The Demodralic Watchman. 1:IIi ,LEFO N E, I' .1 Friday Awing, February 12, 1869 _ : THINGS ABOUT TOWN& COUNTY —A "eon of the King a Daho mey," who dances by strain, p ie ono of the attractions itt. the Brookerbon' home. --Business is oril moderately good ill the several lines of trade in our boro', the roads mid weather generally heiug uninviting to the farmers. —We are glad to obseme the pro& money attained by our new limas band. Their music iv very excellent, and their endeavors end success are most common- —Those Who wish to procure their mail on Sunday: will plea,c bear in mind that tho post office sill be open from 9 o'clock to half past 9 0% cry Sum day morning. —Contra county ,pa3s an average Federal tax of about $60,000 per aria cum. Fifty thousand dollar+ of this rum of fifty thousand dollars goes to fissl "loyal ' pimps and to line the pock ots of notorious Republican "rings " —The boot lied sins. l lasthuaoat of Mr MeM A HON %% r ut eitutred by burg lar44on Sunday night heft, and robbed of goods to the ialueof about $lOO The indications - fir; that 'the burglars mere youths, who had gained entrance through till) trantionr over the front dour —,foliN NlAl.rrevr tendcrvnl it Lille supper, on NVedne,day et ening '.r to the Bellefonte Cornet Band, which was accepted and enjo)til by the menthe's of the band. .lone heaps fir, t-ehtss restaurant, and de••er% es the patronage Jf the public 1114 bon-, Willi. ill --A eau ' 11111111 . unknt)%% n. and Without hag* tert M Moncht) :it train 1.1,-.11e.; 1., 111. 1,, ud %vas cru,lied, 111111 ':•• ut Off til , 11111iligao, I 1 1 ,, t 11 1 ,41, va, a 11,,rrible It 1.4 not known to u. whore he hailed onthictor %NI 1..% ni EVL \ lii. in traial un t h e Buld Eugh• \ nlli•) m 1401441 t 4 heP^Mitig fu.futlas Ili. trim. 1.1 Ty m tr.iui till, MITI ; u r nu dryfrutn to Ira% ~ 1 1o.r• - The hav,;:ne.,, , II I; Amt. , : xi:, le a and "Wising gcntiviattn, and•th..r D,w tni ill 11 n .111 ob,.ord IVD ‘VI 1111%4. S.-krd I an al l p.:411thl:111 liii• 01111- put,ll-6 :t iongth Hain part:. -, H hi. it •r, arra , ,ed aglnn•thilp in court II I vrtitin plc.. or I . lth,t w 1114 legikl 1,1%.•r -..nrte. , but if he es urtw vt.t di, 411 :Z1 tting , • •5% rain print. ,1 I, %, 111 '•w,arill ttp i ' and "'nit , 155Nt It . :5 •555r5 ~r !rpm, 4.r. t•.or, WO 11 , 4 1111111 t 1111101111\111 , 11 1, 10 V ,, '11111 111111 1111 , l• ‘, 111..1N. I tis \11,31,1•1 40 Coll A% 01.1 1,1 , 11111 V, to a gut n , I lIY Until 4• 1- -.' .1- h.' r. 111.1 it )11 r t. 11 , 111 , 11 MI i•T F. r ind 111. ti F la( lln I'lll bt 111111 sill runilised 111 - 11k11 low 4 r Junin. I. is ith gr,sa ri , l WM , 11111 ,, 1 , 1'. -- the f0,r4.1. vttaractcr and langaago. I 11;1‘ IL 6011, :111 4 1 Nl , lllll IWO, 11 1.' 1 %1,4 rfill IZEM itr.lh 111M.G1(1M ( . 111 Mr .1 t‘TP: , 31,•ENTn:i tint I:al., ag, ha. fa trwo... intrer,ditig and t. honk jui-d d.% .li,, V , 'trot I'm-11'41.111'1dd It Ems %RI, \\ nit Allan,. and d. d . ..r th. (;ru•at (My, A .\„r6 414.0.gijiolk [L.• i.irtiles anti •o• Inysturit-, I'll , l ,•• , nP Y.•n Yowl, rit. " It t itr4.l too I ,-trat... 1. and •a,t,11 • l )1) ..f .".:tAleible print. It y in (;.•r- ••111'11/Crr, 11'101. •f12,1( 1 , 111 11111 1 11 1 _t_1 , .,.33,00. \V , th, mot thilhfuhl. ,, Pl .14 I .,att,r4 per.0..t113 kil,m a p. u. conccro i..l4 Nll\l York l'he •tyl I, ' , imply .4rrati tit, throtil,tout alptorbingt •t,tz: i- bound to hat a IwL^ -id , . 11. curntnetid it to tit git. rol II lidt.r, worth iwnt-ttl 4 - - .: llTH"thilo WH . litiblihlWll tlorringe notive 1), Hpitrt - 111. • Wu,. I. teoA n 1.. tilt. ,dtice, but UV WHrt • I. d 1 , , 0110 %. 01110 ' , eft tn p bud forged 'mule Hild tile leer] 111;4V:10,0 AV. We were viten ititoruied by ot a l ur inD•rr- 1 I but no ii'li huirrlttgv I lit 111kf . 