The Democratic Watchman', OUR TERMS TE "DEMOCRATIC WATCH- Mkte Is iishedererfirriday morn. Mg. in the.clty of Bellefonte. Pa., by P. GRAY at .51 per annum (if paid Ptricily in ad ranee); ;MA when not paid in advance; and If not paid, before the'explration of the year; and no paper will be dincontinued until all amperage la paid, exPept at the option of the publisher. Papers will not h . sent nut of Centro county nasal paid for in Mennen. All Advertisements for aloes term than three months, 20 Ants per line for the first three insertions, and 6 rents a line for each addi tional insertion Special notices ono-half more. Editorial notices 26 rents per line, A liberal diseennt in made to persona adver lining by the quarter, half year, or year, av fol lows • !PACs OCCIIPIZO. One Inoh (or 12 lines this type) Two inches ..... EEM=2! • • • Quarter column (or 44 Inchon) Flalf column (or One column (or la 1nchea)........ Job Printing of every kind done with neat. 001 In and dinPnien. The WATVUSAN Office ban been refitted with &Power Prom and New I s ffel, and everything in the printing line can he exit• exited In the most artistic manner and at the lOweat rates. Terme—CAgH All lettere should be adtfreesed lo P. BRAY MEEK . , Bellefonte, Pa. January 1, is cal earbs. LINK ',IL FURST, Attorneyii at lam, Dellefonto, Pa. •1308 BAMVIL LIMN. 4 0 POUT WILLIAM .1, KEALSII, Attor ney at Lair, Bellefonte, Ps. •1211116 ..ii, ROTIIROCK, Dentiot, Office A • in Ml's Arcade, Room No. 4 pee otgour vitnls SDURBIN GRAY, Attorney at •Law, Bellefonte, Pa., Office with A 0 Pura6 Emu vl2ne DoRBINN, M. 1)., Physician J • and Surgeon, Ontee, Bishop Street, Bellefonte, Pa vlitnli _ - ALLI Elt At BEAVER, At - ut Law, Allegheny Street, north of the Di ond,, Bellefonte, Pa v7nl6 NORMA N '1 110 0 V NIL A ttorney at Law $ lefonte, Pa., Office 'shot,. uraelkle'n Stan ..11u24 (IRVIS l k \.' .. 0 NNI)EIt. A ttor- I nor, at Law Bellefonte, Pa., Offiee to the fawloraof the Con Ilouee. rlnle U. .1. F. LA I{l M ER, l'hysieian and Surgeon, Office 2nd floor of Con. r tfouNe. Beileronte, Pee 13020 AII. HEN DERSON , A ttnrney & . Counsellor al Law, (Miee ezo r d,_moq rorner o f Ow Illamond, Bellefonte. Be t 1:Itat) H. LA RI M ER, Attorney al • La,' , 11ellrfonN, ht., OM, moth the Mmtriet tlt,ney In the Court Rouge !)-2-2 T T Y. S TE V EN S , Attorney at Law, liellefotor, , ()Mee North-ewit or . I otalio‘rol vllnl J(TNNINGIIAM, Altqrney at . Real l tote Agent find I onvey• rawer. Tyrone Pa Spa nal latent tint given to the ',11...g1ut. of 1 -a real JOHN MILLS lIA LE, Attorney nt Law Philikaiburg, (entre county, and all other legal littaineati In frnln• Imo! I'l.a.rh.•ld. mintten promptly atten ded 0 , Vi {lll4 1(11(NF lIuLAILAN, M. D, • No.n inn awl Surgeon, !IJe.burg. lit umee u, t6.•.dd 11,,nee," where he can tawny. In• !mind alien nut prorflurriionitlly en gaged ‘l4nr.-tt )11. I). TIPPLE, 11umeupatlu t Ph .tetwri and :.ftrg.,n stile 2,1,1 floor of COrtirlid II 1mp..., 154.11444 •tt te, I'n Cdln promptly at tendedtt , • lint The ttttenttnn of the got,xl people. of Otte tool the wipe ut r olostoo., in exiled to the fart that 'none, run he used by m ',king totreltasee here At thin tro- 11104.1 i 11..1111,, Al. 04 .1,1”1.•n t. o. I .ltt I.nn It no In low vitt , rotes it II the latelo. And .