Prospectus of the Bellefonte "D emo _ I '7" 4-- erotic Watchmen" for 1869. Wltti: reeerd of thirteen y arm of tinques nen.' cervical In the eat e of Demoera . y, for Camas...hut impremaey, fnr)trlet Omer ,,,,,we, of flgnatitittlonal otillitallnos, for Eitate Vigils, for Fro. 'trade, and for Libaral tiov ernmeol, the Beaumont DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN" 4 enters nton its fonrioentit t olume with re. nese.' olgor, sit It more life, aunt hope, and determination, Ilium at any other period .of Ile histuiry \V 101 l In the past many tuther Demo cratic Journals keit to the 'dorm of fanaticism and . It I , ..itled On regardless of every thing hut dui,. When ninny or the friends of Sud o flights cringed beneath the tornado of Armed altFedealism and 'ray usurpation, it was .true to the ntoeruty of Jefferson. When 0W1141111114 of the 1/11ting adVOoliten bf Free Trade Hurrenderell to the domination and ~.,,tiouus of the New England Tariff robbers „„,I p i m plervin of the people, It held 'dolt the , 01nro:r of Jostle.. When Abolitionism, and Its I..muired rrain of to6tmlrs l 111 , r11,10d the rights ~1 property and the popular institutions of ~evereign States, It fought the good fight of .he Mites find P.'"Pie t'lU' 10'1.1 EFOSTY. WATCIIIIA4 hlrr no% vr nought for lam.. by e4.lfrting Infamy, nor for rewards rot orthlly rertint In twfortt Its 11,1.1 ..1 r44,1d.r4 all , i frloolr In all Ilunrtrrr, and 11 10,1 that It I lite, nmr p o ,r, .0141. , wham , to tIM RANK „f N",tionnl joarnaltain, dint It may L„ 1, ; ,(1 . 1,• on („rth.•,,ttive 0fJu41.1.•,.. 'Equality, }tight and Ur •raey. xllh an env a 4.1 ui (11.. re.t..ntiom of sirleken iy Ili ronig lo (%1nf0.,14,:k0y j',l - 1 •4 4.4•111pliAll the purl.wx m xi•gw, we po i n t toyr~u,f an d nnwil ',word of o.....rsixt ,hi r t, ) 1 vr. , a-kinq, for it Ilse kind office.. of 1:1; \I 1 . ..L1 (0:141 I,JIFIk MIESI 01 il.olard 1.1111 , 1111 g up pr II n..•11i111.1 . 11 , 11111.. 111111 ,on iN P.r bold rounnoln ,m 1 ..nrcnii pr. p•triklion4 twfon, wft, fur orptrilrottion suit harmony nul ,m.oAmity qmong•tho friOnthi of liberty and r. If 1 , ..010.•rat.. full to hold io••• .11101. thy I . le t • t li . d ,ty H 1. , 4t to tlivin and , 1,114. 11, 1.1-1,11 Tyrol)- , , f f „1 tihll t 1 , 11. 11.1 y .11. ryin- t. ~, .10 , li 01, I auri ,, t fatlk• rr r,stred h.r run a rrO ‘ m. It 1.1 to lot, to thy I !1 ,, 11 /UM W ST(11.111.1. thlit It 11411.1 ll 11,1 4 It• , uu , mle•r tilt* ylurr• .11...1 1 11.1 .16.11.1 h .11 111,. I And 1. 1 1 1 4• 1 3ffilill9f their riiirm(r.—to 44-1 All In ,1.11.• r ~ 1 ,1•10 r runty., !did other ' ilt tipl.l4l rr.• trad, ,m 1 Ow right. 111. , let oppow• 1,04 .11 .1.••••1 , 111 , ,o,atpoliom, and 11. dilly 1 , .1, •—• (011' irk all 01111 g. 111 , 1111 , 10 .4 , .11 11,11 ,t ltt It tit, t Ittl • -it , I, 11,1 ,tr: ing "Yll4lll/11 11191 - ”1 , 0 r votrliftl In nnoyllanin, 110 \Atli 11, I,' 1. , mr. , tli, ~f•tipport L. 1/0.n.. • ;al- in 111ii'•1.‘11 , I I.r 1111.4 .11•1//ii 101110 , IVI •11 A N1"1. \ )It sc,. F.... 4 , t „ r I, „ 'I h , - ,Ktie.l pl. t.