The Democratic Watchman. BY P. GRAY 'MEER Terms, per Annum, in Advance BELLEFONTE, PA Friday Morning, March 16, 1869- N Grant as a Cabinet Maker I l4.ty, in an !housing strain, no tieiT i ,,the odd aasem Wage of names in t;aiyr's Cabinet. It Bays : "HIP pre mier is FlSH—not "preserved, — but 11 Ir:ray, we believe—but fishy with al. His trupiliars are Wash•nun t - ,and tao or tl.fee what the §cottli tirslo Boy T. feel aml C Rcss. well. At GI a, by name and nature, is a great Lora, and, of course, our Secretary it a hoer'. Here t‘e must pause. The names of the Attorney t:eneral and die tiit.teretar from Ohio ale not to he Ilmhen eNcept by allusion. We %mild pay a forfeit tor a glinipse itt the pit% ate lettere of the Pritish Minis ter to his chief nf home. tle---,crilang the I.llCiloli hits ehich he availed him st. if or the diplomatic language of Mad nine. in making his bow, ashen the la dy addressed, !am he comprehended in illat dumping tongue, x% ithmit rro 110/ li:11111' I he ‘llliti)F•ipal ion Of the nirungrntte of 'lie nutter' al. the cabinet is not ll'e itinarkable Tatting together all IN 110 J.:IN I,' been appointed, n itbout including the rabble of army officer. by whom the Pregident is surrounded and alto liolibtle , d tom a kitchen cabinet, no administration in this liepublie has e% et influiled to small an amount of Lai ( 4,t, or in4,4141ce41 equal I.nri4r:%cl7"-lithe I= plant In i.ntert , , th. ittn-ni,• 1 , .;.11 Guru I xeter Hall. and the Itch aped .if En gland t. P unkt.ytent on InKtkink to It:.: hewt of the n. whparter to e aho wa. our ,•01Iner, di.eo,ored Ilio t ditor to lin • (.try " a name that shottld hurt, guar.nattcM "milder' treat lintitnt, 0,1 el. aWI `1,C,11101. hr meat istly dc,ertbed b•: Tit atir• that W:1.1 11% a celebrated Premier of t.tne, had so many poirit, of re-em Hance that ttc c“py the description If, e it 1 that--•lIe made an admitii,. put together tl 111( . 01 .1 joitttcr, ern. -!y indented 111,1 iyhnu•iu e nlly dose tady.l , a ealoilLi vat i0n.51,5., : rite}, a Fleet of dise.. - 4ith.l .Iti-nit• . hitch a tetticlaled pa•.cnuent woltou eetnent . here a h;t (d . Mack rtutie, arid there a hit or ohitt. patriot.. and flat tt••t•r • mart. t. and ~thig• and tortes ..tieuelierou , triehl and N...ticwipp.u • t(r- that it tine in deed a citrtou.ehuun but utterly 1-1111. 10 111!14 11, all 1 ookorc to •tantl "I 'lire 1 . ,ileagu1•'1%11111 hi_ a-.orted :at die , tinie coatlvil tabk. Jared nt vtieli (Idler. nod %%ere ohltgeti to n,h, )oitr name ? )011 lia‘e the 11,1%1.1111'pc of the —.Mr. SI ell a 011 C - I . 11(.4 11 tlinitqatni pard.ln..--- I venture t,, it did uo happen, that per...ons %ere gatlierv,l into the smile a‘lininistiation. .poken t‘i each ()diet in their until they Antinl them Melee,•, the knev, not hole, pigging to get her, head. Lod (into, in the :,a.ine trit, Ilnui our Pre,ulent Inatorcuiti no gleatet aptazde Ito Cahmet Mak 111/All lie had for tanamt , It 14 e.trtuLge how many 1411.11 N old have n. ola•enritv Irad not 4.1111 Nat tlini , t giratries, tzerotl them. Interested Partios as Witnesses 1 hill Lue, been . pa.tied th the Senate ollr NAtt t.hl h tidnOVOi liarti.