• , . D GRAY MEEK"fi Job Prt j • Omer, Atlegheny 4r itrlhduud•, Pit Ev..ry I ,lwription and Fancy prtntinß. AITIBLEH, M. I), Physician a nd . Surgeon. offerß hln protenniiinal nor V leen to ile•Iiii•li.1011U. 10.1 vicinity (Mee oser II irk Confeetionery Slurp, RUNNY n•ado, High Street, Bllefonte, lell,l. icy hank: Initi M I I .11.1., NI, I ) N'S (' 11111 , X_A • ams „ havnioc permanently limated nt Mdr.Lu rK, offer. bin prof...tonal ners Jeer to of OM piliel • Mill Vl equity 1 I WV .2 WI 1.1.1 AM A. \V A 1,1. 'E, A twr 114 y ut Lovi, will Omit Bellefonte prOft,Sl , lllltily V. 114.11 Mire, sully roininod In OM urrttun with I i sWs Ills 4,lll.4.l,Clealrfleld, Penn myltannt r7nl6 PR.. S I'. 151;1.K HART, rxlectii• I . lq .11•11111 an. Siirgeon, Front Street, PR. l'a Fartienlar attention pad to NH kind,. of female (Alice ',ours 1.0. 11 M a in 1 U in and from two to nine J 1). WIN()ATE, I) I). S., Dent ., I.t. nil thy vialler or Spring and Bishop inreets. iht. At Rama, el rrpt perlinpn the tffmt too %eel, of earl) ~,,, nth TI i•th extrnetnd pain. vinin Ny 11 SI IN S. I I UTC11.160;•;, A ann. lAN, 80144011 b% pll 110118 ILIA idl oilier 1. 101 blI/i1111 4 •4 ua 4 '4. titre and the xdjoinins Count fe• prromptlN attended tin olbee Li 1111\111111101'. 1,11,1 tawkltng. MleKtietty rtreet r t 1112.9 Dli. J, R. If T(11 ELL, slid hargism, Bellefonte, Pa., IllOrbd Pnir.,oql l lllt l I /ills as heretofore. Ile reYpeetri)fly "tiers )))a to his fritrpto tuld the ptalolle UPo. e at itroekerlayfr Ronne. t 7,l 111 1 17 . )it: 14E41TI'1 E, I'h,plCiall 31 1, ••iir bow', 140104nte, IN., offer+ hi•,rew 7:1110tud 1 .1 rs lerm to the ritisfryts of Itellelani.• , and fipmeg h r.s•l nl o fi"or above IMotut'iVisagato. C T. IZ 1 - 11 A II)) ) , NS' 114)1, „„1,• nJ Itvotil Dealers la . 1 oitatss , and Cigars ath.e rot ie ,, urltherit of pipe, eigur rases, rl. ..trosiontit9alutild. of the I,gppwito lirovl4ortiutt ilkdbrtuaterl% v l tp4s auctionttring URI A )1" Elt, 11•11entl tioneer:n di attend to all Hale., ted W him w itlyear, and fidelity 1•. it a. If nuffery ille, Gent2l4 W 11,1.1,01 1' ::UlVLire lnellono.;r, 'Bellefonte, Pa., wi tend iblielfiaNnfiffallilWklft him w lth eat' Ntlelft.lffaitlgna 7611111418t.'n yeaff. ellen idgibbeiklikoMbiknotter. hlm»elf tr can giro' Repent' tttiKraction, vt'j ~,e4 , 0 ) 11 N ik : KK ATA .0 i o o r , TI10.• IVIIO prop „ nYtt , m will .10 A d lby tiMirmong .1. L. NW, '4lO . (*mare roomy, Pt' Mr. Neff, bso. more ,I(pf.. rltmo.t o soms 14•Witscuippilltled for Imlllng More Kom. or IMMIng tit.m4p84,94/ 111 °MO Imam 1.41 I , i 10. 41k 1 ,4,,...1 or, io4b Mf nt 1.4 r fib 1, Nl4nl,4an BrA2 Coots kurroterleo. A NOTHER NEW STOREI c The 1,4110.4 t, Cheapest, and Best Assorted atbek of In Central Penneylvanla has Just been opened at the now store room In BrockerholT Block, Bishop Street, by KILI4ER a MUSSER. . FOR Hl9 LADIES. They have Bilks, Zebufits, Alpaccas, Merinos, Wool De!sines, hunters, Ginghatns, Prints, Poplins, Lawny, Handkerchiefs, Kid and other (Hoven, Hosiery, Balm°- , - rale, floopakirts. and a general variety of Ribbons, Trim mings, Buttons, Braids, ate , at the lowest prices. Jill ' T S6I .5 $ll 7 /0 15 10 lb 20 12 20 30 60 35 55 95 56 100 FOR. GESTLEMEN They hive .41lack and Rine Clotho, Black