-um In thiermttig \ Ir. the h. I elm-. retint. told the ~,,hhe K. n. r.. 11., 0,1. 111 It. 11..fonte, 13ooto & 51)oe0 T PIT A N, 1) slim. (,-It- \-11 (i s 11,11,k rllll 1.10 4'! , Ottlrri Vi I \ls I- 1(1:\t It i %I.F e01(111F>48 = htg ar141...1 larjrl, 1,. o I (.! 111.'r pini•ll.• 111.. t .•• IldlW ill. L. •, le. 11 , 11 1)11 . V111.11l1 mo.ylran IN of EMI ongre.. Hont.. =1 from CI, r, i., ,t .r. tAigr r phi• N.hknnlA.• \ .I ' , 10 1.1 0 1 Ilk ho, a full n..portmont dim , P 1 • .11.1 Childron'r RIO Mlmor 111. and elhildren'l K,• wk of th , .ro• Cheap Shnrr, nue h 1.•‘.1 wlOOll no nn• 1111111 th.• ISIS e xonilmttlou of our goody. and :h,• pal ronag. 01 tln• public. 13, " ,\NI 81101 , ., A N rncrll II) . —'l • he untlpf +igneol n•nlirrlfully In f. , rni.4 it vat,. nv ~1 lt„lh•fonn. and that 11:14 n lir4t vlnvi Boca AND town NIA4IIPAcIoRv Next door to Storpean'n Iltttrhrr Alin, mt the nnrUtenot nide of i ho dinmotad where he will tog I.ll.llAeci nt.tdl (MU, 41 unit upon ruotonoar do Indult an Perla:nol IlarAnuni, ransomer' ran real nannred that no }mann nporo.l to render .annploto ~atedac don. (Irntlemon, In• then, MiSllOll wand )outh , s ran be neeondnodatod with thobuot BOOTS, BOOTS HOOTS rirtop.s *Motif, ~ i teopts, - HLIPPVIiik, HLIPPICkS, til IPPERIS, et o , l Mtoutsultired (roil The best stoork, and ipp the latent styles. Rlepgiclng of all 'klnis promptly attpodeybk. •llnlB '4 PETER MeM A IP+N § W KATlih r i BOOfh (l A TILE yERT LATItIiT atylo for ien, a non and Childitan, to had at Om DONallatfla Boot and khan Pore, r3r34a-latil eiIIiMIAM A 140 N elsrocerteo. S Eel"' LER tt MOORE, DEA LERt3 IN FAMILY IiItOCERIFB FAMILY 1 GROCERIES. MUM= Keep constantry on hand a choice and carefully 'elected stock Of FILF,BII Fltbfill FIiESII I'M/OCR! Egi GROCER! EN.- En I FA- .. lIA E lES ti It( EItI ES Fn•4h Tub Opiters I= F'rimertio. Primo Hirtipn float' old Jaya Coffee .....Furnign Fruits . Neu' mom Meal.. !Superfine, Family Flour Llgart's Ititokwlteat Flour. Hugar-eurtut Hnnry Chown Doi') Blot, r Prolog Flu tory I'llo•to;,• - X X Porto Moo littlurig Extra WarqinarsKapq, h Ito elot ..r noory, Ete , ete , • frq,CIII.EIt - •-•tteiff:P.ft • ',F:(lll,} It A 'Puillr:• I All. t I=l S 13111., I) klMotbing—Uailoring adul urad .I , e , huge„(, ME= Anil I,STINW, k•-.41N1 11qT1s4f., l e n hb.e. jerteparerl to enaleeelto yrtit, lel Lie.' 1411.1 111014 rtiAlioll3bitt et) lrn, (or Into) eer hoy • t .01.14 meld by the pier° or ley the y nr,l He keep, on hand n full Inne of mini I eI•A AN 10 *n , d.... riptiun MEM .flour anti fere. EZZIEII3 13Al 'K ER 11 PACK EF:, uAVINO pUreliwwtl the• MILLS I Ate pm. i,? ral w tut t11..h 11 . 1 J )1,01:1: A SI) K 1.1) 4d:ul''n 'fib IP Ili}l.s'iol.ll hi TIE? or Id 01117.0, I,eilltliT for mAntifi./AurinX t,eryttutrig 111.tnuisp'ttirval leo yboutiNg, MILL, Aro urioluio o 4 by any °Oar toolAblirMmenl m routimv• All onionn promptly atumdrol M. 'et hnve TIRO in conneetion with their Mill 'l'N ettOttr, formerly onnott by J P. 1.1114,r, and 'ore prepared to furn.44ll St(irto 14.4eal Beer, Pork,, IT EICH, i; 0 4 I IT.PS, i; And •• Kouernl eulsoliment of Store Goodo.