The Democratic Watchman. Spools! Notloos. , MIDI TO MAR6llol.—Young Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Conittged Pelleity. The 'lnman° views of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in,sealed letter envelopes free I charge. Address ILOVIAID ASSOCIATION, Box. IP., Philadelphia, l's via:l2s-Iy. COld COVO II FA LRAM .—The great popular rem ,ly for coughs, cQld,croup,whOopng cough an d oonetimption. Both slaw -ordinary 4 0r.., aleo inanamot li family hottlero-for sale by all drug glide andeaers in edielneo. No family Amid(' he o ve r night wit m hout It In tho COL'S DTSPRPMA rote will Irnme4lately relieve Mill permanently cure the most aggravated WINO Of Dympepaia, Flatulency, Sour Stoma,.ll, 'mutt louden, and all dim - tames of the ntannteh and bowel. Pliyalciane, clergymen and all w h o tine IW Join In unbounded praise of ha great vlrtnes. Sold hy Drugglnts everywhere. frier $l,lO. plA)111021r POTTLEA OILY /5 Czays.—Eitgen hair restorer the cheapest and boat The .11- ~,nie flair Restorer eclipses all know poov• ..ries for the rapidity with whit restores gray and faded hair to its natt color—pro- motes its rapid and health rowth, prevents eel slops It when failin , and Is a mostinso. ant dressing for th air, rendering It soft, silky anti liantrou ammoth Itottles only 75 ~prktr. b oat al? Druggists. vl3ns-Iy. 1 nu abberttoemento WE ARE COMING, %nil a I pr...ent, to tiny pertion Rendingus n hilt In cur tirt•iit =I TritY AN!' FANCY fieops, piece ;.f HII EET HII,E 1111.1.1414 PA TTERN,ete, iik Fz-B 44-P- ( 1 4 $-T our Inrlaremegtel daring thn paHt row yeara 111 \ 0 be.. 31 large IVt::sqW LoWIILE (at RATES (IF PEE- MII7 MM. A•e heye made many Important addlifonm r,ur Wilder Hteckn, mad iIAVU largely extended our Eiehnnge Lint, and WO now feel confident 10 MOO. oLodwnaada of uttr axteileive patron tge. Scvn Pon Stw CticuLtit. atalngne of Gnodn and Sampler rent In any iddrerm free. Send nnawy I y registered I. It, r Address (,) J S. II %WES '«) IA Fetterttl tit Itottton, Sher k I 1102 C. 4 Wholopalo I Jollorvi In liry and Fancy (hoods. Plated N ore, A Ramo.: !Author iiondg, ids 14n1 _IY. DR. BURTON'S TIJEOLCiNt ANTIDOTE,— IVarranted to remove all desire for To sus, It Is entirety Vegetable and lutntilexit. it rutin/es and enriehea the Blood, Invigorates the Systern, pottessea great Nourishing and ,arrngthrtilng paver, Is an I t lrelellt. Appetizer, ruthlra the StOl,llll . h to Ingest the heartiest to((s, makes sleep refreshing and natablialoat / °hunt health Smokers and I hhsers for sixty 1 ears Cored. Pnive, Fitly rents, post free t treatise on the Injurious effects of Itli hats of referenves • testimonials, rte, Rent 'ree Agvilim wanted Address Ilr 'l' It \ it rptc) I It), !Sea Jersey Mold by all I r ‘14t11.12a NEw (11 EA P P1(I4 )K.—The Star hug ProlCreMlLlNti i.nin,l In ollegorit nib illiitnltiated tmern, ma t:nag a putty and readahle 1..4,, on It variety .1 ./11.), In, progrennlve in their • 11111.. W. , I ',Me , l in In to 'l , etaertltlttlug awl 'rlio lank should 1.. In the minim of • seryotie Ito 4 onivntn, in brief, are Divine ,q01,1,,,,,,t,_5,in...1--S11111,11ii). What in spi-itum R. public—Spirit of Pr, 4.:rens--1 , 14 . )1M, Ihetr Iflar and Pr.•grenn—The NoLatvia.-I , vpral ity, Iteirenerai ton—flea for she Loth, floo.—An g ela, What ore They'- 11 hat I. Milli , —Eltrlilltd Words to Mothern— • hverfillneni.—Werld of of Ft/H . .4-4 4 ;qt anal Plienonienn,--The Myotefloun /land, i4on sansW fffff 'u 14 , 11/1, 11114 dierwonders—A Private P`4 . 