and Cassimeres, Sattinete, Tweeds, Monona, 'Water-proof Cloth. Silk, Hann and Common Vestings; etc., In great variety, and at prices giv ing malaise- REA DI .MAIIE riArriliNi; Such an Orercoyitn, Drew, Coate of various goal ItiM, and proem, Plain and Fancy Vents, Cannimern and Flannel Overahirtn Un dershirts of wool or cotton, Handker- . ehlefet and ?neck Ti.', Cot Won and Wool an Hocks, Calf and Rip Boot, and (him Hoots and Hhown, Hata and Cape, and each other articles an aro unually needed. HOUSEHOLD 00008. Among which may be found Carpets,Oil Cloths, Aug., Brown Mumlins, Bleached - Domestics, Pillow-casings,Shera. trin, Tow..lining, Table Cloths, Table Covers, Window Blinds, Curtains, Tickings, and ■ very large assortment of such arti cles is are wanted by house keepers, and at prices to suit the tunes, taI:F.ENSWAItE • A fall assortment. ealisiating of Tea and Din ner Set,. Pitcher', itewls, Dishes. and a general variety of ware that will t•e sold by the dozen or piece, VA na cheap all It ran he purchn+ed elsewhere In the county. • Gill WERI ES, ETC Conairting of Sugaro, Caffera, Ten/1. sidera Strap., Driad Praha.- . Havon, Peed, Me., rdiraya OD hand and fpr aide at a small advanra on roost • gre-They hxrw everything the citizen vtiutts, and intend le liy gelling et erythtng wt the • LOWE:4T CASH RATES Grain and 1 rndin.• taken. 113n4T S AVE 'OATH. ftftiNEYl DRY G 001.03 AT I' ,foRF style.) of (.1).1h. and s.,erything all! he hohl cheap We do not wok to hflY a (PM teud ink artiele. it. - Nut, - Mlth the int.mtioti ler - making it im•• on oilier thing", hat as pro -11044.1 to H e ll you EvEterrii N(/ kV, MIN Is 0111 ., and We earnestly derite !dug ottrtendt , rhthsld -prf.Ve - ae, 1 .) rytlling and gett g nor ;wives W. have also a large affloofttmAnt of ~ dltYJ'7•(lr,~ Which we are prep...40.4i as low as any hone., In the trial •. We ere oda° prepared to fltrninh you and all 3 ourfamtly the boat of tiOoTh AN!) SHOrP. MEE At i•ttrllrtlitsury low rati,,,• and uo attention to our alocif. of 15 0 . 4 " in oil t- I=lll 'ra while we betted the "holt" ogymein arr unjotot 1.1141 Me Will Hell you the pram,. ttoodit *hob others pelt an "boils" nn ,•iloup an the ohouvemt, and Whelk you vorne Gt buy your other Rtels from our luoznunue stock, you atll nee the bcauhfutend profitable wol kingof our motto, ENTALYTH ING CHEAP t We Mayo earefill Mel ritte.tii %elm Milt tak. pitiournen in ;civil* yon the Qf everything in the mt., (IrovraKef ppOlo from In , rne Jun “iq omt Lire WM% to tha , kEINT , ) \l, Slolti And aro proving that none ran iinninum um In tin chenpneot ni our PrintA;Munlino and ottott.r Domostluo. uo that nuns anre.apprusch us In our Inotlitt 4:11 , , RYTIII NO fIIKA P Ally dtnn.. kdilte 4 limn Oar eetatillettifient has Lpeu in Alwyn/WM operation for nearly ten yearn, and we are al war, ready to glee our petrena the Iminefite rioaltio if from our experienee And we lake file evolution to return our thank a to,titem for Writ &tote, and ttottetl their .(111 11 ab !and Peri ha Te KEVISTOISIS 5T.111.1, In meethid In the weed end efAehr. 