• liaro constantly on band • EOM= Outs, Chop, flrs.o, Heed., ext. Ou, paid ()ruin and Country Prate's. Buy your Flour, Feed and Baled Nay of pkocmu k PACJOISA, lolemlnadpon, 12331 hADIES OF SF,DENTAtY n liAl3- Its 'who requires gentle..purgative will Robaeka Blood Just the medicine they want; they are,perfoutly.safo, and can be taken at all timon; They contain no mercury or mince ral poison, hut are purely vegetable. Jaundice, and all affections of the Liver urn NOOU relllOVlld by the 111141 of Robark Stomach Bitters and Blood Pills; they are eranposed of vegetable medicinal extraets, with especial ref erence to their direct action on the liver and digestive append tilt, IeNI.: NE INF CHOU): CHOI( E CHORE Arises from a dimordefed state of the atom -11,11 and bowels, and a lilliona derangement of ,the liver, and can be permanently cured by the pee of Roback'n Blood Punter and Blood Pills Full directions accompany each bottle and box rAmii 4 y FAMILY FAMILY Thounande of dim world nu&•rere from ihta terrible,knawing IHAMIVIII have here eur.,l try the 114, liohnek'a Htonutelk Itaterr4, 11.1 tho lentitnamalr new w liar hands fully pr"re =I =I 4boo(1(1 uau Itotmek'N Stortirtel, Bitten, to mtrongthen tiro promtrntlort . .lll , ll alwnyv roi low,. Kent, (11,,em1'n, ILWIII to found for .11 nor so 3 Ml3111113(i34( tOrnie to luny (4 do , null hark preparrit lnuv of Ihn pre•o•tti. flay nw.lirine In tint , ••ftlrarlon4 an Atnnowlepg Itt.uut Fhtrifier awl 111..4 PrHe for permanent enre of Hlmd or HI ling 141,, they strike at the root or .11-mare, then by re ,..N I ng raino• 111. gti. t,.. 'tn. t In Oita of ilia ;natty tlfavaat a of whh h Ity•- p. pml, , le par,lll t n rare, pernotir ahotillfl avoid ), arty food at night, and take ha-Khan fall of It9haek'y ..ttattat , h Ifittery ott r••turiag in lied I" 1 ItEEN'S 1)10'6 tir m 1:. g oon , ItJ N. , .1, Itrarekeritotra Row 'Ph.• nndrr dKm•d r.-•ln. , I filly 111111.11 . 11. Q that tha ha , re ”li,lf•l hL Vl. 111.110.11 IMEM! MEI Loth. , new mom (10 1) under Bruekerhofl'. ho ti 1, Ailleh he tiAY inn/ up for hut purpo•.r And halltag leer. 11114 stork, n now pro rll4tolliern wllll purr IHIBM MD= I I It ‘14111*4 (,4 )( )1 44 4.0 M h:ItY l'artiular ultention given t prepating Pli Y II I ,tNi3 PRI,SCRIII lONSund fluffily rrryu•+ Ilw% ing had Mori. than tWMIV.I Veal , experl eni e in tin• tinsitie4s, h,• feel. eetirelent lie Pl4ll reenter nwtlnfw•tlnn W till wit., favor hint with th.. 11 pal I .iongt• Elrugts, ftlebteitte, &c. LAVER CoMPLAINV SICK ❑EAI)A('IIF DYHPFI'S =1 EMI 1311/31111E =I DILL.. AND ( Al. sT“1CI• I' EN! '.IM DI( INFA. 1'1 1 1th: WIN M::,4 AND I.lql (olVi 10. yo• lye Stuff., with alino4t eery iirtiele to ly• found in nu eqtablimikment of thi. loud. soli a 4 Hors,. and Cattle PON, '0.41 011, 1L•ohul, 1.11... ed 4 )II Paint., Putty, Sp.mgrA tlr• I ug. find bent Q.,llurt not vf vEttrt MEI AM , ToILET SOAPS .... . . PVI r ',ought In tin, plnoLace. , and entar4 4.1 tlon most appro‘•••l brands, constantly nil hand A.