4111 , .. MIS( Sl.d,rol—linlr Cutting 4SO/it.. and Spirit Paint eniper of the 1) ./ilieta 4 limn/wet/4 Shute—flow it Wltti Batt!, --Svienti , o.., Awoke 'l'4ll - What 1. It * '--VuLv. Irotil the Spirit , phero.—lteinarkahlo \ewe from A 11.411, Moll4—Tlllti.forrlinlil , ll nil /air I /lobo, pt . /aline.. of Ell! 1111.1 inn 1'64... 8,11 to nny nd olrenn, port: 4r, tree, ' , vowel) , .LrApperl, for 2", rte I lenr.• t,1.1rt.4 W It It EI (. / F • 11, 2'Y7 t ' titra • r N • I.lh St, ‘l4ll4,tht 11. 11.111 N, MISR'S AliCADli, t, 1 010 .. fi n, in plimanting.. pump• ta• iii..rr than usually large variety ol 111111111M1 151<11.1.1 %NT , 0 “ ,108 /0-4401i111..[1i of W ES n 1 tile 'wont rellat,l , and Jinn., 111111111fcton lEW , l'lnin 11 r lirn. , t•n•,ln ,litit IV, Mid ,I 1 111..4 r. , 1141,01.• stylvm In lada, e‘a.ryliinnt ,tllllll,l gArninli It 1.1V . 1.111 . o . lllletllll,l'M tab!, Ii i t prl. 4 11 it Ith nrni .Innelry !tell:1111Ni on gin Mont nilentltin andnrrants_kik IVurlc lint, .hir,t 'tit, 0,11 fOrgi.tri=.l n 11111, .1. II .1 II 11,111, NT, 1 1111/411',. lank, 'lluittAfill 1., I:,t I .,ahe colithilutio, 41f 111.• •:41114 111111100 13 El EP NTE - ACADEMY. • I CI, IMICAL A'Cllool, FOl4 (IEA TL EN ES A A D LA Dr ES =I UN lIIIIILSDAY:FEBRUARY 4TII, 18119 The deoign of thin 1111411111.1 nm Into fmninh Iltorough InNtrnetion In the ELEMENTARY, and RIMIER Er , :riLISII NTCDI ER, MATH EMATICR, 1100 K K EEPINI URA MM., ANCIENT, and MODERN I. MEN uttl Ip all the lir:in:Awn of it complete Acti:lo - ‘44pechil rittenticn la given to 1111 firRUMENTAL AND VOCAL MUSIC The latter le taught, to all the etedonte x itle mit extra charge. Male puplie from abroad I ward In tho xehool building, under tho eupervielon of the teach ere. A limited number of youlig lady pupils Ix re ceived Into the immediate fanilly of tho prim cipal. • Every neeaaeary attention la given to the Health, 04:tinfoil and Moral and intellectual im provement ofthe pupils. Students are received iff all•ages, and at y time during the session and charged only fro nn time of admiesion. For Anther portioUlars addrces; Rev. J. P. HUGHES. Principal. vlinblf If *ta*ess &Cuban. RONSI DE STORE PHILIPSBURG, CENTRE COUNTY, PENN'A TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON .WARE, end wholesale and retail dealer* . " • STOVES, HEATERS, WARE, takes pleasure In nunot ng to the public that ho keeps eonittunti hand, ono of the larg est assortments goods In Ma lino over brought to lhrAurban of the State. lie now ham the ee mated '--"1 RON HIDES COOK STOVE, _Of{e largest oven rook 'trove intim market! has all the advantages that ran bo put on n stove; large oven, high under the ash pltond at the came time' a deep milt pit, else a large extended top, never WIN in Ito o perations— Four fIiZON unit extended it re boxes for cord or wood. lie has also the Oadlnental, Lehigh, Fanner,.Daylight, Spear's Anti-Duml, Magma, ( harm, llerald, ete., With eery variety uf the heat Pittahurg Man fart me, . PA 121.01 t AN I) HEATI NG STONES ..fere ry 111.1.Cripti011, qlllllltY and prim 'Pin, capper, Shoot-Iron Wooden, and Willow Vholeeele nr Retell, mentithotored neatly mid It ii the nolo clew to men ice, from the beet, material in the markot. Nerve, Plow Pointe and Copper, Itrame,lind Iron Hettlee,of all deneriptlon rottstantlyon hand. (intern for Spouting. Roofing. ntol oth.r w"rk bvimitting to limir hunloosn ho promptly filled by expertetared nod nlsillful %mimeo lira., Copper and old fifeltal taken In ex• (Mange for pox Is AlfirSpeefill hul neements nro oltere/1 to St erchnnfit, w ho wlvh loptirchnno nt holennln vUtnin A s wE WENT BOIIIIING ROUND - and mina, e+• jitmr beLbed In to chi; ~r the unfl tA cslgn.l, ',wi t ted at And romid eseryllileg the eye could desire as A Bradley'scelebrated I'lltahurg the 1, 1 . 