11 ilIl 4 l oil lii (l.4.lauthllll l• JP.A 1111 . 01 liN 111 , 11111 1%110 MAIL thrat "Karl) th , 4l 11411 married - I hlllt 1-0 }Hid, fr.,1114 , ,,t1. 'Hint doe, n ,vying Alf, - Ttinki. it ..)! Numb titig ig n curl in 14111 I,i4PSI . iotor, Mod 5:.% • tt u tt iv. I , 4 , 11, 114, is romi•t , l' 'O l l. "1.• ‘, - “Tifif ti;,. the matter. lifiltuit - fforttittaltAing or the proof by witnesses 'ot the marriage?— Truly this is n queer case, It is not Ile. ar names, in this affair, as tie ~ • lei. already hprotne more-publie than 'profitable ,to wivoody, or other we would publi4h letter received from the alithor of the notice 1,1'1)11,11.41, who positively reitsserk that the mar riage dld take place as Muted in the no tice. Hut' whether or not, the parties were married, iv, published, it was their Inemics4, and no(ialy else's i . and no marriage notice fauna lie hepbend exw rapt by the minister or The parties inter ested, or by their consent There is no law requiring the publication of mar riage notices, and hence there is no de fence to be set up for the reporting of the same without antborit) TRIBUTY. OF RESPECT At. I: 4 ,regular meeting of Centre Lodge No. 153, 1 0. 0, 1•., held at 'their lodge room, on Thursday et ening the 21st ult., the fol lowing preamble and romlotioni unanimously adopted WIIZREAM, it has ploaseti an MI wl.O Crt,ll - to romoro from our midst Our sot lii brothqr .lames A.Patton, by a death moot sod den and lerrildo; 'flvereforo be It (I.4durri, That we rherish the 1111`111 , 1, of our deee,eil brother fur lite Many Ili iii ^ mei though his spirit has gone beyond thf , "dark valley," shall vier retort to Out 11'.'4111 tattoo with him, fueling deeply sensible that al• too are passing awe), 111111 that the "Lit lug of idu day beennie the dead ofteuniorravr" Re intim& 'I bat add rosignize In thin lai In il'.ll of 1111011 'lll espeoial manifestation of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of that law, *tar+ the mot Fat her 44 our,heing liar es tablished Iry irretoeithle nruph•,/, 'I IdAt hese ic.oltiloo, be n corded ins, the lemon of .iiir lodge, and It copy for wnrdwil by lloa I.oerclatr) to the family of till' de.0,4.1.11 m Ai 1)&111 .1' dccply .yolpittlioo. their -Ad b. real mint flo.ot ;our looolgoo room loo.; oro mearldna and the br..thers wear that bartgo 011 11111/11.pri:111 , olootoooto ;of Ilto otol, 011 funeral ;H•tanloilloo, Cre the-slate., of thirty elfIV. it , 11. d N ropy of Llinr. rooneollitill.ll.4 1,1r11,11,41 to oitr 4 • 1•11tIly pnprrr for pubhr.t I N Mit kill', 4 I. SH I'i ;FALT. I) I i HUHU, Business Notices 14:1rgmn., harganty in gents ftirnifttling ni V 3t,attwritki ()thee hinl.llffir it I, is non selling th.. ntioek NMI i. Viffir I'l,,trivig out for rpttilv. tly m !ill MIN IC, W.l I" /r, .ai /11 , 11•011 ntn..l 114 Li hit. 41111, 1., 1.. i I. r.. )1,1 , 01.4 ill 131= MARRIED Itt n— 1., .1- .41 1., .• Nth, Is 1:, II I,rll, N%llllalil It. 0. , 1 I.". rgipown tt •Itip .111.1 ‘1 I - I tr, q 1.00.4 I hat, r twin loynat,ll [sr tln. Mr 11 F 11. and MIN. r 1;4 1.4 - No!noun— km '.lll A. , Nir [..1111 , 1 \ 4,11,th •4 it nun.l..wn 1:1= Ilicch MI6 1111 llv IIii• NI, - Ilrll. !h.-- cc! I cillllll clici :t11 , .. 11(.1.1111 / . .I.llirr. chf 11n. 44.14 II ill- th • ..I IZ.. I 'I 1.% 14 1% I /N.A..... I. .1174. 1I1.•••-•'• M ..... 111, 10 1,111 I 1-1111 Ilu th. itl 111 , 1 II P • . 111. MIMI iiED / I 01 I 1• I ' ‘ '" k;l.d I" yfte Ile!lefonte higrket. ir.• to .11,,,711.1C0p, op to \5.1..1.11.h. I 1:%. r I ~11. 11, .1 p. I r Idl. li, II 1.• I iti 1, h Nll..kt per 1,11.11. I Egg, r d „ srn 1.111,1. 10, Ouri.1 l'..rh p.l p,111.1 llam, lot r pil/11.1 1.111.,‘p , 1,4,11,1.1 111114 r 1, , 11111 1211g+, p. i p,r111.1 11f1111II , I I'lll.ll I, 111 r 1,11 N()Ticy. T 1) H . . ‘cif • The ~.,whitte.