• %mild I nil th , • Or 11 , II) hi, stnek of notions, r onmisting of Hair, Muth. Nall, Fl(•vh anal Paint liriuthey uth•ry, Pipe., Drinking cup', e1ie,41111,1 ii. n •kgantrininliglittin,(l , ..4 %fen lin!, 11 large variety of 101 4 F 01: 1111.1./HEN P brugic.L. Room. No :1 Itro , k KuH MIIIE NEW BLACKSMITH 811()1', The people of Bellefonte and vicinity arc very rotrweiJutly informed that ttot under- Hlgned tuts Booted the Fittlektonith titter on }toward Htreet, Bellefonte, Pn., where he will lot At All timo.n propared to do Any kind of c uric to him hne Partleulat attention poi lc 1101tHB-HllO FANG, • • Ironing Warman 'or Bunten, lien:tiring Barrn lrnpietuea'c.VM All cork guftranteed flanl2 J. A H. MAIJORY. fl HEAP' GOODS AN D MONEY 11, j it toODEs h lISS ER, IMO PHILADELPHIA 14TORE, lLticA TUN FOLLOWING OVIGGLO To the Gentleman or Nulty purchasing and paying in moth, the hugest tunaunt of goods from our stows, again the Ist day of April, 1860, wo will funk., a present valued Mills: The per son purehasihg the second largest amount we will present with $lO, and to the thlrd,ll6. And besides this we will tell our go9de cheaper than any other establishment In Whtjusotion. ri Wrst a XVlttli. IBM= Ariatbier. ni.", IN TiIE HEW. fro my old friends and euetomern, nod M . an many new mum as may denim tp bo rigged out IN WELL FaTING,BUBBTANTIALLY AISD 1:!1 FAS1110:s1A111.4 Ovule milts of elothex,lrom .itny hind ol 11111 U•flnl they ellootte. I hove ni large unit I. X t•el lent oosortment of =I CLOTHS, e1*41111P,R1 , 14 AND VESTINAN, Prom willeh gartnents+ milt hr mnfir to nrtirr MOST FASII lON A ISLE STYLI. Menne call and examine my fine stock I have Piet bought my goods during the moat paw, and defy competition as to prices, dura bility and fashion, this aide of Cuntberiand Valley. REM EVIIIER VIP, PLArf W. W. McCLELLAN, No. 4, Brockerhyr Row, Allegheny St., BELLEFONTE, PA I tun .4140 itgont for the euperior z 64 WILCAiX &MIMS HEIVINfi TIV lll\F`+ , 41 . 10.41 hy all deairliku n Ipa rhino. t Hal Liquoro lATEIL 14- N 1) 11E'l"1'Elt N 1:1VS JJ Not , n Ithetnteling hit? Itimen:high taxe.. anti 9ther ptible• 11,114, 111t1.1141, 0. v.itt. mint reignv nt the witol,E4Al,l: 1,14111)It In the unkrblo frnnt on 11INImp mtreet, ltrlir (.role, n here 11 kept runnlantly n full nut, ply or the itErrr Liquoßs. At prieeN In%er than can be (ouud • 14e%i here olitmhle a Philadelphia 1114 eWrk r'amixtp. of the be.o. OM Rye. Bourbon Alonongahelit And (Old In,ll B'hirkn••, llollnnd CO(011/4 , and ul In r 14111.11,9 =I MEM V.ii m•. 1 Or 11,I+, 111 kind of Sirup., 1,111,11 h., 14 lON in tortotbeit+lt nll volnl2 1 E'rl'Elt 'III,IN (;()I,I) 1•; 'fill rtro• tinwhitteratt .1 WI VFS A 0 1 Bei 00s, 'lid w the twat formerly oeeirplod I t tl. It.y.a.nn• Bakery. 011 libobolo .tro•••( 11. I t• by J It E-1"r I: Who talc., pleasure In Informing the imbh.