11 ,0.. 1 4, lest and most durable In market, all kinds of Prormed Ware, such as 001 fans, rtilenelera, Wash Basin..., all 141200; (:1)d litirketM, Wgetablll HkiraMOrß, Siramer“, Turners, 15(K Beaters, tote.; Stove Him , of all P1{1.1,141111.1 GENI'INE RUSSIA. •IDMESII'AN AND COD( NIoN IRON, And t In Net, e‘erythlng that can ho found In the hest retrnlate4 4..tabll4lonentm north-wemt of Phllmlelphla P.Ift11•11!:11 . Ilitentloll to Pl.:1'1110Ni; ALL M.VsNI:It iPt J,)11111it; %II goid vitsoleBalo or retail, and at fi I .1110141K' V All I a.l, 1.4 a rill I. fore* ruretwging Tr a 14.104 fello*, a praelkal workman and JIIMt. how purellnaer Ware e/.llllooe of nil kinds given In en champ. 1.1 - .4.1 nom, yapper, pewter, jr rags Foundry, At th,• mt.tu,l fornerly ,pecupled hy A Ryan l tEki l 1N I) l'ltt I AllE.11)1 T r T ST 0 V F;,S M(wT SVItSTINTIAI, TIN WARD. R' 17Z1.1:It Phu lotniltn•tor•., olebr.flnineti not to Ise OW elono by tiny Ilyr (dblininer., luau opssns•st up stt MILESMAiI;,PENN't OW. of the nn,•t and I hexpest STOVE, T I N-W E ESTABLISHMENTS In I'vntral They 11/1.1141 of OW latent luiprosed ,pf ..‘,•iy di.. ripli,rsi =I Till tt MIMED I= viol 'lll k !ma. of work clone in the 1111,1 .11141.,111t 0.1 it 14i RR,' 1.1111 . 414q11111 GIVE TIIF:N1 A CALI, vl3nh-ly Ittarble Morko. ll ,) N )It II E I) E A I.)!—A NI) ~,,,m I s hayinft year Grave Stunts at the I. ant of N°Par liellefonte, where inn IM rollll.l, at all tuuon, a very large amsortment of MUNI ENTN, TOM It AND 11 DH'I'ONDi And where 110 ,4111 he prepared, nlth every fa ellity, to tuanufacturo to tatter, c„, In the highest edylo 4 of art, on the shorteet !oda, end most aermitnesinting tern. Ite 1 to pay pertleular !Mention to furnish ing the piddle with everything in the nointifite. tow or 1l urble; therefore, those desiring any In him llnv ran be accommodated by railing upon him, equal to any city work!! vl !tau WM, FF.T.TY. fIN S U It E, YOU It I,IFE I -THIS may is. done for the benctitof those you °ye most dearly, to render their condition comforts' de, should you he called away, or It may be done for your own comfort when rest seems most congenial, or to discharge oblign tjons to creditors. THE UNID STATF/4 LIFE INSURANCE CO TE MPANY, OF NEW YORK, Faitntilimbed In 1850, having assets amounting to over $1,00()000 invested in gent soeurltlen, ntfera special Inducements to Heli l otrope. For books, pane or Informationy to JOHN, li , . a I NOATE, Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. v 1 'ln2o 1 y G. 8. FLEGAL Manufacturer nf. OE =SI H 1,4 111.1Z.GER, to 1,. ha I at J 41.1 Ro o m hto vent, t'•.ok Htoml•1. It e% ery pittivni Copper-stun.. Bra/Am-ware of eery MEMO Evory ),emoription (P( Work 0. ~sttourance. Dry twoollo—,,furo. GREAT BARGAINSI-PRICES REDUCED! .. - • HOWELL, GILLILAND A CA).I I •I Wit-In flush's Areado—Rooms Noe.l m 1,12.101. ALWAYS AHEAD! Having tit rattirmal from tha eft of Phila. dalphlo with a largo :mane NEV GI )01 )s, NNW Co )ODH, NNW 11 They are ensued to sell at OLI) FABIIION PRICFAI A Inrgok•nrtuty of Ladlon' Dress floods lA+lion' Dross Goods LiuHoe' Drum' Goods Groat Bargains In Moulins and erdloiscui. mains and C 11110.06. id minas and Galleons, Ready-mado Clothing, Clothing, Ready-niado Clothing, Warranted to suit. our Clotha and Caanlmeros, (our (I..ths nll4l eaAnimerom, Our gotloo and L'Aanlmares,. I= Iw.partment nkonlmlow (Ivory