• If o. I ,t111.:0•40$111 1 , 1 llr 11. ittr4.l r,l,lllolirtilrii.ll • ot .1 ooh. , I M I %III! L.r•••01...1 I• lan 111.• ns • •ars r..t.4.1t,111. 11.10,1, It% I t-7- .t •• 1 %1%6 I I lA. I filo r. ‘41111:11,11111 0, 101i P.tat , of A1a.1441.1 it. 40f I' tlt , it jog Ow Nigll , 4l il lpern.,ll4 k now 1711 Z the in.virry In d,•La•~11. yid .1311 , rtlll..Nts.4l to nark. , Inigeleoho , 1...)1110111,11fIti 1t1,111.1 Ili. ...1111, to Iwo ...fa. !Item duly a 111 n 114..kt0d 1 , it lit y • JACOB i; (flt \ MEC V II I. A F. TA) GET SIIGE,; , y)111111g !WIN and warranted, %%%%% 11111 KKKKKK 94/0111 mmmmmmm 00111 .41111101101111.11.11111 0000000 101111.1.11)01 , •, (.10.114 nal 11004 /11 1 15101100000110 1 . 111001014, I iIIIMOMICIIOOI COO , MI 1 , 0001 00000 101100(010000INCON 110 (11100n000110n00000 , 0000000(XDOW 4 • MOW/0 00(1(111.0(300 11 001 0 0. 00 .01009 00 , X.4000INCOMAXMO , 6,0000(1,YrK4000,01.1 4 'I / I /: 1 A . I=l 11( 4 IT ..1\1)..14110r...F4T0RE, 'I, Jr . Iteylif 4.1'1 Bonk ) onturp4l nn INJI1.1! 11111 d flOtrn. 4 , r 1.111 tlttit.rAhh,f.tankor). .1" , . I. Kurt, (Pritatng) c,,110 ‘,.1 . 111111.. 'lt, ord. r Pouttonntuy 113‘e lint op.-it .l the noo.t o.,mpl«te annort- To order of Fred. Kuria, (Printing). 'nw 01 o‘rry thing In the I "order of ellll (111111 t) 4%14TP:c11. llt 1' I) Slitir I \ I: lurid tioeirty. o unlet of H. r. It.trlrt. At- , Et el t.. ettrl.) to Itellylimte. Ott"' et/tire torn,' .. .. .... ...... G 47 00 1 Murk, will, hl4 tlai• lorgent vv., open. 'I, In t Ahlto , T.. orlit•r of i:ouilly l'ro-oil .. ...... .. 617 66 Mateo. won mole lo to claw from the 1///01,M00tm 'I., Of , tool a xptionet. 1,716 86 r im It w ~, p,,,,h,,,i for ....oat., and will UK I 0 pri•MiliillN sir .11114. ..... ..... . KW 00 .141 tt.ttoit lertt r than laity other aII iiinood, ITo ,Iwiaisba,ra pay .. •.. .. 1,826 80 , aalio I,Lar, uq alms. ii,.•‘• ere prJetrettlotork• To I ntl/11:tlitelle tantietet NAPA. . 04 00 f Men. tet.ll.l.t ri)S.WI/1 - .Gi eof It! Jp/alll lepd T., ..I.47,9rNi:AP.rty 4. ! , •I , ..imott, nn reprew.hte.t. fortilrlitd 11:1 et/ea/hi:Work ' .Nott Jnit . ~.......,.. ....tor:. 1 0, 0,71 00 ' 10.0rwil ~•1 it '••1 'O. , I lli' 2o-1 Y l'o ..0 , 1.r .0 1,1". II lApt.ol, Prolitotaa .4 Nita .attiertiorntintto; untTpits',ltEpoiti. ANTHori'y ( : :GEARY,Troniturei, In riceount with I;ofnmonweliltli of l'enwl nda. Mt. J anuury 4 1910 Januory 1, 1669, 'F Binotort of lAA. not. .o//ding, January 1. 1868 S I,V/2 17 To amount ansonsod for A. 11, 186/1 2,831 67 111,281 81 Jan wiry 4,71111118-l'oamll laxouteitnn/llng Junpury 1, 1868 .... • S To amount l noll ao mer/s/ol for 1668 .93 -- 4 882 32 1114 t Januttry 4, 1469 Jannary 4, 180 By Allicnipt tax out- Btondlng 11017 and preyloBB yparm 8.18 By ntnoun t lac out slaruling I£Blll I,Bfic G 7 2,44.1 87 L. 3S 111 aremth Ity econe , totionp , to col -8 Itlre 05 By per eentago Co col -1:11 01 Ity State Tretuatrer's re,- 11 71 fly llotrunlnglottßeo re 1,411:1 Ge By 'I m ill mission UM , Junuary 4, lain-11s , - . amount 1 ,..', null tzl& outalandlng for 18117 and pro vomiv:year. 9 134 4: ' 11v 4 j imll flt oui.ton.l mg cm k',, 42..) hi. 9 664 Y.l Delfilet OVerpntri rt. By per l'. ilo r.d CETI torn It) • 01119 1110114 1. , 001 I - IN .1.14 'r,, n Srq.• ItV I 4 , 1111111••14.11. r re Its l'•• .••••••• - r EOM I\ 11'1 (iris. r NITlf ( EVER I: ympoo tif:NRY It %IN ,* 1111111 .ILnom) An. al 1, I OA • .111 .tani lin g .Inltrtnry I $".21G1 10.1111 . . )1111,110 1,•1 \ ,•r.1,1d t•.•,1111 ••••11.. [IEEE I= IMIMMiI MENIEIMMIII OEM .Inntniry 4 =ll it, /1111.illot 1 4 , 11111 I .1111,11111 , 111111 I. 1' 4 .; and prlll 11 1.11 ItS.141•011111.41.111Mlii.11 4 (1.11 r, I RF.B =BE Itv kkkkk 0111111 1•11111 dent lint . hr /111101111 i •1.1 • • 11131{rt • Ir..t.tsr4 111114 DIMES =I 1,1 NT %%I I I IZ!!!1 ... 