlllll. 111,44111, I.ly hol.tio. . ‘kpllt,ll I.nt.' t •t~I. + ~~1 4 •“11,..1-4 41*, I lir 444.4-14.,4g., 444. 144.4.44 pr 14.1.4 . t 4.444-1134, 11~~v1 u~~ , l .•lu•µl..+( “.”1. nti‘i I • rovr.flo.lting iv 41,14, 1,11d11••' 1,10. 1/1.1 111'414 I'l Cloth, ~ n, iv kit, • tlttnit th.tt , to h. (mit! in %,.11 ..antry %tttre. I taint, v I Ito, Its t•xt !mug, for goods, and tio• 11.1 h. I top ttptts.l s I tv.:l tßlotl)ing—Eailoring ,4TtTio lit• un.b ! , 11,1e.1 l IN. 1111,1.111,,K k Il ("1:1 `‘ .‘" tlg • Mr. 4,./11 , , 1151 Ow plll,ll, rrt.tipt att. 101,1 rItt•11 F. 1%1 11151 he pint ipp..iltng a .11.• mint made 11l ttm.. , 1511,) 1111!31 Si, Of fif (1 , 1.1 Rieh Ivnrlmnd of norrogl rt.'? =I lIESEffil MIMMIE W 1.101) 1,, I. prd.por,fl In make to order In Uu 1A10.114,1.1 nmst s, riii 111111 null lv lir Py the lie keep.. nil lion, n 6,11 her n( I M ZE I M trf • eery ntt le 1411.1 1231:1 _flour anti gra' 11.11'1 \4; 1•11(1•••d I. I. h: Nu T.) NI I. I Ir.• 11•/,‘ pn I/O'lll h, WIMP/6 oh knits Or pi to, pi-At ND IN 111.: NTuNI I h, Ir f.. iuh, • for rtittiolftt. tui tog. „.nlI illy ttt.a.wtltt/ ttur...l to t I=lll3 Orr onequnled by any ottioi establialimvnt nn l'o.l/1 , 1Y ..e.ler4 irromptlyuttended to rhry hxv iii , m .••nn i.. 1 .1 to, with their Nldl I lii. tI: I . tui irierb, nod by J l'itolp.E, and aro iorerka,,, to turlll.ll I=9 MEM r.FI wll•..orttio,t GOOli. II .1 1.011•.1kIP /1. 011 =ME !BEI 'too!, moot I.kot .1 Hay of l'AC11.1.1: A Nel