ono In amort fount and low pricom. Sirup, Hu gar, Tea, Coffee,. Canned Fruits, Jell ) ninientle and t'oreign Fruits, 0101410 slid Pantries of all k ludas and every other firth+, be• lunging to the Grocery Dopartmont. WE WHOLESALE AT PHILADELPHIA RA'r 74 ire-Farmers, Mechanics and Laborers! look o your Interest Onn dollar saved, Is ono dot" ar in yourpoekst. Then call and see at what tstvnishlugly low prices IIoWELL, GILLILAND s co Aro nelling Dry Goode and Grocerlen 4J No trooiblo to show Goods -6_41 If they MTn not att represented, we will pay you for your trouble. ev_l)(pn't forget the place! 1111:11 I'S ARCADE, v 1204 ROOMS, Nos 1 111.1 2 G W. FAIItF.IL & C 0.-F II 104, Fur., Furs, Furs, Furs! 1 )rsiring to take an Inventory of stork now In store, and to cI.O s E 00 T An much its possible for that purpose, we now offer our entire stork of FURS, Flits, DRY (11 1( 11)5, DRY GOON FANCY DRESH (.0()1)8, LA In PIS' AN I). M ....811()E8 Notitnix, Etc , Etc , With all our LADIES' 'fItIMMINGH at Phil tulelphia ',Heys— PHILADELPHIA PRICESI PHILADELPHIA PILICES UN Sr per Net is W FAIRER & 111., N 12n48 No 4 Bunh's Artll4lo ..ciellveltp, S‘c. MESSRS. LAZARUS It MORRIS, OPTICIANS ,t OCULISTS' HARTFORD, ('O 1111V1 , 1 with 11 view 1 , , nivel he increased it, cutrel htr their eultdonded Perfected fiirecto Oen, rypointed O. W. PATTON NVa,Wlinlaker and Jeweler, Ilnu►onrt, PA As their solo Agent tor thisplace. They have taken rare to give all needful Instructions, and have confidence In the ability of theh agent to meet the requirements of all customers. An opportnnity will he (hue allenied, to procure, at mil times Spectacles Unequalled by any for their Strengthening and Preserving qualition. Too much cannot be said rug to their Supe riorit4Bly over the ordinary glysetv worn. There Is No Ottmering, IVnvering of' the Sight, Dusincos Or other unpleasant Hennation, but on the contrary, from the peculiar construction of the Lemma, they era 800TRTNO and PLEASANT, causing a feeling of relief to the wearer, and producing a clear and distinct vielon, 841 in the natural healthy eight. They are the only speetenlns that Preserve 11.11 well an Amidst the Sight, and are the CHIAPIrt because the Rear always hutting many years without change be ing necessary, CAUTION".—Mr. George W. "'Mon, dourer In Watches, (locks, Jewelry, etc., Is their ONLY Agent appointed In this plac. *"" • We employ no4xldlers. Mg Snobs, (groceries. NEW GOODS AND N , HIGH RATES RUBBED OUT. GOODS AT OLD FASHIONED PRICE Sip-HOFFER & BRO.'HIDI Would reapectfully Inform the world and the reef of mankind, flint they have ituit, opened out, and ere daily revolving a large STOCK OF (1001)14 OF ALL kiNDB %Odell they are offering at the very lowest mar kat price. LJtT GOOl/fie Conalmtlnµ , fit tho latest !styles of Figured and _, Alpacas, Figured and plain ill Wool I h,littne. Shepherd Plnlde, lllaek Milks, Summer Silks Irish Poplins, Mine floods, White counter panes, Linen androucuttheetings,Checks, thruthatne, Be&leks, Flannels, etc., Shepherd !quid Salmon,ls, Slack Cloth, Cassintores, Yelvetine Corduroy, Kentucky Jeans, I/r ~I f Plain Colors, M iddlescx o P r ln . his A Unlit() of Cloths, Castilmoros, Satlnetts anii:Vetithigs, all kinds and prices, which will be sold cheap. We havo constantly on hand a largo and well soleeled stock of all kinds of Crockery, Groceries, Mackerel, /fait, etc-, eta., Which wo will dispose of at tho very lowoot elm!' prices. All kinds of country prodnee taken In ex change for goods, and the highest market, pri ces allowed. FRIENDS AWAKE TO YOUR