0 141111:I t l i ll i t . 1.1, kV, •..01,“11111 411, - papt . EMiSI ./ .1111141) I I ,1/I Jnnu.u) I i /.1. I V 11111 , 11/111 nnt•t 11.1111111 K. i I ilv I xonvrat 111114 all.l per e•oliago to - 11, LALuit. trumbl...ried 1,..4,11titv1t. I AIM. EEEIM 11, II,,• 1 ,, ,w5 , .1. Air , lntor, of I vstir, • omit .li. h.r. ut• • tiff) that 14 ,. eX' 111. La. )1.0/1W IV I mint. .4 A .1, , iiThnto , ,,kt.,lllll 4if rlnwri „i,,i ,aunt 1.11 , 1 Relict fit l'entr• I rile r,n s, . 1 \ 11 , 111.111 11. J d 11. d VII, .4 •••ir hand. th t,,1 • i \ Ir POO 14111 \ \ I - L 14 Iclr , 111•L .1 ntill , l? J r, J ( 'era; i r rie / PM q111.1(111. I} , lI\I IC I 111 • \ I) NLI til \I %Mil , 1111 ,01. lEIMI=;11 =MEM TIM and filio , • avumtrit I mut) WOIA OM= anti..} 4 1/0., 14) 7.1111111wIi1111( 1.1,1 pr.. I ow EEM 1.11.411.11-. J.ll /1y V/01,41 I koight 1., ',vita, tary z. , 41 “I 10111 g. 11% HUM., y reek, ra4 pri By Jur) 1'4'1,1 Its 1, 0 pt 1.4,114, lEEE , k ,,,mry I I no 9— 14) lIILIII4III, ut vtll , lls4 • • Ow of Centro could), .10 lo lo•I•v rtity t h at the foregoink it....otint of 7. k lillsl. Sheriff of Centre ...flinty. In ACI 11111 a It i4ll (minty, h nnlkefll ox..ntlool by vorre , blin M., i 11.. ., oilr hand. bd. day of \ .101 IN KINNANI 1.11,11S(.1:1t, .1(.IIN 111 MIZE I / 1 X PEN Mil' 10.:S 'KNIT!' I'm vn. k Dols To order, pay. ! 'l'n order of 1.11. y. 1 imtrnin- I moiler . . order of .111.1 tut. P.Ater, r !!!!! self, dnnur. . . . or,lll- io 11111 1 .. 111 , 1, C. , ollllllile , Inner ....... Ti, order 4 Ns mlornrmr- Tn onier 01.111/, Mug, roltusii.ion• 4.1^ . t ...... 10 1 , •11111101. os .1101,,t4 Ntto atibatisentriglß ntory roe , . - , .... 4141:811 To fond r lerrii end illitnegeti 0110 To (7ritiail inn! Trirrerge .1 wore 3,019 40 To order of lionte Hobbs, Arehlteet . 2110 00 To• 4 Bit.Y•• : ' .... :AO Al To miler of Andrei, .liregg, .10r) Contniblidonev. 2 81 To order of - .frit). Slllioooll, Jury ' ' Coinitilee -loner. .•.•.. 0 71 To Kaneloo Brothel,. Printing ... 70 00 7.i. To 1). Kline, Sherilf.., 'tt) on qtr, .litm•Mornn • - • --- • Mt o n To Bora of Bellefonte for Bond for Witter Pipe% ,te• . .. ..• :•• •• (174; 19) To bridge-Liberty twit: . ,00 (Ii To Bellefonte loin Company fur Bonds .. ... 200 On . To .1 el Torreon.... 110 ... . . TO Andrew White......... ... ...... ..... 76 Oit 7'o .1. 11 I trr IN. ( . 0i ..... hodlotierr At• (Wm.)A:4 (K) .. . Order* foe mfuntlingaecount to wit: Wind.. and Rotel% lifftli ... . 50,001 40 Order,. fan road tax, J; :4 Lands, to Super taw et. 2.204 11 Order, for Collector". olerpoid He 1 . 011110.. ... . ..... . ... . 9411 9. - , ordrrp , for State Tox on 1,0nn0.... 44 NI I trder. , for Redemption 1' S Lat.!. 150 23 Ordi I+ fir ft Galbraith, Mer.dotroli , ” . ('nun flow.. To [no Idol, for limber $ 2 426 68 To It 1114•1inIght. i,144 141114 2:11 1,4 To A J llitrri. 141ordinii.114e 41.4 to 4 Ta Inioirsthrr nmi AMMON.- ^ menln 387 114 To .1 H Poroono 'l'a• on lirown'p • To A. A Hll.lllllll, Morelooolt, To Keller At Manner do 7 50 To IN. W Monlgoinetry, 1 , ..t.m.nt In 97 To 1;oorge Li% ingpron for Illank 110010 111111 StAlionery s.'. Id To Jon !Mallory for Shall( I. I . 4 91 To I 'Haupt for 'done . 7. 00 To llovonuo Stamps . 2VI To 11.. w lute, l'itu4 I 00 'I 0 14ternIntor, 7 llnindiett, %lel rilitli --•• tilq.• • . 11, li) - Slokrtirge A l o . I oal ~,,,., 97 I. Al Wkiper 71. olooolole . • 227 II Ilnrrin for 11, .I. . .... ~... . 2t) 00 It: M Glenn, 1,,' . . 7 15 fH 'AI AI Hvginterr 11. whet JII.. Luv, \10”,t1 $ • II 4 Jut, " II 1t1,1,11.wit4 '••• ui • Store for Tre,lit "Mee 5te.1.1111.11 t'•••. • .•••• 52 in . for pri.o ni•rx M 1,1•11.11 1 ,111.1• (4,1" 1111 :11 ci in ~ EEO UM ME 1114 kI'ITIII4ATION 1 /II r 4. urimint Indebtoln,K, 14. mir44.4lTit nob•+ I 11.0 i IiZEI BY 1111011 M not, and 1.1n41n hued INM • "1 , . 