• that In" keel"n conmtantly on hnnd rt +111.1•1,, , of elion•e Foreign and llotrientie Ligin.r• Old ar,•tnr, 111.1 Ity,. helm sod Iri4ll Whisk v, Hhu•kb•rryy, therry,l.inger and rommon 11 radirm, Port, Mad. I ra, Cherry, awl 1,10,,0 -tvot. h and 11.111111 d t .111, EIIKIIIIId 11.11111, .13111.4 n 1111,71 tordiala,Pepp,ralint, .trod I{OV kit rack♦ warraau• , l In COMA II th..111111,111L rnark.•d. Iho at. !Ilion of proot wolg ph' "woo,. , • ‘,11.41 to hte stuck of ri iar: i.u~o'u;~ Stilt/040 for toodueml purr... , Bottle., woe., .110 demijohn,. eotootantly OIL I I 11.• ONI.I 1 . 1 . 11 F: 1..( TA It V, II I`ll, In town 411 liquor, Wert, boltght When liquor. W.,. lOW. and he 14 H. , 11111114 01.111 to•e..rrilnigly 41111,411 W, g 1,.• Will b. , II 41otrt, lieree Nn hn. :I huge 1.4 of ii )I'll,l'l , I .0;4 Ilid• find ddf rdidid, on lidandl rditiliffent tlifit he 1,111 'dyer oloil4ttnerri, reepeeiniliy reAleit-1 Mlette . erpnbl I,'lettree 'Mr vlllll2 t3atterp, •C'ontertioncrie THE N E:NV l Elt , I±..i.;l l a)(No;'}:l.l.. I Is the "illy I 1 4. t . ♦livrr. )..tift,il get Ili' h••••I quxllly IIEA I), V.. 4,40 l 'ONYItt.TIO: 4 RI1:4.11140 MISTERS awl ICE ..110111. Ho feel! thankful (o the pull In for pied favor! end hope! by a elm.e attention to his businesx to retain the petronegii of liix many friend!. Ho tuts the tbellity to got up tho most heiftionutilit oaken to lit found any Oho hint meal! v14112-1.3e. GET C 1401) BREAD 111" tit LI, In* nt. tho new 11114 vll,ollilivit 11.11(Ory 04tablinhtile111. J. H. 17.kNi1S, (ipponlts the WAroinwhh Infire, on Allegheny street, where he 11111,1•44,11L6VerY 447 Fresh Bread, Ilakon of ail kinds, oto., 'candies, Pruitt, and Anyiluifk and Vverything belonging In tho business. Baying hod years of orperiemeo In tho ',anthers, he flatters himself that ho can guanidine satisfaction to all who may favor bim with their patronage.,' •trot64l . J. li Hull ft HIJIMATiI HURRAH I-CAUtP Now York Store, or ' • ' LLEG URNY ST REICT, (Mcßrule's ButkUrtg,) Whin, so. keep on hand aline cheap and` Nrli smanets.4 Stork of Not inns Notionw Notion,. Splendid einek ,of Mitres, Fun+ Feu nq 11 1 1INISII INN Krug $4, oV ERI.ETS CM ItItli1,11•AH, LINEN TABLE rOV • • MUBICA I, IN tmiENTs. W ATP ,H, ) „..J •WELRY. ANL? SILVEUTLATED 15'.11/E, Alksl4 greilL ,-arli•ty of good,' too numerous to nieilll4.ll Irneitlar attention paid to the re. n& of Wateha•n, (looks WA Jewelry, and a Ii rat Mama Walchtnukerconatantly on hand , all work n arrantod A liberal discount to tied trade Plenso gi‘e 113 3 V4lll • vlin2.l $5,01 I GREEN IiAC Gt Kt A „hie sont hoe to any Hook Agent fierily nAnteil 11.A.Jv Ihmk, "NI:NSIIINE AND hllAlkiW IN NRIV 11)111: " A work ropleto with atusstotes and ttichlottla of 1,11.1 in the Grunt Metopolia,being 3 mirror of New lurk, reflecting tho Socrets of the treat It Oar Agent solol all 13 oar dm,. anothfr *aid and detrered 227 en IA dons, another 31.4 in 7 Anne No book ever pullitsho.l that sells no rapidly IF you wish to know how Fortunes arc nuolo and last In a day; !tow Shrowd Men are ruined In Wnu titreet; how "Countrymen" art, 1.1131- 111 ed by Sharpen.; 110 W Minister,. and M.r eltants urn Blaokmalled; how Dams. Halls and Concert Saloom. urn managed; how Gambling !loosen