INTERMT. For we clod satisfied that wo can snit your 1?t0.i04 well as your purses v A . c. - S AHEAD ALEX 1A N DER & HON, Mlllholin, Center Co., ontisylvaillit, are now "tiering to the public at the lowont cash Oleos, (ax)l ks oF EVERY A.TALEXANDER 9 HON, Take thin zoothist of announcing to their nn mennw that they lute Putt rtiturnoil from the Knot with a nem , assortment of sea sonable FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC (U)()DS, Wlllell they are Felling at garb pricing that porehanera a 111 Anil it to their intermit tO buy of them. Their clock emothitii of I)- G-11-4J-1-N lirou and Sheetinaa, Camatinere., • linnneta, 81/1114 - (10ilkM, lintm, rind M-I-GLI•N•F R-Y (~-O-O-I)-M MEN'S..... AND WEA Halm. Caps, liocito and &twee.. Alan, limantiog }bud% or, t/nectistfare, eie ,i`te ; all of liich o 111 IN. I i 4111.111 of am low Of they can he purchared outride of Phllatlel 'Aim Call and rznuuue onr stock. rho half in not ettunteratwel All kind,, of country pmaltien taken In ex change for goodn A ALP:X.O;I)ER /4 WIN pLEASA NT GAP A 11 EA 1)!---N ENV i1,1”11. and very Loa , Prices! Every thing you want! DRY GOODS, (;ItocERIER, Ht o'IN AND HID /ER, RATH AND CAIN, tIUEENH RE, Ittilirr and Eggs, smi I In fact eVerythwg, usually kept In n well stocked country store, ran be I. night ii c heap, if net 'to than anywhere else, of 1. II McEN'll' ItE Pleasant Gap, Pa. tkolto Sr stationery LlvlNcsToN . B BooK S'fORE, (Entnl Ilyhed In 1845) At Ml+ well known efttahlkliment may be found e‘ erythlng m the 141N)K LINE, v, hether acm LASS ICA I, Lk W o Xt , M , iVe t vo‘ortment of FAMILY INHALES, with or V% ithollt I . ll , otOgraphie Plates, ranging In priee from $37,5 to Name. Alan all the Day 14,1111 Sunday tkhool Hooks 111 general tine. BLANK WmKS, BLANK IS(S)KS, sTATif )NEICV, et. sTATII)SERV, Priompt attention Kern tO rtrders A liberal !mule 1,1 Ilion° who buy to still again N Ew IsuUK S'fi)l{l. 1111OLDI1LIF. AND RETAIL JLviAn, St, Ilion, ref and News Emportuta. JAcoll 11 MILLER the purelianed the link, Stationery nod News establishment of and Bro., on Allegheny street, near the I ilitinotel, to Si Welt lio hasitist added it large Inloice of goods, noel, as is generally kept. in a well conducted Book until Stationery Store Ills stork eon/tints of Theological, Mediral, law, Mineellaneous, Sunday School, School Books, 'rlinevillooks, foes Books, and Diaries Every grads and price of Cap, Legal, Letter, Bath and Note Paper, lino Preneli Paper, Enve lopes of every description and Price, Pens, - Inks, inkstands, Erasers, Bobber hands, tripisparetit I °outman Slates, Shoo Pencils, Lead Pencils, Crayons, etc. A1.80,-1)ully and Weekly Papers, Maga zines and Meet Mt:ado, a largo supply of Legal and Justices Blanks, constantly on hand. Ala) S Internal Revenue Stamps at face. no is also Wholesale Agent for Loehman'a Culobra led Writing Fluid. Country merchants would do well to call amid examine my stock before purchasing else where, as I can sell at manuftwtorers prices. hooks got to order When desired. v13n034-ly _lf urnitur e . FURNITURE WARE ROOM. Howard Street, Bellefonte, Ya., where Bureaus, Lounges, Botha, lint Backe, What Plots; Stands , Chairs, Stools, Extension Tables, Eta., Of every description, chanty, and price, for Halo cheaper than at any other establishment of the klnd In Central Penneylyante. vBOO HENRY I'..IIARRIS. 9/31134-ly NEW STORE.