1111,11,11 11111. , htechm..4 ss,,, vo, ,o 11,.• “11111114•10111,11111 , 1 Au tors herell certify, that e huu ‘10111i14 , 1 thfl lunging is, cram', of 1.1 iv) In .niirer of sin. 00111 t 11.4 EIMI MIMI Altr4 NM Filial Mu.•, W K ELLEL, romm'r. r rk 111 No, lAi 55( , ) , 1 1 , 111 1. 7 , ( . ); r) .1 , P A li Wl' N t ' nud that ~i hereby h. nolV,l by mvlonl enn.ent All prrron• owing ows,l firm ) , VlllOlll a hal/tlll . O may be du.h Ire• req., 'ot tilvnioril witlt Hopl, aldwell A I ( 111. TV rub, 1 . .1 J4ll K isii() , "2lTii.i.,slidtl MEM t, 5 'f. 4 Ni 1101.11. INSTITI TI I hr. In.litininn smutted in ‘14.• twutailtil vrtllvv of uttortloo the utlvan ~f .•4•llring nn e•ltiention Iryall ex perl- gi oaf 01 'worm oprn. Maier thr mllurnro if a filial v.ptitilry Prime ‘i ill to fr.lrmi J. !-pring rknd mill, !he MA1N...1..0 Of LIU' 1.1111 =OE MIMEO ~ Rh know I t'd In )..11r+ IL •l • 01 I lit ) •I I pei 111 erLouH • Sprlng 1. nn glees oil tir.t M.,llllav I "All) ill April ailll.lglll . , Rising 11111 p ”11 Att,i mum It, Prinriptif Mittllll , II I . I MEM I II 11,111'S, RI thi tikkv. Omni, In pr...enting 1.141,1,, mop than s' to lug sitrit.t2, EITIEEEM ...1111/1,i114 . 11 0111110. ,•111 . i111. MO( 15 llt 11 of the tto..t to 11.41.1. ~tol t.o. .1 111.111111,111 , Plain Itirtg,. Itrod.•l.• ~,, gr.,l4llili.(,...l,l,•,lliiipite• 44)1i in every tiling retitilt...l to g:Lrtit.ll n 100. id 101111 , 111011 s 10111*,nt1i1 01 11 l iktVlit , J.,. It I:. pair,.) on t tno4t 4..teittito• prtti. tplo, mol %AMMO,' Jour 4.4 .port noun« 1 , 1,11 ' t II Hahn. .1 II I 4 uhn .1 II Hahn, M. 41111,.1.. %refit' /. =ME fur rill L 0.111, It 0• 1,111 t ',Mil B 4:l,l,Kl'uN I F. .1('1111.111 L1, , ,1011 I , 11; 1 'II , Ji V IN =I I=l The 111 .iKll"r 111 21Ihilt , it.G . 1 . hortm{ch {lva 1 - 11141,, 1.. th.• ..I IFS 711 110 ELEM ENT llt It Nit F it FAI • t %IA ILE%IA - I lcm. EEPINL, WI NU. Vs.. EVI Min/I.:ILN Nt.l MEI 8 I 1 $2 :A :111.1 w nll 111.• In moil,. of it Ilile .printl.lll.ltllistl I. 10.11 I II fiN f IL . I 9elf Tile Intl. t to ill the -ltaleta i u ith oat extra eltitrtge Male iniftll4 treat altreati heard In Ow what La lid lam, under 1110 tiatter,lalett of the tench are DEEM Opal ME Fiver) u..r.•reur) numul.nt in rl Yell W lh , • 6110 1, Centauri mid *lntl end l m 014,0.401 i.i plinveinent of the tiPilr , fitud.•nte ore roetrived nt nil ogee, sod 1M guy lime during the iiiiiedon unit elutrg«ti only from time of ndiniemiun. CIO 192 00 For furLlsor 2f. 00 1 t 11.• 3.5 VIM 30 150 00 110 101 I 1 . 1. i 10 110 fa 381 DO MEE DN. Nl' It I I.AN';•• 'I 014.1(A A, ANT/ DlOt.- • 1101 fAilloll 1., re . i11.11.• 1.11110146 ha 'l'l.- Ince°. likie entirely Vegetable meg hattnlex, It Purltiee met etirleleta the Blood, let lgoratee the IirkINIII, great Nourbehlug and L) Ntrengtheiong power, in nu e eideut Appetizer. roableit the littroneh in at the heartlext food, initkee sleep relreshin iiral extehllahen robutd. health !hooker,. nn Chew - ern for itltty Veen Cured. Pelee, VIII) , Crete, poet free. A treatise on I lot iujerlotet afters.. of •Toltneou, tyjlth ‘ liala of plereOutott lePtintVaPlattli So- Pont Nee, Agehte vipettittl ~..etiklnme pt,...1. 4 . ,11.. ABBOTT. Jeetoy Mt, kete - JAin - ey.'" lialTiy nil Drente 1 , . v11u1.11..r. 81:121 It I I 1 60 IBM 1110' vHI nt ,10 5h5,4.1 . 1 SW) !.- t ,41 , vi .INto KINN %NI% d. Auditor , . J^l4o JOSH F.L, I MEE =SI =MEM =I I= lITE It.• 1. .1 1 ut7..en flittnitottnnao A NNUAL STATEMENT. Whet, "(the Fiume,' Mutual )'Jr'' Ireitiratwe ()emptily of Centro county. " CACYCTRI 11 Att, :Inn - 11, tang. In eomplianee nilh the prevlalena of their flliartoa i the Olrectorn present the Eleventh anneal shitement of the trnicemtlenn of the rompany - Aanetn, Lille receivable being premium notes dtm and payable by meinlit.reo, for Maur imemi. the pant year .... 