140, *Men, Pc' errn nh if.l goltifsh.litngtmigefxsPOkiog 13n47 -1f BUILDERS LOOK 'HERE! GOO DB and added largely to ha facilltlft fOr tUndnit out Bret claw work, are now rpar d. to fur niah FLOORING, BLIISDS and manufactured mmtmr or All manner of work, mneh Seroll Sawing Mouldmge• lirsoketa, 4,kr , made after ally on the Oorte.t p.,a)le notwg Connected with the mill, and In operation nt all tilllo/1, In ono of the latest Imprio vil lAN 6 HAN, 1:9, PEN% whit! lent re the lumber ill n prrfeelly healthy axmlets in preserNihg It, and in feet luids to its larding Minlitles, while other methods d r yi ng dowri o r K o s, and rem/e•ra it mule hable Lll reilPer &Joel In a e4ilto Lan will not iihrtnk, It I dried porfnotity and when worked and put noy rho. giving builellosre the appsnranre of having bcl•u err , 4 1 otit of Grooth !laU•rral Rn know that our Ids iliticr gar 9 gm great act vantages user otlivr PLANLING MILI.B IN THIS 4A TWN and un fuel perfectly (rev In saying, that WI A SUPERIOR QUALITY f . ) 1 We will furnlali 1140011(1g hi roar li t io from a door panel, ton and at ■anh:pr leas aarantint bat prove to be all indueonont to All ocOrm prqmptly 611 ed and a fidr Om* of public patron Age rCYpectruily .gtaoml, & WOLF Hurt:trso! It to 11. 1.4 , r1.) , , 0 " f4lttlfitftlitG, (;. IL litteKlNg Vaninft --~. The subscribers havink lemod ttr MILEBBLIRG PLANING MIL FRAMER , I>f)OR.S. BABFi RHUTITRA, likilli.niNG BRA CH fr:TH SCROLL WORK EVERY DEBCRIPTIUN et the LOWF.NT COW ITlC'ils pEstRED PATTERS DIL) I Nt, K 11,11.!,, 10 Li;( 11 A. V.16'1 =3 WORK WII.I. RV, GIYAICANTjaI, co be or C=l TLIWE pf:111RIN(i TU•BUUU() 6 flan!ng AUL isiig&D 14A11011A&D L IC BLANCRAID. V LLEFONTE PLANING MILL ISLANCHARD a COMPANY, (iitic,cessont ta Valentino, Blanchard & Co.) 't. , -, 6 , 4 Manufreturers of. WEI ITF. WHITE WHITE YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW PINY. PINK PINK FLOORING..... AND WEATHERBOARDING or rarlotui styles. Doors... Sash DM Shutterg... And MouldfngA 13(31(01.1. WORK ()V EVERI DR4CRIPTION Drackota ..lirarketa..... Of a 11... , . • •WT i . -Patterns.... Mule . to .. ...Order Hat mg Potent Lumber bum' 1.1)1 , 11,4i 8 ttlk our c.tabli.Mment, we are on to manufacture our work from t T11011(JUiJ111.Y t4:ASONED IMMISEIt Sir - Orders from La=!! Itilikler I)ralt , r. - And the Trade rteneraill, are r..p•etfully volt rifer! 14YLLF:1 , 11;VTE, cENTEit co.. Tunx , , PENN Lime. Liu coA I, & !ATM ISER.--THE best, 00"" HIIRNT LIME I'ol I. Inpl nt the BellermiteT ne Ktine, on the pike h•ouling o M 11.4111irg. at OM loweet pr wen We are the only pitmen in Central lenneyl- Yalta who burn in PATENT F I. %ME El I,NH. prOfhl , thr C ‘VASif AND I'LAH'I'fr:LLIN( I IMF., 41 , r , ,/ to th.• tr,t,h 'I he I. -t q'luunukm and Wilkunblarrt, ‘vi mu( ()Ai prepurrd ec perm ly 6.r Family use bILA ER-111tOok ).4,11 DIL) ),‘ At the 11...,t MIN and cinaltty Itokitl6, 141{1111 , I< \ 11. 4 I'I.AI And Pleu4termg Lath, Int Halo cheap Offien and yard, near Noutit en./ .)