* in in teii,t to testify lii *II civil caws. It is tte.ugli that. it will pass the Howie 01,sitsve4 tort he signed by the hoveru %ILI then be law of the ME 'rills %I r. 1111tkOt. ladlett l in the 1110,1 , eaTicitlt tlllf. •111t11 In our courts, but whether for the better or worse, we are nut plena-et to sot It will he an experiustat here 4th it has *teen eke. where. in .smne plueet; it has gis en sittisfactimed. In other.; it has not tVlitist Et is 1107 wilily calculated to throw meow l'glit itpoo the eao where the istrties ere honest Inert, it affords a good opportunity for dishoneit men to perish*. a jury by egitltrlldiettlry 111,0111011y_ hItAITOW4 open Is wide rbsw for the eoperniiktion of perjury Men no regard for their oaths, (end in out dny their fire •CATIN•Iy ,trove many I , f 1116 ktnd,) will .use it for the purpose o swearing mostey isa, their own tax kets. We do not object awys the orottley Spt'it to the trial. th,lst thing is certain, that .it will put ttpon the witneas stand the emery persons who know the moat about a transaction, aaa a discreet jury may le able to rift out 'the truth in a majority of canes. Tun. LITTLY. CORZO6AI, as original amp:tails!) fur boys and girin, sad for dder people, who have young bearts. 'Chili k one of the - most interesting mag wines falOw published, and skottkl be In the fast►ily cifelo of every house whore there is any one to enjoy good books. It Is published by Alfted L. Sewell & Co., Chicago.— It costs the small awn at one dollar per unnUm. —Mr. Wllbara Mobray had Ma leg badly iae , oratda by bolds tamight joel.wabn_two war fifbe Vanvfile furore* of the Grave Brothers. So lamo. wvry lookon. µo Wller, thr inttfilyentir. ME • Lath Publications —Thus far, we believe, we have neglected to notice Capt. MAYNE Rein's new magazine, entitled "N- W tan" fot March. Thin Taganine in ostiminhly devoted to the "Youth of A ineritia,r and it certainly displays good deal of litlent ns well as tante. Whether, however, the style and char miter of Mil contents are peculiarly 'relaipted to the improvement of the minds of the ziring generation. ne arc not just how prepared to say. It sfrikes us that there is a lack of solidity about, its pages, although they are naives , tionably very entertaining When this magazine first made its appearance last K EREMF -WAIF in-the torinl chair of the Ws and In noticing Captain REiti's new interpose Ile npoke of hint an being “a gallant cochney come over - to plant in America the poisons breathed lorth from FiNeter Hall, and the rich need Cul England' b flunheyism, - or aomething to that feet. In reference to tlui and to the article gencrally, Capt. REID, in the ninnlier of "ON it AHD" 110V1 ber4,ll. 11., WC !ten Its ti,l!oa • iivioipapi r [et: cited In tLt ru.,l C l/1 . 1. of I'enn•s luunaunt, pi roily be, in a Stain nn creel to the I:iin rornmg iron; is tow et It'd Bellefonte its poi; et ill uudernhrnd the iillinnon ailed u•n• Itli,lHll t In Is this, in bold t) po. 1148 t h e heading of the article, u e vOlll.lllOl at flirt toll w hetlwi or not it wag inewal In be abuniNe tt e horn it rould not well Lie eurnplaneuLuo, . nine!: IIC alc ne litutlnted w till no kind Of enoknny loin tab ike 1.11 in pile no a glory It WWI GO 111 - 1,01" that 11101 e eopecially pooled -Wahnter '" called we, anAke rll^tionar) van that lute. our hands oil tile 411 . .1)111W/ 0 , , Mr. di in IS, that II IN pin.Nll\l\• ii 1111,,11l Fll~~ll' In the • hiash, ' lett 1,10 v r i r r ly take exceptiou. Awl mr 14.1.• k t 1.4 • •. ~•4 to ns Mn Mct k , ban , .Inaty ttst•lalo•ts you...lmb \ln t erstttro I, • 4n, lout r.ssolrrs ).111 [senior sms.l , n out kilflt to DEEM ‘Vi 'le A.. it-ire Bt , ‘ "~halt eon - tinily np• rotate it linte‘cr be nutv do "to In , (rurt. ele,ate. and conduct the youth a!ot , c, dim path lettding to the highent and Indde.i manhood -----It rr hardly pos.ohle r" fine it p'.ea6aiit companion tlihn .1a lin m AG 5 „ d c h g l it r u i 0t edited Ity T. S. A Imo a and Vitt- I% F. Ton NSENp. We hit% e the April number on our table, and are tempted to drop et er thing else to read it •flee cry I; ir copy, hoiie er, lotnd4 this indulyence, and