1119,477 93 (If which !enema there tut been In Lent tog duo nit token the• past )•ear....... To this ntld receipts into the'rroasury from 1042,e4141111.11(14 No 1, and 'limited to thu pay ment of loses 10,64,1 Si Also, money on deposit dun mombers 500 00 Mann., In tho Tronirry 170 45 .14. king tb, tftfikl Rm. , to Ow pt.t y 11, 1=1:1 Campenpittrart in Direr $11?. 14.1 100 00 00 torN Salary of Seeretary. Salary or Treasury.. Printing, office rent, stationery . . Desk for Heeretftry In prrsri vi. papers I/ H. rorou 1111 l lax and stamps Loose., paid, ix to A store house or Jim. ‘V do dwelling lionso arid larnitore,lien Ilruinl) 0) do furniture M H EMI tyl co MEI EMEI CID TOLL/ 16,111 sand finds of tho Coln rally, the plk.l Nit . 1 go Ilirh 10.11 lit•rubdort rep,,rb .1 fur proirtuum yearn.— filr.i.f7,l it flat ? . ,pired and I n 0... 111 d by partl4, 1111g1, mg the total it, 111 Ode 4....••••1+ of Ow thin flu). ls.l 1111.1111.101t,14 taken th.• pool blur Iter,totori repot ted for till previoirn N:4..147 1.4 EiMEZI i.rand 111(111 of nekr and inru runo.e 3111., nrßnnizatinn From whn I' 1011 Uet IN it if . ieW ra pired and elllll,lll, I iFy 1•011.1.111, of part 11, =1 fon, I 1,1,111 i la lama- anal .1. 1,,,,t.,111.• nwailla•r.• MEI %. 211 hold a.. 43,114 , 41Ay. the toll,. 1.f11..111..1i un nil. 14 %cr., .•104 IA .1 1 , 11,.. t , •ro for 11., 0.11.11111.1( V. Rl' John Krtioirino, (iporKo Jrwhun Potter. Henry Keller, F. 11111111•1 F Fond. r lio org. ISII. hall .11, Arno. A 14,,,0.1i5r. ittrob I; Moy.•r. Jaen', Iforternmo. John John Wolf Whereupon the liourd orgitnixed and follow ing olfl,•,•rn Prrntrlrmb—lir.orgr. Itrwhnnint Vu • e Prownlynt—Jomlnlit fold r Srevo Lary-- Alt run,l , •r :•,11wn111.11 'I rearm, r-- I Ivory 11 'Wier All lh,• (11111, Agent. n o ri• innuon,..l Inr ro+uitig ).•nr Attest Ai Lx I,MM% 511.0,04. Iv roe. i C 74. nJa,J biou,ann, rl4n4Yt A M 4 t` , 7 .• 4 1',111...• 4 `-' , 1•171„( NVWs Ut RFL I, INS EN ):\ ii I I 1.4)1111 , 1 , V. 11111)( I I th.,l Olnktio.llothek 11.41t0 t and R 1. , ihol I. %,,k 111 (1 . (111 Si 0130 1111110tl, I itriv sotto• or rung.. It torn+ horn thoroughly I. +tett tuol 011,11114 111 NE41 • ‘1 , 1 .. 1 , f,/,1 I-, A:1II I=l „I,in-ti iirthi , 11. d. .••t %11rIvt1P4 ,of TOT It kY,.wD I In, “„,1 4 ,, 0 , 0 ,,,,,,,,, pu re ly ~,n i ,„„,./„_ 11 ' \ch. .11111.11.11• Men lii roniiiiii. iir X doellli,, ~„( 1, ,,,,,, , 1 , 1 . 4. ~,,,,, II ,4 ,. ng. „,, .„„ 1 „ „, 4 with 4 . 4 4 1 t ;;1: , .. It ,rttatiril at) iltlwr el.. e....,,ry ,Mitrnitil 111440e1\1111 itIP wear of, ai *Whet. i t 'I he but Buda and teani . , I the ntn.. „I 1 \nl 1 r ' r ”" ''''' '''''" , i " n " h ' lnd " ..l ."' In ,d, 11, dirll,ll II p t 111 "Ugh ta le'' piiiiti,l uu , ou'r"ily hr,' •I' ~. •llll.ili In Arring tow, 1,1111, „ u i t„. ,1, 1 „,,, ~,„1 j„,,,,,,1 through, i li„ , b ,,,, - ,. „,,,,,„,.,g I.rodii I,i Jiilln NI F hr., , Ind hnil/1,1 with : „,„„,1.," t.ti , h lh ) ,I, mh„htt all , tt ,, , "awl/ iitt a liii li I. crivete.l it ilai.llinit liiitiiii , N.,, r r ,,,„ o„, h„,„, h„.,, to thr h„,l 1 , , , , h h , t honk 1.1,1 . 01%1 taint till , t 4 . 4.1111/1.•1...1 N 101 16. FOr 11,1111104 It. 14 111 , /1111.1isie, I. It loon riot hill ""' ' '"" rs " a " I ''' ' 'lrruit ,uthuihllng`, l'i"' then; Itli in lily old pnii ,11 Or rithtilnit and 1 ' r'l,o,l,lit nail, r hit thi• /1,./a the wi i pply 1 o r11:4 1 ; ‘. 11 I: tr, 1 .1111 . 11 In 111., r lailltiti. I p.m 11,, tau n. 1141 1 • , —lliir hill ' f,ilind in g0..0 l,r, hard of eltiiiiiii fl rut tr.., ~ " • IV* reoplirel or. ennring n ~r nir t.. thin) intnute., and oh NI - 1y thr.•.