( timid P.:agle Valley It R Depot. snoitTLimE 1 (0 vOntirly • IME! LIME! El - - FRESH Lunn I.lErw Itlxsym .n hand and for Mar at the low eat mark rt iktivr, at On, .I.IUNNYSIDE 1.114 E KILNS (In the railrod, tour thlief..ete toVe haw ILO fear of eueeranfol when it, ray that e have the !WWI LIME IN Tn E NTATE. It 1., free from t pre, atoll our kiln.. are to, eon rartietetl that all the ashen INd froth the lama Mite hefora it leavev the kiln It in PUHE iiNOW-WMTE And In ken nu firm g flulsh ge the Lime burnt from the marble qintrrlex In the ennit‘rn putt of tliu State. Our twill _ lieu for burning sod chipping Moe • mire elleg •b tine * Ax FURNISH IT CHEAPER Theo Iles game unislitt of lime yen be kutd at ally other place AN onions promptly lilted. Adthreue, J. It. k b. T. ALEXANit, 2n20 liilefpute, Ps MEI Erg Igoobo. Evv (4001)SI, A 14 ROE AS nortmeut of new Full and Winter Dry liyo4lll has just lueen unpsi•ked ut llei stork, of .1. li AWI A I..Eti HEN Y MTN. Kle:T, Hatturoirre, Pa., ADA le nu, MTotrd to Ike people at nix ylloht rennowithlo privet,. flirt ntovk o omprhwx DRY. (1001* s ua ti ra kinalina, Calicoes, AtWows 811ke, Mu uhaktiaras, cicceke, Gass!mecca, Booth, Shoes, eta; Mbo " ?ROCA:RON; PROVISIONS, eor Superior Drle . :i Frul4,listin mid Cape, gtionnfi. Mid, in Not, evorrhing tumidly kepi In] '3. It *dein Sc ilititilion. T"HAIVIL" HARDWASE sT oKg , ' T. ♦UTTI! ww R. U. 5101.1113. IRWIN I WILSON, • • IRWIN i WILSON IRWIN I witaore, Northwest *tamer of Diamond, Northwest corner oSJDlamond, Northwood corner of Diamond, Have 'away. on hand, and are daily recely inp, every description of Goode In the Hard ware 14116, for all the wants of the A rid all workers In wood anti metal,. Their sh.ek of NH 7,/ , 'ooo/Ati is e InK everything to Ist found in a first-411,0t store, a hill' their stark of II EAVIKI (;(g>l I. 0.1bn , )8 Nil — ellll4 lining in part of Nails, Horse Hhoea, Okra, Cook, Pat Mr, unit other Stores, Oila, Paints, and Varnialle, Rope of all altea and Packing, Plat form Healer, from 100 to 10,4100 1.01111i6, Ftllllllo.B for dwelling. Mottos and Chu rehm., Ptnnpa for Cisterns and Wells, Wooden Water Ittpea, . of any bore and length, Wood Work of, all kinkrt i for Wagons, ' Rugg*'*, nod Carrtsvol, Spring., Attlee, and Hosea, Iron &mit-noel of all Matta 4‘ kinds, porno Shoo ha/ All Nnil ro a, Al of whh•h we nre rise ',cry lowesit prb•i•n known trade CALL AA G SEE 01' le STOUR we will ha pleamemi to show you all througl wencher you buy or nat. Our aulemineu are Id all Ilmen attentive and obliging. vl4nl MTN eoobs3 & erirrortrieo. E .). PIFER'S /li.E, IN lirttekerhotrit Mew, next door to p", 4 4 A e.... le where • fresh mapply of Fall nod Winter goods In endletol . 1. 11 .II KS, , 1 ~r. riv,.B, ‘ %Ili . !ES, - -7---- -„ • hi., o j‘i..t town retolted. Consieling iii port of Frl.llll'f, and Irish Poplins, Poplin, Alpheam, Merinos, ' Wool liglittnen, Bleached and • Tiek Inge, Blioatings, obrPrimo or every i 343 4e Asia Price. The eel .ted HALE' BOOT A SHOES Gents' and Bore Over Cdats, Suits, Pants and Vesta, Under Clothing, Hata and Caps. Ladles Shawla, Furs and Hanka Canned and Dried Fruit*, Ceder and rens- Ware, Orocerles—the flnest Filttips In en. kiPIOES, PIMP.. GROUND TO ORDER. , Give hhn scan Wore mirehesingAlawhere. The Highest cash price paid for marketing of all klndhe Polite and attentive elerkii always randy to waft on 01. r1an:18-1:y Bellef loni o ße nte, fan, Pe.a! P Bellefonte, Pe. Housekeeper, Housekeeper, Housekeeper, Mmhanic Mechanic M. chunk, Partner, Farmer, • 747F0t. Lumborninn, Lumberman, Lumbernutn, Builder, KU ilder Budder, Ainter hilater Painter, Plasterer Plasterer Plasterer Cabthetemakor. Cabinet-maker. Cabinet-maki.r, ('ewe h-maker, Cone