-11 A RPER BRO.'S, Rave opened an BATTIER NEW STOCK OF GOODS Of every description, nt their new store-room on Spring street; which were Purchnsol nt And will bo fold as lob if notNower, than can befound elsowhei e in this/motion.. Their stock comprises In part, Dry ITmOdR, Notions, Millinery floods, „ileatarles, Fancy Goods, Clothing. Boots and Khoo., 140nta and Mures, Boots and Show., Hitt's, and Onyx, Latest styles of 'fats and Cups, • Hots antliMps, Carpet-Bags, Cm - pot-Begs, at lowest prices, Carpet-Bags, Ileftt arid 'clienprmt Pima°la, Gentlemen and Wien Furnlahlng Clooda, Ladlen Cloaks and Clraularn In 811 k and Cloth, parpoting, Cho cerfeaQueeneware, etc. And everything Ole that is to he found In a well clocked country Moro. Country produce, taken In exchange for goods, and the highest market odes paid. vll n2l COME DOWN, COME DOWN I (Ireat itp,liirtion In Prices I A mplorII(I nosort meat or NEW FA LL AND WINTER GOODS, Just received at the elorap store of neydoldn' Arcade, orpordtm llrnckerh offlfnaen, And am now offernd ko tho public, nt mann Wang Ipw picnic TlfOlr stock comprizem Dry Goodx of every variety Ruch as Molding, (Memo., .Ih.!ninon, HIIIcR, Morinoec, (Hag- Mune, Cheeks, Tielthiga„ Caasimaros, TIMM", almo We'd ntyleh Balmoral and Hoop liklrts, Hosiery, Kid, Hilk,, and Cotton (Mow, Conan!, Culfg, etc. AIR° the mod perfect na well aa the largest aanortment of Mene Boy ,. and Youths Clothing In thin vicinity. War ranted to give entire Ratimfartlon. AR to Boot, and elhoesofor neatnese of finish and Mu - ability, we acknowledge. no superi ors, A large aßmort)oent of Ladle. and (Moth Film on hand whirl, will he sold at Panic Priem rocerlsry of all kinds, Provisions, Eluperl w Dried and Canned Fruits, Honey, ete , In fart everything usually kept In this line, which will he dispostd of at the lowest en/Alp:lees. All )(helm of country produee taken In ox hang., for goody and the highent market pH CO allowed Fartnent, Meehanlen, Laborer"' and others are respeeffully In nod 1., ,•all and examine our stock, 11 we do net. etTSr Intitttettnentx do not hay Again so vordially Invite you, ono.and all to call Don't forgot the {{lace, Roy noldn' Arend°, next door to Reynolds & Co.'•a Bank IME parbtoare—axeo HARDWARE! HARDWARE I The plm•e to 'Joy Tho suliseribers Would respeetfully Inform M• community that they have opened a coin/ olete compriming + in that line %boll they WILL SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES Their stock consists ,of ull nor ' & ofbuilderr hard a are, table and pocket Cutlery, t'arpenters', Mason's, I'laeu•rer's and Hla•knmlth's Tools, and Materials, Nails, I rum, Horse •e hoes, and 11,,rse-mlna, Nails, Wipe Tack le:York 4, Chailin. Shovels, Axes, Grind Stones, ete liouvekeeper's Goods, Haddiery, Carriages trim mings, etc, sail all kinds of Sul ESTI I , lc, OR LITERARY And the different part,. thereof, together with a complete iwaortment of the best They hope, by striet attention to Business and a constant care fur the accommodation of customers to Merit and receive a share of the [milli,. patronage Builders and others will lind it to their advantage to call and EXAMINE THEIR STOCK LEGAL BLANKS Al, BLANKS CEIMI =3 HOLMES 4; E.