and ',Murks aro eondueled , bow Stock rompanlos t.rlginate and how the Bub: bier Hurst, Ac, read this work IL I. lb. you about the mysteries of Now York, amt V11(1114 spicy lir., of Its “"tea men-ham., A, A ,kran oeinv” Volume, 7.211 page., Finely Illustrated Ti... largest ono, totsslon Khoo Intr pogo olreolar and a VON) 1, rBlglbark ...lit. Iron OH, applivatn,n For (fill particulars and terms 11.iiiro•Me the Multe prg0111•143•3.4, J It 11111111.11, 1104-'d• II ut fort I NNK RI , PT('Y.- t., gt%.• notice • That .11 tile 31.4 day of I h.- • enther, A It, 'N.A. a warrant 111 Bankruptcy WM,. 1.911.1 MIKBIII.O. thee •••Itlllo of 1 pg g Rennin, of Mllo9airg. In the enmity of rent,. and State who hug been ad- Judged a Bank rtipt On 1114 .nu petition; that the paylnent 01 any di las and dolhery of any ',ten) ladongunc •oli n• Itankrtipt to hint ir Inn time, and tin. trant.ll•l of any pr..perty try him forlo.liten by law; that a mauling of od Bankrupt to pr.,%.• thcn debt,. or 111,, 1,.11{1144. 4 of h, I.lhlte, wilt hi. hiddl•ll 3t the lirockerhotlllow.c in licllefonte, before F E "Huth, r tin the 24th day of Fehruary. I li, i 1 ,119 lit 7 o'clock. p m Tll tNI AS A 1111 W i.i'l .1 int ti • • and N.' w F nglunti ME =ME 4111iP114, Imbon. Nl‘ . r M \‘' ITTFE I, I), 11 1\1'1'1( (h(r....,1 111, 111 ENIIMMIIIIII wan, rri 10 , 1\11ii (A ' , tort It SeetttiLl 11-I 1 1)N\ .\ A I' it F' A \ T, AI I ic .ri.itttrus io \*“ \ ,, lt'lllllllltl , , P 1111.1101.1.1111% MILES K El'lf IWI .tth s t•.IPS, .STIM N unun,, .1.\1) PUlt, A • RA I! M. I M IItIEIC .1N I) 11'h0i..4.1..1)«m10r 111 11 IN I HIL I.N \ 114 111:1111N I= 11 , ()TF:1 e It. In.. n lin. and N. In. t usTIN cuitiiti, No. Met \b 'it.reet S'N11!1'1:11:_ rmwtvrlWlON MERCIT ANTS Nu naVVltiaic , q "greet, Philadelphia .1. Mtwara ileaNl---.01 % S Janney, Jr. t C., H. FINIICI•la, Jr —A'S. Sinunker, Jr & Co. villnl2-tt TDB WONDER OF THE /VIE!' TUN FARMER'S PRIDE: Messrs Kline and Maliphunt., having pur elutaed the eXe.llll.liV.l right for 04ntre. Came ron and Elk codutlector this valuable inaeltirles• are now prepared to sell either lownehlp rights, or maehinee,' iui desired.' In all eases, when requested, the machine will be tested, in ordlc to prove that they work Just as represented.-4 1 With this machine two men and a home will do more grubbing in one day then will ten men in a week with the ordinary hoe. For further partleulare, call on either of the subscribers ut Bellefonte. r J. (1. KLINK. vi3ml4l-31n. • .1. 14.1111 PLIANT. Neb) abbertioemento EMU, JOHEPIi CO. R 0 Lowe now npo•ned our new ntoro on ()lathing, Clothing, Clothing. NAI%INs. Ei.s, quirk mica and' 11771(tte'prIIPI," tv nur motto. I' M N. for 11 i,t1,11 I PiAtrict of Punna • 141, is, II t'nnu•run. iibilabelphia glarbo. =Ell =1 t r ( I= I=l I= No 503, Mar I= I'll 11.1 D- 1.1 . 11 I P‘ MB =I It II I iitt vett+ =EI WKEN.Sh V MOPPL) s , ,•I,old whorr.o., 14 o. 1441‘114 MI 11,A1)RtAqi I A IMO WIWI.liN.1 1 I.110( 'ERN 'VHF. NTUMP ANIiRCB MACIIMEI Mooflanb'o 13ittero. TIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BIT TERI 4, k HOORLAND's GERMAN TONIC Tho'groat romedlem for all dlarason of Tirs LIVER, HTOMACH, OR DIGYSTIVE Dry Goods, Dry Goods, Dry boods BOQFLAND'H GERMAN BITTY qeed of the pnra Jn a (e -.ol..tenriniale,4,l. pr AC , . n el, AL kijldN, Ie eotntioned of the pore Jn ..s (or, as they are medicinally termed, . acts) of Ito Cots, llerlst, and Harks, mak' o proptuation high ly I . olleentruted, it ely free front Mee led le admixture o ny kind. 111 AND'S 14F.IlyAN TONIC, la , combination of all the ingredients of the .CtNfß, with the purest !quality of Manta Croix Rum, orange, efr., Making one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies over offered to the public. Those preferring a medtcino free from hone admixture, will use Inli. t.t)lea R(X)FLANDI4 GERMAN BI7TERf4 Those who have nn objeetion to the comb( nation of the Bitters, us Mated, will use 1100FLAND'H GERMAN TONIC They are both equally good, and contain the ammo anedielnal virtitea, the choice between the two being a mere matter of taste, the Tonic being the moat palatable. Tho stomach, from a variety of causes, am IndigesOon, I /ympepay, Nervous et , la very apt to have lid functions deranged. The Liver, sympatlnsing an closely as It doen a wfth the stomach, then beenmes affeeted, the result of vritieh in that: the patient a .Atery from 'q.v.- ral or morn of the following dimeame. Conatipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Futlnt,. of Blood to dm Bend, Aridity of clio St .11, Natotett, Heart-hurn„ Dlagnst !Tr Food. Ftlfirier - or - Weight in the Stomiteli,Sour Ernctations,Sink• lug or Fluttering at the pil o f th e !n o . mach, Swimming of the Head Harried or Difficult lireathipg, Fluttering of the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sense. Donis when in a Lying Posture, Dlrn• neer of Vision, Pots or Webs before the Might, Dull Pain in the Head, Deft. Toney of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Sk in and Eyes, Pain in tho Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., etc., Sudden Fluidics of Heart, Hirrnints In the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great !repression of Spirits The sufferer from these diseases should ex ercime the greatest caution in the aeleetion a remedy fo his ease, purchasing only that which he is' assured from his investigations and inqtririew possess true merit, is skilfully compounded, is free from injurious ingredients and hoe established for Itself a reputation for the cure of theme dieesteem In this connection we would submit those well-known remediee- 110(PFLA VS lERMAN BITTERS 1100FLANIr8 11(KIIMAN TONI( PRIPAILED ST U M. JACKSON. I'su.omi Tsentydso years since they sere first Intro -4104 0. inw this country from Germany, dtirigg s they filite undlimilditdbcbrrollfri&J tire cures., and benefitted suffering humanity to a greater extent, than any other remedies known to the pubis. These remedies sill effectually cute Liver Complaint, Jaundice, I)yspepsy, Chronle 0/ Ner, ems - Debit ity,Chronic Diarrhea, Disease of the Knitter., anti all disease. arising fro m 411,01,1pr0.d 111 or, stomach, or intestines iterulting I rout any cause a hate, er; Pros 'ration of the system, indneed by revere labor, hardships, eh•.; Exposure, Fevers, etc. There 14 110 medielne extant equal to these renvedie. in Knell eases A tone and vigor in imparted to the whole iiy.terii, the tippet !te is strengthened. (0011 Is °Weyer', the stomach digests promptly the blood in purified, the (simplex ma beeonver soiliol liesithy, tho ,fellow tinge is erioltour fed from the eyes, 14 bloom Is given to the cheeks, and the week and nervous invalid be e ones It atreug/01/1111 1 1111Ily ts•mg AIN ANcEI/ IN 1.11,1 And feeling the hand of thine weighing Ilene tly tipon then), a nth all lir attendant ilk, will find In the um. of Ott, Bitters or the Toole, 6111 elixir that will hnattl new life into their rah*, re.dore in a flll ammo the energy and ardor Gf more youthful oho a. Inlaid up their r hrunkrn forma, and give health and jruiptinte4.4 to the', 'muffling 3..1, It in a well-iistahl tidied fart that folly ono-itti , I of the female portion of nor population at ,. aeldont hI (Ito eino3inent of good health, or, to their own et prt'o {On "tieter feel well ' They are ianauld, devoid of all eni•rg) , trentalv nervous, and hale no appetite T. (fib. 4111,t1 of, persoum the Bittern, 91 the tr., M egiperially reetionniend.d WF:Ak ICATE ihr).(Er., bra mash• strum( the ose of either of than , remedeo. They will euro rI ery ease of 'tear asintim," w ithoot fall . . , Tlitaimancla of certiticatem have seri/titillated in the 1114 MIS 11f theroprietoi, bat apace will R4lOw of tint publication I/1 hat a few Thow, at a al be observed, are men of note and oh rntlh , titnatlng that they must be believed INN VO %ow:Armin, (11101' Jueder 01 I,ho Supreme Court 01 Pepa elyll,ltnle. l'lallatielplils, March IG, Ilea I fl u d Hootland's tiennan Bitters Is a good Louie, it/14401b dlneasea of the digestive organs, pud of gpent benefit In eases of ,I.4bility, wed want wrnorrous stellon In the system. I ours. hut), W W own; ANT = E 2 • '" /lox Jamul Tinimriont, .1 of the Suproti rolltl of pooneyle,,pi. Philadelphia, April 214, IMO. au:mauler Jloollnnd'+ German Hitterii a Talo able medicine In 4'loo of attackm of indlikention or dyspepsy t .4111 eertify Ole from my oxperg (mini of it Youz., with n . t wet. • .1..14V11 T1V)311.03, Iloogland's , flermAn nontoille. are• foitod. Sego that thn niguaturo of IN on the o r..ppor of tatqlx bottle. A/I other* ere tumult.. • Anth,Alsaulltetory at the "German Kodjalne Wort , No. Mt Arch F. trek , PhlLehdphla, PA, criAlll,l4l N. SWANS, Proprietor, Formerly C. M.Joeitoon *Co. Hoofland'a Ciermin Bitters, Or boa, : llooliand'n German Bitters, per dozen, : : $o Itoolland'a German Tonle, pot 'up In lout botalea, $1 50 per bottle, or •kitUdommi for p 6a Do not forget to examine well the agtiola yov buy,Auder to get the genuine. Po by P. P. Gaon, Ityuggist,Ballefon Add by ermiltgbd, •1144111- =UM MEM In IZEIII3 TE4T Nt4 ALs ( ACTION q*. M. JACKSON i.xlmult.AL (*V. SE PH If, 1,13