• 11111.44 of I.lllng Ar« hut-, el/ through thr• lebne, I Iliki“.11.141.1 HIE 11l RI I=l3 thipe . f.tgh tlnrwg 111.411.. ,h, Vl.4silltll4 will 110 1 10.• , Jr, .1 L. lioatm•vii.v, .1 11,. Ih I, r I %)11 10• t. 01,54 al In 11, .11 HMI' ANIO VA IMP %\l. 1111111121M1 L.• het...Lk/II • 101 lee• 11.111 In an) Isoller. slid pr ‘,l* Om art it i, 14 tt Weill the e e n. h .n.•lof V Gunny. "UV 161 . 1t,t1. 111 I il• of 004 In. appenr• 'dear, and apiwalm ...nreelly 141.'1111111111 Menlo... thAt We 1111, 11e1.1114.11 It 111111••• 1 . 01.11, In 141e0111- piny lIM lootro.lnetion w Itli 1111111,1414 I. Item ..( appro,nl et. All ..T kevsta 1 0111 011/.1 .1 In JOH 1 . 111111111 ,tle• AK/ 111 vml.•, MIMI. in.l NMI luuurtw•, I',, ‘I4W2-21” MI LIM \ A . A 100 lotIS E. —Tlw having opened a 11 an. Ih.• purpose of revile lug Gram 14 au 1;f ,1 ‘111 , F1.11 I Vi 1 ~„, g i..r In RNr xll lli.•Ir fri. nolo. 1.111. , • 11,11,.. 111)41,. Itigh.•4l I 0 .1, prie., 10. pa..i W II KA'I. K HEM ‘S li I' Vr tuft?. (URN (Y)NV ItYl'. PA F. ILY lot IS 1) t'll4 116(.k.1, Altd . l4ll kirk& of limn and Hevtir . . w, keep eottottudly I'm 1 I Pf,AS'l' RI: 0 1 4 KA I,T rond fIMI. -4, Rtttlrimtl depot In the smut. bidld GM. 141.1A111,1t. 4lkt. i• It1.l,AlYl:lt 1 11114. Ise LIM IN I S'l' It A . 4 Ili IL'S NOTI C E. -__ i •et ter. of eilloinktiatimt .111 ll.' ellilde li Q/ chard Valui, lute of Taylor to% te.hip, dee'd, Ai having been granted to the tantiemigmel, tue' reluento Mt pernotn4 knot ins niettimil, es fp. I W f A r ~I , t i . 14 , i ; i i , ( N I ),(. WARNING, — n n , i 1 t i t I V , n r• ,• i 1 : 1 1 ' t• 4 r t h t I r k d '' i l l t i o ;' ; dented to ' , A nt o.tpte to tunke Immediate poy4 I e I yen anti my food onsti IKmrrt. without raw' , 1 inorn laid *hone ~tsfing" • eMittur iipillf ' ll/A and to my prePollee, I his ill to ma y that low 'tome to Prottectjlomt .Inly sutliniale , 1:1 IT not ri•vpunelble tor her ormiluet, owl will nut , -Lo,i,let'ArstklAto.orkl,- -- - ,• - • . '• • pny Any defitm of her cootritelltig. ' -'. . „• ~,, , M. v. ifiNcs, .10 , 413:v ii ittAtu, , Arlitnlnt.trator. 1 I InG . -It ' If °wort town.,lllp, Centre co, P' OE= -1 . EtiIII Nottreo 01011AN8' COURT HALE By virtue of an order homed by t h e Orplutnn' Court of Centre county, thu under migned will nail at public dutery, on TuEs,DA V, APRIL X, I 861), At 2 o'eloek, p. m, at the Court Mina% , n Bellefonte, A FARM IN 11(KHI8 TOWNSHIP, Containing One 'funned and Four Acre:, more or kW., 19 a good •mtnto of' Minh/RUM, and upon which inmreeted a i)Ny EL I. INCI .11.011$44 ; - - - Bank Baru and other Improveintnt4. Cpnn the property in a SPLENDID (MCI' A RD MEI V 3,712 G 4 of eholee fruit, and a never falling spring oi water near the buildings. Title eprfeet. '1'..111. HALL, V1411(H. Adms on E'stner o/ P. Malone, deed 01011 ANS cotitrr sel,E.--BI virliie of an 061.. r booled out or th',. orplw om court of u..ntri• county, there will be ' Hold at i mbue MAP, on the proinise4, on il 264 47 tl2 ,9C6 NI STL MIA'S , the 6th of March, 11161, nt 10 o'clock, n m , the following reel ashen 1,,p, the property of WllllHniellillllng,dfolollllod A certain tract of land In Harris town .hlp, bonndirel hy Ismi of John Hasson, Janne. Johnston, .10110 I , :inert, mini A. I lenderson, 0011 Mining live men. mod fortyJirn porehrs, mor or less , half the purchase money to tio paid 1,111•1 , 1111111111.1.1111,11.1111•, 111111 the roultito your thoreufter, with interat to hr 111.1 . 11f1,1 I JlllllOlll.lll MIME ( ) 1;1 , 11,k N's.. (1)I T 'ALE. order of the tirpttalt , . Court or conc,-, 0000ly, Ili,. holoo•ribor ,„ e. It at whale Kale, all that tortaln farm la Pot 1. riow "AIM, Ventre er - itarltv, 4lttotte about two 4 44 114, 4 4414ti11s of t* , •titre ILII, genethll, known n+ the mansion to of Jam.. Ale VON dor, dm '.l. Knurl farm ermhtilut about nil , htinliri , l and forty mine nerve. neat 111.404411 W lit, In all molt r rnlm orlon, 4,4,0 about (ad, .4,41 oily ouutr„ wLux:uukltuil4cr. On the fain I. erected It large .lone hnuee. n large Mint barn,. ortt hot.,, black .