NC ire compelled to portpone till a 1110 re (.11 len L nea •win ' • Tell in! , the ()Id Story - rind ••Itird,, at the WindoN‘" are yen 4up ;!entire ettgra% repre.etattig thou• tv‘o Hacred ,u the human char peter I.,‘e anl oleic% (let H k)l . :‘ and the A tutzeag)m.... iw contitt ae,l, %% all "A Bar•helor'n Storv," unit other inlere'(lnr rewhog, he.thlen ta.hiort.. recipet, &v. Stitorribe fir .1 al I'lll+ollth . eta, for March, bright and heatitifillii4 lit hand. This is one of the most rlegantl) jinn fed mpeoinii ris of the tu pographo art extent, midis eorrespoidlingly apprecia ted li) the craft The pre.eitt uunrher innitainn it well written criticism (it Shitkopeare's plug or "Mach Silo about nothing,” en which the pie:l.ll'lg rhar actere of thot.e tutu eery pleating per sonagen, to fiF ATIlt ICE and ItataltDlCK, are held tip to our unqualified lithe I ratiOn. Theft in lIILLCII °diet matter of !Mei eht, besides it great deal of information for the fraternity. P. S Menu In, at 515, minor street, Philadelphia, is edi for and puliltsher I'M A tans TIII 1. far April 11, IIOW bl . filre 110. IN chit nge of form, en larged and improved. It &Ten t from most other periodicals in being thor oughly readable from begining to end. It 'knows nothing about the dignity of dalltienti. It is die cheapest periodical in the country, 'Notwithstanding (that it is the best. Subscriptions to this valuable magazine is the iimalltium of $l,OO per minium. Address, S. H. -PACK ARD, 937, Broadway, New York_ AL—GODIFS'IR LADY s 800 for April is out, looking as fresh and pleasant as may be,and Ailed with choice am:Lester. taining neading. The fashions oeeupy considesable space, so that the. Indies need not be at a lose where to fl nd out what is to 'he the go/wailing sprivgg styles. Wei/ is an ‘ lrosellent fast* maga/hie, send ought to be in .every household. Address Leptis A. GODLY, Philadelphia. . —Tea Ounareasr'a liana foe April, 4 pleasant little magazine for children, is received. It isedited by 'C ir El Ai. emir at 809, Chaetaut street, Phila delphia, -THE LADY:EI FRIEND for April has alsp come to hand. We have looked over its pages with great plfasure, and pronounce it pp to,the times and c'en pith its rivals: "The ForetineTeller," "Les liodel Par ;ssennes," , "The A lanche," &c., arc uell gotten up, and give nt once a 'pleasant impression of Arlie hook. The ladiescunnot fail lode lightin it. --PLTI.RSON ' S LADIES NAI lON AL ISlttfiheiN e, for the coming month is al so before Ile. There in so notch in this magazine always that is good, that it iy hardly necessary for us to commend to the public favor. It is well filled with choice literature from the pens of orr -- - - hmt renrrattcer-writers --tinti-vpoet4r, anti. is a drawing-room delight that can not ‘lell be dispensed with. The la dies, and gentlemen, too, should all tali(' it. Movrn, for April, anoth• er of T. S. A irrnt ft ' s magazines, we have not tet had time to examine but it seerm, to as to he worthy of praise. An article on the 'evil mines of Penns) atom is worth reading, and the "Mills of Tax bury . ," "After the Lessons, — ••A Shot. — with a number of other shorter arooleN, look as though this magaina ttas n n made up of the "cream" of literature Scud for NV %, rA \ ERROR 9 -We 1181 e beard of clerk., iti tetereatil lie house,: taakuig errors huh re: , ulted In the of a feir dollarm, but na 3.1 r Butler fhoued the other day, a Congre.sumal clerk Illalle an en or w hich ham voqt the eoluutry about fifteen hundred tliottmand ' Ti e little (hot or fli g ht or hatol in omitting Ilium the n i .p r opr w !i,,nlbill a pro% i,..1011 letor- =I Lm - t.(' the tioo.erlwieut for salaries paid lip stoielo...perPi. 'Mi. Bulls] testifies that this t otisisim. no- 111 the 101 l heii rt lii , raine a 1,1%1.nt till n • ,1001. on the morning 01 the 4th of Lut whets the hill %%as enrolled, lii tLc prortrion un- not to it. F,%ri rill lime to . 111(igy for lour eli ulo•lier tht onirssion uas nn error or all "41,1 II fOrIIIIIIg a jtnigt;tent, not only the aeakness wt . human oat arc. but or !Gish oigtort hu man nature, !ionid he taken into the account—alp() the Nt eight and infin ewe or the ahrrka -ring Mr Schenck na\'v such errots arc eottinion at Washington. We are norrou to hear it —E.r. °ill) the ntorni-touned soul that ban a stir, haven oil the -.the] nide, ' Hill endorne the sentiment of the following linen Youth and hope itru sweet and but kw, we think, would refo,e to go hark and live,ter again. It I, only those to w horn the pant ha, been but a •bater &sawn ntment, whose paths have been all thorns and no flow elk can look' into the great, un fathomable Vtiture with entire (milli dente and on the purl without-A long mg to retrace their Htepn wove. "'or cr TOCNO ,A 1?, W o ,ild you he young again' Ho ;mold not I, I toe tear to nattoory given. Onward I'd die I,tfe's dark etrenm lorded o'er %II but a rent on ahore, Hay, wool.' pat plunge once more V, tat home no nigh • It von could, would you now litetraer you! way Vr Wad,' thro' stormy wilds Faint and eatray Night s gloomy wuceltes lied, }lounmg all gleaming red, smile around 114 shed Il.livenstard, /May V. hero are 0101,0 dour nova now • 4,Our joy and dedight Dear and more dear, the nem hidden from bight ll teem thay rejoice in be Thera IN the land for me Fly fly apeedsly < orne h e unit light' :-.Timior ittr I , :b bill to repeal the leer at (i" destru ed the Lyouin ing rut district has not yet passed llsruselif RepreHe Vet, rCTI, 114 um. :Oro cl.l that it itch not pass, either, an.d has iipeal& 'Amsted that he eaninty the l'erins) k aims?. Legislature like so many sheep. 1111. r. Helton c o n t ro l s the law-making pusceof this State, Ake people ought to lotow it; in order that they may be able to - apply the proper remedies to etch all Mid disease of the legislative lune tiona. —The StoOkton Hotel at Cape May in one of the most entensive and henuti ful buildings any where in the hounds of our continent. With Mr. ALERT W. id •lIMJAGT as president of the .coini;. parry, the public can rest assured that no pains will be spared is the tlaiela of the building. For full particulars if the house we refer you to an article .caa ,mother page of to-days paper. --A. M. Clapp, editor of the Buf• falo Express, has been appointed pub• lie printer at Washington, in the plaee of 3. D. Defries, removed. • This ser ved Defries right. He was a narrow arinded,smail-potatepolitician. Many a•morltman be dimwitted simply for bein a Democrat. So unpopular he had biome, however, that even the high position of his personal friend, Schuyler Colfax,cou.ld nob rave hire. Spring Fashicne With the advent ol• March the ever recurring question arises, what is to be worn ? ' What wdi be the spring titsh• ions? Have hoops fond'out entirely ? Will short dresses lie worn on the atrret 7 Are bonnets to lie enlarged ? And front a thoupapd ditVercnt voices from all parts or the country comes the inquiry, how can we stress fashion ably hut not expensively ? Corhmene. ing at the begining we beg to assure our readers, that, as usual, pretty much everything will be worn ; that spring fashions are under the snow as yet, in this latitude, but that we shall endcav• or to exhume them ; that hoops (very _twat!) will te'rnorelikely to come ill than go out, w ith warm weather ; Thai shout dresres , are permanent; that fmall bonnets twill be morn at least another season ; and that. there never wash time when fashion was more ' sensible or economical than now, pro. provided people are willing to be serisi- Ide and econommal. Suits and ens. tomes are the leading features of the new flu ing styles, and are, many or them, pretty in design as well as hand. foli. in material. (Wall that we hair. seen in preparation, the h eftiest mid the mo-t virvi•eahle me_ made in change:ll)e or tine ehene sill. trimmed 1 1 %%jilt rich fringe or wttlt ruffles, or double ruching of the same. The fl,irtf of inoi-t of thein are ()I' modemie walking length, the upper skirt is re litined and the coytutne completed In a tight fitting bagmie, or by one of the many pretty and stylish r arieties of Capes which will be %%urn largely iN the spring advances. When the Basque is retithlC,l It is generally ruffled, or timnined with fringe to ,mailate N ii,tre or.pointed pelerine , sometimes ii pintod cape is attached open upon the back as well as upon the front and e d ge d all rir wand with drop trimming or MEE! l'anieis, proper, ale hut little storm, somo, borough, leo olontnlly net kip In In hut the huge sash, hussy and ends 111 C l'th,', "" h "r" d "' 1 e' 11 • ""'l """; ' r i rtt.ted to death rett4.l, as important as es er, and the liasque or upper skirt is tort often arranged lag Agro`tiltorril tin, I Iti IL-pouf at the bitch, which add, h; ate km , dr tot mined to hold Its next ituntlitle,x, the prominetwe green . 0 the mines of 1 " 1 "'". Ott 11 0' ^l'ePternhr. lBl,ll . untie four 1111( f 5 I:11• 11111: Nof ei titbit Poi 01 the skirt and the small hustle rims al , not f fl 'teelllllll 41 hilt It .111111,.1 11 , 1 most universally worn 'sit)) or attach- I ttbotit the 15th of ell II) the hoop. A tol a l t Vic.1(1111 It - filt.•1111.1 . 0 horn the it 4,i41e, 4 of I P ! ratt,lll . tf oe, itt illrK (bpi nn niit renmeited thot the !Hinge toe Itolowinii shit Inn ot.hol. mcnt or the shiest !tong. andh u tt„ re Icoo Ne/ to•to.i t Ilru. 00l thi 11/I.IIIIH .1•• mains the same , the ttillheon Is gtlth bur g j ail chitrgrit alit, the ered at the back, the Nide-I Mid in large (In stir met, a )onnyr, holy, Mho, (Inn pirate, the front left entirely plain \ lin ""`""l'r"l'i".‘ .irobier ut In g ton \lont g otuory county. %I I. 411 11110ehing less upper skirts form a tunic &sided ly burneil the i xi/10410U 014 I/11111,11N tl/1,11111. 111t0 IllltlingS ill front as hell tin tit (111. 111 r dealt, bark. There to a tendency, hots es el, I - nun notion! John lA,. Na+ piloted un to get rid entirely of the nom it the nem Peon •Irt et. Pitt.hilig h., " " :ut,l lobbed "I.- bun upper skirt, and drape It st tilt ti lin died douse , 11 ,": tnon ming flute the sides dittiseling lull at te:trtestad the 1.1(11: " art :ll 11 ,,i;: , d null the back, but at the present it is a more I lin' i Ile tee a question of taste that) II 1110111 On. -111eie I a g ilt 11l lon rant yl 111,11 pllll,l 11 , 111.0,11 1 . 11111L , 1 , Iphw Ono ploptetit tit EIF.Vr% (NV TIII%(.• linn-eo wl,l , ti tented 011 Y year etgn for I CB there is to great nisi Jet), nod thou the nty len being adapted I,) of taste and Judgment In the itiatetilds ' ito, {A•.1 , 1111g lint n 4144111 and requirements of the dress The sleeves are adaped to the armdmi inure hi.,'oteilp'rnule. (.las tint ing non. It of closely to the cut to the wrist, in still trixurts ti.t. hi tint p•tolmi it off n F ol pol l .- from u I. .t. Ilf•Ti n employed for walking drerses tins for It ur un the house they are nonietimes made with a single puff at the top, qr lightly putted all the way down from the top to the bottom.- They are also worn half long, and pinched a ith lace or nifties hall below the elbows This in a good style for the %%arm latitudes, the upper part being straight, potted or filled id lengthwise, according to taste. Bodies cut or opened to a point hi front, and worn nufliciently off from the throat to display a black 'civet pendant locket, will lie ry 'kmlll,llla ble the coming season, and se memo mend it an a good style for house and summer morning dresses. Single capen worn with suits, arc looped high upon the shoulders instead of at the hawk, as last neanom Ransil bon id/ ends are mon fashionable than roset,tes. Nuare I(slien and triiiiimid bodies seem RA if they had olitamed a lie/WWII] lease, and the 1(.11$011 is undonlitolly 'because they are becoming to that. chested, small-armed W91111:41, 00 M ore out-door exercise, more good 'broiled (rot fried) beefs te , I esn'pan tr ) rre ad. kweittlinig instead of harp and guitar twanging, would sooli bi temedy tlrtc physical difficulties iii fits otherwise hanilsomeat race of women to' the world. Elegant dinner dnessee4f rich silk tar satin- are still cut out square, but they are not untrequently out out both Sciint and back. Meaning a coat plete pompadour, and the citrus, when filled in with rich lace, is very dirtin. gue. The - square may be trammed with lace, ruffles or .fringe, according to the material of the dress, but if of eatitior very rich silk, the trimming should be point or point applique 'ACC. BONNETS. The distinction between hate and bonnets will be very small this season; the one ie nearly merged into the oth er. The sins is not in the least en larged, but the brim ie. universally thrown up, blipecially from the leffeide them C.l Tf , t4t , with lea\ CS. consitutes the appearance of bight and impairs an air of distinction. Narrow strings arc absolutely required to tie thciF little hats tinder the chignon, and otherware now• used upon all imported bonnets, to tie under the chin. CURLS AND fO3III•LESTION. More hair is Atom than evt).f. The bonnets therefore cannot be enlarged. The olugnonTs not only composed of large pull's, but a profusion of curb; spring out from the centre and fall at the lineli..(tf it, not below it. It is also morn very high upon the bead and crowned by n massicc braid which forces tha.crimping and curls down up on the forehead or leaves them only the smallest amonta of spare on a hich frviliOlfty ttreinsetve. - - .I~~~n..linr Stato News —The Democratic. Guard puldlxbed fit Still bury, form , the nomination of Gen tilYnnd lean for Governor =Messrs linker, Felhtol and 'I olbert !awe ',Nall the Gettysburg Forge, amt ;milli put it in irperntion —'l he Butler nth neat, s lila election tsl - Aisle 'l tea , uror 155 the people Insteo4l of the Is gi,l%tiire - If g, ( t .nwn, homely ol the 1161,4 RI 1.4 Mill m tilt. Sltitr --.r lint ing been hillit li/ 167'1 himdreol nuu•tt VI•1114 —M '1111111.1,11 Lig!, fm elq.ti, of Borg(' pin•lri till., it, lit, ilir, 1,3,1 Li• 11111,1 11111 1111 by it vitt - Id,: lu•a uvr,h,v,,,, , 11 11t•P,r.•1111t, 011 11111 11111.11 Itlll ofbt. 111 111 —Monty Isnltlot nom oI.M. 4'1111.01 1;10111.1, of Ilanoset. Volk eotinty, bettig n lILSCd ititnley by in Nth,, hAn K ed the gtirret et the famtly it,,thletlee, out the Izllt Ito! ' -110( h 11.1 i nr 10001 and lurk 111011(M used ft`i tord in neh rerrpt the I ill r root nod the bat h ol 11 slog sending abont lhu e thonh nnrl brlrreq. of NilitAtey to Noll' 101 k ill l ollly. The Nl - 0 OH. 411,1111011. 1 11 11,11, .t•yped in oon.etin, IWO of the exactions of the re,rhtie ofheet, - A n um !•..i .ling at Loretta mad.• a imolai II Ame. on (AI :Attempt, (010 MI) AtAoetitl, to L , 11111 , 1: nuin I. by cuttilly Inn tlll ,, at s,lll, L" , 1% Ifithe Ittit lattit. INI) 140,1 a) , .m o•lert, • grant/ 4JI t human or t.onnship, Ful t..nronnll war. f. a •mall tan mtom.ling rin.,• t.. a (•m r. Id. h,•ad ran, UllOll M • lwgrn Or I. • m+ • and ihn Gtlhug Wing huu alum -I m•tnntly (ea dit)•• ago n little girl of %k ni Swoon, of !Joking Creek loan 4 / 1 1p, Fulton county, aged 11. ton or tm e Ont.., nab ii.t6Leked by annum ram, aha h litlnh the kgite h ‘adela e n. to. an.eeonen.nion of the brain, a• rtnnniv endangering the life of the I= MEM ` no. • hind L. i." lIMEEI iv• 1% , 0,1 I .•1 .ort rilsinii K frlAtt • Ile rehded 1.11 the ,e, Thknocrat whivh took Owe neer that place few days ago A dog first etarted a (ox. the f 6.1 then started tho dog and elotked it home where It haw remained We er nine., rofttking to !rare the door —On the IRtlt inntant R lad named Lantz aged about II yen, r , Ilt South Kustonynceitiont. ly fattioneti bin foot between the trattk and the planking of the railroad and wan enable to en. tricate It In time for a panning train, which. cut off his leg dlrjectly below the knee. the evening of the 16th Inet , llr. Gen Allen, of VVllmelinig, Weld N'a, aux panning along Re nth street, Plttaburg, wearing a gold watch wont. 1125 and carrying 1335 In green harks in Ida pocket, was act by a enupla of higlmaymon who knocked him -down and "went through" him In the moat approved ■tyle, relieving him of the valuahien ahoy, elated —The Huntingdon Woes notices the fact of a woman In lowa, whose house took lire, and who took &barrel of crout and carried It out, and left a package of bill. amounting to $4OO to burn. She must have been a near relative to the Pirgte editor, for the first thing he would probiby do, Incase of Bre, would be to Imitate the woman and carry out hie erout barrel Standard. —Anew hotel to coat 135,000 is to be built near the Katalysine Springs, at Gettysburg, during the coming anthmer—or else the am- pier is mistaken in its prognostications. They will have to have two or three hotels of that kind down there if they want to equal Belle. loute.—Bellefonte Watchman. • Stuff stuttl Mr. Furey. If 'you were here to 110 M the eatenskre foundations and cel lar-walls (nearly completed) ter the Lithe Ho. MI, you'd "shut up" forever about your Belle fonte taverns.—tiettpebtyp Ciampi/cr. Protuably, the foundations and cellar•walls will-be all of that hotel that will be finished. The proprietors might sfithie before they get tins( huildlug up.' —Speaking of the doings . of the Methodist Conference at Danville, the Intelligcnrer O m , notices a certain Reverend, well known'in this locality . In all deliberative assembles It appeary there must be an excentric character, and the for Terence had one. A Mr. Mann. Hot header nervous, Impulsive, with a pitanactotut dupe. Altlhn, he Was a sort of religious lehrfiselit, who warred with every brother who presume,' to crops his pathway We happened to be p r „ dint opo day when Elder ('raver made ,some remark which touched this "soldier, of the Cross," who sprang to his feet and gave the flateontradiction. This was a stunner to the Elder, who flushed and betrayed the "Ad. n ., , , We waited for the, reply, it came, alerthi, se, rind thought, in tone and matter, gently h i , for this breach of good manners, Irreprevsible Mann was obliged to take his neat. We preaume the individual alluded to above is the sante Mann who so often arn.o the boy at Milesburg, in thin county. according to the Reading Eagle, Barks Nair tV im the greatest iron calmly in the great in State of Pennsylvania. But don't be too certain about it. Centre's how elm are pregnant with Iron•ore - Al the l'iirceialocii 111 - 07TIren lair, at' 'lltanin town, Lancaster county, recently, five of ho were present., the youngest of nhoo, was over eighty years of ago. —Nisei Susan J. Wiliftltley, pokinistres. Jackeonitation, Pa., has been held to answer • ehaige of robbing the mails It is said po, Inc proof exists against her It strikes 4, that ALen Susan_ missed it when she nod, took to rob the mails In 11101 manner, and hope for tlio offense she may be confined mimic pi lson, nr hung about the lied, of W pi. molt OW doe. not like Jiro A Porno . —t:vo W Whiffing.. of Coelirnnton in tempting 10 get into Ii ti ain of vino st atotton at Mentit illy on tlie 12th 1111111111 i, 1111.11 . 1 a vt heel trhiyh eiuslied trim, left Ire n bneli it wanner I, to lenithe In his ilt .01. on the 1,1101,1,e -I.rt krniPtittt,, It ettliert of 11 , 4mn.r.,,, lII°, Ittreer eotutly, 't ,It 1391.112(1 IL,AIi A A Idol, front n brit I, to the totro of )1e44,4 the etentog of lhn 13th foment, nlul dle , l the etleetrnt of the blow thenante night Ge t ,/ 1tr0%41, n )(tong :trail of 80.10 18 beon.tnestetl up the perpot I AtOr of the , -- In honest boy An.. erc.l In l'iltsbn, on Il Iday !Ant, u in round a h o nk the Union Depot containing 1715—‘,Iiich he Immediately pun to the ticket ligent to identilication. d' g. me still pi evident in ry comity, Pa Nearly a dozen pi I.onn been bitten by them during the fto.oii --hen in Giles, of Earl town,hip, Rrrin vut r ty collimated rmeido on the 12th Inninut hmigvig han•elf In a Idlet in hi, %table N Ew !4ToltE.-11 A ItPl l t IsR opened It I I F Rf: E ll' sTgrh P ;o1)0 •.rJ (IC rlplfnn, nt thins 111, tore r 4 ., an Spring i,trretc, w hie), run Itased %lid will lie sold ne• low if not loner 11.11 lh lotind elwnwtlere lnthib beetion I tom r' e.inpruen in 144:I. Ort GOOtiP Notions 'loots and Shot n jionot Illtti .hot-. Poo!. s. ,t3l. I. titan and . Illat. undr II rorpet•llagp I o f p.IISxKw 1 HI 11,1 eherpcnt I.s fled• Gentleinrn Ard 14/114, rnrni•l I.ntlie%rlnaks and Circular. bilk anti I loth, CarpetinK, errte...Qnotnnvture,rir, t i GI 14! 11. i tl/.1. bland ‘ti Led 011111r1 ptoilut . Iltk • n ul ext•huzlyi• it, 1...0w15, land tilt. higlie 111.11 ilt 11,2 :et • vllff Olotting—tailoring MEitCH ANT TA I LoRiN(;. tabilahnient, No 7, Itrockerhotrr The underelgned taxes pleaeuro In Infernarl the eitiaenn of Centre county ■nd the pohli generally, that he In Juot opening a , pl..idul nod ROt I •mor . ( molt of lo,ovit MEM 1 , 111 1 , 111 MEI C tStil EftS ood t . MIT I %(,` CASSINI El , mod V EFITIN(O, ('ABBIMER end 'l' MITI NOV leh he lo prepared to Tnako to order it the Intent and most fashlenable ntylee, for mre or Imp'. Goode cold by the piece or by th.• yard Ire also keep., on hand a full line a rEIEJ • Of every style and description rl2OlB FII RNITU E WARE ROOM. 'Howard Street, Bellefonte, Pe, where Bureaus, Bothe. Lounges, Nat Reeks, What Note, Stands, Chairs, Stools Extension Tablee,Ete : Of every description, quality, an d K W, for vale cheaper than at any other edabliehmes t of the kind fa Central Pennsylvania. •-• HENRY P. HARRIS WILLIAM BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer, Belleforte, 1.a., will It' toad to all sales entrusted to him with wood fidelity. Having had eighteen years ester , ence 'nth° business he flatters himself that he ran give general satisfaction. ramoo lary Oootus I'ANIc PRI( P1N1( f: Mtllinery OrmieriMn, • Fouw% Gnoils • loth r) I , i it fOs , trait pr 1.1111111, II 'lnbrell, I 1111 a, L. =1 [ME MEE I nii' rroof* JOHN MONTGOMERY furniture.