•_;SIN(ITI )N, MA N .thieturer, ~r Hu porior Itoh nod Cast- Stool AXES, ()outdo Hilts, Polo, 8010 and Peel ing Axes, end finiad Hatchets of relic /um pat terns, manufactured from the best rogned east steel. A 1...., Drub Hoes, Mattocks, /1111 i liallread and Miners' Picks With an advantagooto loratfon and superior Neil Rion for manufactur ing, vse cm supply the trade with a MID At ma renaonallie a Klee ns rim he had any where in the country W.. list. nothing lint the very beet of material, and employ none lint the beat and 111..4 eXpVll4l•llolAit workmen Our Axes ere all warranted I irdersi-salleited. • Ih JIM EH A . v 121135 tutor Co , Pa. 11M11111131 PLUMBER, GAS Sc STEAM FITT ER, end fienlere in RAN6TH, and Agent (or Ban fortre . CELEBRATED CHALLENGE HEATER Brickc encased Ranges and lloaterp °More from a distance solicited; and promptly attended to Estimates made, and special attention given to'Contract Work. Best of References given. vl4nl-3m. A NTHDI— FIFTY THOUSAND DOI, W e Lars' worth of GRAIN for which the h g st, market price will be paid by STERNBERG R BRANDIES. Orp elovo. PANIC PRICES, - PANIC PRICES, PANIC "PRICES, very cheap Umbrellas, Umbrellas, Umbrella& STATI ONERY, STERNBERG & BRANDEIS', BILLItONTII, sTmiNnEiu: lIRANDFAH 1.1 3, .1 11AlrEIS } STheli (IF HARDW %RE ('(AL UIL LAMPS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNINIIEH, Etc .1 & J HARMS, No 5 Brockerhoff's Row I= =I ii 4 )LIADAYSBURG, Pa_ RATH`B WATER CLOEIETS, CIRCULATING BOLLERS, =I pote . k4-sWoono. GA RM A N'S ITOTEL-DANIEL GAItMAN, Prhpriator. This long-establlshed And well:A nownHotel, mitgated - ,lm the aotitheast oorner of the Dia• wind, opposite the Courthouse, having bean purchased by Daniel Garman, he announces in the former patrons of this entabashment and to the traveling public, generally, that he• has thoroughly refitted his house, and Is pre pared to render the moat satisfactory accom modation to all who may (aver him with their patronage. No pains will be spared on his part to add to the convenience or comfort of his guests. All who stop with him will find Ills table abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous fare the market will afford done up Sn style by the most experienced °mike His liar will tJwayn contain the eholoest of liquors. Ilia Stabling Is the beat in town, and will always be attended by the most trustworthy and at tentive hostler. (lite him a call, one and all, and he (oda confident that all will be satisfied with their accommodation. An excellent Liv ery In satarlind to this rsfahlitithutent,,which strangers from abroad %ill flail greatly to their ad vantage ' vltn22. EXCHANGE noTEL, HUNTING don, Pa 1110111LISON, Proprietor. This old establishment, having boon leased Morrison, former proprietor of the Mor rison House, has been entirely remodeled and refurnished, and supplied with all the modern improvements and conveniences neeelisary to a first-class Hotel. The dining room has boon removed to the first floor, and in now spncions and airy, and the charriberio are all well venti lated, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make his guests perfectly at home. Passengers for Bedford Springs will find thin the most desir able stopping place In IlunUngdon. vl3n2flly. FLEM,INGTON GEP HART, Proprietor.. He feepectfully Informg the public generally that lie now (steeples the above mantel Hotel, where ho will ho glad to meet and greet his former' friend., and receive a 'there of the I.tuhlie patronage, By torte!, personal attention to the tletadte of Me Matinees, he hopes to Ito able to render malefaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Hlo liar and Tattle will NI made n tmeelalty Hitt bitable lit good and will he attended by careful, attentive host- Meg Mr teverfient Livery to ntraelpteTtriertife extabliehment, Mind, etrangern will find to their advantage Give him a call, one and all; ho feel. confident that all will be Fattened with their aecommodatione 13022-ly MOSIIANON ' IMITSE, PHI LIPS ' burg, Pat—JOHN H. GH AY, Proprietor This long-establiahed and well-known Hotak having