*nth Ml am, wail. lion, spr,lng house, earring,' honer and all the ne entry ontinuthltitge, running Water at tho door and n good apple or. hard of it...... gritted I'lll, For 104figin 01 Mall., or any further latrtlentlar• twin, "(the tioderelgoonl at Wilhelm, or I I' A14,111141(1% of 1144111•14.11t44 4 or .11011•4444. 444, 4 ,4, .1110 i oulh. pn 11114.4404. rOd' , l ALEXANI,VI/ I tu'otlf UM" !XI MIT !I , t 7 nl l .11 5i1.x1,7 ai 49 I/=1 A IiNfINISTRAI flit S "1 Adiubil.trnakm fill lii 10.1i1dIf of :Ilan 1.... M:l4, Tanyer bite of aww.llll., I.m 111 K gmtlieri thw neirluruignuoi, u I perMollol k 1110dillg 1111.111/101•14 .01 Lil. al. 10 ipluutiul to!mike pu% °wilt. /knot nifittit-t 13111.. 10 jlll 1110•111 ukui hunt icati .1 I law Im r ...W. ',wilt- 82140er 2,12 II .!174579 11. lIIME =Ell 1"1 E '\ St " " 13 N 4 )I tit "; A\ I Itialter. of . I ata•htaa irit.4 ..111 ahntainee rerent ma, 11. n Irlol. tour, re.lte • dpri4 ea aty dill. atyle" ta. $l.O l‘layarated IreiLlar ment tree M I II It NT F Ilitlen. l'.l 11, , " Ag.•ni 1%4 lit., L. Itr. .1 e1t.14111t.11 1 1 ,1 4.111 A 11..11j.•r s m. duun prived 114494.'4 1 4 t111141 chin., 1111,1 ttttttt tlt. J. Itrurett nt .•t.ll title/1,1:14, j A I.IIA Iti,E 1144 j. V.:4'1%1'174:A1 - I \ orr, ~[.l _ wilt 4,11 nt pril Ete -.lla. thy h.11e% lug 111 ro•nl -1 lii k g: ,tll,llr. Spring' Sire. 4 .. , %Ulan ono hundred Wet in Igetok it n L (10111,11. (me. wnl h 11.•, mpill•P•lim I VI HO 141,11 n park , NittiliK room dietinu no.tik I. Itehen 1111, 41 qua rang..., b a th; 11o1: 1 111 1• 1 1111 , 11 , . • ! ,t ilid , 11.1 i I e ll h ' pro " .: 4 . " - 1111,1 II inotow, gam and n r .•FN part thehnildmc 'Phln ,1%“•1111tv, I• . 1 .1 iii,. 111...: 11g11.11. 1111111 %If 111111 St. . .11 tot 1. ..". Ind Pt Ito •tt • • I.ltt the 1...v.1Kit cif Ito 11. (..Itte, it. it. 16 11 pm( Ilteestettrittti 44(11..601,11W mingle It•trle- Me( tit - fort). 1t...1 F..t. It kJ( twn Ittioldred ft et Ktittart. awl 4,111111 H. (me rt 111 twitermitly tor gether v. the lottreltarter nun detwe No. - Curti, I wit:titling title. It it:l.l,d lug I 1%.•1111 Ihr• iko•rt•-. -1111314 . 111 Spring town.ltit , :tillioltlllpfc 11111d+ Went er tinfl Stilett tine, utthitt Ihrr, .11111, .4 . the I...rotHrlt of 11, Ilertnit. Th. ro (111111 11 )01114 6111 I.4•lkrlng N. Intel of 11.1110.111 I+lll4, lOW 1010010 o tv.., rt. II r.d st 1111 11 111141 31 , 1111 g Ch.... 1.1111 mod 45,11/1/11 It ullt 411141.14114 •• of 1,..111 lorogoing Nro, For 14 1111.111 .ll l, .111) , 4114 , 11111. , 4 - 4414:4 ,1 rim) 01.1,11 1 , 14112.:111 .1 1 111 N II Mlll.lll 1.1, N 1 11 $l , OOO uvw r 4,1 I'•r xppr••L• u-t••q.•(tl.. „1 I. F'' wh iwnx k,II, Ixl th• .tivn Zi M 1%101 \ It}( A I'4 ,1.. L. .141.11. ..f Il i , 1.. t is ME Fin.. Nmn. I. Nlo r ron.. 'MI a per 11111 , 1 ull ~ • ••1 %Illti I I. g.l 11 I.llk .1. 11. jo f %gird Ilr. Sl.* 1 4 .1 I 0,41 %Itwitttlat•tit , u• Latilt• • I•Hit. at t t•-t Knn• Wltltt• di a art% ,t; per 11111 r Bkw • k 1{.•11%.,1/v cre•mtt Itt t 4 ..t (.4.11CM KM( Sllll - 110 And 14111011.1 A /41, MEI 1161%1: 1111,,,ii ot.l r ! ...111 to 'mike room tur I 'unity f%,1 r• ‘sll who will M i lt lin , . Itea. toill P NI rintm, , '1,1.. II 0,11.1 y, t.1 , ,,0rt. ull'l the 1,../.t liroerri., lit iltro mtirkql. ~ • 1 1 eryl/olitg IWO II 4 1 4 10“ 4.4 - • • 'hit 11 4 ill .41111 011,1•1%. • OEM LAM A ,TIT/ER, 'l, II ni 1.11%. ~„ natnnntl. next door to tturnum's Hotel. • In. Hp:lgnited In Enkllnn stud I.ernion ; v 1411; Si SII 'LUNG, .I,imprustrairtx I 0 ‘‘. II) TANI t.:1; %,111111.1r4iitho ZI 1,111El: 1 11N ru. Itll Ali A r,f1.1