is-rmilto, r, Coach-maker, Wheelwright, Wheelwright, Wheelwright, Mack xin I th, 41ki4 , 40wittla, Hlnvk min lth, Wagon-maker Wagon-maker Wagon-mak er, Miller. Miller. Miller, Fnuandrytnah, Foundrytwin, Foundry/rum, Marguni t Maellitti t Mitt•hint t, alUrnsibe & inbrnao. TvßllslHTs,ic THOMAS OFFER to the 'public one of the largest sad aa selected stocks of merchandise in Nair% oounty. Cell, Puimine 40 see for yourself. AND B T nook op ?Trd 'Boots sad Shoes, warr an t b y Tot ea ls action, at reduced prices, °Wyk be Tots d at Bustisu't 'a THOMAS.. p, PICES OP ALL VARIETIES, GROUND?, order and warranted .t tie strictly pure teis the only place you can and unadulto r m„,i spices. Try thorn for your WV isatis44k m You oat on And them M BURNSIDE A 1110,140. I_TANDRAWB, KNIVFA, SPOONS, CDPFri' Mills, Shovels, @Pad.% Rakes, &tips, Forks, Chains, etc n at innormrvE lk THOMAS' 110118 E COLLARS. -11P YOU DON'T WANT your hrgarea ghoul dere galled and Irma, sore, get good Graft ootlara at IMRNSIDE 4t TIMMAF HARNESH, COLLAILII, CART WHIPS, liege Whips, in great variety, Govern munt Gears, Saddles, Itridles Biartingsk• Check Linen, Cart Gears, Tug Harness, Num Harness, flames, att. Everything In the Pal diary line, at BURNSIDE A THOMAS' TACKLE, RODS, LINER , II()OK Ellex, Sea Hair litooketor, rte Rlg 0 , yourttolf t eittch trout, at, • BURNIIIDK A THOMAS - - fIINI GROCERIES, MOCHA COFFEE, ol tiovenitnent Java, best quality Rio co , ILt, beet Oolong Black Team, Green tettA, eying Sirup Golden Eitrup, Drips, line arm Baking MOIPPI.OP, lilemnod everything in ti grocery lino, at the loweet dash prided in market, always in attire, at BURNSIDE & THOMAS T 18 KNOWN TO ALL IN lIELLKFopri xn through the county, that If you ir,‘ a good anal, go to titativtimE A Tnotifiks LEA Tit F,R LI. DESCH! rill)\ Freer h Caltak I ne,Mpattleh MoruCCull, Shoop -sk Ina, tool Lialtigs. bye, thing In the leather line warrant...l to give p. infartion,at Itt1IC(81I1Y, a THOMAS SII O R-ItAIiKRW,TOOIB AND FT:UAW , In nil their vnrietleii, et liWiNtilIDE A TilobtAN SA 1) 1) 1, F: RS' ill Jelti /.ES, lilX/ kg, 10 I BJ"'L", It Ev.rything NKIII , . want,tOr the ttixnurpeture or burno.o., to -13 ASK ETH 114 ALL MEIN A tam! child Currimr., tin!, der, Mot, I sr, (:urtridgt r, 141110.811)E A TlloNik, 7 1014 OF KINDS, AT 141 1 10001 W. k THOMA , N EW' PATE RNtl uP 011. (AA rilm, rude ( ed pricey, at • Br/tNNIPF: 1 THOMA!, NOTIONS O) ALL KINDS, ISTOLUM• Olovem, HAktn, Canal., Parket Soak in all thaw variety and Ivry rhaap, BUIINSWE A. THOMAS TURK KY PRI'NF.S. ItAI4INR , PrAVII I A pplOts, Onuticien, 610111 , 0 nm, ttll kinds Foreign Prfat", /lobo, iituttin, etc. BURNAIDE 1110111 M, @NM CANNED ERUITs, PEACHES,TOMAI( 1 F; Pine Appie., uud Pvm, lu greht variety at BlitNl4lllK k 'mom AS' Bl.alpirra %pd. ILAGA 13 P NI eo n'n Hoop. )ob Roams, Jasaa gry's liastpal, old Vamt Duct. Palm Hotp, f:41• lingea Soap, and a graoairartoty of Idner nt IitNNBIDE k TllolilMv _ _ rim F. HIMIVAT MAIMET PRICE l'4lll .1. for oil Model or Conn Iry prod o .' et •ncrulsrofl*TnoilAs" UT II ITM AN'S CELEIIHATEI) Hone, Whitman's 'celebrated (O w° late, Baker'e Cbooolaie, Anillh'e Chocolaty OhLvQlaAngEugllahPlcklne, A iserleau Melt lee, at HUIINSIDE k THOMAS' - Ville. FISH, IIKRIIING; etc., 4.• • ttUß4Bll.H6a ViONAW,