been purehailed by John H. Gray, lati announces to lie former patrons and to the public generally, that ho bar refitted it thor oughly, and in prepared to render the most. satisfactory aceomnosiations to all whrrmay favor him with their patronage All who atop with him will find his table abundantly sup plied with the beet fare the market will atriprd. His bar will always contain the choicest, of liquors His stablingin the boat in town. Give him a can, ye weary-laden and ohungered, and he will ghe you rest, confident that all will be satisfied with their accommodations. Stagee run to and from the houpp vlln3o GE()RGE PECK'S OYSTER SA LOON ANL EATING-HOUHE. On High street, at Bush's Arcade Restaurant, Bellefonte, Pa This excellent establishment is now open, and geed meals can be had at all hours Roast Beef,ilsin (warm or cold), Chick en, Turkey, 'Tripe, Plekles, Oysters, Hoop, Eggs, Pies, Cakes, Cmekers, Nuts Oranges, lemons, etc., romprime the hill of fare. An elegant Oyster HOlOl.ll is also on the first floor, and the most delleioun ice cream is served to As be Sul hi{ tha baat-of Coffee, Tea, Sirup, and Lager Beer ('all and MOO him t 11 n 27 MONTI HTit IiOUHF LOCK lIA ven-1 RA A CHUM H, Proprietor. This elegant Hotel, formerly known mg the eWashlngton House" on Water street, Is now ready for the reception of Others and board ers. It ha. fawn elegantly furnished, and Ita table In always supplied with the beet. Visitor* to Lock Ilan en a 11l Mel this the plenaantest place In the city A free NM conveys the guesta or the house to and from the ,ftrious tratag viLn36 13anking CE N 'l' It E cotuvry ISA NKINO CoMPANY Itecehe Deposits And AIIoW Interred; Dincount N4Ii011; Buy and Sell Go, Hoeuritlek Uold and (kmpono. HXKIIT Premidiod J L tinoiorr, CoAlder THOMPSON it. m'ruu.vor, J I THOPIPSON T 11 ( IM PS4 )ti, MI FA lII,A I) Lk CO Ban kern, AgricullurnlCollego Pontoffloo Centro County, Wn. Rooeive Money on Deposit: lam! Money on Collateral Security, Buy and Sell Ciov Securities, Pay Interest on Time Deposits; I ilseotint Notes, ete , Coßeet Notea, Cheeks, etc , In all ports of the United Statoe. WF. REYNOLDS & CO., BANK . Eltl4, Bellefonte, Pa. Brun of Exehange and Notes I Oseounttal linerest Paid on Hpocial la - walla , ' Ilectlonn e and `roe a promptly Remitted F,xehange on t he Eastern Odes constantly MI 'mid sad for sale. I teposita received. vlntit Reatbir. THEM EN DOUS AMOUNT OF LEATH It:lL—The undersigned Ittutf net reeolvol tho newt ectenelve lot of Leather, front the New York, Baltimore and Wilmington itetrkete,t,er brought to thin phtee, eo nriet'g of SPA NINJI SOLE, IT PER, .IM ERICA N fill FRJWJiI K L 1 MOSE (ALP, OIL FINISH AND II GLOVE REIN, IVIIANO LYLATIIER, , LININutI & Hill ok; Fl of every llPMerlption, all of sills)) s‘ ill Le ROW ("heaps r tllnn ens 1R• bought st any 011 ter rotas Ilshment In Central Pennsylvania. Ile has also the finest and largest STOCK OF CLOTHING, STOCK OF CLOTHING, STOCK OF CLOTHING% In Bellefonte, which In Fold at loch prices tha t the purchltmer of a Hutt will save Aow FIVe to Den Dollaps, by giving a call; idea a inagalficca Assortment of that can ix , purchased at city prices, together with Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Truuks, Valises, and &grand Assortment of all of which ore offbrod for !CASH 9Ni. Y.l co' ' NOTICE—Any A s i gn o d i le e ff h e a h ' e in ut o 2 en lilanrottd_gd settle, ar said acialaaat leotediby law. v19n22 ABRAHAM SUSSMAN. 2 BM ARP ETINVS, ( A RPETINGS, CA RTETIINGE3i DRY MODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS,